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Apr 26, 2009 4:35 PM
Jul 2018

Desire - dropped
Chibi-Formula - dropped
Jade - website got shutdown by Funi
Ayako - dropped
Menclave - dropped

Stupid Funimation

at least horriblesubs picked it up?
Apr 26, 2009 5:11 PM

Sep 2008
Damn shame too, it's by far the best series this season.
Apr 26, 2009 5:27 PM
Apr 2008
ChinesePanda said:

Desire - dropped
Chibi-Formula - dropped
Jade - website got shutdown by Funi
Ayako - dropped
Menclave - dropped

Stupid Funimation

at least horriblesubs picked it up?
I dont think HorribleSubs will pick this up they only ripped CR subs
Apr 26, 2009 5:43 PM

Apr 2009
that sucks, now i have to watch a small screen of low quality. Such a shame.
Apr 26, 2009 5:48 PM

Sep 2007
OMFG!! Man I wanted to see this too!!!! 1 fucking billion funsubs for kon.
0 for Phantom... Why did they even start if they weren't going to finish it.
What a buch of puissies!! This is some straight bullshit!!!

Fuck watching this streamed!!
Apr 26, 2009 6:38 PM

Feb 2009
Chibi did not drop it, Ayako did not drop it, not sure on the other groups.
Apr 26, 2009 6:41 PM

Mar 2007

According to this, Jade and Menclave are still ongoing.

For now, anyway.
You've come a long way, baby.
Apr 26, 2009 6:52 PM

Oct 2008
FUCK Funimation.
Apr 26, 2009 6:56 PM
Jan 2009
Ayako mentioned in their forum that they might have to drop it. No confirmation yet, though.
Apr 26, 2009 9:31 PM
Jul 2018
Cheesyhoboe said:
Chibi did not drop it, Ayako did not drop it, not sure on the other groups.
Kimura said:

According to this, Jade and Menclave are still ongoing.

For now, anyway.

Chibi confirmed drop:
Jade closed down:
menclave removed all phantom links from tracker:

tell me now mr. genius who knows how to link to anidb and mr. genius who knows how to say it without proof

Edit: forgot to add Ayako in
Ayako staff:

i think i just wholly owned you two in and out?
removed-userApr 26, 2009 9:35 PM
Apr 26, 2009 9:36 PM
Jul 2018
Desire confirmed:
Apr 26, 2009 9:37 PM
Aug 2007
jade may have closed down, but they may release secretly unless they updated the anidb content themselves. Not sure if anyone saw this, but Nekomimi has picked up the project as of 2 days ago and have not yet said anything about dropping it (or so I see).

Everyone else however has dropped it for sure and Chibi will release one final episode before doing so.
Apr 27, 2009 12:39 PM

Feb 2009

Out of Chibi-Formula, Chibi may have dropped it, but Formula hasn't. Ayako has not confirmed dropping it.
Apr 27, 2009 1:32 PM

Oct 2008
WHY?! Why they cannot see that we don't need them?! That we don't need them to license series and shut down groups that are doing funsubbs for... fun! And thouse groups usually do it better... Burn in hell, funi...
Apr 27, 2009 1:41 PM
May 2008
Wow this sucks. This is by far the best series of the season and has the potential to become one of my all-time favorites.

Apr 27, 2009 1:42 PM

Aug 2008
And you really believe every fansub group give a damn about shitimation? This is not the first show dropped after fag's C&D's. Somebody is most likely to release it "unofficially" so chill down.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Apr 27, 2009 2:29 PM

Feb 2008
Funimation are officially the most stupid idiots in the anime world. They've done this before and they'll certianly do it again.

Cease and deceast, what a joke
Apr 27, 2009 2:30 PM

Feb 2009
Saw this coming... But I'm sure someone will pick it up.
Apr 28, 2009 3:28 PM

Dec 2007
So, apparently Desire subbed episode 4? There's a torrent out on nyaatorrents atleast...
Apr 28, 2009 4:06 PM

Apr 2009
wasn’t subbed by us!!! Even though this high-quality 720p resolution video uses the same exact font, it isn’t ours. Don’t let trolls freaking trick you!

I repeat to you Funimation, this wasn’t subbed by us >.> someone is just using our name! you’ll even notice that the HASH code is 1F3A3I7L which is just 1337 and FAIL pushed together, see it isn’t us!

lol they running away from that quickly, i don't blame them
Apr 28, 2009 4:31 PM

Mar 2008
Stop pitching a shit fit and watch it off of FUNimation already. You want high-quality buy the damn DVDs when they come out.
My Channel Anime Reviews, Unboxings and More
Drak Shadow For LetsPlays and Movie Vlogs
Apr 29, 2009 3:11 AM

Feb 2008
ShadowAlex said:
Stop pitching a shit fit and watch it off of FUNimation already. You want high-quality buy the damn DVDs when they come out.

