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Bom dia.

infelizmente, consumo anime como hobby. gosto de ver os destaques(embora nem sempre os goste) e checar algo novo de vez em quando. caso deseje se comunicar comigo, manda uma mensagem(PT-BR, ENG, 日本語)

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Kww_121 Apr 23, 4:59 PM
Quê? Já faz 1 mês e meio q vc mandou mensagem e eu ainda n respondi? Mesmo que teve aquele dia que eu ia responder, e aquele outro dia que eu tava pra responder, e aquele outro outro dia que eu comecei a responder, e aqueles vários outros dias que eu pensei em responder e não o fiz? Um mês e meio?


Sabe, é que tem uma bolsa famosa pra fazer graduação japão q cobra inglês, japonês e matemática, e meu ingles e japones são bem razoáveis, mas to me dedicando muito ao cálculo I agora com 1 mês pra aprender. Tá na verdade é me lembrando do quanto eu gosto de matemática, muitas saudades de ver umas coisas dessas, acho q entenderás meu sentimento. Mas tem documento p achar, trabalho da faculdade p fazer. E tantos animes bons ainda a serem assistidos... Bom, talvez eu n responda dessa vez tudo o que dá pra responder, e garanto (infelizmente) que a próxima mensagem demorará o tanto quanto (pesar de q leio qualquer resposta imediatamente), então 御勘弁を, mas vamos lá!

Yeah, I guess Adachi was sort of unexplored, and I even think Chie and Yukiko, my favorite characters, weren't explored enough, but that incompleteness to me is kind of part of the P4 experience. We don't get a backstory for Adachi, right? We never reallyyyy understand him. I didn't feel like I did, at the very least, but I'm completely fine with that. And those characters are just teenagers, comprehending him was never really their goal. Well, I didn't play Strikers, but I agree with your point -- It's a deeply flawed game, it just struck so many good chords with me it still became one of my favorite experiences. And it's a real shame Yosuke ended up sounding homophobic, a lot of people are deeply bothered by that, I could glance past it, but it was annoying, of course. But it's a 9/10 to me, I don't even want to touch the spin-offs, in my head I can freely separate what makes it good and what could have been better and the good is more than enough for me to love it.

The word "style" fits nothing better than it does Persona 5. Off the top of my head, only Danganronpa sits near it when it comes to videogames/vns.

Eu costumava colocar Zaregoto, Umineko e Danganronpa lado a lado sempre que eu falava dos grandes mistérios de assassinato, agora que li 9 (ou melhor, 19) volumes extras de Zaregoto é meio inevitável colocá-lo acima, mas Umi e Danganronpa são geniais, agora Conan e JDC fortes contenders. Demore 2 anos, mas jogue/leia.

Sobre Nisio e matemática, bomm, em Monogatari tem lá os arcos da Sodachi q é um elemento mais presente, mas é mais em Ningen que lembro de uns exemplos bem claros, decerto vc vai se deparar com eles conforme for navegando sua obra.

And somehow, 1000 pages into it I still haven't completed a single arc of JDC, though I love it for sure, and I really want to be able to get back to it. Then I'll read Nisio's JDC novels, I really want to read his Shimin Tantei when I know absolutely nothing about it. Saikyou 3 had 2 genuinely great stories, though I'm no longer in too much of a hurry to read v4. Soon I'll be able to say more about these things, just not too soon.

Ahaha, será q eu comentei q me demorou uma semana por season de monogatari? Pra mim 300 páginas por dia eu me sinto bem, assim, mínimo 100 pra ser um dia produtivo. Ent 200 livros é 200 dias, caso preciso, um dia me aposento tbm, seria uma boa vida. Me mudando pro Japão, 1 livro por semana vai ser um bom objetivo. A ideia é que me paguem pra ficar 5 anos lá, dando tudo certo. Novamente, se tem portugues de mais aqui e se estou pulando umas partes q daria pra estar respondendo, é por eu estar ocupado com essa, principalmente essa, e também (mas também) outras coisas.

Quer dizer, tipooo teve essa tradução q eu escrevi de uma história música mt divertida. Tem pouca gente pra quem pude mandar isso, acho q vale a pena k.

About Monogatari:

Huh, I never even realized the 5-million debt thing gave you false expectations if you remembered that detail from Bake, as I personally never did, afair (lol). As always, there's so much to appreciate in every arc of Monogatari -- there has yet to be a single one I didn't like better on a rewatch -- which only makes me realize I really gotta rewatch Second Season ------ hopefully I can get to it before Off comes out.

