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‘Obscene’ U.S. Manga Collector Jailed 6 Months

Feb 12, 2010 3:24 PM

Jan 2008

A U.S. comic book collector is being sentenced to six months in prison after pleading guilty to importing and possessing Japanese manga books depicting illustrations of child sex and bestiality.

Read the link for more, including the specific titles that got him nabbed when custom officials opened his package from Japan.

I think everyone here can agree that being jailed for 6 months for the possession of these books is retarded and yet another law that protects no one and punishes a perpetrator of a victimless crime.

Still one sick puppy though.

But I read Suck It so who am I to judge anyone? :(

How will these laws affect MAL? Ya'll are probably being spied on by CraveOnline Media as I type. (guys, I didn't know Suck It was that bad, I thought I was gonna reading a manual about hygiene, I swear!)
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
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Feb 12, 2010 3:40 PM

May 2008
This person didn't have anything else illegal they're being charged for but that?

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Feb 12, 2010 3:53 PM

Jan 2010
By "child sex" do they mean lolis or something? The bestiality part is quite gross though. I suppose to the average person lolis are quite obscene.
Feb 12, 2010 3:55 PM

Feb 2008
um child sex and bestiality? gross, okay fine horo is fine but some doujins get pretty bad
Feb 12, 2010 3:59 PM

Oct 2008
Moralfags of America strike again. Better not import any of Shintaro Kago's manga or I'll get hung for it.
Feb 12, 2010 4:00 PM

Jan 2009
A shame to see this happen. No surprise that it happened in silly little Iowa.

Feb 12, 2010 4:50 PM

Feb 2009
The first time I read the criminal code (albeit the Canadian one), I half-jokingly thought, "Well, there goes half my collection."

Naturally, I find there's some injustice, but again, as someone who has intermittently viewed questionable fetish materials in the past, my stance on the matter is largely skewed.
Feb 12, 2010 4:55 PM

Sep 2007
Because books are dangerous these days. We might as well just burn them all.
Feb 12, 2010 4:56 PM

Apr 2008
poor kimura

Feb 12, 2010 4:58 PM

Oct 2009
I saw this post on Sankaku.

Like i said on there this is why i view my lolis online.
Its really sad when this stuff happens to a fellow lolicon. :D
Imo these people need to quit with the loli mangas and stick with putting people in jail with REAL child porn.
GogettersFeb 12, 2010 5:06 PM
Feb 12, 2010 5:00 PM

Feb 2009
Well, aren't they just a group of heroes for taking this man in.

Psh. People.

Feb 12, 2010 5:13 PM

Apr 2008
What were the police doing spying on him, staking out his house? lol Surely the police in Iowa have better things to do then to arrest some poor guy just because he has a racy manga collection, I guess not...Well it is Iowa there probably isn't much there to begin with.
SevenFeb 12, 2010 5:20 PM
Feb 12, 2010 5:48 PM

Dec 2008
Who has the right to decide what constitues "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value"? Also, can American custom officials just go through peoples' packages as they wish? Mountain of shit here. If no one defends people with deviant, but harmless, tastes that "society" disapproves of, who will Big Brother go after next?
fedaykinFeb 12, 2010 5:56 PM
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Feb 12, 2010 5:57 PM

Oct 2009
Silverhammer said:
Who has the right to decide what constitues "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value"? Also, can American custom officials just go through peoples' packages as they wish? Mountain of shit here.
I'm pretty sure they can if the package is suspicious looking (like ticking lol) but i don't think they can just go in any mail for the hell of it. That would be invasion of privacy.
Feb 12, 2010 5:59 PM

Apr 2008
Silverhammer said:
Also, can American custom officials just go through peoples' packages as they wish?
That's the job of any custom official.