DVD isn't high quality.
We want HD releases at the same time the Nippon peeps do. We don't want only to have the only option of terrible streams.

Funimation is also an American distributor anyway so the rest of us in Europe and everywhere else in world can't access shows as they come out anyway.
Apr 29, 2009 3:32 AM

Jul 2008
I shouldve known this was going to happen. The series I enjoy the most gets licensed by annoying funimation. And the HD quality was great too. Also, Funimation just obtained the rights to Phantom for streaming in, but so far, have no intentions of releasing the DVDs. So God only knows if and when we'd be able to watch the series in only way other than they're shitty streams.
Apr 29, 2009 8:41 AM

Mar 2008
What do you mean if, of course they will. Not right away seeing as the series is barley starting, but I think you can wait a little while. They wouldn't pay money just to stream it. But the more people go to their site the more likely they are to release the DVDs in the near future. If you like it enough you'll watch the series then purchase the DVDs when they come out, otherwise you'll find something else to watch. Besides that their streams are much higher quality than most of YouTube.
My Channel Anime Reviews, Unboxings and More
Drak Shadow For LetsPlays and Movie Vlogs
Apr 29, 2009 8:50 AM
Oct 2008
ShadowAlex said:
What do you mean if, of course they will. Not right away seeing as the series is barley starting, but I think you can wait a little while. They wouldn't pay money just to stream it. But the more people go to their site the more likely they are to release the DVDs in the near future. If you like it enough you'll watch the series then purchase the DVDs when they come out, otherwise you'll find something else to watch. Besides that their streams are much higher quality than most of YouTube.

Guess what? There is geographic restrictions on Funimation streams. And no, i don't want to search for US proxy. So fuck Funimation. They are digging their own grave anyway. You do not treat fans like criminals if you want to make money.
Apr 29, 2009 2:30 PM

Feb 2008
I was planning to watch this, but oh well....
Apr 29, 2009 2:32 PM

Jun 2007
Just watched ep 4 by Desire, it was on baka-updates.

"if the show is good i couldn't care less if hitler directed it and the production values was a banana." - Salsk
Apr 29, 2009 8:28 PM

Apr 2007
Kirion said:

Guess what? There is geographic restrictions on Funimation streams. And no, i don't want to search for US proxy. So fuck Funimation. They are digging their own grave anyway. You do not treat fans like criminals if you want to make money.

The geographic restrictions suck, but I tend to think they have all rights as a legally working company to treat people downloading the subs as criminals. On that subject though, since when is sending a C&D treating the fans as criminals? Its a letter letting the subbers know to stop subbing now since the show is now being handled by an official company, I haven't heard anything about Funimation taking anyone to court over this or anything of the sort, or did I miss that news?
Apr 29, 2009 8:56 PM

Dec 2008
lol i was wondering why its been weeks and 0 releases
Apr 29, 2009 11:59 PM
Oct 2008
Sarukah said:
Kirion said:

Guess what? There is geographic restrictions on Funimation streams. And no, i don't want to search for US proxy. So fuck Funimation. They are digging their own grave anyway. You do not treat fans like criminals if you want to make money.

The geographic restrictions suck, but I tend to think they have all rights as a legally working company to treat people downloading the subs as criminals. On that subject though, since when is sending a C&D treating the fans as criminals? Its a letter letting the subbers know to stop subbing now since the show is now being handled by an official company, I haven't heard anything about Funimation taking anyone to court over this or anything of the sort, or did I miss that news?

You need to research more :)

Try this.
May 1, 2009 4:52 PM

Feb 2009
So who's subbing this now? I found Nekomimi and Timo on Toshokan.
May 2, 2009 3:30 AM
Dec 2007
Timo is going to continue, they use FUNimations translation and are pretty fast too, guess I'll go with them.
Also, they are the only group that has released 720p version of episode 05.
KuraaroMay 2, 2009 3:33 AM
May 2, 2009 8:00 AM

Jul 2007
Owell, guess thats anime killed for me :(
May 4, 2009 3:37 PM

Dec 2008
I wanted to see this :\ especially with a good fansubber like Ayako, but i'd prefer Eclipse, GG, or BSS, though none of theme actually sub it


May 7, 2009 11:13 PM
Aug 2007
May 4, "Desire" uploaded their 720 version and at the same time, Nekomimi uploaded 4 episodes within a 2 day time-frame. Underwater released 5..that's FIVE episodes in a single batch torrent.

Some groups obviously take up the slack, but judging by the translations, they're coming from Funi as only I suspected from the downloading MOST of the various subbers versions;

I have Jade, Menclave, Desire, Ayako. Obviously, the "cleanest" is Menclave, the fan-supportive is Jade and Ayako with their avi versions and the "note at the top of the screen-happy" group is Desire..which is annoying.

