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Aug 10, 2011 4:37 PM

May 2010
So the other night i got around to watching deadman wonderland. it started out good.

Warning if you haven't seen this i am revealing spoilers.

some middle school student gets caught up in a murder where all his friends got killed. he is then put on trial as the only survivor of the attack and blamed for the murder. he is sentenced to death in which he must go to deadman wonderland which was a prison where criminals must do a death race or other things to entertain guests. every time they do these death races or other challenges they get cast points which are used to buy food and Candy which is to keep them from dying. the reason for candy was do to the ring around their neck which injects poison into the victim which will kill them in 3 days unless they eat an antidote known as candy. overall i liked the first 2-3 episodes and thought t would get better as it progressed. the first 3 episodes deserved a rating of 9/10.

now here is what i thought i was watching. have any of you seen the movie death race? it's a movie that takes place in 2012 after a huge crisis occurs (usa economic collapse) well this show has a very similar premise to that movie. a boy is sentenced to death/prison for the death of his friends in deadman wonderland. in death race a man is sentenced to jail for the death of his wife. very similar. they wind up going to a prison in which they must do death games to gain points and eventually possibly their freedom. Same as death race. but now lets throw in some elfen lied.

we are introduced to shiro. a cute immature character in a white body suit. she acts very much like Nyuu from elfen lied and tisk tisk has a dark side of uncontrollable mutation power. (just like elfen lied) here is where i get pissed off. we are then swept away from the beginning plot which involved our main character ganta tying to find the killer who got him there and caused the death of his friends (hey look he here more death race related shit) and is discovered to have a mutant power (goddammit more elfen lied) This mutent power was passed down from a main culprit or egg (think lucy in elfen lied and the vector virus only with blood). his power has to do with being able to use blood from his wounds as a weapen like a projectile. so in this prison there is a sick JOSEF MENGELE like doctor who tortures these deveints and puts them to tests and fights. (micture of elfen lied torture experiments and gladiator fights). they explain originally that they are fights to the death yet after the brief 2 fights we see non of the characters actually die. but when a character is defeated the loser must go through a punishment game. (think nazi germany and the experiments they did with the jewish prisoners). they will do a raffle to find out which BODY PART they will take. yet somehow since this is the future which we are briefly explained they just give the characters artificial organs. now here is why i got pissed off the most.

we are then thrown out of that plot and suddenly we see a resistance movement (somehow allowed to stay even though there is tight security and the runers of the facility rarely let them interact) this group wants to escape and warn the world of the horrors this facility is doing to the world. (again i will make a nazi germany referance to escapee jews trying to warn the world of things like aushwitz) they put it all on a USB looking disk. it is also revealed that the red man (the killer who killed all ganta's friends and got imprisoned here was shiro who inadvertently is teh seed/egg who spreads the disease (elfen lied again). it is also revealed that as kids shiro and ganta were friends (elfen lied) yet ganta doesnt remember at all possibly to some post traumatic event that wasn't explained (elfen lied like wtf) since shiro is a psychopathic killer (lucy from elfen lied) hidden in a child like personality(nyuu) ganta never realizes who she is and that she is the cause of all his sadness. the end gets dragged out over 3 epsiodes where we meed undertakers. (people working for the runners of the facility regardless of how they were treated, mostly due to not being explained) and they get into battles and characters die. the chip was a bomb and ganta gets mad at shiro for destroying the supposed bomb. shiro becomes depressed. and here is another thing that pissed me off. ganta has blood powers which he barely knows how to use. he is a wimp and shouldn't have been thrown into this mess. he learns how to master it in 15 minutes. WTF. finally near the end shiro is about to turn evil and kick the undertakers ass until the plot was destroyed when ganta pushes her out of teh way and more characters die because of it. then we get to teh ending which doesn't wrap anything up and is a mess. the runner or mengele doctor who reminds me of the director from elfen lied doesn't seem to care about what happened. then shiro and ganta go to the top of a building freaking sitting there and shiro starts singing a song. Ganta goes and says i know that song. to which shiro replies i sing it all the time. he then says that the RED MAN sang it. he then continues to sit there and not (stupidly) realize shiro was the red man.

oveerall this show seems like a ripoff of a few shows i have seen

beginning is very death race oriented while later it becomes elfen lied esque.

i have never been so pissed after watching an anime. especially considered i adored elfen lied. perhaps this would have been better if it made sense and wasn't rushed. btw the ending felt like it was written by a 5 year old.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
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Aug 10, 2011 4:49 PM

