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Jul 9, 2019 10:45 PM
Jul 2019
I watched it recently and I loved everything about it . It has breathtaking visuals and soundtrack and the story was very interesting . after I watched that film I was so sure this film was gonna be praised unanimously but I was shocked when I saw people calling it mediocre and overrated. people were also asking how the main characters dont see the date when they switch and calling it a plothole. there is no plot established logic being broken here , then how is it a plothole ? morever they were in a dream state so they dont really pay attention to detail that much and even if they did , wasnt it said they forget most of it ? it was a plot inconsistency at best. lots of anime and tv shows are filled with other plot inconsistencies but everyone just sort of ignores them .
Besides that people just call this movie mediocre and bad but I really feel like its one of the finest works of anime . I'm sorry if I sound like a salty fanboy but I think the level of criticism this movie is getting is simply unfair. is there any other major criticism besides that plot inconsistency ?
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Jul 9, 2019 10:52 PM

Jul 2017
Probably because they have their own opinions? I absolutely loved it too but not everyone is going to like the same thing.

Help, I'm hooked into the Fate series (not all) and am obsessed with Shirou x Saber!
Also, forever hoping for a ufotable remake of the Fate route!
Jul 9, 2019 10:56 PM

Nov 2011
You need to realize no matter how good something is, there's always someone who doesn't like it.

Jul 9, 2019 10:56 PM
Jul 2019
Nah dude , people just objectively called it a bad movie
Jul 9, 2019 10:57 PM

Apr 2018
Well its one of the most popular anime movies of the past few years so it would attract people that wouldn't normally enjoy a movie like your name or its just people hating on it because its so highly rated. I really think the movie has mainly good reviews I haven't seen much hate toward it, so you shouldn't don't worry to much about it, and really the only thing that matters is if you enjoy it.
Jul 9, 2019 11:01 PM

Oct 2014
It's the rank 1 movie and rank 6th anime overall, 90.9% of it's ratings are an 8-10. It's completely solidified so i'm not sure why you put such value on it.

I found it to be an entirely generic narrative, mildly interesting plot, it was good but not great. I didn't find it very compelling.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Jul 9, 2019 11:03 PM

Aug 2018
I didnt like it ignore my MAL rating it lies. I thought the art was bad because of how realistic it was compared to the actual characters but I guess someone could like that. The music was amazing. The plot was kinda dumb imo but to each their own.
Baseball is the new game.
Jul 9, 2019 11:15 PM
Apr 2017
Lunilah said:
It's the rank 1 movie and rank 6th anime overall, 90.9% of it's ratings are an 8-10. It's completely solidified so i'm not sure why you put such value on it.

I found it to be an entirely generic narrative, mildly interesting plot, it was good but not great. I didn't find it very compelling.
Fully agreed, couldn't have said it better myself.

And it would have been shorter too, but 30 characters.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Jul 9, 2019 11:22 PM

Jan 2019
why do people have different opinions than me wtf!
Jul 9, 2019 11:24 PM

Apr 2016
It's a fine film but not the masterpiece the AniTubers and r/Anime made it out to be. The movie couldn't get me invested in the main characters, or get me to root for them to get together. Why does he love her? I don't know. The movie never showed me the two developing a relationship. They felt like acquaintances at best, which made the second half of the film fall flat for me. It feels like there was a missing middle half in which they began to bond, but with that missing their motivations to go all out to meet each other at end come out of nowhere. The film suffers from the same problem 90% of TV and movie romances are plagued by: the story is trying to convince me that these two characters have become in love with each other over a matter of days, weeks at best, and this all happens near the end of the story when the action is climaxing and there is no room to develop their relationship. It all just falls flat for me.
Jul 9, 2019 11:24 PM

Dec 2018
People can love or hate something.
But if we look at the board, Kimi no Nawa got a high score to prove it quality!
If people dont watch, it just depend of their taste, but if you said why people HATING Kimi no Nawa, i think it just you who exaggerate it.
I personally haven't seen the movie but that doesn't mean I hate it.
Jul 9, 2019 11:31 PM

