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May 27, 2008 11:05 AM

Aug 2007
As in, the end of the series!

So I want this topic to be about what you thought of the series. That being said, it will be assumed that this will have SPOILERS!


It was definitely a typical Shoujo manga. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, throw in another troubled boy and go!

I was seriously routing for the original guy. I loved how he treated her better than the other guy. I also think that he was better suited than the brother.

That being said, I don't think he should have left her. If he didn't, everything would have turned out fine. She would have stayed with him, the end.

You know what this reminds me of? Peach Girl. Honestly, I thought they were virtually identical in terms of the story of the triangle (minus the brother concept)

Why do nice guys always finish last?

May 28, 2008 2:48 PM

Oct 2007
Just finished it myself and I must say that I certainly didn't expect that outcome. For most of this manga I hated Arata but just as he slowly grew on Hikaru, he also slowly grew on me and I was happy with the ending.

Well I've done my own Review and tried to keep it as unbiased as possible. ^_^
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May 29, 2008 4:20 AM
Jul 2018
yeah i also felt that takara should never have left, yeah of course you would visit the girl that saved your life everyday but you can't just dump the one you love. am i being too cruel here? and same as master_m2k, arata also grew on me as well by showing his lonely and sad background so i was happy with the ending.
at least now there's uwasa no midori kun to look forward to (same author)
Jun 9, 2008 12:49 AM
May 2008
Hm... I'm kinda glad that the other guy got her... I was starting to feel bad for him because it seems like she the the original guy were going to be together.
But if the accident never happen the original guy and her would still be together... meaning the other guy would have to suffer more!! >.<
Jun 9, 2008 4:15 AM

Mar 2008
well it's cute.... the two guys are like the clone and real ermm... i forgot the name of them but it's in the anime tsubasa chronicles
Jun 10, 2008 2:31 PM

Jan 2008
I loved this series I would have to say that I think it was best she ended up with Arata because he really did love her I am not saying that Takara didn't love her but I just thought that it was better that she did choose Arata. It does suck that Takara was hurt in the process but so was Arata when he would have to see them together. As for the series I will say this much it is very rare for me to even show more then the normal emotion that comes with Shoujo Manga but this one got me to start tearing up at a few parts and got to cry at the end happy tears but still tears.....I really do love this series when they did the voting for Arata vs. Takara I had a feeling that the one that won was going to be who she chose and I was right.
Jun 11, 2008 7:33 AM

Mar 2008
yeah.... and they look good together.....
Jun 16, 2008 10:42 AM

Aug 2007
misaseh098 said:
yeah.... and they look good together.....

They were virtual twins ;) she would have looked good togther with either of them.

Jun 19, 2008 10:30 AM
Jul 2018
Aarana said:
misaseh098 said:
yeah.... and they look good together.....

They were virtual twins ;) she would have looked good togther with either of them.

lol!! btw anyone think this series should have gone on for another 20 chapters?? i just thought that it ended kinda quickly.
Jun 19, 2008 12:07 PM

Aug 2007
I think they ended it right at a good time. If it was any longer, it would have dragged on.

Kinda like Parfait Tic (I like him, no wait him, no wait him, no wait.....*dies*)

Jul 15, 2008 4:40 PM

Jan 2008
what a waste... it would be nice if hikaru got the ring from takara..

Jul 22, 2008 3:01 AM

Aug 2007
the twist was unexpected.. but I do sense traces of a rather mature plot here. though i feel that the reason why Takara left Hikaru wasn't strong enough to support his decision to leave her. sigh, baka takara. this story gives me such a bittersweet feeling, i really liked the TakaraxHikaru moments, so sweet.

Aug 4, 2008 7:35 PM
May 2008
Well, she just basically ended up with the first one she met. Personally, I liked Takara better, but well, that didn't happen. But seriously, ending up in a relationship with a guy that looks identical to your first love... does that really mean you like the guy or the way he looks? I just think it's too weird. I mean, I can see that she can tell the difference between the two and they are very different, but you can't deny they look the same.