Mar 2009
Don't know that I'd say "horrifically" disappointed but I certainly wasn't impressed. Too bad. It was a good concept.
-animeS - The plural of anime is anime. More than one deer is still deer. There is no damn "s".
-epic |ˈepik| noun•a work portraying heroic deeds/adventures covering an long period of time - adjective • heroic/grand in scale or character
Active Military, Prior Service, and Veteran's Anime Club
Aug 10, 2011 5:11 PM

Mar 2009
I had a good impression of it from the first few episodes but at some point I started to lose interest. Overall I didn't quite like it.
Aug 10, 2011 5:22 PM

Jan 2010
I gave up on it having a plot a few episodes in, then just watched it for the gore and Senji. Kinda worked out.
Aug 10, 2011 5:37 PM

Aug 2008
I haven't watched any.

But I'm going to invoke my memories of Mai Hime. It had a good premise. And it had all its twists of plot turns which took it from a somewhat happy-go-lucky school-type anime to a OMFG WTF is going on crazyness anime. Only to revoke that plot twist and revived every character who got killed him, thus not just diminishing that plot twist, but out right making it irrelevant.


This was a series that was very GOOD... all the way to the final 20 minutes of the last episode. Then suddenly BOOM. The impression of the series goes right out the window.
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Aug 10, 2011 5:45 PM

Jan 2011
I never expect anything so I'm never disappointed.
Aug 10, 2011 6:06 PM

Dec 2010
Started out strong then the last episode really made it flop. It would probably have been better if the series was longer to give more time to build up a good ending.

Aug 10, 2011 6:41 PM

Nov 2008
You could have, you know, written a review instead... but I suppose that would make too much sense. Anyway, carry on ^_-
Aug 10, 2011 6:44 PM

Aug 2011
the gore made the last episodes entertaining
Aug 10, 2011 6:52 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
I loved Deadman Wonderland. I admit the ending wasn't the best, but I strongly disagree with OP on a few of your statements.

First off, Shiro is nothing like all. That is simply a bad comparison. The only thing they have in common is an evil side they can't control. There are tons of characters in anime, films, other media that share this same characteristic. Its not only Lucy/Nyuu. Nyuu was absolutely useless by herself. She couldn't do anything on her own, could barely talk, and was much like a pet. Shiro is about as far from that as you can be.

Then you go on to say that Ganta's mutant power is like Elfen Lied. What? Invisible vectors are the same as a Deadman's blood weapons? They aren't alike at all. You can't say an anime is copying elfen lied just because some characters have mutant powers. Hell, powers are in 100s of anime.

Next you said its like elfen lied because Ganta and Shiro were childhood friends...come on man. That is super a common plot idea.

Also, Ganta didn't learn to master his power in 15 seconds. It took him the entire anime to learn how to master it.

What reason would Ganta have for believing Shiro is the red man? Because she is singing the song? He looks at Shiro like she is his girlfriend and they both obviously care about each other. Songs are not limited to one person. Why would he expect his girlfriend/best friend to be the one who slaughtered all of his friends. There is no other evidence he has except for her singing the song. Of course he didn't suspect her.

You also are complaining because there is a resistance group trying to get out of that prison? Seriously? What did you expect, Ganta to have a glass of lemonade with a little umbrella in it and enjoy hell on earth as people are being brutally murdered around him? Of course they are trying to get out.
Aug 10, 2011 7:43 PM

Jun 2009
bcasey25raptor said:
btw the ending felt like it was written by a 5 year old.
That's because it ended at chapter 21 of 47 of the manga.
Aug 10, 2011 7:45 PM

Apr 2011
Roxxy-Baby said:
You could have, you know, written a review instead... but I suppose that would make too much sense. Anyway, carry on ^_-

I don't think anyone could give the anime a fair score because it didn't get to finish...
Aug 10, 2011 8:30 PM

May 2010
KingYoshi said:
I loved Deadman Wonderland. I admit the ending wasn't the best, but I strongly disagree with OP on a few of your statements.

First off, Shiro is nothing like all. That is simply a bad comparison. The only thing they have in common is an evil side they can't control. There are tons of characters in anime, films, other media that share this same characteristic. Its not only Lucy/Nyuu. Nyuu was absolutely useless by herself. She couldn't do anything on her own, could barely talk, and was much like a pet. Shiro is about as far from that as you can be.

