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Which is the most annoying type of anime fan you hate to encounter in a discussion?

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Jul 2, 2016 9:59 AM

Dec 2015
> those who don't respect your opinion
> those who don't respect critics
Jul 2, 2016 10:06 AM

Nov 2009
TheBrainintheJar said:
Pullman said:
Idk, most of them? For starters people who think that 'discussing' an anime means listing as many flaws as you can make up and them compare lists and whoever made up more flaws wins. Just in general people who think you can't discuss or argue about something without focusing on the negatives.

"You like something? Here is everything negative I could ever conceive about the show. Now discuss!"

No thanks, buddy.

How can you have an interesting discussion without some disagreements?

How can you have an interesting discussion, if it's all disagreements and no discussion?

Iroha-chan said:
-"Anime is sh!t.I only watch Hentai"- isn't hentai genre of Anime!!? Θ_Θ

It's hard for me to understand why somebody would watch hentai while not being a fan of anime, but it's perfectly reasonable to be a fan of some minor subgroup of anime only. For example, there are a lot of people who only appreciate Hayao Miyazaki's works.

Cishet said:
4-People who like EVERY anime out there. They can watch something like Mars of Destruction and rate it 10/10.

Do they exist? apart from people totally new to anime?

Mopfgun said:
the ones that defend everything, if it just looks good. (cough,SAO,cough)
it feels like you could give them 20 minutes of dogs shitting on a sidewalk, and they'd enjoy it if it was decently well animated.

I have encountered only the opposite kind of people. "SAO has spent a great deal of effort and money on visuals and music? Who cares, it's still not ambitious!"
That was from thread about ambition in anime. And SAO is a fine example - they took a risk, bet a whole lot of money on it, and it worked. But these people just can't understand it, because they are all about the storyline. They don't care about anything I care about - not only visuals, they don't care about sci-fi, cute girls, wish fulfillment, romance... Whenever they mention anything apart from the storyline, it's only to bitch about the fact it exists.
They probably like shows like Ninja Slayer and Inferno Cop a lot - the kind of shows that don't have any animation in them. They don't even deserve to be called anime.
Jul 2, 2016 10:29 AM

Feb 2016
The one who thinks that he's always right no matter what anyone else has to say.
Jul 2, 2016 10:47 AM

Feb 2010
TheBrainintheJar said:
Pullman said:
Idk, most of them? For starters people who think that 'discussing' an anime means listing as many flaws as you can make up and them compare lists and whoever made up more flaws wins. Just in general people who think you can't discuss or argue about something without focusing on the negatives.

"You like something? Here is everything negative I could ever conceive about the show. Now discuss!"

No thanks, buddy.

How can you have an interesting discussion without some disagreements?

How is that even remotely close to what I said?
I probably regret this post by now.
Jul 2, 2016 11:01 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
Cishet said:
4-People who like EVERY anime out there. They can watch something like Mars of Destruction and rate it 10/10.

Do they exist? apart from people totally new to anime?

Mopfgun said:
the ones that defend everything, if it just looks good. (cough,SAO,cough)
it feels like you could give them 20 minutes of dogs shitting on a sidewalk, and they'd enjoy it if it was decently well animated.

I have encountered only the opposite kind of people. "SAO has spent a great deal of effort and money on visuals and music? Who cares, it's still not ambitious!"
That was from thread about ambition in anime. And SAO is a fine example - they took a risk, bet a whole lot of money on it, and it worked. But these people just can't understand it, because they are all about the storyline. They don't care about anything I care about - not only visuals, they don't care about sci-fi, cute girls, wish fulfillment, romance... Whenever they mention anything apart from the storyline, it's only to bitch about the fact it exists.
They probably like shows like Ninja Slayer and Inferno Cop a lot - the kind of shows that don't have any animation in them. They don't even deserve to be called anime.
Are you talking about me? Probably yes. I am not very knowledgeable of animation and I wasn't even impressed by SAO's animation when I saw it. However from my point of view in order to have ambitious animation it has to be innovative or make use of original techniques, not just make use of large budgets.
So what original or innovative animation techniques did SAO use/introduce into the anime industry? If you are able to answer this question I can recognize that SAO was visually ambitious. But just having pretty colours isn't ambitious to me. It should have some distinctive style like ping pong the animation or inferno cop (just examples because they have very different style from usual) or Ajin that uses entirely CGI which is quite new and risky not for the amount of money but the technique itself since it is unusual.

