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Jan 7, 2017 5:15 AM

Jul 2015
Can sameone reccomand something without review please ? :D
Jan 7, 2017 5:16 AM

May 2015
Please recommend me some anime for #59, boyos. Anything goes :)
Jan 7, 2017 5:16 AM

May 2015
Lestat- said:
What is even meant by pattern? I feel there should be some alterations to the choice of words and sentence structures in the explanation to the challenge, as many things can be interpreted differently. (An example of this; "Watch a completed anime with a popularity of or above #601" — seeing that above means better in the case of tallying a list, it shouldn't be interpreted as is explained earlier in this thread, meaning #602, #603... etc., the challenge should instead say below.)
If the challenge actually means shows with popularity of #602, #603... etc then I think the wording is fine. Above doesn't necessarily mean better, it means bigger more than better. It does say more or less popular it says above the number 601 so bigger than 601 not more popular than 601.

JoePanichelli said:
Please recommend me some anime for #59, boyos. Anything goes :)
Hyouge Mono, if too long maybe Mononoke.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 7, 2017 5:25 AM

May 2015
zal said:
Lestat- said:
What is even meant by pattern? I feel there should be some alterations to the choice of words and sentence structures in the explanation to the challenge, as many things can be interpreted differently. (An example of this; "Watch a completed anime with a popularity of or above #601" — seeing that above means better in the case of tallying a list, it shouldn't be interpreted as is explained earlier in this thread, meaning #602, #603... etc., the challenge should instead say below.)
If the challenge actually means shows with popularity of #602, #603... etc then I think the wording is fine. Above doesn't necessarily mean better, it means bigger more than better. It does say more or less popular it says above the number 601 so bigger than 601 not more popular than 601.

JoePanichelli said:
Please recommend me some anime for #59, boyos. Anything goes :)
Hyouge Mono, if too long maybe Mononoke.

I'm super cool with Mononoke! Thanks a bunch
Jan 7, 2017 5:26 AM

Jan 2013
12. Watch an anime with/by an artist in the Top 50 People
Just making sure again... :^) This is fine if the person is a voice actor? The word 'artist' confuses me, but then again the Top 50 is mostly just seiyuus, so it must be okay?
Jan 7, 2017 5:28 AM

May 2015
JoePanichelli said:
zal said:
If the challenge actually means shows with popularity of #602, #603... etc then I think the wording is fine. Above doesn't necessarily mean better, it means bigger more than better. It does say more or less popular it says above the number 601 so bigger than 601 not more popular than 601.

Hyouge Mono, if too long maybe Mononoke.

I'm super cool with Mononoke! Thanks a bunch
Mononoke is a sequel but you don't really need to watch the prequel. However if you want you should watch the last 3 episodes of Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror. Those episodes have a bit of relevancy in the second story but they are optional.

However from what you've written on your profile "I have a knack for animation, narrative design and overthinking silly shit. Dramas and slice-of-life are muh jam" and the high compatibility I think that you would love or at least like Hyouge Mono, consider giving it a chance.
zalJan 7, 2017 5:33 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 7, 2017 5:33 AM

Jan 2017
Brand said:
"Watch a completed anime with a popularity of or above #601"
is that means an anime with a higher ranking than 601, or a lower ranking than 601?

it means anything that is ranked as 601 or higher, like 602, 603, 604 and so on

That doesn't make sense. The lower the number the most popular the title is so #1 is the most popular title on MAL. So should it be titles with numbers going less than 600?

Well that's the idea, to watch something not so popular...

Ren-chan said:
so for the Historical, Martial Arts, Samurai and/or Super Power and similar ones, the anime we choose has to have at least 2 of those tags? or 1? 3? I'm still confused :(
Or like Action and/or Adventure, do we just pick 1?
also I need help with Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese - no fictional settings, has to be a real nationality; state the character/nationality. 91 Days wouldnt work because Lawless, Illinois isnt a real place, or am I misunderstanding?

For the ones that require a tag the < and/or > means that it can be any of them or all them. It can have just one or a combination of them.
As for the Nationaliy one yes. It has to make reference and/or clearly state a real place/nationality. Something like Baccano! or Kekkai Sensen works.

ADelicateOrange said:
Also, how do I come into contact with MAL for #73? I only have Naruto: Shippuden as my only drop, and no on holds. Does anyone know when it's going to end? I know it's going to be a bear to finish when it does conclude.