Jul 2017
You know, people are going to have different views than you sometimes. Like I personally found the movie above average, but I didn't think it was some masterpiece. That's just how media is. The less you worry about what others think, the more you'll enjoy life.
Once you realize that what others think about what you enjoy doesn't matter, you will finally be free

Jul 9, 2019 11:34 PM

Sep 2014
I would say most of the hate mainly comes from its score here. If it wasn't that high, people which didn't enjoy it would be more tolerant towards it when it comes to criticism or outright bashing. As for me, I haven't watched it yet so I cannot form opinion if it deserves its spot here.
Jul 9, 2019 11:38 PM
Mar 2016
Because "It is impossible to please everybody in this world."
Jul 9, 2019 11:39 PM

Jan 2009
lol 9+ mean score with a million of users and one of the top box office hit ever for an anime is now hated

those haters are sure to be the vocal minority

control your negativity bias
Jul 9, 2019 11:58 PM

May 2009
WaterCooler said:
You need to realize no matter how good something is, there's always someone who doesn't like it.
Yeah, basically this.

On top of it, for everything that's super popular, there are gonna be some people who are gonna sympathize to varying degrees with a backlash against it. And a few of those people are gonna post their opinions on the internet, because everyone and their mom posts their opinions on the internet these days.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jul 10, 2019 12:05 AM
Jul 2019
Valyrian1124 said:
It's a fine film but not the masterpiece the AniTubers and r/Anime made it out to be. The movie couldn't get me invested in the main characters, or get me to root for them to get together. Why does he love her? I don't know. The movie never showed me the two developing a relationship. They felt like acquaintances at best, which made the second half of the film fall flat for me. It feels like there was a missing middle half in which they began to bond, but with that missing their motivations to go all out to meet each other at end come out of nowhere. The film suffers from the same problem 90% of TV and movie romances are plagued by: the story is trying to convince me that these two characters have become in love with each other over a matter of days, weeks at best, and this all happens near the end of the story when the action is climaxing and there is no room to develop their relationship. It all just falls flat for me.

But the relationship between them was summed in a song
they left notes and messages for each other
mitsuha fell in love as soon as she realized taki has come to save her
and taki took a liking to her after all the texts and messages she left. but as soon as he found out what happened he fully devoted himself to save her and her town ,and subsequently falling in love

Being in each others bodies sounds like a very intimate thing to me, I dont know
Jul 10, 2019 12:09 AM

Oct 2012
Kimi no Na Wa wasn't bad, although there was some forced drama in (spoiler). A Silent Voice came out that same year and went under the radar from all the attention people put on Kimi no Na Wa, but I thought the latter was hands down the better movie.
My subjective reviews:
Jul 10, 2019 12:16 AM

Dec 2017
You can ask this question with literally any popular anime lmao

You'll get people that like something, and you'll get people that hate it.
If you like it, great. If you don't, too bad. Find something you like.
Least degenerate visual novel enjoyer.

Jul 10, 2019 12:22 AM

May 2018
"whats with people hating kimi no na wa ?"

It has something to do with Makoto Shinkai being a great photographer but absolutely boring writer and director.
Jul 10, 2019 12:24 AM

May 2018
Because they are butthurt and jelly when anime they don't like become more popular than anime they like.
Jul 10, 2019 12:28 AM

Apr 2017
Not a fan of Kimi no nawa. I would say it has fancy animation but the story was not appealing at all.
Jul 10, 2019 12:29 AM

Mar 2015
You're like 3 years late to the "kimi no na wa is overrated/underrated/overhated" parade
Jul 10, 2019 12:38 AM
Jul 2019
Orryx said:
You're like 3 years late to the "kimi no na wa is overrated/underrated/overhated" parade

I just watched it now , mate . sucks to be left out of all the awesome discussions
Jul 10, 2019 12:43 AM