Also we already discussed it, the sci-fi part is weak so I am not sorry for not caring about it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 2, 2016 11:08 AM

Nov 2009
zal said:
flannan said:

Do they exist? apart from people totally new to anime?

I have encountered only the opposite kind of people. "SAO has spent a great deal of effort and money on visuals and music? Who cares, it's still not ambitious!"
That was from thread about ambition in anime. And SAO is a fine example - they took a risk, bet a whole lot of money on it, and it worked. But these people just can't understand it, because they are all about the storyline. They don't care about anything I care about - not only visuals, they don't care about sci-fi, cute girls, wish fulfillment, romance... Whenever they mention anything apart from the storyline, it's only to bitch about the fact it exists.
They probably like shows like Ninja Slayer and Inferno Cop a lot - the kind of shows that don't have any animation in them. They don't even deserve to be called anime.
Are you talking about me? Probably yes. I am not very knowledgeable of animation and I wasn't even impressed by SAO's animation when I saw it. However from my point of view in order to have ambitious animation it has to be innovative or make use of original techniques, not just make use of large budgets.
So what original or innovative animation techniques did SAO use/introduce into the anime industry? If you are able to answer this question I can recognize that SAO was visually ambitious. But just having pretty colours isn't ambitious to me. It should have some distinctive style like ping pong the animation or inferno cop (just examples because they have very different style from usual) or Ajin that uses entirely CGI which is quite new and risky not for the amount of money but the technique itself since it is unusual.

Also we already discussed it, the sci-fi part is weak so I am not sorry for not caring about it.

Yes, you were one (or maybe all) of the people who I am talking about.
Yes, we already discussed it, and we don't seem to understand each other. I won't derail this discussion.
Jul 2, 2016 11:16 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
zal said:
Are you talking about me? Probably yes. I am not very knowledgeable of animation and I wasn't even impressed by SAO's animation when I saw it. However from my point of view in order to have ambitious animation it has to be innovative or make use of original techniques, not just make use of large budgets.
So what original or innovative animation techniques did SAO use/introduce into the anime industry? If you are able to answer this question I can recognize that SAO was visually ambitious. But just having pretty colours isn't ambitious to me. It should have some distinctive style like ping pong the animation or inferno cop (just examples because they have very different style from usual) or Ajin that uses entirely CGI which is quite new and risky not for the amount of money but the technique itself since it is unusual.

Also we already discussed it, the sci-fi part is weak so I am not sorry for not caring about it.

Yes, you were one (or maybe all) of the people who I am talking about.
Yes, we already discussed it, and we don't seem to understand each other. I won't derail this discussion.
That's the point of a discussion though.
Well, you claim SAO has ambitious animation and call me out even if implicitly for not being able to understand it. However all you've used is how the colours are pretty argument and how they spent a lot for it. If that is enough for you to call ambitious then I think you are undervaluing original and innovative ideas.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 2, 2016 11:22 AM
Jul 2012
Tbh most anime fans are kind of inoffensive, even if they have bad opinions the average anime fan usually won't care enough to take it personal

Logh fans tho, they actually think their shit taste is good smh
Jul 2, 2016 11:30 AM

Sep 2014
Ones who can't differentiate criticism from hate and take everything like it's some kind of personal attack.
Put your grasses on
Jul 2, 2016 11:34 AM

Nov 2009
KoreaWS said:
@flannan and that's the kind of thing I meant with conformity. ISO plot armor is still overpowerness, regardless of beign an standard,

Plot armor is completely different from overpowerness. It feels differently - like the MC snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, barely escaped death or something like that. And feelings is what matters in entertainment.

KoreaWS said:
despite beign from different social strats and backgrounds, which is a difference I won't deny, Shana and Louise are still the same trope personality wise.

They do not have the same personality. They just share one trope out of all the things that comprise their personalities.
A lot of people keep simplifying, but I like Shana and intensely dislike Louise. And it's not about appearance or background (in fact, I like quite a number of aristocratic characters in anime). For me, that's obvious evidence that they're different.

