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Dec 1, 2015 5:50 PM

Apr 2013
traed said:

"Come on its 2015!"
(that may be wrong fallacy since i cant remember the name of it but its similar)

Except I wasn't dismissing anyone's arguments and posing myself in a higher moral ground by using that statement. The implication was that I'm surprised that people still demonize women for being sexually active. Though I shouldn't be considering this is MAL...

Except I wasn't saying that promiscuity is right because a lot people do it, I was saying that promiscuity (based on my experiences) is the norm because a lot of people do it.

There is no reason promiscuity should be encouraged and not discouraged though.

Personally you are free to do whatever you want when it comes to sex. Just be safe and respectful.
Dec 1, 2015 5:51 PM
Feb 2014
I always thought MAL encouraged promiscuity, maybe the white knights are hibernating after all if otherwise..
Dec 1, 2015 5:52 PM

Mar 2008
@Nudebear I was sort of just using that as a way to point some things out. I had a feeling you were not really implying some of that.

Fintan said:
It should not be encouraged OR discouraged... Peoples sex lives are their own business. You were the one who messaged someone telling them the amount of sex they've had in a few years is "the average one person has in their lifetime" then putting "..." as if to imply they should be ashamed.
You say that but you go on tirades on incest threads. Make up your mind. Is peoples sex lives their own business or not? You contradict yourself with your own actions.
Dec 1, 2015 5:55 PM

Apr 2013
Nico- said:
I always thought MAL encouraged promiscuity, maybe the white knights are hibernating after all if otherwise..

From what I've gathered, the idea is men in general want a woman who's sexually active, adventurous, and good in bed etc...

but at the same time they don't want them to be just as sexually adventurous with other guys. The idea that they've sucked other dicks before yours is off putting for a lot of men. It's a weird mindset. That's why a lot of women lie about their sexual history. lol
Dec 1, 2015 5:57 PM
Feb 2014
NudeBear said:
Nico- said:
I always thought MAL encouraged promiscuity, maybe the white knights are hibernating after all if otherwise..

From what I've gathered, the idea is men in general want a woman who's sexually active, adventurous, and good in bed etc...

First part sorta turns me off but the other two are things I'm cool with.

Call me dry but I think sex is good like every once in a while, not every day/week
Dec 1, 2015 5:59 PM

Mar 2008
NudeBear said:

From what I've gathered, the idea is men in general want a woman who's sexually active, adventurous, and good in bed etc...

but at the same time they don't want them to be just as sexually adventurous with other guys. The idea that they've sucked other dicks than yours is off putting for a lot of men. It's a weird mindset. That's why a lot of women lie about their sexual history. lol
I think guys lie about it too. Id imagine both lie in both directions for more and less depending on who they are lying too. The point at which they lie is probably where it differs.
Dec 1, 2015 5:59 PM

Apr 2011
traed said:
Fintan said:
It should not be encouraged OR discouraged... Peoples sex lives are their own business. You were the one who messaged someone telling them the amount of sex they've had in a few years is "the average one person has in their lifetime" then putting "..." as if to imply they should be ashamed.
You say that but you go on tirades on incest threads. Make up your mind. Is peoples sex lives their own business or not? You contradict yourself with your own actions.

That's not even true... I said I could care less about incest if it's two consenting adults, but the majority of incest is an older sibling molesting a younger one.

If you're acting as if molestation and pedophilia is normal sexuality.... that's your issue. As for healthy sexual behavior, I think that's peoples own business as I just said.

So now that you diverted the attention from you trying to shame someone for having sex...
Dec 2, 2015 12:55 AM

May 2015
tit said:
Chiki said:

She's 19. She's basically a prostitute at that age if she slept with 8 people.

I'm guessing you're probably basically a prostitute too? Looking at your Twitter it sure seems like it.

Uhhh 8 people, and if she started being active at 16 then it's like less than 3 people per year. That's not a lot by any means. What kinda sad virginal life do you live?

I'm not a prostitute wtf! Prostitutes sleep with 8 people in like 3 working days, not 3 years! I'm so shocked at yall people out of touch with reality.