Feb 12, 2010 6:06 PM

Jun 2008
It could be worse...he could have had underage bestiality...that's grounds for life in prison or lethal injection.
Feb 12, 2010 6:08 PM

Oct 2009
BadLuckTuck said:
It could be worse...he could have had underage bestiality...that's grounds for life in prison or lethal injection.
Which is just wrong imo
Feb 12, 2010 6:14 PM

Apr 2009
I hear about these kinds of things too often. I don't like it.
I don't think anything is really 'wrong' unless you're hurting someone. All this does is gross out a few people who happen to have heard about it... Not even involved people. :(
Feeling down? You may already be a charge target.
Feb 12, 2010 6:20 PM

Jul 2008
As my dad once told me, "Iowa stands for Idiots Out Wandering Around."

I feel sorry for the guy; it's not like anyone was harmed by him owning the books and I'm sure if they were in novel form they would've been a lot more innocent looking. I guess I'll just leave my collection at home when I go visit Iowa this summer. You never know. :|
Feb 12, 2010 6:25 PM

Nov 2006
I find it so stupid that someone can get jailed for this, while the police can't do a damn thing if you're being stalked/harassed until the stalker hurts you. This is fictional material and the guy never made any move to hurt anybody, yet they still jailed him? They need to be apprehending and jailing people legitimately interested in hurting real people if they're going to do anything, not doing this.
Feb 12, 2010 6:28 PM

Dec 2008
MisterSaito said:
Silverhammer said:
Also, can American custom officials just go through peoples' packages as they wish?
That's the job of any custom official.

Well alright, fair point to an extent. I suppose it just surprises me that they would rifle through packages without some reason to be suspicious. i.e. carry out some kind of scan and only open up people's packages if there would be reason to suspect a package is dangerous or contains drugs? It seems a bit much to be rifling through comic books, looking for obscene material.

As Gogetters said,
Gogetters said:
l) but i don't think they can just go in any mail for the hell of it. That would be invasion of privacy.

It seems surprising to me that customs officials would have any reason to be suspicious of a package of comic books.
fedaykinFeb 12, 2010 6:34 PM
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Feb 12, 2010 6:37 PM

Jul 2008
In all fairness, that 40 year old dude is a fucking moron.

When I first started looking at (real, not comic) Internet porn at the age of 13, and my father found out, he told me, "Whatever you do, don't ever look at pictures involving animals, children, or snuff (violence/death). That material is ILLEGAL to even observe."

You can bitch all you like about this law, but it exists, and it's not going to change. And it includes all such depictions, whether real or constructed. This is fairly well-known, and even the most extreme websites avoid any such depictions, with numerous disclaimers.

The guy in the article is a true idiot for blatantly exporting the stuff. Six months in jail is a relatively light punishment for stupidity.


It seems surprising to me that customs officials would have any reason to be suspicious of a package of comic books.

Customs agents don't need a reason; they are legally required to check EVERY package that makes its way into this country. That's their fucking job.
Feb 12, 2010 6:46 PM

Dec 2008
YoungVagabond said:
In all fairness, that 40 year old dude is a fucking moron.

No argument there.

When I first started looking at (real, not comic) Internet porn at the age of 13, and my father found out, he told me, "Whatever you do, don't ever look at pictures involving animals, children, or snuff (violence/death). That material is ILLEGAL to even observe."

Well indeed, the gentleman in question has gone to prison.

You can bitch all you like about this law, but it exists,

With you so far.
and it's not going to change.
What makes you say that, may I ask?
And it includes all such depictions, whether real or constructed. This is fairly well-known, and even the most extreme websites avoid any such depictions, with numerous disclaimers.
I don't think there can be any debate that material involving actual abuse is morally unacceptable, but the distinction between real people being harmed and drawings seems a significant one.

Six months in jail is a relatively light punishment for stupidity.
Does it bother you slightly that the man is in jail for buying comic books? I'd like to think the law is there to stop people causing harm rather than to enforce ideology.

Customs agents don't need a reason; they are legally required to check EVERY package that makes its way into this country. That's their fucking job.

