ScarletCrystal said: I liked how Chiyuki gained all of her memories through that skating performance.
The music playing just really fit through it all. So beautiful.
For me, this is the first time I've seen a skating performance animated.
Poor Mayu... just wanting to save Harada. It looked like their souls merged together.
Oh no Nona :/
Same here. The ice skating was beautiful though. I was speechless.
TheUnbiasedOne91 said:akarin- said:
Light from Death Note WTF? :D
lol so this why they said people dying faster recently.
Pffft. That actually makes so much sense.
Barion-Zara said: Quite the test Ginti made there :O But Light definitely needs to go to the void XD
Again, I am extremely amused by his "appearance."
shawnofthedeadz said:Akarin said:
Light from Death Note WTF? :D
If given a fair chance, Light could fool everyone.
But memories don't lie. They'd be able to see through his act.
Lahi said: Chiyuki death by suicide was very disappointing.
"I can't skate anymore thus I should kill myself. Sounds like a plan."
If she had died because of a skating accident, would have been much imho. The character is somewhat stained after this episode.
That's pretty harsh judgement... I'm not justifying the act of suicide, but I think people should at least try to understand those who do such a thing. Sometimes a big trauma is not necessary to feel despair. The mind can be a dangerous place for some. Reality is based off of our perceptions of it, so the act of suicide is caused by a different, bleak perception of reality. Justification of actions is based off of personal interpretation - it's very subjective. Sorry, I don't mean to invalidate your opinion. I just wanted to make my point.
iLostReason said: That skating scene was one of the best things that happened in this show.
Much agreed.
AikaKateshiki said:Lahi said: Chiyuki death by suicide was very disappointing.
"I can't skate anymore thus I should kill myself. Sounds like a plan."
If she had died because of a skating accident, would have been much imho. The character is somewhat stained after this episode.
This is not what happened. After the incident, she clearly understood that even with her friends and family beside her, she doesn't have a meaning to her existense.She even mentioned it wasn't because she couldn't skate anymore; it was due to the fact that she realized her life is nothing but a shallow shell. Thus she started resenting herself and committed suicide.
Thank you.
llcruz said: Lots of scenes from the OP appeared in this episode...
I noticed. I thought it was very nicely done.
iHitokage said: Light was there cause of the Harada's voice actor, check out his roles and you'll understand ^_^
Ah, Miyano Mamoru. He plays so many familiar, important characters.
Darklord_bg said: "All humans will, without exception, eventually die." Also, "After they die, the place they go is MU (Nothingness)."
~Ryuk, Death Note
So, we know Light is in the void already. It was a nice tie-in from MadHouse :)
Interesting concept. I like the idea.
Lichtspiel said: I don't have words to express how beautiful and breathtaking the ice skating scene was. It was wonderful. Just wonderful. And so sad.
My thoughts exactly.
IsGalis said: Hmmm, this episode made me want to buy myself a memento mori accessory, like a ring or a bracelet. That way every time I stop myself from doing something good, I could take a look at it and think "hey, when you're dying you'll regret not taking this chance". Eeeh, I digress.
That's a pretty good idea actually. I would get a bracelet with "Memento Mori" on it.
BobDiesel said: To be honest Onna should go to the void too. Her life was tragic but her death was cowardice and a serious let down in my opinion. I don't think she deserves to be reincarnated. I think decim will void her too next ep.
I don't think that should be decided solely on such a thing. They're supposed to look at them as a whole and judge them off of that. Suicide isn't a factor that should result in the void, especially now that we know what that entails. She's just having trouble contemplating existentialism. She got lost in search for purpose (oh look, a theme), I think, and everything around her just lost meaning.
And I'm sorry, but I personally don't think you can call any one act cowardly or brave or whatever else. Opinions are innately subjective. These adjectives alone are subjective. I just wanted to introduce a new perspective for anyone who is open to it. Not that I condone suicide at all; I just try to see where they're coming from at least.
AaaaaaKun said: But after she killed herself, the first thought she had, the epic enlightenment she gained is that "people can't understand each other"? That's not right, it should be "I am so stupid why didn't I talk to my mom and my friends and just closing myself off". Why suddenly talks like you are some wise sage when you know the main reason you killed yourself is because you were weak, and it's only your situation. You know what kind of people who also talks like that? Teenagers, who is so full of themselves most of the time they tend to draw conclusions to everything after just a few exposure. Just like Ginti Onna is nothing more than a mouthpiece to deliver the great enlightenment when the time's right. And no, if you want to argue that it's just Onna's dark side and we'll somewhat get a revolution at the end but then what's the point of following her and her little adventure at Decim's creepy dungeon for the last 10 episodes if she didn't go through any chances at all.
I think you missed the point. Existentialism preaches free will, but I also look at it as a question of existence itself. There are essential questions we ask ourselves that can be quite scary. "What is reality?" "Why do I exist?" "Who am I?" "What is death?" Sometimes these sorts of things scare me, as I find myself pondering them. Perceptions are up to each individual, and each individual interprets their surroundings and such differently. Understanding could theoretically not be true understanding, as that would include thinking like the other person exactly. We empathize with others and try to understand, but it is reasonable to question the validity of potentially different interpretations.
Borgov said:Vellamo said:
And in what sense she deserves to suffer eternally?
That and because she sacrificed someone else without even looking into their story. Selfishness to the nth degree. Don't bring up the argument "but she asked Ginti and he didn't answer" because she can badger Ginti for an answer. Ginti is already annoyed by her and so to get her to shut up, he would most likely answer her question. Did she persistently ask who this person was or just revert to being a fan of Harada? For all we know the person sitting on the chair (yes I know it is Light) could have been an a nobel peace prize winner.
Ginti made the right decision.
I understand your point. I would just like to point out that the world is not black and white. Much the same, right and wrong are hard to pinpoint. They are subjective words that are based on a person's perception of something or someone else. |