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Feb 21, 2015 7:24 AM

Nov 2011
Damn this episode felt slow, at least the first half. They're not wasting time with that imposter Hime this episode though or this fan service:

A lot of buildup and it looks like Slaine found out that Hime is alive. Why the fuck is she repeating his name so much Dat Slaine reaction:

Also, I kinda amusing they did an almost repeat catastrophic scene with the impact similar to the very first episode from season 1.
Stark700Feb 21, 2015 7:33 AM
Feb 21, 2015 7:50 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Looking forward to this episode even more now lol
Feb 21, 2015 8:15 AM

Oct 2014
omg......that fuckin ending......great just great ;_;
Feb 21, 2015 8:18 AM
Sep 2014
Any ideals on who's the final boss after this episode?
Feb 21, 2015 8:27 AM

Apr 2008
leelee619 said:
Any ideals on who's the final boss after this episode?

Slaine is the final boss. It's obvious. He's keeping the princess in the dark in her gilded cage, in the middle of a fake garden ignorant of what is being done in her name with her image. Smart on his part but it will bite him in the ass for sure.

Next episode we have the hardest battle Terrans have had in this war
Darklight0303Feb 21, 2015 8:30 AM
Feb 21, 2015 8:27 AM

Jul 2009

next one is full battle
Feb 21, 2015 8:35 AM

Nov 2014
Just raws... i need wait 1 hour more for subs but at min 18:00 from this episode i want know what they saying, and im will paid for a BD version with Slaine reaction i want see it.
Feb 21, 2015 8:40 AM

Apr 2008
Sephil said:
Just raws... i need wait 1 hour more for subs but at min 18:00 from this episode i want know what they saying, and im will paid for a BD version with Slaine reaction i want see it.

You mean the reaction when he heard Asseylum say Inaho's name? Well since he dropped the flowers it's rather obvious he didn't take that too well. Maybe because of how quickly she remembered that guy and that even in his perfectly made garden, he somehow managed to find a way into her memories. Despite his best efforts to keep her in the dark.
Feb 21, 2015 8:42 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Darklight0303 said:
leelee619 said:
Any ideals on who's the final boss after this episode?

Slaine is the final boss. It's obvious. He's keeping the princess in the dark in her gilded cage, in the middle of a fake garden ignorant of what is being done in her name with her image. Smart on his part but it will bite him in the ass for sure.

Next episode we have the hardest battle Terrans have had in this war
I take it that this was another character development/exposition episode?

On a scale of 1-10 what'd you give it?
Feb 21, 2015 8:43 AM

Oct 2014
Darklight0303 said:

Next episode we have the hardest battle Terrans have had in this war

Yea 2 katas and 2 LS.......that's gonna be one hell of a battle.
Feb 21, 2015 8:43 AM

Apr 2008
Tokoya said:
Darklight0303 said:

Slaine is the final boss. It's obvious. He's keeping the princess in the dark in her gilded cage, in the middle of a fake garden ignorant of what is being done in her name with her image. Smart on his part but it will bite him in the ass for sure.

Next episode we have the hardest battle Terrans have had in this war
I take it that this was another character development/exposition episode?

On a scale of 1-10 what'd you give it?

I'll give it an 8. Deducted two for Asseylum droning Slaine's name like a machine when she first woke up but at least her memories don't seem completely gone. Now if only she'd learn what was going on.
Feb 21, 2015 8:50 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Darklight0303 said:
Tokoya said:
I take it that this was another character development/exposition episode?

On a scale of 1-10 what'd you give it?

I'll give it an 8. Deducted two for Asseylum droning Slaine's name like a machine when she first woke up but at least her memories don't seem completely gone. Now if only she'd learn what was going on.
Ahhhh, so she's just oblivious to what happened after she got shot. Alright good, I like this :)
Feb 21, 2015 8:51 AM

Apr 2008
Tokoya said:
Darklight0303 said:

I'll give it an 8. Deducted two for Asseylum droning Slaine's name like a machine when she first woke up but at least her memories don't seem completely gone. Now if only she'd learn what was going on.
Ahhhh, so she's just oblivious to what happened after she got shot. Alright good, I like this :)

Yes. She remembers seeing birds with Inaho. That's why Slaine just dropped the bouquet on the ground instead of walking up to the Princess and giving it to her in that garden scene.
Feb 21, 2015 8:55 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Darklight0303 said:
Tokoya said:
Ahhhh, so she's just oblivious to what happened after she got shot. Alright good, I like this :)

