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Which character do you like the most in the series?
Feb 20, 2014 5:53 PM

Oct 2012
So I thought about doing poll about popularity of all characters this late in the series.

So - Who do you like the most and why? Is there someone you hate?

Please vote and share your opinion in the comments.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Feb 20, 2014 8:40 PM

Jul 2009

But gave my vote to Tsumugu because people don't understand this man. He's a saint. The man with 1000 advices who continuously bestow his wisdom onto his comrades when they're in need. And he is only a phone call away. What a guy.
Feb 20, 2014 8:45 PM
Jan 2014
This poll looks familiar o.O
Feb 20, 2014 8:55 PM

Feb 2011
Miuna. She's so cute.

Feb 20, 2014 9:20 PM

Mar 2008
Miuna is winning...? All I ever see in the episode posts is how everyone hates her. She's my best girl though so I won't complain she's winning the poll!
Feb 20, 2014 9:49 PM
Jan 2014
razisgosu said:
Miuna is winning...? All I ever see in the episode posts is how everyone hates her. She's my best girl though so I won't complain she's winning the poll!
she's not winning yet.... there's only few people vote this. wait for more hundreds votes then you can see who's the winner

vote for chisaki
Feb 20, 2014 9:57 PM

Jan 2014
Wow Hikari is not even in Top 3 it's the complete opposite of the other poll.

Voted for Hikari the most developed character.

Poor Kaname seems like he is the least liked main character of this series well he will be a great character if he stops chasing after hopelessly after Chisaki.
Feb 21, 2014 2:02 AM

Jan 2014
My favourites in order:
1. Chisaki is my all time favourite, because I feel like I can relate to her alot with changing to a better person.

2. Tsumugu is my second favourite, because I find him very interesting and episode 20 just sealed the deal for that. He's talk with Miuna was nice. Hopefully we will get to know more about his past.

3. 3rd is Hikari, because when the serie first started I actually hated him, but he kept maturing in a good way.

4. Manaka
5. Sayu
6. Miuna

And atleast Kaname, after the timeskip everything about him went downhill for me.
Feb 21, 2014 2:47 AM

Sep 2013
Tsumugu Fan (Girls) are saying - Give Chisaki to Tsumugu already!

Chisaki Fan (Boys) are saying - Fuck off Tsumugu.

Feb 21, 2014 3:21 AM

Sep 2013
Most developed character - Hikari
What I voted - Miuna, cause I totally love her characterization, could empathize her.

I've always... always been watching you... This whole time... Because you were there... That's why I was able to try hard. So you could have some balance! So you wouldn't treat me like a kid! So you would see me as an actual girl! Even while you were gone... You were right here! You were right here in my heart!
Feb 21, 2014 4:33 AM

Nov 2008
Miuna because TsumuguxChisaki is pretty much set in stone.
Feb 21, 2014 5:09 AM

Jan 2010
Chisaki is so... fucking cute ;-;
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Feb 21, 2014 5:10 AM

Aug 2013
Tsumugu , I was going to choose Miuna through I love her character and personality <3

Feb 22, 2014 5:47 AM

May 2009
I pretty sure there is already same poll there and Hikari is on top with huge margin.
Stop making shit polls over and over.

bastek66Feb 22, 2014 5:56 AM
Feb 22, 2014 5:50 AM

Nov 2009
I love Chisaki the most, maybe she will realize that she's grow up and doesn't look back to the past! I'll hope so!
~sekai no namida~ by True tears
just visit my mexx-cosplay acc -&gt;
Feb 22, 2014 10:45 AM

Nov 2009
1) Chisaki: I can really feel for her and she has it really hard to be honest. Although some people may have different views on her, you got to understand that she had the most strongest wish to be together with everyone and even going as far as hoping things will never change but yet she has changed partially during the time skip and now she is in a state where she is unsure of what to do.

I'm looking forward to see how who she ends up with although Hikari and Tsumugu are the likely candidates with Kaname unfortunately hasn't really been showing much but you never know as this show is going all over the place with these shippings but that is the suspense I like about this series.

