1 - This score is reserved for the Ex-Arm anime, if you see I gave a 1 score to any other anime then it means that anime is even worse than Ex-Arm and that it'll make you want to pull your eyes out of their sockets and feed them to your dog. (P.S. although the anime is trash the Ex-Arm manga is pretty decent)
2 - Basically the 1 score for most people, any anime I give a 2 score is objectively horrible and I can't see how someone could ever wholeheartedly say they enjoyed it.(example: Shin Shinka no Mi: Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei)
3 - Still an objectively bad anime that I didn't enjoy at all but I can see how people with some very niche tastes in anime could say it's decent.(example: Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
As a general rule anything I give a 3 or below I drop and anything with a 4 or above I finish watching but there might be some rare exceptions(example: Tokyo Ghoul:re is objectively horrible and I gave it a scoring in accordance however it was one of the first anime I watched and I basically forced myself through it instead of just dropping)
4 - An anime with a ton of wasted potential, some major flaws in some aspects but positives on another or simply an underwhelming show, just barely watchable and often times not enjoyable overall but with some good moments.(example: 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season)
5 - An average anime with nothing too crazy going on but also nothing so bad that would make it a "bad show. Often times it's those types of anime where you get a moderate amount of enjoyment whilst watching but not long after you forget almost everything in relation to that title.(example: Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou)
6 - This is a weird spot that is reserved basically for those anime that are a bit better than what I would consider average but still present many flaws throughout the show or on the other hand an anime that I would normally give a 5/10 but they are really memorable titles or titles that I personally really enjoyed even though objectively they would not pass the 5.(Kakegurui Twin)
7 - Anime with this score are what you'd expect, an anime halfway between decent and peak. Anime that I give a 7 score are usually good throughout every category but, at the same time, don't excel on any.(example: Mashle)
8 - I typically give a score of 8/10 to those anime that are really close to being a masterpiece but that just feel a bit lacking in a certain area. More often than not to first season of anime that get a 9 or a 10 in future season due to the first season focusing mainly on developing the world so it lacks on tension or action.(Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu)
9 - This score is a bit hard to explain but any anime I give a 9 could just as easily be a 10 on terms of an objective point of view. Basically what most people would consider a 10/10 so an anime with an amazing plot, character development, good animation, etc for me is a 9/10 base then I only rank them as a 10/10 if the anime left a big impression on me.(Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song)
10 - As I said on the 9 score any anime that would normally be considered a 10/10 I rate as 9/10 and the upgrade to 10/10 is purely based on subjective point of views on my part.(Violet Evergarden)
i can digress on the saving part, cause maybe you're right, but I feel like women were being protected or saved disproportionately more than the men, but again, I digress. I'll explain my stance on the rest of the characters: Sagiri was i suppose the most progressive (her or Gabimaru's wife, at least, who is kind of a non-character atm), its just that her arc about gender equality was kind of a wet noodle, and she did heavily fall under the getting saved category. Yuzuriha is so blatantly sexualized I don't see a counterargument, always covered in goop in revealing clothing. Nurugai, constantly being saved and protected, damsel in distress, falls in love with that one dude over pretty much nothing. the blonde women you mentioned you agree with, dont need to dive in there. Hope that made any sense and got my point across in any sense. I think its a more subjective view on how they were handled, you don't need to agree at all, just trying to explain how I saw it.
If you read the review you'd understand that I called it sexist in how the author wrote the female characters, ie, how they were always sexualized, seduced or saved. I can understand the one sexist guy telling Sagiri to stop fighting, that makes sense and I dont disagree that that works within the confines of the time period. But that isn't an excuse for the modern author to only portray the female characters in those aforementioned ways. Just because the men in the show look down on women doesn't make it right for the author to do so as well.
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