Anime & Manga News

Shoujo Manga 'Nijiiro Prism Girl' to Have OVA Adaptation

by symbv
Jul 4, 2013 6:50 AM | 53 Comments
It was announced that there will be an OVA made for the manga "Nijiiro Prism Girl" and it will be included in the September issue of Ciao which will be released on August 3rd. The manga started serialization in Ciao in 2010 and 5 volumes have been published so far.

Cast information is as follows:

Kohinata Nijika: Nishiguchi Arisa
Ichinose Touya: Ohsaka Ryouta

Source: Natalie

Nijiiro☆Prism Girl on MAL

20 of 53 Comments Recent Comments

Guess I'll be seeing her in my nightmares tonight with those eyes.

Jul 6, 2013 9:24 PM by soulless4now

Nooooo, I just can't overlook those GIGANTIC eyes.

Jul 6, 2013 4:48 PM by stand

^ Only the first volume which is cheaper (and has only 1 episode)

○神様はじめました 【全7巻】
巻数   初動      累計   発売日
     DVD(BD)   DVD(BD)
01巻 3,155(1,592) 4,335(1,914) 12.12.26 ※合計 6,249枚
02巻 1,537(1,035) *,***(*,***) 13.01.23 ※合計 2,572枚
03巻 1,600(1,004) *,***(*,***) 13.02.27 ※合計 2,604枚
04巻 1,286(*,882) *,***(*,***) 13.03.27 ※合計 2,168枚
05巻 1,102(*,759) *,***(*,***) 13.04.24 ※合計 1,861枚
06巻 1,092(*,773) *,***(*,***) 13.05.22 ※合計 1,865枚

Jul 6, 2013 11:49 AM by symbv

phoenixalia said:
OhGoshMarilynnn said:
Of all the great shoujo manga to adapt, they chose one that looks extremely alarming...

Well, they adapted Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Sukitte Ii na Yo and Kamisama Hajimemashita, three great shoujos and they ended up selling miserably in Japan.

Shoujo for little girls is the only shoujo which is profitable these days I guess. Like Chibi Devi.

Still hoping for an anime of Last Game.

Wasn't Kamisama Hajimemashita selling decently??

Jul 6, 2013 11:19 AM by Laciie

OVA, huh...I haven't seen the manga so meh...

Jul 6, 2013 6:08 AM by krisalice85

An OVA is never good enough

Ghostbooster said:
symbv said:
Ghostbooster said:
hmmm it's like all the anime now days releasing are shojo and ecchi nobody normal watches anime for those genres
Are you trolling again or what? Nobody normal watches shoujo?? What are you TALKING ABOUT??????

lol every time i post you have to find something negative about my comment
anyway what i meant is by normal is people who don't watch shojo
anime is awesome for some many reason but nobody wants to watch romane on it ,their movies for that

Shoujo doesn't sell great as an anime, sadly ):

Jul 6, 2013 5:41 AM by ToG25thBaam

Big eyes and rainbow colors?


Jul 5, 2013 7:42 PM by Sakarii

God help us !!!!

Jul 5, 2013 8:23 AM by Mr_Gutts

OhGoshMarilynnn said:
Of all the great shoujo manga to adapt, they chose one that looks extremely alarming...

Well, they adapted Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Sukitte Ii na Yo and Kamisama Hajimemashita, three great shoujos and they ended up selling miserably in Japan.

Shoujo for little girls is the only shoujo which is profitable these days I guess. Like Chibi Devi.

Still hoping for an anime of Last Game.

Jul 5, 2013 12:41 AM by phoenixalia

cat_clan said:

  • Chocolat no Mahou (last one on May 2012 issue - 13 eps)
  • Hime Gal♥Paradise (last one on May 2012 issue - 9 eps)
  • Ore-sama Kingdom (last one on April 2013 issue - 14 eps)

I did try to follow these but I don't think I completed them because, like you said, it's hard to find them.

Jul 4, 2013 7:49 PM by tsubasalover

OhGoshMarilynnn said:
Of all the great shoujo manga to adapt, they chose one that looks extremely alarming...

This =/

Jul 4, 2013 5:36 PM by Salxer

Um sorry but it looks pretty terrible. Sypnosis reminds me of an old shoujo...Kodocha maybe? idk I guess it's probably the idol bit.

Jul 4, 2013 5:15 PM by Selphie-

Ghostbooster said:
the thing with movies is the actors are real
because the actors are human like you, you feel attached to them something you don't find with anime.

I still don't see much difference. Anime/cartoon character is same drawn person like you and me. Actor is performing his role. In both cases personalities are not real. So, just because anime character is drawn you don't get attached to it? What about books in your case then? There is even no visual image of a character, so you don't accept them at all?

