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I just found a dumbass sociopath in the wild.

Jun 28, 12:54 PM

Feb 2018
So I just found out a sociopath. But he's a dumbass. Not the smart manipulative kind. I am stunned actually. It's so ridiculous that I find it not only spooky af but funny too. It's so amusing, I'd like to share it here.

I usually keep to myself at work and only speak when necessary. When I need to make calls, send emails, etc. Usual stuff. There's a group of 2 coworkers I have to lead and schedule their task for the day. Now one of them pulled me aside and told me that he wants to give me a sort of a brief about something that concerns him a bit about the other coworker and I should know about it. It was about his personal life. I don't like to meddle in other coworkers personal life, not because of morals or something. I just don't really care about it. Truly. But he wanted to tell me, out of concern that it could effect work apparently. So I listened and I was really amazed at the levels of stupidity one can go to. It's so stupid because it is all so obvious to find out and connect the dots.

I just found out that one of my coworkers, who i have worked with for 6 months now, and still work with, has been lying about every single aspect of his life to me, other colleagues and his boss. Technically I am his boss too.
This is peak lunacy. So get this,
1. He told everyone he's married to a famous Instagram star. That's an outright lie. I searched his social's today and it's just outright a lie. Not a single picture with "his wife" on any social media.

2. He told everyone that he has started his own studio with his "other worldly wife" and has rented a massive 1000sqft space for it. (It's a massive space for a tier 1 city). Also that he is registering the company for GST (good and service tax) and make it a private limited co. I had once asked him about the exact address and company name, he didn't answer properly and brushed it off. I got busy and brushed it off too. Didn't bring it up again cuz i don't care and forgot.

3. He said last week, he got a new SUV car that's around 20,000 usd. I was surprised, because with his income, it would frankly never be feasible for him to own such an expensive SUV. He showed pictures and videos of him in it to everyone too. I asked him how he financed it and he said he took a loan and the bank give it because of his studio? Alright. Don't care, good for him i guess. I brushed it off. Now that i think about it, he probably just rented it out for some time maybe. All to fabricate this insane lie.

This guy just keeps yapping and won't stop yapping at all. He tells us all this useless shit during short breaks of couple minutes before any scheduled work starts for all. Well we aren't going to remove him, he is still competent at work. We just want him to get work done and move on. Everyone on the team likes to talk more about work and this guy just keeps yapping more about his lies. Ahhh me and everyone else have to listen to this lunatic yap for the foreseeable future for now :/
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Jun 28, 1:03 PM

Nov 2019
Had one of these colleagues, after two years of constant yapping to and about everybody, nobody stopped him from quitting like he was expecting.
Jun 28, 1:23 PM

Jan 2009
So what about it? Does knowing about him embellishing his life situation help you or anyone else with anything?

Well we aren't going to remove him, he is still competent at work.
If he's still competent, focus on your own work and let him be

Ahhh me and everyone else have to listen to this lunatic yap for the foreseeable future for now :/
I'm taking it, you can't just do home office or like just focus on work and stop caring about irrelevant things
Jun 28, 1:45 PM

Feb 2018
Noboru said:
So what about it? Does knowing about him embellishing his life situation help you or anyone else with anything?

Well we aren't going to remove him, he is still competent at work.
If he's still competent, focus on your own work and let him be

Ahhh me and everyone else have to listen to this lunatic yap for the foreseeable future for now :/
I'm taking it, you can't just do home office or like just focus on work and stop caring about irrelevant things

It does help to know that he has been lying to everyone all this time. No one can trust his word for whatever he says. Building trust is very important at work. Someone that lies so much like it's natural to them, cannot be trusted for his word. Sure he is competent at work, but the next time he says that he is going out of the country for a week of vacation at the Bahamas, he won't get time off that easily.

I lead them. I am focusing on my work. Knowing that a coworker is not trustworthy is part of work.

I pay him for his bullshit. It is not irrelevant. Are you the one listening to his yapping? Does "just focus on your work" justify his actions at work? He's the one not focusing at work and bringing his personal web of lies to it.
tsukareruJun 28, 1:48 PM
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Jun 28, 1:52 PM

Feb 2018
ST63LTH said:
Had one of these colleagues, after two years of constant yapping to and about everybody, nobody stopped him from quitting like he was expecting.