It was definitely an interesting idea for a story, though. Very interesting.
Sep 1, 2008 5:09 PM
Apr 2008
i loved the series the drawing and story......i felt the ending was very nice and very meaningful since they fuffilled there promise in a way of what they want in the was kinda surprising that it suddenly went from the present to like 10 yrs in the future, but nice........i also feel glad by a lot that she chose arata because he did so much for her and liked her so much
also the takara was kinda stupid as i think about it she loved him but still kept a mask as she dated him........arata was cool since he excepted her fully for what she is since the begin to end and respected her very much since based on he said "i not worthy for you yet" i think she was obsessed with takara since he was her first in most ways.....this is my favorite story
Oct 21, 2008 9:43 AM

Jun 2008
Personally, I was really happy Hikaru got with Arata instead of Takara. Not only did Arata accept Hikaru through all the ways she acted, Hikaru was able to act herself around him and not Takara. I felt that even though Takara and Hikaru loved each greatly, I felt her relationship felt a bit more real where they accepted and continued to love each other for who the other was and learned more about each other. And even though Arata was cruel, he just didn't know how to convey his feelings right. Maybe I just have a soft spot for that since I tend to act that way instead of being so blunt and honest as Takara, but I didn't feel Arata was an jerk for the most part.

The real jerk, to me, was Takara especially his handling of what happened to Ami. It really bothered me that Takara decided to be with Ami due to his guilt. I understand the whole "nice guy", but all it did was reinforce my dislike for that type of character. Staying and caring for someone out of guilt is wrong, in my opinion. He didn't wanna be with her, but since she saved his life it's now "oh crap, I'm sorry so I'm gonna break up with my girlfriend and act like I'm going out with you". How's that being nice to Ami? >.<

Overall, I really liked reading this series and found myself giggling over the lovey dovey scenes. Sex was played out as a method of showing love and done so in a very innocent manner which I enjoyed. ^_^
Oct 26, 2008 6:34 AM

Sep 2008
ending was good!

hikaru and arata are a much better couple! XD
enya's life spent on MAL: September 21, 2008 to August 23, 2012
Dec 30, 2008 10:20 AM
Dec 2007
I never thought I could enjoy a shoujo manga that much! It only took me a few days to complete too :D
Dec 31, 2008 10:14 AM

Mar 2008
Hikaru x Arata is OK; but marriage, having babies etc. are meh.
Jan 5, 2009 3:36 PM

Jul 2008
Bleh. I still can't decide which one of the guys would have suited Hikaru more. I mean, Takara and Arata all love Hikaru deeply, and they all have their good and bad qualities.
The thing that captured me the most was how realistic the feelings and inner conflicts of the people in the Love Triangle were portrayed. I seriously could almost feel what Hikaru was feeling when she had to choose. What I think would make it even better is if Hikaru wasn't so bold. I mean, I understand that this is just a manga, but it'd be more realistic if she didn't stand up to a bang of big gangsters in gr.10 and stuff like that. Maybe one out of a million real life girls would be able to do that.
Feb 9, 2009 2:48 PM
Feb 2009
Aarana said:
Why do nice guys always finish last?

You really think he was the nice guy? You don't just think he was stupidly self righteous and overly attempting to be selfless. Every action he took after the pivotal point made me despise him more and more. Choosing err that hit by truck friend, THEN spending one and only night with Hiyoko, kissing her in the hospital, not kindly providing solace to Hiyoko when she walked in on the kiss, the fight ... every god damn thing! I was actually rooting for blue eyes and was frankly surprised when a logical ending followed. However, I don't think we needed the extra chapter talking about marriage and kids. In fact it was ok to even lead us to think that maybe in the future, the triangle may re-emerge or something, but putting that family of four scene was a little too much. In fact, shockingly I saw character development here and saw the real nice guy finishing firtst which is what counts.
Feb 9, 2009 2:56 PM

Mar 2007
I love this manga. It's one of the few stories where they show how love takes time to grow and you need to make an effort for it.

At first I was rooting for Takara, and I would have continued to do so if Arata hadn't matured so much. He dropped his playboy behavior and stood by Hikaru's side all that time... waiting and hoping to be loved.

So beautiful!
Feb 9, 2009 3:17 PM
Feb 2009
While I'm more than happy with Hikaru's decision, I would have preferred the mangaka avoiding being overly childish and putting in that baby scene even though blue eyes admitting he'd consumate their relationship only after truly becoming a man was ... seriously touching! And unexpectedly disarming.