Hah, and as I find the ecchi to be tons of fun, having a blast every time I go through the tooth brush scene (which is a full episode in the anime, pretty much, which I rewatched recently), there's really very little for me not to love in Nise, though I think the stories for both arcs aren't as good as many others. Nise is essential to Monogatari because it gives you the option of not believing. Kaiki's worldview is fascinating to me, as is the logic behind the aparitions. The arc is about nothing. There was no magic bee which gives people a fever. She thought she was given a fever, so she fell ill. It's common in Japan to believe that a cold can be transfered via a kiss, so that worked. It's all fake, except of course it's not fake!, that's the premise of the show, this is your third book and the third one was most definitely not fake at all, and yet his logic is weirdly convincing. Because he has seen way more than you have, and it doesn't stop him from thinking that way -- and either way, if he can get some money from it, what does it matter if those things are fake or not. Right, right, and there's all that talk about the fake being more valuable than the real, ripped straight out of Zaregoto. It's pure metaphysics, semiotics, it's deep, and it's essential, and it's great, along with all the character-related things.

Tsukihi Phoenix has to do with Capgras syndrome, semiotics, morality, mortality, fairness, what it means to be human, what it means to love something. Your sister is a fake! A bird killed your real sister before she was born, and it's gonna keep doing that for all of eternity lest we put a stop to it. Let us kill her! She's not real anyways. You'll suffer, but then no one else ever will. It's deep! And it's goofy and horny and just tons of fun, introducing characters you learn to forever love (I spent years with a Yotsugi profile pic, she's actually just a major part of who I am), the dialogue to me is genius all the time. The fact that they're far from being my favorite arcs is just because everything else is so good, but I have more to say about them than I do about pretty much all that I watch.

brascubas の話を日本語で、て発想は面白いわねー。なんか、今年はじめて読み終えたので、自分は前からmachadoのファンではあったけど、多分machadoの本の中から一番気に入り、そしてブラジル全体の本の中からも一番好き。Espero que não se deixe afetar por estar sendo obrigado a lê-lo. Permita que essas obrigações se esqueçam de você. É um livro que utiliza a linguagem muito bem, consegue ser muito engraçado, muito profundo, e completely relatable, a hipocondria como descrita por ele é literalmente eu, penso no livro o tempo todo, namoral, 8/10, é mt bom. Se quiser discutir fora da visão que os vestibulares lhe obrigam, pode me usar.

E por favor continue mandando mensagens extremamente longas, kkk. É que realmente dessa vez tive que ser mais sucinto, mas assim q eu voltar a ter mais tempo e fazer mais coisa n vou parar de escrever tbm. Quando será que vai ser, quando será que vai ser...

Nasci em Novembro. Pois é, pelo jeito o universo fica livre da culpa dessa vez.

Bons dias.
Kww_121 Feb 22, 11:08 AM
bom dia!

短編の話だけど、化物語も短編集だったよねー。それもメフィスト小説誌の。やっぱ、最強シリーズから少し休憩を取った以来、意見も少しはましになった。それはつまり登場人物の問題だ。v3のはまだ解らないけど、v4には凄く面白そうなキャラが登場するので、それに『battle of wits against the digital detective』て話はあるしー、それも凄くかっこよさそうじゃない?かっこよくなくない?あと、130ページなだけ、200ページ以上ではない。きっといい本だい。今年読む。


son ha nai - não há malefícios/there's no reason not to
kai ga aru - há benefícios/it's worth [...]

And wow our experiences with Persona were similar and yet somehow complete opposites. I like Persona 4 for the characters -- to me there was a lot to gain from Yukiko, Chie, Yosuke and Naoto's character arcs, plus the dad and Adachi are fun, Teddy is fun too imo, I don't care at all for Rise and Kanji, but the interactions are all so fun, they have so much chemistry together, it's just so similar to the kind of friend group I've had and would like to have. But, most importantly, the dungeons, social links and characters arcs are all interwoven with their development. The point of the first dungeon is that it's about Yukiko, and the point of the second dungeon is that it's about Chie, and Yukiko changes after dungeon 1, and Chie changes after dungeon 2, and the development is meaningful and deep and relatable. The Adachi twist was predictable, and the handshake twist is bullshit, just like how the fake Nanako death is garbage writing and the gods at the end come out of nowhere, though overall the Adachi mystery is pretty fun with the modus operandi. The music and visuals were good enough that I enjoyed the final fight, but my favorite part of the game is winter, just knowing I have limited time and spending the nights with Chie even though it just gave me some healing items I was never gonna use, I get emotional listening to Snowflakes to this day. When Chie decides what's she gonna do with her life in the future, that affected me really deeply, cause I spent a year talking with that character and understanding her and it was unpredictable and made perfect sense. I'm constantly listening to the OST even now, and not replaying it for now has added a lot to my experience, though I'm likely to do that at some point in my life.

