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Villains Are Destined to Die
Villains Are Destined to Die
Jul 23, 3:33 AM
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Petshop of Horrors
Petshop of Horrors
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Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
Jul 22, 3:13 PM
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natsumin Yesterday, 10:39 AM
Ahh klinkt als een uitdagende periode! Jezelf volledig accepteren voor wie je bent kan inderdaad knap lastig zijn als de "norm" iets anders van je verwacht. Wel fijn dat je je beter voelt en het hebt kunnen vertellen aan de mensen die er toe doen, dat kan als een hele opluchting voelen. :)

Ik ben vorig jaar afgestudeerd en werk nu full-time als verpleegkundige, ook vaak weekenden en nachtdiensten waardoor ik nogal een onregelmatig ritme heb :D Welke studie volg jij? ook bijna klaar?

Ik zie trouwens dat je Fruits Basket aan het rewatchen bent! Één van m'n favoriete shows! Ben van plan die zelf ook binnenkort weer opnieuw te kijken, herinner me nog dat ik bij een aantal episodes veel tranen heb gelaten xD
Wat nieuwe series betreft, kan ik de nieuwe nummer 1 van MAL sterk aanraden, Sousou no Frieren!
CamomiIe Jul 25, 11:39 AM
yeah it was quite a fun watch! the story was interesting and easy to follow, its very beautifully animated & its not too long either being under 2 hours so i'd definitely reccommend checking it out if youre interested :>
natsumin Jul 25, 12:04 AM
Hey! Zooo 2 jaar geen anime, maar weer helemaal terug! Hoop dat het goed met je gaat! :)
Met mij gaat alles goed, dagelijks leven met alle verplichtingen is soms vermoeiend, maar kan altijd m'n ontspanning vinden als ik m'n favoriete shows kijk, hehe!

Ik voeg de genres zelf toe via tags! MAL heeft inderdaad ook een functie dat dit automatisch wordt toegevoegd, maar zoals je zegt vind ik dingen als "award-winning" , "delinquents" en "gourmet" geen echte genres -v-
CamomiIe Jul 24, 1:13 PM
HAHAHA HELP; i watched it at a convention with a friend last year and i swear the amount of time this kid was running from the police and SUCCEEDING was just unbelievable it was almost funny
CamomiIe Jun 28, 1:57 PM
i MIGHT be psychic /j all jokes aside thats a crazy coincidence, im not even sure how i ended up stumbling onto your account in the first place, i think i was just looking through my other friends friend lists and saw a natsume pfp and reacted 😭

ahhh same he's an absolute fave of mine aswell! i think with season 7 coming out this fall it'd be very worth it to rewatch the show, its definitely been a good few years for me aswell since i watched it qwq season 4 is actually my favorite so i hope you enjoy it aswell once you get to watching it!
H31NST31N Jan 17, 2022 2:57 AM
I don't typically mind a discussion about semantics, depending on the topic at hand, of course, but it is pretty difficult to have a meaningful discussion about semantics in text over the internet when you're hardly keeping up on other things as it is XD So overall, I'd say my proclivity towards these kinds of discussions varies.

I tend to approach movies in somewhat the same manner. I have gotten slightly better over time to "turn my brain off" for a certain subset of movie types, but it still doesn't really change my overall viewing experience much.
When it comes to horror games, most of them feel like they offer nothing other than the fact that they're taking advantage of your natural responsive instincts to get a response (like jumpscares) which I simply don't enjoy. I get that for some people it makes for an exciting experience, but not for me. The game requires substance for me to be invested, so in that regard, I'd prefer a story-driven thriller game. It might still have horror elements, but as long as it feels like it offers something more substantial, I should be fine with it. But even the thriller experience requires a certain mood from my end to fully enjoy and this mood comes less often than the mood for slice of life these days.

I don't like either of those kind of statements, since they seem to fundamentally be pushing that things in fiction should closer resemble real life (to fit with perceived 'beauty standards' in this case), which I feel is counteracting the very purpose of these kinds of mediums.