Well then, I stand corrected. Pardon my ignorance.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Feb 12, 2010 7:04 PM

Jul 2008
Silverhammer said:
What makes you say that, may I ask?

I see you live in France, so let me explain how it is in the US; here, we have extremely strict laws and judges whenever it comes to any kind of sexual misconduct, or even the mere appearance or possibility of it.

This is a country where men can be fired from work for saying a female coworker looks sexy in her new suit, and where a mere accusation of rape (the Duke lacrosse incident) is enough for people to hate and condemn the accused, regardless of how bogus and false the case is.

Now, it's absolutely true there is a positive correlation between looking at porn involving children and animals and committing sex crimes against real people.

You can argue whether there is actual causation, and that's an issue for another topic, but there is definitely a correlation. Thus, taking into account the legal climate, it's little surprise that viewing such pictures is against the law, and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

Here's a better question; why do you possibly think anyone would want to change this law?

SilverHammer said:
I don't think there can be any debate that material involving actual abuse is morally unacceptable, but the distinction between real people being harmed and drawings seems a significant one.

I largely agree, but it's a distinction the present law doesn't make. Since it's not going to change, one has to learn to abide by it.

SilverHammer said:
Does it bother you slightly that the man is in jail for buying comic books? I'd like to think the law is there to stop people causing harm rather than to enforce ideology.

There are a million things with the US legal system that I disagree with, and a lot of people that shouldn't have served any prison time but have anyways.

However, as long as a law exists, and it's not taking away significant personal freedom, or hurting me, I'll abide by it. Do I think driving only 65 mph in a completely open freeway makes sense? No, I don't, but I go pretty close to it anyways.

Similarly, this man chose to break a law because of his personal enjoyment of seeing cartoon little girls get fucked by animals, and did so in the most blatant and stupid manner possible.

If I go 100 mph on the freeway while having a few beers to put me over the legal BAC limit, and then tell the cop who pulls me over to go fuck himself, I'll be in big trouble too. And it will be my fault, even if I didn't hurt anyone else.
YoungVagabondFeb 12, 2010 7:08 PM
Feb 12, 2010 7:07 PM

May 2009
I'm not into bestiality. I don't like depictions of child sex. But I'd rather that dude had gone to jail because he ENGAGED in bestiality and encouraged actual child sex rather than because he read the damn things. It is, unfortunately for him, the law.

I am of the opinion that I'd rather have people read those things than actually engage in these activities and if by reading them, limits their sexual wishes on the manga pages, then I'm all for it.
Feb 12, 2010 7:24 PM

Feb 2005
Completely retarded. So if reading entirely fictional shit about this, that does not harm anyone, is illegal, then how long till watching violent movies and playing violent games get illegal? It's just the same thing, someone enjoying fictional depictions of a illegal act.

With this retarded logic, nearly all games and movies, even a lot of music, should be illegalized.

This is a seriously unsettling and tyrannic principle. So much for "freedom".
Feb 12, 2010 7:42 PM

Jan 2010
Baman said:
Completely retarded. So if reading entirely fictional shit about this, that does not harm anyone, is illegal, then how long till watching violent movies and playing violent games get illegal? It's just the same thing, someone enjoying fictional depictions of a illegal act.

With this retarded logic, nearly all games and movies, even a lot of music, should be illegalized.

This is a seriously unsettling and tyrannic principle. So much for "freedom".

Violence is considered less of a taboo compared to child porn and bestiality. I have no idea where society draws the line, but watching 10 year olds screw each other does seem ALOT worse than any violent videogame.
Feb 12, 2010 7:49 PM

Oct 2009
YoungVagabound said:

SilverHammer said:
I don't think there can be any debate that material involving actual abuse is morally unacceptable, but the distinction between real people being harmed and drawings seems a significant one.

I largely agree, but it's a distinction the present law doesn't make. Since it's not going to change, one has to learn to abide by it.
Laws can change so no one can say it won't and i for one hope this law does change.