This is still an above average number of sex partners.

I don't think it's bad. In fact, I'm happy for her. 3 partners a year? Sounds like a glorious sex life. I wish I had such a poppin' sex life.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Dec 2, 2015 2:15 AM

Oct 2012
TheBrainintheJar said:
tit said:

Uhhh 8 people, and if she started being active at 16 then it's like less than 3 people per year. That's not a lot by any means. What kinda sad virginal life do you live?

I'm not a prostitute wtf! Prostitutes sleep with 8 people in like 3 working days, not 3 years! I'm so shocked at yall people out of touch with reality.

This is still an above average number of sex partners.

I don't think it's bad. In fact, I'm happy for her. 3 partners a year? Sounds like a glorious sex life. I wish I had such a poppin' sex life.
Same. If only I had more friends with benefits. :<

There's nothing wrong with wanting to do sexual things with your friends. In fact, it's beneficial because you find out more about yourself and your friends, your own sexuality + friends, and what kinds of kinks you are into. So remember, as long as you understand the risks, sex away! Don't be ashamed! :D

Part of uni life comes from the sex, anyway. It's the perfect time to explore yourself. It's part of reality too. If you can't accept the fact that people like having sex, you've lost touch with reality.
Dec 2, 2015 2:38 AM

Oct 2014
Fintan said:
traed said:
8 is the average for how much girls have in their entire lifetime. ....

Where the hell did you hear that? Whatever dumb study you saw that in is incredibly inaccurate.
If it's truly an average then it includes Muslims who are only allowed to have sex with one man in their entire lives. It also says "girls" not "women" meaning that females who die before puberty are still counted. I don't believe that 8 is an inaccurate estimate, but it still might not be that useful of a number.
Dec 2, 2015 4:09 AM

Aug 2013
sluts make the world go round <3
Dec 2, 2015 4:17 AM

Mar 2008
Fintan said:
That's not even true... I said I could care less about incest if it's two consenting adults, but the majority of incest is an older sibling molesting a younger one.

If you're acting as if molestation and pedophilia is normal sexuality.... that's your issue. As for healthy sexual behavior, I think that's peoples own business as I just said.

So now that you diverted the attention from you trying to shame someone for having sex...
I'm not. You say that but you still harassed several people very rudely each thread if they okay with what consenting adults do.

If you can consider correcting someone on incorrect facts shaming.

zombie_pegasus said:

If it's truly an average then it includes Muslims who are only allowed to have sex with one man in their entire lives. It also says "girls" not "women" meaning that females who die before puberty are still counted. I don't believe that 8 is an inaccurate estimate, but it still might not be that useful of a number.
I'm not an " it". I say girls when I refer to generalized age groups sometimes.

It also does not include Islamic countries as most studies come from the US and UK or other European countries at times so Muslims are not a major factor.

" Males 30-44 report an average of 6-8 female sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005).
Females 30-44 report an average of 4 male sexual partners in their lifetime (Mosher, Chandra, & Jones, 2005)"

This is ages 16-69
"When asked about the number of opposite sex partners they had had all together in their life so far, men reported a mean of 9.3 female sexual partners, while women reported a lower number, a men of 4.7 male sexual partners. The majority of participants indicated that they were certain of the number of opposite sex partners they had had, but 33% of men and 17% of women said that the number was an estimate. More women than men reported having sexual intercourse with only one partner of the opposite sex in their lifetime (24 % of women compared with 17% of men), and conversely more men than women reported having sexual intercourse with ten or more partners of the opposite sex (27 % of men and 13% of women)"

" We found that 31% of men and 21% of women had slept with more than ten people in their lifetime. "
" Older and younger people were the groups most likely to report lower numbers of sexual partners (none or one), with a quarter of people aged 65+ and people aged 19-24 reporting having one sexual partner in their lifetime (25%). Women were slightly more likely than men to report no or one sexual partner (26% vs 23%), although the largest gender differences were found among those who’d had sex with over 20 people (8% vs 16%)"

Aged 16-44
"11.7 men" " 7.7 women"

" Amid our rapidly changing attitudes about sex, a seeming contradiction has emerged: Millennials tend to be cool with casual relations -- but they’ve probably had fewer partners than lovers of previous generations, new research suggests."

