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Jul 6, 2014 10:29 AM

Oct 2013
It was called Oz Comiccon in Melbourne.

And I can't really say I enjoyed myself, I had a good time with my friends but the convention itself made me realize maybe these aren't for me. Didn't really get good vibes from it, I'm a pretty social person but at the end of it I was thinking I'd rather talk about anime or manga on the internet and just keep it to myself, the people I did end up talking to at the con though, oh boy, the stories of people wearing fedoras and trench coats were true, couldn't wait to end conversations with most of the people I met Maybe I'm just getting old and bitter.

Anyone else not really like conventions?
Oh, one more thing...Everything is too expensive.
Jul 6, 2014 10:33 AM

Oct 2012
I have a suspicion that half the users here are FBI agents but that's just me and my conspiricy theories.
Jul 6, 2014 10:35 AM
Jan 2014
Yeah, its definatly not for everybody. I've never been to one and dont plan to change that.
Jul 6, 2014 10:44 AM

Jan 2013
I've never been but I'd love to try it out, but judging by my experience from going to an anime society, I probably won't enjoy it.
Jul 6, 2014 10:45 AM
Feb 2013
Never been to one, but I'm sure conventions aren't for everyone.
Jul 6, 2014 10:51 AM

Apr 2008
I enjoy the one I go to, but I assume it's significantly different from yours, since it's a large anime only con and not a mixed media one. The smaller mixed one I went to before was shit. I don't want to be around comicfags and tabletop neckbeards. I prefer hot girls dressed like my chinese cartoon wives.
Jul 6, 2014 10:51 AM

Mar 2014

A. go with friends

B. Cosplay assomeone recognizable

To have a chance at having fun at aconvention (Enough fun for it to be worth the admission price

Otherwise it is shit.
"Fuck this shit, fun things are fun!"
Jul 6, 2014 10:57 AM

Jun 2014
I always wanted to go to a convention, but the only one near me focuses on Sci-fi/superheroes, and has little to do with Anime. Although a year of two ago, a bunch of young people showed up cosplaying as Anime characters, and the people running the convention said: "We didn't know people around here liked Anime."

That's what happens when middle-aged people run things. They know nothing about young people.

Jul 6, 2014 11:21 AM

Mar 2012
Cons are probably not my thing either. If I want to meet other people with the same interests I prefer doing meetings with small groups of internet friends.
Jul 6, 2014 11:26 AM

Sep 2013
I ended up not going to the gigantic anime convention in Los Angeles this weekend. I started thinking about the crowds and the holiday weekend traffic, and I talked myself out of it. I still want to see one of these events once in my life, but I guess I'll have to wait for the next opportunity (at which point, I'll probably talk myself out of it again). I really don't like crowded, congested, chaotic events.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Jul 6, 2014 12:18 PM

Jun 2008
Why would people wear fedoras? :|
Jul 6, 2014 3:57 PM

Mar 2014
Tachii said:
Why would people wear fedoras? :|

for the illustrious glorious papas fedoras of course

I can't for the life of me remember which thread that was from.
Jul 6, 2014 3:59 PM
Jul 2018
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Jul 6, 2014 4:27 PM
Jul 2018
Conventions in my country used to be the best until shitty cosplayers and perverted con-goers started to hang out. Thanks a lot, Alodia Gosiengfiao. Now instead of the regular Toy Convention every year, people (including kids, mind you) are free to watch a strip-tease skit at the stage because an adult magazine happens to sponsor the event and support "Cosplay Queen of the World".
Jul 6, 2014 4:32 PM

Jun 2008
Wut. I saw a strip-tease skit. Funny thing was these guys barely even mentioned anime aside from the incredibly mainstream Naruto and Bleach.

There was like one attractive woman who stripped. The rest were dudes who stripped to their undies. Safe to say I do not want to see that again. Also, despite them saying 18+, no private parts were visible. Zzzz.
Jul 6, 2014 6:15 PM
Jul 2018
Tachii said:
Wut. I saw a strip-tease skit. Funny thing was these guys barely even mentioned anime aside from the incredibly mainstream Naruto and Bleach.

There was like one attractive woman who stripped. The rest were dudes who stripped to their undies. Safe to say I do not want to see that again. Also, despite them saying 18+, no private parts were visible. Zzzz.

What convention is it though?
The famous conventions here are mostly Cosplay and Anime ones and you'll be fucking surprised to have Naruto-crossdress version cosplays in a fucking League of Legends event. So absurd. Makes me cringe all the time.
Jul 6, 2014 6:21 PM

May 2011
I've gone to conventions before. Actually went to Anime Expo earlier.

They're fun, but I spotted a fuckton of bootlegged anime figures that were incredibly expensive. That took away any hopes of buying anything.
Dislike how lines can take anywhere from 1-2 hours, out on the sun most of the time.