2) Hikari: Most developed character in my opinion throughout the whole series as he has really changed a lot during the pre times and even through the time skip so his final development is something that I am looking forward to and with the events of episode 20, it is happening sooner than I thought.

3) Tsumugu: I have to say that he is the most gentle and calm character throughout the entire cast as despite the way how he behaves and looks, he is actually restricting himself and this has been shown severely after the time skip. While in episode 19, it confirms his feelings and even then, he thinks about everyone and this is really hitting him and even ponders his own characteristic as shown in episode 20.

To be honest, all characters have their difficult ways of overcoming walls and it's about how they deal with it. Miuna and Sayu feel out of place and are wondering whether they actually belong to the 'Hikari and others group'. On the other hand, the main cast struggles with the sudden changes that has affected their lives so it really is hard to say who is the most popular character at this time of the series.

I may come back to this as I am writing this with the knowledge of the recent episode 20 so perhaps my views may change when the series finishes which will be interesting to see!!!

Feb 22, 2014 12:21 PM
Jan 2014
Miuna and Tsumugu>>chiskaki,manaka,hikari>the rest
Feb 22, 2014 1:46 PM
Feb 2014
Kaname > Manaka > Hikari > all
Feb 22, 2014 1:49 PM

Jun 2012
Feb 22, 2014 2:14 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Before the times-skip I would've picked Sayu, but now she lost all her sass, so I'm going with Kaname. Also, KanamexChisaki all the way!

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Feb 22, 2014 2:48 PM

Oct 2012
Everyone say that Hikari changed so much but I'm afraid I don't see that. He doesn't have years to change, only few days or weeks at least. Anyone cares to explain how excatly he had changed and why he is so popular? He was such a brat before time-skip and now, well, let's say I don't think he grew up so much to be in leading position.

Chisaki on the other hand.. she is acting very mature lately (while trying to find her lost childhood in her adulthood I would say) but that's to be expected. And Tsumugu is Tsumugu, always thoutful type and he's also very caring (anyone noticed how he discreetly waited for Chisaki till he went out in the last episode? Yes, he holds her precious, that's for sure). As such, I love those two characters the most.

At the same time it's nice to watch how Miyu moved into Chisaki's position post time-skip. She is the third character I like the most, mainly because of how she manages to analyze situation she's in and feelings she has. Sayu is also good character, one you can rely on when you have trouble. She has her own feelings too but I think the base for it is simply her desire to have place she can belong to.

As for Kaname - he's nothing but jealous and hopeless cockblock lately. It's so agonising to watch how he ridicules himself everytime all over again. Even Chisaki sees him only as a friend she can talk to. It's only about to be seen if his despair leads to any desperate action in the future.

And Manaka... well, Manaka is Manaka. She will always be clueless no matter what happens. I just hope her whining and indecision doesn't ruin the rest of the show for all of us. But I am all too eager to see all those situations her awakening will leads to.
Feb 22, 2014 3:00 PM

Aug 2012
Feb 22, 2014 3:03 PM
Feb 2014
Kaname is the cutest character, friend, and fellow compreesivo all. I completely unfair and distorted vision that some people about him. The Chisaki see kaname and also Tsumugo LIKE A FRIEND, both.
Manaka is sweet and cute * - * people without love in your heart does not like her.
Feb 22, 2014 5:34 PM
Jun 2013
Well I'm only on episode 12, so as of now, my favorite is Hikari, closely followed by Kaname. Hikari just has the most character development, and he's grown so much. Of course, because Kaname was the only reasonable one to begin with, there wasn't much room for him to change and develop.


Oh and Uroko is pretty cool too.
Feb 22, 2014 8:41 PM
Jan 2010
Mich666 said:
Everyone say that Hikari changed so much but I'm afraid I don't see that. He doesn't have years to change, only few days or weeks at least. Anyone cares to explain how excatly he had changed and why he is so popular? He was such a brat before time-skip and now, well, let's say I don't think he grew up so much to be in leading position.

