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Why was there never a satanic panic over anime in America?

Yesterday, 7:39 AM

Mar 2013
For some context regarding the question: back in the late 90's-early 2000's, anime was huge in Latin America, everyone and your grandma watched anime like Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya (AKA Los Caballeros del Zodiaco in LATAM), Sailor Moon, Captain Tsubasa (AKA Supercampeones in LATAM) and many others. everything was great until 2 people in particular (and maybe more) Josue Yrion and Lolita de la Vega claimed that all anime was satanic (or in the latter's case, not suitable for children at all) and thus, many parents in Latin America forbade their children from watching anime and even threw away all of their anime merchandise (or at worst, burned all of it) and Mexico was probably the most affected country in Latin America due to its high catholic population at the time.

But back when anime was a controversial thing in Latin America during that time, for some reason, american religious people never seemed to bat an eye in the US, sure, there where some parents at the time who though that DBZ was a little too violent for kids just like Power Rangers years prior, or that Urotsukidoiji was absolutely not for kids (but their kids still ended up watching it because of the "anything that was animated=100% kid-friendly" ideology of their parents) because it was straight out violent cartoon porn, but religious people (especially Christians) never made a fuss over it for some reason, especially when they got their own "christian-friendly" alternatives like Veggietales and many others with varying degrees of success.

So, why it never caught on in the US?
I know your PTW list is bigger than your completed list.
Yesterday, 7:50 AM

May 2019
1. The USA has the first amendment and freedom of expression so even if parents got mad it wouldn't be banned as that would violate the first amendment.
2. in the 1980's and 1990's, the hyper violent shlocky anime was sold on VHS only in specialized shopsto people over 18 yo and the rare anime that aired on tv were very safe by design and heavily censored and Americanized.
3. Unlike Latam and Europe, the anime boom in the USA happened in the 2000's, not the 80's or 90's and by that time most of the popular shows airing on tv were shonen.

So to recapitulate why there wasn't public outcry over anime in the us is because it was extremely niche hobby that very few even knew, the anime that aired were edited to fit american culture standards and because the boom happened waaaay later dbz didn't start airing in the us until 1999, sint seiya only aired 13 episodes in 2003 (ronin warriors was a substitute), sailor moon aired in 1995 and was extremely popular, Captain Tsubasa and many others never aired.

Anime was a niche specialized hobby that mostly older teens to adults partook in the late 80's to mid 90's and american children were rarely if ever exposed to anime at the time because their cartoons were already sufficient for the demographic. Americans didn't grow up with anime like latams.
Yesterday, 8:01 AM

Nov 2020
The satanic panic was moreso about occult activity and worship of satan more than media being satanic. Even then the media they attacked were black metal, horror movies and violent movies. In the 2000s most americans didn't even know what anime was outside of the extremely popular ones, so by the time anime really hit the american market not only had the satanic panic been over for decades but america had become pretty secularized since then.
ngl punpun was a bit of an asshole

Yesterday, 8:02 AM

Feb 2016
Because America's satanic panic had already happened the previous decade at a time when anime was not mainstream.
Yesterday, 8:04 AM

Sep 2016
Because the US is less religious than Latin murica.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 9:41 AM

Jun 2017
In the 80s it was the Smurfs that fell under the "satanic panic". I guess it was only because they were so popular among kids. No point in denouncing the devil's hidden influence behind something if only a few people know what that something is: panic has to be generalized or it isn't panic.

People used to say that the Smurfs covertly represented the seven deadly sins, and for some reason that was supposed to be diabolical. Modern anime has dodged that particular bullet by being totally explicit in that regard:

TirinchasYesterday, 9:49 AM

Yesterday, 9:49 AM

Apr 2012
I don't know about the Satanic panic specifically, but you can always see moral panic around anime in general. Ironically, especially right now among zoomers.
Yesterday, 9:51 AM

Jan 2008
In the past, there was some with Christians and Pokemon because it apparently was satanic, had witchcraft, and something about evolution (because you know, religious people).
Yesterday, 10:05 AM

Aug 2020
America's panic fuel had already ended due to the "rock is evil" some decades before