It's a tad frustrating to deal with such coworkers but can't do much about it as long as they do their tasks they are told.
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Jun 28, 2:04 PM

Nov 2019
Reply to tsukareru
ST63LTH said:
Had one of these colleagues, after two years of constant yapping to and about everybody, nobody stopped him from quitting like he was expecting.

It's a tad frustrating to deal with such coworkers but can't do much about it as long as they do their tasks they are told.
@tsukareru I agree, hope you find your peace or they find theirs
Jun 28, 2:11 PM

Feb 2018
ST63LTH said:
@tsukareru I agree, hope you find your peace or they find theirs

Thank you for the sentiment. Well I think I'll just deal with it a bit differently. I know a way to enjoy this, I'll just keep asking them stuff about their web of lies when they talk about it on breaks, I'll get to see how far they squirm to make me believe it. Now that I know the truth, it will at least give me a bit of chuckle at work in exchange for listening to his lies.
tsukareruJun 28, 2:14 PM
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Jun 28, 2:15 PM

Feb 2024
This thread smells.

That other person needs help probably. As "his boss", you behave highly unethical by bringing it here. What happens in the workspace, stays in the workspace.

I'm not going to say anything about moral and legal aspects of defamation and public disclosure: as they say, no risk = no fun. What worries me the most is the lack of empathy in the original post.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 28, 2:21 PM

Dec 2015
Well the question is if the guy revealing the lies is telling the truth or lies?

Nonetheless from what I see these lies are harmless and perhaps the guy is just having his complex or a need to be a snob to be better than others, about the car stuff it is possible even if you can't afford it. It might be working a lil bit different in other countries but here there's a leasing [Finance lease] thanks which you can pay I think monthly for a car and after a year or more it is yours [also there's always a possibility of renting a car and having trial tests at car dealers so making photos or videos isn't a difficulty, or having a friend who have such cars, my buddy who's my past neighbour has a Tesla which costed way more than this SUV, but I am not interested in cars so I don't care about it]

It all depends on his traits, in your position you can either ignore it, try to dominate the conversation and always change the topic or simply cut the bullshit and say straigth to his eyes that you/everyone knows the truth [the last option need to be targeted properly, if he has specific negative traits it might get into a brawl], but afterall as said it is harmless so I don't think there's that much of a deal with it without the fact of this being annoying, I know one person who does it too... Once someone behind my back was spreading fake negative stuff about me so I've made it very clear through messenger to him [through messenger as if I would see him back than IRL I would just smack him real hard, now I no longer care but it doesn't mean that I'm gonna be soft and pretend that he ain't done any shit, without even apologising for it (there's more bs he has done and harm to others but that's private info, for which I am still pissed at that person whom I used to call a "friend", I am still ashamed for it and I hope I no longer will make this mistake again)]

The last option which probably isn't the case here, you can change the workplace, if it's possible ofc.
ZettaikenJun 28, 2:24 PM
Jun 28, 2:24 PM

Feb 2018
LoveYourSmile said:
This thread smells.

That other person needs help probably. As "his boss", you behave highly unethical by bringing it here. What happens in the workspace, stays in the workspace.

I'm not going to say anything about moral and legal aspects of defamation and public disclosure: as they say, no risk = no fun. What worries me the most is the lack of empathy in the original post.

Is it unethical? It's all anonymous. I didn't name anyone. There's no personal details, at all. It's still at workplace. If you find a lack of empathy, then it's because a pathological liar won't get any empathy from me. I will not understand in any circumstance of why pathological liar do what they do. It is almost always for nefarious reasons, to scam and deceit people. They have lied for 6 whole months straight. About having a wife, a car, a company. What defamation case? If anything the "wife" has a defamation case against this person. They don't even know that a stalker is doing this to them.
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Jun 28, 2:27 PM