I don't understand why he's so popular either. He's changed a bit, but most of the time he's still the same annoying brat he was at the beginning.
Feb 22, 2014 9:36 PM

Mar 2012
Kaname is my favorite character because he's the most relatable as a person for me. He reacts the most realistically. He's been the supportive the best friend and also the gutsy guy in the group when he felt like things needed to move forward. An example is when they visited the old underwater classroom and he made Hikari confess to Manaka beause he knew Chisaki was going to confess to Hikari. Lots of people saw it as a dick move to keep Chisaki from confessing to Hikari but that was something Manaka needed to know. I felt for him when Chisaki was angry at him for that when Chisaki wasn't exactly a saint in regards to her jealousy of Manaka either while hoping Manaka would leave the sea for Tsumugu. Kaname has been calm for the most part and him snapping at Tsumugu is a natural reaction after everything he's gone through. he's also being very patient still waiting for Chisaki to give him an answer.
Feb 23, 2014 4:19 PM

Jan 2014
I remember when I was the only one voted for Kaname and the others already had 5 votes or more. Glad to know now I'm not the only Kaname fan.

Mich666 said:

As for Kaname - he's nothing but jealous and hopeless cockblock lately. It's so agonising to watch how he ridicules himself everytime all over again. Even Chisaki sees him only as a friend she can talk to. It's only about to be seen if his despair leads to any desperate action in the future.

Are you sure you're not saying this because you're worried about TsumuguxChisaki?

Yes, Kaname is jealous of Tsumugu, but everyone does the same since everyone's love is unrequited. Yes, he's hopeless since Chisake never ever saw him as a man. Isn't that frustating? Yet, he still tries his best to make Chisaki fall for him.

But that's not all he does lately. He was being supportive, he helped Hikari to search for Manaka and Tsumugu's whatever-project, etc. Which part of his action that ridicules himself? Saying that he likes Chisaki again, patiently, even if still no answer like before? Confronting Tsumugu after holding back his feeling? I, too, worried if he someday self-destructs himself. But for now, despite being in despair, he's calm and composed for a 14 year old boy.

If anything, I feel like author would make him forever alone character or something. When Hikari woke up, Tsumugu and Miuna were with him. The same with Manaka. But when Kaname woke up, he was all alone lol. And there's no indication that he'd move on from liking Chisaki even if he has (almost) no chance.

For me, it's like...
Kaname > Hikari > Chisaki = Miuna = Sayu > Fish > Manaka = Tsumugu
Feb 25, 2014 7:35 AM

May 2012
Manaka FTW. Coz she's innocent as fuck.
I've Killed my Brother
Just like what sasuke did
Feb 27, 2014 10:46 AM
Feb 2014
Most: Chisaki, because she has most depth in character development (her resistance to change but she was forced to change) and she still fights with a lot of internal issues.

She is the most realistic character to me. Watching her struggle can be annoying but who doesn't struggle with change?

Least: Hikari. He's just honestly annoying to me. Sometimes he has progress as a character maturing but his temper tantrums and not getting what he wants is irritating. He's so close minded. Only cares about Manaka really. Sigh.
Feb 27, 2014 10:54 AM

May 2013
Is there an all of the above lol? I think they are all very deep and relatable for the most part. This show has a terrific cast for sure. however, manaka hasn't changed like at all since the beginning of the show which kind of annoys me, and Kaname seems to have just become a depressed, jealous prick compared to the insightful friend he was before. But whatever, the characters all have their highs and lows which is what makes them so strong. personally I like Chisaki, Hikari, Miuna and Tsumugu the most because of the struggles they've been dealt with. Also Akira because he's super cute lol.
Feb 27, 2014 11:28 AM