Then you go on to say that Ganta's mutant power is like Elfen Lied. What? Invisible vectors are the same as a Deadman's blood weapons? They aren't alike at all. You can't say an anime is copying elfen lied just because some characters have mutant powers. Hell, powers are in 100s of anime.

Next you said its like elfen lied because Ganta and Shiro were childhood friends...come on man. That is super a common plot idea.

Also, Ganta didn't learn to master his power in 15 seconds. It took him the entire anime to learn how to master it.

What reason would Ganta have for believing Shiro is the red man? Because she is singing the song? He looks at Shiro like she is his girlfriend and they both obviously care about each other. Songs are not limited to one person. Why would he expect his girlfriend/best friend to be the one who slaughtered all of his friends. There is no other evidence he has except for her singing the song. Of course he didn't suspect her.

You also are complaining because there is a resistance group trying to get out of that prison? Seriously? What did you expect, Ganta to have a glass of lemonade with a little umbrella in it and enjoy hell on earth as people are being brutally murdered around him? Of course they are trying to get out.

the fact elfen lied and this show have so many similarities regardless of what you say made me feel like i was watching a dumbed down elfen lied.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
Aug 10, 2011 8:32 PM

May 2010
Roxxy-Baby said:
You could have, you know, written a review instead... but I suppose that would make too much sense. Anyway, carry on ^_-

i didn't write a review do to the fact i revealed so many spoilers.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
Aug 10, 2011 8:41 PM

Apr 2010
I wasn't happy with how it turned out. It gave me a good impression until about episode 3 or 4. I'll be very unhappy if there's a second season, because it left off on a cliff-hanger

Aug 11, 2011 1:56 PM

Aug 2008
Now that I've read the manga version, I have to say I'm even more disappointed with its adaptation. The only thing I would remember is Ganta whining all the time, the serie ending in the middle of an arc, showing a little bit of Shiro almost waking up as the Red Man in the end, but not at all in the end...
Aug 12, 2011 11:29 AM

Feb 2010
Lol even though alot of people have compared this with Elfen Lied, at the end of the day I would still rather watch Deadman Wonderland. It just appeals to me more. I loved episodes 1-5 and the last 2, though I do think the middle had more potential. The manga is still the best though.
cloud8100Aug 12, 2011 11:35 AM
Aug 12, 2011 1:58 PM
Apr 2011
I can't say I did or did not like Deadman Wonderland (anime), but this title fell out of my radar four episodes into the show. It was getting good, but I do not have the time and interest to watch a lot of anime. Would I pick up watching this show again? Most likely not especially with newer ones to see.
Aug 12, 2011 1:58 PM

Mar 2009
Watched up to episode 6 by now. It's not so much that I was disappointed as much as I did not expect much out of it. It's just a typical shounen, anyway. Watched one, watched them all, and DW was no different.

So, I didn't expect anything out of the characters, story and originality; and so I can't say that I was disappointed when the anime failed to deliver in any of these. What I expected was some nice action sequences and so far I haven't got them. There is action ofcourse but for what should be today's anime standards, the action scenes are nothing special. That was a little disappointment.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Aug 12, 2011 6:11 PM

Jun 2011
The show started off well, but fell flat on its face soon afterwards. The plot took a serious nose-dive into a retarded series of events that made no sense from a logical perspective.
Aug 13, 2011 4:12 PM

Apr 2010
elfen lied was garbage whereas deadman wonderland was amazing
Aug 14, 2011 1:19 AM
Jun 2011
bcasey25raptor, I think you're over thinking things a bit too much and you just want to be mad at Deadman Wonderland for little reasons. It was a great anime overall, except for the ending, but I can name a few animes with sucky endings and great story lines. Also, you have to know there are no original ideas anymore, only inspiration. All stories are going to be similar in one way or another.
Demon Wolf, the nastiest nice guy from down the street that your momma' tells you to keep away from because I like my music loud, my girls freaky, my homies deadly, my mind rotten, and my power level over nine-thousand.
Aug 15, 2011 6:25 PM

May 2010
Mr_Ken said:
elfen lied was garbage whereas deadman wonderland was amazing

ya no

where do you base this idea that elfen lied was garbage. it was nowhere near garbage.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
Aug 15, 2011 10:38 PM

Feb 2010
2nd Season is coming. Be Patient.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Aug 16, 2011 1:24 PM

Sep 2008
Would the better question be, who wasn't disappointed?