Yeah, if we were to define it like that, I would have many, many fetishes XD
Oh god, the overdramatic stories in Assassination Classroom's second season, background or otherwise... the sheer amount of them was jarring for me. And then also like you mention the attempts to connect serious aspects of the characters' personalities to something else where previously the tone was more lighthearted. Not to mention that the assassination 'feats' became more and more ridiculous, so I found it more and more annoying that the explanations behind Nagisa's unmatchable strength weren't nearly enough to justify it.
In a way, the traps are just that. They normally serve no real purpose other than to 'shock' the viewer by revealing that the character you thought looked cute was actually a guy. I say 'shock' in quotations because anyone who has seen a decent amount of anime will already be able to pick out the most obvious traps ahead of time... and at that point many people won't even care if the trap looked cute to them before because they already know that it is coming XD In short, then, I agree. Traps need more to them to be anything more than just a somewhat predictable gimmick.

It turns out that the first two Madoka movies are indeed a retelling of the series, but I felt like I needed to rewatch the series once before watching the movies so that I can pick up on differences between the two. That on top of me not knowing fully whether the movies were a one-to-one retelling and my not being willing to research it to avoid getting spoiled led me to rewatching the series first. I did end up watching the three movies a while ago, though, so both instances got watched in the end anyway. As you can still see, I quite value my rewatches XD

I'd say (on the topic of being awkward about sexual topics IRL) that it depends on the type of company. Obviously I'd be awkward as hell to just talk about it with strangers, but I've slowly gotten to feel out the kinds of people I can typically become comfortable with and sometimes, when they turn out to not really be one of those people, the fact that they write me off as being "weird" doesn't bother me much since I wouldn't have associated with them much anyway. Of course, all of this is under the pretense that social interactions have been changed somewhat as of recent years, especially the frequency of social interactions with people outside of my usual circle.

The party voting story will have to come with so much exposition that I don't think that it would be worth either of our time XD The attempted financial support for some struggling businesses are interesting, though, albeit a complicated system, no doubt. One can only hope that enough was done for the businesses that deserve to survive to do so. I know here, a couple of large businesses have seized to exist altogether.

Yes, we have some variation, obviously, but most of the places that I've lived have been savanna climate. Like I said, snow is very rare here, it's normally the talk of the country if it actually happens. And none of the places that I have lived have been ones who could even potentially get snow. 23 degrees Celsius is considered cold where I grew up XD In the summer, the temperature would be like 32 degrees when it is 21:00 and completely dark. Above 40 would be normal throughout the day and anything below 17 at any time would be very cold, even in winter.

I'm gonna have to pass on the 'noteworthy anime or music from 2020' since I totally missed the window of opportunity and I'll have to actually go back and check what I watched from 2020 XD It's probably best if we make it 'noteworthy anime 2020 - 2022', and in that case, you can start with your most noteworthy entries :)

It has been a while, yeah... not much has changed, really, real life is quite busy and my free time is filled with a couple of things, anime included. Since there's still a lot I want to watch, I try to make time for it either way, but there are a few other things that take my time and one rather sizeable project I took up that'll keep taking time. But that is reality, so no use complaining about it XD Especially if I'm at least still in the position to be able to make time to watch some anime...
Sounds quite fun. But the point is probably to give criticism as well as to receive it, so it's all fair in the end. Other than that, how have you been in the meantime? Anything else of interest happen, anime or otherwise?
ThomVD Dec 28, 2021 2:32 PM
Hahah close enough. I just noticed that you finished it just when I opened my MAL. As for Adachi, I actually wrote a small post about it on Anilist explaining why I loved it so much. Here it is:
rishloouppy Dec 15, 2021 11:33 AM
TIL that the saying 'going Dutch' exists. Thanks Britbongers.
ThomVD Dec 5, 2021 6:01 AM
Yeah I noticed it when I was watching Kino and suddenly saw your activity having watched an episode too, and then the same thing happened with Adachi hahah. I was just amazed by the coincidence. Great minds watch alike I guess ;) We even finished Adachi just minutes apart from each other.
ThomVD Dec 1, 2021 5:20 AM
I just noticed we're both watching Kino's Journey and Adachi to Shimamura around the same time hahah. Such coincidence.
rishloouppy Oct 24, 2021 1:08 PM
Galaxy brain take inspired by Great Pretender: You may consider it a lowlife line of work, but just know that - linguistically - scamming is a form of artistry.
rishloouppy Jun 21, 2021 10:49 AM
My ratings for Opeth - Sorceress (2016):