Nov 2011
1) Because the story is stupid.
2) Because it is popular and has a high score.
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Jul 10, 2019 12:53 AM
Nov 2017
For someone who don't like Kimi No Nawa, I think the word "hate" isn't an accurate to describe it. For me, knowing it has a high score just makes me disappointed. I had high hopes with it, but it's just an average love story. Maybe if I watched it 4 years ago, when I was an edgy teenager who love to watch SAO and kind of thing I will love it, and I guess you might be just think it's not as good ad it's suppose to be when you were watching it if you change your taste to something that more into a crafting story and building the world instead of just put a random plot twist in it (something like Monster, Vinland Saga, Berserk and any other seinen did).
Jul 10, 2019 1:04 AM

Jun 2017
Because its mediocre and extremely overrated, get over it
Jul 10, 2019 1:05 AM
Jul 2018
Every hype needs a storm of hate to keep the balance. That's like a natural law. That's the law of equivalent exchange from FMA.
Jul 10, 2019 1:12 AM

May 2014
It's super popular, so there's going to be lots of people who love it as well as lots of people who hate it. Personally, i recognize that the anime has a lot of plot holes, but i can enjoy it a lot regardless. I'm hoping the plot is tighter in his next film though.
Jul 10, 2019 1:13 AM
Dec 2017
I just didn't find it that entertaining. people hyped it up to no end and i guess i was expecting more. I gave it a 7/10.
Jul 10, 2019 1:32 AM
May 2018
No offense, but you do know you could just read bad reviews to answer your question, right? It's always better to search for answers rather than just ask questions ^^. Although you could say asking questions is a way to search for answers xD!

I didn't like this movie, you can find my full review on this site but I'll sum it up a bit here :

- The whole movie is cliché as hell. The body swap is overdone, the love story is overdone, and it adds nothing original to these concepts. The characters are cliché as well.

- The secondary characters are purely one-dimensional and have very few presence. They have as much importance to the story as... the trees. No, in fact, I think the trees were more impactful xD.

- The MCs fall in love whereas they never actually meet. I simply don't buy it. It's as cheap as it gets.

- There was a lot of stupid stuff, from characters reactions to actual plotholes.
For example, the most obvious plothole : why are these two people connected? Why not others? Why this specific guy with this specific girl?
Also, why does the body swap happen? I don't want scientific reasons (obviously, lol), but story-wise, if it happens, I want it to happen for a reason. There's none in the movie.
Also, I simply can't cope with the idea that no one actually saw the comet coming. Especially a comet this size. Don't they have space agencies in Japan? (It's ironic)

- The movie felt like a "wannabe Miyazaki". It felt like a Ghibli movie, without the Ghibli magic. Ghibli builds compelling worlds. The world in Your Name has nothing specific, nothing makes it stand out compared to other anime/movie worlds.

- Finally, this movie doesn't have any meaning. It's a simple love story, without any deep message for the viewer.
Just compare that to Koe no Katachi : this one actually tells a lot, depicting school life in a realistic way, showing how "abnormal people" can be bullied by the normal mass, how remorse eat you up your whole life and how redemption can lead to an ease of mind.
Koe no Katachi teaches a lot. What does Your Name teach? Nothing.

That's about it. Long story short, everything in this movie is flat. Flat characters have flat relationships in a flat world about a flat story. Flat.
I'm really pissed that Your Name got so much attention when Koe no Katachi is so much more meaningful...
Everything changes. Even the happy and funny things eventually disappear. How can I still enjoy this place then?
- Furukawa Nagisa (Clannad)

You have to make a choice. Either you give up on your soul for the sake of science, or you give up on science to save your soul. In my case, the soul was already in pieces.
- Lloyd Asplund (Code Geass)

Do you understand the meaning behind Nunnaly's smile? She can't see or walk. So there are things in this world that she knows she can't do alone. Her smile... is her only way to show gratitude.
- Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Death is part of Life.
- ... Me.
Jul 10, 2019 1:49 AM