I do not agree with being jailed or fined for viewing and or buying a artists work as long as it does not contain any REAL children.
GogettersFeb 12, 2010 7:56 PM
Feb 12, 2010 8:03 PM

Dec 2008
YoungVagabond said:

Here's a better question; why do you possibly think anyone would want to change this law?

That is a good point. You wouldn't exactly have the crowd behind you, fighting for the rights of shifty men looking at dirty pictures of little girls, so realistically, campaigners to change such a law are not going to succeed. It still seems unjust that such a thing could be grounds for emprisonment, but as you say, the law isn't perfect and sometimes I suspect it is necessary that it be imperfect.

I largely agree, but it's a distinction the present law doesn't make. Since it's not going to change, one has to learn to abide by it.
I can't disagree with that.

Similarly, this man chose to break a law because of his personal enjoyment of seeing cartoon little girls get fucked by animals, and did so in the most blatant and stupid manner possible.

If I go 100 mph on the freeway while having a few beers to put me over the legal BAC limit, and then tell the cop who pulls me over to go fuck himself, I'll be in big trouble too. And it will be my fault, even if I didn't hurt anyone else.

I do think there is a huge moral difference between those examples, as drunk driving is fairly unequivocally putting peoples' 'lives at risk to some extent. It seems significantly more difficult to say why looking at drawn pictures of obscene material might cause anyone harm. Nevertheless, we seem to be broadly in agreement that the man's emprisonment is morally unjust, but that is the current law, which one should abide by and it probably isn't going to change anytime soon.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Feb 12, 2010 8:08 PM

May 2008
Does everyone here also support legalization of all drugs? It's the same thing, isn't it? The only person involved is the user?
Feb 12, 2010 9:04 PM

Jun 2008
Kamehamayhem said:
Baman said:
Completely retarded. So if reading entirely fictional shit about this, that does not harm anyone, is illegal, then how long till watching violent movies and playing violent games get illegal? It's just the same thing, someone enjoying fictional depictions of a illegal act.

With this retarded logic, nearly all games and movies, even a lot of music, should be illegalized.

This is a seriously unsettling and tyrannic principle. So much for "freedom".

Violence is considered less of a taboo compared to child porn and bestiality. I have no idea where society draws the line, but watching 10 year olds screw each other does seem ALOT worse than any violent videogame.

America loves violence but has a strong taboo about anything sexual so no need to worry that violent things will get illegal.
Reading a doujin about two 10 year olds screwing each other is not worse that some guy getting his head blown in a movie, videogame at all. The only reason some people like you feel that way, is because you grew up getting used of seeing violence around you.

First i completely disagree that this guy is an idiot. The only thing that makes him an idiot is the fact that he actually lost this case.
Am astounded how much of moral fucks or afraid of them are some people here trying to throw the "this guy was sick" sentence so they can look like innocent little puppies.

Anyone who saw a hentai probably saw a loli like girl getting fucked. And those doujins that show lolis or tentacles and even animals are not really that shocking and strange. Hell if you massive download some doujins you will probably find a few of them there. I don't see what the big deal is.
They have no relationship with real child porn videos and staff like that. I stumbled on doujin like that but i have no idea about real child porn videos or real people doing animals.

The whole thing is ridiculous. It's just drawings. Things from imagination. There is no harm what so ever. Why would a man go to prison for something like that is beyond me. Are you telling me that if i take a paper right now and draw a small girl/boy getting fucked by some guy am suddenly a dangerous criminal? Is just some stupid lines on paper from my head. Yeah the poor little dog in that doujin, that is definitely cruelty to animals. Oh! wait a minute.....THERE IS NO FUCKING ANIMAL!!! IT ISN'T REAL.
But hey, since imagination on paper is illegal why don't they make non acceptable thoughts illegal in general. Let's put some devise to monitor that brain of yours so we will be certain that you ain't thinking anything bad.