Persephone (1:51) - 8
Sorceress (5:49) - 3
The Wilde Flowers (6:49) - 7
Will O the Wisp (5:07) - 6
Chrysalis (7:16) - 5
Sorceress 2 (3:49) - 4
The Seventh Sojourn (5:29) - 6
Strange Brew (8:44) - 7
A Fleeting Glance (5:06) - 5
Era (5:41) - 3
Persephone (Slight Return) (0:54) - N/A

Overall verdict: a (strong) 5/10
H31NST31N Apr 9, 2021 3:55 AM
I feel like discussing such questions, especially on this platform, isn't as appealing as many others, since the first step here would be to clarify what you mean by 'regard'; whether it would be one-on-one recognition with the person, recognized by law or compelled to be considered as such by the general public. The only way how something very noteworthy comes from it is if you or I have a sudden change in mindset after discussing it AND we go out to try and inspire others with the same mindset. But even that in itself indicates some level of arrogance in assuming that whatever mindset we conclude is the 'correct' one. So truthfully, I'm perfectly fine with moving on as well XD

I also prefer not reading synopses before watching, be it movies or shows, and I certainly don't watch movie trailers anymore. The genres are the major mood indicators, so luckily if we are quite flexible with our moods, we can still enjoy them, even if they wait a while. The genre that seems to be the one where I struggle the most to get into the right mood for is pure horror. I don't enjoy horror movies or games either, so it's not too surprising. But I would still want to give these shows a chance, so every now and then if I can get myself in the right mood, I'll watch it. On the other end, it seems like I'm pretty much always in the mindset to watch a slice-of-life... Which some people might find a bit strange XD

The core of the argument of complaining about character designs because of what they perceive to be real-life beauty standards goes against the freedom that fictional media give us. So the exaggerated form of those ideas would result in fiction that must be exactly the same as the real world otherwise it could "promote" something unrealistic. It's sad, really, since much like many other things, it's a loss of freedom. No more freedom to tell stories since now they must be forcibly cast more and more into something that small groups of people don't find offensive (and making enough small groups would obviously mean that the story becomes completely free of expression in the end) and that is an extreme that I would rather die than to see through.
So if our liking of flat girls stems from how they are contrasted with the norm, we'd still accept it as a fetish? I know I would, although, like I said, it's not absolute at all, it varies from show to show, so you can't even really call it a fetish.
The trend of traps being the comedic character sort of put them into a difficult spot, since in the off-chance that a trap is made to be a serious character, it is pretty difficult to maintain that seriousness. One example that comes to mind for me immediately is Assassination Classroom, where the protagonist is a trap and they make some of the typical trap jokes (with cross-dressing and seducing and all) but also want to the sell the idea that he is the most powerful and almost god-like being among them didn't work too well for me. There definitely exists a combination of things that would make that character fit much better. My point is that though I don't exactly mind the trap trope itself, I'm also not advocating for it too much, since it may have already reached its peak in terms of what to offer (other than starting or continuing the fetish).

Since character interaction is among of the very few things constant throughout every genre, it is a pretty reasonable method of judging. Normally, reading the genre of a show from the first two episodes isn't too hard, so I usually watch the first two episodes together. Although with adjusting my mood, I'm usually prepared enough to continue with what I watch once I start it, which is a defense mechanism for me to ensure I stay drop-free XD

I also want to rewatch Madoka Magica... again... But I've also got the movie series thereof to watch, so that will probably be what I do. I understand, especially recently, the amount of anime to catch up on is insane and time is little, so there is no telling when these rewatches come to pass. Although I do hope you enjoy it when you do get to rewatching it.

