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Why do people prefer manga- asking as anime watcher

Oct 21, 2016 2:14 PM
Oct 2016
I dont like manga. I never read one nor will read one. But im interested in why do people prefer manga over anime.
Ignore the fact that there are more stories in manga than anime.
I mean, anime has moving characters, you can hear them talking, If you sre an ecchi lover: you got animated moving oppao, if ur into action: you got these dazzling explosions and brightly bright colors. Yet people choose manga.
Why? Thx in advance
Well dayum
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Oct 21, 2016 2:17 PM

Sep 2009
Most anime have a slow pace and are boring, but when you read manga, you can speed it up by reading faster. Also, a lot of anime are just adaptations that leave things out and don't actually tell the story very well. Or are just plain bad.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Oct 21, 2016 2:47 PM

Aug 2012
It's pretty much the same as ask why would someone read a book over watch a movie.
They are two different kinds of medium and some people prefer one over the other.
I prefer manga and in the same way you defended why you like anime better I could spend the whole day singing Manga's praises. But in the end it's just personal preference.
Oct 21, 2016 2:52 PM
Oct 2016
Daemyx said:
It's pretty much the same as ask why would someone read a book over watch a movie.
They are two different kinds of medium and some people prefer one over the other.
I prefer manga and in the same way you defended why you like anime better I could spend the whole day singing Manga's praises. But in the end it's just personal preference.
I C... Welp thx for clearing 4 me
Well dayum
Oct 21, 2016 6:17 PM
Nov 2013
You can control the pacing of a manga, and in regards to action, rather than see the action on a screen, you can use your imagination, which some people like.

Plus one could argue that the manga is the most complete version of any story. Very rarely are anime perfectly adapted, so if someone wants to see something in its entirety, then they'll read the manga instead. (I.e Midori Days anime tells the story in a roundabout manor and doesn't end while the manga obviously stays true and was how the story was originally intended to be told).

Plus personal preferences
And I don't even read manga much
Oct 21, 2016 8:43 PM

Jun 2013
Like has been said, pacing is the biggest factor in choosing manga over anime.

Also it let's me be the hipster douche since I can tell people just how good an anime could be cause I already read the manga.
Oct 21, 2016 11:44 PM

Oct 2015
well i dont know about others but i prefer manga over its counterpart anime generally because manga remains more in tune to the authors perspective. not saying anime doesnt have it, it is just that sometimes anime just doesnt do justice to its manga.
Oct 22, 2016 12:09 AM
Jul 2018
PlayHardGoPro10 said:
I dont like manga. I never read one nor will read one.

You don't like something you never experimented…?

Manga is better for appreciating the art, and arguably, the average manga have a better art than the average anime. Especially when you're reading manga with a monthly publication or even slower.

PlayHardGoPro10 said:
Ignore the fact that there are more stories in manga than anime.

How can I ignore that fact?
I mean, manga are relatively inexpensive to make, thus the authors have very large liberty to do what they want. Anime are expensive to make, so there is more pressures for them being successful, thus they are more calibrated for the public: less liberty, less creativity, less experiment, more censorship.
In the contrary, it's a very important factor to me.
Oct 22, 2016 12:23 AM

Feb 2015
-Manga usually looks better
-better pacing
-most anime cut out content
-some manga never got animated
Oct 22, 2016 2:55 AM

Oct 2016
Anime adaptations are too often butchered versions of the manga, with sudden endings out of nowhere, horrible pacing issues, filler, and censorship. Aside from that it's mainly just preference. Sometimes I find conversations in anime don't flow or feel forced, but with manga, being altered by my imagination, it feels more natural. (This could just be bad voice acting, of course...)

That's not to say anime can't be better at times, but I personally much prefer reading manga overall, and will happily shell out for physical volumes while I wouldn't buy an anime DVD.
Oct 22, 2016 4:42 AM
Oct 2016
I can agree with all of you guys on manga and i think i understand why its better for you, but if ur gonna ask how im not reading manga and how can i say it without experiencing it, the answer is because i came into the japanese TV culture(you can say manga too) because its like movies, but in animes it all happens better, and there are alot more genres you can do in anime, where in IRL movies it isnt possible.