KoreaWS said:
Is like beign used to eat bland bread every morning. You won't notice how lame it is because you're used to it. I do understand what you mean with "getting used to". Is just that what what we "got used to" isn't that great to begin with. Every time plot armor or tsundereness is brought, I raise my arms and go "Heeere we gooo agaaaain!!" because is like mindless action or sex appeal in western media.

Once you've began seeing tropes in anime, there are only two ways forward: either you suspend your knowledge just like you suspend disbelief, or you take craftsman's point of view and look at the way the author used this tropes to make a work of art (just like a painter uses paints and techniques, a writer uses his own experiences and tropes).
You can keep running: changing genres and countries of origin, looking for over-complicated works that don't have obvious tropes and arthouse "works" that don't resemble anything to the point of being totally meaningless. You would not be able to run forever. Bwa-ha-ha!

P.S. "ISO standard" is one concept, not two. In the world of technology, we have standards for everything. From the smallest bolt to the giant building. I've heard that the English have a standard for brewing tea (for testing/tasting purposes - it does not apply to caffees brewing tea for customers). Things that conform to standards can be quite different in a lot of things, but same in the things that matter (which are stated in the standard). There are different organizations that give standards. For example, in my native Russian, I use the term ГОСТ. But most people find International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to be most familiar, hence we use this name in English.
We tend to extend the concept outside our world, and form terms like "ISO standard plot armor", "ISO standard tsundere" or "ISO standard elitist".
flannanJul 2, 2016 12:23 PM
Jul 2, 2016 11:41 AM
Jul 2018
flannan said:
Mopfgun said:
the ones that defend everything, if it just looks good. (cough,SAO,cough)
it feels like you could give them 20 minutes of dogs shitting on a sidewalk, and they'd enjoy it if it was decently well animated.

I have encountered only the opposite kind of people. "SAO has spent a great deal of effort and money on visuals and music? Who cares, it's still not ambitious!"
That was from thread about ambition in anime. And SAO is a fine example - they took a risk, bet a whole lot of money on it, and it worked. But these people just can't understand it, because they are all about the storyline. They don't care about anything I care about - not only visuals, they don't care about sci-fi, cute girls, wish fulfillment, romance... Whenever they mention anything apart from the storyline, it's only to bitch about the fact it exists.
They probably like shows like Ninja Slayer and Inferno Cop a lot - the kind of shows that don't have any animation in them. They don't even deserve to be called anime.

i understand what you are trying to say, but at least in my opinion the story and the charcters are much, much more imoportant to a show than everything else.
I would rather watch something i can get invested in that looks bad,than watch something completely uninteresting because it looks pretty and has a good OST.
Jul 2, 2016 11:45 AM

Nov 2009
zal said:
flannan said:

Yes, you were one (or maybe all) of the people who I am talking about.
Yes, we already discussed it, and we don't seem to understand each other. I won't derail this discussion.
That's the point of a discussion though.
Well, you claim SAO has ambitious animation and call me out even if implicitly for not being able to understand it. However all you've used is how the colours are pretty argument and how they spent a lot for it. If that is enough for you to call ambitious then I think you are undervaluing original and innovative ideas.

Well, if you insist.
I didn't call SAO's animation ambitious. I said that the entire show as a whole is ambitious. They didn't go and make yet another show 2.5 anime fans know about, just to sell some figurines. They made a major work that is remembered and discussed years after it was made. They made an accessible work that served as a gateway to anime for a lot of people.
Jul 2, 2016 11:47 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
zal said:
That's the point of a discussion though.
Well, you claim SAO has ambitious animation and call me out even if implicitly for not being able to understand it. However all you've used is how the colours are pretty argument and how they spent a lot for it. If that is enough for you to call ambitious then I think you are undervaluing original and innovative ideas.

Well, if you insist.
I didn't call SAO's animation ambitious. I said that the entire show as a whole is ambitious. They didn't go and make yet another show 2.5 anime fans know about, just to sell some figurines. They made a major work that is remembered and discussed years after it was made. They made an accessible work that served as a gateway to anime for a lot of people.
All of that is what I would call mainstream but not ambitious.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 2, 2016 11:54 AM
Aug 2012
Dub defenders and secondary losers.
Jul 2, 2016 11:56 AM

Feb 2010
flannan said:
zal said:
That's the point of a discussion though.
Well, you claim SAO has ambitious animation and call me out even if implicitly for not being able to understand it. However all you've used is how the colours are pretty argument and how they spent a lot for it. If that is enough for you to call ambitious then I think you are undervaluing original and innovative ideas.