On another note, regarding the poll they had, I'd have voted for Honda Takara anyday coz he's just the kind of unassuming boy I personally like. I do think all positive traits he had were soon also transmitted into Arata's new improved personality including his shy manners and gentleness. Also, it's unfair when readers and at one point the mangaka thoughtlessly compares the two saying Hikaru could be herself around Arata but had to be wary near Takara. Come on! Takara fell for the manga drawing crazy energetic clumsy Hikaru, there wasn't any part of her he would have "disapproved" of. Don't slander the poor fellow, he already shows badly executed poor judgement which costs him a great love!
May 25, 2009 11:11 AM

May 2008
Loved this manga and loved the ending ! I was rooting for Arata the whole time ! I like both of them but i find characters like Takara annoying. Arata is a much better love intrest he is shy, un sure, sweet, and have a hard time with his feelings. Plus he is loonely he needed Hikaru the most ! I would choose Arata over Takara anyday lol
Jun 24, 2009 9:50 PM

Jun 2008
Aarana said:
As in, the end of the series!

So I want this topic to be about what you thought of the series. That being said, it will be assumed that this will have SPOILERS!


It was definitely a typical Shoujo manga. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, throw in another troubled boy and go!

I was seriously routing for the original guy. I loved how he treated her better than the other guy. I also think that he was better suited than the brother.

That being said, I don't think he should have left her. If he didn't, everything would have turned out fine. She would have stayed with him, the end.

You know what this reminds me of? Peach Girl. Honestly, I thought they were virtually identical in terms of the story of the triangle (minus the brother concept)

Why do nice guys always finish last?

Actually I think both guys were nice.. none were actually bad or anything. Arata just seemed perverted. So anyway I'm really satisfied with the ending though at first I was rooting for Takara later I changed my mind though he.. didn't seem as good. o.o" I really like ch.35 too I dunno why no one made a thread about that lol.

Jun 27, 2009 9:05 PM

Nov 2007
Yay Arata ftw =D, at the beginning of this series I was all for Takara but amazing how through the course of a little over 30+ chapters how quickly that changed, I think I started cheering for Arate around chapter 20 something or so but glad she picked him.
Sep 10, 2009 8:57 AM

Nov 2008
So finally she choose Arata instead of Takara.
I'm glad she choose him, he did much more for her than Arata ever did, he was here when Takara broke up with her to comfort her.
Sep 20, 2009 6:12 PM

Mar 2009
well, as for me. i've already read this manga a couple of times cause im totally inlove with it.:D

at the very beginning im already a fan of arata and hikaru.
and i always wish that they will end up together.
well, i dont hate takara either.
i thought hikaru will end up with him because in the first few chapters their relationship is progressing so fast. i dont have any idea that the next events will happen.

but in the end. im very happy with the outcome of the story!^^
Nov 20, 2010 8:29 AM

Aug 2009
I loved the ending. :))
Hikaru ended up with Arata! They are really looked good together.

Hikaru can act freely when she's with Arata unlike with Takara, she can't act truly. I mean, like as otaku.

Overall, this series is really good. :))
Loved it. ^^

"Perhaps the distant part of the sky always seems clearest, so that we will always strive to reach it."


Dec 19, 2010 5:09 PM

Jun 2010
I've always liked Arata, ever since he was a peverted prince ;)
Then, I thought maybe Hikaru must be with the "good guy", Takara... .
But after each step he did, he made me hate him more and more !
There are even some pages where Takara looks like he's just forcing Hikaru to kiss him( especially in the end, but also when they were dating, sometimes..)