May 2018
well...people dont all like the same stuff. Shit, example: I loved devilman crybaby with all my heart and it gets shit on constantly and im never gonna defend it tbh i just liked it.
Kimi no na wa had so much hype for something that really wasn't groundbreaking IMO. The visuals were amazing i mean it is a shinkai film its gonna be pretty. I really think that the animation distracted from the shallowness of the characters and their development....while the execution was a little less explored (the off axis timeline romance..) ive still seen this same story too many times. This is just me too. also the opinions you see online are like the voices a tiny fraction of viewers.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 愛してる *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Jul 10, 2019 2:03 AM

Jan 2018
I was totally skeptical about it before I gave it a try, like I don't think a gender bender would be an interesting concept. So it turned out to be a dreamy, romantic what if situation that me as a romantic show seeker totally enjoyed watching it. The singer is pretty much a real life version of the female protagonist in my opinion.
Jul 10, 2019 2:08 AM

Sep 2015
People just don't like to admit that they enjoy decent, simple, basic, or regular things. Plus people love to go against the grain and be edgy. I like it. It looks great and the story is cute. The end.
Jul 10, 2019 2:44 AM

Jul 2016
Meh. I think it looks good but that's about it. Melodrama isn't really my thing, but no hate to anyone who likes it. Shinkai movies in general just never really get to me. They look absolutely gorgeous, sure, but there's only so much mileage you can get out of putting a new twist on the same basic premise over and over. Basically, if you've seen one Shinkai movie then you've seen them all, at least that's how they feel to me.
I hope he tries something different with his next one. I'll probably watch it either way.
Jul 10, 2019 2:55 AM

Jun 2017
Because the people who loved it, don't use forums to understand how bad it is
Jul 10, 2019 3:07 AM
May 2019
Different people have different tastes and it's ranked 6 at the time of writing this comment so it's hardly hated.
If you want to see anime thats hated look for sword art online and fairy tail.
Jul 10, 2019 3:43 AM
Jul 2019
Dante012 said:
No offense, but you do know you could just read bad reviews to answer your question, right? It's always better to search for answers rather than just ask questions ^^. Although you could say asking questions is a way to search for answers xD!

I didn't like this movie, you can find my full review on this site but I'll sum it up a bit here :

- The whole movie is cliché as hell. The body swap is overdone, the love story is overdone, and it adds nothing original to these concepts. The characters are cliché as well.

- The secondary characters are purely one-dimensional and have very few presence. They have as much importance to the story as... the trees. No, in fact, I think the trees were more impactful xD.

- The MCs fall in love whereas they never actually meet. I simply don't buy it. It's as cheap as it gets.

- There was a lot of stupid stuff, from characters reactions to actual plotholes.
For example, the most obvious plothole : why are these two people connected? Why not others? Why this specific guy with this specific girl?
Also, why does the body swap happen? I don't want scientific reasons (obviously, lol), but story-wise, if it happens, I want it to happen for a reason. There's none in the movie.
Also, I simply can't cope with the idea that no one actually saw the comet coming. Especially a comet this size. Don't they have space agencies in Japan? (It's ironic)

- The movie felt like a "wannabe Miyazaki". It felt like a Ghibli movie, without the Ghibli magic. Ghibli builds compelling worlds. The world in Your Name has nothing specific, nothing makes it stand out compared to other anime/movie worlds.

- Finally, this movie doesn't have any meaning. It's a simple love story, without any deep message for the viewer.
Just compare that to Koe no Katachi : this one actually tells a lot, depicting school life in a realistic way, showing how "abnormal people" can be bullied by the normal mass, how remorse eat you up your whole life and how redemption can lead to an ease of mind.
Koe no Katachi teaches a lot. What does Your Name teach? Nothing.

That's about it. Long story short, everything in this movie is flat. Flat characters have flat relationships in a flat world about a flat story. Flat.
I'm really pissed that Your Name got so much attention when Koe no Katachi is so much more meaningful...

ok so you called it cliche and told it was overdone .But from what I have seen I dont think body swapping is a very used up concept. about the characters being cliche , you can say the same thing about literally any character in any kind of film . Every character is going look the same if you boil them down and write it in a piece of paper.