This kind of decisions show medieval mentality and are nothing more than shameful. Simple witch hunts where innocents pay the price of a social taboo. Simply because there is a great social outcry about pedophilia,bestiality, a judge that grew in a home where his rich soccer mommy taught him that it's the worst thing ever, was immediately shocked by seeing the drawing of a naked child/teenager and with out thinking the real facts over, screamed "Guilty, Monster, Monster" (translation-Burn the witch!! Kill them with fire!!).

The reason real child porn videos or bestiality videos are illegal is because for them to be made a real child or animal is getting abused. Not because they simply exist. It's stupid to go after something that causes no harm.
And make no mistake about it, a doujin with a few lolis inside it, it's not a pedophile material. anyone could read one of those. No real pedophile is pleased on sitting and reading stories with 2D shota and lolis.
What he/she wants is real children in his/her bed and pictures,videos of real children.
Is time for judges and lawmakers to stop acting based on the conservative feelings of there sweet Christian soccer mom and act based on real problems and consequences.

Silverhammer said:
YoungVagabond said:

Here's a better question; why do you possibly think anyone would want to change this law?

That is a good point. You wouldn't exactly have the crowd behind you, fighting for the rights of shifty men looking at dirty pictures of little girls, so realistically, campaigners to change such a law are not going to succeed. It still seems unjust that such a thing could be grounds for emprisonment, but as you say, the law isn't perfect and sometimes I suspect it is necessary that it be imperfect.

There is a very good reason to change such a law with out having anything to do with supporting the rights of people who want to look at dirty pictures. It's called freedom of expression.
MonadFeb 13, 2010 2:59 AM
Feb 12, 2010 9:39 PM

Aug 2007
Lolicon is never child porn. Drawings never hurt anybody.
Feb 12, 2010 9:55 PM

Jun 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Lolicon is never child porn. Drawings never hurt anybody.

I got a papercut from one today. It bled.
Feb 12, 2010 10:19 PM

Jul 2008
Monad said:
Silverhammer said:
YoungVagabond said:

Here's a better question; why do you possibly think anyone would want to change this law?

That is a good point. You wouldn't exactly have the crowd behind you, fighting for the rights of shifty men looking at dirty pictures of little girls, so realistically, campaigners to change such a law are not going to succeed. It still seems unjust that such a thing could be grounds for emprisonment, but as you say, the law isn't perfect and sometimes I suspect it is necessary that it be imperfect.

There is a very good reason to change such a little with out having anything to do with supporting the rights of people who want to look at dirty pictures. It's called freedom of expression.

Contrary to popular belief, not even the "Founding Fathers" believed in absolute freedom of expression. There is always a line, and in this case, it was drawn at the depictions of beastiality and children.

I might disagree with it in the case of someone looking at cartoon drawings of it, but it's far enough removed from more important legal issues and my own tastes that it doesn't matter.

If you feel this is major issue that tramples upon your basic rights as a citizen, by all means, I encourage you to write your representatives, start an organization dedicated to helping these people, and making such porn legal, etc.
Feb 12, 2010 10:19 PM
Feb 2010
Wow, the police must really have nothing better to do. I wonder who reported his collection to the police in the first place.

This guy does seem to have a few loose bolts in his head (lolis and bestiality?!), but it's not like he actually did anything like that. They could've just forced him into therapy instead of prison.

Feb 12, 2010 11:20 PM

Nov 2009
People that commit crimes against children - real pedophiles or freaks that own their own sex slaves would seem to be the bigger concern to me. If you want to protect children and keep them out of pornography I think that's a noble cause; though their focus needs to be the people that are doing these acts on real children and not what someone scribbles on paper. If my tax dollars are going to be used to go after these kinds of people I'd want the police/FBI focusing on people that actually buy and sell children for that purpose, or the ones actually committing the acts against the children themselves. As disagreeable as some of the things in print may be, they aren't harming anyone like the guy keeping a 10 year old locked up in his basement.
Feb 13, 2010 12:37 AM

Mar 2009
While I think it's disgusting, as long as he doesn't practice having sex with children, then it shouldn't matter. There are people out there doing stuff like that and more way worse than this dude.
Feb 13, 2010 12:39 AM

Aug 2007
Mystere said:
Wow, the police must really have nothing better to do. I wonder who reported his collection to the police in the first place.