Yes. She remembers seeing birds with Inaho. That's why Slaine just dropped the bouquet on the ground instead of walking up to the Princess and giving it to her in that garden scene.
Sweet, can't wait for the subs :D
Feb 21, 2015 8:57 AM

Apr 2008
I wonder what the so called "critics" will find to bitch about now seeing the change in tactics for the Martians as well as us finally seeing the first glimpses of the UFE leadership.
Feb 21, 2015 8:58 AM

Jul 2009
Darklight0303 said:
Tokoya said:
Ahhhh, so she's just oblivious to what happened after she got shot. Alright good, I like this :)

Yes. She remembers seeing birds with Inaho. That's why Slaine just dropped the bouquet on the ground instead of walking up to the Princess and giving it to her in that garden scene.

It as been kinda set in stone that the blue rose will be a symbol till the end for the impossible repentment of Slayne
Feb 21, 2015 8:59 AM

Apr 2008
kei78 said:
Darklight0303 said:

Yes. She remembers seeing birds with Inaho. That's why Slaine just dropped the bouquet on the ground instead of walking up to the Princess and giving it to her in that garden scene.

It as been kinda set in stone that the blue rose will be a symbol till the end for the impossible repentment of Slayne

Indeed. Now to see how the princess will find out about the war going on outside of the gilded cage.
Feb 21, 2015 8:59 AM

Jan 2015
Darklight0303 said:
kei78 said:

It as been kinda set in stone that the blue rose will be a symbol till the end for the impossible repentment of Slayne

Indeed. Now to see how the princess will find out about the war going on outside of the gilded cage.

yandere mode in the next episode, I warned you que everything will be perdition in episode 21, the fool of fortune
Slaine about to be unmasked.
Asseylum speaks Inaho,
Eddelrittuo does look like you were hiding something
Slaine let the roses fall to the ground.
This is priceless.
It seems that neither their delusions, and mintiras your home prison in a cage with holographic images, made Asseylum forget Inaho.
It seems that the destruction, Liar is about to collapse
The saying is paying.
All that is gained fast, you lose faster
Eddelrittuo will end up telling princess, she is obedient servants of those
Marylcian fucking conversation with another count
seujair31Feb 21, 2015 9:05 AM
Feb 21, 2015 9:12 AM
Jan 2015
Darklight0303 said:
I wonder what the so called "critics" will find to bitch about now seeing the change in tactics for the Martians as well as us finally seeing the first glimpses of the UFE leadership.

Like the stuff before, just 2 examples
1 "head shot equals death, always, guaranteed"
2 solar wind

The real question is probably not "what specific thing will get posted?" but rather how many times it get repeated despite you and KamiAlice and so many others setting people straight ad infinitum
Feb 21, 2015 9:14 AM

Oct 2014
Tokoya said:
Darklight0303 said:

I'll give it an 8. Deducted two for Asseylum droning Slaine's name like a machine when she first woke up but at least her memories don't seem completely gone. Now if only she'd learn what was going on.
Ahhhh, so she's just oblivious to what happened after she got shot. Alright good, I like this :)

You'd think she'd be murdering Slaine with questions about wtf is goin on but nope, just give her some flowers and she doesn't give a shit
Feb 21, 2015 9:15 AM

Apr 2008
Knight-Artorias said:
Tokoya said:
Ahhhh, so she's just oblivious to what happened after she got shot. Alright good, I like this :)

You'd think she'd be murdering Slaine with questions about wtf is goin on but nope, just give her some flowers and she doesn't give a shit

She's still recovering. I doubt it's been that long since she woke up. Plus Slaine is doing his best to keep her in the dark and pacified.
Feb 21, 2015 9:21 AM

Sep 2014
I haven't seen the episode, just read some of the comments, but if the show attempted realism (which is dubious) then her recovery could indeed be slow.

Coming out of a coma can be quite a slow process.

Even if she is physically up and going, mental restoration could take a long time, or even be impossible to recover 100%.
Feb 21, 2015 9:23 AM

Apr 2008
ANGRY2011 said:
I haven't seen the episode, just read some of the comments, but if the show attempted realism (which is dubious) then her recovery could indeed be slow.

Coming out of a coma can be quite a slow process.

Even if she is physically up and going, mental restoration could take a long time, or even be impossible to recover 100%.

That is exactly what seems to be going on. She's not in total amnesia but she did remember Inaho on her own with Edel Rituo just providing the name. Asseylum just said "I saw birds. Together with that person." She is recovering slowly and it's going to be even slower the more sheltered and in the dark she is kept.
Feb 21, 2015 9:34 AM
Feb 2015
awditty said:
Darklight0303 said:
I wonder what the so called "critics" will find to bitch about now seeing the change in tactics for the Martians as well as us finally seeing the first glimpses of the UFE leadership.

