The kid gloves are off. Although some people still do, we can’t pretend this is the happy go lucky journey down the Abyss that we thought this show was going to be back when Season 1 aired all the way back in 2017. One thing that hasn’t changed since then is my undeniable intrigue I have with this series. The adventuring, the stunning scenery, the immaculate OST, the characters, basically everything resonated with me, and with this season of Made In Abyss, that was no different.
Since this show is about children, I can relate it to my own childhood to some extent, so I’ll tell
a quick story. I loved the outdoors a lot as a kid, and still do. I enjoyed hiking and camping a lot, just the wilderness in general, though I didn’t know the necessary worldly survival skills like making a fire, or using a compass. One, scorching summer afternoon, I went on a hike with my friends and parents, into quite a large forest. We walked and walked until “Two roads diverged in a wood”. Being my adventurous and fearless self, “I took the one less traveled by”, albeit with a couple people. It was a maze of trees, and a winding road, far different from the other road, that some of the others from my group travelled on. Knowing that forests were home to such creatures like bears, coyotes, and the creepiest of creatures, I still felt like the happiest little kid in the world, prancing down the forest like nobody’s business. The sun set, and we were set to return from where we came from, back home. However, in our inexperience of the outdoors, we got lost, in the night. We wandered and wandered with seemingly no exit from the vast forest. Hearing the creatures around me, I felt for the first time, a sense of fear, that something might attack my unprepared, vulnerable self. In my fear, I tripped on a branch and injured my leg a little bit. Eventually, my group found the exit, and although those gruelling hours of being lost were some of the toughest in my life, I never stopped being excited about the unknown.
And that’s because I started to learn, that there will always be ups and downs in life, and whenever you mess up, it’s always a chance to learn new things, new skills, such as how I could not get lost in a forest next time. The characters in Made In Abyss do much of the same thing, they have encountered their fair share of troubles, but it never gets them down, they learn from the troubles, and have undeniable courage to tackle whatever the Abyss throws at them. At its core, Made In Abyss is a tale of a life’s journey, and one’s slow but sure maturity.
My grading criteria: Story: /25 Art: /10 Music: /10 Characters: /20 Enjoyment /15 Thematic Execution /20
STORY: 24/25
This season was a very interesting one to me in that although it’s very self-contained in the Golden City, it tackles the journeys of the past and present, the past being the first adventurers who ventured into the Golden City, the Ganja Squad, and the present being the characters we all know, Riko, Reg, and Nanachi. It further splits into different paths, as each character from the present has their own set of experiences in the Golden City, and each learn vastly different things, and encounter varying things, good and bad. The darkness is instilled in the story from the first moment of the season, and never turns back, yet there are some light moments in the series as well. The Golden City is home to a village, which has their own culture, such as currency, and language, that serves as a very intriguing exploration element that feels as good as the first season, where Riko and Reg explored the wilderness, this time, they explored a city with its own lightness and darkness.
For characters from the past and present alike, the Abyss still remains as great metaphor of one’s progression in life. The fact that the sixth layer of the Abyss represents “The Point of No Return”, hammers home the fact that we as humans, only move forward, not back. We can’t go back to being the starry-eyed children we once were, and no matter how hard life gets, we must persevere and find new ways to improve our life and survive. No matter what mistakes we made, we can’t live in the past, because like the Abyss, the real world doesn’t wait for us to get back on our feet and recover. The real world presents us with a barrage of puzzles to solve every single day, so if we get weighed down by our past regrets, we’ll get swallowed up by the curse of the Abyss.
ART: 9.6/10
Still very visually appealing with great scenery and I love that they didn’t hold back in the dark moments. The visuals in those moments looked blood-curdling, spine-chilling, and that is what Made In Abyss does so well.
MUSIC: 9.7/10
The music by Kevin Penkin instills a great sense of atmosphere, and is very resonant. It’s tempting to listen to it again and again because you can just close your eyes and imagine yourself on an adventure (though maybe don’t imagine what happens in Made In Abyss, or you’ll have trouble sleeping). OP and ED are also very nice, especially the ending by Myth & Roid, which was my favourite this season.
