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Jul 24, 2016 5:03 PM

Jun 2016
I'm curious as to what your opinions are on the pairing of Lili and Su-won. I know that many fans of the series actually ship the two, but personally I would find it both awkward and incompatible. What are your thoughts on the subject? ^^
Aug 7, 2016 7:53 AM

Apr 2015
Hope they won't end up together. I really hate it when the author pairs up the 'spares'.
Aug 7, 2016 8:55 AM

Jun 2015
Nah, not so much. I'm on 50/50 tbh. The only pair I ship in here is Yona x Hak. No one else.

set by secret santa ; thank you! ily ♥️
Aug 7, 2016 9:47 AM

Apr 2016
I think Lili and Su-won have the potential to become a very compatible and lovely couple. They do appear to be opposites, since Su-won does not share his thoughts openly while Lili is more outspoken. I think that is the beauty of this pair - Lili can encourage Su-won to say the words he has always kept to himself, which is more evident in chapter 126. Even though Lili has a crush on Geun-tae, we already know THAT won't happen. Once Lili learns more about Su-won, her views on him could change!

If not lovers, I think they can become very good friends. :) So regardless, I do like this pair together.
Avatar credit: vuvuzela
Aug 8, 2016 3:44 PM

Jun 2016
Cloe900311 said:

If not lovers, I think they can become very good friends. :) So regardless, I do like this pair together.

I could see a deep friendship forming, which I would appreciate honestly. Still hesitant on the romance part, though. I like your insight though. :-) I'm especially hoping that because of Lili's presence, we will be able to find out more about Su-won's character. He's definitely an enigmatic one!
Aug 8, 2016 6:07 PM

Apr 2016
tsukina_ said:
Cloe900311 said:

If not lovers, I think they can become very good friends. :) So regardless, I do like this pair together.

I could see a deep friendship forming, which I would appreciate honestly. Still hesitant on the romance part, though. I like your insight though. :-) I'm especially hoping that because of Lili's presence, we will be able to find out more about Su-won's character. He's definitely an enigmatic one!

It would be so refreshing to see Su-won have a friend he can confide in. Lili is 17, while Su-won is only 18! I hope being in the same age group would contribute to improving their relationship. They prove to be a funny pair together, since (after learning that Su-won is the king) Lili used to start her speech by speaking informally and then revert to formality immediately - that is certainly interesting for Su-won, since he's used to interacting with people who address him accordingly as ruler of Kouka. Lili naturally warms up to Su-won without realizing it herself!

I like to notice the contrast between the way Su-won's behaved with Yona and Lili: he treated Yona like a child, while he's treated Lili as an acquainted adult. Su-won did begin by treating Lili like a child, when he insisted that he could not ignore a general's child and became her bodyguard. Yet, Lili proved that she's very capable, when we think of all of her courageous acts on behalf of her people. Su-won did admit to admiring Lili's bravery, at least. Lili also seems determined (she boldly asked questions Yona would never), so I can imagine more efforts on her part to learn more about him. So, while one person has a good impression, and the second person is determined, I think they are likelier to become friends at this rate.

I think it's true that romance may not occur, since Su-won insisted that he's unfamiliar with the concept. It would be interesting to see what would happen if Lili learned more about Su-won, but is then conflicted since she's friends with Yona. ... But, if Kusanagi chooses romance, Lili may teach those feelings to Su-won. The generals would be so happy if these two paired up, lol! Especially Geun-tae, who even dreamed of a future heir... Aside for the country's future, it would be Lili's way of moving on from Geun-tae. And considering what Lili would learn and what she may tell Yona, that could even affect our female protagonist.
Avatar credit: vuvuzela
Sep 29, 2016 11:40 AM

Jul 2015
I don't mind this ship, however, I do kinda see Su-Won potentially dying in the end so that ship wouldn't really work out.

caught in the wonder
Nov 25, 2016 2:59 PM
May 2015
I think it cute. I don't see it as a "let's pair these two up so everyone gets a happy end". I do think that they could work if given some more meaningful moments in the manga.

It's really funny to see everyone misinterpret Lili having a thing for Soo Won when she doesn't (Coz older and perhaps married men are her poison) and Soo Won being clueless as eff as to what's happening.

