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Mar 26, 2025
Re Zero continues to deliver banger after banger. This season to me is the culmination of the fantastic characters from season 1 with the amazing character development from season 2, which is great cuz I always felt like there were so many fantastic characters that felt underutilized in the first two seasons. Tappei's writing remains top notch in this season, and this is probably the highest quality in terms of animation ReZero has had so far.
I personally think part 1 of season 3 (The attack arc) was my favorite part of ReZero so far, the speech scene is still GOATed, and while I had
some issues with pacing with the counterattack arc, I still enjoyed it a lot and it really delivered some insanely hype moments, particularly the Regulus episode, Beatrix's reappearance, the Theresia episode, etc. Also the final scene of this season is diabolical.
This season just continues to show White Fox's ambition to push this series to the limit, and what do I have to say? Re Zero is simply one of the best written Isekai and anime in general.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 18, 2025
This is not much of a review, rather a thank you letter for this anime.
I have rewatched A Place Further Than The Universe countless times at this point, and not a single time did I succeed to hold my tears. The story of a Place Further Than the Universe is quite simple at first, it is just a story of four girls embarking on their journey to Antarctica, yet it somehow manages to get me emotional every single time. A Place Further than the Universe does not have crazy plot twists or progression, it just holds on to its few core themes of friendships, dreams
and ambitions, family, and pushes it to absolute perfection. Every tearjerker show needs an emotional music to support it, and A Place Further than the Universe somehow manages to have one for every episode, hitting right in my heart every single time. I adore all four of the main characters, perfectly made for each other to make true "friendship".
A Place Further than the Universe is a life-changing experience. It inspires me to continue moving forward, not being afraid of what other people think, and experience life to our fullest. The show manages to make me smile and cry every episode, and makes me think "what if I had the courage to shine brightly like them". And let's be honest, you cannot watch this show and not completely bawl in tears watching episode 12.
Thank you to Madhouse and everyone who participated in bringing this masterpiece to this world.
10/10. The perfect anime does not exi...no it does, and it's right here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 15, 2025
Now the anime has officially finished airing, I can now confidently say that this show is absolute peak. 25 episodes and it does not drop the ball a single time. Orb: On The Movements of the Earth is one of the greatest written story I've ever witnessed in any media. Before watching this I was doubting that if this heliocentrism and astrology concept would be too pretentious and boring, but it ended up being one of the most inspiring, life-changing experience.
Orb is a show with a very unique premise and an absolutely masterful execution. It perfectly captures the idea of truth, belief, aspiration, faith, and
life that ultimately culminated to shape what the world is right now. There are countless mind-blowing and unpredictable lines and moments in this show that just left me in complete awe, that challenged me to continue moving forward and spark my imagination. It's a show with no magic, no crazy powers, no plot armor, yet manages to be the most tension and beauty any anime has ever let me experienced. Every single character, from Rafal, Nowak, Oczy and Badeni, Jolenta, Rafal and Schmitt, and Albert are some of the best characters I have seen, and they go through such incredible character development in such a short time that 80% of shows can't even do in seasons.
The music in this show is incredible. Kensuke Ushio's OST was I think the biggest deal breaker for why I think the anime was able to match or even surpass the already incredible manga. And I think this is my new personal favorite OP and ED combinations in anime. "Kaiju" is such a beautifully crafted work of art, and the two Yorushika songs "Aporia" and "Hebi" are masterpieces as well (The thing that got me to watch this show was because Yorushika did the ED and Yorushika is my favourite musical artist).
I was a bit confused by the ending at first, but after watching it a few more times I gotta give huge props to the author for having the courage to write such a unique ending. I think the ending nailed the entire premise of the show perfectly, to never stop questioning and believing, never stop pursuing for truth, and it truly goes full circle back to the beginning, rounding off the story perfectly.
90% absolute cinema, 10% of the profit goes to Potocki.
Overall score: 9.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 8, 2025
Feels weird to mark this as "Mixed Feelings" when I gave this an 7.5/10, but I think people who have watched this can understand why I did this.
Watching an anime original is kinda like eating one of those jelly beans that is either chocolate flavor or poop flavor. In Wonder Egg Priority's case, it kinda felt like eating chocolate flavor poop. I genuinely do think this show was overall really good, tackling some of the darkest themes like sexual assault, bullying, suicide, gender insecurity, etc., all in a very unique and terrifying way. The 4 main characters bounced off of each other really well, I
enjoyed their personality a lot, and I think they all go through their own unique character arcs. Also the colors, the animation, and even the OST were all really good at setting the atmosphere and the vibe, which is a huge plus for this series.
The biggest thing that holds this show back is that it is clearly meant to be a show that needed 25 episodes, but was condensed into 13 episodes due to production issues, corporate greed, or whatever reason behind the scenes (can't really comment on this). This meant that a lot of plot points just felt unfinished, like it kinda ended in a weird spot where it does not feel like the ending.
I personally still really liked this show though, and I think it still does so many unique things where it is worth a watch. Here's hoping for a miraculous season 2 or remake to save this show (very unlikely but I stay coping)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 28, 2025
This review covers for the entire trilogy, not just Spring Song.
The Heaven's Feel trilogy served as the "True Ending" of Fate/Stay Night, and I think this is the best version I've watched (I haven't watched the original Studio Deen Fate/Stay Night, but I don't think I'll like it as much as I liked this one), as it felt like the most complex and completed ending. The first part Presage Flower I think was solid, but Lost Butterfly and Spring Song completely surpassed my expectations both in terms.
The animation of Heaven's Feel was insane, and goes to show how much Ufotable can truly cook. Like this
might just be in terms of raw animation talent one of, if not the best I've ever seen.