Well, if you insist.
I didn't call SAO's animation ambitious. I said that the entire show as a whole is ambitious. They didn't go and make yet another show 2.5 anime fans know about, just to sell some figurines. They made a major work that is remembered and discussed years after it was made. They made an accessible work that served as a gateway to anime for a lot of people.

the success and popularity something happened to gain after it aired has hardly anything to do with ambition. It just happened to hit a nerve and got super popular. It was just another LN adaption anime when it was producuced. Success might make it popular but it doesn't magically make it ambitious in retrospect when it was never nothing more than just another adaption by A-1 Pictures.

Do you even have any source to back up your claims that it was particularly expensive? Because I've seen the show and it wasn't particularly impressive in terms of visuals or animation. I'd call it average for an adaption of a popular LN. Some fancy special effects, but not really more sakuga than your average show and tons of stills and minimal movement like any other TV series. Nothing to write home about in terms of visuals from a neutral perspective. Something like OPM was much more ambitious in that regard.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jul 2, 2016 12:07 PM

Nov 2009
Pullman said:
flannan said:

Well, if you insist.
I didn't call SAO's animation ambitious. I said that the entire show as a whole is ambitious. They didn't go and make yet another show 2.5 anime fans know about, just to sell some figurines. They made a major work that is remembered and discussed years after it was made. They made an accessible work that served as a gateway to anime for a lot of people.

the success and popularity something happened to gain after it aired has hardly anything to do with ambition. It just happened to hit a nerve and got super popular. It was just another LN adaption anime when it was producuced. Success might make it popular but it doesn't magically make it ambitious in retrospect when it was never nothing more than just another adaption by A-1 Pictures.

Do you even have any source to back up your claims that it was particularly expensive? Because I've seen the show and it wasn't particularly impressive in terms of visuals or animation. I'd call it average for an adaption of a popular LN. Some fancy special effects, but not really more sakuga than your average show and tons of stills and minimal movement like any other TV series. Nothing to write home about in terms of visuals from a neutral perspective. Something like OPM was much more ambitious in that regard.

1) I am not a fan of animation. I don't know what sakuga look like. I know that shows that looked awful cited "low budget" as a reason. Hence, looking good must cost quite some money. SAO looked great, hence is must have costed a lot of money.
The same with music. Good composers, singers and musicians cost more money.

2) The way I see it, the anime makers/producers aimed for that level of popularity. They took a work that had potential to be relevant to a lot of people (MMORPGs!), and adapted it way better than many other LNs. For starters, they used 25 episodes when they could have simply used 12-13 episodes for the first arc, and ended the anime on Kirito waking on the hospital bed. (it's easy to drop out a subplot or two - the author did it in publication)
Jul 2, 2016 12:21 PM

Oct 2014
flannan said:
Plot armor is completely different from overpowerness. It feels differently - like the MC snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, barely escaped death or something like that. And feelings is what matters in entertainment.

But still is overpowerness. They were given power above the rest because the author wanted to and wasn't subtle about it. Plot armor is a way to do it. And the feeling I get is discomfort when I see it, so if we go for feelings route, its already discrepant.

flannan said:
KoreaWS said:
despite beign from different social strats and backgrounds, which is a difference I won't deny, Shana and Louise are still the same trope personality wise.

They do not have the same personality. They just share one trope out of all the things that comprise their personalities.

And that topes they share is the one that defines them the most. They're still the same trope personality wise.

flannan said:
KoreaWS said:
Is like beign used to eat bland bread every morning. You won't notice how lame it is because you're used to it. I do understand what you mean with "getting used to". Is just that what what we "got used to" isn't that great to begin with. Every time plot armor or tsundereness is brought, I raise my arms and go "Heeere we gooo agaaaain!!" because is like mindless action or sex appeal in western media.

Once you've began seeing tropes in anime, there are only two ways forward: either you suspend your knowledge just like you suspend disbelief

Which is Conformism.

flannan said:
or you take craftsman's point of view and look at the way the author used this tropes to make a work of art (just like a painter uses paints and techniques, a writer uses his own experiences and tropes).

