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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Jul 26, 2022 2:54 AM
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Cancer Day may be overdue, but I still want to say happy belated birthday.
On the other hand, I got a lot more Ryo-Ohki or Tenchi OVAs to catch up to.
Anyway, I used to think that the virus as of late came from a wet market, but with the wet market already reopened in China, everybody can tell that it came from someplace more random. So everything about the disease is random and wet market my ass. It's like the CCP were paid to play us and make us believe that it came from a market selling out meat, which brings back the phrase "money walks, bulls**t walks".
Speaking of BS, a lot of entertainment is still delayed, even Digimon Survive, which my friend wants. Namco should have released the game last year and FOX should have released New Mutants about two years ago. Before the virus happened and before Disney got so excited about making future X-Men movies to a point that they edited New Mutants for nothing. Imo, that's disrespectful to Josh Boone and the work he put into the film.
Disney is so nosy and the only thing they're good for so far are superheroes. They fail at doing Star Wars, animated films, films based on true stories and so on. Well, now they do.
So basically, this year of the rat is stupid and I don't expect the year 2032 to be any better.
It's like every year, anime have to be based on the most basic, most stale literature ever. Everyday Japanese literature is like so five minutes ago.
Good thing I won't be learning chemistry for business, I just don't see the connection. One thing I don't like about math are mixture word problems (the ones about solutions), too much writing needed compared to word problems for business and geometry (those are fun, since I see points, lines, angles everyday, even in drawing).
I also feel apathetic about conic sections, discrete math and linear algebra (its pre-requisites substitution and elimination method are bull***t since my high school days), all of which I don't need for business.
So yeah! even business majors have a love/hate relationship with math and I also believe that any math that is subjective to the world of business is better suited for nerds.
Education isn't that bad, which is significantly better than working in a repair shop.