The combat in P5 is a huge improvement, even if the game is too easy. It's the most fun turn-based system ever (not counting, like, Undertale), and the UI is ultra stylish and the OST is very good, even if not as good as P4 or the P1 vocals. But I didn't care about anyone other than Futaba, whose dialogue didn't live up to her design and Yuuki Aoi's performance, and I cared even less about the story, that only really connected to Haru's arc. And I hated the dungeons too, with mindless puzzles that take way too long to solve and cutscenes every time you pushed a lever, plus how easy it is to become overleveled with Ryuuji's social link + mementos. Oh yeah, why have a mementos? P4 didn't need that. Well, there's no doubt the designs add a lot to the dungeons, but the straightforwardness + music makes me still prefer the dungeons in P4. The villain was spoiled to me by a youtube thumbnail. My biggest problem is just that I hated the plot.

My favorite game is Hollow Knight, followed by Celeste and One Shot, btw, and Undertale would be there too had I not experienced it through youtube videos (apesar de tê-lo comprado, um dia jógo). For game-VN hybrids there's Danganronpa, Atelier of Ayesha, P4, 1bitheart. Danganronpa's main inspiration is Zaregoto. It's really good, I'm sure you've heard of it. I mean, it makes sense that our tastes would be similar, when we agree when it comes to animanga quite a lot, but I actually just laughed a lot seeing the same top 2.

E eita, tu vai tentar ITA? boa sorte boa, sorte aí. Fui de um colégio bem preparatório e conheço bastante gente q tentou entrar, nenhuma q conseguiu k. Vc chegando em SP terá mais coisa q poderá ser discutida -- morei um pouco no Sul, mas conheço bem a cidade. Realmente boa sorte, eu pessoalmente adoro matematica e fisica, o Nisio usa termos da matemática o tempo todo nas novels, e a aplicação nas engenharias n me interessa muito, mas metade de quem conheci no médio faz alguma engenharia, um quer ir pra aeronautica, participo de conversas sobre afins. Como um cara de Letras q tinha nota pra essas coisas, admiro.

Chegaram na alfandega meus livros, talvez tenha bastante assunto lendo-os. A grande maioria dos meus animes favoritos é baseada em livros ou VNs, e, tendo assistido a maioria dos animes q queria assistir, poderei passar uns bons anos me dedicando à literatura de mistério, cujo centro é hoje o Japao. Tenho fácil uns 200 livros que quero ler já, maioria japoneses. Um dia chego lá.

So, JDC, Japan Detectives Club, is a really good and popular series of mystery novels written by Seiryouin Ryuusui. Its first volume, Cosmic: End of Century Detective Myth, originally meant to be titled Legend of the 1200-year Locked Room, is a masterpiece (I think, 500 pages into it) that kickstarts the Shin Honkaku movement (traditional mystery elements + meta commentary and references), which NisiOisiN, Outarou Maijou, Kouhei Kadono, Hiroshi Mori, Ryuukishi07, Kazutaka Kodaka and many other great authors are part of. The first three are also part of the Faust generation, which includes Kadono as influence, though he's there as well. Ryuusui's biggest inspiration is LotGH, which I'm currently watching -- and it's a masterpiece somehow too.

JDC has 4 arcs in 7/9 novels depending on how you look at it, but there's also the JDC tribute: a novel by Outarou Maijou (Tsukumojuku, written 九十九十九), two novels by Nisio (Double Down Kangurou and Triple Play Sukeakurou), six manga volumes called Tantei Gishiki and Tantei Gishiki THE NOVEL: The Mephisto Prize Case, written by Ryuusui himself. Right, cuz Cosmic wins the second Mephisto Prize, the same prize Kubikiri got (and Mephistopheles is a demon in Faust).