The characters continue to be quite the treat to watch. Riko continues to be a character with a ton of heart and a great willingness to persevere no matter how unforgiving the Abyss is. Reg’s backstory is intriguing, and Nanachi has her share of moments, some of which were quite emotional. The characters from the past, the Ganja Squad, had a whole bunch of great characters as well, quite a few that stand out such as Vueko, Irumyuui, Wazukyan, and Belaf. Each have their own struggles, some more than others, and their personalities are quite interesting, ranging from a willingness to do anything to help himself and others survive, to harboring a feeling of guilt that was so great that he couldn’t go on. It’s a very wondrous cast of characters, who each have their backstory told in a very fascinating way, and you feel for every single one of them.
There is also no real villain in this story, though I can argue there wasn’t one in Season 1 or the movie. Sure, there are antagonists who oppose the main characters, but they each have their own reasons, whether it is a love for their loved ones, or an appetite for human advancement. There are a lot of morally repugnant themes in this show, but they all have a reason in which to do such unthinkable things, and that’s what makes each and every character special, even if you come to hate them.
ENJOYMENT: 14.8/15
Although it’s frustrating that there are so many questions asked, but not enough answers, the show brings about a sort of odd excitement not found in any other show I’ve watched. My immersion was always strong, and every detail in the show is spectacular. Phenomenal.
The themes are so well executed because each character is interesting. Another reason is that they never hold back from showing us morally questionable things, whether it is excessive gore, or very grotesque imagery. It really shows us the unforgiving nature of the Abyss, and that is simply amazing. Sure, there are some rather dumb things that happen, such as the toilet humour, but that’s just a minor tonal shift issue for me.
OVERALL: 96.6/100
This was an instalment to the Made in Abyss series that felt even better than the first. It’s a great tale of one’s maturity, and it resonated with me a lot. You feel the characters’ fear, you feel their emotions, you cry with them, you smile with them. There is still much to unravel in this adventure, and we probably won’t see another season of Made In Abyss for quite some time, but whenever we get it, I’ll want to be the first in line to witness what comes next in this emotionally damaging journey that I love so much. To everyone who read this to the end, I truly appreciate it.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: メイドインアビス 烈日の黄金郷
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Finished Airing
Jul 6, 2022 to Sep 28, 2022
Summer 2022
Wednesdays at 22:30 (JST)
AT-X, Takeshobo, Kadokawa Media House, Cygames, Kadokawa, Global Solutions, Sony Music Solutions, IRMA LA DOUCE
Sentai Filmworks
Kinema Citrus
Web manga
25 min. per ep.
R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 85 / 126
Your Feelings Categories Sep 28, 2022
The kid gloves are off. Although some people still do, we can’t pretend this is the happy go lucky journey down the Abyss that we thought this show was going to be back when Season 1 aired all the way back in 2017. One thing that hasn’t changed since then is my undeniable intrigue I have with this series. The adventuring, the stunning scenery, the immaculate OST, the characters, basically everything resonated with me, and with this season of Made In Abyss, that was no different.
Since this show is about children, I can relate it to my own childhood to some extent, so I’ll tell ... Jul 20, 2022
Probably the first and only review I will make so I will keep it short.
Also, keep in mind I read the whole golden City Arc more than 13x times, so I'm a bit of a fanboy for this whole arc... I can't thank Kinema Citrus and the whole staff crew enough for this beautiful Season. The pacing, art, animation, voice acting, music... everything is so good, and the opening/ending...I had tears watching it. So far there are only 3 episodes out and it gets a lot better and darker in the next couple of episodes but I have to say they handled it really well so far ... Jul 21, 2022
Alright, here's my review for Made in Abyss season 2. Unlike the previous 2 people who kept it semi-short, I'm gonna go in depth with this one and make it pretty lengthy. Brace yourselves. I'm also semi shocked that besides this, there's only been 2 other reviews (even tho ep 3 has been out for over a day now), but oh well, guess Call of the Night is stealing all of the attention this season :P
Anyways, that aside let's get into it. Keep in mind this review will have minor spoilers for season 1 as well as the movie, Dawn of the Deep Soul. I'll ... Jul 24, 2022
I've never posted a review for anything in my life. Not movies, steam games, restaurants, google reviews, whatever.
