Online Shorts of 'Kyoukai no Kanata' Announced
Each of the episodes will have the female main characters cast as Chibi Angels who hold a trial for a different character of the series. Akito Kanbara will be the "defendant" for the first episode.
Source: Official site
Kyoukai no Kanata: Idol Saiban! Mayoi Nagara mo Kimi wo Sabaku Tami on MAL
20 of 66 Comments Recent Comments
I actually got the idea from the synopsis here on MAL. This is the very reason I started watching the anime... welp, I've learned my lesson.
Nov 16, 2013 9:35 AM by Vanessa-
Someone says the word "bet" and someone takes it as a literal bet.
My fucking sides man.
Nov 16, 2013 7:12 AM by symbv
My fucking sides man.
Nov 15, 2013 10:05 AM by ihateeveryone
You do realize the show is back in the too 100 anime right. Higher than even last weeks rank
You have lost your bet, and you only make yourself look bad by first conveniently forgetting what you said you were betting on and said you were betting on something else, and then claiming you are still not proven wrong with your bet, defying the facts on the ground.
Nov 14, 2013 11:57 AM by symbv
You do realize the show is back in the too 100 anime right. Higher than even last weeks rank
Also, while we are at your predictions, I remember you saying KnK can still be best seller of Fall. I'm looking forward to see it getting much over 10k absolutely necessary to beat IS2 and Kuroko2.
KnK will probably end up in the lower parts of top10.
Nov 14, 2013 11:56 AM by Progeusz
For the sake of clarity my bet is that Kyokai no Kanata will exceed your 3,000-5,000 (mediocre numbers right?) prediction since you seem to claim it's all but impossible now and would require an unprecedented surge in preorders. I definitely don't believe it will become the top seller of the season anymore now though.
I said "So it just proves that studio other than KyoAni could achieve a strong boost with a "pandering" episode." wen I referred to Gargantia, and then you said "Yeah well unlike that show I bet this show stays this way.", so you were talking about KnK staying high in the ranking after a "turnaround" episode boost, NOT about the final average sales of the show. I said back then I'd remember your bet, and remember I did.
You do realize the show is back in the too 100 anime right. Higher than even last weeks rank
Nov 14, 2013 11:31 AM by PeacingOut
For the sake of clarity my bet is that Kyokai no Kanata will exceed your 3,000-5,000 (mediocre numbers right?) prediction since you seem to claim it's all but impossible now and would require an unprecedented surge in preorders. I definitely don't believe it will become the top seller of the season anymore now though.
I said "So it just proves that studio other than KyoAni could achieve a strong boost with a "pandering" episode." wen I referred to Gargantia, and then you said "Yeah well unlike that show I bet this show stays this way.", so you were talking about KnK staying high in the ranking after a "turnaround" episode boost, NOT about the final average sales of the show. I said back then I'd remember your bet, and remember I did.
Nov 14, 2013 10:53 AM by symbv
As if losing your BET (need to be capitalized as you have stressed how you were sure it would happen) that KnK v1 will climb and climb and stay high is not enough. Or perhaps you just dump it in memory dustbin like you've done in the past after people told you why there is no such thing as super-loyal KyoAni fanboy to buy KyoAni show no matter what.
For the sake of clarity my bet is that Kyokai no Kanata will exceed your 3,000-5,000 (mediocre numbers right?) prediction since you seem to claim it's all but impossible now and would require an unprecedented surge in preorders. I definitely don't believe it will become the top seller of the season anymore now though.
Nov 14, 2013 9:55 AM by PeacingOut
Even if we take the show as a comedy or whatever you feel it should be labelled as I still think there's plenty of room for criticism and the assertation that the show is lazy with the script and falling back on tired tropes and setups we've seen from other Kyoani anime. It doesn't help that they're pumping out like a show a season now and pretty well all of them feel very similar in content, characterization (and lack thereof) and like what we're watching is just a re-skin of the same old material. It really doesn't help the shows case that it's failed so completely at developing and distinguishing it's cast members, which I think really would have helped it's cause with some people a lot. You seem to think that's an unreasonable expectation though.
