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Jun 17, 2007 5:19 PM

May 2007
What a movie! Don't have to say now... hopefully other folks have seen this.
mild_evenJun 17, 2007 5:23 PM
Jun 19, 2007 10:12 AM

Oct 2006
Definitely my favorite of the One Piece movies - it's much more dramatic and serious than the rest of them, but it still captures all the carefree fun of One Piece.
Jul 14, 2007 9:02 AM

Oct 2006
Just finished it. Pretty awesome.. it's my favorite too. Though the art seemed kinda awkward. Not bad, just awkward.
Aug 9, 2007 6:34 AM

May 2007
Favorite movie so far. Let's see how Alabasta movie will be like -_>
Aug 10, 2007 1:17 PM

Jun 2007
agreed. saw it today. My favorite One Piece movie so far, but the art was weird.
Feb 23, 2008 12:09 AM

May 2007
Personally, I hated this movie ...

What happened to Luffy? The determined happy guy that would never give up on his crew? I can't imagine Luffy ever acting like that, I pictured him stubbornly refusing to believe his crew to be that weak. The real Luffy would have said 'I'm going to save my nakama! I believe in them! They're strong!'. Instead, he totally got his ass handed to him and pulled a silent emo act on us. Even if his crew seemed hopelessly lost (wait, how would they happen in the first place? the way they lost was completely unrealistic and it made his crew look like idiot weaklings), he wouldn't have given up so easily.

I don't know, I kind of liked the serious factor but IMO it wasn't done well at all ... the characters did not seem like themselves... I understand the direction this movie was trying to take, but it wasn't One Piece for me. One Piece is about the strong bonds between his crew... what happened to that?

The art was very strange too, I'd even say poorly drawn most of the time. A lot of the silent scenes (no bgm music) didn't work for me either. And I guess it didn't help to watch it with shitty subs at 3 in the morning.
May 6, 2008 11:19 PM

Aug 2007
I hated this movie, too and the art was strange, indeed. Personally, I think that there are more interesting One Piece movies than this..
Aug 24, 2008 7:37 PM

Nov 2007
Watched this a while ago but this is one of the best one piece movies there is, now that i have seen all 8 that are out at present. The art is phenomenal really enjoyed it for a little change. Story was good and angry Luffy is always great to watch.
Feb 6, 2009 9:28 AM

Apr 2008
Yeah, the art was pretty...different. =/ The movie wasn't bad, though. The ending felt rushed to me, though, and I wish Robin had more than 10 lines throughout the entire movie. -_-
May 1, 2009 2:48 AM

Apr 2007
After seeing it now for what I believe is the fourth time, I don't know if I'll ever tire of watching Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island. It it just an exquisite piece of animation and is sorely overlooked. Mamoru Hosoda deserves more credit, for this is one masterfully directed movie. He effortlessly breaks down the notion that most if not all shonen side-story movies are never more than ho-hum, forgettable jaunts.
BenMay 1, 2009 2:57 AM
Jul 16, 2009 5:03 PM

Oct 2007
I loved this movie. I bought it. The animation is great
Jul 20, 2009 11:50 AM
Sep 2008
hmm thought it was worst movie yet..
Aug 6, 2009 11:53 PM
Feb 2009
It was good. The gore at the end was just disturbing though.

Aug 6, 2009 11:58 PM

Jun 2009
It was a good and well-made movie. But it IS an alternative story, especially with Luffy acting so much out of character. So enjoy it as such and pretend that this Luffy is someone else.
Aug 15, 2009 2:07 PM

Apr 2008
My favourite one piece movie yet! Everything was amazing (the art was a bit weird tho than usual).
Aug 16, 2009 2:14 PM

May 2009
Out of the first six movies, this was probably my favorite. Simply because I liked the darker feel towards the end.

I was thinking: Wth, is this really One Piece? :P
Aug 29, 2009 7:43 AM

Feb 2009
This really really is the best one piece movie, the animation is new and unique (more like most of the digimon movies), and the movie itself give us some unexplainable feeling. The fight scenes are cool and etc etc.
Aug 29, 2009 8:18 PM

Mar 2008
Well I thought the movie was pretty good. The animation though wasn't really a hit for me. Kind of did remind me of the Digimon movies and how I didn't like the animation in those either :D.