Going from highest to lowest of the ones collected. Its 15-20 year olds. They seemed to keep male and female together.
"Turkey 5.3
Germany 4.7
Austria 4.4
Switzerland 4
UK 4
Spain 3.9
Italy 3.9
France 3.8
Romania 3.6
Netherlands 3.6
Hungary 3.3
Belgium 3
Lithuania 2.9
Poland 2.5"

Also play around with this a while.
traedDec 2, 2015 4:21 AM
Dec 2, 2015 7:17 AM

May 2015
Martin said:
TheBrainintheJar said:

This is still an above average number of sex partners.

I don't think it's bad. In fact, I'm happy for her. 3 partners a year? Sounds like a glorious sex life. I wish I had such a poppin' sex life.
Same. If only I had more friends with benefits. :<

There's nothing wrong with wanting to do sexual things with your friends. In fact, it's beneficial because you find out more about yourself and your friends, your own sexuality + friends, and what kinds of kinks you are into. So remember, as long as you understand the risks, sex away! Don't be ashamed! :D

Part of uni life comes from the sex, anyway. It's the perfect time to explore yourself. It's part of reality too. If you can't accept the fact that people like having sex, you've lost touch with reality.

I don't get why sex with friends is still seen as weird. I think it's best to do it with friends. You're already friendly and trusting with each other, so if something goes wrong you'll help each other.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Dec 2, 2015 8:30 AM

Apr 2011
TheBrainintheJar said:
Martin said:
Same. If only I had more friends with benefits. :<

There's nothing wrong with wanting to do sexual things with your friends. In fact, it's beneficial because you find out more about yourself and your friends, your own sexuality + friends, and what kinds of kinks you are into. So remember, as long as you understand the risks, sex away! Don't be ashamed! :D

Part of uni life comes from the sex, anyway. It's the perfect time to explore yourself. It's part of reality too. If you can't accept the fact that people like having sex, you've lost touch with reality.

I don't get why sex with friends is still seen as weird. I think it's best to do it with friends. You're already friendly and trusting with each other, so if something goes wrong you'll help each other.

I've had friends where it works, but if it's more then just the occasionally thing then at least one of you usually starts to have stronger feelings. There's jealousy, expectations, ext. Friends with benefits is a nice way of saying an open relationship basically.

It can work, and when it does it is great. Most of the time though you might as well be dating the person and just kind of be agreed that it's mainly about sex and that the friendship is the more important part. It ends up being kind of a less stressful relationship I find.

However, if one of you does start to feel like it should get serious they should be honest. Honesty... It's the key.
Dec 2, 2015 8:31 AM

Jul 2012
Soooooo, should we promote promiscuity or nah?
Dec 2, 2015 8:32 AM

Mar 2014
Men who call women sluts are salty that someone not only enjoys sex, but gets it too.
Dec 2, 2015 8:37 AM

Apr 2011
mayukachan said:
Soooooo, should we promote promiscuity or nah?

I think not labeling people or acting like there's some norm they should fit into is the best solution. I hate these people calling people sluts, or implying they've slept with too many people. However, it's just as wrong to shame someone for being a virgin or wanting to be very particular about who they date and sleep with.
Dec 2, 2015 8:40 AM

Jul 2012
Fintan said:
mayukachan said:
Soooooo, should we promote promiscuity or nah?

I think not labeling people or acting like there's some norm they should fit into is the best solution. I hate these people calling people sluts, or implying they've slept with too many people. However, it's just as wrong to shame someone for being a virgin or wanting to be very particular about who they date and sleep with.
I agree.
Dec 2, 2015 8:51 AM

Nov 2015
Fintan said:
mayukachan said:
Soooooo, should we promote promiscuity or nah?

I think not labeling people or acting like there's some norm they should fit into is the best solution. I hate these people calling people sluts, or implying they've slept with too many people. However, it's just as wrong to shame someone for being a virgin or wanting to be very particular about who they date and sleep with.