This guy does seem to have a few loose bolts in his head (lolis and bestiality?!), but it's not like he actually did anything like that. They could've just forced him into therapy instead of prison.

Why the fuck would he need to go to therapy over a bunch of drawings?
Feb 13, 2010 3:47 AM

Apr 2008
Drunk_Samurai said:
Mystere said:
Wow, the police must really have nothing better to do. I wonder who reported his collection to the police in the first place.

This guy does seem to have a few loose bolts in his head (lolis and bestiality?!), but it's not like he actually did anything like that. They could've just forced him into therapy instead of prison.

Why the fuck would he need to go to therapy over a bunch of drawings?
to get him off his manga addiction.

Feb 13, 2010 4:41 AM

Nov 2009
Silverhammer Also, can American custom officials just go through peoples' packages as they wish?[/quote said:

US Customs agents are the only agency that has the authority to arbitrarily go through your baggage for any reason whatsoever. No probable cause or even suspicion is needed; they're supposed to be the only agents that have that much power though. Other agencies usually need a signed order from a judge to do that kind of search, but some are better at following the rules than others.

Solanio said:
Does everyone here also support legalization of all drugs? It's the same thing, isn't it? The only person involved is the user?

That was out of the blue? Legalizing drugs solves a lot of problems, even though it opens the doors to many others. Once something is legalized its appeal tend to go down for those looking to live life on the edge. Good portion of people heavily curtail their drinking (if they were big underage dirnkers) after they turn 21. The tax revenue that you'd get from THC sales alone would be in the billions.

Don't exaclty feel that some of the dangerous ones should be openly legal like Heroin, PCP or crack. MAYBE if they regulated it somewhat like it is in Amsterdam (least last time I was there) that you can only buy Pot in coffee shops and isn't sold in bars. A few Opium dens here and there would relieve a lot of stress in the population; of all the drugs opiates are the least harmful physically and socially.
Feb 13, 2010 4:45 AM

Jan 2008
YoungVagabond said:
In all fairness, that 40 year old dude is a fucking moron.

When I first started looking at (real, not comic) Internet porn at the age of 13, and my father found out, he told me, "Whatever you do, don't ever look at pictures involving animals, children, or snuff (violence/death). That material is ILLEGAL to even observe."

You can bitch all you like about this law, but it exists, and it's not going to change. And it includes all such depictions, whether real or constructed. This is fairly well-known, and even the most extreme websites avoid any such depictions, with numerous disclaimers.

The guy in the article is a true idiot for blatantly exporting the stuff. Six months in jail is a relatively light punishment for stupidity.


It seems surprising to me that customs officials would have any reason to be suspicious of a package of comic books.

Customs agents don't need a reason; they are legally required to check EVERY package that makes its way into this country. That's their fucking job.

I pretty much agree with your post, plus good parenting on display there.

But I think that whatever you guys think about the themes of this case, the fact is that we're living in an era with unprecedented control over the lives of the masses. Just the other day I saw a story on about these two guys in the US who got arrested for throwing snowballs. And recently in the UK a guy got fined for blowing his nose in his own parked car. And a female teacher who had repeated sex with an underage teen gets off lightly but a male teacher would have been jailed for years. This kind of retarded shit is prevalent in our societies and it's getting out of control.

I see this manga story as another example of how we're being boxed in and restricted by laws that protect no one and punish anyone. It'll be against the law to go on the internet, leave your house and eventually drink water. I mean it's either going to head one extreme of control or one extreme of absolute freedom, because we've already gone past the point of sanity.