"the secondary characters are one dimensional"
the film isnt about any secondary characters and it should not try to focus on them just for the sake of it. We get a basic outline of the characters and that was enough to understand their effect on the plot. the film focusses on the supernatural phenomenon and captures it brilliantly. this is also a film not a series they simply dont have the time to give any extra dimension to secondary characters.

" the mc fall in love without meeting and its as cheap as it gets "
their relationship was summed in a song where they exchange texts and msges for each other. taki grows to like all the msges they exchange , her lifestyle , her town and all the things she does for him. this was illustrated when she goes on a date with okundera and finds unable to enjoy it at all , realising he has some liking for her.Not only that he is unusually drawn towards itomori and is able to draw the town with precision. he finds out mitsuha died , becomes heartbroken and becomes fully devoted to reversing the tragedy.

Meanwhile mitsuha also liked the exchanges and convo with taki .mitsuha learns a lot about taki and she finds out he stood up against her bullies and so many other things. She regrets setting him up with okundera because she likes him and thats why she goes to tokyo to sort of date him.not only that they sort of feel this spiritual connection between them. Mitsuha wakes up in taki's body and realises she has died and realises that taki is trying to save her and her town and falls in love with him. They both work together to try and save the town and even though they forget everything the emotional attachment to each other is still there. their love is beautiful . I guess you didnt like it and think it is cheap but I think it is perfectly written.

"There was a lot of stupid stuff, from characters reactions to actual plotholes.
For example, the most obvious plothole : why are these two people connected? Why not others? Why this specific guy with this specific girl?
Also, why does the body swap happen? I don't want scientific reasons (obviously, lol), but story-wise, if it happens, I want it to happen for a reason. There's none in the movie.
Also, I simply can't cope with the idea that no one actually saw the comet coming. Especially a comet this size. Don't they have space agencies in Japan? (It's ironic)"

you absolutely dont know what a plothole is . No offense .All of these questions are answered in the movie man ..jesus christ . you just let all the details go over your head and blame the movie for that .not cool. But let me answer your questions anyway.The body swap happens in the women of miyamizu lineage and it is implied all of it was just building up to this moment . There is a comet which strikes itomori every 1200 year and this year its completely going to destroy the town . the supernatural force (not omnipotent) tries to prevent this by orchestrating the whole body swap thing . Taki was the heroic guy who would be able to to pull this off. thats why taki is chosen . and your last question : like literally everyone saw the comet coming they just didnt expect it would split. tats why there were news report all over covering that and you just said "no one saw it coming" which is ridiculous.

your criticism is absurd ,you could have just said you didnt like it.
Jul 10, 2019 8:17 AM
Jul 2019
Mythologically said:
Rockpaperpenguin said:

ok so you called it cliche and told it was overdone .But from what I have seen I dont think body swapping is a very used up concept. about the characters being cliche , you can say the same thing about literally any character in any kind of film . Every character is going look the same if you boil them down and write it in a piece of paper.

"the secondary characters are one dimensional"
the film isnt about any secondary characters and it should not try to focus on them just for the sake of it. We get a basic outline of the characters and that was enough to understand their effect on the plot. the film focusses on the supernatural phenomenon and captures it brilliantly. this is also a film not a series they simply dont have the time to give any extra dimension to secondary characters.

" the mc fall in love without meeting and its as cheap as it gets "
their relationship was summed in a song where they exchange texts and msges for each other. taki grows to like all the msges they exchange , her lifestyle , her town and all the things she does for him. this was illustrated when she goes on a date with okundera and finds unable to enjoy it at all , realising he has some liking for her.Not only that he is unusually drawn towards itomori and is able to draw the town with precision. he finds out mitsuha died , becomes heartbroken and becomes fully devoted to reversing the tragedy.

Meanwhile mitsuha also liked the exchanges and convo with taki .mitsuha learns a lot about taki and she finds out he stood up against her bullies and so many other things. She regrets setting him up with okundera because she likes him and thats why she goes to tokyo to sort of date him.not only that they sort of feel this spiritual connection between them. Mitsuha wakes up in taki's body and realises she has died and realises that taki is trying to save her and her town and falls in love with him. They both work together to try and save the town and even though they forget everything the emotional attachment to each other is still there. their love is beautiful . I guess you didnt like it and think it is cheap but I think it is perfectly written.