I feel like you forgot to make a point somewhere in here. You seem to believe in the absolute righteousness of your position and love pointing out the obvious that opinions differ, but again what exactly is your point here beyond that? Nothing you ever say ever feels definitive or like your making a particularly important point. It's always "yes but" and "well if you look at it this way", but what if I don't want to. What if I just want the production team to damn well put in the basic minimum effort it'd take to meet my basic standards just once. Like you'd almost think Kyoani would have done it by accident at some point over the past 5 years and the fact they haven't where even companies that I normally find make rubbish far worse than Kyoani's general output like Satelight are making things work fantastically with the likes of their White Album 2 adaptation this season.
The seasons still only half over and there's still 7 weeks to go till the first disc is on sale so there's no way in hell I'm giving up on theory of a "miraculous" reversal of fortune over the course of the next couple of months. I'll believe it's going to be a mediocre seller only when I see the numbers recorded and reported officially.
Nov 13, 2013 11:31 PM by symbv
Nov 13, 2013 8:24 PM by rraden
It seems to me that I'm one of the few people that didn't expect a ''dark'' fantasy. I don't check trailers of anything ever, since that's the first step to having a disappointment. I expected a slice of life with fantasy elements from KnK ( with Kyo ani reused humor and ''moe'') and I pretty much got that.
Same here, and I noticed plenty of western fans who did not expect a dark fantasy. Then again, I don't really tend to discuss anime on MAL that much(I mostly lurk the news board). Maybe the places I do visit do discuss anime just tend to be a bit more knowledgeable than your average MAL'er in the anime forum.
While I do understand the dislike for the series(its rather boring aside from the animation), I do not understand why people have to write out dozens of paragraphs on why they dislike the show or arguing about it. That is going a bit to far.
I just have to remind myself that this is the internet, and that some people don't like it when somebody else dares to enjoy something.
Nov 13, 2013 6:57 PM by rederoin
Nov 13, 2013 11:16 AM by AnimeFan500
Nov 13, 2013 4:45 AM by GD1551
Nov 13, 2013 3:48 AM by Tengai
Nov 12, 2013 10:43 PM by scytheavatar
Billed by whom? If it is not billed by KyoAni, I could only doubt the legitimacy of it. I am sure even the official distributors in the west could have got it wrong. As I said, the expectation in Japan is at most a serious fantasy, never a DARK fantasy.
I honestly couldn't tell you, probably ANN. Like I said I've literally only ever heard it referred to as such and even I found it a weird claim at first cause it didn't particularly give me that vibe either, only that it would be by and large more serious in tone than any work they've done since FMP: Second Raid. Ultimately I still think it's beside the point. Even if we take the show as a comedy or whatever you feel it should be labelled as I still think there's plenty of room for criticism and the assertation that the show is lazy with the script and falling back on tired tropes and setups we've seen from other Kyoani anime. It doesn't help that they're pumping out like a show a season now and pretty well all of them feel very similar in content, characterization (and lack thereof) and like what we're watching is just a re-skin of the same old material. It really doesn't help the shows case that it's failed so completely at developing and distinguishing it's cast members, which I think really would have helped it's cause with some people a lot. You seem to think that's an unreasonable expectation though.
I think I said it before in another thread, but YOUR standard of how much coherence and character development is the bare minimum for a show to be tolerable could be different from many of other watchers. Have you ever considered the fact that your standard may not be what is used by other people?
I feel like you forgot to make a point somewhere in here. You seem to believe in the absolute righteousness of your position and love pointing out the obvious that opinions differ, but again what exactly is your point here beyond that? Nothing you ever say ever feels definitive or like your making a particularly important point. It's always "yes but" and "well if you look at it this way", but what if I don't want to. What if I just want the production team to damn well put in the basic minimum effort it'd take to meet my basic standards just once. Like you'd almost think Kyoani would have done it by accident at some point over the past 5 years and the fact they haven't where even companies that I normally find make rubbish far worse than Kyoani's general output like Satelight are making things work fantastically with the likes of their White Album 2 adaptation this season.
At this point I'm almost thinking Kyoani has a commitment to never doing the basic things all other companies seem perfect capable of managing at some point. It's honestly one of the most curious things I've ever seen within this hobby, like how is any company this bad at basic things like character development and coherent plotting yet so good at animating things like water without trying to be?