So, I was really happy when she finally chose Arata. Best choice to me.
Jun 15, 2011 10:54 AM

Jun 2011
nice ending T_T
i really hope they make an anime for it!
it would be so fucking awesome mabye miyano mamoru would voice arata?
but who would voice hikaru?O.o
anyway great manga with a great ending, i think i'm gonna read more of ikeyamada go's creations.
Ao-hoshiJun 15, 2011 10:58 AM

Oct 19, 2011 7:51 PM
Oct 2011
it s no good why arata i prefer takara it s a magnificient couple it s ami the accident i know she choose arata it s a good guy but i prefer takara i have a lot of pain for him her first love with an other man poopr takara it s agood manga when you see tfew years later the same face of arata and tarata and hikaru a beautiful long hair
Oct 22, 2011 2:17 PM
Oct 2011
Just finished, and made a review on it... but it was totally biased. ^_^ d

I'm still very much confused on how I would have wanted the manga to go... I think I felt the exact same way as Hikaru did. If I chose one, I'd feel bad for the other, and vice versie. I was torn into two! T^T
But... I believe that Arata needed Hikaru more... but I STILL am feeling friggen bad for Takara right now!
Why, oh why?! But it was still a great manga. :3
Oct 26, 2011 6:45 PM

Sep 2010
There are a couple of things that bothered me about this manga. I feel as though the half brother situation should have been explored much more, and it's almost as if the mangaka made them brothers only to explain why they looked like twins. But there was hardly any back story, and I know it was fairly short, but it could have used more explanation.

Also, Arata transitioning from the "perverted prince" to some sort of innocent prude guy just seemed a bit too unrealistic for me. Sure, he found the girl that he truly loved, but I can't see that changing his personality to that extent. And the kiss they shared at the beginning was just too over the top.

That being said, the first half of the manga worried me, but as the chapters progressed it got much better. I found myself rooting for Arata, and while the situation with Takara was a bit ridiculous, I could sort of understand why he did what he did. I was happily surprised with the ending.
Oct 27, 2011 2:27 AM

Oct 2011
Cute manga and the art is beautiful :)

From the start, I always preferred Takara but Arata's efforts really makes you want to fall in love with him. Jeez, I really cried when Takara left Hikaru! :,( Well, Arata never gave up and is always at Hikaru's side even though it pains him. aaaah! What a way to end the series :D The ending is really cute! I'm happy for the three of them. :3
Nov 19, 2011 7:08 PM

Jun 2011
blue-star said:
nice ending T_T
i really hope they make an anime for it!
it would be so fucking awesome mabye miyano mamoru would voice arata?
but who would voice hikaru?O.o
anyway great manga with a great ending, i think i'm gonna read more of ikeyamada go's creations.

Second the Motion!~ This certainly needs an anime version. Like what happened with Suki-desu Suzuki-kun. Though that was only an OVA, it was still cute as ever. I would be glad to see HikaruXArata on screen~~ I bet they will be 10 times cuter!!
"Them who looks blind at ANIME, looks blind at SALVATION."
Dec 31, 2011 1:30 AM
Jun 2011
i dont get. how they both liked the girl!!! ughhh!
Mar 29, 2012 2:24 PM
Aug 2010
everything went according to plan
awesome manga
May 1, 2012 5:45 PM

Nov 2011
Tbh, I loved this manga. I finished this in under 4 hours and still remember it, might even do a review of it tbh.

The final ending is beautiful ^_^
Jun 12, 2012 4:39 AM

Feb 2012
just finished the manga. i very much enjoyed reading the manga. the ending was satisfying as well. i like the fact that arata was chosen. he was able to change drastically for hikaru. two thumbs up! :)
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Feb 12, 2013 3:41 AM

Nov 2007
ishitagupta said:
Aarana said:
Why do nice guys always finish last?

You really think he was the nice guy? You don't just think he was stupidly self righteous and overly attempting to be selfless. Every action he took after the pivotal point made me despise him more and more. Choosing err that hit by truck friend, THEN spending one and only night with Hiyoko, kissing her in the hospital, not kindly providing solace to Hiyoko when she walked in on the kiss, the fight ... every god damn thing! I was actually rooting for blue eyes and was frankly surprised when a logical ending followed. However, I don't think we needed the extra chapter talking about marriage and kids. In fact it was ok to even lead us to think that maybe in the future, the triangle may re-emerge or something, but putting that family of four scene was a little too much. In fact, shockingly I saw character development here and saw the real nice guy finishing firtst which is what counts.