Manga has say more advantages than anime when it comes to content, quality, quantity, etc
Anime has the advantage of audio, movement, and effects(Explosions, Sparkles etc)
Animes are usually cutting scenes, removing content to fit it into the 12/24 episode thing(if theyre adapted on manga) censorship, and alot of issues, and manga also have more mangas than anime, in a huge gap, sometimes animes look bad(bad animation) and in a big number of times, they dont finish where the manga did, leaving viewers waiting for seasons, which will not come.

I concluded a bit of what you guys said. Is anything wrong with it? I think i got the idea. Considering this post.

Are there any more reasons why you prefer manga?
Well dayum
Oct 22, 2016 8:10 AM

Jun 2008
One thing that I don't see mentioned often. Manga tends to be a lot more personal. Typically, a single person is responsible for most of it. Of course there are also mangaka's assistants, and the publisher can dictate some choices too. But still, in most manga titles you can sort of feel the mangaka's touch everywhere. You feel like you're interacting directly with the author. Most of the time this feeling is impossible in anime, where there is a huge group of people working together and they might not have the same mindset.
Oct 22, 2016 1:23 PM

Jul 2014
It is more convenient to consume manga than anime because it only takes 3-5 minutes to read a chapter+you can read at your own pace, whereas for anime, you need to free up an entire 20 minutes of your time to watch a full episode. It makes a big difference if you have a busy schedule and only have short breaks during the day.

Also, you can't ignore the fact that there are more manga than anime when that itself is such large part of the appeal.
Oct 22, 2016 2:40 PM

Feb 2016
I started watching Anime 25 years ago. And for 25 years i never touched manga. I could not understanding how come people enjoy that black and white static pictures instead of animated colorful stuff with nice action and music.

Then my friend told me to read Gantz because he thinks it's amazing. Lazy me, decided to just watch anime. After 5 eps i gave up on it and i was wondering if my friend is retarded or what, because that show was crap. He pointed out that he means manga, not anime so i turned him down as i was not interested in reading manga.

Some time later my child was born and i was to take care of him for few hours, but we couldnt turn on TV and other stuff and that was the time when i for the first time grabbed a manga - Gantz. I planned to read few chapters just to kill time before my wife is back.

Well it turned out i was reading for whole 3 hours, and when she was back i was still reading...reading all the time i got really hooked up.

What i understood after reading Gantz is that manga has a lot of freedom. They can draw what they want, usually they do not need to worry about censorship, animation. That way You can find some interesting stuff to read that would be impossible to "show" in anime due to all restrictions.
Another reason are all those genres, You can find manga about anything really. I also like that i can read with pace that i find most suitable. Sometimes i wanna go fast, sometimes i wanna sit back and think about the plot not pausing the video.

Also its a plus that You can read manga faster than watch anime, that sometimes can really drag on for too long in one scene. You also do not need to worry about fillers.

It's worth mentioning that in majority of cases Anime adaptations cut off a lot of stuff from source material or finish in the mid of series (Eyeshield 21) or make up different ending (Claymore) so its nice to pickup a Manga and see how things should be.

I like both Anime and Manga and i do not need to choose which one is better, i just pickup the one i prefer at the time or is better overall.
Oct 22, 2016 2:55 PM
Oct 2016
You got a point...
Velsu said:
I started watching Anime 25 years ago. And for 25 years i never touched manga. I could not understanding how come people enjoy that black and white static pictures instead of animated colorful stuff with nice action and music.

Then my friend told me to read Gantz because he thinks it's amazing. Lazy me, decided to just watch anime. After 5 eps i gave up on it and i was wondering if my friend is retarded or what, because that show was crap. He pointed out that he means manga, not anime so i turned him down as i was not interested in reading manga.

Some time later my child was born and i was to take care of him for few hours, but we couldnt turn on TV and other stuff and that was the time when i for the first time grabbed a manga - Gantz. I planned to read few chapters just to kill time before my wife is back.

Well it turned out i was reading for whole 3 hours, and when she was back i was still reading...reading all the time i got really hooked up.

