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Jun 25, 2024
Dungeon Meshi (Anime) add
laios said "can someone match my freak" and then forced all his friends to + some existential horror (obsessed with this brand of horror)

this feels like playing dnd with the buddies like just swiveling between we are besties! let's sit around and have fun! to here's the scientifically accurate lore! to YOU WILL THINK OF THIS WHEN YOU TRY TO FALL ASLEEP AT NIGHT!

also i dont think i noticed a single plot hole? and not misogynistic fan service oh god is real

But yeah. Anyways. ate. this is for all the dnd besties who need some inspirational juices flowing. i binged it which ...
Nov 26, 2019
ReLIFE (Anime) add
I've been in an anime slump recently and have been struggling to find anything I can get through an episode of. No matter what it is, I frequently just find myself bored and uninterested. ReLife brought the life back to anime in my opinion, even if that might be a bold statement to make.

Giving an overall review of this, while the story does have a few (very ignore-able) plot holes here and there (this is coming from the person who hates pretty much all plot holes) it doesn't detract from the show or message at all. The art is just truly gorgeous and there ...
Apr 1, 2019
Simply a rollercoaster ride, to put it lightly. If yaoi/BL/shounen-ai isn't your normal thing, stick around-- this review is aimed at you.

I've seem my fair share of this genre, but I've yet to figure out what makes it so addicting. Throughout this show, (mostly in the first couple episodes) I was very much concerned about the rapey vibes. If you can take it for a few episodes thought, the rest of the story does get considerably better despite the beginning being questionable. And before you ask, yes, there is a hell lot of implied (or nearly explicitly shown) sex in this series. It's not even ...
Mar 12, 2019
Super Lovers (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Oof. This is a strange thing to watch. If you're usually not a yaoi/shounen-ai/BL fan, this is the review for you.

To begin with, I have to tell you that if you want to watch this series and not gouge out your own eyes, you have to forget regular social convention and that it takes place in the real world. If you can't get past the fact that the main ship is incestual (adopted brothers, so not technically blood related) and kinda pedophilic (seme is a grown ass adult: around 25ish, uke is probably like 15, definitely looks kinda shota) and very few people in ...
Mar 11, 2019
Tight-rope (Anime) add
If you aren't usually a yaoi/BL fan, please stick around! This review is for you!

I haven't read the manga, and I'm not sure if I will. But this is better than 90% of boyxboy for a variety of reasons.

To start off, the storyline is nothing too fancy. It's about a yakuza heir who is in love with his childhood best friend and is very upfront about it. That's it. Is it boring? Somehow, not at all. As a person with a very short attention span (displayed through my aversion to long anime and inability to sit and watch most videos longer than five ...
Feb 17, 2019
Finder Series (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
This was... strange to say the least. It was recommended to me by a friend, who said that it wasn't a great show overall but it had some interesting aspects. If you're here and you are a.) a yaoi fan b.) a fan of fictional toxic relationships or c.) a fan of 'mafia' style anime, this review is for you.

First of all, I'll start by addressing the elements of the show objectively. The storyline starts off interesting, but it quickly delves into a realm of the unexplainable. Do police not exist in this world? Some may make the argument that this is a mafia AU, ...
Jan 26, 2019
Why was this even made? A legitimate question, not even just me being snarky...

If you're here because you were (or are) a High School Musical fan, I suggest you turn around and walk away. And probably try to forget about this entirely. Because even these ten pages were an ultimate waste of time, for the readers and probably everyone else who was involved.

I know that many people may disregard this because of the fact that it's a short manga and it's rated so low that you're morbidly curious, but don't, because that's what I did and I regret it entirely. This isn't even ...
Jan 5, 2019
"Love is a divine punishment." - Sojou no Koi wa Nida Haneru

I'm going to be honest, this was definitely not what I was expecting. This was raw, this was honest, this was realistic, and this h u r t. I'm going to tell you straight up: this is not what you are expecting. This WILL surprise you, and perhaps not in the best ways. All that being said, let's get into the specifics.

If you're here, it's likely that you're at least somewhat of a yaoi fan-- fujioshi, fudanshi, whatever be the case. I don't expect to see many yaoi newbies over here. However, ...
Dec 28, 2018
Mixed Feelings
If you're not a diehard fan of HxH who simply just can't get enough of it, then don't watch this. It'll probably turn you off from the series entirely. If you /are/ a diehard fan, be cautious. This may look good, but in my opinion, was pretty terrible. To be clear, this movie doesn't follow any manga storyline and just utilizes the vagueness of elements of the canon plot to create this. In my mind, it's not even close to canon. It reads like a mediocre fanfiction, in all honesty.

To begin with, the story is supposed to be sandwiched between the Yorknew and Greed ...
Dec 28, 2018
Ah, a masterpiece. Hunter x Hunter overall is just a blessing that keeps me glued to the screen and away from my responsibilities. This review is aimed at two groups of people: those who are planning to watch this after finishing the rest of the old adaptation, and those who have watched the new 2011 adaptation and are thinking about watching this. These are probably the two biggest groups of people looking into this OVA.

The story is very similar, almost exactly, to the story of the manga or the new adaptation. For those who are watching it for the first time, it covers Gon, ...

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