My other 'internet is dying' thread continues this theme for anyone who feels like being depressed for the rest of the day.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 13, 2010 7:48 AM

Feb 2005
Beatnik said:
And recently in the UK a guy got fined for blowing his nose in his own parked car.
Uh, what? How? That sounds just too ridiculous to be true.
Monad said:
The reason real child porn videos or bestiality videos are illegal is because for them to be made a real child or animal is getting abused.
Well, in the case of animals, I would have to question whether or not bestiality actually counts as abuse.
Dumb animals can't get mental scars like we humans can, so that's out of the question, leaving only the possibility of physical harm. And I can't really think of how bestiality can inflict physical harm. Or maybe that's just my imagination failing me.
Feb 13, 2010 8:00 AM

Oct 2008
Baman said:
And I can't really think of how bestiality can inflict physical harm. Or maybe that's just my imagination failing me.

Well since animals can't give consent, wouldn't that qualify as physical harm?

Baman said:
Beatnik said:
And recently in the UK a guy got fined for blowing his nose in his own parked car.
Uh, what? How? That sounds just too ridiculous to be true.

His car was parked, as in not moving, in traffic. That's just silly.
KarubiFeb 13, 2010 8:03 AM
Feb 13, 2010 8:11 AM

May 2009
Baman said:
Well, in the case of animals, I would have to question whether or not bestiality actually counts as abuse.
Dumb animals can't get mental scars like we humans can, so that's out of the question, leaving only the possibility of physical harm. And I can't really think of how bestiality can inflict physical harm. Or maybe that's just my imagination failing me.

I don't mean to sound like a PETA activist, but seriously, "dumb animals"? Dumber than the people who are desperate enough to bang these animals? Because the act of bestiality can't be love or attraction, it's lust, desperation and the need to release or something. And instead of getting a lady/man or hell, hiring a prostitute, they victimise an animal.

And it may not be physical harm, but it's still abuse - the point Monad was trying to make.
Feb 13, 2010 8:14 AM

Feb 2009
Mujina said:

His car was parked, as in not moving, in traffic. That's just silly.

Now that is just insanity.

Feb 13, 2010 8:18 AM

Feb 2005
Mujina said:
Well since animals can't give consent, wouldn't that qualify as physical harm?
Animals also don't normally give consent when mating.
Athena said:
I don't mean to sound like a PETA activist, but seriously, "dumb animals"? Dumber than the people who are desperate enough to bang these animals? Because the act of bestiality can't be love or attraction, it's lust, desperation and the need to release or something. And instead of getting a lady/man or hell, hiring a prostitute, they victimise an animal.

And it may not be physical harm, but it's still abuse - the point Monad was trying to make.
Animals aren't sentient like us. Of course, that does not mean we should harm them just for fun. But unless the animal is harmed physically, how on earth can it be "victimized"?
I just don't see the problem with a action that no one is hurt from, it's just the same as with the lolicon doujins and violent games. Without a victim, there should be no crime.
Feb 13, 2010 8:30 AM

Feb 2009
Loli never hurts anyone is the same fucked in the head logic that piracy hurts no one.

Stop pretending it's a victimless crime you retards. If you do it, you promote it, condone it and support it.

My only concern is 'what exactly is 'loli'? by age determination.

Here in Canada, that which you can stick your cock into varies quite a bit by circumstance.

But loli media is just media. What though is the cut off age when it should be considered 'unacceptable' to the majority of the voting public?

My vote goes to 12 and under. Depiction of or actual photo of actual person I don't feel like making any distinction.

But to sit butt naked emptying one's balls playing with oneself looking at pictures of teenager aged hentai art while good for some serious embarrassment when caught if you happen to be old enough to be a teen's father, is not on par with getting off looking at naked images of persons 12 and under.