I like Yona x Hak but am not rabid about it. I don't ship Lili x Soo Won just because I want Hak x Yona to happen.
Nov 26, 2016 1:59 PM

Apr 2008
ShanaStrauss said:
It's really funny to see everyone misinterpret Lili having a thing for Soo Won

I don’t think that people misinterpret Lili having a thing for Soo Won. It is quite obvious that she is not in love with him, at least not yet. Lili may like Gun-Tae, but it is even more obvious that there will be no romance between these two and is Lili's crush is mostly for some comedy. At the same time, it is hard not to notice that she and Su-won are teased about being a couple and that they are shown to interact with each other, which is basically what a romance is. Two people interacting with each other, so if the author plans to have Lili with anyone Su-won is the most obvious person and the only logical option at this point.
Lain666Nov 26, 2016 2:06 PM
"The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful."
May 26, 2017 11:33 AM

Jul 2013
I do like their dynamics, but they're not quite couple material yet and after the latest chapter, Lili is probably pretty pissed off at Soowon...
May 26, 2017 6:25 PM

Mar 2013
Vsegda7 said:
Hope they won't end up together. I really hate it when the author pairs up the 'spares'.

Same here.
I think it will be too cliche if they end up together or if one of them fell to the other one.
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
May 27, 2017 12:17 PM

Apr 2008
Cuebee said:
Vsegda7 said:
Hope they won't end up together. I really hate it when the author pairs up the 'spares'.

Same here.
I think it will be too cliche if they end up together or if one of them fell to the other one.

It may not be the most original idea, but like with every idea everything will depend on the execution and if I wanted to be picky about ideas’ originality, I would point out that a princess chased out of the castle is not exactly the most original idea on this planet.

Nor is it super original that the main heroine in a shoujo series gets a protective and devoted guy.
"The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful."
May 27, 2017 5:41 PM

Mar 2013
Lain666 said:
Cuebee said:

Same here.
I think it will be too cliche if they end up together or if one of them fell to the other one.

It may not be the most original idea, but like with every idea everything will depend on the execution and if I wanted to be picky about ideas’ originality, I would point out that a princess chased out of the castle is not exactly the most original idea on this planet.

Nor is it super original that the main heroine in a shoujo series gets a protective and devoted guy.

Obviously a princess chased out of the castle is something that has been used a lot of times in novels, drama,movies etc. Most of what you can see in Any is not "original" idea.

And yes, even the idea of Soo won x Lily, two supporting characters ending up together isn't an original idea either, it has been used a lot of times. But for me, I do not like that idea to be used here in AnY. No, actually even in other series, that kind of thing is something that I never really liked, it's too cliche for me.

I don't know why you had to went on your way just to say that those things weren't "original ideas" as if I do not know about it. There are lots of things in AnY that you can see from other series (and most of them are actually done really good compared to how it is done in Any)
AnY isn't perfect, it has lots of super cliche moments, overused troupes and obviously non-original scenes, arcs that weren't really done well. So what are you pointing at?
CuebeeMay 27, 2017 7:09 PM
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
May 27, 2017 11:57 PM

Apr 2008
I may have been too snarky, so I apologize for it.

What I mean is that I think that the execution will matter more in the end than the originality of the idea. The idea may not be the most novel, but it makes sense for Soo-won and Lily to get together and if it is written well, I will not see any problem.

Also, I understand why you don’t like 'spare' characters getting together, as this is something that I often don’t like either. However, I think it is most annoying when said characters, or one of them, previously had a crush on the main character and is\are quickly, without proper build-up, paired up with someone else, so it looks like the character was awarded compensation for not getting the main character and to cheer up the fans of the character that their favorite will not stay heartbroken at the end of the series. Like showing fans that ‘well yeah, he or she didn’t get the main hero\heroine, but look he\she has found happiness with someone else. I hope you are content.’

In fact one of the reasons why I don’t like Yona & Hak is that Hak looks more like a compensation for Yona for not getting Soo-won due to Yona & Hak's romance being not well written. It is as if someone was saying ‘Poor girl, you didn’t get your beloved Soo-won, so please take this spare strong and devoted guy that is such a wish fulfillment for many girls.’ However, even this idea, even though not original, can be compelling if executed well, though I admit I remember only one series, Princess Tutu, that did an excellent job with this.