Like the stuff before, just 2 examples
1 "head shot equals death, always, guaranteed"
2 solar wind

The real question is probably not "what specific thing will get posted?" but rather how many times it get repeated despite you and KamiAlice and so many others setting people straight ad infinitum

I didn't know senseless Slaine bashing over what seems to be shipping war salt constituted as 'setting people straight' on real criticism, especially when the people you mention as well as a few others tend to bring Slaine up and subsequently bash the fictional character in some way even when people aren't talking about him.

If you had any knowledge on modern military or just common sense you'd know how hilariously unrealistic the battles are and how literally everyone and everything is dumbed down so Inaho is the only one who can do anything.
Feb 21, 2015 9:37 AM

Apr 2008
MonadoRudra said:
awditty said:

Like the stuff before, just 2 examples
1 "head shot equals death, always, guaranteed"
2 solar wind

The real question is probably not "what specific thing will get posted?" but rather how many times it get repeated despite you and KamiAlice and so many others setting people straight ad infinitum

I didn't know senseless Slaine bashing over what seems to be shipping war salt constituted as 'setting people straight' on real criticism, especially when the people you mention as well as a few others tend to bring Slaine up and subsequently bash the fictional character in some way even when people aren't talking about him.

If you had any knowledge on modern military you'd know how hilariously unrealistic the battles are and how literally everyone and everything is dumbed down so Inaho is the only one who can do anything.

Bringing real world standards to a fictional universe and a faction that is anything but standard in its design. That's what makes that so called criticism fall apart at the seams. Also lol senseless bashing. Because senseless worship is so much better. Nice dupe by the way.
Feb 21, 2015 9:45 AM
Feb 2015
Darklight0303 said:

Bringing real world standards to a fictional universe and a faction that is anything but standard in its design. That's what makes that so called criciticism fall apart at the seams. Also lol senseless bashing. Because senseless worship is so much better. Nice dupe by the way.

What is this I don't even

Aldnoah Zero is not set on some entirely different world where comparisons with the real world can't be made. It's based on an alternate Earth which is almost wholly identical to our own except there's Martians and Aldnoah. The show clearly goes into some effort into trying to make things consistent with our universe when you'd expect. For example the F22s, the Soviet Union, the names of the various scientists that made discoveries which Inaho sometimes mention.

The show tries to take itself seriously and tries to mimick the real world therefore by sanity you'd expect F22s to be flying at supersonic speeds instead of snail pace, you'd expect the Terran forces to have enough common sense to bomb melee only Kataphrakts to kingdom come instead of relying on a teenage boy. You'd expect the Martian Counts to have enough brains to use support from their landing castles just next to them when fighting in their Kataphrakts and so on.
Feb 21, 2015 9:46 AM

Nov 2014
Darklight0303 said:
Sephil said:
Just raws... i need wait 1 hour more for subs but at min 18:00 from this episode i want know what they saying, and im will paid for a BD version with Slaine reaction i want see it.

You mean the reaction when he heard Asseylum say Inaho's name? Well since he dropped the flowers it's rather obvious he didn't take that too well. Maybe because of how quickly she remembered that guy and that even in his perfectly made garden, he somehow managed to find a way into her memories. Despite his best efforts to keep her in the dark.


seujair31 said:

yandere mode in the next episode, I warned you que everything will be perdition in episode 21, the fool of fortune
Slaine about to be unmasked.
Asseylum speaks Inaho,
Eddelrittuo does look like you were hiding something
Slaine let the roses fall to the ground.
This is priceless.
It seems that neither their delusions, and mintiras your home prison in a cage with holographic images, made Asseylum forget Inaho.
It seems that the destruction, Liar is about to collapse
The saying is paying.
All that is gained fast, you lose faster
Eddelrittuo will end up telling princess, she is obedient servants of those
Marylcian fucking conversation with another count

Is priceless Slaine reaction, but i wnat see his face when he drop the flowers after heard the name of Inaho.
Feb 21, 2015 9:49 AM

May 2014
I didn't see that coming. I''m still in awe! Fuck this show, there are some characters and episodes poorly writen and then, booom! Mind blown with stuff like that of the end.
This episode had both: the first half felt slower than a river of shit, and the second one went full speed. I don't know what to think about the show.