Given your case you have one of two options :
1) Finish watching the completed anime that you have been watching the longest (let's say something like Gintama?)
2) Start a new title, watch one or 3 episodes, leave it there for about 3-4 months and then finish it (that would count as on-hold)

zombie_pegasus said:
All "elitist" anime like LoGH, Aria the Animation, and Tatami Galaxy have this property. Recently completed anime will also be like this, but by the time you finish the challenge they likely won't be. Find any anime with over a 7.8 that has under 100k members and you'll likely find more.

They shouldn't worry about it after, since it ask for how the stats are just when they start watching it...

GamerDLM said:
Just as a preemptive question, do we really need to edit the bingo card for turn-in in the event that the pattern can't be rotated or inverted (Ie. Diamond or Full Card)?
It just seems unnecessarily tedious so I was kind of wondering what was the specific purpose outside of that specific exception.

If you go for any pattern, yes. You have to turn-in your bingo card edited... if it's tedious for you imagine how it will be for use if everyone turned-in their challenge without that...
The only ones that don't have to mark down their card are those going for a Full Card.

@Sojin thanks for that explanation (post #136). Will link to it in the FAQ

@I_Donut please don't double post, just edit your last reply

mozgow said:
Sojin said:
Sweetheart there is a total of 74 challenges, and you only need to complete the 48 challenges from your bingo card and 1 challenge of your choice making 49 challenges, SO U NEED THE CARD
I know that I need to have a Bingo Card (and I created one for the challenge). But do I really need to create a patterned version of it, where I mark the ones I watched for the challenge?
I think only @AWC_mod can answer that.

and @Sojin @Jinbou @zal
As answered above, only those who turn-in with a Full Card don't need to go to the trouble of marking down everything.... since, well, they did everything ;D

zombie_pegasus said:
I'm going to be restricting myself to only anime 100 minutes and up. Is there anything I can get from this or should I just keep this to myself? It's so easy to cheat with "TV series only" that I don't even trust myself with that restriction and it also restricts me from movies and longer anime of other types. After all the shortest TV anime is 180 seconds while the shortest anime entry is 3 seconds, not much of a difference.

Sadly no. You have to use one of those restrictions provided

Plate said:
"67. Watch an anime that starts with the same second letter as your username"
Starts with the same second letter? Or has the same second letter? Either "starts" or "same" needs to be removed for this to make sense.

It doesn't need any word removed.... It means that you need to watch an anime which title start with the same second letter your username has. In your case you need an anime which title starts with < L >
and @aifukola yes, for you is < I >

@puraragi thanks for your explanation (post #195). Will link to it in the FAQ

Shuichi2 said:
I haven't started yet cos I'm half asleep and it isn't making much sense to me, but can any anime chosen for this overlap from any other challenges from the challenge club? I'd like to know before I decide on a difficulty.

For this challenge, as long as it's something watched during 2017 you can use it. As for the club you better ask there (but there are challenges over there that can't overlap with this one)

aifukola said:
12. Watch an anime with/by an artist in the Top 50 People
Just making sure again... :^) This is fine if the person is a voice actor? The word 'artist' confuses me, but then again the Top 50 is mostly just seiyuus, so it must be okay?

Yes, anyone listed there
Jan 7, 2017 5:49 AM

Dec 2014
How do I find an anime that is broadcasted? And where is it broadcasted?
Jan 7, 2017 5:49 AM
Jul 2018
Hey hey guys~ I got this as one of the challenges:
59. Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread - link the post here
Can anyone be so kind to recommend an anime for me? If possible please refer to my progress in this challenge so that you don't suggest an anime that's already in the list, thanks!
Jan 7, 2017 5:49 AM

May 2015
zal said:
JoePanichelli said:

I'm super cool with Mononoke! Thanks a bunch
Mononoke is a sequel but you don't really need to watch the prequel. However if you want you should watch the last 3 episodes of Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror. Those episodes have a bit of relevancy in the second story but they are optional.

However from what you've written on your profile "I have a knack for animation, narrative design and overthinking silly shit. Dramas and slice-of-life are muh jam" and the high compatibility I think that you would love or at least like Hyouge Mono, consider giving it a chance.