Jan 2009
tsukareru said:
It does help to know that he has been lying to everyone all this time. No one can trust his word for whatever he says. Building trust is very important at work. Someone that lies so much like it's natural to them, cannot be trusted for his word. Sure he is competent at work, but the next time he says that he is going out of the country for a week of vacation at the Bahamas, he won't get time off that easily.
The question here is rather whether he can be trusted with the work. If he's competent and does his job, then it shouldn't matter whether or not he lies about his personal life. Also, there should be legal frameworks on how much someone can take off at the very minimum, so people still get to have holidays regardless of their reasons

tsukareru said:

I pay him for his bullshit. It is not irrelevant.
You pay him or your company pays him? And regardless which one it is exactly, you or your company pays him for doing his job. And it doesn't matter as long as he brings the results

LoveYourSmile said:
That other person needs help probably. As "his boss", you behave highly unethical by bringing it here. What happens in the workspace, stays in the workspace.
Yes, I fully agree with you here. This is far from professional behavior normally expected by someone in a supposedly leading position
Jun 28, 2:55 PM

Feb 2018
Noboru said:
tsukareru said:
It does help to know that he has been lying to everyone all this time. No one can trust his word for whatever he says. Building trust is very important at work. Someone that lies so much like it's natural to them, cannot be trusted for his word. Sure he is competent at work, but the next time he says that he is going out of the country for a week of vacation at the Bahamas, he won't get time off that easily.

The question here is rather whether he can be trusted with the work. If he's competent and does his job, then it shouldn't matter whether or not he lies about his personal life. Also, there should be legal frameworks on how much someone can take off at the very minimum, so people still get to have holidays regardless of their reasons

tsukareru said:

I pay him for his bullshit. It is not irrelevant.

You pay him or your company pays him? And regardless which one it is exactly, you or your company pays him for doing his job. And it doesn't matter as long as he brings the results

LoveYourSmile said:
That other person needs help probably. As "his boss", you behave highly unethical by bringing it here. What happens in the workspace, stays in the workspace.

Yes, I fully agree with you here. This is far from professional behavior normally expected by someone in a supposedly leading position

It does matter whether he lies or not. This isn't a black & white call to take. "If he can work, it doesn't matter". When people spin a web of lies, it comes back to trap them and everyone around it as well. Specially when they start lying on behalf of the company. So far this habit has only been seen in his personnel life stories, and besides that he can work. Sure. It doesn't matter then. No problem. Good job. But. The moment this habit leaks into work. It matters. A lot. If he lies to other workers about work, if he lies to clients. It will matter.
Dw about the days off. All workers get all the public holidays required by law here. It's the extra holidays that can be negotiated with reasoning. So reasoning for extra holidays. Matters.
Well you're right, what only matters that he gets results. As long as this habit doesn't effect work, it's all fine and dandy. You see, it doesn't matter. But also matters if this habit of his start to meddle at work. If he doesn't lie at doesn't matter. But if he lies at work .....then it matters. Now whether he will do it or not, is it only a matter of time to find out or not, only time will tell.
Again, there is no personal data here. What's at workspace is still at workspace. I have been careful about that. I am well aware that this is anonymous.
It's so amusing, I'd like to share it here.

That's all there is to it. I haven't come across a pathological liar such as this. That's it. I didn't even want to talk about work.
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Jun 28, 3:05 PM

Feb 2018
Zettaiken said:
Well the question is if the guy revealing the lies is telling the truth or lies?

Nonetheless from what I see these lies are harmless and perhaps the guy is just having his complex or a need to be a snob to be better than others, about the car stuff it is possible even if you can't afford it. It might be working a lil bit different in other countries but here there's a leasing [Finance lease] thanks which you can pay I think monthly for a car and after a year or more it is yours [also there's always a possibility of renting a car and having trial tests at car dealers so making photos or videos isn't a difficulty, or having a friend who have such cars, my buddy who's my past neighbour has a Tesla which costed way more than this SUV, but I am not interested in cars so I don't care about it]

It all depends on his traits, in your position you can either ignore it, try to dominate the conversation and always change the topic or simply cut the bullshit and say straight to his eyes that you/everyone knows the truth [the last option need to be targeted properly, if he has specific negative traits it might get into a brawl], but afterall as said it is harmless so I don't think there's that much of a deal with it without the fact of this being annoying, I know one person who does it too... Once someone behind my back was spreading fake negative stuff about me so I've made it very clear through messenger to him [through messenger as if I would see him back than IRL I would just smack him real hard, now I no longer care but it doesn't mean that I'm gonna be soft and pretend that he ain't done any shit, without even apologizing for it (there's more bs he has done and harm to others but that's private info, for which I am still pissed at that person whom I used to call a "friend", I am still ashamed for it and I hope I no longer will make this mistake again)]

The last option which probably isn't the case here, you can change the workplace, if it's possible ofc.