I only wonder what would've been the outcome of the show, by this episode count, if Urobutcher would've been in charge of all the writing??
Feb 21, 2015 9:52 AM

Apr 2008
MonadoRudra said:
Darklight0303 said:

Bringing real world standards to a fictional universe and a faction that is anything but standard in its design. That's what makes that so called criciticism fall apart at the seams. Also lol senseless bashing. Because senseless worship is so much better. Nice dupe by the way.

What is this I don't even

Aldnoah Zero is not set on some entirely different world where comparisons with the real world can't be made. It's based on an alternate Earth which is almost wholly identical to our own except there's Martians and Aldnoah. The show clearly goes into some effort into trying to make things consistent with our universe when you'd expect. For example the F22s, the Soviet Union, the names of the various scientists that made discoveries which Inaho sometimes mention.

The show tries to take itself seriously and tries to mimick the real world therefore by sanity you'd expect F22s to be flying at supersonic speeds instead of snail pace, you'd expect the Terran forces to have enough common sense to bomb melee only Kataphrakts to kingdom come instead of relying on a teenage boy. You'd expect the Martian Counts to have enough brains to use support from their landing castles just next to them when fighting in their Kataphrakts and so on.

You mean the same F22's that were completely fodderized by Slaine's carrier in the first episodes? And ignoring the Vers knight flaw aka their pride and competitive nature that has only now been adressed and not because they felt like it but because they were more or less ordered to.

Doesn't matter how serious a show takes itself in your eyes. As long as you have giant mechs, spots of comedy and space magic it will still be obeying it's own bloody rules.
Feb 21, 2015 9:58 AM

Jul 2014
Darklight0303 said:
I wonder what the so called "critics" will find to bitch about now seeing the change in tactics for the Martians as well as us finally seeing the first glimpses of the UFE leadership.

Maybe that we see the leadership of one side of the two-sided conflict for the first time in th 19th episode?
But I dunno yet - I'll get to the episode in a few hours.
Feb 21, 2015 10:02 AM

Jul 2007
Well this pretty much 100% cements Slaine as intending to genocide Earth AND as the final villain of the show.

If anyone had ANY doubts on the cage metaphor, it is pretty much 100% clear now too.

I am guessing Aseylum will start to suspect shit wrong and it will all get clear because of MAzuurek and/or hearing Inaho's Name.
Feb 21, 2015 10:03 AM

May 2014
Second half of season looks really promising. And those OST!
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Feb 21, 2015 10:06 AM
Feb 2015
deadoptimist said:
Darklight0303 said:
I wonder what the so called "critics" will find to bitch about now seeing the change in tactics for the Martians as well as us finally seeing the first glimpses of the UFE leadership.

Maybe that we see the leadership of one side of the two-sided conflict for the first time in th 19th episode?
But I dunno yet - I'll get to the episode in a few hours.

and we find out instantly the UFE leadership are full of idiots, not that I'm surprised at this point.
Feb 21, 2015 10:07 AM

Jan 2015
A fact that one can not complain about the anime, is that they portray accurately the behavior of an obsessive person, and perfectly show this duentis behavior during the anime
Feb 21, 2015 10:07 AM

Jul 2007
MonadoRudra said:
deadoptimist said:

Maybe that we see the leadership of one side of the two-sided conflict for the first time in th 19th episode?
But I dunno yet - I'll get to the episode in a few hours.

and we find out instantly the UFE leadership are full of idiots, not that I'm surprised at this point.

Its normal to misunderstand the enemy intentions.

Look at current geopolitical map of present day world - a lot of western states have yet to get that Russia is an agressive war machine.

Its the same with UFE and Vers - UFE is used to diplomacy, while Vers to rule of the strong.
Feb 21, 2015 10:07 AM

Sep 2012
I swear to god that an important character is gonna die next week.
Oh god who are you people?
Feb 21, 2015 10:09 AM

Sep 2014
This going to be some next level ! ( I'm about upcoming fight)

And that 6x Slaine.. xd

Good episode :)
Feb 21, 2015 10:11 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Lemrina officially became Slaine's bitch this episode. Why else she'd give him such a high level authority and afterwards say "I am already your's."?

Asseylum finally wakes up fully and says Slaine's name 6 times. I kinda wanted her to say Inaho's name instead. The sudden change in the flow of tears and the reactions would've been priceless!

Mazuurek is back, but I wonder how much he can really do. Almost all the other Counts are siding with Slaine now. Keeping Inaho's request might be a tough job.

That full scale attack at the end though! Terrans are in a world of troubles! :O

Good episode. I really hope Asseylum finds out all of Slaine's schemes soon and bitchslaps him in the face.

