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I haven't made a review since 2012, would anyone read it if I picked it up again?

Apr 10, 2021 12:15 PM

Mar 2007
I've been out of the anime game for 9-8 years for adult things.
Now that I have time to do things I was thinking of picking up my favorite past time.

My concerns is that (western) peoples sensibilities have DEFINITELY changed between 2012 and 2021 so i think my reviews might offend or "trigger" folks.

Also I fear my creative writing skills have weakened since i haven't tapped into that skill for years.

Is it even worth it? Or should i risk being cancelled?

BTW, I made one of the first anime i finished in years: Horimiya ホリミヤ
Any/all criticism is appreciated.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Apr 10, 2021 12:33 PM
Jul 2018
ehh, judging from that review i'd have to say no...
Apr 10, 2021 12:36 PM

Mar 2007
spaesu said:
ehh, judging from that review i'd have to say no...

Care to expand what was good/bad?
Or is that it?

Constructive criticism helps.
How can I fix something if i don't know what it is.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Apr 10, 2021 12:40 PM
Jul 2018
Ranivus said:
spaesu said:
ehh, judging from that review i'd have to say no...

Care to expand what was good/bad?
Or is that it?

Constructive criticism helps.
How can I fix something if i don't know what it is.
you didn't really mention anything besides the story/characters and what you said about them seemed quit biased
Apr 10, 2021 12:44 PM

Mar 2007
spaesu said:
Ranivus said:

Care to expand what was good/bad?
Or is that it?

Constructive criticism helps.
How can I fix something if i don't know what it is.
you didn't really mention anything besides the story/characters and what you said about them seemed quit biased

ohkay thanks. Its a review there's implicit and explicit biases that are going to happen, but i see what you mean. Going in with a clear head is kind of difficult when you have seen as many anime as I have.

Reviews are purely opinion pieces and are inherently biased (hence scoring) But i still see where you are coming from.

Thank you for the response.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Apr 10, 2021 12:47 PM

Mar 2007
ACasualViewer said:
Just be one of the first to review a show, its easy to get first place if you're cynical about it, choose the right score and review as soon as the show finishes, people won't even read the content and upvote you to the top.

Thanks friend, I've been top 10 reviewer since day one. Since my hiatus, i've only dropped to 13th spot.

From the information I gathered and all the nice messages from all the years i've been gone in my inbox, I was contemplating on picking up this old hobby of mine.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Apr 10, 2021 12:49 PM

Feb 2018

‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎
Apr 10, 2021 12:54 PM

Oct 2010
I read reviews if I stumble upon them, but it's not like I follow reviewers. The only one that I follow is a guy who's a MAL friend.
I'll read your horimiya review, I have some time now, I'll edit this later

edit: it was a decent review but it looked more like a personal experience while watching said anime and not a normal basic review (if that exists), I don't think it was necessary to pick on the guys who hated it and scored it low and called it toxic, I dislike horimiya and won't watch it but not because of the toxic elements and other shit, I dislike horimiya for a bunch of reasons so yeah.
CatalanoApr 10, 2021 1:02 PM
Apr 10, 2021 12:55 PM

Aug 2013
You said it yourself, much has changed in those 9 years. Memes are more influential to steer people into watching certain shows then good reviews were back in 2012. example = Jojo & love is war

Still if you enjoy writing reviews, nobody can stop you.

Throw in a couple of memes and who knows? You might claim the number 1 spot ;) (= joke)
I don't know who quotes me and then deletes the comment, but know that you make my day.

STEAM's GOTY 2024 the Ghost of Tsushima
Apr 10, 2021 12:58 PM

Mar 2019
I think your writing is poor, I think focusing heavily on other people's opinions/reviews in your own review is a bad idea, and I think the actual review part of the review is lacking.

So I probably wouldn't want to read any more reviews from you.
Apr 10, 2021 1:00 PM

Jan 2013
I have never read a full review, but do what you want I suppose.
Apr 10, 2021 1:02 PM

Oct 2018
never read a full review, don’t really care for them. do whatever you want I guess

♔ 𝘴𝘦𝘵 © 𝘫𝘢𝘺
Apr 10, 2021 1:30 PM

Oct 2019
I don't really know what you're saying, I mean of course anybody would read it. I don't even know what Horimiya is but I upvoted your review.