Truly refreshing to read your reply. Thanks for not taking it the wrong way. I only wanted to talk about this peculiar pathological liar i have come across. Not "ethical work culture". MAL and work, shouldn't even be used together in a sentence. There's no way I'll take workplace advise from MAL. I am good at what I do and others can't tell me. I have results. I see that you have experienced dealing with such types as well. It's a bit frustrating no?
Well I can't force the flow of conversion with the way we have bonded at work now. It will become awkward and that's gonna be worse for me to deal with. I can only let him yap, listen from one ear and remove from the other.
Pathological liars are very destructive in nature. They can waste years of your time, you would think that they are your "best" friend but they aren't. They are just manipulative. I have had a friend do this to me too, a bit similar to your experience. And the ones defending them, haven't met one yet. Zero emphathy from me for pathological liars.
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Jun 28, 3:16 PM

May 2013
Look at this guy and his Reddit tier thread.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jun 28, 3:23 PM

Mar 2008
That isn't likely sociopathy OP. He either has delusions or is lying because he wants to be liked but is insecure. In addition it is also possible he has autism and unironically thinks these are believable lies in his attempt to mask his autism maybe thinking he'd get bullied or something. Though there also is the possibility he is a private guy with no interest in getting close with coworkers and is having fun seeing how much he can stretch a lie.
Jun 28, 3:25 PM

Jan 2009
tsukareru said:
Specially when they start lying on behalf of the company. So far this habit has only been seen in his personnel life stories, and besides that he can work. Sure. It doesn't matter then. No problem. Good job. But. The moment this habit leaks into work. It matters. A lot. If he lies to other workers about work, if he lies to clients. It will matter.
It will only matter if it causes reputation and/or legal damages. If it stays only an internal incident about the private life, then it does not matter

tsukareru said:
Dw about the days off. All workers get all the public holidays required by law here. It's the extra holidays that can be negotiated with reasoning. So reasoning for extra holidays. Matters.
It's not just the public holidays. All workers have to get at least a specific amount of days off in addition to just the public holidays and the weekend or if they work on either, some other days during the week off. They have to have a minimum amount of vacation days, without having to give any reasons at all. Everything else is illegal practice

tsukareru said:
Again, there is no personal data here. What's at workspace is still at workspace. I have been careful about that. I am well aware that this is anonymous.
It's a pseudonymous place. But even outside of those semantics, I simply don't like it when people talk badly behind the backs of others and/or make fun of them, regardless of whether or not I think they would have deserved it and regardless of whether or not it can be traced back to the legal identity of the person
NoboruJun 28, 3:30 PM
Jun 28, 3:42 PM

Feb 2018
Nette said:
Look at this guy and his Reddit tier thread.

Something a bit different from the usual posts. It is reddit-like
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Jun 28, 3:49 PM

Feb 2018
traed said:
That isn't likely sociopathy OP. He either has delusions or is lying because he wants to be liked but is insecure. In addition it is also possible he has autism and unironically thinks these are believable lies in his attempt to mask his autism maybe thinking he'd get bullied or something. Though there also is the possibility he is a private guy with no interest in getting close with coworkers and is having fun seeing how much he can stretch a lie.

The possibilities seem endless as to why. I don't think it's autism. He's not that smart but doesn't seem like autism to me. Most of his cognitive and social functions seem normal. Maybe it is insecurity or maybe it is delusions. I think it's both. He like celebrities and stuff, and he lied about an influencer celeb being his wife. Maybe he aspires to be one too. I don't think he's having fun, well he loves to get praised for the lies. But who doesn't love being praised you know
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Jun 28, 3:51 PM

Jan 2009
i would call that a pathological liar so more narcissist than being a sociopath
Jun 28, 4:16 PM

Feb 2018
Noboru said:
tsukareru said:
Specially when they start lying on behalf of the company. So far this habit has only been seen in his personnel life stories, and besides that he can work. Sure. It doesn't matter then. No problem. Good job. But. The moment this habit leaks into work. It matters. A lot. If he lies to other workers about work, if he lies to clients. It will matter.