"There was a lot of stupid stuff, from characters reactions to actual plotholes.
For example, the most obvious plothole : why are these two people connected? Why not others? Why this specific guy with this specific girl?
Also, why does the body swap happen? I don't want scientific reasons (obviously, lol), but story-wise, if it happens, I want it to happen for a reason. There's none in the movie.
Also, I simply can't cope with the idea that no one actually saw the comet coming. Especially a comet this size. Don't they have space agencies in Japan? (It's ironic)"

you absolutely dont know what a plothole is . No offense .All of these questions are answered in the movie man ..jesus christ . you just let all the details go over your head and blame the movie for that .not cool. But let me answer your questions anyway.The body swap happens in the women of miyamizu lineage and it is implied all of it was just building up to this moment . There is a comet which strikes itomori every 1200 year and this year its completely going to destroy the town . the supernatural force (not omnipotent) tries to prevent this by orchestrating the whole body swap thing . Taki was the heroic guy who would be able to to pull this off. thats why taki is chosen . and your last question : like literally everyone saw the comet coming they just didnt expect it would split. tats why there were news report all over covering that and you just said "no one saw it coming" which is ridiculous.

your criticism is absurd ,you could have just said you didnt like it.

So let's get this straight. Your points are:

  • It's not cliche because body swapping is a somewhat niche concept. Makes total sense! It's not like legitimately everything else in the movie is the most generic thing ever
  • Main characters literally cannot be bad because you can call any character bad
  • It doesn't matter that the secondary characters are shit
  • You can now apparently fall in love with people despite never having met them by sending texts
  • Illogical plot contrivances are viable explanations for plot holes

You are either a troll or delusional. I'm not sure which.

If you just go around twisting words , you can make anything sound bad and btw this is the definition of plothole

1. everything else was not the most generic thing ever in that movie
2.thats not what I said
3.thats not what I said
4. yeah its only the text , its not like ' taki saved her whole town from tragedy' or anything.
5. "In fiction, a plot hole, plothole or plot error is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot"
this is the definition of plothole
Jul 10, 2019 8:19 AM
Jul 2019
OneNaughtyBear said:
Unanimously? There's over 661k users who scored the movie. Are you that naive to think that every single person is going to love it? The movie has the #6 spot on the top anime list so I'm not even sure why you're making a big deal out a minority of people. People don't need to have a list of criticisms in the movie. Their biggest issue could be as small as the plot not bring that interesting

haters of the movie were vere vocal so it gave me an impression that it was not liked. I did not pay attention to the ratings
Jul 10, 2019 8:29 AM
Jul 2018
Rockpaperpenguin said:
after I watched that film I was so sure this film was gonna be praised unanimously

Well, there's your problem right there. Nothing is ever gonna get praised unanimously.
Jul 10, 2019 8:32 AM
Feb 2018
Mikura39 said:
Probably because they have their own opinions? I absolutely loved it too but not everyone is going to like the same thing.
Ya totally agree. I love this shit but my cousin absolutely hate it. That's how it is, every one has their own taste so no one has the right to argue about someone likes and dislikes....
Jul 10, 2019 8:47 AM
Feb 2018
One more thing, this forum is absolutely unnecessary. Every one has their own animes which they want people to appreciate and because every one has different likes the most common one got highest rating simple as that. At the end of the day Rating doesn't really matter. Many of my favorites lies above #500. But the majority is under #100 since im also one of majority
0seveNJul 10, 2019 8:51 AM
Jul 10, 2019 8:52 AM
Jul 2019
Mythologically said:
Rockpaperpenguin said:

If you just go around twisting words , you can make anything sound bad and btw this is the definition of plothole

1. everything else was not the most generic thing ever in that movie
2.thats not what I said
3.thats not what I said
4. yeah its only the text , its not like ' taki saved her whole town from tragedy' or anything.
5. "In fiction, a plot hole, plothole or plot error is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot"
this is the definition of plothole

Right, now I'm sure that you're a troll, but let's respond anyway. I'll leave point 1 alone since that's subjective, but let's talk about all the other ones.

