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Jul 6, 2015 8:35 AM
Sep 2007
I don't know, maybe it's just me as her fan, but it's really painful to have a character dear to you trashed and ridiculed by pretty much everyone, especially since she is actually very nice person, with arguably the most human heart out of main characters, and is just as a vulnerable as we are.

I admit that Kishimoto should have given her more relevance in story, and more than simply punching the ground battle style, but in general, I'd say she's really of a balanced personality, without going into extremes of good, or evil.

Everyone has right on their opinions, but it wasn't Sakura who wrote herself, it was Kishimoto who, is like the worst author when it comes to women, ever.

I wonder how Sakura would end up if she was written by ATLA and TLOK authors...

Does Sakura deserves all the hate she gets, cause I don't remember her killing, raping, or in general doing anything bad, aside from the beginning when she said some ignorant things about Naruto having it easy for not having parents?

I read many folks complained about her always being helpless, and crying, but I'm not sure what to say about that, since she was like 17, or younger years old girl before time skip.

Or is her biggest sin that she choose main character's rival, instead of MC?
Jul 6, 2015 5:36 PM

Mar 2015
Sakura is an example on how not to write female characters

she had potential but it got screwed it up

And people don't like Sakura not because she is a bad person in the story because she isn't, most people just don't like her because she is a badly done character
Jul 6, 2015 9:50 PM
Jun 2015
I don't necessarily hate her, I just dislike how Kishi wrote her. Actually, up until 693, I never had a problem with Kishi in that aspect nor Sakura, but after reading her psychiatric confession to Sasuke, Kishi straight-up disrespected her fans.

Aside from that, she doesn't deserve the hate she gets; the only justification for the fandoms feelings towards her are what she said in 693, but not because autistic reasons like she's "useless".

Hinata's much more useless but no one calls her out 'cause it's a fact that readers tend to vicariously become the MC, meaning when a chick has big tits and starves for your meat, then of course they'll get up this bitch.
Jul 6, 2015 9:57 PM
Jun 2015
Marco86 said:
Akutron said:

Everyone has right on their opinions, but it wasn't Sakura who wrote herself, it was Kishimoto who, is like the worst author when it comes to women, ever.

I wonder how Sakura would end up if she was written by ATLA and TLOK authors...

You are doing an excellent job in defending her, really.

Anyway, people hate her because she's one of the worst written female characters in history. Just look at what she's been relegated to in this special.
Perhaps in the minimal amount of series' you've read/watched, but lolnope in the history of fiction -- or just manga.
Jul 6, 2015 9:57 PM

Jul 2012
She waits diligently in the village for whenever Sasuke returns to drain his balls.
Jul 6, 2015 10:07 PM

Dec 2013
I have always just found her very annoying
Jul 6, 2015 10:17 PM

Jan 2014
All the hate is all exaggerate the whole "why love sasuke when he tried to kill her" when actually she was planning to kill him at first.

Overall I like Sakura thobut I've been rewatching naruto part 1 and it's kinda disappointing how Kishi built her up to be skilled with genjutsu :/ Just seem like a waste to build that up to only have her as a physical strength/medic ninja.

Jul 6, 2015 11:13 PM

Mar 2015
I don't particularly hate her. But I clearly hate her development. Pretty much bad writing on her character that made her kind of useless. And then fans keep on defending Sakura as a great character by saying that Sakura beat Sasori. Yeah with a help of a granny who almost do all the job.

Also Sakura as a MAIN character is pretty much useless. Seriously, even if she's not there in the story, will it change the story line? Okay she killed Sasori and that led to Kabuto and Orochimaru, but did she do anything else after that? Even Hinata dying battling Pain has greater impact on the story line, because Naruto turned to 8 tails and broke the seal that made Naruto meet with Minato, and that lead to Naruto not killing Nagato, and therefore reviving all Konoha people.

Hinata had a better development than Sakura. Starting from a respected Hyuuga family, being forced to train everyday, lost to Hanabi, met Naruto, and then keep pushing herself to the limit when fighting Neji, then developed it to fighting to death for her love, and then The Last story.

Sakura's background story is pretty much getting insulted because of her forehead, then fought Ino for Sasuke. There is nothing more to it, and she is supposed to be the main character. But her character is not that interesting, which is the biggest issue because main character is supposed to be interesting.