So, just kill 'Freedom of Speech' or 'Freedom of thought'?
Dec 2, 2015 9:20 AM

Apr 2011
PerpetualTrance said:
Fintan said:

I think not labeling people or acting like there's some norm they should fit into is the best solution. I hate these people calling people sluts, or implying they've slept with too many people. However, it's just as wrong to shame someone for being a virgin or wanting to be very particular about who they date and sleep with.

So, just kill 'Freedom of Speech' or 'Freedom of thought'?

Did I say anything about laws not allowing people to speak their minds?! No.. I didn't. I obviously meant people should just reevaluate their opinions on this, and out of common sense, and decency/respect for others not attack or belittle their sexuality that is not hurting anyone.
Dec 2, 2015 9:26 AM

Nov 2015
Fintan said:
PerpetualTrance said:

So, just kill 'Freedom of Speech' or 'Freedom of thought'?

Did I say anything about laws not allowing people to speak their minds?! No.. I didn't. I obviously meant people should just reevaluate their opinions on this, and out of common sense, and decency/respect for others not attack or belittle their sexuality that is not hurting anyone.

There is no 'sexuality' involved. Let me get this out of the way that I'm against the sidelining of one gender because that would be irrational. Slut shaming, on the other hand, is a plausible stigma if the society aims to encourage monogamy or to discourage promiscuity. Virgin shaming can be defended by the arguments of virgins usually possessing no desirable traits. Though, virgin shaming is less sensible. Still, slut shaming is not something to mourn over. Unless, promiscuity is what we aim for.
Dec 2, 2015 10:08 AM

Apr 2011
PerpetualTrance said:
Fintan said:

Did I say anything about laws not allowing people to speak their minds?! No.. I didn't. I obviously meant people should just reevaluate their opinions on this, and out of common sense, and decency/respect for others not attack or belittle their sexuality that is not hurting anyone.

There is no 'sexuality' involved. Let me get this out of the way that I'm against the sidelining of one gender because that would be irrational. Slut shaming, on the other hand, is a plausible stigma if the society aims to encourage monogamy or to discourage promiscuity. Virgin shaming can be defended by the arguments of virgins usually possessing no desirable traits. Though, virgin shaming is less sensible. Still, slut shaming is not something to mourn over. Unless, promiscuity is what we aim for.

Be more clear with what you're trying to say... You just basically said that it's not right to shame virgins, but no one should care much about shaming promiscuous people... Just attempting to word it in a way to try and make yourself sound analytical...

It's simple, if they're not hurting anyone then a person's sex life should not be the concern of anyone but themselves and the people they are with.
Dec 2, 2015 10:11 AM

Nov 2015
Fintan said:

Be more clear with what you're trying to say... You just basically said that it's not right to shame virgins, but no one should care much about shaming promiscuous people... Just attempting to word it in a way to try and make yourself sound analytical...

It's simple, if they're not hurting anyone then a person's sex life should not be the concern of anyone but themselves and the people they are with.

I'm clear. You only need to answer my two questions:
Why do people shame the virgins?
Why do people shame the sluts?

Take in account that I'm a rationalist. Now, go.

PS I don't agree with the belief 'duh, it's their life it's not hurting anyone blablabla''. I believe in tolerance, not apathy.
Dec 2, 2015 10:38 AM

Apr 2011
PerpetualTrance said:
Fintan said:

Be more clear with what you're trying to say... You just basically said that it's not right to shame virgins, but no one should care much about shaming promiscuous people... Just attempting to word it in a way to try and make yourself sound analytical...

It's simple, if they're not hurting anyone then a person's sex life should not be the concern of anyone but themselves and the people they are with.

I'm clear. You only need to answer my two questions:
Why do people shame the virgins?
Why do people shame the sluts?

Take in account that I'm a rationalist. Now, go.

PS I don't agree with the belief 'duh, it's their life it's not hurting anyone blablabla''. I believe in tolerance, not apathy.

We're done. Rationalist my ass xD You're just some jerk judging others on the internet.
Dec 2, 2015 10:44 AM

Nov 2015
Fintan said:
PerpetualTrance said:

I'm clear. You only need to answer my two questions:
Why do people shame the virgins?
Why do people shame the sluts?

