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Sep 16, 2018 12:47 PM

Nov 2016
I personally like it don't know why people keep shitting at with, "ugh we all excel at different stuff and we'll never use that stuff in our life anyways ughh". Then they go fuck around and do useless shit like smoke pot. While not giving a shit about learning just to later get their liberal arts degree and complain about the economy/no jobs.

However, I do agree that we do learn some useless shit in school unless ur going into a field that requires it. Consequently, if ur not good at something just kept trying at it. I'm shit at math, but I still got a hundred in geometry cause I look up youtube vids on the shit I don't get in class. (Lots of teachers have after school tutoring/classes but those gay.)
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Sep 16, 2018 12:53 PM

Jan 2013
I studied for a while in the US, and even though it had its bad things (as everything else in the world), I can't think of any serious complaints (except that school lunch was pretty nasty, but it's cheap af).

Also it was pretty neat how students could choose their classes and stuff, while in my country you can't do that. However, for some reason, I felt that school in the US was pretty easier than my school in my country.
Plus, lockers are awesome.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Sep 16, 2018 12:54 PM
Jul 2018
the US education system is corrupt and everyone knows that
Sep 16, 2018 12:56 PM

Sep 2007
You ain’t got the sense God gave a gosh darn ant. Common now...
Listen here, young feller. That is lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut. Bless yer heart...

Sep 16, 2018 1:13 PM

Jun 2016
I'm glad I graduated from a small town hick high school in the Bush era because while it may have been bad then it seems at least 10x worse now from what I've heard.
Sep 16, 2018 1:22 PM

Mar 2016
Hm, it has less to do with applying the knowledge and more to do with training your brain and the problem solving aspect of it.
~The frog leapt forth to my lilypad memory.~
I was indoctrinated by an inamorata rabbit,
Adenomata affronted.
It was the verecund, dismissed creatures
That I jubilated in most.
This rabbit I would nurture,
At the aiguille of esse,
The anneal of noblesse.
❤️ Birdie ❤️

Sep 16, 2018 1:41 PM

Apr 2016
The hell im loving it, when i was back in school we were not allowed to carry guns to school.
Sep 16, 2018 2:00 PM

Jul 2017
As an American highschooler I have too much to say on this..
I'm fortunate enough to attend one of the best schools in my city, but I know people who, just because of where they live have access to worse education than I do.
The 'bad' areas have bad schools which just keeps the cycle of poverty going since those kids graduate HS and struggle to find good jobs.

I wish American 11th + 12th graders could elect to go to technical school during those years rather than continuing on their education. Graduating high school with experience in a blue collar job (mechanic, electrician, plumber) could put them right in the workforce and have a good enough pay right off the bat. Those who want to continue education into college and beyond have every right to do so, it's just the ones who know they won't go, should have an opportunity to gain knowledge in a certain field.

“The essence of good deeds and evil deeds are the same.
They’re both no more than a person’s actions to make up for a defect in themselves.”

-Yashiro Gaku (Erased)
Sep 16, 2018 2:24 PM

Dec 2015
Do American students actually break out into musical numbers like in Glee or Grease or High School the Musical or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Equestria Girls? I think I could be down with that, I've been working on my falsetto.
Sep 16, 2018 2:35 PM

Jul 2012
The only good thing I got out of public school was I got to dual enroll in a community college for my last 2 years without being charged and having transportation provided. So I basically took 3 college classes ahead of time and also got to try out engineering for a year. I was also always on the honor roll and I would have probably had a higher GPA but my math classes generally had terrible teachers and course design. I won't pretend that I didn't have any fun teachers but they were generally in the science or history areas neither of which really applied to any field I wanted to go into. The few computer classes my high school had were pretty solid but there's a huge emphasis on "few". A lot of the requirements for graduation were definitely a waste. One example being I had to take pottery in my senior year because I needed an art class, and that is in no way useful to me and it will never be useful to me.