Was something to see the crew just fall apart like that. A pretty poorly timed line from Usopp about backstabbing being Nami's speciality. I mean Zoro and Sanji fighting is a pretty normal thing so that didn't phase me much.

One complaint was not dealing with the issues between the crew at the end. They all just woke up and assumingly forgot what happened. Luffy was pretty beat up so you'd think there would be a little confusion on what happened to him.

Did like that pirate family a little bit. Some interesting dynamics and centered around that father getting some nerve and doing something. Besides trying to make his family run and hide and slapping hte older daughter.

Not a bad movie though.
Sep 15, 2009 9:55 PM

May 2007
I actually liked this movie a lot. I think I am going to give it a 10, never thought I ever would give any shonen side story movie that.
My anime list
Nov 13, 2009 6:59 PM

May 2007
Xyik said:
Personally, I hated this movie ...

What happened to Luffy? The determined happy guy that would never give up on his crew? I can't imagine Luffy ever acting like that, I pictured him stubbornly refusing to believe his crew to be that weak. The real Luffy would have said 'I'm going to save my nakama! I believe in them! They're strong!'. Instead, he totally got his ass handed to him and pulled a silent emo act on us. Even if his crew seemed hopelessly lost (wait, how would they happen in the first place? the way they lost was completely unrealistic and it made his crew look like idiot weaklings), he wouldn't have given up so easily.

I don't know, I kind of liked the serious factor but IMO it wasn't done well at all ... the characters did not seem like themselves... I understand the direction this movie was trying to take, but it wasn't One Piece for me. One Piece is about the strong bonds between his crew... what happened to that?

The art was very strange too, I'd even say poorly drawn most of the time. A lot of the silent scenes (no bgm music) didn't work for me either. And I guess it didn't help to watch it with shitty subs at 3 in the morning.

I agree with everything, except the art bit, as I enjoy the change in animation every once in a while.

To tell the truth, the only reason I gave this movie a 4 was because of the animation and the (once again) great job of voice actors. If I would go by story and characters it would get an 2 at most, considering that I found the plot really uninteresting and the Straw Hat's we're completely butchered.
Nov 22, 2009 10:03 AM

Sep 2008

Is this really a One Piece movie or Tekkon Kinkreet?! What is this horrible art style O_O?! (no offense to Tekkon Kinkreet lovers)

The story wasn't that good either ...

2.5/5 after a lot of consideration. I'm givin' this movie a lot more than what it rly deserves just for the song!

The Ending Theme is the only thing that was good about this movie! other than that it was a complete crappy fail!

Truly, the worst thing I've seen ever!!

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Dec 11, 2009 2:10 AM

Aug 2009
^ This art style somehow similar to Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, since obviously, its from the same director. If you guys thinks art is weird, you need to taste more animes.

Imo, it's the best one piece film ever made so far.

Story wasn't good? Hell, I can give plenty of reasoning why this movie is so great. Except some holes due to pretty large amount of cast and limited time of 91 minutes, everything is aligned perfectly.

Luffy's crying was pretty expected. Guys, seriously think about it. Comrades, were everything to Luffy. He looked at the momment with his own eyes, that his favoured comrades actually 'dying' which might have been very unexpected situation from Luffy himself. We've never ever seen this kind of thing before, so I can say this is pretty different approach from the any other plots or arcs we confronted in one piece. And right after that, he tries to get his comrades back again and return to his usual self. That's what makes Luffy different than any other characters. When Omatsuri Danshaku whining about his comrades and cannot escape from their ghosts, Luffy found his new comrades, to protect.