2. "about the characters being cliche , you can say the same thing about literally any character in any kind of film"
What does this mean if not "Main characters literally cannot be bad because you can call any character bad"? This is legitimately exactly what you said. "Your criticism of 'the characters are bland' is invalid because you can call any character bland!"
3. Your whole response was justifying the blandness of the characters with bullshit like "the film isnt about any secondary characters". "We get a basic outline of the characters" and "they simply dont have the time to give any extra dimension to secondary characters" implies that the characters are one-dimensional. One-dimensional side characters are shit side characters. Your claim that the film isn't about the side characters implies that the side characters being shit doesn't matter. I don't care if this is what you meant to say, but this is what you said.
4. They fell in love before that lol?
5. How dare you use a wikipedia definition of all things, and then fucking crop it to fit your delusions. The literal sentence right after that says "[s]uch inconsistencies include such things as illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline". Something that is illogical is a plot hole, whether it contradicts the narrative or common sense.

2. I meant that the main characters are not bland. The mcs were not bland at all. fuckheads like you when they dont like the film they simlpy just call the character bland.
3. yes. every film is shit because it doesnt have complex character arcs for every single character that appears on screen
4.they didnt. mitsuha went to see taki on the train but she simply left when he didnt remember her. thats not what a person in love does. she fell in love when she found out he switched bodies and figured out that he was trying to save her. You are just simply fucking wrong in this argument but your head is inside your ass
5. ' hurr durr wkipedia so dumb I am smart " I did not crop it intentionally . says wikipedia is illogical but uses wikipedia definition anyway to prove his point lol . I am ready to find a thousand plotholes in stuff you like , alright.
Jul 10, 2019 9:10 AM
Jul 2019
Mythologically said:
Rockpaperpenguin said:

2. I meant that the main characters are not bland. The mcs were not bland at all. fuckheads like you when they dont like the film they simlpy just call the character bland.
3. yes. every film is shit because it doesnt have complex character arcs for every single character that appears on screen
4.they didnt. mitsuha went to see taki on the train but she simply left when he didnt remember her. thats not what a person in love does. she fell in love when she found out he switched bodies and figured out that he was trying to save her. You are just simply fucking wrong in this argument but your head is inside your ass
5. ' hurr durr wkipedia so dumb I am smart " I did not crop it intentionally . says wikipedia is illogical but uses wikipedia definition anyway to prove his point lol . I am ready to find a thousand plotholes in stuff you like , alright.

Truly an aptly worded response, backed up with a seemingly infinite supply of logic, reasoning, and evidence. I surrender. I cannot defeat someone with such an astounding command of the English language.

"When you are losing an argument but the other person makes a grammatical error "

English is my 4th language
Jul 10, 2019 9:19 AM
Jun 2019
Because people live in their own perspective bubbles. If you look at the anime lists of all the users in this site,you will quickly realize that there is no pattern and you can't make a single conclusion.There are a lot of factors in determining how much you are going to like an anime.
When I first watched Naruto long ago,I felt that it was really epic.But If I had watched it now instead I wouldn't find it like that and may even term it mediocre.So was I wrong back then? No, not at all.It's just that my perspective changed. Every anime has flaws and strengths.Depending on how your mind is configured, flaws may weigh or impact heavily on your impression of an anime.In other words the number of flaws are irrelevant.There are few anime which I have scored highly but I am aware that they have multiple flaws and because of these same flaws others have rated them lower.It is just that I chose to not give them too much importance which enabled me to enjoy the strong points of the anime more.
Also, there are people who have watched a lot of anime.For them even if a really good anime comes out, minor flaws may cause them to be put off and they will find it less entertaining.There are so many small factors which decide your impression too.Little things like watching in the morning or eating while watching or being sad/happy while watching can drastically affect the overall experience.Sometimes rewatching an anime will make you like it, other times you will hate it.
Expectations is another factor.Usually when I go with expectations I never end up enjoying it.Since Kimi no na wa is highly rated,people tend to go with expectations and so become more fine-tuned to the negative aspects(no matter how tiny) and ignore the positive ones.
That being said,I look at negative reviews too to get a better idea of the show but all the while keeping in mind my opinions(What I'm trying to say value your opinion the most which is what other people do)
I don't mind you asking 'What's with people hating KNNW?' and receiving people's opinions.But I suggest you don't try to argue with haters.It's almost the same as arguing God's existence which is very unproductive.People with different opinions are very thick-headed,all we can do is mutually co-exist.
If this still does not convince you, then I will say that I used to think just like you.Just watch some more anime,wait a month or two and if you are still feeling the same way re-open the thread.By that time you will yourself understand the answers to all the questions you have asked.

