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Demi-chan wa Kataritai
Demi-chan wa Kataritai
Jan 31, 2017 12:45 AM
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Yami Shibai 4
Yami Shibai 4
Jan 31, 2017 12:39 AM
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Gabriel DropOut
Gabriel DropOut
Jan 31, 2017 12:34 AM
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Kuzu no Honkai
Jan 12, 2017 12:11 AM
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Last Menhealer
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Mahoutsukai no Yome
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Tsuinteiru Dec 26, 2016 7:08 PM
Yes, it was wayyyy too warm yesterday and today ;o Normally I would be freezing, but it's been nice and warm ;o... weird.
Nope~ Fog is creepy ;o
Snow is always fun~ :D But 40's isn't gonna getcha any snow >:D

Very true! :D
I hope it works out for you and gets you all fixed up! :D Surgery sounds scary tho ;o
It's not completely healed and probably never will be, they tell me. I can do most everything now, but lifting really heavy things for a while will make it hurt ;=; and sometimes it just hurts for no reason; they say I may have arthritis in it due to the injury. Oh well, I'll keep an eye on it and keep going :D

Yes, and harems are a joke because I'm not the guy in the center :< Who wants to watch SOMEONE ELSE get all the girls? LOL XD
I keep hearing about Yuri on ice (from ladies :P)
I completely forget about some anime and a year later I will find it again, wondering why I dropped it.
I actually haven't looked into what's coming out this next season. I figured I'd just be surprised when it starts :3 Are there any you're looking forward too?

Glad to hear things have settled down for you! :D
2020 :O That's when the aliens come to suck our brains out, right?

I did! Very well thank you! I hope your's was great as well!!! :D
Do you? Glad to hear it ;D I can give big bear hugs now ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
Tsuinteiru Dec 25, 2016 9:05 AM
Yes and have you been doing better? :3 Merry christmas!!! ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
It's supposed to be 65 degrees here today, so no way are we going to get snow XD Instead we have a super dense fog that looks eerie ;o

Then prepare for future onslaughts of words!!! >:D Nah, I won't do that since I know how much of a pain it can be to reply ;=;
Isn't it crazy what we take for granted until we can't do it or have it? I sincerely hope everything works out for you and you can go back to school :3 I had a health issue back in March when I hurt my knee ;=; I couldn't walk correctly and getting around was very painful for about 8 months, so I can understand how miserable something like that can be. SO GET BETTER :3

Nah, I didn't like any of them :O Too much overdone harem and slice of life for me. Sometimes I like those, but lately I've been too busy to spend time on something I'm not really into. hbu?

^^ Are things still settled down for you?
IKRRRRR?!?! In a mere week it will be 2017 O>O In around 6 months I will be 27 and I'm all... D8... lol X3 Oh well, time flies by quicker as you get older. I've always been told that and now I believe it.
Merry Christmas again! :D
TresbienWiteness Dec 15, 2016 8:05 AM
Your Welcome, and Nice to Meet You!
Tsuinteiru Dec 7, 2016 7:06 PM
I've been well XD It's all cold outside now tho :O

It's okay XD I'm just glad I heard from you again >:D I like to write ;o I can write and write and write ;3
Yeah, I've been on and off mal for several years and I know how that works XD Anything new going on in your world? :3

YAY! Welcome back ^^ It's crazy how life can change on a dime, eh? :3
Oh yes :D Actually I'm still trying to figure out where the year went ;o I'm like, it's December? whhhaaaa :O
Tsuinteiru Aug 31, 2016 8:58 PM
lmao XD typing on your phone does make it take a while lol ^~^ Well I hope you're still doing well :D I'm just glad that I can reply faster than every month >.< Because things have been getting extra busy for me too XDD
I'm swell ;D Still adjusting to the new job and looking at what my next steps will be :3 How about you?

Good idea! We can wrap you up in it and you'd be ready for anything :D
Isn't it crazy how you can find closet otakus here and there? :3 If you met me I bet you'd never know I was an anime fan lol XD

Tomorrow is sept 1 O>O!!!! I've heard that the older we get the faster it goes too. It's like, SLOW DOWN DAMN YOU ! D8

I want it, I want it, I want it D88888 I dunno if I can wait either X3 It's calling me..... HOLO IS CALLING ME O>O XD

My stick people always have deformities tho ;o So I feel bad for them lol XDDD I managed to add a litttlleeee bit more detail to my profile, but I doubt if I will ever get the rest of the animation done :<

Well, we don't have time to watch shitty anime all the way through now :3 We have to pick the good ones and move on :< I miss being a kid lol
That is a difficult question. I mean, we're talking about Key lol XD It's kind of hard to pick just one, you know?

The current macross is really sucking, so I would avoid it, but the originals are good X3 if you like space/space-opera/sci fi type stuff lol.
I bet the VN is way better than the anime, but the anime I think is doing pretty damn well :O It has my limited attention span anyway lol
Hell yes I have seen the fate series :3 Unlimited blade works is a fricken work of art >.< I want it to hit the US as a general release so bad D8 I'm not paying 175 for set 1 limited edition :< Make sure you watch the original fate/stay night, then unlimited blade works ;3

Yus! Summer wars is one of my favorites :3
I haven't been playing it recently, but I need to start again. It's such a relaxer before I go to bed ^_^
Not really, the hard part is just learning the cards, what points there are, and how that works. The game I have on steam has a tutorial mode that explains most/some of it. The rest you can pick up from google or by getting an english copy of the instructions. I actually bought a book written in 1972 that's all about hanafuda ;o There are all sorts of different games you can play with the cards lol
Sure sure X3 If you want, PM me your steam link or username and I'll friend you, then send you a copy :3
Tsuinteiru Jul 30, 2016 7:07 PM
Sorry for the later reply X3 Our books back and forth tend to require me to have a little more time than usual to build a good response, but I don't mind it X3