Hinata's less screen time in the series is far better than Sakura's tons of screen time. While Sakura still the same old girl who wanted Sasuke, and tried to better herself and only prove she is worthy in the 4th Ninja War and vs Kaguya. Her development pretty much bad. She did not even a strong independent woman like she said she would.

Let's not forget that in the Gaiden she actually want to buy time by reviving his enemy... like what??? Why not buy some time while slowly killing Shin? She's a medical ninja that knows how to kill slowly and stealthily kill his enemy like Kabuto right?

Jul 6, 2015 11:45 PM

May 2015
I wouldn't had any problems if Sakura was not the main character. As a main character that should've had tons of potential, she's pretty much a disappointment. If Sakura was a supporting character, I would be fine, but mannnn she IS the main character. Probably the worst writing of a character in the whole series.
Jul 7, 2015 3:28 AM
Oct 2013
DarkingDawning said:
I wouldn't had any problems if Sakura was not the main character. As a main character that should've had tons of potential, she's pretty much a disappointment. If Sakura was a supporting character, I would be fine, but mannnn she IS the main character. Probably the worst writing of a character in the whole series.

No need to add anything else, simple as that. Sakura isn´t a character that fit´s Kishimoto´s comfort zone. No matter how much fans defend her character he admitted himself to have forgotten about her and that he´s not good with female´s as leads.
That explains also how Konan Kushina and Temari are considered even by Sakura and Hinata haters good females.

But he´s not entirely to blame because Sakura is not his own character but an addition from his Editor, it should be noted that the Sasuke rivalvry was also the Editor´s idea, Naruto was initially meant to be trained alone.
Jul 7, 2015 3:45 AM

Dec 2012
Itachi said:
it's kinda disappointing how Kishi built her up to be skilled with genjutsu :/ Just seem like a waste to build that up to only have her as a physical strength/medic ninja.

Uh no. She wasn't skilled or had a talent for genjutsu. She was very good at chakra control, which makes her able to dispel genjutsu better than the average Genin.

She became a medical jutsu user and enhanced physical strength through chakra, precisely because of her good chakra control.
Jul 7, 2015 9:53 AM

Mar 2015
Because Sakura is an emotionally needy crybaby for the majority of the series, whose character is only defined by her loathable self-centered infatuation for Sasuke which she had since like childhood. That's why the majority of people hate her. The second reason why people hate her is due to her lack of self-respect and dignity. Everytime Sasuke is acting like an abusive prick to her, she came crawling back to his penis every chance she got. It's funny how people hate and bash Karin for being a shallow fangirl, but from we've seen in Gaiden, she's the most mature of them all. She knows at least when to let go of her infatuations, and she, unlike the majority of females who were lusting after Sasuke, just wanted him to be happy. That's love. By being selfless, and considerate to your loved ones feelings and happiness in turn for your own. Not the same sort of shallow love Sakura has for Sasuke or Ino to Sai.

Though, I can't hate Sakura entirely. I put the blame mostly on Kishimoto and those fuckwits on Shonen Jump and Studio Pierrot, because they just can’t imagine women being independent. The idea women don't need a man in their lives, or their happiness is not affected by the man's presence is scary to them. They made Temari cry just because Shikamaru was acting a bit off in the Hiden series. Lmao.

tsudecimo said:
Uh no. She wasn't skilled or had a talent for genjutsu. She was very good at chakra control, which makes her able to dispel genjutsu better than the average Genin.

She became a medical jutsu user and enhanced physical strength through chakra, precisely because of her good chakra control.

Yeah, she was. It was even noted by Kakashi in the opening of the second half that she was a Genjutsu type. Lol.

The only reason she became a Medic-Nin in the first place was to parallel her alongside Naruto and Sasuke, with the Sannin characters really. It was a grave mistake, lazy and unimaginative in Kishimoto's case. She could've honed her skills in Genjutsu to counter the Sharingan eyehaxx instead and let Hinata take the lead as the apprentice of Tsunade.
MrInfyJul 7, 2015 10:45 AM
Jul 7, 2015 10:56 AM
Sep 2007
Btw, why do people put Hinata everywhere Sakura is mentioned?

They barely had any interactions, and for the most part, especially part 2, Hinata was, like Gaara, focused on Naruto...