LOL omg touche

also laksjhd yes totally rooting for arata idk since when but I've never really liked characters like takara * 3 *;;;
Mar 12, 2013 6:03 PM
Jan 2013
hated it so bad, reason being is that hikari did not suffer enough, she should not be forgiven so easilly, she needs to know the pain and suffering of jealousy, the manga went too easy on her, there was no sense of consequence in the manga, making little girls think that if u decide something, and u want to change ur mind about it, there will be no punishment or consequence, arata will just come back to u with open arms, yea right, thats just f**king fake, hikaru is the worst main character i've ever come to see thru all mangas, but then again all shoujo girls are just as retarded, clinging from one girl to another is just so disgusting
Jul 6, 2013 8:43 AM
Jan 2013
Arata sure started off as a mean guy but he still loved Hikaru more than anyone else in his whole world around him! That made me feel quite happy but it still bugs me why he calls Hikaru, Hiyori! Well it still is very good and i recommend this to other people out there to read this inspiring manga full of love and sorrow!
Aug 25, 2013 8:51 AM

Jun 2011
enya04 said:
ending was good!

hikaru and arata are a much better couple! XD

Uhm wrong, I see potential in Arata x Ami if Hikaru did not end up with Arata! I simply stopped caring about Hikaru when Takara came and just kiss her and make her hesitant until the end.
Tantei-san said:
I never thought I could enjoy a shoujo manga that much! It only took me a few days to complete too :D

It took me 3 hours only lol, but it doesn't mean that I liked this a lot, true, I liked the plot, but I did not like the fact that Takara took Hikaru's virginity, that dealt a huge blow to me, and made me starting to hate Takara, for agreeing to that.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jul 7, 2014 11:51 PM

Aug 2010
Really happy with the ending. One of the most satisfying conclusions for a love triangle I have ever seen.

Arata had the most development in the manga. He turned from a lowlife to a perfect guy all for the sake of Hikaru.

Overall an 8/10 for this manga. Really enjoyed it and even got teary eyed in some moments.
Mar 24, 2015 11:12 AM
May 2014
i was so bored i actually finished this, oh man... anyway this manga had nothing going for itself expect good art, the icing on the caket was this crappy ending, Arata deserved something better than this slut
lacznoscMar 24, 2015 11:52 PM
Apr 16, 2015 7:52 PM

Jan 2012
this is really great. i love second guy manga; whenever the second guy wins the girl. the second guy usualy has more deeper moments with the girl and shows his care and passion in those way. i think its adorable :) arata was such a good representation of this archetype
teen drinking is very, very bad.
Oct 25, 2015 2:34 AM
Aug 2015
The ending and the plot twist were good..But I wonder what happens if it were to be a happy ending between Takara and Hikaru. I wish they make a version of them happily ended. Huhu :( .. I dont even want to think that this was all because of that poll question between Takara and Akata. It makes me sad. Please do a version of Takara and Hikaru ending.. pleaseeeeeee...
khawaiineeOct 25, 2015 6:08 AM
Jan 4, 2016 1:02 PM
Jun 2015
tolkster said:
There are a couple of things that bothered me about this manga. I feel as though the half brother situation should have been explored much more, and it's almost as if the mangaka made them brothers only to explain why they looked like twins. But there was hardly any back story, and I know it was fairly short, but it could have used more explanation.

Also, Arata transitioning from the "perverted prince" to some sort of innocent prude guy just seemed a bit too unrealistic for me. Sure, he found the girl that he truly loved, but I can't see that changing his personality to that extent. And the kiss they shared at the beginning was just too over the top.

That being said, the first half of the manga worried me, but as the chapters progressed it got much better. I found myself rooting for Arata, and while the situation with Takara was a bit ridiculous, I could sort of understand why he did what he did. I was happily surprised with the ending.

I agree with you completely. I thought the same thing lol.
Apr 24, 2017 2:57 PM

Mar 2017
Happy ending for Arata x Hikaru, props to the author who doesn't have a shitty taste.
Oct 27, 2019 12:32 PM
Oct 2019
Rereading this again cuz this is one of my fave manga.I am so glad she choose Arata 😭. He is such a nice guy. Giving up his love for her to be happy with Takara is 😭. He's always hurt. This story is better than Uwasa no Midori-kun honestly cuz of proper character development and a nice ending.

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