This would not be the case with Soo-won & Lily as everything indicates that Soo-won has seen Yona as nothing more than a sister and Lily has never been interested in Hak. Besides, we are getting a fairly good build-up for Soo-won & Lily, so it will not look like something taken completely out of the blue. I think it makes the whole thing a lot more palatable, at least for me.

As long as the idea makes sense in the narrative and is executed well, I don’t see the problem, though I of course understand that someone may not like it nonetheless.
Lain666May 28, 2017 12:46 AM
"The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful."
May 28, 2017 2:52 AM

Mar 2013
In fact one of the reasons why I don’t like Yona & Hak is that Hak looks more like a compensation for Yona for not getting Soo-won due to Yona & Hak's romance being not well written. It is as if someone was saying ‘Poor girl, you didn’t get your beloved Soo-won, so please take this spare strong and devoted guy that is such a wish fulfillment for many girls.’ However, even this idea, even though not original, can be compelling if executed well, though I admit I remember only one series, Princess Tutu, that did an excellent job with this.

Well I always find HakxYona scenes cliche and cheesy but it is clear that they are the main couple so I do not really care that much about the romance aspect of this manga.

Also I've seen other manga where two supporting characters ended up together and none of them liked the main leads. Example: They are just friends of the main couple.

Some of them are okay for me but most of them are not even though the execution was done well. But I just don't really like the idea of it happening in AnY, even if we are to say that Soo won "need" to get married someday therefore Lily is good option but still the idea is too cliche for me.

For you, it may be okay and I do not have any problem with that since it is your preference but for me it's not.
Not gonna argue again with a stupid troll.
May 29, 2017 11:58 PM

Feb 2016
I dont like it. I love suwon and lili but definitely not as a couple. I'll be really disappointed if they fall for each other
Jun 16, 2017 10:27 AM

Dec 2013
Most likely not since he isnt Lilis type at all. In the manga it was stated that she loves people older than 35 and the wild type. She has especially romantic feelings for General Guen Tae (dunno if he was written like that).

So Lili wont fell in love with him. Not only because of that but she also knows that he was the one who was loved by Yona and the one who killed Yonas father. There is no way that she would feel anything for him
Jun 27, 2017 10:47 PM
Jul 2018
I'll forever ship Yona x Soowon ;;
Oct 25, 2017 8:16 AM

Feb 2013
Let's just let people ship whatever they want. It may not be healthy but who are we to judge?

Personally, I was okay at the idea when Lili first came out and when she met Soo-won... However, going through the manga, I realised it's most probably unlikely. And even if they're given a relationship development later on, I feel the author would be very desperate to do that (if romantically) as Soo-won isn't likely to get involved with anyone - or rather, he doesn't intend to.

He seems to have a goal in mind, and romance is more than likely out of the picture for him.

Mar 4, 2018 6:39 AM
Sep 2015
I'm not smart enough to tell how Su-Won feel about Lili or what does the author have in plan for those two.

But, there's no harm if they achieved happiness by getting together, I think.

BTW, I'm also a Su-Won x Lili shipper.
Mar 6, 2018 7:21 AM

Nov 2007
I care about Yona X Lili. Not in a romantic way but they are just too precious.

As for Su-won:

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Mar 28, 2018 8:16 PM

Mar 2017
shanimebib said:
I care about Yona X Lili. Not in a romantic way but they are just too precious.

As for Su-won:

shanimebib said:
I care about Yona X Lili. Not in a romantic way but they are just too precious.

As for Su-won:

Your hate towards Su won is really strong.

Su won is the hero of this story...
Thanks to him, Kouka is saved, Yona become a loveable princess and Hak can be close with Yona...and of course the story become really interesting...

He deserves happiness..
Apr 5, 2018 4:18 PM

Jul 2012
I'm not sure how I feel, to be honest. On the one hand, I like their chemistry and think they work well off of each other. On the other, I don't know what Su-Won's end game will be and that could change my opinion about him in general to where I may not want him to end up with anyone and just die. That hasn't happened yet, though. So far he's been very careful, but I have bad feelings about what's to come.