Usually, we tend to get frustrated if something goes off-stereotypical. We've NEVER seen luffy's crew falling apart. That's again, typical shounen we've seen. HOWEVER, that should not become a factor that makes this anime bad. It was 'AMAZING' film.
Dec 26, 2009 3:50 AM
Jul 2009
Well I don't agree with that people who say he wasn't protecting his nakama. Didn't you see? About one hundred arrows in his back, but he is going, and going to save his crew. Gheesh guys, don't know why you don't like it.
Jan 3, 2010 2:54 PM

Apr 2009
Xyik said:
Personally, I hated this movie ...

What happened to Luffy? The determined happy guy that would never give up on his crew? I can't imagine Luffy ever acting like that, I pictured him stubbornly refusing to believe his crew to be that weak. The real Luffy would have said 'I'm going to save my nakama! I believe in them! They're strong!'. Instead, he totally got his ass handed to him and pulled a silent emo act on us. Even if his crew seemed hopelessly lost (wait, how would they happen in the first place? the way they lost was completely unrealistic and it made his crew look like idiot weaklings), he wouldn't have given up so easily.

I don't know, I kind of liked the serious factor but IMO it wasn't done well at all ... the characters did not seem like themselves... I understand the direction this movie was trying to take, but it wasn't One Piece for me. One Piece is about the strong bonds between his crew... what happened to that?

The art was very strange too, I'd even say poorly drawn most of the time. A lot of the silent scenes (no bgm music) didn't work for me either. And I guess it didn't help to watch it with shitty subs at 3 in the morning.

Exactly I agree 100% everything was bad about this movie, fortunately for me I didn't watch at 3 in the morning with shitty subs, but this bullshit movie is not One Piece.
Jan 8, 2010 6:45 PM

Nov 2009
dont understand why people complain about the art... i wish more anime were drawn like this, but that wont happen because it would be way to time consuming. i really liked this movie although it would probably work better if it was not an one piece move. That is my major complaint... it did not feel plausible that every one in the straw hat crew would lose that easily... but still a great movie if only it was about some random people instead of luffy and the gang.
Feb 15, 2010 6:05 PM

Apr 2009
You know, I quite liked the animation. It was choppy and amateurish, but it had its own charm.

Aside from that, there's not one thing I liked about the movie itself. It was like watching a caricature of the Strawhat crew, like they were impersonators or body doubles. The spunk of the characters... not there. At all. It just didn't "feel" like it was really them, if that makes sense. The Strawhats' chemistry and interactions with each other are what made me fall in love with One Piece, and it just wasn't here.

All in all, it struck me as a half-assed attempt done by people not familiar with the characters whom they were manipulating (speculation, I really don't care to look up the names of the people who worked on this project, so don't nerdrage all over me if I'm wrong here). It was entertaining and all, yes, but it did no justice to the series whatsoever.
Feb 17, 2010 3:42 AM
Nov 2009
It gets a 5, because it is One Piece~♥

I really liked it :) The characters were different from usual, but consider the fact that Oda does not partake in the production of these movies, so those who made it had to do the best they could by themselves; what more can we expect of people than their best? :)

'Don't really pay mind to things like the art, I find it irrelevant to the characters and plot (which are of importance). But this was a nice change :) They took a risk, very courageous.

The plot was neat, I enjoyed the emphasis on the importance of Nakama, and on how greatly the concept of "divide and conquer" can affect such a strong relationship.

Baron Omatsuri was scary. Scary =__=;

5/5 :D
Mar 4, 2010 11:25 PM
May 2009
I liked this film! I'm not saying this just because I'm biased; I love the director's works, especially Digimon (the Adventures ones). He or she is also the same director of Summer Wars [2009] and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. :D So it's not wonder that this One Piece film is different.

I actually liked the art style and animation for the most part. The part when Nami's mouth was stiff-open at the beginning bothered me a little, so that was pretty amateur, I agree. xD When Nami walks through this forest/jungle thing, it was interesting! But the art style is very different and gives the movie a new fresh feel.

Then again, I'm not a fan of One Piece and just started reading its manga recently (up until Sanji's introduction, ohoho~) so I don't know about the character dynamics and such. But I especially liked the OCs in this movie -- the moustache pirate family, you know? The characters were pretty realistic, I think. I think.