Ghostbooster said:
people who watch cartoons like family guy they just want a quick laugh

And people who watch Clannad to cry? I don't want to sound like "that guy" but people watch anime not only for lulz..

Ghostbooster said:
for anime to be mainstream, you have to replace Japanese culture with America

Uhm, when it comes to movies - yes, I agree, american movies are the most popular. But most other american things won't really be liked in alot of countries... Anime already is somewhat mainstream - almost everyone heard about it, alot of people watched a few. As example - in my country alot of people watch it - not only teens but people who are 40 years and older.

Ghostbooster said:
that what 4kids tried to do

.. that should never be done again. I still don't get why they decided to rename characters, re-draw alot of moments and cut something almost in each episode - check out on youtube the difference (also on naruto and one piece) if you are curious. Now say again who's the one destroing plot and characters - japanese or americans with "great" 4kids?

Ghostbooster said:
that why american cartoon is more popular than Japanese anime

Where? In America?

Ghostbooster said:
unless the Japanese will start making shows for the rest of the world that how things will always be

Why should they do so? They are making anime for themselves. They don't get much money when some anime or manga get lisenced in other countries, so there is no reason for them to care about taste of other countries.

Ghostbooster said:
i bet you liked bakemonogatari lol. it's unfair to hate something just because it's popular

I disliked Bakemonogatari yet I like One Piece. Both are mainstream. Also, noone hating on anime or on America which you are promoting here...

But what really bugs me, didn't you just jump from the topic? We were talking about anime's audience who as you said "don't want love in anime, they watch it in movie". utsukushiiyume correcte you about "all people having different taste" and I said that love in cartoon and movie is not much different. How you managed to come to idea of "anime need to be american to be mainstream" out of there? Oo

Jul 4, 2013 5:09 PM by Toshiru

Ghostbooster said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
Ghostbooster said:
Toshiru said:
Ghostbooster said:

the thing with movies is the actors are real
because the actors are human like you, you feel attached to them something you don't find with anime.
people who watch cartoons like family guy they just want a quick laugh
for anime to be mainstream, you have to replace Japanese culture with America
that what 4kids tried to do and they succeed with Pokemon as it so popular but that the only show they could. other shows are impossible do that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc
that why american cartoon is more popular than Japanese anime
unless the Japanese will start making shows for the rest of the world that how things will always be

Do you hear you're saying? Or rather, see? It's so easy to get attached to anime characters.

Have you ever considered that a lot of mainstream anime aren't masterpieces? Maybe you like fighting scenes and stuff like that and that's great, I respect your opinion. I'd honestly not see mainstream anime come out everyday because then it'd be the SAME ANIME. Mainstream and generic. They're synonyms. Not everyone is a fan of watching the same thing over and over again.
I enjoyed stuff like Naruto but it is nowhere near a masterpiece. If you haven't noticed every Pokemon season nowadays is almost exactly like the last wherein there is some new female character, and Ash never ages. And it's the same deal over and over again.
'that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc'
You clearly know nothing about those concepts please educate yourself using the internet and then test your knowledge on anime and see if every anime but mainstream destroys all that.
The Japanese will continue to make shows for the Japanese as they don't get that much money overseas.

i agree with you but it looks like you have something against main stream media i bet you liked
Bakemonogatari lol. it's unfair to hate something just because it's popular

When did I say I hated mainstream? I said it's enjoyable but I also said that not everyone wants to see the same thing again and again.

And yes, I liked Bakemonogatari. What does that have to do with this?

Of course it's unfair to hate something because it's popular I also never said that.

Jul 4, 2013 4:24 PM by Laciie

Of all the great shoujo manga to adapt, they chose one that looks extremely alarming...

Jul 4, 2013 4:11 PM by laststory

UtsukushiiYume said:
Ghostbooster said:
Toshiru said:
Ghostbooster said:

the thing with movies is the actors are real
because the actors are human like you, you feel attached to them something you don't find with anime.
people who watch cartoons like family guy they just want a quick laugh
for anime to be mainstream, you have to replace Japanese culture with America
that what 4kids tried to do and they succeed with Pokemon as it so popular but that the only show they could. other shows are impossible do that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc
that why american cartoon is more popular than Japanese anime
unless the Japanese will start making shows for the rest of the world that how things will always be

Do you hear you're saying? Or rather, see? It's so easy to get attached to anime characters.