And what the literal fuck, why can't many anime fans grasp the concept of deodortant. Body odor was a nightmare. At times, it felt like I was smelling an armpit for hours on end.
Jul 6, 2014 6:32 PM
Nov 2008
conventions are expensive, it's always very crowded and sweaty and ends up smelling like armpits after a while. not worth it.

i generally avoid conventions in australia now (stuff like smash, supanova, and animania), although i am interested in pax australia.
Jul 6, 2014 6:41 PM

Sep 2008
Been to 2 conventions here in Oz(one in Melb and smash in Sydney) and they were both boring considering the turnout. Went with friends(one who actually cosplayed as Alucard) and even then I still found it boring. But it wasn't as bad as when I went comiket in Japan which was totally suffocating by all standards and gave me a good understanding of a real life stereotype otaku.
Jul 6, 2014 7:10 PM

Jan 2012
same interest but different level of passion
Jul 6, 2014 7:17 PM

Jul 2014
I went to my first convention about a month ago. I wanted to participate in classes with famous in my country cosplayers to learn something about armor making etc. It was also pretext to meet my internet friend. Hm, well, I had a really far distance to go. I arrived later than expected. My mate went to another place, so I had to wait for him. I felt like a lost child. Everybody else seemed to have company and I didn't want to disturb, especially because I prefer listening than speaking. It'd be weird, join someone only to listen :D

I think the idea of conventions is to meet new people with similiar hobby. Groups seemed to be closed for strangers. It could be only my imagination though. Anyway, I guess I wouldn't get along with those kind of people. I'm not shy, I'm just an introvert.

Generally speaking, I still had fun, because I met my friend. Lessons about cosplay were also nice, just like looking at stands. But I didn't interact with other people and I think meeting new people is a main reason why many newbies want to go there. I believe outgoing person would manage to do it, but I can say the atmosphere didn't favor shy fans of anime and manga.
"If they say there is no chance of victory, she will create one with her own sword."
The avatar picture was made by おみず on Twitter.
Jul 6, 2014 7:48 PM

Nov 2012
I actually went alone to my annual Anime convention this year, it was still very enjoyable.

Its interesting that a lot of you say that you have to copslay or need to go with a group of friends to enjoy a con, that isn't the case with me anyway.

At my convention, I mostly went to a bunch of random panels that were fun to listen to. By panels I mean its usually one or a group of people talking to a room full audience about a specific subject. Some examples of panels I went to this year : History of Japan, Gundam, Madoka Magica voice actress panel, history of power rangers/super sentai, voice acting in videogames, learn japanese, Attack on Titan trivia game panel, and a bunch of others. There was also a great AMV contest, and random rooms you could watch anime in, and rooms to play japanese video arcade games not found in the USA.

I also had a lot of fun browsing the dealer's room and artist/fan art room even though I only brought about $100 to spend on stuff other than con fees, transportation, and food. I ended up getting a few small things from artist room and bought out the whole School Rumble series.

I also generally had a lot of fun looking at different cosplays and talking to people who cosplay characters I knew. For example I saw two guys dressed up as the two protagonists from Persona 3 and Persona 4 in the waiting line for the con and we had in depth persona conversation that was fun.

Most of the people I met didn't seem to be obnoxious weeaboos (I see people on MAL auto-stereotype most con goers to be like this). Most of the people I talked to seemed to be pretty normal and were respectful of my opinions/tastes and not assertive about their own interests/tastes. I met this one dude during the AMV contest that was really nice, he literally sat there and talked to me about various anime topics for well over 30 minutes b/c the amvs were having technical difficulties to start. Another dude I talked to in waiting line for the Dealers room we talked about Madoka Magica for a good bit, and even some random girls interrupted us and joined our conversation...Well my point is, A lot of the people I talked I imagine were just excited to have the chance to talk in depth with someone in real life about a hobby they don't get the chance to talk about much anywhere not online.

Other than those people, I always see a few people that I know at the con (people from various anime clubs and schools I went to in the past that like anime). Sometimes we have a meal or two together, or just talk for a while there, but I wouldn't say I "went" to the con with them I guess.

I won't lie and say that going alone is BETTER than going with others to a con. But I just don't like the overwhelming opinion that seems to say that you can't go alone to a con and have fun. I personally like the freedom of going to whatever panels I want, but still being able to talk to random people and have meal time with old friends I happen on there.
Jul 6, 2014 8:09 PM

Jun 2014
I have gone once and hope to go again.
Jul 7, 2014 3:38 AM
May 2009
I usually just help out, to get in for free. Get ton of free stuff then leave before the crowds decide to leave. I only talk when I am in a line, since well most people in there are pretty weird, hyper teenages shrieking about Yaoi, then you have the family's who bring their kids, Cosplay is a highlight.
5 hours ago

Dec 2018
This thread is 10 years old, but I also went to my very first convention yesterday

I wasn't sure if I would like the experience, and was surprised to hear how expensive the mainstream cons are ($80-100 USD per day)... but I found a free local one!
I admittedly didn't talk to others very much besides the few friends who spotted me, and I stayed mostly in the Artist's Alley... but I may consider attending more in the future if they're as accessible as the one I found was. There were some pleasant surprises within the vendors' stands, and it was cool to see some things like a submission box for a mascot contest, a voice acting booth, and even some anime game shows held outside... I will make sure to bring more cash and some cooling applications (like a fan) though, it was super sweaty!!!

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