I don't exactly blame the director for the style since that's his or her own style. Personally, I feel it helps him or her boost his or her career profile. :3 I don't remember the name, I think it's Hosoda something? Sorry. :c

All in all, a good movie.
May 24, 2010 1:35 AM
May 2009
By far my least favorite One Piece movie. I wasn't a fan of the animation, but I didn't rate it on that. I rated it on the characters. In my opinion what makes One Piece the greatest series of all time is the characters and their relationship. When you get to know and love the characters, they make the series incredible. They seem flat for the first while, but the depth starts showing through after a while and you can't help but love them.
I can't even consider the characters in this movie as the One Piece characters. They felt fake. It felt more like I was watching another series with the Strawhats' faces plastered over them. The basic premise was good as it was supposed to show the strength of the relationship between the Strawhats, but they didn't act like the Strawhats. I feel like the people who created this film didn't really have a good grasp on who these characters really are. They probably had seen (or made) the other One Piece movies, but I don't know if they had read the manga completely.
All in all I hated this movie, and I never plan to watch it again. In terms of just being a stand-alone movie it's decent, but in terms of being part of One Piece, it's horrid. So combining those two feature the highest I could give it was 2/5.
May 31, 2010 8:05 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
OMFG..watching this movie was like torturing my eyes.. very weird and awkward movie -_- 4/10 ... movie 4 is so far the best... movie 8 and 9 and retells so i rated em automaticly 7/10.. now il watch movie 7 i hope it will be good
Jul 28, 2010 7:44 PM

May 2008
there was no actual resolution. i have no freaking idea what ahppened in the ned
did nami n ussopp made up?
i kinda disliked the nami on this movie
she just left luffy hanging and acted like a b**ch most of the time
the sh didn't just feel like them
Nov 11, 2010 12:58 PM

Feb 2009
Well dunno why you guys are bitching about the art style.I was pretty amazed at the beginning of the movie.Felt differend from the usual OP stuff.I'll give it 7/10 because the last 20-30 minutes were very boring.Everything else was pretty much fine.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Feb 5, 2011 1:25 PM

Jul 2010
at the end, it doesnt seem like the crew remember what the hell happened.
still a good movie for sure, though there are a bunch of flaws.

Feb 7, 2011 1:20 AM

May 2010
The first thing which came up to mind when i started watching the movie was.. the artwork is different.. It felt weird watching but otherwise the story is pretty good.. a little slow in the beginning but finished brilliantly in the end.

It's scary really thinking of losing your nakama.. and being lonely forever.. gave me chill

Another masterpiece from One piece nonetheless
Mar 19, 2011 9:55 PM

Oct 2008
Wow, just wow. I loved the animation. o_o

It was different.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Apr 21, 2011 9:20 PM

Jun 2009
I liked it. It was definitely different from the parent series, but it was very good in it's own way. For one, I like the fact that Baron actually had depth compared to most OP villains and it was interesting to watch Luffy struggle through the possibility of losing his crew.

I don't know, though, I could totally see Luffy walking while being impaled by arrows that just seems like something he would imo. But, it's also important to know that this movie is merely the interpretation of One Piece from the point of view of a different writer. Basically, all it is that person telling a story using the OP characters and, honestly, I thought he did a pretty good job.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jun 28, 2011 2:44 PM

Jul 2010
What the fck did I just watch? The art style was just horrible, the characters looked just bád (and really strange most of the time) and Luffy was more grey than human skin color o.o" I hated the story, it's was freaky and not in a good way. The nakama's were suddenly beaten without an explonation hów (you ain't telling me they just beat Zoro/Sanji/Robin like that) and those fcking bastards made Luffy look WEAK, well they did a terrible good job on getting his character 100% out of character.I mean all he did was gtting pinned by 4 arrows, getting beaten by like 10.000 arrows and then he punched the bad guy 1 (really only 1) time -_-" That was all the action in 1.5 hour? Don't scrw with me! And why could that little girl hear the voices and Luffy not? The art was terrible, the animation was also kinda bad, the characters were ALL out of character, Luffy wasn't his usual self (expect the grin at the end and while they tried to catch the goldfish) and there are so many holes in the story...