It will only matter if it causes reputation and/or legal damages. If it stays only an internal incident about the private life, then it does not matter

tsukareru said:
Dw about the days off. All workers get all the public holidays required by law here. It's the extra holidays that can be negotiated with reasoning. So reasoning for extra holidays. Matters.

It's not just the public holidays. All workers have to get at least a specific amount of days off in addition to just the public holidays and the weekend or if they work on either, some other days during the week off. They have to have a minimum amount of vacation days, without having to give any reasons at all. Everything else is illegal practice

tsukareru said:
Again, there is no personal data here. What's at workspace is still at workspace. I have been careful about that. I am well aware that this is anonymous.

It's a pseudonymous place. But even outside of those semantics, I simply don't like it when people talk badly behind the backs of others and/or make fun of them, regardless of whether or not I think they would have deserved it and regardless of whether or not it can be traced back to the legal identity of the person

Things are different here for holidays. Different country. Public holidays only according to law, the rest is negotiated with reasons. Not illegal here. Gazette Public holidays and Sundays. That's it. The rest is negotiation. It may seem less, but there are more than 2 weeks of public holidays in a year here plus, sick-days are perfectly acceptable reasons. You could call in sick tomm or take a whole week off on sick leave no questions asked. It will be given in most companies here. Overtime is also compensated, if you work overtime you can take days off based on how much overtime you have worked. But there is no such thing as a fixed minimum amount of vacation days without reason here. In that case, it's up to the modified job contract terms for both, employee and company to agree on before being hired.

Regarding the pseudonymous semantics, i can tell you that there is 00.00% chance of him being identified based on whatever i have said. Even if my own identity were happened to leak here, you still wouldn't trace him even with my socials. He simply isn't there in any of my social besides encrypted messenger messages for work. He doesn't even have an email. He doesn't even know what anime is, he can't speak English. He only knows the native language here. To begin with, think about it, whatever I have even said about his lifestyle here, are his own made up lies.
Oh I know, taking behind people's back even I don't like it. But I am not going to lie. I just have an unreasonable hatred for pathological liars that cannot be quelled. I have only had terrible experiences with them, I have had years of my life wasted by one. I hope you don't understand this. Because for you to understand it, you would have to experience what a pathological liar deeply rooted to your social life can do. And that's what I wouldn't like anyone to experience. So it's fine if you don't understand why I am taking behind their back even though, in anonymity. I can only ask you to blindly trust me, that I haven't talked behind their back irl, on any socials besides only here in anonymity. I just have an unreasonable hatred for pathological liars and I loathe them. That's the only reason I can give you.

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Jun 28, 4:17 PM

Feb 2018
deg said:
i would call that a pathological liar so more narcissist than being a sociopath

I often confuse all these psychological terms deg. You're right, maybe not a sociopath but more of a pathological liar. And yes narcissism, definitely.
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Jun 28, 4:21 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to tsukareru
deg said:
i would call that a pathological liar so more narcissist than being a sociopath

I often confuse all these psychological terms deg. You're right, maybe not a sociopath but more of a pathological liar. And yes narcissism, definitely.
@tsukareru true psychology is a mess lots of overlapping concepts on it no wonder its soft science and not hard science
Jun 28, 4:55 PM

May 2021
@tsukareru ouch, looks like you got yourself a compulsive liar

Although compulsive lying is a trait in both sociopaths and narcissist, it alone is not enough to prove either

Either way, keep a close eye on him and make sure he stays competent and isn't the vendictive type... and hope he don't have a MAL account 🙏
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jun 28, 5:19 PM

Jun 2024
That's crazy. But he's doing his work, I guess.

