please bro let me hit your juul bro please bro I've never hit one before cmon man just one hit is all I need dude please my mom won't ever let me get one so you've gotta let me hit it cmon it's my only chance don't leave me hanging like this bro please bro let me hit your juul jut once cmon dude please or I'll tell the teacher that you have a juul in the first place cmon man no one wants this to go the hard way so just let me hit your juul just once please dude you know I'm gonna keep bugging you about it until you let me hit it so you should save yourself the trouble of me bothering you about hitting your juul by letting me hit your juul dude please bro please let me hit your juul like cmon it has more than half a pod left in it so there's plenty for me to hit it just once so don't be a stranger and let me hit that juul cmon man please I've never had it before I swear if you want me to buy you a replacement pod I will when I move out of my mom's house but until then I can't really do anything except wait but please let me hit your juul bro come on please let me hit your juul please let me hit your juul please let me hit your juul please let me hit your juul cmon why haven't you let me hit it yet cmon man help me out and let me juul once please man dude bro
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So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for the information.
The first Episodes and the following first Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people. So maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama.