Anime Stats
Days: 94.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,179
- Rewatched2
- Episodes5,906
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Manga Stats
Days: 37.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries109
- Reread0
- Chapters6,642
- Volumes194
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All Comments (18) Comments
Merry Christmas, have a good one!
Hey, sorry for the late reply, but
thank you for the birthday wishes! :D
Yea Kiseijuu's my favorite this year too. I thought the show would be a bit funky but man I was so wrong - by the time it's finished it'll probably be one of my favorites
It depends. Code Geass is a must watch if you loved Death Note. People who like Death Note generally like Code Geass, since the protags are pretty linear and they use similar elements in the plot. But seeing you gave Death Note a 10, I'd definitely say check it out
what's your favorite anime this year?
Is SNAFU any good? I've been looking for a good rom-com since I watched Gekkan Shoujo