Which reminds me, I once had a colleague who wouldn't stop talking about his wife and kept telling me I'm so young and should get married soon. Like, stfu.
Jun 28, 6:33 PM

Oct 2022
Sounds like a weird guy. Still as long as he isn't disrupting work I wouldn't let it get to you. Maybe have a talk with him as his boss if necessary.
When a pancake lover does something: "Outrageous vicious crime"

When a waffle lover does something: "That means it is not illegal"

Quotes -
Jun 28, 8:43 PM

Apr 2015
Average anime protagonist irl

"Are you talking about OP or the guy he's talking about?" The world may never know
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Jun 28, 9:54 PM

Aug 2014

Does this really count as sociopathy though? Sounds more like a pathological lying.
Yesterday, 2:02 AM

Sep 2016
I think you're confusing sociopathy with adult chunibyo.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Yesterday, 4:43 AM

Jan 2009
tsukareru said:
Things are different here for holidays. Different country. Public holidays only according to law, the rest is negotiated with reasons. Not illegal here. Gazette Public holidays and Sundays. That's it. The rest is negotiation. It may seem less, but there are more than 2 weeks of public holidays in a year here plus, sick-days are perfectly acceptable reasons.
Yes, I'm reminded once again that there are countries with poorer worker conditions. People working on more days and/or more hours does not automatically translate to more productivity
And that's still little compared to 20-30 vacation days and 9-14 public holidays over here

tsukareru said:
Regarding the pseudonymous semantics, i can tell you that there is 00.00% chance of him being identified based on whatever i have said. Even if my own identity were happened to leak here, you still wouldn't trace him even with my socials.
Probably not, it wouldn't be worth the effort, anyway. That would still make it technically not an anonymous platform

tsukareru said:
Oh I know, taking behind people's back even I don't like it. But I am not going to lie. I just have an unreasonable hatred for pathological liars that cannot be quelled. I have only had terrible experiences with them, I have had years of my life wasted by one.
So that's what it's all about, you basically got hurt/frustrated by someone else and now you're letting out your frustrations of stumbling across someone that to you seems to have similar negative traits here on MAL. But that still does not answer my original question of what's the point in creating a thread about it. You don't need this thread to know what you already know
What are you expecting in this thread? People patting you on your back and celebrating how you're wasting your time and emotions over irrelevant people? Other people chiming in and talking about their own bad experiences? You really want to bring in more negativity to this place?
Yesterday, 5:20 AM

Feb 2018
Noboru said:
tsukareru said:
Things are different here for holidays. Different country. Public holidays only according to law, the rest is negotiated with reasons. Not illegal here. Gazette Public holidays and Sundays. That's it. The rest is negotiation. It may seem less, but there are more than 2 weeks of public holidays in a year here plus, sick-days are perfectly acceptable reasons.

Yes, I'm reminded once again that there are countries with poorer worker conditions. People working on more days and/or more hours does not automatically translate to more productivity
And that's still little compared to 20-30 vacation days and 9-14 public holidays over here

tsukareru said:
Regarding the pseudonymous semantics, i can tell you that there is 00.00% chance of him being identified based on whatever i have said. Even if my own identity were happened to leak here, you still wouldn't trace him even with my socials.

Probably not, it wouldn't be worth the effort, anyway. That would still make it technically not an anonymous platform

tsukareru said:
Oh I know, taking behind people's back even I don't like it. But I am not going to lie. I just have an unreasonable hatred for pathological liars that cannot be quelled. I have only had terrible experiences with them, I have had years of my life wasted by one.

So that's what it's all about, you basically got hurt/frustrated by someone else and now you're letting out your frustrations of stumbling across someone that to you seems to have similar negative traits here on MAL. But that still does not answer my original question of what's the point in creating a thread about it. You don't need this thread to know what you already know
What are you expecting in this thread? People patting you on your back and celebrating how you're wasting your time and emotions over irrelevant people? Other people chiming in and talking about their own bad experiences? You really want to bring in more negativity to this place?