From a college standpoint the courses are a huge improvement and the option for online classes is fantastic; however, the main complaint stands that it is excessively expensive with no real justification. I'm just glad I skipped the dorm experience because it did not seem worth the ~10k.
Sep 16, 2018 2:45 PM

Feb 2010
asking the wrong person. i attended a schools that didn't use all the standards of the U.S education system. and before that high school i was home schooled and my college was a private college so idk if what you learned is the same as me.

so how i feel about the high school i attended it is it didn't teach me useless information. most the time. physics, history,economics, biology chemistry, English and literature. all have practical life information. what was more my high school actual encourage people finding a job path during high school. which i hear isn't the case with most high schools.

we had electives in animation, writing, drama, PC repair, design. (yes my school was heavenly electronics based.)
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Sep 16, 2018 3:06 PM

Sep 2014
America has the best education system. It's the only education system in the world that you can sleep in class, never do any work, and just show up for finals and get a D for a passing grade.
Sep 16, 2018 3:14 PM

Jun 2015
I dont know abt the actual schools, cuz I dont liv there, but the tv shows I watch, dont really care....

why am I even here?
Sep 16, 2018 3:58 PM

Oct 2014
Haha.. The U.S. education system is a joke. You "liking" it doesn't change anything about it.

- A large majority of schooling districts give their teachers pre-designed courses to teach. They don't teach a subject. They teach tests. That's all the districts care about; better test scores.

- Extreme lack of funding on all fronts. Teachers salary. Lack of supplies.

- Forcing High School students to wake up as early as 5am in some places for school despite numerous studies that show children perform better in school with later starting times (they do this because they cut corners with school buses, so High/Middle/Elementary all have different start times so they can use the same batch of buses for each).

- Overpopulating classes. Another corner they cut to save money. Again, numerous studies proven that the smaller the class the better a student performs. When I was in HS, we had like 35 kids to a class. 2 kids could have been fucking in the back and the teacher probably wouldn't have noticed.

- School sports trump education. Are you aware how many student athletes are given free rides just because they're good at a certain sport? This is something that both High Schools and Universities do. There have been legitimate NFL players who have gone through universities who can barely read.


Also don't parrot that whole "Liberal Arts degree" nonsense. You realize that the term "Liberal Arts" encompasses a whole lot of majors, right? There are plenty of career fields to choose from. Something like "Art History"is a bit more useless.

And what's wrong with smoking pot? If anything, pot should help you learn as long as you're not using any wild strains. Helps you mellow out (students are very stressed). If more students smoked pot instead of drank alcohol and popped pills, we'd be much better off as a country.
Sep 16, 2018 4:00 PM

Sep 2018
It is not fun at all, but I think it is ok overall. Their are not much ways to improve it without changing the budget of schools by a large portion.
Sep 16, 2018 4:43 PM

Jul 2017
to me no education system in this world is likable
(I've been to China, Taiwan, U.S, Japan and Austrilia for 1 year as an exchange student)
Sep 16, 2018 5:10 PM

Dec 2015
Personally I don't know the US education but I've heard that US education is much more lower than the education in Poland , I don't know for that's true or not , but I can say that Polish education is really strict.
About "ugh we all excel at different stuff and we'll never use that stuff in our life anyways ughh". I would say it's in every country in my opinion it doesn't matter , receiving a new education in any of subject is always nice , but of course there are some subject which someone doesn't like that's obvious.
I would also say that (in Poland but idk how with US) there are alot of stuffs which is good to know in theory etc. but there are no subjects which will teach you how to really live , and keep going in life in future in hard decisions or life moments which everyone of us will experience someday.
Sep 16, 2018 5:51 PM

Apr 2014
the college education system at least is one of the, if not the top of world
Sep 17, 2018 12:05 AM

Aug 2018
It's definitely more strict than elsewhere but that's because of reasons I guess
Sep 17, 2018 3:04 AM

Oct 2014
It's slightly better than Canada's education system. Mainly in that they have more support for those with mental and learning disabilities.

However, this is assuming if you're in a well of area in America. If you're going to an American school in an impoverished area where funding has gone to shit?

Yea... It's pretty awful, and I'd say Canada's is better at that point.

School across the globe pretty much (though the North American and Asian continents more heavily) all suffer from the same issue. Shoving a one size fits all approach down students throats expecting it to work, teaching the creativity out of them, raising people to temporarily memorise facts to spouse out rather than to actually think and apply their knowledge, raising them with a sense that grades determine everything (even one's own value), that the only purpose in life is to make a lot of money. Completely neglecting in teaching skills that apply to most of life, like finding a job, your own human rights, safe sex, how to cook, how to parent, knowledge on different mental disorders and how to help friends suffering from them (or hell, survive them). Some of those can be found as electives, depending on the school (so not everyone), though learning all of Shakespeare and what numbers are prime got deemed more important. >.>

A lot of it originates from how the model schools currently use was made back when everyone got a factory job. So the timed bells to leave class, assigned seating, sitting in rows, being dead quiet during a lecture and not being able to ask questions without permission, needing permission to use the washroom (even in Grade 12 where you're old enough to join the army!?). It all was done to train people to be obedient, obey routines, and repetitive labour. It wasn't designed to create, happy, or free thinking individuals. Which, hurts one's quality of life, and their ability to adapt into the working world, which today often demands a lot of the skills that school spent so long teaching out of students.