Take in account that I'm a rationalist. Now, go.

PS I don't agree with the belief 'duh, it's their life it's not hurting anyone blablabla''. I believe in tolerance, not apathy.

We're done. Rationalist my ass xD You're just some jerk judging others on the internet.

Dec 2, 2015 10:52 AM

May 2014
Fintan said:
PerpetualTrance said:

I'm clear. You only need to answer my two questions:
Why do people shame the virgins?
Why do people shame the sluts?

Take in account that I'm a rationalist. Now, go.

PS I don't agree with the belief 'duh, it's their life it's not hurting anyone blablabla''. I believe in tolerance, not apathy.

We're done. Rationalist my ass xD You're just some jerk judging others on the internet.

when in doubt ... ad hominem dat SUKAH !!!

Always works.
Dec 2, 2015 11:03 AM

Mar 2015
To OP:

This type of thinking is part of the womanly arguement of sexual in-equality but the reality once you get older is that is not how most people think.

Most people i know either think its fucked up to have multiple sex partners regardless of gender. Then the other large portion of people do not see anything wrong with it.

The clashing of these ideas created the point of view you expressed.

Also if we want take this to a more primal instinctual level. Men have been having multiple wives/mistresses for generation. Why? because men on average are the more physically dominate gender. The feminism movements seeks to give power to women and alot of people preach equality between sexes. However the cold hard truth is men are stronger, faster, more aggressively dominate in almost every way then females. Females (on average)are also more emotionally unstable do to their chemical nature then men. WE ARE DIFFERENT. Equality is great and i support the idea and believe that it should be that way. But in reality we are not equal, it is not a matter of opinion. No this is not woman hate again i support women and equality between genders but i said that paragraph to kind of explain no matter what politically correct twist we try to put on social reality it will not change truth.

Also all woman are bisexual, there have been study's proving this. A man sullying a woman feels more vial because it is due to the nature of the sex and the mans innate need to mark their territory.

So from the animal perspective the man is just marking territory and the woman is the territory being marked. And no man wants territory that has already been marked, they want THEIR own territory.
Dec 2, 2015 11:04 AM

Jul 2012
1ghost1 said:
Also all woman are bisexual, there have been study's proving this.
oh my god
not this shit again...........
Dec 2, 2015 11:20 AM

May 2014
mayukachan said:
1ghost1 said:
Also all woman are bisexual, there have been study's proving this.
oh my god
not this shit again...........

ohh god :")

Stay classy CD.
Dec 2, 2015 11:21 AM

Feb 2015
Yep..I have seen everything
Dec 2, 2015 11:23 AM

May 2008
the follwing funtions suit women well.
- kitchen workers
- entertainers for men
Dec 2, 2015 11:25 AM

Apr 2011
ZA_WAYD said:
Fintan said:

We're done. Rationalist my ass xD You're just some jerk judging others on the internet.

when in doubt ... ad hominem dat SUKAH !!!

Always works.

It's not an ad hominem if I've said I'm no longer debating the topic, it's simply me calling him obnoxious... You and your friend try way to hard to sound intelligent rather then staying focused on the topic.
Dec 2, 2015 11:29 AM

Oct 2010
"Stop sleeping around, you sluts. You're dirty and insane."
"No,no. Sex is fun, that is fact. You sleep around more instead, you obvious virgins with an inactive sex life. Don't be jealous!"

This thread is a nutshell.
Dec 2, 2015 11:38 AM

Apr 2011
Usagi said:
"Stop sleeping around, you sluts. You're dirty and insane."
"No,no. Sex is fun, that is fact. You sleep around more instead, you obvious virgins with an inactive sex life. Don't be jealous!"

This thread is a nutshell.