Maijou is insane and possibly my second favorite author. He starts out with the murder mystery Smoke, Soil and Sacrifices, currently being translated by Sway and a fairly good read, another Mephisto winner, but his later work is much more impressive. Go to the Zaregoto discord server, I think the translation channel and check the pinned messages, or maybe off-topic, and somewhere there is a transcript of the translation of the Faust short story Drill Hole in the Brain. If ya can't find it, I'll send it to ya somehow. It's insane, absolutely worth the read.

Sway, the translators for Zaregoto, pretty much only translate Maijou now. There's quite an overlap between the Nisio and Maijo fandoms, e.g. me.

Btw, I've watched every single Miyazaki movie for whatever reason but Takkyuubin is the only one I genuinely like and still think about. I'll watch the new one at some point, but I'm really not sure when, nor am I that excited, though rarely are they any bad -- just unmemorable.

One last paragraph, I've been rewatching Hyouka and now I'm really excited for the Shoushimin Series anime. That's the second mystery novel series getting an adaptation by Lapin Track -- perhaps they'll be the future for mystery anime -- something I'm very passionate about. I actually think there's a good chance there'll be a Kubishime anime one day, perhaps even a full adaptation, and there was a tease for it in the Mono x Zare collab I translated, a fun read with minor off-season spoilers (Iirc? Wouldn't risk it, personally) you should check out one day. The day Silksong releases that'll make my year too, and Mono's getting a full adaptation. Hibike 3 is releasing, Madoka 4. O que tu mandar eu respondo! Bem divertido escrever essas coisas, um dia vira artigo tbm (tenho dezenove anos). Demore o quanto quiser, até! Cabou a mensagem.
Kww_121 Feb 5, 10:37 AM

まー、最終的にゃおいら、人間シリーズを結構好きでしたけど(全部まとめて90点)、全部翻訳したいぐらい(v2からv6までは諦めたけど)、期待高めてもなんの損もないだと思う。最強はメフィスト雑誌の短編を集める短編集、全く別物のように、世界観も全く違い、今のところはあんまり興味深いでもなんでもない。There's absolutely a chance there will a story at some point that'll change my mind about it, or that would resonate particularly with any other person, but even over halfway through volume 2 I still haven't found a single one, 面白いや興味深い件(くだり)は幾つもあるですけど、言語もダジャレもいつも面白い、まー、西尾維新に書かれている以上それは必然的なもん。A 6/10 is still alright.

Koroshina tem que ser traduzido levando em conta o paralelismo com Majinaina (que eu li como Noroimei por uns 5 volumes de Ningen kkkk, até aparecer o furigana -- koroshimei tbm), aí fica Nomes que Matam / Nomes que Amaldiçoam, soa mais ou menos tão estranho quanto o original. Admito que Nomes da Morte é mais kakkoii, mas aí Nomes da Maldição já não tanto? Ter essas escolhas é a beleza da tradução, though. Não sei se gostarias de descobrir isso só quando ler a tradução minha, mas diferi em alguns pontos da Sway等 em lugares que tenho bastante orgulho

Yeah, episode 7 of katana is great, and so many great episodes are yet to come when you're still on ep 8. It's probably the most perfect of the Nisios, the one I'm the most confident in giving a 10/10 to. It's so good-

And well, I've played both Persona 4 and 5, loved 4, and Persona 4 pretty much replaced my life while I was playing it, that became the priority, my relationship with Chie was more important than whatever was going on in my life, so I get what you're saying with the P3R release! Though P5 left a bad taste in my mouth (not that it stopped me from playing it for 99 hours), and now I'm a bit reluctant to go back to the franchise till P6.

Right, and Okitegami has an adaptation!, though perhaps you've already heard about it. A live-action series that covers cases from volumes 1-2, some from v3, some from v4, but with some original cases as well and an all-original ending. I only watched half of episode 1 (out of 10 episodes so far), and I didn't like the way they handled Okitegami as a character (but it does have to do with a difference in translations -- the language used in the original is very teenage-y, like an older woman trying to sound young, while I just imagined Hanekawa reading Yoraikun's really good translation) --- but it's really creative in terms of directing, à la Monogatari, which made it a pretty fun watch. Way more lighthearted than the novels, also. I think it might be pretty good too, and I don't want to take too long to read volume 4 so I can go back to it (I read the last 2/3rds of v3 last year in Japanese, and it's a relatively simple read), though I did just order 4 more Nisio books from Japan and those might take priority.