Feb 21, 2015 10:12 AM

Aug 2014
Ungrateful b.tch princess incoming.Slaine needs to ditch her
Feb 21, 2015 10:12 AM
Sep 2014
Shaniyaz said:
Lemrina officially became Slaine's bitch this episode. Why else she'd give him such a high level authority and afterwards say "I am already your's."?

Asseylum finally wakes up fully and says Slaine's name 6 times. I kinda wanted her to say Inaho's name instead. The sudden change in the flow of tears and the reactions would've been priceless!

Mazuurek is back, but I wonder how much he can really do. Almost all the other Counts are siding with Slaine now. Keeping Inaho's request might be a tough job.

That full scale attack at the end though! Terrans are in a world of troubles! :O

Good episode. I really hope Asseylum finds out all of Slaine's schemes soon and bitchslaps him in the face.

So who is the main villain of this anime after this episode?
Feb 21, 2015 10:13 AM

Apr 2008
leelee619 said:
Shaniyaz said:
Lemrina officially became Slaine's bitch this episode. Why else she'd give him such a high level authority and afterwards say "I am already your's."?

Asseylum finally wakes up fully and says Slaine's name 6 times. I kinda wanted her to say Inaho's name instead. The sudden change in the flow of tears and the reactions would've been priceless!

Mazuurek is back, but I wonder how much he can really do. Almost all the other Counts are siding with Slaine now. Keeping Inaho's request might be a tough job.

That full scale attack at the end though! Terrans are in a world of troubles! :O

Good episode. I really hope Asseylum finds out all of Slaine's schemes soon and bitchslaps him in the face.

So who is the main villain of this anime after this episode?

Slaine duh
Feb 21, 2015 10:13 AM
Sep 2014
Darklight0303 said:
leelee619 said:

So who is the main villain of this anime after this episode?

Slaine duh

Doesn't look like it unless you call eliminating racism evil.
Feb 21, 2015 10:15 AM

Jul 2014
CookingPriest said:
Look at current geopolitical map of present day world - a lot of western states have yet to get that Russia is an agressive war machine.

Its the same with UFE and Vers - UFE is used to diplomacy, while Vers to rule of the strong.

Oh. Yeah, like hell. Sure, let's bash Russia in a completely unrelated thread too, since, apparently, comparing it with the fascist Germany all the time and spitting on it in the good ol' cold war spirit is not enough, we need to bring the worst fictional analogies as well.
Feb 21, 2015 10:18 AM

Apr 2008
leelee619 said:
Darklight0303 said:

Slaine duh

Doesn't look like it unless you call eliminating racism evil.

Eliminating racism via enslavement IS evil. Actually wait Eliminating Racism? Where? Slaine has done nothing of the sort.
Feb 21, 2015 10:18 AM
Sep 2014
Darklight0303 said:
leelee619 said:

Doesn't look like it unless you call eliminating racism evil.

Eliminating racism via enslavement IS evil

Well we don't know Slaine's plan.
Feb 21, 2015 10:20 AM
Sep 2013
An okay Build up episode.
Slaine keeping secrets
Cant keep the princess away and her sister is going to go all crazy when she finds out slaines been lying to her.
Wonder If Eddelrittuo going to tell the princess everything.
Feb 21, 2015 10:20 AM

Apr 2008
leelee619 said:
Darklight0303 said:

Eliminating racism via enslavement IS evil

Well we don't know Slaine's plan.

His plan in this episode has been to make the martians attack in larger numbers to completely crush Earth. Again nothing he's doing saves him from the villain position and him explicitly trying to keep the princess distracted and docile with her fake garden of Eden is also proof of how iredeemable he is. Also incredibly Naive.

Lets say the knights take over Earth. You REALLY think they'd want the filthy commoners on their jewel of a planet taking up the spoils? Ha!
Feb 21, 2015 10:20 AM

Jul 2007
leelee619 said:
Darklight0303 said:

Slaine duh

Doesn't look like it unless you call eliminating racism evil.



Sure, let's eliminate racism by eliminating people we are racist against, YAY.

Slaine is building communism He is a space stalin.
Feb 21, 2015 10:21 AM

Oct 2014
chakracat said:
I swear to god that an important character is gonna die next week.

Callin it Yuki is gonna die to the stealth ninja Robin.
Feb 21, 2015 10:21 AM

Jul 2007
leelee619 said:
Darklight0303 said:

Eliminating racism via enslavement IS evil

Well we don't know Slaine's plan.

We do. It is identical to Saazbaum's - conquer earth, use the resources to stage a coup in Vers.
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