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'Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki' to Air Summer 2015

by tsubasalover
Feb 19, 2015 1:19 AM | 94 Comments

It was announced at a press conference today that a TV anime titled Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki (Red Dragon War) will air in Summer 2015, along with a storytelling board game and smartphone game by Sega Networks.

Chaos Dragon will be based on the role-playing fiction project Red Dragon, a story which was created by five notable character designers: Gen Urobochi (Fate/Zero), Kinoko Nasu (Kara no Kyoukai), Iduki Kougyoku (Mimizuku to Yoru no Ou), Ryohgo Narita (Durarara!!), and Simadoriru (member of the Stripe Pattern doujin circle). The results of their tabletop role-playing game sessions over six days created material for a seven-volume light novel series illustrated by Simadoriru and published by Seikaisha.

The story takes place in Huanli (the Year of Dazzling) 3015. Donatia and Kouran, two countries fighting for supremacy, are causing the world to be torn apart due to the constant war. Amidst the strife is the island country Nil Kamui, which has lost its independence. Red Dragon, the guardian god of Nil Kamui, goes out of control. Will the island country be able to regain its independence?

Director: Masato Matsune
Studio: Silver Link, Connect
Series Composition: Ukyou Kodachi
Supportive Composition: Shou Aikawa
Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto

Chaos Dragon PV:
Original Red Dragon PV:

Anime official site:
Multimedia project official site:

Source: Famitsu

Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki on MAL

20 of 94 Comments Recent Comments

Epic stuff, though...

vodall said:
This sounds terrible and basically summarizes why I can't take these writers seriously. A tabletop game to decide the events of the series? Really?

Mar 20, 2015 5:20 AM by bunny1ov3r

Looks like touhou at first
Right one looks like Aya and left is Koishi xD

Wow Urobutcher
So this will be the light-hearted anime, yeah!! xD

Mar 20, 2015 4:27 AM by Rayl1ght

Urobutcher is one of the creators? Oh boy...

Mar 13, 2015 7:22 AM by Lelouch_Darsi

skudoops said:
Nasu? Will be terrible confirmed.

Oh, can you explain why?

Mar 1, 2015 4:25 PM by survivor_hero

Nasu? Will be terrible confirmed.

Feb 28, 2015 9:27 PM by GD1551

The synopsis doesn't seem good, well, I'll watch it anyways. Urobuchi and Kinoko :D

Feb 28, 2015 9:17 PM by 1cedkid

This won't be as shitty as Tokyo FAIL anime(fk you Studio Pierrot), because it has a great studio and very good writers behind it.

And even if writing somehow for some reason would fail, the animation and style will still be great, because silverlink is brilliant at those things

Feb 28, 2015 4:06 AM by Ahenshihael

Jonesy974 said:
First of all, the anime only sold decently. Nowhere near as well as the manga, and certainly not even as well as other recent shows with less hype.

Neither did Magi or Nanatsu no Taizai. Both had great manga sales but the discs sales were average so going by your logic does that mean both were shit?
Jonesy974 said:
Second an 8.10 on MAL literally doesn't mean shit. By no means do decent sales and a hyped MAL rating mean a show is good.

You put it in the same category as Pupa and Glasslip which is silly because MAL would never rate shows like those two high.
Jonesy974 said:
Bottom line, TG anime is shit.

Keep saying that to yourself.
Jonesy974 said:
Stop trying to be dumb? Stop being a butturt fanboy.

lol so mad.

Feb 27, 2015 8:02 AM by Z4K

Why did nobody tell me that Hitoshi Sakimoto made the soundtrack for Red Dragon!??? If you like the Final Fantasy Tactics/ Ogre Battle music this is a must listen:

Feb 27, 2015 7:41 AM by Kuistocke

Holy hypefest, Batman! PTW'd.
Though I could've come up with that plot with just 5 minutes or so of playing the TRPG.

Feb 26, 2015 6:52 PM by BatoKusanagi

zeroyuki92 said:
Well, I thought this RP was dated few/several years ago? Kind of surprised that they made that into anime now.

I know you're always present in most "hating the popular trend" bandwagon, Kaioshin. However, I think you should put less effort on trying to over-analyze an announcement which has barely nothing to decide yet (except probably synopsis, casts or clothes design if you're into that). Noone can credibly state this will be good or not at this point, and let's just wait until it finally airs. Hell I care if it was made from tabletop RP or from some 7-years old doodles. If it's good, it's good, even if it's marketed with publicity gimmics.

About Gen Uro, while I do agree that his story is not always brilliant and his lack of involvement in some of projects with his name on it was kinda disappointing, he's a very skilled writer (especially if you check his writings in its original language and read some of his works which was not made into anime) and definetely not a problem of the industry which you should focus on. Shame for A-1 for overly hyping his name alone when he's barely involved, but compared to the majority of anime those works are still on mid level quality at worst.

Yeah. This RP was dated few/several years ago. And is very fun to follow each character. This is what one would expect from a RPG campaign. And it's cool to see how each character reflects very well the style of the author. To resolve doubts, the authors build their characters from the beginning (so much so that the Nasu had that have a slave, but changed for a maid tsun), and the anime's storyboard will be based on all the material obtained in their 6 nights (I think) of RPG.