I should talk about that. So, I live in Sao Paulo, as statistics should dictate, and there are a few public libraries here where you can read tons of manga and novels in Japanese, but I've had three different experiences ordering novels from Japan, and this might interest you as well, so I'll share them. The internet will tell you to use Livraria Bunko or some other proxy service, but those are way too expensive, not worth it at all (a single book for 70-120 reais). If you got an international credit card, straight from I got the 4 Saikyous for ~220, arrived in 3 days. And one of these days someone in college recommended Surugaya for used books and anime merch, they constantly have shipping fee-free promotions, and earlier this year I got 10~12 books and a Faust volume for 120 contos -- almost everything that's not too recent is just 300 yen, be it a manga, a light novel or an 800-page classic.

And I got Shimin Tantei, the first Densetsu bunko (which released like 2 years ago for 550 yen), and the 2 JDC spin-offs he wrote, plus Faust v3, which is where the first Risuka chapter was released (which I'll likely read and compare to the first few chapters of the manga, then choose one to read). I'm currently reading JDC too, the first shin-honkaku and some of the biggest inspiration for Nisio, Maijou, and 400/800 pages into it it's already one of my favorite novels. It's actually just so good. There's a good chance I'll spend the year obsessed with it, v1 of the spin-offs is both online and translated by Sway, there are 4 spin-off manga, 3 of which had been on my list without me even knowing they were related to JDC. It's a really tough read, but I can now do close to 100 pages a day apparently, something I'm quite proud of and that likely had to do with all the translations.

I also ordered Jorker (the 2nd JDC novel), Tokuma de Yaru (by the same author, Seiryouin Ryuusui), 2 maijous, 2 kadonos, one of the great mysteries. Pretty much all detective novels -- it'll take me quite some time to get through all of them, though. Last year I read I believe 18 novels in japanese? 13 of which were by Nisio. It's not impossible I'll read all of them still this year, though.

My favorite Bake arc overall is Mayoi Snail, btw, and I still like Suruga Monkey better in the anime. My favorite Season 1 novel is Nise 2, lol. Maybe you'll change your mind getting there, it's a really fun read.

In the Kizu movies they skip the plot-twist where Hanekawa wasn't wearing panties during the Guillotinecutter fight. It's the punchline of the fight, they never mention it. It did make it one of the best moments of the novel for me, though, as an all-new plot twist to me. The reboot is apparently a completely different experience too, with way less fanservice, no taikushitsu/monooki scene, a lot of new cuts and music, voiceacting -- I'm relatively excited for it.

And yeah, Bishounen's the most beautiful anime of the decade so far, it's a really fun watch, and I loved the first 2 episodes watching it as it aired but hated episode 3, then the cases felt weirdly simple, then episode 12 is like a masterpiece out of nowhere. Watching the TV version they could never draw Manabu's face right, it was always really goofy, and I really wanna watch the BD (those were going to be my next Nisio novels -- now on hold, but it shouldn't take me too long to get to them). Back when it was airing the western release skipped the final minute and a half of the final episode, with the phone and the roses and the kanji for continuation (続), I was like the only person to talk about that, in case you didn't see it, it was there, and it probably means Shaft wants to make more. Perhaps after Mono and Kubishime.

You might know that the arc titles are all puns with Edogawa Rampo's Boys Detective Club novels, and Nisio's writing process was -- choose a title from a Rampo novel, add the word pretty, think up of a case involving the title. First the title, then the novel -- and he often didn't know how they would end when he started writing them -- so that probably has to do with why they're simple/underwhelming, though I appreciate them more the more I think about them. I hear the last volume is one of the best things he's ever written, too -- hopefully the anime will one day get there.

Well, a lot of the precepts took 30min-1h to translate, with how it involved looking up the idioms they were based on and there was basically a pun per phrase. But I was averaging a page an hour, plus an hour to revise each page, often more, back when I translating Ningen (it's been a month since I last translated over a page in a day... though I'll get back to doing it soon) -- it still felt like a lot of time, and occasionaly I'd be stuck in a phrase or paragraph that would take way longer too. In Portuguese I'm pretty fast, but well, I do intend to dedicate my life to it, after all. Anyways, translating is awesome, I find it really cool you gave it a try!!! Dicionários de sinonônimos são muito úteis.