Thanks for the info on Ayakashi. I will be checking out Hyouge Mono as #56 entry since it does indeed look like my kind of thingy. I'll have you know how that goes :D
Jan 7, 2017 6:01 AM

Jul 2016
Hello, I need help with the #59. I would like a comedy and no more than 26 episodes.
Jan 7, 2017 6:02 AM

Feb 2014
11. Watch one of the 5 lowest scored anime from your favorite studio

I'm a bit confused with this one. Does this only apply for certain anime such as movies or TV series? Because most of the series I find are all sequels, picture dramas or other specials for other series. They're also usually very short, like 1 episode that is 3 minutes long

59. Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread

And while I'm at it, some recommendations would be appreciated, throw your best anime at me

Jan 7, 2017 6:07 AM

May 2009
Edd601 said:
59. Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread

And while I'm at it, some recommendations would be appreciated, throw your best anime at me

saw darker than black is in your ptw - give it a try!! :)
Jan 7, 2017 6:09 AM
Dec 2013
SilverDio said:
Hello, I need help with the #59. I would like a comedy and no more than 26 episodes.

Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa is pretty good, 13 episodes, fairly goofy
Jan 7, 2017 6:09 AM

Feb 2014
protoplasm said:
Edd601 said:
59. Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread

And while I'm at it, some recommendations would be appreciated, throw your best anime at me

saw darker than black is in your ptw - give it a try!! :)

Thanks! I'll add that one to my challenge :)

Jan 7, 2017 6:10 AM

Feb 2016
I just signed up for the 2017 Anime Watching Challenge and I'm searching and choosing the anime shows I'll watch in the near future. ;) But I need your help with this requirement:

"anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread"

So, could anyone recommend some good anime shows? Just keep them coming! ;)

Thanks in advance!
Jan 7, 2017 6:11 AM

Mar 2014
>You can edit your form whenever you'd like after posting; however, please keep the font size readable.
Just for confirmation, this means we can make it to look however we want as long as we keep the necessary information readable, right?
Jan 7, 2017 6:13 AM

Mar 2008
Hi all, I need recommendations for #59. Thank you!
Jan 7, 2017 6:13 AM

Jul 2012
Well, here we go again. I started off strong last year but then I was practically on a break from anime for a few months. I'll try to spread my watching more evenly this time around so as to not burn out. The bingo card is a neat idea, although I think it'll require more planning on what to watch.

Good luck to all the participants!
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Jan 7, 2017 6:16 AM
Apr 2015
hello !! I need a recommendation for #59 please ! Thank you !
Jan 7, 2017 6:17 AM

Dec 2014
I thought last years sign-up took a lot of time for me to get right. This time it didn't just take a while for me to get my form how I wanted it but was also really confusing with the bingo cards and how they worked. Oh well, it's done now so I don't have to worry about it again.
Jan 7, 2017 6:17 AM

Mar 2008
ForgetMeNot05 said:
I just signed up for the 2017 Anime Watching Challenge and I'm searching and choosing the anime shows I'll watch in the near future. ;) But I need your help with this requirement:

"anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread"

So, could anyone recommend some good anime shows? Just keep them coming! ;)

Thanks in advance!

I see Barakamon in your plan to watch. I thought that was pretty good and I ended up reading the manga as well. While we are at it, would you mind giving me some recommendations??
Jan 7, 2017 6:17 AM
Jul 2018
SilverDio said:
Hello, I need help with the #59. I would like a comedy and no more than 26 episodes.
Amagi Brilliant Park? If I remember correctly it was comedy owo
Jan 7, 2017 6:21 AM

Dec 2014
yenlin said:
Hi all, I need recommendations for #59. Thank you!

You have 3,900+ completed and you haven't seen Gunbuster? For shame!

Astia said:
hello !! I need a recommendation for #59 please ! Thank you !

Haikyuu!! is great but if you want something shorter Junketsu no Maria was a great anime that went under the radar.
Jan 7, 2017 6:22 AM

Apr 2014
Sooo, I got challenge number 59:

--Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread--

Soo anyone recommend me something :3 <3

Oh and gluck to everyone!
Jan 7, 2017 6:23 AM
Émilia Hoarfrost

Dec 2015
I haven't read the 5 pages but here's the deal :
I'm watching more anime in my currently watching list than in my completed list.
Can I use anime of my currently watching list to do the challenge?
Is this cheating if I use to finish the 17th challenge (Years : 1990-1999) Great Teacher Onizuka, which I watched 40/43 episodes the last year?

Can I use anime from my currently watching list to finish the challenge?
@OneDerpian watch Gokusen or Btooom or Hidan no Aria

Jan 7, 2017 6:25 AM
Apr 2015
bdsbff said:

Astia said:
hello !! I need a recommendation for #59 please ! Thank you !

