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Tenshi no Tamago
Tenshi no Tamago
Mar 24, 5:13 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 7
Ping Pong the Animation
Ping Pong the Animation
Mar 24, 5:11 PM
Watching 11/11 · Scored -
Ergo Proxy
Ergo Proxy
Mar 24, 5:11 PM
Completed 23/23 · Scored 9
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Kyou kara Ore wa!!
Kyou kara Ore wa!!
Jun 22, 2023 3:56 AM
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Oct 18, 2021 6:21 AM
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Kozure Ookami
Kozure Ookami
Oct 12, 2021 12:41 PM
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Hydre_Ito Apr 5, 2021 9:37 AM
hi just seen this!


You already replied to this in Feb XD, you can see our message history

Well thanks for doing it before
SadSceneryBoi Mar 14, 2021 8:39 PM
Nice taste, how'd ya find me?
MrMushin Mar 6, 2021 3:27 PM
I'll be the first to say that Evangelion is a cult classic, especially in the anime medium, it has an extremely expressional direction and impactful themes to go along with it. You can definitely feel the writer/director was in a deep depression and put everything on his mind, making it extremely impactful if you ever had those same thoughts. Evangelion was really impactful for me.

Visual novels are my favorite medium but also probably the hardest medium to get into. I cannot recommend it enough to get into visual novels but on the other side, it's definitely not for most people, unlike books, shows, or games. So, my recommendation if you want to read a VN in the future is to do so when you really feel like trying one.

I do hope you will enjoy Evangelion and the manga you are planning on reading!
MrMushin Feb 14, 2021 12:32 AM
Np, you can reply whenever you have time and feel like it.

Oh yeah, I totally get it, aging with the character is something that really makes that character a part of me, in a sense. Eren is a really good example of that as well imo.

Of course, if you want some recommendations on certain genres or just random, feel free to ask :)

About manga, I was mostly reading manga to start practicing my Japanese reading back when I started learning since shounen manga is probably the easiest of Japanese reading I can do with reading an actual good story as well. Now I much prefer to read visual novels since I find its medium much more interesting. I do want to read a few manga I have in mind in the future like Berserk, but I don't think I'll ever be dedicated to reading manga as much as I am to watching anime or reading visual novels.
Also, about 50% of the manga on my list is actually novels, which I don't consider a manga. (I don't really know why MAL put it on the same category as if it's the same).

MrMushin Feb 3, 2021 1:10 AM
For real, the more I think about this time compared to a year ago the more surreal it gets.

This season is great no doubt, last episode was also really well done and pretty emotional as well imo. The manga is sure tempting but I just never really enjoyed reading manga as much of watching anime, reading visual novels or just novels, just can't really get into even though I am sure AOT's manga is incredible. I do wish you will enjoy it when/if you get to it!
MrMushin Jan 30, 2021 8:51 AM
I guess the pandemic has a lot to do with everyone feeling a bit more nostalgic now, the world a year ago was totally different than now, most people had to completely change their lifestyle. I guess it's like the world started a new arc lol.

I watched the first season of AOT at the end of 2013/start of 2014 when I wasn't an anime fan at all but everyone was talking about it so I checked it out and it was really good. I rewatched it around 2017 when I started getting more into anime, it made me appreciate it even more like you!

The last season does feel like the "end-game" of the series so your hype makes sense. It is really intriguing for me so I believe it lives so far to the hype.
MrMushin Jan 27, 2021 3:42 AM
I see, Thank you! You made me feel a bit nostalgic haha, it feels like I was only writing them a few months ago.
It has been 2.5 years now, kinda crazy.

AOT was one of the first anime I have watched and one that I cherish because I was sure it would go downhill as the story will continue and it will lose its uniqueness but instead it just went uphill, at least narrative-wise.

I hope you enjoy the rest of what you have left until you are caught up with the airing season! (which by looking at your profile it's pretty soon)
MrMushin Jan 26, 2021 3:53 PM
Hey, thanks for the friend request.
Looking like you are new to watching anime so I wish you to have a great time diving in it!
IncelAmirul Jan 20, 2021 4:45 PM
ginko is also very handsome mind you, his white hair really fits his character as the guy who deals with this other-worldly beings like the mushi-shi. one look at guy and you just know he's going to be an awesome character just from his design alone. i'm glad that you are loving mushishi! it's a really unique series with different stories every episodes, i haven't seen anything like it before. (it's like a slice of life version of cowboy bebop) you will love the second/third seasons for sure, mushishi gets better for me imo. (third season has my favourite story from it, i still remember the horror i get from watching that episode lol)

natsume's books i have heard the awesome reception it gets, and i watched one of the creator's other works which was also amazing. (the movie named hotarubi no mori e, one of the best anime movie ever for me it gets you just right in the feels department lol)

holy crap man, 1k deaths ain't a joke. i hope you and your family are going to live through this covid-19 pandemic without any problems in the future. praying for you guys here.