"Wash, tell me I'm pretty."
Apr 6, 2018 2:54 PM

Apr 2008
FireFlyan said:
I'm not sure how I feel, to be honest. On the one hand, I like their chemistry and think they work well off of each other. On the other, I don't know what Su-Won's end game will be and that could change my opinion about him in general to where I may not want him to end up with anyone and just die. That hasn't happened yet, though. So far he's been very careful, but I have bad feelings about what's to come.

Well, I don’t see any good reason why Su-won should be killed off and I see some good reasons why he should not be killed off, so I think it is very likely that he and Lily are the end game.

First of all, he and Lily got a good amount of interactions between each other and it looks like a build up to Su-won & Lily. Sure, the author may kill him off, but what would be the point of this build-up?

Secondly, Yona is not interested in taking the throne and ruling. She seems to be better off helping and fighting among the ordinary people rather than ruling them and, for example, taking military decisions which will determine the success or failure of military operations, to which, let’s admit it, she is simply not prepared unlike Su-won who can outsmart generals.

Thirdly, Su-won started by defying expectations by not being turned into an evil tyrant, so to make a conclusion for him that would be no worse and satisfying it cannot be something cliched and killing him off would be cliché. If he was killed off while protecting Yona or/and Hak it would be super cliché.

So pretty much this. I don’t see a good reason to kill him off and in this situation I think it is highly likely that he and Lily will get together most probably after his past is revealed and more light is shed on his motivation.
"The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful."
Apr 19, 2018 3:32 PM

Jul 2012
Lain666 said:
FireFlyan said:
I'm not sure how I feel, to be honest. On the one hand, I like their chemistry and think they work well off of each other. On the other, I don't know what Su-Won's end game will be and that could change my opinion about him in general to where I may not want him to end up with anyone and just die. That hasn't happened yet, though. So far he's been very careful, but I have bad feelings about what's to come.

Well, I don’t see any good reason why Su-won should be killed off and I see some good reasons why he should not be killed off, so I think it is very likely that he and Lily are the end game.

First of all, he and Lily got a good amount of interactions between each other and it looks like a build up to Su-won & Lily. Sure, the author may kill him off, but what would be the point of this build-up?

Secondly, Yona is not interested in taking the throne and ruling. She seems to be better off helping and fighting among the ordinary people rather than ruling them and, for example, taking military decisions which will determine the success or failure of military operations, to which, let’s admit it, she is simply not prepared unlike Su-won who can outsmart generals.

Thirdly, Su-won started by defying expectations by not being turned into an evil tyrant, so to make a conclusion for him that would be no worse and satisfying it cannot be something cliched and killing him off would be cliché. If he was killed off while protecting Yona or/and Hak it would be super cliché.

So pretty much this. I don’t see a good reason to kill him off and in this situation I think it is highly likely that he and Lily will get together most probably after his past is revealed and more light is shed on his motivation.

I never said I wanted him to die at this moment. He hasn't done anything to warrant that, other than treason, but I don't think, if that is his only crime, that Yona would have him executed. Also, I don't want him to literally die, but he can "die" from the story in that we never see him again.
As for building Lily and Su-Won, there are a ton of reasons to do it if the end goal is to break it off, such as drama, but that is if it's going in that direction. It could lead to no where.
It's true that there is no reason NOW that he should be killed, I was talking about in the future and how it depends on his coming actions.
....And since you brought this up, because I didn't, Yona doesn't think she deserves the throne right now, but she has been doing a lot of good, including making allies with a nation that Su-Won would not have been able to. As for military matters, she would have a whole host of advisors, but I could see her making plenty of decisions of her own. So, there may come a time where she may deem it necessary to assume the throne if she feels Su-Won is not fit. She would not sit idly if things start to go wrong. Again, this is all speculation based on the possible actions of the characters in the FUTURE.

"Wash, tell me I'm pretty."
Apr 19, 2018 11:06 PM

Apr 2008
FireFlyan said:

I never said I wanted him to die at this moment. He hasn't done anything to warrant that, other than treason, but I don't think, if that is his only crime, that Yona would have him executed. Also, I don't want him to literally die, but he can "die" from the story in that we never see him again.
As for building Lily and Su-Won, there are a ton of reasons to do it if the end goal is to break it off, such as drama, but that is if it's going in that direction. It could lead to no where.
It's true that there is no reason NOW that he should be killed, I was talking about in the future and how it depends on his coming actions.
....And since you brought this up, because I didn't, Yona doesn't think she deserves the throne right now, but she has been doing a lot of good, including making allies with a nation that Su-Won would not have been able to. As for military matters, she would have a whole host of advisors, but I could see her making plenty of decisions of her own. So, there may come a time where she may deem it necessary to assume the throne if she feels Su-Won is not fit. She would not sit idly if things start to go wrong. Again, this is all speculation based on the possible actions of the characters in the FUTURE.