Have you ever considered that a lot of mainstream anime aren't masterpieces? Maybe you like fighting scenes and stuff like that and that's great, I respect your opinion. I'd honestly not see mainstream anime come out everyday because then it'd be the SAME ANIME. Mainstream and generic. They're synonyms. Not everyone is a fan of watching the same thing over and over again.
I enjoyed stuff like Naruto but it is nowhere near a masterpiece. If you haven't noticed every Pokemon season nowadays is almost exactly like the last wherein there is some new female character, and Ash never ages. And it's the same deal over and over again.
'that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc'
You clearly know nothing about those concepts please educate yourself using the internet and then test your knowledge on anime and see if every anime but mainstream destroys all that.
The Japanese will continue to make shows for the Japanese as they don't get that much money overseas.

i agree with you but it looks like you have something against main stream media i bet you liked
Bakemonogatari lol. it's unfair to hate something just because it's popular

Jul 4, 2013 3:27 PM by Ghostbooster

Ghostbooster said:
Toshiru said:
Ghostbooster said:
what i meant is in the mainstream media nobody will want sit and watch cartoon love

Yet you said "if people want to watch romance they will watch movie" right? (I'm sorry, but your english is pretty hard to understand sometimes) Well, whats the difference between movie and cartoon - they are both not real?! Its like saying "I don't accept imaginary people doing imaginary love in anime thats why I watch actors pretending to be someone else and imitating love on tv screen" oO

the thing with movies is the actors are real
because the actors are human like you, you feel attached to them something you don't find with anime.
people who watch cartoons like family guy they just want a quick laugh
for anime to be mainstream, you have to replace Japanese culture with America
that what 4kids tried to do and they succeed with Pokemon as it so popular but that the only show they could. other shows are impossible do that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc
that why american cartoon is more popular than Japanese anime
unless the Japanese will start making shows for the rest of the world that how things will always be

Do you hear you're saying? Or rather, see? It's so easy to get attached to anime characters.

Have you ever considered that a lot of mainstream anime aren't masterpieces? Maybe you like fighting scenes and stuff like that and that's great, I respect your opinion. I'd honestly not see mainstream anime come out everyday because then it'd be the SAME ANIME. Mainstream and generic. They're synonyms. Not everyone is a fan of watching the same thing over and over again.

I enjoyed stuff like Naruto but it is nowhere near a masterpiece. If you haven't noticed every Pokemon season nowadays is almost exactly like the last wherein there is some new female character, and Ash never ages. And it's the same deal over and over again.

'that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc'

You clearly know nothing about those concepts please educate yourself using the internet and then test your knowledge on anime and see if every anime but mainstream destroys all that.

The Japanese will continue to make shows for the Japanese as they don't get that much money overseas.

Jul 4, 2013 2:36 PM by Laciie

Toshiru said:
Ghostbooster said:
what i meant is in the mainstream media nobody will want sit and watch cartoon love

Yet you said "if people want to watch romance they will watch movie" right? (I'm sorry, but your english is pretty hard to understand sometimes) Well, whats the difference between movie and cartoon - they are both not real?! Its like saying "I don't accept imaginary people doing imaginary love in anime thats why I watch actors pretending to be someone else and imitating love on tv screen" oO

the thing with movies is the actors are real
because the actors are human like you, you feel attached to them something you don't find with anime.
people who watch cartoons like family guy they just want a quick laugh
for anime to be mainstream, you have to replace Japanese culture with America
that what 4kids tried to do and they succeed with Pokemon as it so popular but that the only show they could. other shows are impossible do that for without destroying the characters/plot/etc
that why american cartoon is more popular than Japanese anime
unless the Japanese will start making shows for the rest of the world that how things will always be

Jul 4, 2013 1:54 PM by Ghostbooster

Ghostbooster said:
what i meant is in the mainstream media nobody will want sit and watch cartoon love

Yet you said "if people want to watch romance they will watch movie" right? (I'm sorry, but your english is pretty hard to understand sometimes) Well, whats the difference between movie and cartoon - they are both not real?! Its like saying "I don't accept imaginary people doing imaginary love in anime thats why I watch actors pretending to be someone else and imitating love on tv screen" oO

On topic: to be honest I thought it was a magic girl show when I watched the manga cover.. But I seems to be something about TV idols/actors. The girl is 6th grade, so she is like 11? (not good with education lvls on other countries, so not sure if I counted correct) Plot also looks strange from start - she has father alive but lives with some random dude - even though he is famous actor it doesn't explain anything. Well, at this rate I don't expect much. Gave me the feeling I will face a poor copy of Glass Mask and Skip Beat.
Still gonna give it a try.

Jul 4, 2013 1:28 PM by Toshiru

On the front page, the topic title was cut off as "Shoujo Manga 'Nijiiro...." and I was thinking Nijiiro Days?! That would make a great anime!! Oh, it's something else? Oh... okay.

Jul 4, 2013 1:18 PM by shinkeikaku

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