@Nithirel also covered a few points, like the abysmal lack of funding schools (and teachers) have, the insane class sizes, how very clear bias is given to people who excel in sports.

School's a bit of a mess. >.>
Sep 17, 2018 2:00 PM
Sep 2018
Well, that is such a hard question. I mean, everything has its pros and cons. I've written an essay with a similar topic for a guy from Essay Explorer. After that, I can say, US system is one of the best in the whole world!
Sep 17, 2018 3:47 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
No it doesn't allow people to learn at their own pace which causes most to either get left behind or not be able to go fast enough to reach their true potential. It also doesn't offer the kind of freedom in what you can choose to learn that's so great about college. It also totally fucks kids in poor areas who want to work hard to crawl out of poverty by surrounding them with students and teachers who not only don't care but may even get in their way. The system also pushes this dumb notion that everybody has to go to college when a lot of careers going to college is by no means necessary and will just end up settling you with a bunch of debt. The system also offers zero vocational training for anybody who wants to go straight from High School to a blue collar job like being a plumber or a mechanic. The teacher's union also totally fucks over the children 24/7 with just the worst policies and in addition makes it impossible to fire bad teachers and reward good ones with the high pay that they deserve.

In addition maybe this was just because I live in California but there was an absolutely disgusting amount of political indoctrination. In Elementary School (kids who know literally nothing about politics) everybody in my grade had to write an essay about why Obama getting elected would bring great change to the country (the country hadn't even voted yet lol). And in Highschool it started to get REALLY bad. For English/History there were teachers who if you expressed a Conservative opinion in an essay they'd give you a D or an F. One teacher I had told us George Bush orchestrated 9/11 and ranted a few times about Fox News whenever she accidentally turned it on when turning on the television to insert and play a video (she also had posters up of George Bush as a devil). I also had a teacher with a Sarah Palin calendar where each month was a dumb thing she said which whilst funny was hardly appropriate. I also recently saw in the local newspaper an old teacher of mine got suspended (on paid leave though lol) for spending a whole class comparing Trump to Hitler (a few parents complained to the school). I liked him because he'd let us goof off and watch movies lol but this is also the same guy that on my first day of Highschool said to a student "What are you some kind of a Republican?" which at first I thought was just him joking around but realized he was serious when later on he spent a whole class talking about the wonders of Socialism (when this was an Ancient History class that didn't have anything to do with that). Also not political but I saw a teacher in the newspaper got caught for having sexual relations with a student so there's that too lol.

And don't even get me started on our zero effort in order to protect the students' mental well being. The US education system really is a terrible system. I wish we ran things like a mix of Switzerland's education system, Singapore's education system, and America's college education system (specifically the online lessons they've been embracing recently that allow students to move at their own pace and take more classes).
Sep 17, 2018 5:14 PM

Jan 2017
nah they’re out to get your sheckles
i wish it wasn’t cluttered with sjw :(
Sep 18, 2018 3:47 AM

Jan 2018
From my opinion education in general is to provide more knowledge in different field of interests. Educators are important and it is important to spread knowledge because you will shape the future of next generations. I think americans should be thankful for all those accessible knowledge that they have. You finish your study in your field of interest, not to feel forced to fulfill community obligations.

Usually I think rich aristocrats family would send their offspring over there to become a productive human being. Just take it as any form of excessive activity would be bad.

It's their choice, and teach people to love people, not to love money. I'm not spreading socialism here, but if people can be nice to each other man you as a teacher should smile.
Sep 18, 2018 3:56 AM

Jul 2015
The US doesn't even rank in the top25 for primary and secondary education in basically all categories. Reading, mathematics, sciences, you name it.

Tertiary education is predatory in the US, fucking everyone who is poor. Go figure.
There are some great universities, but I can't really call them great if they charge students an ungodly amount of money.