I have come here today for the first time after watching episode 3 to say that this is a literal masterpiece created by the descendants of god himself. If the rest of the season continues like this, this will become my new favorite anime, topping hunter hunter which I also considered to be a creation that transcends the mortal realm. The sense of mystery and wander I get while watching is indescribable. The immersion is incredible, nothing else comes close to making me feel like I myself ... Oct 4, 2022
I've never been this astonished and upset with a show I used to love. All the makings of a 10/10 squandered by the biggest sack of shit suffer porn I have ever seen. This is too much. I've been robbed of my empathy. I can't invest myself in the main cast without feeling like I'm participating in one big predictably fetishistic narrative. It wasn't always this way.
Made in Abyss' first season set up a story full of hope, grit and unparalleled intrigue. Its setup might just be the best in any anime and the characters were instant favourites for me. Later episodes hit like a ... Sep 28, 2022
Season 2 returns with a strong OP/ED combo that complements the Golden City of the Scorching Sun arc very well, and I start by mentioning this because the OP in particular gives a solid impression of how different this season is compared to the original. Unlike the S1 OP that was little more than a summary of the first episode, this one crosscuts frequently between two different sets of characters exploring the Abyss. The closing is rather abstract, bringing to mind the oceanic depths presented at the end of the 5th layer, which we observed in the 3rd movie, and the vastness and mystery it
May 9, 2023
Made in Abyss: Retsujitsu no Ougonkyou is an abysmal continuation to what could have been an interesting story.
The first season showcased fascinating worldbuildind, captivating the viewer with enchanting atmospheres and the promise of a journey in search of the knowledge at the end of the abyss, all qualities this season completely failed in carry on. The movie foreshadowed the shortcomings of the second season, but there the detachment from the strong points of the plot (dynamism of the journey, discovery of the abyss) was excused by the events that were essential for the continuation of the plot. Here the story becomes static once again ... Jul 20, 2022
It can easily be said that this third arc is the best so far since it brings development of a new abyss layer through a less passive way. This season also introduces characters who have their importance and charisma. I really didn't regret reading Manga since it is the first time I'm both reading and watching a Series which draw so much attention from audiance. From a manga reader perspective, Made in Abyss can get even better in its anime journey. There is a thing that I didn't like a lot which was CGI applied to some characters. However it's kind of acceptable since it
Nov 23, 2023
I'm really disappointed with this season.
The flow of the story was really good in the first season, but the work became inclined toward unjustified darkness and bloodiness, with many manipulative scenes being shown that tended to be a psychological illness, and for everyone who thinks that this might add to the plot of the story, I would like to tell you that the author He really exaggerated in showing completely unjustified scenes and some disgusting scenes. However, it contained clearly offensive matters, and I am truly sorry for what I am about to say, but it is With suspicion of pedophilia. In conclusion, I am really disappointed ... Feb 13, 2025
It's really hard for me to put in words how good of a show Made in Abyss, but I'll try my best.
Made in Abyss is, simply put, one of the most breathtaking, heart wrenching, and powerful story I've ever watched. Made in Abyss consists of some of the darkest and horrifying storytelling in the media, but in such a twisted and despair, yet beautiful way. It never feels like there is "true evil", rather a course of nature, part of life, that fills you with emptiness but also a glimmer of hope. The characters in this show is incredible in the own right, each character ... Sep 1, 2022
Made in Abyss is a great series. I just don’t think Layer 6 is all that interesting.
Season 1 and the movie, in other words Layers 1 to 5, were very interesting and I have no problem with giving them a 9 or 10. However, that is not the case with Season 2 aka Layer 6. What layer 6’s story amounts to is “exploring a village”. It is far from the adventure that was Season 1, or the dynamic battle with a white whistler lord that was the movie. The backstory of Ilmyuii (I don’t know her English spelling because I read the series in ... Nov 17, 2022
As a story, Made in Abyss is made up of three core elements: alien but ultimately enchanting world-building, decently strong character writing, and… uncomfortable moments, be that through horror-writing, the downright gleeful torture of minors, or the somewhat alarming tendency to fetishize children. As our heroes go further down the abyss, the enchanting parts of the world give way to more and more uncomfortable moments, especially in this second season. And that’s not surprising: it’s an abyss, after all, so it should be dark. But as someone who didn’t bat an eye at the horrific scenes in the first season or the movie, I felt
Aug 20, 2022
Updated at episode 10: This is the anime that finally broke me. Damn, each episode is just 10 times more of the last in everything. Excitement. Emotion. Horror. Understanding. It makes me feel nostalgia, hope and depression all at once.