Also I just want to say
Ranivus said:
I've been out of the anime game for 9-8 years

it's funny how you put 9-8 instead of 8-9, lol.
Apr 10, 2021 1:36 PM

Dec 2019
I don't know how it was back in the day, but reviews aren't that popular. It seems that no one really reads them. If you want to get a lot of "helpful"s on your reviews, the best bet seems to either rant how the anime is really good or really bad and be the first one with a review out.
Frankly, I don't look at reviews unless it's an anime I have no idea about, which is rare since social media is full of people giving their opinion of almost every anime out there. I don't really know the point of reviewing anything nowadays.
Apr 10, 2021 1:40 PM
Dec 2013
You decide if you're cancelled or not. Just do your thing. <3
Apr 10, 2021 1:52 PM

Aug 2020
I don't really care, I just look at the reviews without taking the user into consideration. You do you, and if you want to write a review, what's stopping you?

Has a 8.60 mean score
Akasaka > Other Mangakas

Apr 10, 2021 1:55 PM

Jul 2019
Review times have changed a lot. From what I have seen and heard, there is no more random reviews going into top 4 or whatever it was back in the day. No one really reads anything anymore, unless you have somewhat intimate friends or you make a seasonal review. Some people would describe this as a "rat race" too.

If I were you I would just pick up something, review it and move on. You are always welcome to hop onto the craze tho, sometimes it is fun.
Apr 10, 2021 2:24 PM

Apr 2018
Put bluntly, I wouldn't call what you have written a review, much less a good review or one that would make me want to read more of your reviews. The one and only requirement of an anime review is to construct an overall evaluation of an anime which is supported by evaluations of certain relevant aspects of an anime. Everything else is secondary to this goal and exists only to further it. You clearly do not understand this because you spent more time ranting about other people and their open-mindedness, your opinions about anime or life in general, and your personal life story than you did actually talking about Horimiya or trying to tie any of what you wrote into an actual analysis of Horimiya.

The organization and written style of your review is also quite terrible, but I don't think you need to worry about this yet. The point of good writing style and organization is to make it easier to follow what you're trying to say, but you have to say something worthwhile first.
ParataxicalisApr 10, 2021 2:40 PM
Apr 10, 2021 4:59 PM
May 2018
Well, you are still #13 reviewer on this site, even after all these years, which is actually REALLY high, so maybe you should give it a try, and actively start reviewing anime again.

Apr 10, 2021 5:22 PM

Oct 2015

No. Firstly, I agree with your review. Holy shit. Everything's gotta be toxic this, toxic that.

Why are we moral crusading over anime relationships as if this fictional Hori figure will be taking this advice from us?

I appreciate that you also have some understanding of creative writing. I somewhat agree but disagree with the review, to be honest. It really boils down to "I relate to this anime." That's not wrong. I think people are bothered by calling out others (which, I don't think that should be done in a review, but I digress...)

It's fine to agree or disagree with people. That much is totally okay, there's really nothing wrong with that. I just don't know if that should be the main takeaway from a review. But yeah, I still kinda agree with you.

In fact, you made me want to continue watching Horimiya. I am very similar to Izumi Miyamura, and I actually am in a relationship similar to Horimiya. It's awesome to be able to relate to characters like this.

Why do people view Hori as toxic, by the way? She's definitely not phobic and that much is being read into way too much. Or is it?

But. Once again. No. I don't see much people wanting to read reviews anymore, and I doubt they'll find yours to be very helpful.
ChartTopper60Apr 10, 2021 5:30 PM
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Apr 10, 2021 5:26 PM

Nov 2009
do what makes you happy mane.

critics can ead, not gonna satisfy everyone.
Apr 10, 2021 5:35 PM

Nov 2014
How do you see who the top reviewers are on this site?
Apr 10, 2021 5:42 PM

Dec 2007
i didn't read much of comments here, but MAL considered open community, you shouldn't afraid writing reviews for any reason, share with us your opinions, and if you feel like people criticising you, then it's common thing all over the world, no one should be afraid for his "speech freedom" (that's how you call it?) because of critics or what common here in MAL. - toxic people.
Apr 10, 2021 5:50 PM
May 2018
Touniouk said:
How do you see who the top reviewers are on this site?
Here you go.

