All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 1,105.2
Mean Score:
- Watching42
- Completed2,489
- On-Hold4
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch282
- Total Entries2,818
- Rewatched1,435
- Episodes68,565
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 733.5
Mean Score:
- Reading1,413
- Completed613
- On-Hold1
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read31
- Total Entries2,058
- Reread0
- Chapters107,787
- Volumes5,576
All Comments (80) Comments
Got Vaccinated Last Month got the nasty side effect, Dad Got Sick for more than a Week, Urgent voting Application work before My Countries Election. And Much Many more stuff.
Here is the Link to My Yuri On Ice Review:
Upvote and Feedback is appreciated :)
I fucking tripped when I saw 60k ep on ur list