What i understood after reading Gantz is that manga has a lot of freedom. They can draw what they want, usually they do not need to worry about censorship, animation. That way You can find some interesting stuff to read that would be impossible to "show" in anime due to all restrictions.
Another reason are all those genres, You can find manga about anything really. I also like that i can read with pace that i find most suitable. Sometimes i wanna go fast, sometimes i wanna sit back and think about the plot not pausing the video.

Also its a plus that You can read manga faster than watch anime, that sometimes can really drag on for too long in one scene. You also do not need to worry about fillers.

It's worth mentioning that in majority of cases Anime adaptations cut off a lot of stuff from source material or finish in the mid of series (Eyeshield 21) or make up different ending (Claymore) so its nice to pickup a Manga and see how things should be.

I like both Anime and Manga and i do not need to choose which one is better, i just pickup the one i prefer at the time or is better overall.
Well dayum
Oct 22, 2016 7:00 PM

Jul 2014
The two reasons I like manga are I like getting the full story and I like being able to go through it at my own pace. It only takes a few minutes to get through a chapter, and it's more convenient if I need to stop suddenly.

Anime is more visually appealing, but manga is more convenient and often more in depth.
Oct 23, 2016 4:52 AM

Jun 2012
The Context is far more than what an anime could present, well yeah its indisputable.

So the 2nd important factor for me would be its monochromatic work of art. While yes, anime does look more flashy and florid thus appeal more to majority or should I say, at least to those casuals, but then again, every individual's perception varies.
As a mere black and white it is, its more simple yet complicating.

Manga is also associated with quietness which could bring a sense of sincerity from the author as @kuchitsu indicated, it also helps you to handle your pacing reading it so you have all the time to analyze it more whether you'll appreciate it more or not.
Oct 23, 2016 5:06 AM

Dec 2014
I mean, anime has moving characters, you can hear them talking, If you sre an ecchi lover: you got animated moving oppao, if ur into action: you got these dazzling explosions and brightly bright colors. Yet people choose manga.

Sums up Anime watchers in general. Whoops just kidding.


Heck, you can even ask the other way around and still relevant fam. It's all about taste really. I myself read and watch.
But I indeed prefer manga any day. I dunno just so lazy for anime I guess. Though if my eye needs refreshing sometimes I would watch anime, it's entertaining.
If you want story go for the manga I guess, if you just want entertainment (animation, dub, boobs, etc.) you decide.
Sometimes Anime also don't adapt the manga well.

"Wielding one's blade out of duty alone is what it means to be a captain. Wielding one's blade out of hatred is nothing more than petty violence. That is not what we would consider battle."
Oct 23, 2016 5:15 AM
Jul 2018
Zaphkiel_El_Rem said:
So the 2nd important factor for me would be its monochromatic work of art. While yes, anime does look more flashy and florid thus appeal more to majority or should I say, at least to those casuals, but then again, every individual's perception varies.
As a mere black and white it is, its more simple yet complicating.

Some mangaka are excellent at playing with just black and white!

I also love the "shade of red" that was used in older manga, I strangely found it more enticing that the full-colored pages that we have now.

But maybe it's just my "good old days" side. へへ’
Oct 23, 2016 5:33 AM

Jun 2012
lady_freyja said:

I also love the "shade of red" that was used in older manga, I strangely found it more enticing that the full-colored pages that we have now.

I agree, these two images have more impact than a full-colored page, and I would rather watch an anime than read a full-colored chapter XD.
Oct 23, 2016 5:35 AM

Jun 2008
Well, of course this "shade of red" coloring fits better when most of the manga is black & white. The transition from full color to black & white can seem quite radical in comparison.

This coloring also has a sort of surreal dream-like quality to it, and I really like it. So I totally agree with you.
Oct 23, 2016 6:41 AM

Oct 2016
You know, I'm thinking the OP should just go ahead and read a manga. :) You say you've never tried it, so it wouldn't hurt. Like a previous poster has said, I never thought I'd be into manga ("Black and white static images? LAME!") but now I have a collection of nearly 200 volumes. It might not be the same for you; you might find that you just don't like it, but it's worth a try.