My plan is to infiltrate Brazil's publishing industry and get them to pay me to translate Zaregoto, otherwise I'd be translating Kubishime too, but I'm around your age, lol, it's gonna take a while. I'm almost hoping no one licenses either Mono or Zare so I can be the one to translate them -- who wouldn't buy a book called Ciclo da Decapitação: O mestre das bobagens e a savant azul? Romântico do Estrangulamento: Zerozaki Hitoshiki, desqualificado como ser humano? Colégio do Enforcamento: A discípula do mestre das bobagens? Dados Psico-Lógicos: O massacre de bobagens de Utsurigi Gaisuke? Carnaval Canibal: A magia de extermínio dos irmãos Niounomiya? Radical Radiciado: As treze escadas? Quem sabe até o fim da década...

Ri litros com kiwiっち, ainda acho engraçado w-no-ji, tawamuregodzukai, um verdadeiro zaregoto da minha parte.

kkk, e eu escrevo demais, inda mais falando de Nisio, perdão aí. O que eu falava pro tldr era pra se sentir livre pra ignorar qualquer coisa, nem ler o que n quisesse ler, mas foi escrevendo essas coisas que meu ingles mais melhorou de verdade, além de cortar todo o portugues aqui nas interwebs (n escrevia em portugues por mt tempo até falar contigo). Mas falar de anime é mt divertido, valeu aí, continuemos o intercambio.

Um bom dia.
Kww_121 Jan 17, 1:56 PM
Helloi, e um bom ano a você também, bem, bem atrasado k

One of the reasons it took me this long to write a reply was that I was actually only now able to complete the first (and longest) volume of Saikyou. In the end it took me two months to complete, though I also read half of a Kadono novel in the meantime (Shizuru-san to Henkutsu na Shisha-tachi: The Eccentric Dead In White Sickroom -- probably the easiest novel I've read so far, took me like 3 hours for half of it, it's a pretty fun, pretty grotesque series of fairly-well written mysteries -- case one was mediocre, case two was fairly good, and the author is completely trustworthy ---- Zaregoto has Boogiepop references, another on-going light novel masterpiece that was fairly influential to authors such as Nisio, Nasu and Ryougo Narita), but I guess the reason it took me two whole months was that I just wasn't really into it a whole lot. In fact it's probably my least favorite Nisio novel somehow? I never expected to like Ningen better than Saikyou, but maybe that'll happen in the end??? I'd give a 6/10 probably, and maybe it'll grow on me someday, and there was this one chapter 4-page long section I really loved and even translated some of it on a whim (Koroshina, killing names, became Nomes que Matam -- not a whole else of note, though), but I really didn't get much out of its story and characters. It's a weird feeling, but I am of course gonna read all of the Saikyou novels, and hopefully I'll change my mind about the series soon. 先45ページも日本語で読んだので、今文章は頭に浮かび易く感じる。文章たくさん交じるようにする

I did read somewhere that the Katana novels had the same exact troll inbetween arcs 3 and 4, and yeah, eu suspeitaria que foi na afterword (後書き) que ocorreu. And I see you've since watched episode 7 -- that one's just so different from anything else ever created, really, I love it a whole lot personally, I gotta wonder how you feel about it ---- the art style shift just makes it so clear how much thought was being put into adapting it as an anime. Nisio is way too lucky with adaptations -- people talk about how well Shaft's style works with his works, and it is absolutely true and I'm personally just as much of a Shaft/Shinbou fan as I am a Nisio fan, but you can go back to the xxxHolic episode based on a short story he'd written at the time (later included in the very good Another Holic novel, which released while the anime was airing), and already they changed the style of the show and put a lot of effort into turning it into something entertaining even in television. Medaka is a good adaptation too, especially in terms of art design and with the directing in some specific episodes (from a director who's worked at shaft multiple times), though season 1 has pacing problems and the animation is rarely ever really good. Juuni Taisen is at times a 10/10 and at times a 2/10, it has episodes that are mind-boggingly misguided is what they're doing and just removing those parts would have turned it into an incredible anime too (and it's still good). Something is likely happening tomorrow... well, but that's for another message, heheh.