Don't get what is it hard to see that both of those groups are just needlessly judgmental and condescending, but that's MAL for you... Sex doesn't hurt anyone if practiced safely(which applies to MANY things in life that people do on a daily basis), and staying abstinent doesn't hurt anyone.
Dec 2, 2015 11:41 AM

Jul 2015
Aka_Saber said:

Dec 2, 2015 11:48 AM

May 2008
what i most like are womens dont know why
Dec 2, 2015 12:02 PM

May 2014
Fintan said:

It's not an ad hominem if I've said I'm no longer debating the topic, it's simply me calling him obnoxious... You and your friend try way to hard to sound intelligent rather then staying focused on the topic.

I was merely highlighting the manner in which you replied which was Insult + run away = ??
yeah, U do the math.

and dude, please, don't play the "friend" card, the dude joined like yesterday and i don't really share his opinion as evident by my post in the first few pages.

Have a nice day now.
ZA_WAYDDec 2, 2015 12:07 PM
Dec 2, 2015 12:06 PM

Oct 2015
I'm just kind of "you do you and I'll do me" towards this. Simple as that. People can do whatever the hell they want (as long as they're not hurting anybody), but promiscuity just isn't my cup of tea.
Dec 2, 2015 12:12 PM

May 2013
Usagi said:
"Stop sleeping around, you sluts. You're dirty and insane."
"No,no. Sex is fun, that is fact. You sleep around more instead, you obvious virgins with an inactive sex life. Don't be jealous!"

This thread is a nutshell.

believe the word you're looking for here is 'envious', not 'jealous' but otherwise, entirely accurate
Dec 2, 2015 12:14 PM

Mar 2012
I feel like this thread has reached some consensus, someone should come up with a shitty argument to throw some oil on this weakening fire.

Men like virgin girls because you can taint them, ruin them, think about how their fathers just lost their little angel to your filthy smeganized dick.
Dec 2, 2015 12:18 PM

Apr 2011
ZA_WAYD said:
Fintan said:

It's not an ad hominem if I've said I'm no longer debating the topic, it's simply me calling him obnoxious... You and your friend try way to hard to sound intelligent rather then staying focused on the topic.

I was merely highlighting the manner in which you replied which was Insult + run away = ??
yeah, U do the math.

and dude, please, don't play the "friend" card, the dude joined like yesterday and i don't really share his opinion as evident by my post in the first few pages.

Have a nice day now.

It's not math, it's English. You misused the term, which people do so often lately it is getting rather annoying. Also, I didn't "run away". The sentence in bold showed his extreme bias regarding this topic, making any further discussion pointless.

This is the most simple topic ever, no one is hurt by people having sex or not having sex. Anyone who's name calling or trying to portray themselves as better for doing one over the other is just being a condescending jerk.
Dec 2, 2015 12:19 PM

Oct 2012
Fintan said:
Usagi said:
"Stop sleeping around, you sluts. You're dirty and insane."
"No,no. Sex is fun, that is fact. You sleep around more instead, you obvious virgins with an inactive sex life. Don't be jealous!"

This thread is a nutshell.

Don't get what is it hard to see that both of those groups are just needlessly judgmental and condescending, but that's MAL for you... Sex doesn't hurt anyone if practiced safely(which applies to MANY things in life that people do on a daily basis), and staying abstinent doesn't hurt anyone.
Pretty much. In the end, sex is a choice and it's up to you about how you wanna go about it. There's nothing wrong about being a virgin, nor is there anything wrong about being a slut.

I just wish both sides would be more understanding of the other though.
Dec 2, 2015 12:42 PM

May 2014
Fintan said:

It's not math, it's English. You misused the term, which people do so often lately it is getting rather annoying.

Fintan said:

Anyone who's name calling or trying to portray themselves as better for doing one over the other is just being a condescending jerk.


Fintan said:

This is the most simple topic ever, no one is hurt by people having sex or not having sex.

Fintan said:

The sentence in bold showed his extreme bias regarding this topic, making any further discussion pointless.

Indeed it does, i agree.

1) This is a "forum" , a place for people to share and discuss different POVs, if you're looking for people to go +1 on your post then that is counterproductive for debate and against forum rules since it doesn't encourage discussion.
If you're looking for a circle jerk around your opinion then you have made a grave mistake by coming here my friend.