Haven't seen Underwater's and after DLing 5 groups, my bandwidth is tired.

Finally, this "rogue" group: lance-menclayako-whatever is an amateur. 640 resolution? You gotta be kidding me.
May 7, 2009 11:22 PM

Sep 2008
Those "Lance" versions are direct FUNimation stream rips, which is why they suck so badly.

Underwater is basically FUNimation subs put on a high-quality HD encode. For some reason they still aren't listed as a subgroup for this series, though.
May 8, 2009 6:48 PM
Aug 2007
And why do they want to be listed as a sub group when the threat of a C/D letter would be on their doorstep if found out? I haven't seen (nor watched) a single Underwater sub so I'll try to go with what you stated about them.

Right now, Nekomimi will have to do.
May 8, 2009 11:03 PM
May 9, 2009 1:28 AM

Sep 2008
hollywood said:
And why do they want to be listed as a sub group when the threat of a C/D letter would be on their doorstep if found out? I haven't seen (nor watched) a single Underwater sub so I'll try to go with what you stated about them.

Underwater is rather open about subbing it plus they're listed on AniDB and other sites.
May 10, 2009 5:41 PM

Jan 2008

From what I've heard that's a fake Desire. The real desire group says right on their website that they stopped as soon as they received the C&D letter from Funimation, but some other person is releasing them under their name.
May 10, 2009 11:43 PM

Sep 2008
The current "fake" Desire (which I highly doubt is even fake, considering that they still advertise these "fake" Desire releases on their blog every time a new one pops up) is apparently now just taking the scripts from the Underwater releases, does editing on that (and introduces lots of awkwardness and pure errors to the script while doing so), changes the font and slaps the result on a notably worse encode with no chapters. There's absolutely no reason whatsoever to wait for them.
May 17, 2009 8:07 AM

Sep 2007
There's a group called Koyak(/Kodak?) subbing it too...they're behind at the moment but I don't mind as I prefer their OP & ED sub-style (though it's ripped from Ayako apparently...ha..)
As the (fake) Desire's Op/Ed doesn't even have subs and Underwater's OP/ED subs are kinda annoyingly ugly

assuming they (Koyak/Kodak) keep continuing...
IkanoMay 17, 2009 8:13 AM
May 17, 2009 1:39 PM

Sep 2008
So let me get this straight, you're judging the groups based on their karaoke?

May 24, 2009 3:28 PM

Oct 2008
yay! underwater subs are back after i failed attempt by funimation to terminate them

the tenacious D song "metal" pops in my head. "funimation tried to kill the anime but it was rebelled against and thrown to the ground"

yeah screw funimation. also nekomimi's 810p releases are catching back up. they are 1 episode behind underwater so far.
May 24, 2009 7:23 PM

Aug 2006
The computer I'm using atm is a piece of crap, so funimation's subs are enough for me.

I don't get all the hate for funimation aside from the fact that they send C&Ds up the ass.
May 24, 2009 8:20 PM

Oct 2008
There's gonna be a DDoS on Funimation's Website soon. 4chan's /a/ section is doing it. They've been pretty pisses off at Funi for quite some time now lol.
May 25, 2009 9:12 AM

Aug 2006
Viperslayer said:
There's gonna be a DDoS on Funimation's Website soon. 4chan's /a/ section is doing it. They've been pretty pisses off at Funi for quite some time now lol.

Wow, what a bunch of butthurt children.

I don't even go on /a/ anymore, since it's gotten progressively worse. I just stick to /jp/ (even though that board is also getting worse due to the seepage from /a/ after the Katawa Shoujo demo came out).
May 25, 2009 2:21 PM
Aug 2007
Nadistu said:
There's a group called Koyak(/Kodak?) subbing it too...they're behind at the moment but I don't mind as I prefer their OP & ED sub-style (though it's ripped from Ayako apparently...ha..)
As the (fake) Desire's Op/Ed doesn't even have subs and Underwater's OP/ED subs are kinda annoyingly ugly

assuming they (Koyak/Kodak) keep continuing...

(?) I have all 7 of Underwater's subs...they DONT have an OP.

That's what separates them from the pack. The fonts are easily readable and not excruciatingly flashy like Desire's or nekomimi. Regarding lance-mechwatsover...I wont even waste my bandwitdth.
May 25, 2009 4:38 PM

Sep 2008
Yes they do, they just use ordered chapters and segment linking, which means that the OP & ED are in separate files (that came in the 01-05 batch) that are then seamlessly linked into the episodes during playback. The reason for this is that the episodes would be 80MB bigger otherwise. Do note that ordered chapters and segment linking requires either Haali Media Splitter on Windows or patched MPlayer to work properly, though.
May 25, 2009 11:19 PM

Oct 2008
hollywood, they have OP and ED. its awesome. its called ordered chapters. download it from the 1-5 batch

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