Why not Tenten, or Ino, who aside from Sasuke crush, has has quite balanced personality.

Don't take me wrong, Hinata is okay, and all, but I hardly remember her having any relationships with people other than Naruto.

I'm not sure how would she work as MC girl.

Not to mention that Kishi uunfortunately probably doesn't care about her, seeing how he barely mentioned her in Sarada Gaiden...


Now that I think about it, I believe any girl would suffer as MC girl, and would be greatly overshadowed by Naruto and Sasuke - hell, Kakashi too needed some plotkais to stay relevant, and many others.

Remember when Naruto said Tsunade, who was like, Hokage, to go and drink some tea during Pain fight?

Or even genius Neji who arguably had one of greatest potentials for his own Part 2 arc - Kishimoto admitted that he died so Naruto and Hinata would get closer.

Anyway, I agree with comments that Kishi should have developed her character better, but at least I guess he somehow managed to make me really love her, and root for her during the years I followed the series.

Maybe anime only episodes are also responsible for this, since they often gave characters more screentime than in manga...
KleferiJul 7, 2015 11:15 AM
Jul 7, 2015 12:48 PM
Oct 2013
Akutron said:
Btw, why do people put Hinata everywhere Sakura is mentioned?

They barely had any interactions, and for the most part, especially part 2, Hinata was, like Gaara, focused on Naruto...

Why not Tenten, or Ino, who aside from Sasuke crush, has has quite balanced personality.

Don't take me wrong, Hinata is okay, and all, but I hardly remember her having any relationships with people other than Naruto.

I'm not sure how would she work as MC girl.

Not to mention that Kishi uunfortunately probably doesn't care about her, seeing how he barely mentioned her in Sarada Gaiden...


Now that I think about it, I believe any girl would suffer as MC girl, and would be greatly overshadowed by Naruto and Sasuke - hell, Kakashi too needed some plotkais to stay relevant, and many others.

Remember when Naruto said Tsunade, who was like, Hokage, to go and drink some tea during Pain fight?

Or even genius Neji who arguably had one of greatest potentials for his own Part 2 arc - Kishimoto admitted that he died so Naruto and Hinata would get closer.

Anyway, I agree with comments that Kishi should have developed her character better, but at least I guess he somehow managed to make me really love her, and root for her during the years I followed the series.

Maybe anime only episodes are also responsible for this, since they often gave characters more screentime than in manga...

Kishi is not confident with female leads.
Hinata´s purpose was always meant to be the love interest.
He played around with the idea of making Sakura the love interest but went with his original setup.
The only reason people keep comparing them literally the only reason is the pairing trolling, which SP made even worse.

Actually those two aren´t compareable at all besides their relationship towards Naruto. Sakura is not more developed than Hinata she just has more screentime.

Whenever Sakura was on screen she had a rather supportive role as Naruto´s friend or Sasuke´s fangirl/lover, but rarely got attention for being herself.

The whole Gaara rescue arc is the best example everything about that arc revolving around her was centered around herself. Also we never even got to see her parents which we saw both from Shikamaru.
Who as a supportive character is better developed than Sakura as a main.
At the same time we had seen at least one parent from each K11.
Overall she has less of on image as an MC than certain supportive characters.

Also the little screentime Hinata had was always impactful when she wasn´t used for comic relief because of her antics (manga only speaking). Whenever Hinata is not fooling around she is within an crucial momment for the storyline.

Her fight with Neji was centered around her and her family feud. It was character development for her and Neji, that´s her equivalent to Sakura´s Sasori fight.

Because her whole friendly rivalry with Ino did nothing for the story or her likeability.
The Ino Shika Chou friendship was actually way better developed than her friendship with Ino.

Then there is the fact although she has rare screentime her screentime is always impactful or neutal. When Hinata says something it has positive backlash, when Sakura says something it tends to be annoying or offensive to anyone who likes Naruto(the character).

Alot of hate comes from the fake confession too and the fact that Narusaku didn´t happen because she went for the prettyboy.
There are too many variables to count that amount to hatered towards Sakura.
But in general it boils down too, she was underused.
IsterioJul 7, 2015 12:58 PM
Jul 7, 2015 5:21 PM

Mar 2015
Isterio said:
DarkingDawning said:
I wouldn't had any problems if Sakura was not the main character. As a main character that should've had tons of potential, she's pretty much a disappointment. If Sakura was a supporting character, I would be fine, but mannnn she IS the main character. Probably the worst writing of a character in the whole series.