Anyway I'm digressing a bit, but that's kind of what happens when someone makes a posts like you just did that I can't think of any proper way to respond to.
Yes symbv, it's clearly just all my fault and I have no idea what I'm looking at when watching anime and just need to learn to lower my base standards, adjust my expectations, and also nobody buys Blu-Rays for Kyoani shows. I'm not sure how I could have been this stupid, clearly I really need to take a cold hard look at myself cause I just have no clue here right? :(
The seasons still only half over and there's still 7 weeks to go till the first disc is on sale so there's no way in hell I'm giving up on theory of a "miraculous" reversal of fortune over the course of the next couple of months. I'll believe it's going to be a mediocre seller only when I see the numbers recorded and reported officially.
Perhaps people with those said critical minds should use them to watch something they know they are gonna enjoy and if the current anime industry is truly shit in their superior intellectual minds, then they should search and watch older series, there is enough of those to last a life time.
I do watch old anime quite often, for example right now I'm following a classic from 1982 called Fang of The Sun Dougram which I'm finding immensely enjoyable and something I'm able to sink my teeth into and be engrossed in every single time. Really glad it's also 85 episodes so it'll last a while too. It's kind of the antithesis of a Kyoukai no Kanata in a way because while the animation is extremely rough (even by the standards of it's time) and things go off model a lot the cast is not only larger and more diverse, but far more realized and complex and in less episodes to boot since I'm currently only 4 in still and I have a hunch is only going to continue to get more so.
I don't think the current anime industry is completely shit either, just there's a lot that I can't help but question about it at the same time. Most of it has to do with just exactly how the powers that be let it get to this point where it now has to rely almost entirely on a very specific niche group with what appear to be increasingly narrower and narrower interests and tolerances in order to sustain itself. I have my own theories as to how it essentially pigeonholed itself into near oblivion, but yeah it's kind of painful to see sometimes when it gets really obvious in Summer and Winter seasons for example.
Nov 12, 2013 10:37 PM by PeacingOut
Yes symbv, it's clearly just all my fault and I have no idea what I'm looking at when watching anime and just need to learn to lower my base standards, adjust my expectations, and also nobody buys Blu-Rays for Kyoani shows. I'm not sure how I could have been this stupid, clearly I really need to take a cold hard look at myself cause I just have no clue here right? :(
Nov 12, 2013 10:25 PM by symbv
I also don't get why people are overreacting over this or that filler episode. It's not part of the 1 cour anime and not part of the actual plot, so why hell do you care if it's idols or tentacle porn, they are fucking shorts. Even the most super duper serious anime have comedic shorts and specials. I never expected to defend a Kyo ani show in a million years but you people are fucking annoying, reacting over trivial things. Just drop the anime and spare us.
> Show's true colors
Give me a fucking break.
I really don't think it was the wrong expectation to expect this show to go somewhere, develop it's cast and not resort to the same old tired pandering we've seen a countless times from Kyoani before.
I'm pretty sure symbv meant that people expected a dark fantasy that was never there.
People were given cause to think that for once this might finally be different and Kyoani was going to experiment a little but if anything this is the most pandering and aimless show they've done yet, which would seem impossible given their track record, but is very rapidly becoming indisputable to some.
It their fault for expecting something ''dark'' from Kyo ani. The studio have very noticeable pattern and dark anime is not one of them.
but there's got to be a point where other people with even a hint of a critical mind say enough is enough. I think that's what's happening in this thread and I think it's an entirely reasonable reaction.
Perhaps people with those said critical minds should use them to watch something they know they are gonna enjoy and if the current anime industry is truly shit in their superior intellectual minds, then they should search and watch older series, there is enough of those to last a life time.
Nov 12, 2013 10:20 PM by tsudecimo
Well I hate to break it to you then cause you've clearly got some work to do if that's the case and it's not a dark fantasy cause just about everybody else I've talked to remembers it being billed as such. Like I said it's not like that label just sprang from nowhere.
Ok so if I'm interpreting this right you're basically saying that coherent and meaningful character development, shows that don't contradict events within episodes of one another and a general reason to be invested Beyond the fact that everything is moe and well animated is an unreasonable expectation? Are you reading the things you are typing right now symbv?
Nov 12, 2013 10:19 PM by symbv
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