Apr 2012
Akari was the best character in the first half of the show, but she doesn't really have much of a role in the show anymore. I loved the whole conflict of her marriage with Itaru. It really helped propel the story forward. How her father came to terms with it was touching and how the sea god reacted to it was the pinnacle of the show. Akira felt more like a main character than a support one in the first half of the season.
zzzeallyFeb 27, 2014 11:32 AM

Feb 27, 2014 11:29 AM
Jan 2014
Zeally said:
Akira was the best character in the first half of the show, but she doesn't really have much of a role in the show anymore. I loved the whole conflict of her marriage with Itaru. It really helped propel the story forward. How her father came to terms with it was touching and how the sea god reacted to it was the pinnacle of the show. Akira felt more like a main character than a support one in the first half of the season.

Isn't Akira the son and you mean Akari?
Feb 27, 2014 11:32 AM

Apr 2012
KillerBee721 said:
Zeally said:
Akira was the best character in the first half of the show, but she doesn't really have much of a role in the show anymore. I loved the whole conflict of her marriage with Itaru. It really helped propel the story forward. How her father came to terms with it was touching and how the sea god reacted to it was the pinnacle of the show. Akira felt more like a main character than a support one in the first half of the season.

Isn't Akira the son and you mean Akari?

thanks for the correction. XD fixed

Feb 27, 2014 5:55 PM

Jan 2014
Asking for Hikari fans to vote for Hikari

and here:

I want Hikari to be top on those sites as well.
right now on MAL Manaka is on top and on AP Chisaki is.
Feb 27, 2014 6:08 PM

Oct 2012
Numair said:
Asking for Hikari fans to vote for Hikari
and here:
I want Hikari to be top on those sites as well.
right now on MAL Manaka is on top and on AP Chisaki is.

That's bad I'm always voting only for Chisaki :))
Feb 27, 2014 6:16 PM

Oct 2012
wanderingplayboy said:
Are you sure you're not saying this because you're worried about TsumuguxChisaki? Yes, Kaname is jealous of Tsumugu, but everyone does the same since everyone's love is unrequited. Yes, he's hopeless since Chisake never ever saw him as a man. Isn't that frustating? Yet, he still tries his best to make Chisaki fall for him.

If anything, I feel like author would make him forever alone character or something. When Hikari woke up, Tsumugu and Miuna were with him. The same with Manaka. But when Kaname woke up, he was all alone lol. And there's no indication that he'd move on from liking Chisaki even if he has (almost) no chance.

Yeah, in a way he reminds me of Shun from Shinsekai Yori (though I guess he will not end so tragically here). But seeing Chisaki side by side Kaname in the latest episode and judging from how she is oblivious to Tsumugu's feelings, I start to fear that she is getting into the same position as Kaname, and the worse, that there won't be no romance in the end, just mutual friendship and reconciliation.
Mich666Feb 27, 2014 6:19 PM
Feb 27, 2014 6:59 PM

Aug 2008
Hikari, Manaka, Kaname.
Feb 28, 2014 7:00 AM
Aug 2013
hikari, a really good charector imo.

i hate tsumugu, because of reasons, i also find manaka abit annoyning, i dont hate miuna, think shes a really good charector imo, but i dislike that shes in love with hikari. i dislike it alot.
Mar 22, 2014 8:15 AM

Jan 2010
Tsumugu, I like his character design. Also I always like this type of character, cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent, but also perceptive. He is so perfect don't you think? What not to like? hehe
Mar 22, 2014 8:41 AM

Jan 2014
Shicchi said:
Tsumugu, I like his character design. Also I always like this type of character, cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent, but also perceptive. He is so perfect don't you think? What not to like? hehe
I think those who are so in reality, will not like Tsumugu
Mar 22, 2014 9:07 AM

Mar 2014

I can understand why she isn't particularly loved.. she can be a bit annoying at times and she cries a lot. But I love her character so much. She's so innocent. I can't say that her character developed a lot - but I do think development was there. I remember being so happy, proud, and sad when she saved Akari and sacrificed herself at the Ofunehiki event. I don't think many people could do that.