No need to add anything else, simple as that. Sakura isn´t a character that fit´s Kishimoto´s comfort zone. No matter how much fans defend her character he admitted himself to have forgotten about her and that he´s not good with female´s as leads.
That explains also how Konan Kushina and Temari are considered even by Sakura and Hinata haters good females.

But he´s not entirely to blame because Sakura is not his own character but an addition from his Editor, it should be noted that the Sasuke rivalvry was also the Editor´s idea, Naruto was initially meant to be trained alone.

This isn't an excuse

If he wasn't in his comfort zone with her then couldn't he just have adapted himself for it? Or then why he just didn't just put her in a support role only?

Isterio said:

Actually those two aren´t compareable at all besides their relationship towards Naruto. Sakura is not more developed than Hinata she just has more screentime.

Both are pretty bad, Hinata evolved in the manga but then was brought back to her status quo again during the last
Jul 8, 2015 9:27 AM
Sep 2007
Rather than only Hinata, I'd say entire Team 8 deserved more, but what did we get?

Their pretty genjutsu sensei Kurenai was pretty much oneshoted when Itachi appeared, and then ended up housewife, and Kiba for some reason wanted to surpass Naruto if I'm not mistaken, while Shino, who was really cool at the beginning became running gag who is ignored, or forgotten by everyone...

In part 1 Hinata's crush on Naruto was cute, but when she started in part 2 saying most of sentences with only Naruto-kun, it was obvious Kishi didn't intend to do much with her...

IMO, out of Konoha 11, I'd say Shikamaru got the biggest piece of cake.

But then again, maybe it's best to accept things as it is, I personally have few more series with certain characters that I wanted to see more of.

I'll just say, if possible, for your own sake, try not to hate, or dislike any character, in any title, it just a waste of time, and it makes you feel worse, not to mention it hurts your enjoyment.
Jul 8, 2015 5:02 PM
Oct 2013
Akutron said:
Rather than only Hinata, I'd say entire Team 8 deserved more, but what did we get?

Their pretty genjutsu sensei Kurenai was pretty much oneshoted when Itachi appeared, and then ended up housewife, and Kiba for some reason wanted to surpass Naruto if I'm not mistaken, while Shino, who was really cool at the beginning became running gag who is ignored, or forgotten by everyone...

In part 1 Hinata's crush on Naruto was cute, but when she started in part 2 saying most of sentences with only Naruto-kun, it was obvious Kishi didn't intend to do much with her...

IMO, out of Konoha 11, I'd say Shikamaru got the biggest piece of cake.

But then again, maybe it's best to accept things as it is, I personally have few more series with certain characters that I wanted to see more of.

I'll just say, if possible, for your own sake, try not to hate, or dislike any character, in any title, it just a waste of time, and it makes you feel worse, not to mention it hurts your enjoyment.

To be honest becoming a housewife is development too, especially when the person at hand lost her "husbad" /kids father and tries to be there for her infant child. Asuma had a fight but that was only to kill him off.See what I did there?

Also Kurenai is a Genjutsu specialist how entertaining could that fight have been?
Oh you´re in my Genjutsu, no you broke out of it, no you didn´t fuck off.
Jul 9, 2015 4:43 AM

Mar 2014
Isterio said:
Akutron said:
Rather than only Hinata, I'd say entire Team 8 deserved more, but what did we get?

Their pretty genjutsu sensei Kurenai was pretty much oneshoted when Itachi appeared, and then ended up housewife, and Kiba for some reason wanted to surpass Naruto if I'm not mistaken, while Shino, who was really cool at the beginning became running gag who is ignored, or forgotten by everyone...

In part 1 Hinata's crush on Naruto was cute, but when she started in part 2 saying most of sentences with only Naruto-kun, it was obvious Kishi didn't intend to do much with her...

IMO, out of Konoha 11, I'd say Shikamaru got the biggest piece of cake.

But then again, maybe it's best to accept things as it is, I personally have few more series with certain characters that I wanted to see more of.

I'll just say, if possible, for your own sake, try not to hate, or dislike any character, in any title, it just a waste of time, and it makes you feel worse, not to mention it hurts your enjoyment.

