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Days: 183.2
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- Episodes11,253
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Manga Stats
Days: 32.0
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- Total Entries91
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- Chapters5,767
- Volumes436
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All Comments (34) Comments
one of saddest death I have seen in anime
I wish I had enough $ to get a WiiU since Smash actually got a release date now for the console .. I'd have to get a job first, and then have to buy a bunch of other stuff I actually need before I can afford to spend $ on something like that sadly. So realistically speaking, I may be able to get it about 1 year after its released, sometime next fall or winter :P
Hope everything is going well for you
You can still hope.
And yes for more Kourin X Aichi !
Awww, i see! Well, i got facebook too if so! :) Isn't there a private message system on MAL, so you can send your profile? :O
My FC is: 3823 8655 4369
Well, i got plenty of time, so im up for it pretty much everytime i'm online. Do you have a more reliable chatting system than MAL's comment system, such as skype or something? :o
Just so it's easier, when we're going to battle. :3
I picked up SSB4 too, if you wanna fight sometime? :D
I really hope this is true, cause i also think Sasuke's quote is like him being a third-wheel and will protect Sakura when Naruto isn't there. That's where the "I guess" at the end of the quote is telling us Sasuke and Sakura aren't lovers in a way. So hyped for Naruto's quote tho. Wonder who it is!
We got 10 years in elemtary school, then we can choose between pretty much every school there is. 10th grade is a possibility to take, then you can proceed to a lesser difficult school after you've completed 10th grade. It's more for the people who doesn't really have any ambitions in life at the moment. :x
I chose to go directly from 9th grade to buisness school, for 3 years. We do not have uniforms in Denmark, so on every school, we can freely wear anything we like. (Maybe not something racist or just plain hateful xD).
We got a ton of holidays in Denmark. We got a week in Autumn. Then 2 weeks in December to January. Then in the middle of February, we got one random holiday. In spring, here begins the party. Since we're a christian country, we celebrate all the big days in the Bible and all those freaking things with Jesus. So we get a ton of free days there, it's almost 2 weeks, when you put it together. Then we get a little over a month of summer break, before we start again. :3
Wall of text, i know. But Denmark is kinda weird when it comes to something. But hey, at least we don't have to pay a peny for going to school. Everything is absolutely free. :D
Oh, and my morning routine is simply just waking up at 6:30, taking a bath, brushing teeths, putting on clothes, eating my breakfest, then i'll be biking my way to school at 7:30. I'll reach buisness school around 7:50-8:00 and then class starts at 8:10. :3
Then usually i get free from class around 15:10 (3:10 PM) or maybe some good days, which is 13:35 (1:35 PM). :D
To 15:10 it's 8 lessons i have to attend, while at 13:35 it's 6. Sometimes, 8 lessons is just way too boring, especially when it's business economics. Which is just black board lesson the whole time. x____x
How many lessons do you have on high school? :O