Perhaps try something that doesn't have an anime adaptation, and is also very short. Something like... The Gods Lie, Solanin, Prophecy, Doubt, or something thereof. Might be worth a shot.
Oct 24, 2016 1:33 AM
Jul 2018
Pacing is typically better, I can read at my own speed, and I don't have to worry about bad music/voice acting that might be present in an anime. In most cases, regardless of medium, the source material is usually better - and when it comes to adaptation, manga is usually adapted into anime, not the other way around.
Oct 24, 2016 6:51 AM

Mar 2009
For me, it's mostly the pacing. Especially on sugary sweet romcoms (like Ore Monogatari!!), a quicker pacing is better for me. Dragging out romance too far just bugs me so much.
And for super long shonen, it's a godsend.

I mostly only prefer anime when it's an action series (especially if the action in the manga is only drawn so-so, few manga artists can draw it super flowingly, and when you find one, it makes all the action you read after a lot less good) or when it's supposed to be a more atmospheric experience (like Mushishi), because for those sorts of things, dragging it out actually helps.
Oct 26, 2016 10:01 PM
May 2015
The story is
1.almost always better
2.the art can be amazing in ways anime can't piece piece
5.the story is after the anime already
Oct 26, 2016 10:50 PM

Jun 2011
If you give me a choice, I would choose a well made anime over a well written manga counterpart. The issue is that people nowadays don't know how to create a good anime adaptation, and most of them always ended up being poorly paced, poorly drawn or just lack of effort all-together. I prefer to just sit back and relax, than clicking for the next page every few seconds.

However, manga also has its charm. The black and white format allows you to expand on your own imagination, and black and white works very well when you're trying to express your art, it gives you a really calm feeling when you're reading it, unlike a coloured manga. Black and white also work really well with horror stories, the black contrast to the white gives off a really creepy, uneasy feelings, and sometimes forcing colours on a horror manga would just ruin it.

tl;dr basically manga lets you fill your own imagination, while anime is portrayed as it is intended by the director, a fixed result. Manga also has a lot more variety, more easily obtainable, and much cheaper too. You can also read it at your own pace.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 27, 2016 4:38 AM

Oct 2016
ToG25thBaam said:
If you give me a choice, I would choose a well made anime over a well written manga counterpart. The issue is that people nowadays don't know how to create a good anime adaptation...

I can definitely understand this. I feel as though for any anime adaptation to be on par with or surpass its manga the animation needs to be stunning, the pacing perfect, the voices fitting, the story full and fleshed out, the music excellent... Trouble is, very few tend to be like that because it's a much more difficult task.
Oct 27, 2016 4:43 AM

Aug 2016
There are some animes that doesn't show character(s) from the manga.
Mangas doesn't have any stupid fillers (like Naruto)
and it has a lot of scenes that the anime adaptation didn't show.
Oct 27, 2016 5:22 AM

Sep 2015
Mangas usually have more of the story in it.
the animes usually cut them out a bit
"This signature is under construction." ~Fabuubz
Oct 27, 2016 7:19 PM
Jun 2014
Manga usually has better art and a more detailed story. Animes often leave stuff out, especially in 12/24 episode series while the manga may run for years.
Also, you can read more conveniently than watch. Watching anime takes a lot of time, while it's a lot quicker to read. You also don't have to read in a time frame, just take 10 minutes to read the latest updates or the next chapters.
Oct 29, 2016 1:57 AM

Oct 2016
Anime stinks lad. Through and through. Animation and sound isn't everything.

Anime adaptations usually mean
>Piss poor art. A lot of low quality anime art memes. The art style might be vastly different than its source material. Diamond is Unbreakable is a good example
>The animation won't necessarily be good. Just because its animated doesn't mean its animated well. Don't feel the need to watch still images of characters faces or the camera panning around while dialogue is occurring. Fight scenes can also be too fast or lazily animated with a lot cuts,freeze frames etc
>Censored and cut content. The biggest offender. Most anime based off of source material will drastically remove content in the source material, rush content which causes confusion and frustration and or censor scenes. Ecchi anime is usually censored to hell and back & you have to buy the blu-ray just to see some nip or whatever. Ultra violence such as gore will also be censored in anime.
Oct 29, 2016 4:20 AM
Nov 2013
I prefer manga over anime, because I can read at whatever pace I want, the colors don't faze me or end up being too bright or being way too out of my aesthetic, and anime always cuts things out and usually have a crappy ending, or just end on some cliffhanger to promote the manga anyway.
Nov 3, 2016 6:52 AM