To be honest becoming a housewife is development too, especially when the person at hand lost her "husbad" /kids father and tries to be there for her infant child. Asuma had a fight but that was only to kill him off.See what I did there?

Also Kurenai is a Genjutsu specialist how entertaining could that fight have been?
Oh you´re in my Genjutsu, no you broke out of it, no you didn´t fuck off.
IDK man, when Itachi trolled her way back when, that shit was entertaining af. And let's not forget the Trollkage, his clam was pure gold. What I'm saying is if she were to fight someone with personality/charisma, it would make for one enjoyable fight.
Jul 9, 2015 5:58 PM

Mar 2015
Isterio said:
Akutron said:
Rather than only Hinata, I'd say entire Team 8 deserved more, but what did we get?

Their pretty genjutsu sensei Kurenai was pretty much oneshoted when Itachi appeared, and then ended up housewife, and Kiba for some reason wanted to surpass Naruto if I'm not mistaken, while Shino, who was really cool at the beginning became running gag who is ignored, or forgotten by everyone...

In part 1 Hinata's crush on Naruto was cute, but when she started in part 2 saying most of sentences with only Naruto-kun, it was obvious Kishi didn't intend to do much with her...

IMO, out of Konoha 11, I'd say Shikamaru got the biggest piece of cake.

But then again, maybe it's best to accept things as it is, I personally have few more series with certain characters that I wanted to see more of.

I'll just say, if possible, for your own sake, try not to hate, or dislike any character, in any title, it just a waste of time, and it makes you feel worse, not to mention it hurts your enjoyment.

To be honest becoming a housewife is development too, especially when the person at hand lost her "husbad" /kids father and tries to be there for her infant child. Asuma had a fight but that was only to kill him off.See what I did there?

Also Kurenai is a Genjutsu specialist how entertaining could that fight have been?
Oh you´re in my Genjutsu, no you broke out of it, no you didn´t fuck off.

A genjutsu based fight style would be interesting to see, we only got a few of those in the series, it was by far the least explored ninja art

Putting Kurenai on a more active role as Sakura's mentor for example would be good for both characters and for the genjutsu fight style but alas Kishimoto just didn't care for his female chars
Jul 10, 2015 6:57 AM

Aug 2012
Sakura and Sasuke is his editor addition too made story interesting and trolling shipper. Actually for addition character, Kishi treat them relative well.
Jul 10, 2015 7:50 PM

Mar 2015
db84x said:
Sakura and Sasuke is his editor addition too made story interesting and trolling shipper. Actually for addition character, Kishi treat them relative well.

"kishi treat them relatively well"

I can agree with Sasuke, but not with Sakura

Also a lot of things came from the editor's mind like the chuunin arc ( which is one of the best arcs), Orochimaru's creation and the use of the legendary sannins
So saying that "they came from the editor" is no excuse for how poorly he treated some characters
Aug 13, 2015 4:40 AM
Feb 2015
Sakura is annoying at times tbh.
She is a good person overall in the anime but she screws up too much and it's just a pain to watch.
Jan 2, 2016 5:28 PM
Dec 2015
I know this thread is getting old but oh well. Three reasons Sakura is a horrible character:

1/ Sakura was created for the sole purpose of being the love interest. Kishi didn't plan her to be an heroine or to have any plot relevance. We had to wait Part 2 for her to get a fighting style and to be able to contribute to the team (healer role). But even in Part 2, she barely had any moment to shine for a MC at least.

2/ She has no self-respect at all when it comes to Sasuke. She would throw away, her bestfriend Ino and her dignity for a guy who many times made it clear how little he thinks of her. Yet, no matter how many times he shot her down disrespect her, she would come back to suck his dick. And chapter 693 and 699 were the nails in the coffin " Please Sasuke, I know I am PATHETIC but I love you. If I ever had a tiny place in your heart,please I BEG come back, yada yada". Seriously how low a woman should fall to call herself pathetic in front an asshole ? This also just a remake of what happened in Part 1, which makes me wonder if she ever had development.
Then there is Gaiden, where Sasuke leaves for 10 years and she is okay with it.

3/Sakura is a recurring damsel in distress even in Part 2. And most of these distress moments could have been avoided if she had been wiser.