I think this is the arc that truly filled in the gaps of Shirou as a character, I wasn't the biggest fan of Shirou in Unlimited Blade Works but Heaven's Feel made him such a well-rounded character, no longer blindly trusting his own justice that he believed in and felt more mature, as well as having some incredible scenes. It's also great to see other characters like Rider and Illya fully shine. One of the Fate Series' best traits have always been its incredible casts of characters, and this series pushed this even further.
Overall score:
Presage Flower: 8/10
Lost Butterfly: 9/10
Spring Song: 9.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 22, 2025
This anime is Ufotable's biggest middle finger to anyone who says Ufotable can't make slice of life shows.
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan consists of 13 short episodes of regular slice of life cooking things, but something about it feels magical. Characters of the Fate series have always been some of the best, being both complex and charismatic, and it's just nice to see them enjoying themselves and not having to suffer like in the mainline Fate series. Not gonna lie seeing Kiritsugu, Berserker and Illya, Lancer, etc. (Actually just everyone) be happy heals me man.
The visuals and animations of the show was overall really
good, like the food are incredibly detailed and the facial expressions and movement of the characters was great as well.
Definitely watch this show if you have watched some of the Fate series (I think watching Fate/Zero and UBW before this is probably enough, but I'm not sure I'm not a hardcore Fate fan).
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 21, 2025
Just finished Nagi No Asukara, and this is definitely a hidden gem of an anime. This show was a journey from start to finish.
First of all, just gonna get this out of the way immediately, the art in this show is incredible. P.A. Works is one of my favourite studios, and they definitely cooked with the visuals. The sceneries are absolutely beautiful, and definitely elevates this show.
The story mainly separates into two parts. If it was just the first part, then this would just be some regular romance love polygon, but what makes this show unique compared to other love polygon shows is the second
half, transcending it from normal to something special. It isn't just about the love for others, it is about change and growth. The characters are all really complex and all go through their fair share of developments, and I liked how there wasn't a clear cut answer to who ends up with who in this show.
There were a few issues i had with the show, mainly some of the plot points I think weren't really explored enough. But overall would recommend this show.
Overall: 8.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 15, 2025
With the movie coming out some time this year, I wanted to make a review on this series. (Note that this review is considering both the first season and the second season Revenge). As someone who is not a particular idol fan, this show was a surprising banger.
The main gimmick of this show is that it is an idol group of all zombies, and they have to keep performing while hiding their identities as zombies. Personally, I thought the zombie aspect was actually done very well in this show, as it:
- Increased comedic effect and enhances performance by doing absurd things like adding electric
effects or such through a logical way.
- Gives the characters more depth by introducing their backstory and uses zombie as "people who died before fulfilling their dreams or had a tragic end". The main cast all get their own development.
The music and performances in this show was really good. I think the CGI performances at the start of season 1 was a bit rough, but that actually had some narrative purpose (whether it was intentional or not) by showing their improvement throughout time, like you can clearly tell how much better the CG is in Revenge compared to season 1. Also Junko's voice is so good.
Shoutout to the GOAT Miyano Mamoru who killed his voice acting role on Koutarou.
Overall I would highly recommend this show.
Zombieland Saga: 8/10
Zombieland Saga Revenge: 9/10
Overall: 8.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 14, 2025
Steins;Gate as a show that starts off slow, but my god when the turning point comes, it is just the greatest payoff in anime ever.
It's incredible how every little detail, every second of the show seems to play a role in the anime. One thing I think Steins;Gate does best is its plot twists. Normally plot twists are either appears out of nowhere to increase surprise and shock factor, or to make sense with the story the surprise and the power of the plot twist is diminished. Steins;Gate is a very rare example where it seems like the plot twists makes logical sense and
can reasonably be guessed while still being heartbreaking and makes you feel a sense of despair, and this is all because of the meticulous build up that Steins;Gate have, carefully building up its stories, characters all so the second half can be as emotional and mind-blowing as possible.
Okarin is legitimately one of the most, if not the most compelling characters in anime, and solidifies himself as one of my favourite characters of all time. You can clearly feel that he's a human being with his own motivations, fears, and personality. The relationship between Okarin and the other characters, especially Kurisu, is incredible, and is huge part of why the first part of Steins;Gate is so important and is so good.
If you find the show to be too slow and boring at first, all I can say is please just watch it till the end, and you would be experiencing ABSOLUTE CINEMA.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 13, 2025
It's really hard for me to put in words how good of a show Made in Abyss, but I'll try my best.
Made in Abyss is, simply put, one of the most breathtaking, heart wrenching, and powerful story I've ever watched. Made in Abyss consists of some of the darkest and horrifying storytelling in the media, but in such a twisted and despair, yet beautiful way. It never feels like there is "true evil", rather a course of nature, part of life, that fills you with emptiness but also a glimmer of hope.
The characters in this show is incredible in the own right, each character
piecing together some of the most gruel some tales, whether it's the old crew of Reg, Liko, and Nanachi, or the new characters Vueko, Faputa, Irumyuui...Every character seemingly holding the story together that shows the true nature of the Abyss.
The worldbuilding in Made in Abyss is fantastic, and although season 2 definitely toned down the world building for the story, it exchanges that by truly structuring a "living society" that rivales the world building of season 1. The art in this show also enhances in providing an absolutely cinematic experience.
Don't get me started on the absolutely godlike OST in this series that just emotionally hits you in the heart. "Old Stories" will never fail to break my heart.
I wouldn't call Made in Abyss the best anime, but this is definitely the most irreplacable anime, and if you have the courage to watch this show, you would be going through a life-changing experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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