Sep 2016
Long story short:

- Manga has more details
- Manga may have a unique style which might not always be adapted correctly, or adapted poorly in the anime
- Most manga which are adapted are often censored by: removing a majority amount of nudity/gore or blood, removing the entire scene, making the scene "family friendly", adapts the scene, but changes it so much that the anime suffers from it
- Anime is slow phased compared to a manga
- Anime has filler (Some manga have filler too, but it's usually 1 chapter every time the mangaka need some sort of break)

Nov 3, 2016 7:19 AM

Feb 2015
Nov 4, 2016 11:10 PM
Jun 2014
For me the reasons are:

- Anime are mostly adapted very badly. I often dislike the animation style or the "artistic freedom" concerning the story,the characters or other aspects;
- I'm waaaaay faster reading through a manga than watching an anime. There are some exceptions but in general I can't get myself to spend whole days with countless anime episodes;
- Manga are almost always the original source of a story and I prefer the original (not talking about the light novel adaptions though);
- Filler. Yes, they can happen in manga, too, but the chances are much lower.
Nov 5, 2016 6:10 AM
Feb 2011
I usually enjoy manga's art a lot better than that of the anime. The facial expressions are also done a lot better in mangas, imo.
Nov 5, 2016 6:17 AM

Aug 2012
I wouldn't say I prefer manga, I guess I just like both very much for differents reasons.
I like mangas , first for practical reasons : there is more choice for one genre, and its longer (ie Pandora Hearts the anime ends volume 8 but them anga goes to 24 volumes).
Beyond that, i think its more intimist, like you can take your time to appreciate a moment, enjoy it slowly, rereading it, in that it is very immersive. For sad, emotional, romantic scenes I think seriously its the best.
Plus you can imagine anything, you get to choose the voices for example, but imo its most inconscienly done so its not a real argument, just a remark, its no big deal (especially since i just love the seiyus, japanese voice actors are amazing).

Besides, i think its harder to go from manga to anime (for the same show i mean) : you are so much easly disapointed, because youll want it to be just like you imagined it, (the voices, but mostly you think they will insist on this scene that is very awesome and imporatnt for you, and they don't or they do but not the way youd have liked to be ) you can be very easily disapointed.
But when you go from anime to manga, its hard at first because its suddely silent and you have a lot of imagination work to do that you didnt have to for the anime, but after some time you get used and (at least for me) you start to like it because its the material source, it has another atmosphere that is very worked and coherent -in the meaning that the construction is worked, theres lot of links, it forms a whole directed by one mind the author- I believe in manga you see more the presence of the author and his spirit, and what he/she is trying to say or what he feels about his characters -> it joins my point about manga being more intimist and immersive, its only you reader and the author. And he is saying something and you interpret it. sure it seems to be like that in anime too but I really believe its not as strong, because there is too much context, too much persons with differents interpretations working on it, tehre is also a diferent format (20 min by ep and an ep has to form something; while the manga need less to make one chapter one thing coherent) and even when its original or from a game or anything, there still is many persons working on it, the director sure makes it together so it coherent, thing is its not AS COHERENT as in the manga imo

To sum it up, the reader is more important in a manga I believe he has a special place and he is needed for the magic of manga to work, because if he diesnt cooperate, he doesn't get the manga. While in anime its all prepared so you just have to enjoy, not to cooperate as much (again) as in manga.
But both i love anime and manga equally, simply for differents reasons (but that would be off topic x))
AmyltiaNov 5, 2016 6:26 AM
Nov 5, 2016 6:30 AM

Aug 2012
kuchitsu said:
One thing that I don't see mentioned often. Manga tends to be a lot more personal. Typically, a single person is responsible for most of it. Of course there are also mangaka's assistants, and the publisher can dictate some choices too. But still, in most manga titles you can sort of feel the mangaka's touch everywhere. You feel like you're interacting directly with the author. Most of the time this feeling is impossible in anime, where there is a huge group of people working together and they might not have the same mindset.