I don't know about you, but I don't even bother covering up being blatantly degenerate anymore XD The people that are taken aback by it are those who think that my degenerate tendencies in anime somehow directly translate over to real life and I don't really want to hang out with people like that anyway, unless I'm planning on converting them into a degenerate as well ;)

It sounds interesting. The general idea of loosening restrictions is quite common, since many, many people simply cannot financially handle strict lockdown rules anymore and the economy is under immense strain in many places. The contrast in approaches to these measures in different places is quite interesting. People will find things about it to complain about anyway XD

23 degrees Celsius is actually on the cold side over here XD I've never experienced snow in person... The weather here is just a little hotter than normal, but with noticeably less rainfall than would be expected. I guess the unpredictable weather adds just another layer of excitement to our days XD
H31NST31N Mar 4, 2021 10:56 AM
Don't you think that 'pedantic' describes virtually this entire conversation? XD I get what you meant, though.
Is your "inner debate bro" satisfied with this as the conclusion of the discussion, then? Because I'm totally happy and I'll be keeping these specifics in mind more going forward.

I can agree with that. I'm not completely sure what the origin is, but I also prefer watching a series above watching a movie when I'm alone. If it is a tough movie like Schindler's List it would be a bit worse too, so I don't blame you if you struggle to get yourself to watch it. I also don't think that I would suggest to family or friends to watch something like that together out of the blue, I think the responses would be interesting XD

Keeping up with practice is the biggest part of the battle, the way I see it, so it's good that you were able to stick to it and the results seem to be indicate it paying off.

Live action can't really have 'character design' per se, so I definitely think some people are confused when complaining that an anime has "unrealistic character designs" or something similar XD I'm totally agreed with your preference of having the variety in boob sizes. Since, like you said, the smaller boob size spectrum is generally underpopulated, I sometimes end up liking the flattest of the girls simply because the rest feels 'a bit much'. Although, like I have said, it is mostly the personalities of the girls that end up dictating how I feel about them, even when it comes to ecchi shows. Choosing a show based on the selection of girls in it is a tough task already (might fall for a trap if you're not careful) XD

That's quite interesting. Obviously hugging is completely off the table for the foreseeable future, so I guess we'll be used to how sacred and lewd hugging is considered to be in anime soon enough...
I guess those are some proper husbando's then. Good for you XD
I do hope that I didn't create some warped expectations for Roy... rather forget what I said and go into it so that you can form your own opinion about him ;)

It's good knowing that I'm not the only one thinking like that. I surely think that it is a blessing to not want to have an opinion on something that you have started XD Sometimes after getting involved with a community after watching something I feel like it may have been better for me if I just didn't care about it anymore. Dropping it after the first episode is probably the most acceptable way of doing it, I'd just hope that you aren't too critical to maybe turn down something that might actually have something to offer to you down the line, but that would be up to you either way.

Maybe you will be motivated to rewatch Madoka Magica, then? XD Yeah, a person can dislike Kyoko or Sayaka as people, but they can't really disregard the relevance of the arcs that they have, both on the story and on the variety of different viewers who might be able to relate somewhat.

Fair enough. High School DxD characters immediately come to mind when it comes to incredibly long hair that is used mostly for censoring. Personally I find random light beams and perfectly placed strings of hair to be rather lazy methods of censoring, so I would probably prefer a unique method of censoring or simply showing us the goods, because such kinds of censoring have burned themselves so firmly into my mind that it often takes me out of the viewing experience when I see it these days XD (my semi-articulated argument for why we should see more bare anime titties without being straight-up degenerate)

It's also hard to tell how many people take it seriously over here as well. Policies also change very frequently here, so it is very difficult to stay properly up to date with everything to adhere to. Although it is very clear that businesses suffered heavily over here, since more than a handful of smaller businesses have completely closed down since last year when lockdown began... It's rather sad, but not much can really be done about it now :(
Moe_Blob Feb 5, 2021 6:14 AM
oh cool! I'll look at that next time I'm looking for something to watch haha, thank you!

yeah i get that, i watch multiple shows at once usually. my anime slumps over the last year have mostly been due to the hunter x hunter withdrawal symptom i've felt since finishing it XD sometimes you just have to wait until inspiration comes back. im mainly watching weekly shows, so an episode or so every few days.

American certainly hasn't done itself any favors to make itself look good XD i just hope that people like him and the culture surrounding that kind of behavior will soon die down, and that m e n like that never find themselves in power again XD

am glad you feel that way! they're very relaxing and always help me calm down and chill. hope you enjoy the rest and investigate the whole soundtrack one day!
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