That said Sakura had some good traits. She can be sweet and funny, she manages to be stronf despite having no lineage and yet... She could have been a very likeable character, if Kishi gave her the same kind of attention and development as the others main characters. There are many thing that could have been done with her in 700 + chapters but meh....
Jan 6, 2016 11:24 AM

Feb 2009
I actually like Sakura. I know that all Sasuke bullshit was really, really bad to read, but look at her from different angle.

She's basicly the only one from the main characters (and here i count all the genins, and future chunnins and jonnins of konoha at the same age as she is) that has nothing and no one behind her. I mean family, clan techniques etc. She got nothing for free (like tailed-beast, or kekkei genkai like sharringan/byakugan or rinnegan that sasuke got later in the manga) and everything she has was gained by her hard work. She studied under Tsunade (who is, like everyone else, from great family, so things were easier for her) and later even surpassed her.
In the end of the manga, she is the greatest medic ninja in the whole universe and what is more important, she is able to fight along Naruto and Sasuke, who got everything for free (like really, everything. what would Naruto do, if he werent from Uzumaki clan? [+ kurama] and Sasuke without his clan techniques and sharingan/rinnegan?). Maybe she was useless in plenty of fights, but she trained hard, and in the end she became the strongest kunoichi in Naruto world imo.

And for that i like and respect her :)
Aug 11, 2016 7:22 PM
Aug 2016
I know she was useless in part 1, but after the the time skip she kicks ass, people still hate her.
Oct 8, 2016 5:58 AM

Jan 2015
Sasuke tries to kill her 5x, naruto saves her 20x and then she is like : THANKS SASUKE-KUN. Of course everyone hates her, and we are not wrong, you are wrong for liking a shit character like that.
Oct 8, 2016 8:07 AM
Jul 2018
SkullProX said:
Sasuke tries to kill her 5x, naruto saves her 20x and then she is like : THANKS SASUKE-KUN. Of course everyone hates her, and we are not wrong, you are wrong for liking a shit character like that.
So being saved by someones gives you the obligation to love him/her back ? What kind of bullshit logic is that ?! Seriously this is typically the statement that comes out of the same people still salty over getting friendzone'd. People can love who they want ffs. The fact that Sakura pulled through Sasuke's bullshit just shows how much she wishes to save him from his path. As for Naruto, she has expressed her gratitude as a friend several times.
removed-userOct 8, 2016 8:14 AM
Oct 8, 2016 10:52 AM

Jan 2015
KingRequiem said:
SkullProX said:
Sasuke tries to kill her 5x, naruto saves her 20x and then she is like : THANKS SASUKE-KUN. Of course everyone hates her, and we are not wrong, you are wrong for liking a shit character like that.
So being saved by someones gives you the obligation to love him/her back ? What kind of bullshit logic is that ?! Seriously this is typically the statement that comes out of the same people still salty over getting friendzone'd. People can love who they want ffs. The fact that Sakura pulled through Sasuke's bullshit just shows how much she wishes to save him from his path. As for Naruto, she has expressed her gratitude as a friend several times.

You totally missed my point but okay. :) Just one question, would you love someone who tries to kill you several times? :)
Oct 8, 2016 1:55 PM
Jul 2018
SkullProX said:
KingRequiem said:
So being saved by someones gives you the obligation to love him/her back ? What kind of bullshit logic is that ?! Seriously this is typically the statement that comes out of the same people still salty over getting friendzone'd. People can love who they want ffs. The fact that Sakura pulled through Sasuke's bullshit just shows how much she wishes to save him from his path. As for Naruto, she has expressed her gratitude as a friend several times.

You totally missed my point but okay. :) Just one question, would you love someone who tries to kill you several times? :)
If I loved the person beforehand and I knew she had issues, maybe. Thinking in absolutes when it comes to feelings is foolish and ignorant given their complexity and irrational nature, and that applies tenfold with one such as love. People are going to love differently and to a different extent. That shows in your question, your opinion revolves around YOUR feelings about Sasuke and you're asking me MY feelings. Thing is my feelings and my way to love someone is irrelevant since I'm not the one chasing after Emo-kun. Sakura is. I empathize with her situation, despite the fact that I can't relate to it. You know what's funny ? Sakura does the same thing with Sasuke. She empathizes with his revenge obsession, even if she doesn't share it.

