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Potimas May 6, 5:19 AM
So I assume you don't find Atelier Iris as good as Mana Khemia?

To be honest, I don't really know. I did play a little bit of Iris but soon was turned off it after hearing how much alchemy you had to do (at least that's what I remember hearing like 5 years ago). Maybe these days I would like the game but I think Mana Khemia has way better characters, story, and OST. Though I was not a big fan of the sequel, Mana Khemia 2, they might have fixed a lot of problems from the first game but it wasn't that enjoyable. :/

Ayesha arguably has the best story but I found it a bit odd playing it right after completing Arland. I prefer the other two games in the trilogy.

I've been wanting to play Arland for a while, it has such a beautiful colorful art style and the characters look nice. Plus the OST is one of the best in the Atelier series from what I've seen so far. Nothing can beat Ayesha as a character though, she's such a fun character to see on a journey. =)

DLano May 3, 4:04 AM
200 jam lebih bwt semua ending 🥲 
DLano May 2, 4:54 PM
Gpp pen nyoba aja, aku jarang main turn-based. Tapi ngeri playtime nya gk ada yang pendek.
Potimas May 2, 1:27 PM
I recently started Mana Khemia. Have you played the other older titles?

I have played a little bit of Ateleir Iris but I mostly play the newer titles (my favorite being Ayesha).
I feel like there are some references I'm missing. I might pause this and play, maybe Iris or Marie first.

From what I've seen Mana Khemia 1 doesn't really reference other Atelier titles other than Pam, the ghost girl.
DLano May 2, 4:09 AM
Bukan spoiler tapi penting. Di ch7 nanti ada boss fight yang harusin pake char tertentu, jadi siap" leveling dari awal.
DLano May 2, 2:28 AM
Wkwkk udah hampir selesai skrg klo gasalah di ch7. Sidetrack gegara baca vn sma males grind 🤣
DLano May 1, 7:55 PM
Bang, vn yang ada gameplay yang bagus apa aja yak?
Potimas Mar 19, 7:35 PM
Nice pfp, Atelier Sophie protagonist has the best character design out of all the Atelier characters.
Shirayukin Mar 2, 3:00 AM
Iya, ini yg kedua lebih mahal lg haha but you are convincing me to play now xD kayanya makin bagus di segala aspeknya ya. Pengen main tahun ini sih.. tp masih namatin game lain jg ini haha semoga ada diskon lewat sambil namatin yg lain :))
Shirayukin Mar 1, 1:57 PM
Wah kebetulan lagi kepikiran Sophie 2 juga hahah kalo diskon di switch lgsg ambil kayanya, tp Atelier series kyknya jarang bgt diskon ya.. :")

Bagus di storynya kah atau overall gameplaynya jg?
AlucardNoYuuutsu Mar 1, 7:58 AM
AlucardNoYuuutsu Feb 29, 8:46 AM
Hey, it's been while, but I've finally completed Mari's route.
It didn't take that many sittings, actually, it was shorter than I had expected (but maybe this is just because I'm highly absorbed while reading), but between exams and a long period of personal stagnation in which I just didn't feel like reading, I didn't read much for a long time until some days ago.
Bored-Person Jan 29, 7:27 PM
Publish your list e-edokun, how many fucking works do you have in 1 to have that score? *hits the table*
Robot-in-Grease Jan 20, 8:56 PM
Ahahaha, Aikatsu dulu emang pernah tayang hari minggu pagi di RCTI, tapi karena masih bocah ya, cowok lagi, ngapain juga kan gw nonton begituan.
It's actually not that surprising if some of the kids shows have more serious/mature storytelling than an actual mature oriented show itself. Nggak usah jauh-jauh dah, Digimon Adventure 1, waktu kecil gw nonton karena belom ngerti apa-apa ya cuma sebatas tontonan kartun aja, tapi kalo ditonton sekarang itu mayan depressing 😅 .
Robot-in-Grease Jan 19, 6:25 AM
Menurut gw Aikatsu dan MyGO bukan tipe anime yang enjoyable

Interesting opinions
Kalo MyGo gw udah dapet gambaran sih dari komenlu sebelumnya. Sepupu gw juga bilang storynya kelihatan serius dibanding Bandori sebelum-sebelumnya, yang menarik lu bilang Aikatsu bukan tipe anime enjoyable. Kayaknya gw bakal milih MyGo duluan, tapi Aikatsu tetep akan ditonton. Udah masuk ke list gw tahun ini buat long running anime yang harus ditonton.
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