As for the bestiality, well the dude is a very disgusting individual indeed. I don't like his chances of being in for 6 months and being safe the entire time. It's going to be a very long 6 months for him. He'd be safer if he'd robbed a bank and killed someone doing it. Of course he'd be in a lot longer for that, but he'd likely not be a target of other inmates. They don't like sick perverts.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Feb 13, 2010 8:33 AM

May 2009
Animals also don't normally give consent when mating.

Any Zoology student or expert will tell you otherwise. Even flies have this crazy mating ritual, and there has to be consent before they proceed with mating.

There are, in fact, rapes in the animal kingdom, but that's not the norm.

Baman said:

Animals aren't sentient like us. Of course, that does not mean we should harm them just for fun. But unless the animal is harmed physically, how on earth can it be "victimized"?
I just don't see the problem with a action that no one is hurt from, it's just the same as with the lolicon doujins and violent games. Without a victim, there should be no crime.

No, I certainly think this punishment is ridiculous, and I agree without a victim there should be no crime, as is the case with this arrest. I'm sure even the author of the stories wrote it out of imagination and after having read other sources.

I'm not going to change my stance about the animals being victimized in an act of bestiality. The animals, I'm guessing, would be smaller, domesticated animals that have been trained to obey their masters or suffer punishment. Logic for them is to survive, i.e. do not defy their masters. And yea, that's being victimised. And going back a step, not dumb, certainly not dumber than the human violating.
Feb 13, 2010 9:49 AM

Aug 2007
Sukunai said:
Loli never hurts anyone is the same fucked in the head logic that piracy hurts no one.

Stop pretending it's a victimless crime you retards. If you do it, you promote it, condone it and support it.

My only concern is 'what exactly is 'loli'? by age determination.

Here in Canada, that which you can stick your cock into varies quite a bit by circumstance.

But loli media is just media. What though is the cut off age when it should be considered 'unacceptable' to the majority of the voting public?

My vote goes to 12 and under. Depiction of or actual photo of actual person I don't feel like making any distinction.

But to sit butt naked emptying one's balls playing with oneself looking at pictures of teenager aged hentai art while good for some serious embarrassment when caught if you happen to be old enough to be a teen's father, is not on par with getting off looking at naked images of persons 12 and under.

As for the bestiality, well the dude is a very disgusting individual indeed. I don't like his chances of being in for 6 months and being safe the entire time. It's going to be a very long 6 months for him. He'd be safer if he'd robbed a bank and killed someone doing it. Of course he'd be in a lot longer for that, but he'd likely not be a target of other inmates. They don't like sick perverts.

Drawings don't hurt anybody therefore it is victimless. Also most people consider lolicon 17 and under now.
Feb 13, 2010 10:32 AM

Jun 2008
Sukunai said:
Loli never hurts anyone is the same fucked in the head logic that piracy hurts no one.

Stop pretending it's a victimless crime you retards. If you do it, you promote it, condone it and support it.

Your logic is completely non existent. What the hell does piracy has to do with 2d lolis being illegal? Piracy is strictly a matter of economics and intellectual rights.
Stop putting dissimilar things in to the same basket because you look like an idiot.

According to your logic about promoting then when there is a murder in a movie,book,manga,video game we also promote murder and those things should be illegal.
His not promoting fucking anything. His not paying any money for real depictions of such actions so his not promoting any market of real abuse.

Also you fail to understand that a person who might read such a doujin isn't synonymous of being a pedophile. That guy probably was some crazy doujin lover who enjoyed some strange doujins and not a pedophile since if he was they would have found material about real children or even have a record of strange friendliness around children. This guy may very well like only 25 year old real women or not liking real women at all.
So his a completely normal person in the outside world that may even help many. Throwing such a person in prison is completely stupid.

If you make a psychological study of people 99% of them have fantasized of the most sick things you can imagine. That's why i laugh when people try to play innocent and shocked about a guy who orders some loli manga. God knows how much strange fetich's people keep in the closets. But for me, hey in there alone time, they can do whatever the hell they want.
MonadFeb 13, 2010 11:26 AM
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