Which is Criticism, what I've been doing. Also the author could be using those tropes to make a product: something that doesn't conveys anything substantial and is there for pure consumption.

flannan said:
You can keep running: changing genres and countries of origin, looking for over-complicated works that don't have obvious tropes and arthouse "works" that don't resemble anything to the point of being totally meaningless. You would not be able to run forever. Bwa-ha-ha!

I'm not running, don't be silly. I just dodge when the use is lame. After all, I'm already inmersed in the medium. Running from it would be like beign a fish and running away from water. I just pick the best water to live, not the stagnant one. And there's nothing wrong with that.

flannan said:
P.S. "ISO standard" is one concept, not two. "ISO standard plot armor", "ISO standard tsundere" or "ISO standard elitist".

I know what ISO standards are, but thanks for sharing anyways.

Standards are things that are proven to work, but that doesn't mean they're the best, just that they work to satisfy the average situation (like what kind of bolts work for the average construction under determined topographical/enviromental conditions etc...). Is easier for hard sciences to get closer to the best, if it isn't already the best, but in the case of an audiovisual medium like anime it doesn't have to be the best, only has to satisfy the average viewer. And the average viewer, due to how emotional it is, based of what I've seen of the community, doesn't care about script quality, only pretty colors/feeling hype/sad/retalable etc, and doesn't always likes complicated or intellectually engaging shows because they're complicated, and that's okay, but that makes it easier for content producers to get their favor in order to sell more, and there's nothing wrong with that mentality, but that hurts creativity and makes for more shallow shows that use said standards to appeal to the majority.

And I haven't made judgement of values above the aformentioned situation, only described it.

ISO Plot armor will excite those who aren't tired of it and can't care to see how lame it is, ISO tsunderes will be loved by those who aren't tired of it or by those that can see other quality in them that allows them to tolerate the tsundereness (like I do with Taiga from ToraDora or you with Shana, if I understood correctly), and ISO elitist don't really work unless it's a meme.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.

But does the heart have the right perspective?
Jul 2, 2016 12:51 PM

Nov 2009
KoreaWS said:
flannan said:
or you take craftsman's point of view and look at the way the author used this tropes to make a work of art (just like a painter uses paints and techniques, a writer uses his own experiences and tropes).

Which is Criticism, what I've been doing. Also the author could be using those tropes to make a product: something that doesn't conveys anything substantial and is there for pure consumption.

Usually, I don't make a difference between art and product. Maybe it's because I define "art" as "something beautiful". And a good product is beautiful.
Jul 2, 2016 1:13 PM

Oct 2015
People who won't watch anything made before 2006 or in some cases even 2010. Seriously, most anime from back then doesn't look that bad, I could understand if they didn't want to watch stuff made before the mid 90's but most anime didn't look that bad in the early 2000's and late 90's. I've even seen a bit of 80's anime and not minded it.
Jul 2, 2016 1:22 PM
Sep 2015
The fanatic fanboys that refuse to listen to any kind of criticism of their favourite show, completely ignoring any kind of logic you try to use on them while forcing their opinions on you. Basically, the ignorant hypocrites. Not to mention the majority of them seem to lack the ability to read or write properly, which can lead to conversations where you feel like an outsider because you can't understand what they're talking about.
Honestly, anyone with moderate skills in English and a solid understanding of how opinions work is fine. Although someone strongly disagreeing with me on a show that I have strong feelings about - whether they be positive or negative - does trigger me somewhat, I can atleast accept their opinion if they can justify it.
Jul 2, 2016 3:19 PM

Jun 2016
MattKitsune96 said:
People who won't watch anything made before 2006 or in some cases even 2010. Seriously, most anime from back then doesn't look that bad, I could understand if they didn't want to watch stuff made before the mid 90's but most anime didn't look that bad in the early 2000's and late 90's. I've even seen a bit of 80's anime and not minded it.