When will someone remove this damn 30 characters limit?
Apr 10, 2021 6:08 PM

Sep 2018
The top reviews are dominated by the same people these days. It's either nit picky elitists or people who use comedy as their number one selling point (sometimes, a mix of both). It's more of a popularity contest.

I feel like people who did not like a series are more likely to create a review for it and have people vote it up. You see scores of 3, 4 and 5 on some anime where only 5% of people actually gave it a 3 for example.

Now I just don't bother with reviews, because most of them are in the vast minority and just want to be heard and love the attention.
Apr 10, 2021 9:54 PM

Jan 2020
Sure. If the review is good, then I don't see why not

Apr 10, 2021 10:00 PM

Sep 2019
Psajdak said:
Well, you are still #13 reviewer on this site, even after all these years, which is actually REALLY high, so maybe you should give it a try, and actively start reviewing anime again.

isn't it #7 in the most helpful category?
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Apr 11, 2021 2:27 AM
Jan 2012
Mentioning things that are somewhat irrelevant to the anime like people on Twitter trying to cancel it don't really work if you want your review to be read by people. If this were a private conversation? Sure, that'd be fine, but it's such a quagmire of a situation when it comes to anime and cancel culture that people are mostly going to want to avoid anything to do with the situation, which would include your review. Also, specifically with Horimiya's situation with Twitter trying to cancel it, most people that are on the side of Horimiya are going to be here in the anime community, so that part of your review does not matter much as the people reading your review most likely agree in the first place. The people canceling the show probably aren't going to actually be here on MAL, a place with things that are so much worse than what they thought was wrong with Hori.

The first thing you need to figure out if you go back to making reviews, why do you want to review anime? Is it to just get your opinions out in the open in order to freely express yourself, or is it for the reader so they can figure out whether to watch something or not, or maybe even as a mock conversation? How you word your reviews are going to differ pretty vastly depending on what the goal is, and once you set your goal try to see things from a reader's perspective. If you do it for the readers, you have to remember that the point is to get your case across as concisely as possible, sometimes you have to sacrifice certain things you want to say just because it'll bog down the review. Sure, you could quote Shakespeare in your review and have it make sense, but if the reader actively doesn't want to read your review then it'd be better to just nix the Shakespeare quotes.
Apr 11, 2021 3:58 AM

Aug 2013
Oh I remember the second one, I have red quiet some reviews of him when I started seeying anime. He had that Jesus character as avatar.

LMAO the third ranker stopped at 666 reviews :D *Alexa play BFG division*
I don't know who quotes me and then deletes the comment, but know that you make my day.

STEAM's GOTY 2024 the Ghost of Tsushima
Apr 11, 2021 4:21 AM

Feb 2015
Oh wow, you're that guy who wrote that hilarious Fairy Tail review. I remember ThatAnimeSnob dedicated a whole video to that review back in the day.
Apr 11, 2021 4:24 AM
May 2018
Coaghim said:
He had that Jesus character as avatar.
That's not Jesus, that's Big Lebowski.
Apr 11, 2021 4:40 AM

Jul 2017
What's a bit cringe here is that most people who said that your reviews lack something have never actually written anything in their life. And in their subjective opinion, it isn't an enjoyable review. Clearly you have lots of helpful upvotes on them. Try doing your thing again, maybe the magic works, who knows?

I didn't actually read your reviews, but that doesn't exactly matter. I saw that they had lots of upvotes. Point being, If there is an audience that finds them enjoyable, you should continue doing it. Who gives a fuck what Cerber thinks, he's just some idiotic random.

Asking for actual constructive criticism here is insane. You won't get any of it.

@OnionKnightRises provided good feedback, I suggest listening to him.
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Apr 11, 2021 4:51 AM

Aug 2013
Psajdak said:
Coaghim said:
He had that Jesus character as avatar.
That's not Jesus, that's Big Lebowski.

Haha true true, memory fail on my part
I don't know who quotes me and then deletes the comment, but know that you make my day.

STEAM's GOTY 2024 the Ghost of Tsushima

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