Hell this was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, shame on the animators! How dáre they make Luffy look WEAK ánd let those stupid PLANTS beat Zoro, Sanji, Robin and Chopper júst like that -_-" It's a shame that this is an One Piece movie
Jul 7, 2011 1:50 AM
Jul 2018
A lot of unjust hate. It is not a master piece by any means, but it is not the abomination you all make it out to be.I'd rather have something a little different like this than the incredibly averageness that is some of the other movies.
Jul 10, 2011 6:16 PM

Nov 2010
I'm working through all the movies and this so far was my favourite. It was dark, twisted and downright awkward at times but it made a change to see a much darker One Piece. Art style looked amateur but gave the movie its own unique edge and definitely suited the tone of the movie.

My only complaint was the horrible portrayal of some of the Strawhats...namely Nami because I know that the bickering between her and Usopp would have never happened in the main series and was just so out of character. Luffy seemed out of character sometimes too.

An odd movie and definitely did not feel like One Piece at all in the second half of the film but an enjoyable one and a lot more thought provoking compared to the other movies. I can definitely see though why it seems to have a love/hate reaction.
Sep 8, 2011 10:03 AM

Aug 2010
Animation was fucking great, in my opinion. I really liked this movie even though some of the characters weren't portrayed well like some of the above posts mention.
Sep 18, 2011 5:18 AM
Aug 2010
Hutchy said:
It was choppy and amateurish


Movie 6 has way more well-defined movement than most of the other OP movies. I understand saying it lacked detail, but choppy? come on.
Dec 5, 2011 5:07 AM
Jun 2008
For me it was the best One Piece movie, better then Strong world. And thats due to the great story.

It wasn't about the straw hats being powerful it was all about the bonds between them. In the beginning the bad guys seemed goofy and annoying. But there were subtle hints that there was way more going on with the lame 'hell's ordeal'.

For all the haters that say Luffy is a whiner about losing his nakama. He is certainly not out of character. His nakama are his everything. Go watch the series again and you know whats up....

The face off between luffy and the baron was awesome. The whole sky blackened by arrows was sick. The dark tention and the flower, gave this movie a horror feel and also another dimension to the 'grand line' which is a place to be afraid of because of the strong guys in there. But also because of weird occurences(horror stuff) that has nothing to do with strong people and such.

Me being absolutely numb at the and of a movie means the story and movie overall was really great!!
Feb 8, 2012 6:47 PM

Jan 2012
this is my favorite one piece movie so far, so i was dumbfounded to read some of these comments full of vitriol. however the poll and rating speaks for itself; this is one of the more highly regarded movies and for good reason.

first of all, i didn't mind the different art style. the amazing and fluid animation more than made up for it. everybody was so expressive. the setting had some amazing 3d and detail that made it feel more authentic than any place in the anime. there were a lot of interesting and dynamic scenes, such as the crew's conversation during a first-person exploration of a 3d forest. regardless of whether you liked the story or think the characters look weird, you should be able to appreciate the amazing animation a movie budget brings.

now for the actual story. the first half of the movie was funny and fun. the comedy was accentuated by quick, sassy shots between characters and pointed silences - i don't know, there's a flair and maturity to the camerawork not present in the anime. luffy is hilarious and adorable as usual, like when he tries to volunteer for everything. my LOL moment was when he get on getting hit by progressively larger rocks. he looked great imo, something about his hair, and zoro looking hot in a suit! A SUIT.

then the second half caught me off guard with how thrilling and serious it became. this is a direction the anime has never gone for before. there's the thriller bark arc with ghosts and stuff, but never the level of creepiness exhibited here. i was really impressed by it, to be frank - they took the opportunity of a movie and didn't deliver the same thing, but rather, gave us a different spin on one piece. this one piece is creepy, with drying plant faces and barely concealed psychological disturbance. the story telling is subtle - you aren't told fucked up zombie is happening, you slowly realize. also introduced to one piece is something to seen before: dread, as the giant root turns into a million arrows, or as the flower mutates into bodies of nakama. the villain is almost sympathetic because the movie shows you how loneliness can wreck someone.