About Bake! I know that Suruga Monkey was my favorite arc in the novel when I never even valued it a whole lot my first time watching the anime, and they clearly got better at adapting Monogatari as the seasons went on (already with Nise it feels way more like "Monogatari), but I still love the adaptation a whole lot more than I love the book, and that applies to all arcs, though I love both versions. I dunno, to me staring at the snakes wrapping around Nadeko's legs for multiple scenes is such an essential part of the 2-snakes plot twist (in the guise of fanservice it completely fooled me, when it is, still, very good fanservice, mesmo que questionavel), the point of the arc (from my mystery-oriented mindset), plus the way the invisible snakes are animated, the design of the shiratori shrine and the bamboo and trees in its surroundings. There's not a single arc I like better in novel form, and how could I, when the music and visuals and acting are of almost equal importance to the story in my view, and I love the fact that they removed content because it keeps the novels fresh as an experience -- and usually they add just as much as they remove, though there was a big gap between when I watched Bake (2019), read it (2020) and rewatched it (2023), so I can't really speak much of it.

Kizu removed all monologue in its adaptation, right?, with the point being that all of their content would be conveyed just through shots of the characters eyes. There's a lot to get out of reading it, and once you get to the second season you'll see that there are a lo~~~t of differences between anime and novel monogatari. Some very essential differences, not just cut content.

Oh yeah, have you read the Bake manga? Cause for Kizu it's also a completely, entirely different experience from both anime and novel, with some very relevant additions to the canon -- and I'm reading the arc that follows it, and it's not even quite an adaptation of any one arc? And then the final arc is entirely manga-original (koyomi something, I can't quite remember it atm). It's even more Monogatari. And reading the novels you'll probably get to hear of the audio commentaries -- it's a massive series, and it's all great.

Till next time, till next time. なんも書かれてなっかたのが落ちだ
Kww_121 Dec 26, 2023 7:05 AM

E eu achei q eu tinha aprendido minha lição quando o tldr tava assistindo, mas esqueci de avisar uma coisa sobre Katana. É essa a preview pro ep 4, que passa no final no ep 3, caso tenha pulado como qualquer assistidor de anime razoável faria. Ou seja, é um troll imenso, que fica hypando a luta com a pessoa mais forte do mundo, mostra um tubarão sendo cortado ao meio, mas a piada é que a pessoa mais forte do mundo é na verdade a irmã, e não o sabi.

And yeah, the show's hilarious. "But by that point, you will already have been torn to pieces." can be both the funniest thing ever and the coolest thing ever, and the meta humor in the way Togame attempts to make the reports more interesting by adding modern tropes to a show set in some version of feudal Japan is pure genius, both conceptually and in how well it works. There's how they introduce reverse-talk Shirasagi and it feels like it's gonna be a nightmare whenever he shows up on-screen, but he has exactly one scene and then just shows up dead. Every Nisio series is hilarious when they try to, I don't think there's a single time I've laughed harder watching an anime than rewatching bake/nise with no subs (cause now I understand all the puns the subtitles don't catch, and there are so, so many of them), while there's this one specific book of his where I just couldn't stop laughing all the way through, but I won't spoil which one it is, you'll get there one day.

And episode 4 absolutely parodies the trope of the death flag, but in sort of a melancolic way, something you feel bad at laughing at. After the first guy dies it becomes pretty obvious that they're all gonna die, and so the second guy says a somewhat subtle death flag, and now you know he's gonna die too, but just when you think the third guy has some chance he starts saying a bunch of death flags where it's funny, but also, like, cmon, he's gonna die too then? Can't at least one of them live? He's got a wife and kids? And yeah, it rewards trope knowledge while also working even if you don't have it (I didn't catch it in my first view, it was my first Nisio anime), and it just adds to this style of humor no other author has. なんか、順番は絶対間違っているけど、フラグを立てたのは三番目じゃなく二番目だけなのかもしれないのですけど、勘弁してくれね、最後に見た時からはもう一年以上も時間は経っていたしい、記憶はいつもあやふやだしい、言いたっかた事は伝わった以上それで充分やし、ん、日本語の文章を書けるのもここまで全然覚えなかたので、まあ、ん、これでメッセージを終わらせっても誰も文句は言わないねー、んん。

Pelas internets eu uso uns nomes tipo "w", "wwwi" e "ww w", pode me chamar de wicchan, w-kun, w-no-ji ou Tawamuregotodzukai, tanto faz memo.