Yesterday, 10:12 AM

Jan 2020
I think the panic in the US happened before it happened here and it was with Pokémon more than anything. It sucks that said panic lingered till late 2000s with more than one video on youtube "explaining" why Dragon Ball was satanic or stuff like that.
Yesterday, 10:27 AM
Apr 2024
Don't you know Pikachu's tail is a satanic zed?! (Don't actually know if it is american but someone said it and said Pokémon is satanic and was wrong about everything, the mtg youtuber Nikachu made a video on it)
Yesterday, 10:30 AM

Nov 2015
This reminds me of a book I remember reading in the church I grew up in:

I don’t think there were as many religious people who believed all aspects of life to be seriously intertwined into salvation, but where there were you got situations like mine where i had to change the channel when Pokémon came on and had all my Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon cards burned while I watched. The majority got out of it because of how common it is for religion to take a backseat in daily life even among churchgoers.
and i guess

that i just don't know
Yesterday, 10:36 AM

Jul 2022
I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but who's to say there wasn't?

I was attending a religious elementary school at the time and wore a Pokemon shirt the one day of the week that we didn't have to wear uniforms, and the next Monday they sent us all home with letters outlawing that type of clothing.

Pokemon was always problematic among religious people in the States because it featured evolution, plus anything with summoning monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh!) was also frowned upon.

Source: Christian whose parents let him consume anime as a kid
Yesterday, 4:57 PM

Jul 2021
It happened to Pokemon, that franchise got all of it.
Yesterday, 5:21 PM

Mar 2021
Eternal-Destiny said:
For some context regarding the question: back in the late 90's-early 2000's, anime was huge in Latin America, everyone and your grandma watched anime like Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya (AKA Los Caballeros del Zodiaco in LATAM), Sailor Moon, Captain Tsubasa (AKA Supercampeones in LATAM) and many others. everything was great until 2 people in particular (and maybe more) Josue Yrion and Lolita de la Vega claimed that all anime was satanic (or in the latter's case, not suitable for children at all) and thus, many parents in Latin America forbade their children from watching anime and even threw away all of their anime merchandise (or at worst, burned all of it) and Mexico was probably the most affected country in Latin America due to its high catholic population at the time.

But back when anime was a controversial thing in Latin America during that time, for some reason, american religious people never seemed to bat an eye in the US, sure, there where some parents at the time who though that DBZ was a little too violent for kids just like Power Rangers years prior, or that Urotsukidoiji was absolutely not for kids (but their kids still ended up watching it because of the "anything that was animated=100% kid-friendly" ideology of their parents) because it was straight out violent cartoon porn, but religious people (especially Christians) never made a fuss over it for some reason, especially when they got their own "christian-friendly" alternatives like Veggietales and many others with varying degrees of success.

So, why it never caught on in the US?

My answer to this would be not a lot of Anime was actually being officially released on broadcasting air waves that went against Christian beliefs during this time period in the west. At least not that was actually being platformed for Western broadcasting. Back in the late 90 to the early 2000s anything that was actually seen extremely controversial that was being released in the West never actually made it on anything other than VHS or theaters and those were generally not rated to R-ratings and anything that made it on TV simply ended up cut up or censored to allow it to be something even children could consume like DBZ on cartoon network. Christianity in the west didn't even have Japanese Anime in their radar for being satanic simply because real life porn and other things were being seen as more problematic. This is looking beyond the fact only about a little over a third of Japanese Anime officially actually made it to western audiences during this time period too.

The only people who would really look at something like Pokemon and find some random thing Satanic about it would simply be extremely religious zealots. Where a majority of Japan itself doesn't even view things such as Demons as inherently evil and simply view them as just another species or race. Just like some humans can be bad or evil while others can be good. In the eyes of the Japanese, even Demons can share similar traits in this aspect similar to Humans. Christianity simply looks at things as black and white (there is no grey area in this belief) and "demonizes" Satan and demons as a scapegoats for everything wrong in the world.
ColourWheelYesterday, 5:32 PM
Yesterday, 8:36 PM

Aug 2014
It's called "Dark Secrets of Anime Exposed" by Little Light Studios.
Yesterday, 8:38 PM

May 2018
because american satanists aren't usually virgins
can't yuck my yum

Yesterday, 11:44 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to ALEXxAMI
I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but who's to say there wasn't?