I made this thread not out of frustration or hurt. Just passing my time, I couldn't care less about a pathological liar effecting my emotions. If you think I am bringing in more negativity here, then so be it. It's not against the cd rules. If you want to keep arguing for the sake of just arguing, then I am backing out of this conversation now. Now that, is a waste of time itself I am not going to enjoy. I am free to decide how I want to waste my time here. You seem to keep digging and painting me as a horrible person over ridiculous presumptions about me all the while just defending a pathological lying stranger, who isn't even named. Might as well presume that the person is a fictional cartoon at this point. The conversation steering from taking about a pathological liar to work ethics only, I am not interested. I don't know why. I am not bothered to know why. Would you like to be patted on the back for being such a benevolent flawless morally ethical worker at your work place then? Is this why the conversation steered away from taking about pathological liars to work ethics? Aren't you wasting your time arguing with me too? We can argue and talk about semantics all day long, as long as one of us drops it. I am dropping it here. No hard feelings. All the best at your workspace. I will do what i want here as long as it is allowed in the forum rules. Bringing in negativity or positivity. You can chose to interact, or ignore it.
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Yesterday, 5:29 AM

Jan 2009
tsukareru said:
I made this thread not out of frustration or hurt. Just passing my time, I couldn't care less about a pathological liar effecting my emotions. If you think I am bringing in more negativity here, then so be it. It's not against the cd rules.
Could be against this, though:

d. personal storytelling, narration, ranting, and/or blog-style posts

e.g. Ask me anything!, Ask me about ___, Rate my about me/signature/etc., Post your ___ and I'll rate it
e.g. Blog and/or rant texts about your day etc.
These topics only encourage a one-way discussion where members are commenting on the poster's idea (or vice versa).

And this is far from a productive, meaningful or wholesome way to pass time, so I'm taking your suggestion to just leave it be, but you should probably create a blog post the next time you want to let out some steam
Yesterday, 5:40 AM

Feb 2018
Noboru said:
tsukareru said:
I made this thread not out of frustration or hurt. Just passing my time, I couldn't care less about a pathological liar effecting my emotions. If you think I am bringing in more negativity here, then so be it. It's not against the cd rules.

Could be against this, though:

d. personal storytelling, narration, ranting, and/or blog-style posts

e.g. Ask me anything!, Ask me about ___, Rate my about me/signature/etc., Post your ___ and I'll rate it
e.g. Blog and/or rant texts about your day etc.
These topics only encourage a one-way discussion where members are commenting on the poster's idea (or vice versa).

And this is far from a productive, meaningful or wholesome way to pass time, so I'm taking your suggestion to just leave it be, but you should probably create a blog post the next time you want to let out some steam

And this is far from a productive, meaningful or wholesome way to pass time

That is up to individual preference. Your idea of a wholesome way to pass time is to argue with me no? If you keep making presumptions about me, I am allowed to as well no?
Oh well in that case I hope a mod takes down this post. Beleieve it or not, i enjoyed this convesation. It was intresting.
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Yesterday, 5:45 AM

Feb 2018
tsukareru said:
Noboru said:

Could be against this, though:

And this is far from a productive, meaningful or wholesome way to pass time, so I'm taking your suggestion to just leave it be, but you should probably create a blog post the next time you want to let out some steam

And this is far from a productive, meaningful or wholesome way to pass time

That is up to individual preference. Your idea of a wholesome way to pass time is to argue with me no? If you keep making presumptions about me, I am allowed to as well no?
Oh well in that case I hope a mod takes down this post. Believe it or not, i enjoyed this convesation. It was intresting.

Also just know that i harbor no ill feelings towards you even after all that back and forth. You are free to do whatever you want or free to think whatever you want of me.
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Yesterday, 5:51 AM

Jan 2009
tsukareru said:
That is up to individual preference. Your idea of a wholesome way to pass time is to argue with me no? If you keep making presumptions about me, I am allowed to as well no?
Oh well in that case I hope a mod takes down this post. Beleieve it or not, i enjoyed this convesation. It was intresting.
It's not, I merely wanted to make you aware that not everyone agrees with how you go about it, even when the affected person will very likely never get to know about it. Making presumptions may be tolerated to a certain degree, but they are not helpful
Fair enough, then

tsukareru said:
Also just know that i harbor no ill feelings towards you even after all that back and forth. You are free to do whatever you want or free to think whatever you want of me.
I'm glad to hear that. I don't see you as some evil guy either just because you've let out some steam by talking badly about someone you're leading

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