2) Your conduct is clearly no better then that of the person you are criticizing, you can deduct that from the sectioning of your post displayed above.

Have a nice day (again).
ZA_WAYDDec 3, 2015 1:19 AM
Dec 2, 2015 12:52 PM

Oct 2010
khunter said:
believe the word you're looking for here is 'envious', not 'jealous' but otherwise, entirely accurate

Those words mean the same thing (x) and the word "jealous" was specifically used in the thread, but alright.
Dec 2, 2015 12:58 PM

Feb 2015
First of all i never heard a man be called a slut and had it be a compliment. . Second of all, whether the girl enjoys being called a slut or not really depends on the girl~

Dec 2, 2015 9:27 PM

May 2013
Usagi said:
khunter said:
believe the word you're looking for here is 'envious', not 'jealous' but otherwise, entirely accurate

Those words mean the same thing (x) and the word "jealous" was specifically used in the thread, but alright.

Jealousy and envy do not mean the same thing. They are two different words with different meanings. Jealousy is often used in place for envy, hence why I corrected you, but alright
Dec 2, 2015 10:48 PM

Mar 2008
Promiscuity is a reason for concern toward both genders

" Sexual abuse history and number of sex partners among female adolescents.
A survey completed 1996 of 10,868 adolescent females from one Midwestern state indicates that 10% had experienced sexual abuse by an adult or by someone older than themselves-9% in the past and 1% in an ongoing situation. Past and current victims of sexual abuse had had more sexual partners during the past year (2.3 and 1.2, respectively) than their peers who had never been sexually abused (0.5). Regardless of sexual abuse history, teenagers whose activities were closely monitored by their parents, who received high levels of parental support and whose parents disapproved of teenagers having sex had fewer sexual partners than other adolescents. Respondents who had experienced physical abuse in addition to sexual abuse were at further increased risk of having had multiple sexual partners. Overall, sexually abused adolescents with a supportive family had fewer recent partners than those from a less supportive family environment; family context had less influence on number of partners among respondents with no history of sexual abuse."

"Child sexual abuse and number of sexual partners in young women: the role of abuse severity, coping style, and sexual functioning.
The authors proposed and tested a model describing distinct pathways through which childhood sexual abuse (CSA) may lead to relatively low or high numbers of sexual partners in adulthood. Path analyses were conducted on survey responses of young female US Navy recruits who reported CSA (N=547). Use of avoidant strategies to cope with CSA was expected to produce higher levels of sexual problems and fewer heterosexual sex partners, whereas use of self-destructive coping strategies was expected to result in more dysfunctional sexual behavior and more heterosexual sex partners. As predicted, the effect of CSA on number of sex partners was largely mediated by coping strategies and dysfunctional sexual behavior."

" The relationship between borderline personality disorder and number of sexual partners.
In this study, we examined the number of self-reported lifetime sexual partners between those with and without borderline personality disorder (BPD). Our hypothesis was that, due to the nature of the disorder, those with BPD would exhibit a greater number of lifetime sexual partners. Using a survey methodology in a consecutive sample of internal medicine outpatients (N = 354), we administered two self-report measures for BPD (the borderline personality scale of the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 and the Self-Harm Inventory), and queried participants, "How many sexual partners have you had in your lifetime?" Correlation coefficients and one-way ANOVAs were conducted to determine the relationship between BPD and the number of sexual partners. According to BPD status with the borderline personality scale of the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4, we found that the mean number of sexual partners among BPD-positive participants was nearly double (p < .001) that of BPD-negative participants; according to BPD status with the Self-Harm Inventory, the mean number of sexual partners among BPD-positive participants was more than double (p < .001) that of BPD-negative participants. Compared to internal medicine outpatients without BPD, those with BPD exhibit a statistically significantly greater number of sexual partners."