same, i don't agree with bombing/using nuclear assault on cities. so many innocent lives lost, but you can say that the japanese had it coming for all the crap they had done to other asia countries. the nanjing massacre is an embarassing event, taking advantage on weaker women/little kids/old people and raping them/killing them is fucked up.

thanks bro for your kind words, i have been feeling better lately. there is no use in changing what i can't change, my height is going to be like this until i'm six feet under and i'm fine with that. (though it still hurts when i get called a midget by other taller men, can't help it lol my genetics sucks ass) i'm trying to gain more weight for sure, 42 kgs is an embarassing number for a grown up man like me lol.

i'm happy for your cousin's happiness, wagy. i myself also hope to find newer real life friends, my phone contact list is just my mom/a girl that i have a crush on but i got rejected by her in my highschool days (sadface here lol) and some gas/food related stuff delivery people. my old co-workers friends already blocked my numbers after i lost my job back in march, they probably don't think i'm useful to them anymore.

your long reply is absolutely fantastic btw, also chelsea is on a killing spree on losing matches btw 5 loses in 8 pl matches rip lmao. (lampard's sacked soon i hope lol)
IncelAmirul Jan 11, 2021 5:04 PM
no problem man, it's a busy period.

ginko is indeed a very charismatic character, he doesn't look like a very strong character from his design but when you watch the series he is a really strong character. (strong as in having high intelligence, not physical or magical strength per say cause he's not from a shounen anime lol)

it's a mess here currently lol, the prime minister of malaysia has apparently lost his majority support in the government house of representive (aka the dewan rakyat of malaysia) but he still isn't resigning and just issued a stay at home order for two weeks starting tomorrow cause covid is killing us right now hahaha. (2-3k cases per day with 10 deaths daily, not bad considering what happens in the US)

that's interesting to know that you are a half european bro, i like british people and when they invaded our country it made us into a better country with higher technologies. (the british was really helpful, unlike the japanese imperial forces when they invaded us and killed most of the british/malayan guards posted here back in 1943) hitler killed himself, hiroshima happened (poor civilians) and japan surrendered thankfully. i can't imagine living in a malaysia ruled by ruthless japanese forces haha, i'd probably be dead by now for treason lol.

it's alright i'm used to people looking down on me cause i'm short and not very pretty looking. (i have grown a masochistic side recently that takes pleasure in being insulted lol, the mental block of being short has turned into a self-hating pleasure haha)

i'm proud to be living in malaysia (before 2020 happened), but not now with the politics turmoil and the government blocking good anime sites xD.

i enjoyed reading your reply, it's long but i really liked reading all of it. it's interesting.
IncelAmirul Dec 22, 2020 2:36 PM
glad to hear that you are enjoying mushishi bro, my only problem/nitpick with the series were the lack of memorable side characters in it. (A travelling partner for ginko for example would have been epic, the man had to endure so many troubles throughout the series he deserves a partner to rest his head on lol)

malaysia is a good country, or used to be a good one until political shenanigans happened back in 2015+ now in 2020 it's not getting any better and turning out for the worse with a currently backdoor government (a government that is not voted by the regular 5 years interval voting ballots) leading the country. i wish i was born an european, but it's not like the U.S is in any better shape with trump/biden still fighting it out lol politics wise. but it would have been nice anyway to be an european, i would have probably been taller by about 5-7 inch if i were an european born instead of a malaysian born.
IncelAmirul Dec 16, 2020 3:59 PM
Manwagy2020 said:
Harvetz will become good trust me.. he just needs a bit of time to adjust to the premier league. He's a great footballer.

i hope so bro, he is still young so he has time on his side. but from what i have seen so far, it all reminds me of another cuadrado-esque flop buy lmao.

i appreciate the friend request btw (i haven't accepted cause i like keeping my friends at 0 for personal reasons), you have great taste in anime. (ginko is a great character and i hope you will enjoy the later seasons of mushishi even more than the first)
Daud_ Oct 26, 2020 9:43 PM
Thanks for the request
Adnash Oct 7, 2020 8:00 PM
Hey, thanks for your kind words about my post about Initial D First Stage. :)
ElRaptoR Oct 6, 2020 7:16 PM
Indeed bro, I see ur watching Initial D rn. Enjoy it!
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