Before 2010 ? Really ? These people exist ? How can you say that you love anime if you've never seen cowboy bepop, samourai champloo, Logh etc... :/
Jul 2, 2016 4:04 PM

Jan 2014
People who say you should die because you don't like a show.
Jul 2, 2016 4:19 PM

May 2010
the one that didnt watch enough anime and thinks he knows shit.
Jul 2, 2016 4:49 PM

Nov 2015
The One Piece fanboy: The one takes your phone away, searches up a One Piece video, shows me the video, and talks about how great One Piece is.
Jul 2, 2016 5:51 PM

Jan 2011
The condescending ones who approach you as if you should've had the foresight to understand something and not have a misconception in the first place. You clearly have points of views that are not wrong anymore than they are right and as such choose to stand by them. Your opponent slowly vents out on you by calling your points dumb, you ignorant, and, of course, the whole argument being pointless. Yet they are right back T-boning the thoughts you are sharing with another in the same or similar thread. All the while they are pretending to be above it all. I've noticed this is more common for those who are source readers who may have a better understanding of a work or character that in its respective adaptation make no sense at a certain point. Because they are able to connect the dots more easily they are less considerate towards others looking into the story for the first time. In short when they criticize you they do it in a voice that reminds you of a frustrated parent helping their child with homework.

hannyah said:
> those who don't respect your opinion
> those who don't respect critics

Don't mean to scrape the curb, but what constitutes an opinion worthy of respect? And, if there is one, what opinion is undeserving of such?
QWERTYFish25Jul 2, 2016 5:58 PM
Jul 2, 2016 6:01 PM

Oct 2015
DangoNagisa said:
MattKitsune96 said:
People who won't watch anything made before 2006 or in some cases even 2010. Seriously, most anime from back then doesn't look that bad, I could understand if they didn't want to watch stuff made before the mid 90's but most anime didn't look that bad in the early 2000's and late 90's. I've even seen a bit of 80's anime and not minded it.

Before 2010 ? Really ? These people exist ? How can you say that you love anime if you've never seen cowboy bepop, samourai champloo, Logh etc... :/

Believe it or not, yes. I have seen a few people like that, most I've seen that don't want something over a certain age ask for it not to be older than ten years though.
Jul 2, 2016 6:15 PM

Jan 2014
People that hate ecchi, like how can that even be possible? -_-
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility.”
Jul 2, 2016 6:47 PM

May 2016
Most annoying? I don't know, all anime fans seem pretty alright to me, even the trolls because they are actually pretty amusing. But I guess if I were to choose the most annoying out of people who aren't really annoying, I'd say the people who analyze anime too much. I mean...they put in the effort to deconstruct a series to intentionally find its flaws, ruining their enjoyment of the show in the process. And for what? To feel...I an intellectual or something? To pass the time? I dont know about everyone here, but I watch anime to enjoy myself. If analyzing the series makes me enjoy it less, then I think ignorance is bliss... what's the point of analyzing cartoons?
Jul 2, 2016 7:52 PM

Dec 2015
QWERTYFish25 said:
The condescending ones who approach you as if you should've had the foresight to understand something and not have a misconception in the first place. You clearly have points of views that are not wrong anymore than they are right and as such choose to stand by them. Your opponent slowly vents out on you by calling your points dumb, you ignorant, and, of course, the whole argument being pointless. Yet they are right back T-boning the thoughts you are sharing with another in the same or similar thread. All the while they are pretending to be above it all. I've noticed this is more common for those who are source readers who may have a better understanding of a work or character that in its respective adaptation make no sense at a certain point. Because they are able to connect the dots more easily they are less considerate towards others looking into the story for the first time. In short when they criticize you they do it in a voice that reminds you of a frustrated parent helping their child with homework.

hannyah said:
> those who don't respect your opinion
> those who don't respect critics

Don't mean to scrape the curb, but what constitutes an opinion worthy of respect? And, if there is one, what opinion is undeserving of such?

I mostly meant that it's annoying when people disregard your opinion completely and say its 'wrong'. All opinions are worthy of respect. That was what I was getting at.
Jul 2, 2016 7:56 PM

Jan 2011
hannyah said:
QWERTYFish25 said:
The condescending ones who approach you as if you should've had the foresight to understand something and not have a misconception in the first place. You clearly have points of views that are not wrong anymore than they are right and as such choose to stand by them. Your opponent slowly vents out on you by calling your points dumb, you ignorant, and, of course, the whole argument being pointless. Yet they are right back T-boning the thoughts you are sharing with another in the same or similar thread. All the while they are pretending to be above it all. I've noticed this is more common for those who are source readers who may have a better understanding of a work or character that in its respective adaptation make no sense at a certain point. Because they are able to connect the dots more easily they are less considerate towards others looking into the story for the first time. In short when they criticize you they do it in a voice that reminds you of a frustrated parent helping their child with homework.