I was attending a religious elementary school at the time and wore a Pokemon shirt the one day of the week that we didn't have to wear uniforms, and the next Monday they sent us all home with letters outlawing that type of clothing.

Pokemon was always problematic among religious people in the States because it featured evolution, plus anything with summoning monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh!) was also frowned upon.

Source: Christian whose parents let him consume anime as a kid
Also Sailor Moon I heard too because the planetary stuff came off satanic to them.
Yesterday, 11:47 PM

Jan 2009
old people in the 90s thinks anime is for kids so harmless

wait until old people today learn lolicons, ecchi and hentia in anime
Today, 12:17 AM

Feb 2014
Well, there WAS (The same way as in LATAM, via televangelists), but it was rather small (Mostly on some pretty specific protestant sects, in contrast to Pokemon being literally blessed by the Pope).

The reality is that, over the years, censorship initiatives got weaker and weaker: You started with the Hays Code, then years later you had the Comics Code Authority, but when years later they cracked down on rockstars the max they could do was some public humiliation hearings and the "EXPLICIT CONTENT" label that actually helped to sell discs, then years later the same thing with game and all they could do was form ESRB.

tchitchouan said:
the anime boom in the USA happened in the 2000's

If I were to give a date, it would probably be 1997: The following years would receive things such as a new dub for both Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball, as well as the massive successes of Pokemon and Gundam Wing.
Today, 8:30 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to thewiru
Well, there WAS (The same way as in LATAM, via televangelists), but it was rather small (Mostly on some pretty specific protestant sects, in contrast to Pokemon being literally blessed by the Pope).

The reality is that, over the years, censorship initiatives got weaker and weaker: You started with the Hays Code, then years later you had the Comics Code Authority, but when years later they cracked down on rockstars the max they could do was some public humiliation hearings and the "EXPLICIT CONTENT" label that actually helped to sell discs, then years later the same thing with game and all they could do was form ESRB.

tchitchouan said:
the anime boom in the USA happened in the 2000's

If I were to give a date, it would probably be 1997: The following years would receive things such as a new dub for both Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball, as well as the massive successes of Pokemon and Gundam Wing.
thewiru said:
The reality is that, over the years, censorship initiatives got weaker and weaker: You started with the Hays Code, then years later you had the Comics Code Authority

Comics Code killed the American comics industry. Not even Hays was as damaging.
6 hours ago

Oct 2022
Why satanic panic? There are more kinds of moral panics about media than satanic fear; so why are you specifying that.
Anime wasn't mainstream enough during the moral panics of the 90s, but even as it becomes more mainstream, it's known for being sexually provocative, not for being occult/anti religious
5 hours ago

Apr 2018
My guess is that it's because, throughout the 2000's, 'Murican evangelists were too busy demonizing videogames to pay much attention to anime.
5 hours ago

Feb 2023
There was a Satanic panic over anime in America. Just look at what they said about Pokemon.
3 hours ago

Nov 2013
Anime never was and still isn't popular enough to draw that kind of fame.
1 hour ago

Feb 2014
Reply to Lucifrost
thewiru said:
The reality is that, over the years, censorship initiatives got weaker and weaker: You started with the Hays Code, then years later you had the Comics Code Authority

Comics Code killed the American comics industry. Not even Hays was as damaging.
@Lucifrost While I was writing my comment, I thought to myself "I actually don't know that much about the Hays Code to know if it was that worse", so I decided to word it as them being roughly the same (But apparently I forgot to do that in the end, oops).
Though "Killed" seems like a bit too strong term: CCA was at the Silver Age, you still had the Bronze Age after it, where most people get their "mental image" of what a comic is (Though, granted, the CCA was pretty much barely enforced at all after the mid 80's).

Do you mean that it killed the non-Cape-Comics side of the industry?
1 hour ago

Feb 2014
TheDarkLordOtaku said:
Anime never was and still isn't popular enough to draw that kind of fame.

That might a bold claim of mine, but due to "the death of the monoculture" of nowadays, it might never be popular enough to draw that kind of fame.

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