the movie did have its faults, of course. the crew members were slightly out of character in that i don't think they would have genuinely argued with each other like that. there was some sort of tension between them that felt genuinely hateful, something i have NEVER seen in the anime because their bond is so strong that everything is forgiven in half a second, and it made the crew feel wrong. here, nami was being a bitch, and sanji felt like he genuinely hated zoro (in the anime we all know it's rival bromance). but we all know the straw hats never actually fight with each other, except for that one issue over merry. this weird tension wasn't explained away by the end, either - just forgotten.

but the merits garnered by the movie overall override the one major fault. between its fluid and expressive animation, stunning and realistic scenery, and the different atmosphere it brings (creepiness), this movie earns a resounding 5 with me. different and mature!
Jun 6, 2012 10:06 PM

May 2010
I rather liked the art style. It certainly lacked detail, but it was more expressive than anything I've ever seen from One Piece. There were a couple of scenes that I'd even describe as amazing, such as that final scene where the flower turned into arrows, and all of a sudden thousands of arrows were flying at him. You can't tell me that scenes like that were "horrible". You just can't. Seriously.

I did feel like the characters were stretched to fit the drama a little bit though. I mean, Nami wouldn't have acted quite like that, and I doubt Sanji would have blamed Luffy either.
“Money can't buy dere”
Jul 17, 2012 9:36 AM

Jul 2011
And there I was, thinking that Shonen Jump movies cannot possibly be good. Fucking amazing. Easily the best One Piece movie. 10/10
Aug 19, 2012 2:50 PM

Aug 2012
I've always thought that Movie 6 of the One Piece film canon was clearly one of the best, up alongside Movie 4 (Dead End Race or...whatever it was called) and the much less well-received Movie 9 (the retelling of Chopper's first encounter with the Straw Hats), although the latter film is probably more of a hit-and-miss in regard to pacing and purpose and is probably just one of my favorites because of my self-absorbed opinion, lol.

Whatever the case, though, it's sorta reassuring to see that other people have been able to acknowledge the painstakingly captivating atmosphere a movie of this caliber was able to formulate, 'ey, despite being based on a shonen series that I'm sure many others may have some qualms about. But in the long run, whether you're an avid One Piece fan or simply a lover of subtle, effective storytelling (with beautiful animation to boot), it would be typical for this movie to definitely impress.

[NOTE: Speakin' of the One Piece fandom, however, as numerous others have pro'lly already pointed out by now, it is true that this movie in and of itself almost completely dissolves major OP motifs, instead favoring more dark, restrained tones that, while constructing an engrossing storyline, also puts most of the characters we know and love considerably out-of-character, lol. In the same time, though, it's majorly due to this alteration in style that sets this movie apart from the others and is capable of unveiling a genuinely dark and tragic side to the One Piece cast that we would never see in the likes of Oda's flagship canon -- in a sense, this movie sort of brings them down to size and treats them not as unstoppable comrades of unbreakable friendship, but as flawed heroes that really can lose control of the situation, at times. Which is, of course, not very One Piece-like, lol; and yet, that's also why it's as good as it is. If that even makes sense.

So yeah, man. This movie is fairly highly recommended, if you were to ask me (even though no one did). Besides, this is Mamoru Hosada we're talkin' about here. And if that alone hasn't convinced you, then let's just say that you're missing out on one hell of a storyteller, and end it on that. :P]
"What are you trying to prove?"
Sep 8, 2012 3:00 PM

Sep 2011
This was one of my favorite movies, not #1 but definetly top 3 material.

First off, whoever said anything about the animation not being good:

fuck you.

the animation was nice, more specificly the 2D strawhats. Yes as still images its not the most desirable thing to look at, but animation is MOVEMENT and these characters moved GREAT. I did like the darker story and applaud it for that since I think One Piece has a particular grit to it anyway (though this wasn't grit, this was plain Nightmare fuel XD) However I am a tad iffy on the ending. Really its been a good while so I can't say for sure but thats the one thing I remember not feeling so highly on.