"Increasing numbers of sex partners were associated with increasing risk of substance dependence disorder at all three ages. The association was stronger for women and remained after adjusting for prior disorder. For women reporting 2.5 or more partners per year, compared to 0-1 partners, the adjusted odd ratios (and 95 % CIs) were 9.6 (4.4-20.9), 7.3 (2.5-21.3), and 17.5 (3.5-88.1) at 21, 26, and 32 years, respectively. Analyses using new cases of these disorders showed similar patterns. This study established a strong association between number of sex partners and later substance disorder, especially for women, which persisted beyond prior substance use and mental health problems more generally. The reasons for this association deserve investigation. "

"Incarceration and sexual risk: examining the relationship between men's involvement in the criminal justice system and risky sexual behavior.
In this study, we used data from Add Health Waves II and III to compare men who had been incarcerated to those who had not, and examined whether incarceration was associated with increased numbers of sexual partners and increased odds of concurrent partnerships. We used multivariate regression and propensity-score matching to compare sexual behavior of Wave III male respondents who had been incarcerated with those who had not, and compared sexual behavior at Wave II to identify differences in sexual behavior prior to incarceration. Incarceration was associated with an increased rate of lifetime sexual partnership, but this was attenuated by substance use. Criminal justice involvement was associated with increased odds of having partners who report concurrent partnerships, but no further increase was seen with incarceration. There were no significant sexual behavior differences prior to incarceration. These results suggest that the criminal justice system and substance use may interact to shape sexual behavior. "

"A gene-based evolutionary explanation for the association between criminal involvement and number of sex partners.
Empirical research has revealed a positive relationship between number of sex partners and involvement in antisocial behaviors. Most attempts to explain this association have taken an evolutionary perspective and argued that the same traits (e.g., impulsiveness, shortsightedness, and aggressiveness) that are related to a large number of sex partners are also related to criminal involvement. However, there is also reason to believe that the covariation between sex partners and crime behaviors can be partially explained by a common genetic pathway, where genes that are related to sex partners are also related to antisocial conduct. We test this possibility by using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Specifically, we examine whether variants of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) are associated with number of sexual partners and with adult criminal behavior. The results of our analyses reveal two broad findings. First, and in line with prior research, we find that there is a strong positive association between sex partners and antisocial behavior. Second, DAT1 explains variation in both number of sexual partners and in criminal conduct for males. We speak to the implications of our findings."
Dec 2, 2015 10:51 PM

Jul 2012
Muan142 said:
First of all i never heard a man be called a slut and had it be a compliment.
because it's called "player" or "fuckboy" pick your poison.
Dec 2, 2015 11:00 PM

Nov 2015
Fintan said:

It's not an ad hominem if I've said I'm no longer debating the topic, it's simply me calling him obnoxious... You and your friend try way to hard to sound intelligent rather then staying focused on the topic.

ad hominem
ad ˈhɒmɪnɛm/
adverb & adjective
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

By all definitions, that was an ad hominem. Now I admit that I went easy on you last night ignoring your utter bias and your feigning insecurities, but let me clear myself out before you go on further spreading the shit I never said around. So, the line you put in bold, the one about tolerance and apathy, is what in your view? nonsense? Good. Now I expect you to never comment in any thread regarding any world matter that doesn't concern you. I expect you to not call anyone a weaboo, to not criticize a self-loathing suicidal teenager, to not make comments on any one's life who is not you. Go on, spread your apathy. Apathy is the death of progression.

Now then, about the virgin shaming and slut-shaming. The former is usually done for the reasons that virgins are associated with 'losers', in a broader sense. The later is done on the basis that promiscuity is never desired and if you see traed's post above, you'll get to know why. What I was saying is that, whereas the reason for slut-shaming remains true in all scenarios, the reason for virgin-shaming does not. People can remain virgin for a plethora of reasons; not just them being 'losers'.

If promiscuity is undesired in your society, then one should have all the right to criticize it; regardless of ''it doesn't hurt muh feelings blahblahblah''. Liberalism, secularism never imply apathy. They only imply 'tolerance'. Tolerance is when you criticize yet let them be. Apathy is when you don't even care. The later never results in the betterment of an individual, let alone a whole society.
Dec 2, 2015 11:15 PM

Mar 2008
mayukachan said:
Muan142 said:
First of all i never heard a man be called a slut and had it be a compliment.
because it's called "player" or "fuckboy" pick your poison.
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