Ironia. Um dia eu decido num nome melhor, até lá vai ter q ser kww mesmo k.
4LL150NNN Dec 22, 2023 6:35 PM
Kww_121 Dec 22, 2023 5:31 AM

Depois manda as opiniões sobre Katana, é uma série que eu tenho quase decorada a história depois de ter visto duas vezes e pensar muito sobre ela, e tem bastante o que discutir. Vale a pena, é bem bom.

「二度目の夏二度と会えない君」て話、聞いたことが全くなっかた。小説版か漫画版, あとでどっちが一番いいのはぜひ教えてください, 多分読む

E é que o pior é q as reações pra traducao foram meio negativas o dia que fiz propaganda, e já teve comentários positivos desde lá também, mas eu to aguardando ficar pronto esse volume (em cuja qualidade tenho confiança maior) pra voltar a ver as reações. Os extra de v10 são 100 adágios criados pelo mestre das bobagens e que são muito divertidos (se quiser um gosto do v10, pode ler aqui), e tinha 2 erros crassíssimos logo na frase 2 e 5, assim, que passava uma impressão muito mal quando o resto tava tudo bonitinho. O primeiro capitulo do v1 q eu traduzi tem a prosa completamente estranha e é de longe a pior parte do q eu escrevi tbm. Mas é, acho q ta boa s, k, e to ficando melhor conforme passam os capitulos.

Kww_121 Dec 17, 2023 12:36 PM

Kww_121 Dec 13, 2023 1:05 PM

Well, I've "only" read 46 out of his 130 novels (and counting), and I don't even know pretty much anything about a lot of his most important series (like Risuka, Densetsu and his contribution to the JDC Tribute), but I did sort of love 95% of every one of those novels, so, really, I would recommend everything. The one I'd recommend the least, though, is Katanagatari (lol), just because the story was written with the intention of having it as the script for a 12-episode anime, and it got an absolutely perfect adaptation that I don't think a single fan would recommend the novels over (which I have heard been critized before, though I have yet to read them myself, and I'm sure they're great too).

There's this one short story called The Shape of Glory which was included alongside a box release of Zaregoto, and it complements the work's wordview pretty well imo, in something closer to the metacommentary of v4 than whatever the hell it turned into in its final arc (which, in turn, is closer to Ningen 1-6), so it should work as a good next read, too, as it is quite short but quite good. Ningen is also pretty essential to the universe, and I personally like Zaregoto way more now having read it, and the manga adaptation for v2 is a great way to start it, if you want to wait to be able to read the novels in order. Ningen 7 is pretty much an epilogue to Zaregoto and I really recommend it, personally, though ideally it should be read after the first 6 (no spoilers for them, though), and it shouldn't take too long for it be fully translated, if everything goes right.

Also, it seems you've watched Death Note, so... read his death note novel. It's actually just the best part of the series. It's great. Read it.

Oh yeah, and Sekai is a masterpiece that's pretty much just a couple of extra volumes for Zaregoto, and the translation is pretty good and already complete (though the series is gonna be 5 volumes, if Nisio is to be trusted -- though, as a Monogatari fan, you probably know he generally isn't). The Shounen Shoujo manga is great (an original manga written and storyboarded by him), I've heard really good things about the standalone novel Ningyou ga Ningyou (which I plan to check out as soon as I get done with Saikyou -- no translation, though), Okitegami is great (novels better than the live-action, translation really good up to v3c1). There's no going wrong with him.

They are generally harder to read than most light novels, btw, but as soon as I was able to read my first book in Japanese (Boogiepop), I then read a second book, and then I started (and succeeded in) reading Sekai. Yeah they're harder, but it's nothing a dictionary and some patience can't get you through. So, gan-bah-rey. こっちも英語もポルトガル語も日本語もOK, btw, e tanto faz memo qual quiser usar -- qualquer outra coisa q quiser perguntar ou falar sobre.
DandereDraco Sep 8, 2023 4:28 AM
Happy Birthday ❤️🥰💖💞💓🎂🎉🥳🎊🎈🎁!!!
ryancmo Aug 15, 2023 2:36 PM
ryancmo Jul 5, 2023 1:28 PM
Eden_Ed May 24, 2023 1:07 PM
4LL150NNN Jan 9, 2023 8:16 AM
DandereDraco Jan 2, 2023 5:03 PM
I love you so much <333333333333333
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