Horrible country, horrible education system.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Sep 21, 2018 12:18 PM

May 2016
i moved from usa to france to study after college and while college may be like 500$ a year hear, once you graduate and get a job, you get hellllla taxes taken out of your paycheck.
Sep 21, 2018 12:20 PM

May 2016
Nithirel said:
Haha.. The U.S. education system is a joke. You "liking" it doesn't change anything about it.

- A large majority of schooling districts give their teachers pre-designed courses to teach. They don't teach a subject. They teach tests. That's all the districts care about; better test scores.

- Extreme lack of funding on all fronts. Teachers salary. Lack of supplies.

- Forcing High School students to wake up as early as 5am in some places for school despite numerous studies that show children perform better in school with later starting times (they do this because they cut corners with school buses, so High/Middle/Elementary all have different start times so they can use the same batch of buses for each).

- Overpopulating classes. Another corner they cut to save money. Again, numerous studies proven that the smaller the class the better a student performs. When I was in HS, we had like 35 kids to a class. 2 kids could have been fucking in the back and the teacher probably wouldn't have noticed.

- School sports trump education. Are you aware how many student athletes are given free rides just because they're good at a certain sport? This is something that both High Schools and Universities do. There have been legitimate NFL players who have gone through universities who can barely read.


Also don't parrot that whole "Liberal Arts degree" nonsense. You realize that the term "Liberal Arts" encompasses a whole lot of majors, right? There are plenty of career fields to choose from. Something like "Art History"is a bit more useless.

And what's wrong with smoking pot? If anything, pot should help you learn as long as you're not using any wild strains. Helps you mellow out (students are very stressed). If more students smoked pot instead of drank alcohol and popped pills, we'd be much better off as a country.

my sister is 13 and they gave all the kids new chrome books to use in class. while this probably doesn't happen everyone. I don't see it as lack of supplies, but bad use of school funds. there's no reason the kids need chrome books in my opinion. especially when they can all just look up shit on their smart phones
Sep 21, 2018 12:39 PM

Jan 2009
among the rich countries USA have one of the worse education i heard

why USA is still the top science and innovation center? because of its secret weapon

Sep 21, 2018 12:45 PM
Aug 2016
I'm more of a fan of the Korean and Japanese education systems. But even those systems have their flaws. U.S's education system is far from a good one, just like many other education systems from other countries.
Sep 21, 2018 12:46 PM

Dec 2016
deg said:
among the rich countries USA have one of the worse education i heard

why USA is still the top science and innovation center? because of its secret weapon

Lol. The US uses the Imperial system instead of metric. Testing 15 year olds doesn't do shit when you receive your specialized education in whatever field in college. Besides I don't need to be able to use a micrometer to adjust my red dot scope... wait...

100 Best Universities in the World Today — 2018
Harvard University
University of California–Berkeley
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
Columbia University
Yale University
Princeton University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
University of Cambridge
Stanford University
Oxford University
Cornell University
University of California–Los Angeles
University of Wisconsin–Madison
University of Toronto
University of Manchester
Duke University
New York University
Johns Hopkins University
University of Pennsylvania
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
University of California–San Diego
University of Paris (Sorbonne)
Northwestern University
McGill University
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
University of Washington
The University of Texas at Austin
University of British Columbia
King’s College London
University of Bristol
Rutgers University
London School of Economics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Southern California
University of Edinburgh
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
University of Munich
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Moscow State University
University College London
University of Vienna
University of Maryland
University of Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania State University
University of California–Irvine
Australian National University
Swarthmore College
University of Bonn
University of Birmingham
Boston University
University of Tübingen
University of Sussex
University of Warwick
University of Sheffield
University of Arizona
University of Virginia
University of Leeds
University of Rochester
University of Amsterdam
Heidelberg University
Syracuse University
University of Massachusetts–Amherst
University of Utah
Washington University in St Louis
Leiden University
Free University of Berlin
University of Notre Dame
Rice University
University of Oslo
Birkbeck, University of London
Utrecht University
Wesleyan University
City University of New York
Imperial College London
University of Göttingen
University of California–Davis
Dartmouth College
University of Sydney
National Autonomous University of Mexico
University of Buenos Aires
Goethe University Frankfurt
Ohio State University
University of Copenhagen
Arizona State University
University of Southampton
Florida State University
University of Calcutta
University of Georgia
The University of Tokyo
University of Melbourne
University of Florida
Brandeis University
Stockholm University
Vanderbilt University
Case Western Reserve University
University of Warsaw
University of Cologne
Michigan State University
Sep 21, 2018 12:50 PM