Yes, I agree that it may change, but I think this story want last long enough, will not be twice as long, to show in a plausible way how Yona turns into a good ruler material.

I agree she can assume the throne and have advisors, but I don’t think it is a satisfactory ending at this point to turn her into a ruler who is heavily depended on her advisors. Again it would be better in this case to make this manga longer and, for example, show how she struggles with ruling the kingdom. Something that the anime the Twelve Kingdoms has done and where Youko, who has no idea about ruling, becomes one and it of course means problems for her who knows nothing even if she has advisors.

I don’t mean to say it is not possible to show Yona as a good ruler, but either way the manga would need to be considerably longer to make it look good. If it started earlier and after the Awa arc she started to think, for example, how good administration and bad administration can affect the country and its people and learnt how it works and had ideas how to improve it, it would be possible to pull it off convincingly now, but it is not the case and she focused on skills that will make her a good warrior, archery and swordsmanship, not a good ruler.
"The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful."
Apr 19, 2018 11:49 PM

Oct 2015
That sounds like an awful idea, I already don't like their interactions as it is.

π”šπ”žπ”«π”«π”ž 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠π”₯ 𝔢𝔬𝔲,
π”šπ”žπ”«π”±π”¦π”«' 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱π”₯ π”žπ”©π”© π”ͺ𝔢 π”ͺ𝔦𝔀π”₯𝔱

Apr 22, 2018 6:04 PM

Jul 2012
Lain666 said:

Yes, I agree that it may change, but I think this story want last long enough, will not be twice as long, to show in a plausible way how Yona turns into a good ruler material.

I agree she can assume the throne and have advisors, but I don’t think it is a satisfactory ending at this point to turn her into a ruler who is heavily depended on her advisors. Again it would be better in this case to make this manga longer and, for example, show how she struggles with ruling the kingdom. Something that the anime the Twelve Kingdoms has done and where Youko, who has no idea about ruling, becomes one and it of course means problems for her who knows nothing even if she has advisors.

I don’t mean to say it is not possible to show Yona as a good ruler, but either way the manga would need to be considerably longer to make it look good. If it started earlier and after the Awa arc she started to think, for example, how good administration and bad administration can affect the country and its people and learnt how it works and had ideas how to improve it, it would be possible to pull it off convincingly now, but it is not the case and she focused on skills that will make her a good warrior, archery and swordsmanship, not a good ruler.

Well, I don't see the manga ending any time soon, so we may very well get that story line. I do want to say that I don't think it would be weak of her to depend on advisors, as long as she makes the final decisions. There are many things she doesn't know about because she was kept out of the loop on purpose, so having people around that are verse on these subjects will let her learn about them in time. I think that would be satisfying to me if it ended with her in that position and a nod to a future where she won't need to rely on them as much would be fine. But I also wouldn't mind seeing her at the castle too.

"Wash, tell me I'm pretty."
Apr 24, 2018 11:57 AM

Apr 2008
FireFlyan said:
Well, I don't see the manga ending any time soon, so we may very well get that story line. I do want to say that I don't think it would be weak of her to depend on advisors, as long as she makes the final decisions. There are many things she doesn't know about because she was kept out of the loop on purpose, so having people around that are verse on these subjects will let her learn about them in time. I think that would be satisfying to me if it ended with her in that position and a nod to a future where she won't need to rely on them as much would be fine. But I also wouldn't mind seeing her at the castle too.

I see. For me if the manga is supposed to have a satisfying ending I want to see the story to build up to it. So far her development has not been leading her to being a good ruler, so it would seem like a change in direction. Right now it just does not tie very well with what came before.