I also laughed when I saw the promo pics listed here, they really went out of their way to make this movie misleading didn't they? XD
Nov 5, 2012 4:53 PM

Jan 2009
Several things I could say:
1) What the poop did I just watch? I thought this was a OP movie... o_O
2) Was freaky serious tone and strange visual style popular the year they made this, or perhaps the year before?
3) I have no clue how to rate it, since it's completely different from normal OP but I like it in a strange kind of way.
4) Can Zoro look that ravishing at all times please? ^.^ popped collar ftw
Nov 16, 2012 11:30 AM
Manga DB Admin
Aug 2012
Xyik said:
Personally, I hated this movie ...

What happened to Luffy? The determined happy guy that would never give up on his crew? I can't imagine Luffy ever acting like that, I pictured him stubbornly refusing to believe his crew to be that weak. The real Luffy would have said 'I'm going to save my nakama! I believe in them! They're strong!'. Instead, he totally got his ass handed to him and pulled a silent emo act on us. Even if his crew seemed hopelessly lost (wait, how would they happen in the first place? the way they lost was completely unrealistic and it made his crew look like idiot weaklings), he wouldn't have given up so easily.

I don't know, I kind of liked the serious factor but IMO it wasn't done well at all ... the characters did not seem like themselves... I understand the direction this movie was trying to take, but it wasn't One Piece for me. One Piece is about the strong bonds between his crew... what happened to that?

The art was very strange too, I'd even say poorly drawn most of the time. A lot of the silent scenes (no bgm music) didn't work for me either. And I guess it didn't help to watch it with shitty subs at 3 in the morning.


Everyone in the crew, especially Luffy acted so out of character. The animation was weird too, I think it didn't fit One Piece's style. Though this movie itself doesn't fit One Piece's style, so the animation doesn't seem that weird.

If they're gonna change One piece's atmosphere, visual style AND characters' personalities, they should have just made a movie with new characters, and shouldn't have called it One Piece. That way I would give it a high score. But this.. 4/10

Edit: I loved how Zoro called Sanji though. "You Question!" "Are you trying to ask me something, Question?" :))
JinbouNov 11, 2013 4:42 PM
Jan 10, 2013 2:33 PM

Oct 2010
For those who say that Luffy and the rest are out of character. Do you know which arc was airing at the moment this movie was made? Right, Water 7. That arc about Usopp and Luffy fighting, Robin disappearing and a huge empty space in the same place where the friendship of the crew formed an apparently unbreakable bond.

Do you think this movie is that different? Come on. Come. On.

The characters are not out of character. If they were, the quarrel between Zoro and Sanji would not have started as their usual silly argument about who's the best. Nami wouldn't have become so angry at Usopp when he called her "traitor". Yes, they are specially sensitive, but this is part of the mood of the movie, isn't it? I assumed that the villain was doing something to make this happen, forcing them to collaborate in a ridiculously competitive game and separating them, both physically and mentally.

I can see perfectly the characters acting this way at some point, and this is the truly terrible point about this movie. I think the series makes us assume so clearly that they have an unbreakable bond that we forget how fragile some of the ties of this bond really are. This movie takes a less idealized view of their friendship, it assumes that there is accumulated tension among them, but this is completely legit and has been done in the series too. Water 7 did this, suddenly the characters took seriously things that the whole series had shown as points of comedy; Luffy being a bad captain or lacking true authority, Usopp being useless in the crew. Is it really any different?

On the other hand, the animation is gorgeous, the drawing style is kind of weird (but I love it), and I honestly don't care if it does or doesn't fit One Piece's style. I still recognize the characters and the concepts as part of the series, so that's enough for me. The darker style and the tragic depiction of the villain are part of a personal reinterpretation, I'll admit this, but as this reinterpretation is deeply grounded in the nature of the series (it has to, as it is purposely different in tone) I can't help but accept it as one of the most impressive acts of love I have ever seen to One Piece.

I still have a few to watch but I can almost safely say that there won't be any other movie like this in One Piece. 10/10
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