She just has a huge, open heart. It breaks my heart to see the recent episode and she knows something is missing but she doesn't know what. And the waves that are tormenting her..

I think she definitely is some kind of pillar to the group. She is beautiful, sweet, naive, funny, and just charming. Yeah, I really love her. > .<
Mar 22, 2014 10:15 AM

Jan 2010
LiMaKuS said:
Shicchi said:
Tsumugu, I like his character design. Also I always like this type of character, cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent, but also perceptive. He is so perfect don't you think? What not to like? hehe
I think those who are so in reality, will not like Tsumugu

Yeah maybe, but this is not reality :D
Mar 22, 2014 10:21 AM

Jun 2009
trabeus1 said:
Tsumugu Fan (Girls) are saying - Give Chisaki to Tsumugu already!

Chisaki Fan (Boys) are saying - Fuck off Tsumugu.

Elaborate please...

I have nothing but love for Chisaki since episode 1. (even when I'm mad at her, it's because I care about the character)

And I have supported her and Tsumugu since episode 9. (Where Tsumugu told her he liked her the way she is, which is the moment that I knew they'll eventually wind up together)
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Mar 22, 2014 11:43 AM
Jan 2014
Shicchi said:
LiMaKuS said:
Shicchi said:
Tsumugu, I like his character design. Also I always like this type of character, cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent, but also perceptive. He is so perfect don't you think? What not to like? hehe
I think those who are so in reality, will not like Tsumugu

Yeah maybe, but this is not reality :D

That's what i've thought too, in reality, they have a love dilema similar to where they feel a perfect guy/girl stole their crush without lifting a finger like Tsumugu o.O
Mar 22, 2014 1:01 PM
Mar 2014
KillerBee721 said:
Shicchi said:
LiMaKuS said:
Shicchi said:
Tsumugu, I like his character design. Also I always like this type of character, cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent, but also perceptive. He is so perfect don't you think? What not to like? hehe
I think those who are so in reality, will not like Tsumugu

Yeah maybe, but this is not reality :D

That's what i've thought too, in reality, they have a love dilema similar to where they feel a perfect guy/girl stole their crush without lifting a finger like Tsumugu o.O

That ain't happening in real life(to me). If someone like Tsumugu tried to do that and stole what's suppose to be mine, he'll get dropped.

Edit: JK
CrashClownMar 22, 2014 2:57 PM
Mar 22, 2014 1:19 PM

Jan 2014
Shicchi said:
LiMaKuS said:
Shicchi said:
Tsumugu, I like his character design. Also I always like this type of character, cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent, but also perceptive. He is so perfect don't you think? What not to like? hehe
I think those who are so in reality, will not like Tsumugu

Yeah maybe, but this is not reality :D
I mean, Tsumugu is unlikely to appeal to those people who are similar in nature and acts ("cool, calm, doesn't show much expression, silent") (I'm not talking about anime, i talking about us, about real people)

English is not my forte but I try to be expressed correctly
Mar 22, 2014 1:55 PM

Oct 2008
Hikari, since episode 5.
Good, fleshed and developed. He's selfless, funny, cute and helpful. He always tries his best even when the chances of fail are big.
bekeruMar 23, 2014 2:52 PM
>User since 2008
Please god help me quit this website.

Such great community that doesn't even know how demographics work, AND gives """detailed"""" reviews after first episodes.

Mar 27, 2014 12:11 PM
Oct 2012
Now that I've watched 25 eps, I can finally say Miuna is my favorite character. Used to think Manaka was the most cute with her innocent personality, but Miuna outshine her to me.

She's just like how Chisaki described at eps 19, putting all her feelings to Hikari, caring so much to him, but couldn't take the final step to get together with him.

Really loving how she cares so much to Hikari although she knew her place, not being able to break in between him and Manaka.

though with all that said, what i voted was Chisaki, because she's the most pitiful character along with Kaname.
Mar 27, 2014 12:31 PM

Dec 2009
Miuna and Tsumugu.
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