Jan 2009

college education improves even the video of Michio Kaku says so and one of the reason is the brain draining H1B visa given to foreigners by USA

the poor education in USA is mostly about elementary and high school levels


its actually F1 student visa and not H1B visa
degSep 21, 2018 12:59 PM
Sep 21, 2018 1:06 PM

Dec 2016
deg said:

college education improves even the video of Michio Kaku says so and one of the reason is the brain draining H1B visa given to foreigners by USA

the poor education in USA is mostly about elementary and high school levels


its actually F1 student visa and not H1B visa

Yeah. We might totally miss out on the next Google and Apple update... that the US military gave the private sector to exploit for the glory of capitalism.


Sep 21, 2018 1:19 PM

Oct 2014
maiko_june said:
Nithirel said:
Haha.. The U.S. education system is a joke. You "liking" it doesn't change anything about it.

- A large majority of schooling districts give their teachers pre-designed courses to teach. They don't teach a subject. They teach tests. That's all the districts care about; better test scores.

- Extreme lack of funding on all fronts. Teachers salary. Lack of supplies.

- Forcing High School students to wake up as early as 5am in some places for school despite numerous studies that show children perform better in school with later starting times (they do this because they cut corners with school buses, so High/Middle/Elementary all have different start times so they can use the same batch of buses for each).

- Overpopulating classes. Another corner they cut to save money. Again, numerous studies proven that the smaller the class the better a student performs. When I was in HS, we had like 35 kids to a class. 2 kids could have been fucking in the back and the teacher probably wouldn't have noticed.

- School sports trump education. Are you aware how many student athletes are given free rides just because they're good at a certain sport? This is something that both High Schools and Universities do. There have been legitimate NFL players who have gone through universities who can barely read.


Also don't parrot that whole "Liberal Arts degree" nonsense. You realize that the term "Liberal Arts" encompasses a whole lot of majors, right? There are plenty of career fields to choose from. Something like "Art History"is a bit more useless.

And what's wrong with smoking pot? If anything, pot should help you learn as long as you're not using any wild strains. Helps you mellow out (students are very stressed). If more students smoked pot instead of drank alcohol and popped pills, we'd be much better off as a country.

my sister is 13 and they gave all the kids new chrome books to use in class. while this probably doesn't happen everyone. I don't see it as lack of supplies, but bad use of school funds. there's no reason the kids need chrome books in my opinion. especially when they can all just look up shit on their smart phones

There are definitely districts that have more funding than others, but there are more teachers who have to pay for basic supplies for their classrooms (pencils, markers, paper, erasers, etc etc) out of their own pocket than ones who are given a box of chrome books for their class. I do agree it is reckless spending. I'm sure that money could have been better spent on other things.
Sep 21, 2018 2:10 PM

Nov 2016
@deg ha I migrated from Mexico and I'm valedictorian of my school, so I guess the video is true then.
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Sep 21, 2018 3:03 PM

Oct 2012
We have a good university system, and a bad high school system. From what I hear, China has the opposite problem, a good high school system and bad university system.

However, due to money and historically held beliefs, all education today have some fundamental flaws. Noticeably, most schools still pretend that computers and interactive technology wasn't a thing for the past 20 years. Most schools still retain the lecture format, which has been shown scientifically as not being effective. Most schools refuse to record lectures so that students could replay them, because they fear that technology would eliminate their jobs (and maybe it will one day, in the form of Khan Academy, etc.). Most schools teach based on age groups and not understanding, due to a holdover from the Industrial Era, like 100+ years ago. Most universities are evaluated by how much research they churn out, which is a privilege to top students, but not how well the average student learns.

But then again, until we fix this "my tax dollars are more important than country infrastructure" attitude, there is no chance of anything improving in America except for by the philanthropy of private citizens, which is a contradiction to said attitude.

This is why -- to the OP -- forget trade schools. This is your only opportunity for the ascent. In the near future, the US will be sliding towards third world country standards, and you either have international mobility, or you don't. Don't be another disgruntled rural populist because you chose to be in the coal industry for past 30 years, despite obvious signs that the world is shifting to alternative energy sources. You think the US is unbeatable? Look around you. Even countries with shitty governments have high speed bullet trains and better education funding, etc., and we're still arguing about the merit of car emission improvements, or how much taxes a high speed train would cost if built between the 2nd and 3rd most populous cities in the country.
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