Don't mean to scrape the curb, but what constitutes an opinion worthy of respect? And, if there is one, what opinion is undeserving of such?

I mostly meant that it's annoying when people disregard your opinion completely and say its 'wrong'. All opinions are worthy of respect. That was what I was getting at.

Truth here. Strangely enough when I had first came to mal people kept messaging me saying good job keep it up. Perhaps they'd noticed the stark difference in personality
Jul 2, 2016 8:13 PM

Feb 2014
ppl who love BokuMachi and didn't ship Satoru x Yashiro
ppl with no respect to fans, authors, and artists, thinking every1 has shit taste
Gintama haters with no knowledge on Jap culture, or rather any hater of anime that is ignorant or not knowledgeable in culture
DUBS ARE LIFE filthy casuals

"For the sake of humankind, I forsake my humanity." - Cherry
Jul 2, 2016 8:20 PM

Apr 2015
I hate any and everyone equally.

Mkim said:
I only beat off to 180 year old woman,
that's like 10 times legal age so I'm 10 times a good citizen who's not going to jail.
Kyubey said:
◕ ‿‿ ◕ do you want to be a mahou shoujo?
Jul 3, 2016 12:22 AM

May 2015
flannan said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

How can you have an interesting discussion without some disagreements?

How can you have an interesting discussion, if it's all disagreements and no discussion?

Iroha-chan said:
-"Anime is sh!t.I only watch Hentai"- isn't hentai genre of Anime!!? Θ_Θ

It's hard for me to understand why somebody would watch hentai while not being a fan of anime, but it's perfectly reasonable to be a fan of some minor subgroup of anime only. For example, there are a lot of people who only appreciate Hayao Miyazaki's works.

Cishet said:
4-People who like EVERY anime out there. They can watch something like Mars of Destruction and rate it 10/10.

Do they exist? apart from people totally new to anime?

Mopfgun said:
the ones that defend everything, if it just looks good. (cough,SAO,cough)
it feels like you could give them 20 minutes of dogs shitting on a sidewalk, and they'd enjoy it if it was decently well animated.

I have encountered only the opposite kind of people. "SAO has spent a great deal of effort and money on visuals and music? Who cares, it's still not ambitious!"
That was from thread about ambition in anime. And SAO is a fine example - they took a risk, bet a whole lot of money on it, and it worked. But these people just can't understand it, because they are all about the storyline. They don't care about anything I care about - not only visuals, they don't care about sci-fi, cute girls, wish fulfillment, romance... Whenever they mention anything apart from the storyline, it's only to bitch about the fact it exists.
They probably like shows like Ninja Slayer and Inferno Cop a lot - the kind of shows that don't have any animation in them. They don't even deserve to be called anime.

Disagreements lead to discussions. We each have different claims, so we explain to each other why we think what we do. Then we analyze each other's reasoning and learn from this.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jul 3, 2016 3:44 PM

May 2015
I hate all anime fans; fuken weeaboos
if you like Japan so much, why dont you just live there?
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jul 3, 2016 4:14 PM

Aug 2014
The objectivity people who think their opinion is absolute or at least say it and don't mean it ironically.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Jul 3, 2016 4:28 PM

Jul 2013
Inuchiyo said:
ppl who love BokuMachi and didn't ship Satoru x Yashiro
This. Just this.

I mean, it's pretty much canon.
Jul 3, 2016 4:40 PM

Jun 2016
People that are negative about every an anime without pointed anything positive, but maybe I just like negative people in general.
Jul 3, 2016 7:54 PM

Jul 2014
Another type of anime fan I dislike is the kind of fans you encounter in a comment section on any given anime or manga website, like Kiss Anime.

I literally cannot read any of those comment sections for more than a minute without cringing and closing my browser. So much moonspeak...
Jul 3, 2016 7:58 PM

May 2014
Venteboller said:
Probably the ones who get pissed and act like shit when you have an opinion on an anime they don't agree with. Also, the ones who take things way too personal and the ones who can't accept that people have different likes and dislikes

It is true, surely often to see one of these.