In season two, all the mysteries are resolved one by one, helping us to understand more about the history of The Abyss and why it is just as dangerous as it is enticing. A lot of the conflicts and character are also resolved as our main cast is forced to confront their past and motivations. It is as heartbreaking of a story as it is beautiful. As with ... Jan 23, 2024
Made in Abyss: a series which in my heart, I really wanted to love, but in the end was tragically disappointed by.
To be clear, I think this show is quite competent. The world building and concepts were fascinating. I loved the 7 different layers, and the corresponding illnesses that came from ascending in each one. The sense of foreboding and mystery was incredible in the first season, with the praying corpses, scattered relics, etc. It made me excited to learn more about the abyss as a place, and how such a harsh environment had even come to exist. But unfortunately, beyond all of that, that’s ... Aug 17, 2022
Made in Abyss is a Dark Fantasy show so ridiculously good, I'm almost convinced Tsukushi-sensei (the author) is an actual God amongst men, who possesses divine insight and creativity the likes of which no mortal can ever hope to attain. How a show can be so tremendously f*cked-up and dark, and yet remain so incredibly human and touching at the same time, is a mystery the likes of which I'll never truly be able to comprehend. Almost every single aspect of this show is great: the world, the characters, the plot, the voice actors, the music, the production value... It's so good, I can scarcely
Aug 30, 2023
For the very first time, an anime brought tears to my eyes. Certain moments reached into the depths of my emotions, unleashing a torrent of tears. I wholeheartedly recommend it to all – this anime features breathtaking landscapes and includes scenes of both beauty and gore, accompanied by an exceptional soundtrack. Its narrative is emotionally stirring, founded on an unprecedented concept. The characters are intricately crafted, each with their own unique history. What sets it apart is that the plot is unpredictable and far from monotonous. Moreover, the art style perfectly complements the story.
Story - 10/10 Soundtrack - 10/10 Character development - 10/10 Jul 24, 2022
When you think of "New Gen Anime" the first thing that usually comes to people's minds are Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Fire Force etc. Ya know, the basic mainstream shonens. Yea no, fuck that. When you think of New Gen Anime you should be thinking of Made In Abyss. Made In Abyss is a perfect example of being one of those "hidden gems" that people overlook because it doesn't have insane fight scenes or animation when in reality it's much better than any show that have the latter. The fantasy aspect of this show is almost unrivaled and it nails the true nature of, well,
Oct 21, 2022
Right from the opening scenes, it’s clear these characters are destined for a horror. They shall descend, not just down a literal abyss, but an emotional and psychological one as well. And so to- will the viewer.
This reviewer fell in love with the original series about 3 years ago; its entire world: the bright light and sharp shadow, the wonderous scenery, the determined characters, the shocking violence and brutality. But most of all- the music. No soundtrack to any movie or tv show ever had such a strong effect and ultimately changed my listening habits forever, opening up the world of modern orchestral music. ... Feb 12, 2023
Well this one is kinda an tricky series though the firts season was good and really set the bases for what could be an outanding one the movie that served as secuel was Sh@@@t to say the least ( if you are more curious i have an review of it) and sadly this one was the same trash if not even worse than his predecesor.
Starting off with the good ones i have to mention the ost and how freaking good tracks are on it, just like the firts season in this aspect still keeps maintaining the same quality and are so emotives and beautiful ... May 5, 2024
The Sequel to Made in abyss, The second season gets going alot quicker and gets into the messed up shit faster which i prefer since the first few dragged of season 1.
Art - 8/10 - I have a few issues with the animation, for the most part its pretty good, but there is a clearly heavier reliance on CGI this season, which for the most part looks decent but CGI will drag anything down unless its amazing. Characters - 9/10 - A huge fan of almost all characters in this show now, even the villains dont feel villainous for no reason, Still dont like Riko as ... |