I wrote my answer without reading the ones before, but I agree with you! Its also for me the biggest advantage of manga!
Nov 5, 2016 10:54 PM

Nov 2016
Honestly with manga i enjoy watching a series come up and its fun to compare anime voice actor compared to the VAs you had in mind for a char
Nov 6, 2016 8:53 AM
Nov 2015
Unless it is an anime only series, I just read the manga because it is less time consuming(in my opinion) and it usually cuts all the filler. It is also the original rendition of the story.
Nov 6, 2016 8:54 AM
Nov 2015
Unless it is an anime only series, I just read the manga because it is less time consuming(in my opinion) and it usually cuts all the filler. It is also the original rendition of the story.
Nov 6, 2016 10:53 AM

Oct 2014
Moe manga are more relaxing than moe anime. There are also specific anime like Akira and Detroit Metal City that were honestly a bit too fast for me and would probably work better as manga (not that I've read the manga for either). With manga you can easily go back and re-read a part you didn't get and you can have translation notes that don't block anything and you have as much time to read as you feel like.
Nov 6, 2016 3:04 PM

May 2014
Manga is the source material meaning the anime has to make it the exact same or add some, but most of the time the anime just destroys the source material by skipping over important things or ruining characters by changing them.
Nov 14, 2016 4:48 AM

Apr 2014
The manga is always better tbh. And like someone else said, a lot of anime kinda just end, the manga might actually go on and be freaking awesome but you missed that because you didn't read it. And hearing the characters voices, seeing them move and all bright colors and shit can just be annoying sometimes. It's actually really nice to imagine things in your own way sometimes imo. Also some adaptions are just shit and nothing like the original content.
Nov 19, 2016 5:33 AM

Dec 2009
I hate to say it, but i'm usually at odds with it too. While i will prefer the medium of anime any day, sometimes decent anime adaptations just don't exist. That or the constraints of budget etc basically turn the anime into a colossal advertisement, as they leave so much stuff out (like characters and important arcs).

I dislike reading manga, it's silent, colourless, motionless (some artists are good enough with the consistency that you fill in the gaps automatically in your head), but like writing a book, it's a lot easier to go all out with a fantastic, deep, epic plot in a manga, as you can make whatever you can write/draw and pass for publishing. I'm such a visual person, i need to see the depth and beauty of the thing, manga is very limiting, like a photo journal ("if only i could just turn the camera a little to the left, or see how those frames transitioned"). I tend to prefer things run at their own pace, even when i make myself pick up a VN, i usually run it auto.

Manga is in no way superior to animation, or novel writing, in fact it's probably one of the worst mediums, seeing as it has the least of all worlds: least visuals of anything with visuals, and the least writing. That makes it easy to get into though: no overbearing text, and it's cheap to print.

I love Mahou Sensei Negima! and UQ Holder, and i force myself to read them because they are so good that they beat every single anime i've seen combined, despite it being a manga. Now if only Ken Akamatsu would make coloured webcomic releases...

Because of my general distaste with the manga medium, i really have to drag myself to read something, however i never regret reading it when i finally do. If yyou want the best made stories, you're gonna have to start reading, unfortunately.
GenesisAriaNov 19, 2016 5:44 AM
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“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 19, 2016 6:30 AM

Oct 2007
It's funny that you say you hate them medium when you haven't read even one manga title, but to each their own. Personally I prefer it because there's more variety of stories, sometimes anime has a lot of repetitive plots because something has become popular and lots of copycats come around. The biggest reason is pacing like many people mentioned as well as time. Manga is less time consuming than anime for me.
Nov 19, 2016 7:12 AM
Jul 2018
GenesisAria said:
Manga is in no way superior to animation, or novel writing, in fact it's probably one of the worst mediums, seeing as it has the least of all worlds: least visuals of anything with visuals, and the least writing.

I fail to see how manga has less writing than anime.