TL;DR: If you make the world's best burger and give it to me I'll still say it sucks because I am not wired that way.Instead you should ask that to fellow burger eaters who may not have liked it.Got my point?
Jul 10, 2019 10:29 AM
Jul 2019
1. I am not going to write a character sketch of Taki. You have already made up your mind so what's the point

2.Koe no katachi is a film about bullying and redemption. It's central focus is the relationship dynamic between the MC and other characters. Even then there are characters like Mashiba who just exists and does nothing at all. I mean just tell me one noteworthy thing he did in the film. What about Sahara , Kawai and so many useless characters ?

Tell me some actual plotholes in that film .You are just blatantly accusing the film of having plotholes yet you never specify them. I have done a lot of dumb shit in my life but trying to talk sense to you on my lagging computer is probably the worst of them all.
Jul 10, 2019 10:42 AM
Jul 2019
Mythologically said:
Rockpaperpenguin said:
1. I am not going to write a character sketch of Taki. You have already made up your mind so what's the point

2.Koe no katachi is a film about bullying and redemption. It's central focus is the relationship dynamic between the MC and other characters. Even then there are characters like Mashiba who just exists and does nothing at all. I mean just tell me one noteworthy thing he did in the film. What about Sahara , Kawai and so many useless characters ?

Tell me some actual plotholes in that film .You are just blatantly accusing the film of having plotholes yet you never specify them. I have done a lot of dumb shit in my life but trying to talk sense to you on my lagging computer is probably the worst of them all.

I don't particularly like going around linking my reviews, but here's a 2000+ word essay on why I hate this pile of trash.

Tell me how Mashiba has more character depth than all of Kimi no na wa cast combined
Jul 10, 2019 4:13 PM

Apr 2019
The Characters are very forgettable just like the Story.
it wasn't bad by all means, but it wasn't a special experience for me

I prefer I wanna eat your Pancreas in terms of romance movies

Mythologically said:
Rockpaperpenguin said:
1. I am not going to write a character sketch of Taki. You have already made up your mind so what's the point

2.Koe no katachi is a film about bullying and redemption. It's central focus is the relationship dynamic between the MC and other characters. Even then there are characters like Mashiba who just exists and does nothing at all. I mean just tell me one noteworthy thing he did in the film. What about Sahara , Kawai and so many useless characters ?

Tell me some actual plotholes in that film .You are just blatantly accusing the film of having plotholes yet you never specify them. I have done a lot of dumb shit in my life but trying to talk sense to you on my lagging computer is probably the worst of them all.

I don't particularly like going around linking my reviews, but here's a 2000+ word essay on why I hate this pile of trash.

that is a very reasonable review actually, a bit harsher than me , i gave it a 7
but i gotta agree with most of what you wrote, story and characters were the weak points , especially characters, but they weren't annoying to me so i gave characters and story a 5 in my mind and thats how i end up with a 7/10
You son of a .. turtle

Jul 30, 2019 4:02 PM

Jun 2016
JaneLynx said:

I personally haven't seen the movie but that doesn't mean I hate it.
Pls watch it. May not be the most groundbreaking or anything but the production values alone make it worth watching. And you gotta love the music
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