Also you have to put the situation in perspective: they're ninjas. That means that in the Naruto world, you achieve your objectives by fighting due to the system in place. If you're getting into someone's way of achieving his life objective for the fourth time (despite the good intentions), you expect him to respond physically.
Nov 18, 2016 4:09 AM

Feb 2014
MrInfy said:
Because Sakura is an emotionally needy crybaby for the majority of the series, whose character is only defined by her loathable self-centered infatuation for Sasuke which she had since like childhood. That's why the majority of people hate her. The second reason why people hate her is due to her lack of self-respect and dignity. Everytime Sasuke is acting like an abusive prick to her, she came crawling back to his penis every chance she got. It's funny how people hate and bash Karin for being a shallow fangirl, but from we've seen in Gaiden, she's the most mature of them all. She knows at least when to let go of her infatuations, and she, unlike the majority of females who were lusting after Sasuke, just wanted him to be happy. That's love. By being selfless, and considerate to your loved ones feelings and happiness in turn for your own. Not the same sort of shallow love Sakura has for Sasuke or Ino to Sai.

Though, I can't hate Sakura entirely. I put the blame mostly on Kishimoto and those fuckwits on Shonen Jump and Studio Pierrot, because they just can’t imagine women being independent. The idea women don't need a man in their lives, or their happiness is not affected by the man's presence is scary to them. They made Temari cry just because Shikamaru was acting a bit off in the Hiden series. Lmao.

tsudecimo said:
Uh no. She wasn't skilled or had a talent for genjutsu. She was very good at chakra control, which makes her able to dispel genjutsu better than the average Genin.

She became a medical jutsu user and enhanced physical strength through chakra, precisely because of her good chakra control.

Yeah, she was. It was even noted by Kakashi in the opening of the second half that she was a Genjutsu type. Lol.

The only reason she became a Medic-Nin in the first place was to parallel her alongside Naruto and Sasuke, with the Sannin characters really. It was a grave mistake, lazy and unimaginative in Kishimoto's case. She could've honed her skills in Genjutsu to counter the Sharingan eyehaxx instead and let Hinata take the lead as the apprentice of Tsunade.

Oh yes, I would have liked that!! Great idea, actually. He should have made her a worthy rival for Sasuke. She should have become cold and badass after everything, but still fighting on Konoha's side. So she'd had a twist with Naruto for being "cold", and with Sasuke, because she needed to knock him out for Konoha's sake. So she could have competed with the best. I would have liked to see that.
L had a poster of Norman in his room
Nov 3, 2017 4:31 PM

Oct 2017
Sakura is a terribly written female character and a complete bitch. So desperate for Sasuke's dick that it was just pathetic and cringeworthy.
Nov 11, 2017 1:05 PM
Jul 2018
pft. sakura had a lot of character development. i agree Kishimoto has like 0 experience with writing women. he should have consulted Kentaro Miura.

but to call her useless? bitch please, her medical ninjutsu and high resistance to genjutsu is OPPPPPP
Aug 16, 2018 9:02 AM
May 2018
So what you mean is that because she’s not a bad person, people shouldn’t hate her? Most of the time the vilains aren’t the most hated characters. And I don’t hate her because she was weak either, I don’t think she’s weak, it’s just that her personality is extremely annoying. She’s an obsessive, pseudo-strong character who is delusional, overrating herself and getting into trouble, dependent and hardly exists as an individual character, and her actions, behaviour, personality,... are all extremely annoying and such a pain to watch that I want to punch the screen whenever she appears.
Jan 1, 2019 8:09 AM

Jan 2017
I hate the whole franchise because of it's endless fillers

Join Emilia's self-proclaimed knights club if you are a fellow Emilia fan

Feb 2, 2021 9:14 AM

Jan 2021
Sakura is great! She is like a sister to Naruto, she's family to him.
Mar 29, 2021 11:44 PM

Apr 2020
At the start of Naruto, she was a flat bratty character. Then she became good and restored and then became nothing but a romantic sub-plot device.
Post time skip-
She improves very very much. Way better than ever. Then her character started fluctuating in the war arc and then it was only Naruto and Sasuke that seemed important by the end of the series.

I'm neutral towards her as a person but really disappointed as a character.

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