That's right X3 This bunch is extra weird, but that's all good, I don't judge :D

I have duck tape you know, that shit can fix anything :3 Shall we wrap you up in it? >:D It's good that they're taking care of you and making sure you're all patched up. Funny that you met a doctor that's an anime fan, I figured they would all be closet otakus :3

It's hard to believe August is a mere day or two away (depending on when you read this X3) Fireworks seem like they happened last year or something @,@

I noticed Amazon had the box set of Spice and Wolf for a good price, but I keep forgetting to buy it :P Maybe one day I will remember XD Holo is mine tho :O no touchy~ ;D

Doing a little graphics work every now and then is refreshing if you ask me X3 Especially since I can't draw worth a darn ;D Makes me feel all cool knowing I can do some neat stuff in PS. But yeah, I still haven't finished my profile... maybe some day? :"D Have you had a chance go play with yours?

I've really been dropping anime like crazy recently ;o If it's a harem and isn't made by Key, then I don't watch it lol. These days there is maybe one or two shows I actually watch all the way through. I feel kinda bad but damnit! I don't have time to watch the same regurgitated plot again and again D8

Honestly I am behind :< I was watching macross delta and it has its ups and downs. Rewrite is starting to actually become interesting. I was thinking it was going to be all about another MC that wants some boob action (and it still plays that joke a lot), but it is actually getting interesting and mysterious now :D YAY! lol

Summer Wars is one of my favs XD I actually play hanafuda online almost every night before bed on my Surface tablet. Just what I need before I pass out and wake up 6 or 7 hours later >.>; If you have a Steam account, it's called Hanafuda Koi-Koi. If you ever wanted to play, let me know and I will gift you a copy (I bought a bunch of licenses for it when it was on sale :D).
Tsuinteiru Jul 5, 2016 7:14 PM
Heyo :D Always glad to hear from you X3

I did ^~^ I actually declined the first offer I received and they came back with a much better one ;) I've been there for a few days now. It's a rough office job *cough* ;) (j/k~), but the pay is good and the people are of my kind~ aka geeks :D

Awww, sorry to hear you've had to have more tests done D8 I hope they all turned out well? :3?
I hope you had fun over the holiday at least. I managed to keep all ten fingers this fourth 'O july, so all's good with me :3

YAY HOLO!! XD Holo is adorbs ;o I'll fight anyone that disagrees >.>..... just kidding ;P
(big holo is even better >:D ALL HAIL HOLO~~ LOLOLOLOLOOOLOLOLL)

The only reason I even know how to do that is because my very first job involved doing some graphic work for a print shop. Then I managed to get a copy through my college back then and I just played with it :3 I can't tell you what some of the more advanced tools do, but playing with it is the way to go :D (if you can get it, tis expensive :< )

I would offer to design you a profile, but with my current schedule the moon will fall from the sky and the Earth will rot before I ever complete it :3 But maybe in the near future when a move, ne?

Even those my work hours suck and I usually get to sit down for maybe an hour at night, I will NEVER stop watching anime :< I still have weekends and I can stay up late, but it's gonna happen >:D I still try to avoid the Harem and overly ecchii ones. I mean, they're great and all but I'm tired of the genre D8 Soooo over donnneeeeee~~

I've been keeping up with Macross Delta, just started Taboo Tattoo, Rewrite, and Koutetsujou no Kabaneri. I usually pull a few that seem the best and watch them all the way through. After the season ends and I have time off, then I'll marathon the others that seem remotely interesting :O Are you keeping up with any?

Not sure if you've seen Summer Wars or know of the game Hanafuda Koi Koi, but I've been playing the heck out of it :3 I've loved the game for a long while now and noticed there was a version of it on Steam that's great. I used to play with my youngest sister when we would go on trips, using actual cards, but playing online is a lot of fun too XD If you have never played it, you may look into it if you like card games like poker, but want more of the "luck" element involved :3
Devastation123 Jul 5, 2016 12:35 PM
Hello there fine lad.
Uuh Jun 16, 2016 4:40 PM

Tsuinteiru Jun 8, 2016 6:17 PM
It's been hectic; too much going on and not enough time XD Hopefully your week has been a little more normal ^~^

Omg.... not being able to watch anime? I'd stab someone ;o I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better everyday, just make sure it stays that way :P
I used to not get into manga at all, now there are times that I will ONLY read the manga and not bother with the anime ;o

It's been over a month since I applied for this job and I am still going back and forth with the negotiating X3 Should have a final offer to decide on soon tho~

Yessssssssssssssssssssss, Spice and Wolf = Win XD
I feel like I'm looking for my very own Holo, so it was an appropriate theme :D

Yush! I need to finish it though. there's a lot of background content that needs to be added and the bottom animation. Maybe it will happen one of these days :D
Tsuinteiru May 24, 2016 4:35 AM
It sure has XD I've been away from mal for a while myself :3

It's alright, I'm just glad I was able to chat with ya again ^~^
Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear you had to have surgery. Hopefully they can clear up those complications so you can put it behind you :3

Good good~ I've actually had a string of interviews with a company here locally. I'm expecting to hear back from them any time this week so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Oh why thanks XD I keep adding more to it as I get time, so it will keep changing for a while :3 Spice and Wolf FTW!
Tsuinteiru May 22, 2016 9:48 AM
Yo~ It's been a while XD How are ya?
Ascius Apr 27, 2016 5:34 AM

Cold_coffee Apr 26, 2016 12:30 AM
Is you health alright?
Stadtfeld Apr 7, 2016 2:11 AM
Hi there. ^^ I was going through my friends list and realized that we haven't talked in quite a while! How are you? Watching or reading anything fun lately? :3
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