And VN is more rich than manga on the visual department? oO
Maybe I haven't played enough VN, but for the ones I saw, they're seriously poor on the visual side; a set of background pictures, some characters with 5 different frames or so, and that's mostly all. There is no "visual language" associated with it, unlike manga or anime.
Nov 19, 2016 12:14 PM

Dec 2009
Manga has less writing than books, not anime. Anime/tv has enough visuals to not need non-dialogue narration. Manga lacks the visuals, but also has no narration, so you lose a layer of environmental depth. You only get snapshots of locations, having to just make up how they got from one background to another, with no transition to show, or words to explain.

As far as VN's, there's a difference between the cheap VN's and the expensive ones. A massive one. VN's are basically priced by the amount of content they have, if it's $80, then there's $80 or more worth of shit in there. Backgrounds, moving story, characters, narrative, mechanic, possible outcomes due to choices, voice acting, and so on.

I haven't played many VN either, though they're relatively easy to make as well. Open up a VN-maker, and start painting pictures to put in it. When they don't show the scene exactly, they tend to apply enough description to paint a picture in your mind. VN's have novel or greater amount of reading in them, PLUS they add visuals. Some are even partially animated. The problem is ofc, that there are very few translated VN's.

VN's are definitely a happy medium competent to fit between a full fledged novel and television. Manga are like storyboards with extra drawing detail, only the first stage to making a story for a novel, vn, or film/tv.

One of my minor gripes with manga is that sometimes there will be a large frame or a full page frame that is just up ahead, but its boldness is distracting, spoiling the moment and making it hard to read what leads up to that frame. It's the first thing my eyes jump to when i flip the page, that which stands out the most.
GenesisAriaNov 19, 2016 12:21 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 19, 2016 1:49 PM
Jul 2018
GenesisAria said:
Manga has less writing than books, not anime. Anime/tv has enough visuals to not need non-dialogue narration. Manga lacks the visuals, but also has no narration, so you lose a layer of environmental depth. You only get snapshots of locations, having to just make up how they got from one background to another, with no transition to show, or words to explain.

Scenarios and dialogs are writing. The amount of writing is among the same between anime and manga. So if the manga lack of writing, then anime too.
And hopefully, manga has narration… otherwise there wouldn't be any story in it. Then do you mean "description"? But what's the point when you have visuals? And actually, some manga, if they want, actually have descriptions and background contents like in any novel… but they aren't frequent, since the medium offer others tools for giving that kind of information: visuals.

And yup, in manga you always change the scene… like in anime minds you. In anime, you never has a continuous flow of events from the beginning to the end. The action is cut in various different scenes, and for each scene, you often change the point of view, adding cuts to cutting.
You have exactly the same thing in manga.

What manga lacks is animation, and only that. And that statement is not perfectly exact. In manga, the addition of visual effects, and the choice of the composition in successive scenes create an animation.

In the end, you mostly has two different sets of techniques used in the two medium, some are shared by the two, some are more common in one of the two, and some are more or less exclusive to each.
Usually, a movie directed by a primary comics artist feels different from most movies, because s/he doesn't use the exact same techniques and not in the same proportions.

That's what I meant when saying that manga has a "visual language", a set of techniques, partially shared with animation/live-action.
removed-userNov 19, 2016 1:56 PM
Nov 19, 2016 2:01 PM

Dec 2009
Manga and anime have way more differences than just animation. There's colour, sound, even just a slight camera shift to the side can give a full perception of environment depth. It shows you how you got from one action to the next (especially in fighting scenes), it adds inherent timing (comedic timing is not really applicable to manga as far as pauses or delayed reactions, they can only be done sequentially, say after other comments or frames).

There's so much extra detail, even in things as mundane as how someone's air flows in the wind or the motions of a dance.

Then there's the whole possibility of emotional insert songs and BGM.

There's a depth to anime that manga can never achieve, however because of budget and time constraints, artist/authors don't have the space to really write their best stories. Do not confuse the frequent presence of better stories as the medium itself being superior (or even equal).

Manga and anime are almost opposites (true opposites would be novels and anime). Even when making an original anime (not an adaption) you basically have to draw a manga (aka storyboards) to design the plot. Manga is like un-coloured keyframes of anime before they've had the seiyuu in for recording sessions. It's so very basic, yet it's been glorified to be it's own thing.

You know both manga and comics originated from japanese scroll storyboard paintings, right?
GenesisAriaNov 19, 2016 2:05 PM
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