Also, a retarded idiot who thinks that he acknowledge all of the anime industry, choke someone to care about his rating system and give shit about the Blu-ray disc sales, novel sales, LN sales and stuff...

I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often...
How greedy of me
Jul 3, 2016 8:01 PM

Aug 2013
Some time ago I was talking with a guy, said him that I didn't like Love Live and thought it was shit, so he started saying that he didin't know why people don't like animes, that he buys all animes and mangas that exist and he tries to find like one think to like so he likes the show even if he doesn't like everyhting else even if it was just a song, and things like that.
So he basically was angry because I didn't like a show he loved.

That are the kind of fans I hate.

Oh, also visual/light novel elitists. They are the otaku counterpart of literature nerds who think they are better than everyone else just because they read books.
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Jul 3, 2016 8:04 PM

May 2016
People who are super picky about art styles. I know a couple of people who won't watch Clannad because of the moe faces, yet they like the more modern version in Angel Beats. I'll never understand people like that. Have fun missing out on some of the best anime just because the art style wasn't your cup of tea.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
~ George Santayana

Jul 6, 2016 1:44 AM

Dec 2014
OneTrueEmiya said:
thefreeloader said:
And also people like you. You complain too much.

They aren't complaints, they're baits :C
and mine aren't complaints either, they're baits :C
Jul 6, 2016 10:02 AM

Feb 2016
I'm not really bothered too much by anime fans online, because I can always just scroll down. I suppose the most annoying ones are the ones that go on the attack when you mention one thing you didn't like about some series as if you had just punched their mother. Or when you lay out like 6 things that didn't make sense about an episode and they disprove one of them and call you an idiot for not noticing one tiny detail in a scene while ignoring all your other points.

The anime fans that really bother me are the socially inept ones you sometimes meet in real life who have no concept that you don't want to discuss anime in loud, excited tones in public or that dive headlong into the sad, creepy side of their character obsession as if you're going to ask them if they want to have some daikamura orgy or something.
Jul 6, 2016 10:08 AM

Oct 2014
"This is shit, it didn't follow the manga panel by panel!"

If you don't like Kaneki there's a 90 percent chance you didn't read the manga.
Read it now.
Just do it.
Don't question it mongrel.

Rating System l Anime List l Manga List

My manga list is a more accurate representation of my preferences
Cease your thievery of my wine.
Jul 8, 2016 7:56 AM
Jun 2014
I hate discussing with ignorant and stubborn people. Everything you say just goes right over their head.
Jul 8, 2016 8:07 AM

Jun 2016
The ones which flip out whenever you get a detail wrong.

I'm not sure if there others like this, but two years ago, a classmate suddenly turned full-on hell mode when she saw I misspelled Hyouka as "Hyoka" on paper. Has been giving me bad treatment ever since. What the actual fuck? Crazy bitch.

"Ohmigod you a fake you don't like animu"

Active sometimes.
Jul 8, 2016 8:17 AM

May 2015
Tevens said:
"Ecchi ruining anime"

"Moe ruining anime"

"Loli ruining anime"

"Harem ruining Anime"

"Weeaboos ruining anime"


"Shit on other's opinions"

"Forcing people to do this and that, to watch this and that"

"Troll, bait"

and i hate myself for getting used to elitist people.
I second this, especially people who shit on other's opinions
Jul 8, 2016 8:24 AM

Oct 2015
Yah I also dont like fanboys who think their favorite anime is flawless and even dare to say illogical baseless things just to feel like their winning some kind of battle, Also people who bash on anime from genres they dont like, whats up with that, lastly people who think just because they dont like a particular anime, then the whole community should also hate the anime
Jul 8, 2016 8:26 AM

Oct 2015
darkreaver94 said:
"I can't take your argument seriously after you rated X anime higher/lower than Y anime."

thanks for that one, I actually have heard this before and its just annoying
Jul 8, 2016 8:52 AM

Jan 2013
The fans that don't remember that everyone has different opinions and different tastes and resort to pre-school level intellect when arguing (i.e this anime is better than your favourite anime because I said so!). The fans that incessantly complain about everything, including complaining itself (I see a lot of that on here). The male fans that prefer their waifus to real women and do nothing but slag real women off (I guess it would be the same vice versa but I've never seen it happen).
RDWJul 8, 2016 8:57 AM
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