All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 71.8
Mean Score:
- Watching125
- Completed171
- On-Hold75
- Dropped16
- Plan to Watch325
- Total Entries712
- Rewatched3
- Episodes4,191
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 41.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries379
- Reread0
- Chapters6,971
- Volumes300
All Comments (29) Comments
I wanted to know if you watched Death's Game. It's a K-drama. I'm on Episode 5 rn and it's good asf. I know we talked about film in the past but I'm in a drought currently lol.
Conan is one the most difficult animes to catch up on along with One Piece lol It's a great anime when you disregard the fillers, those are what make up a lot of later eps. I suggest you look up a guide that shows which cases are fillers and which aren't if you want to skip them.
Seems like you're a big Urasawa fan like me, I've recently completed Pluto Manga (watching anime rn) and was wondering which to read next... do you recommend Master Keaton? I've heard a lot about it