Haikyuu!! is great but if you want something shorter Junketsu no Maria was a great anime that went under the radar.

Thank you so much ! I will watch Haikyuu!!, I see it everywhere!
Jan 7, 2017 6:33 AM

Sep 2016
yenlin said:

I see Barakamon in your plan to watch. I thought that was pretty good and I ended up reading the manga as well. While we are at it, would you mind giving me some recommendations??

I skimmed through your list, I think you would like Doukyuusei (Movie) or Omoide no Marnie

edit: ninja'd (not really, I'm just late). You could still put them in your plan to watch if they aren't already there
Jan 7, 2017 6:34 AM

Mar 2008
bdsbff said:
yenlin said:
Hi all, I need recommendations for #59. Thank you!

You have 3,900+ completed and you haven't seen Gunbuster? For shame!

Astia said:
hello !! I need a recommendation for #59 please ! Thank you !

Haikyuu!! is great but if you want something shorter Junketsu no Maria was a great anime that went under the radar.

Thanks for the recommendation! I am going to watch it.
Jan 7, 2017 6:37 AM

Feb 2016
yenlin said:
ForgetMeNot05 said:
I just signed up for the 2017 Anime Watching Challenge and I'm searching and choosing the anime shows I'll watch in the near future. ;) But I need your help with this requirement:

"anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread"

So, could anyone recommend some good anime shows? Just keep them coming! ;)

Thanks in advance!

I see Barakamon in your plan to watch. I thought that was pretty good and I ended up reading the manga as well. While we are at it, would you mind giving me some recommendations??

Thank you for recommendation! I think I'll add Barakamon to my list. :D Hope I'll enjoy it as much as you did.

I'd love to recommend some anime to you, but I noticed that our anime lists overlap quite a bit, and you watched about 85% of anime on my list. :D However, there is one I'd like to recommend: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji. I must say I liked it a lot. :)
Jan 7, 2017 6:38 AM
May 2014
Trying to find a stand-alone OVA. Anyone have any suggestions?
Jan 7, 2017 6:41 AM

Apr 2014
Lolsebca said:
I haven't read the 5 pages but here's the deal :
I'm watching more anime in my currently watching list than in my completed list.
Can I use anime of my currently watching list to do the challenge?
Is this cheating if I use to finish the 17th challenge (Years : 1990-1999) Great Teacher Onizuka, which I watched 40/43 episodes the last year?

Can I use anime from my currently watching list to finish the challenge?
@OneDerpian watch Gokusen or Btooom or Hidan no Aria

Thank you for the recommended shows!

I will watch BTOOM!
Jan 7, 2017 6:44 AM

Mar 2008
Kamidox said:
yenlin said:

I see Barakamon in your plan to watch. I thought that was pretty good and I ended up reading the manga as well. While we are at it, would you mind giving me some recommendations??

I skimmed through your list, I think you would like Doukyuusei (Movie) or Omoide no Marnie

edit: ninja'd (not really, I'm just late). You could still put them in your plan to watch if they aren't already there

They look pretty good. I have just added them to my plan to watch list. Thanks!
Jan 7, 2017 6:46 AM

Apr 2015
Hi~ So I got the lucky number 59 on my bingo card. Can someone please recommend me an anime?
59. Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread - link the post here
Jan 7, 2017 6:47 AM

Dec 2015
Marsh said:
Hey hey guys~ I got this as one of the challenges:
59. Watch an anime recommended to you in the challenge discussion thread - link the post here
Can anyone be so kind to recommend an anime for me? If possible please refer to my progress in this challenge so that you don't suggest an anime that's already in the list, thanks!
Yoo I will recommend Detroit Metal City, have fun watching it ;)
Jan 7, 2017 6:48 AM

Jul 2012
Lolsebca said:
I haven't read the 5 pages but here's the deal :
I'm watching more anime in my currently watching list than in my completed list.
Can I use anime of my currently watching list to do the challenge?
Is this cheating if I use to finish the 17th challenge (Years : 1990-1999) Great Teacher Onizuka, which I watched 40/43 episodes the last year?

Can I use anime from my currently watching list to finish the challenge?
@OneDerpian watch Gokusen or Btooom or Hidan no Aria

No, you have to both start and finish all the anime you use for the challenge during 2017*.

*with the exception of the on-hold/dropped one.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Jan 7, 2017 6:49 AM

Mar 2008
ForgetMeNot05 said:
yenlin said:

I see Barakamon in your plan to watch. I thought that was pretty good and I ended up reading the manga as well. While we are at it, would you mind giving me some recommendations??

Thank you for recommendation! I think I'll add Barakamon to my list. :D Hope I'll enjoy it as much as you did.

I'd love to recommend some anime to you, but I noticed that our anime lists overlap quite a bit, and you watched about 85% of anime on my list. :D However, there is one I'd like to recommend: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji. I must say I liked it a lot. :)

Thanks! I will watch it. The animation looks pretty awesome =)
Jan 7, 2017 6:50 AM

Jul 2014
Mayutchi said:
Trying to find a stand-alone OVA. Anyone have any suggestions?
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster

(character limit)
Jan 7, 2017 6:51 AM

Mar 2016
4. Watch a Music type anime
^ So it's a simple music video that counts? Or is a show like K-On!, etc. meant? It's a bit vague.

@JackieNinja: I'd recommend Jyu-Oh-Sei. You might like that.
Jan 7, 2017 6:51 AM

Jan 2017
Paulo27 said:
>You can edit your form whenever you'd like after posting; however, please keep the font size readable.
Just for confirmation, this means we can make it to look however we want as long as we keep the necessary information readable, right?

Try to keep the provided format (play around that), please

Lolsebca said:
I haven't read the 5 pages but here's the deal :
I'm watching more anime in my currently watching list than in my completed list.
Can I use anime of my currently watching list to do the challenge?
Is this cheating if I use to finish the 17th challenge (Years : 1990-1999) Great Teacher Onizuka, which I watched 40/43 episodes the last year?

Can I use anime from my currently watching list to finish the challenge?

As stated you can only use anime watched during 2017. So yes, it won't be valid if you try to use any anime started before 2017

@Schlopsi anything that is Type: Music (like Shelter)
Jan 7, 2017 6:52 AM

Jul 2014
Schlopsi said:
4. Watch a Music type anime
^ So it's a simple music video that counts? Or is a show like K-On!, etc. meant? It's a bit vague.

@JackieNinja: I'd recommend Jyu-Oh-Sei. You might like that.
I think it must have music in its genres.
Jan 7, 2017 6:53 AM
May 2014
mozgow said:
Mayutchi said:
Trying to find a stand-alone OVA. Anyone have any suggestions?
Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster

(character limit)

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. <3
Jan 7, 2017 6:54 AM

Mar 2016
mozgow said:
I think it must have music in its genres.

Thanks. I just checked the advanced search where you can choose the type "music". It spits out mostly music videos.
Jan 7, 2017 6:57 AM

Mar 2016
Can someone give me a recommendation for an anime? (btw give me something good)

Thanks in advance.
Jan 7, 2017 7:00 AM

Feb 2016
yenlin said:
ForgetMeNot05 said:

Thank you for recommendation! I think I'll add Barakamon to my list. :D Hope I'll enjoy it as much as you did.

I'd love to recommend some anime to you, but I noticed that our anime lists overlap quite a bit, and you watched about 85% of anime on my list. :D However, there is one I'd like to recommend: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji. I must say I liked it a lot. :)

Thanks! I will watch it. The animation looks pretty awesome =)

Yup, the animation is great. I find it similar to Sukitte Ii na yo. which I loved although it's much more serious than Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji. :)
Jan 7, 2017 7:09 AM

Jan 2013
Schlopsi said:
mozgow said:
I think it must have music in its genres.

Thanks. I just checked the advanced search where you can choose the type "music". It spits out mostly music videos.
this means the music as in type, not genre.
Jan 7, 2017 7:11 AM

Sep 2016
Soma-tan said:
Can someone give me a recommendation for an anime? (btw give me something good)

Thanks in advance.

You might like these:
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Ore Monogarari!!
There She Is!!

I wasn't really sure, but since you seem to like romance I just went with these
Jan 7, 2017 7:17 AM
Aug 2016
Stupid question maybe but do rewatches count? Or must they be all new?
Example, it's been years since I watched Trigun, but if I want to watch it again, can I let it count for any of my challenges?
Jan 7, 2017 7:19 AM

Nov 2013
So i need a rec, TV type preferably comedy or slice of life. Thanks!

Jan 7, 2017 7:21 AM

Apr 2014
Hellow :3

I have a question regarding challenge number 58: It says,

--For the following items, the anime should have a total duration of 16 minutes or more.--

And I want to go for the kids, magic anime Fastening Days (

It consists of 2 episodes wich are 10 minutes each, does this anime qualify for this challenge?
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