Feb 26, 2015 11:26 AM by survivor_hero

Z4k said:
Jonesy974 said:
This is either going to be the greatest anime to be produced in years....................or it's going to be Glasslip/Tokyo Ghoul/Pupa tier bad.

Tokyo ghoul sold 4.3k disk and is rated 8.10. How is it even close to bad as those two?

Stop trying to be dumb.

First of all, the anime only sold decently. Nowhere near as well as the manga, and certainly not even as well as other recent shows with less hype. Second an 8.10 on MAL literally doesn't mean shit. By no means do decent sales and a hyped MAL rating mean a show is good.

Bottom line, TG anime is shit.

Stop trying to be dumb? Stop being a butturt fanboy.

Feb 25, 2015 10:32 PM by Jonesy974

Pat_To_Do-List said:
tsubasalover said:
Chaos Dragon will be based on the role-playing fiction project Red Dragon, a story which was created by five notable character designers: Gen Urobochi

Notable character designer? Urobuchi? Did I miss something?

Maybe they mean he's (along with Nasu and Narita) writing the character's personality, describing his appearance, or at most sketch it for the one who did the anime illustration. I don't think they meant that they illustrate the final character drawings themselves. It's not their specialty.

....looking at the PV I can already guess which character designed by which person XD

Feb 23, 2015 7:00 PM by toumei_

This doesn't sound or look like it's going to be good. I'll wait for some more stuff to decide.

Feb 21, 2015 10:15 AM by Tomislavr7

Well, I thought this RP was dated few/several years ago? Kind of surprised that they made that into anime now.

I know you're always present in most "hating the popular trend" bandwagon, Kaioshin. However, I think you should put less effort on trying to over-analyze an announcement which has barely nothing to decide yet (except probably synopsis, casts or clothes design if you're into that). Noone can credibly state this will be good or not at this point, and let's just wait until it finally airs. Hell I care if it was made from tabletop RP or from some 7-years old doodles. If it's good, it's good, even if it's marketed with publicity gimmics.

About Gen Uro, while I do agree that his story is not always brilliant and his lack of involvement in some of projects with his name on it was kinda disappointing, he's a very skilled writer (especially if you check his writings in its original language and read some of his works which was not made into anime) and definetely not a problem of the industry which you should focus on. Shame for A-1 for overly hyping his name alone when he's barely involved, but compared to the majority of anime those works are still on mid level quality at worst.

Feb 21, 2015 8:55 AM by zeroyuki92

hit or miss but I'll be optimistic

Feb 21, 2015 6:50 AM by bunny1ov3r

LastChapter said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:

How? Why? Serious question.

Simple. The setting and plot progression is well thought out, especially for a table top RPG. It was actually quite hilarious seeing the players' reactions and commentaries throughout the game. And it looks like people are complaining about the design of just one character, and because of that, the series is considered shit? However, I can't deny that wish fulfillment common in medieval fantasies plays a major role in Red Dragon, and if that trope is not to your liking, that's understandable.

Also, here are some more PVs of the original game, I'm sure we're familiar with this sexily masculine voice.

All it seems like they're trying to do is bait people into watching a probably mediocre ill conceived action series by throwing the same old popular names they always do out there. I can't even begin to fathom why people still fall for this marketing gimmick and automatically expect something good out of it. It doesn't even make logical sense even if you like stuff these people actually wrote in the past (which IMO is stuff that really isn't all that special anyway beyond just how much dumb hype people generated over it) because their involvement pretty much ends at just playing the board game and throwing out some ideas. Like there's literally nothing I see to get all hyped up about yet. Then again I don't really get hyped up about things because IMO hype is a dumb empty meaningless state of being that unless you have really really low standards is just going to lead to disappointment anyway.

Those trailers also show pretty much nothing beyond just some sketches which they could have just as easily uploaded as pictures. Like literally all this project has going for it right now if one is so inclined to consider this a positive is just some overexposed names by people that really haven't done all that much beyond just be popular names in a while. I mean what's even the point? Honest question.

Feb 20, 2015 12:49 PM by PeacingOut

LastChapter said:

Also, here are some more PVs of the original game, I'm sure we're familiar with this sexily masculine voice.

lol Jouji Nakata
that voicing
Zeiadn said:
Kinoko nasu... And Gen urobuchi(i lol'd at (fate/zero)
>implying that urobuchi created fate/zero

though,that might go well.

Uh.....he did?
A collaboration with Nasu, yeah, but he was the main writer.
Kolios said:

What are you talking about? Nasu has only the Fate franchise which has at most 2-3 anime. There's no "milking".

Nasu, or at least Type-Moon is milked as hell.
And he has Kara no Kyoukai as well.

Feb 20, 2015 7:33 AM by Insertanamehere

That's cool I guess. If it's anything like Shingeki no Bahamut then I'm all in.

Feb 20, 2015 7:15 AM by FullmetalRaikou

Zeiadn said:
Kinoko nasu... And Gen urobuchi(i lol'd at (fate/zero)
>implying that urobuchi created fate/zero

though,that might go well.

He wrote the light novels that the 2 season anime is based off so yeah, he's the creator of Fate/Zero portion of the Fate series.

Feb 20, 2015 4:23 AM by prawnprowler

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