As for making a time skip to show her as a good ruler, I think it is rather a lazy way of showing something that should have been shown in the story if her being the ruler is the end game. This manga focuses so much on Yona’s development and transformation from a spoiled princess, it is basically one of the main themes. For me omitting her development to a good ruler, which is a very important piece of it that is essential to the conclusion if she ends up as the ruler, would look really bad.

As I think wrote somewhere on this forum, it would be like writer saying to readers: “I have no time to show how she is developing into a good queen/have no idea how to show her developing into a good queen, so I will just make a time skip and hope readers will be glad seeing nothing/next to nothing of her development.”

As for the manga not ending soon, I agree, but I doubt it will be twice as long. Maybe it will go on for a year and a half, but another 9 years seem unlikely to me.
"The moment one sits down to think, one becomes all nose, or all forehead, or something horrid. Look at the successful men in any of the learned professions. How perfectly hideous they are! Except, of course, in the Church. But then in the Church they don't think. A bishop keeps on saying at the age of eighty what he was told to say when he was a boy of eighteen, and as a natural consequence he always looks absolutely delightful."
Apr 29, 2018 7:34 PM

Jul 2012
Lain666 said:

I see. For me if the manga is supposed to have a satisfying ending I want to see the story to build up to it. So far her development has not been leading her to being a good ruler, so it would seem like a change in direction. Right now it just does not tie very well with what came before.

As for making a time skip to show her as a good ruler, I think it is rather a lazy way of showing something that should have been shown in the story if her being the ruler is the end game. This manga focuses so much on Yona’s development and transformation from a spoiled princess, it is basically one of the main themes. For me omitting her development to a good ruler, which is a very important piece of it that is essential to the conclusion if she ends up as the ruler, would look really bad.

As I think wrote somewhere on this forum, it would be like writer saying to readers: “I have no time to show how she is developing into a good queen/have no idea how to show her developing into a good queen, so I will just make a time skip and hope readers will be glad seeing nothing/next to nothing of her development.”

As for the manga not ending soon, I agree, but I doubt it will be twice as long. Maybe it will go on for a year and a half, but another 9 years seem unlikely to me.

I disagree and think her development is leading toward something like that. Whether it is the actual throne, I don't know, but it's possible.

I didn't really mean a time skip, just maybe some foreshadowing.

"Wash, tell me I'm pretty."
May 5, 2018 7:46 AM
Mar 2015
In Chapter 157 he told Lily that he kept her around to get rid of the rumors that he is gay and decrease the pressure to get married
After reading this you really have to wonder if SuWon is gay
May 26, 2021 12:31 AM
Jan 2021
I love it ahhh, It's one of my favorite ships!! I hope they end up tgt
Jun 1, 2021 12:28 PM
Jul 2019
Personally i don't know how I would react if they end up together I Just don't feel anything for gang, I'm neither against to them nor I ship them
Jun 11, 2021 3:23 PM
Jan 2019
I don't ship them but I think think they could work well as a couple, but they're not close enough for that right now. Currently with the issue of Su-won's health problems, the fate of the nation, and the betrayal between his friends, it would be odd af if he fell for someone he just met. He's more likely to die.

However if he lives somehow, I think Lili is the only one left who'll be there for him in the long-term. The fact that she wants to know more about him like she wanted to know more about Yona -- and that he's similar to Yona, who ended up being her best friend, I think she might end up falling for him sometime in the future. Lili is someone who sees both sides of the conflict between Su-Won and Yona/Hak, so she would the one who understands Su-Won's pain the most and would be able to be a mediator between him and his lost friends. I sometimes think that she might end up saving him from his depression.
hungryapplepie2Jun 11, 2021 3:32 PM
Jul 20, 2021 4:13 PM

Oct 2011
Well, I really believe Soo-won is gay, and he hasn't "discovered" that side of him yet, or at least assumed. I think Kye-Sook has a thing for him too.

So, I'm for Soo-won x Kye-Sook ship!

I also believe there's a very unresolved thing between Soo-won and Hak. I would like to know more about Soo-won's thoughts on Hak, because the way the mangaka is putting, by not revealing this, it seems like Soo-won thinks less of Hak because he is inferior to him, and not related to the Wind tribe any longer. So, he became "forgotten" to the King. I think I finally understand where Yona stands in his heart, but not Hak:
I would like to see this more developed in the plot.
SenshigeiaJul 20, 2021 4:17 PM

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