1st ep was decent, and then it seems like its pretty much terrible until the last three episodes. Eh, might be because I hate characters that speak in the 3rd person, especially when they're supposedly godlike.

Still, I'll check out the eventual second season.
Aug 16, 2011 1:44 PM

Mar 2009
I finished it today. It's not really that disappointing if you keep in mind that it's a shounen. Two things only that I hated: Ganta and censorship.

Even for your typical shounen main lead, Ganta cries waaaaaaaaay too much. He's pathetic and he knows it but that doesn't make him any less annoying. He's as bad as Raki and Shirou Emiya.

And ok, the anime wasn't bad but let's face it, it was mediocre at best. Trite story, trite characters, trite everything, no originality. But there was gore. The only real reason for someone to watch this otherwise boring anime, was the gore. But they've gone and censored it...
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Aug 17, 2011 2:09 AM

May 2010
kodial said:
I finished it today. It's not really that disappointing if you keep in mind that it's a shounen. Two things only that I hated: Ganta and censorship.

Even for your typical shounen main lead, Ganta cries waaaaaaaaay too much. He's pathetic and he knows it but that doesn't make him any less annoying. He's as bad as Raki and Shirou Emiya.

And ok, the anime wasn't bad but let's face it, it was mediocre at best. Trite story, trite characters, trite everything, no originality. But there was gore. The only real reason for someone to watch this otherwise boring anime, was the gore. But they've gone and censored it...

whats the big problem with shonon? i quite enjoy many shonon titles. such as beelzebub and ao no exorcist.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
Aug 18, 2011 5:36 AM

Mar 2009
bcasey25raptor said:

whats the big problem with shonon? i quite enjoy many shonon titles. such as beelzebub and ao no exorcist.

I was enjoying shounen too when I have watched only as many anime as you. But from a point on you will come to understand that they're always the same. It's like if you have watched one, then you have watched them all. That fact from some point and on, it really did start getting on my nerves.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Aug 19, 2011 8:45 AM

Oct 2009
I really liked DW manga, but i'm dissapointed with adaptation. Too much important details and moments that doing an influence on character's personality and plot was skipped, but added pointless ones, that totally ruins them. They made Ganta look like another Ikari Shinji, if you read the manga you know that he definately got some guts.
Also many bright characters like Azami, Sukegawa and Idaki wasn't included in adaptation.
And i didn't liked the seyuu work, especially on Mintasuki (i imagined her with more deeper voice) and Toto (he sounds too girly)

I never really liked Elfen lied, neither anime, nor manga. I consider it a lame and badly drawn story with badly thought characters and too much dramatic overused tear-jerking cliche (ok, DW also got some of it, but not as lame as beaten up puppies or else, and they still look better and more natural as much as it possible for fictional story), and it makes me really-really upset when people compare this two tittles, i don't see much familliarity at all.

(p.s. english it's not my native language, so early sorry for possible mistakes in sentences)
Aug 20, 2011 12:09 AM

May 2010
The fact that you compare deadman wonderland to death race is a mistake because if anything death race copied deadman wonderland considering the manga was written a year before death race.
Aug 23, 2011 2:11 AM

May 2010
kodial said:
bcasey25raptor said:

whats the big problem with shonon? i quite enjoy many shonon titles. such as beelzebub and ao no exorcist.

I was enjoying shounen too when I have watched only as many anime as you. But from a point on you will come to understand that they're always the same. It's like if you have watched one, then you have watched them all. That fact from some point and on, it really did start getting on my nerves.

i am more of a seinen fan but to reply to this there is a few shonon i enjoy. but that list is very small. it includes beelzebub (for it's hilarity), ao no exorcist, deathnote, and early bleach. but my seinon list is much larger. my favorite anime of all is spice and wolf as i felt it was the most well developed and unique show i had seen in a while.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
Aug 25, 2011 7:29 PM

Dec 2009
Well, I thought it was kinda of rushed and the ending was abrupt.
Other than that, I liked the story, characters, and gore.
Oct 25, 2011 9:09 PM

Mar 2009
I'm surprised to hear people saying that the anime started well and ended bad.

The very first half of the show is bad, when I say that I mean it scores a 6 at most. It's bad because it does an awful adaptation of the manga. The anime (first half) was nowhere close to portray the feeling that the manga tried to convey. It was pretty bland.

It took too long for the show to take shape and show some personality. To me it was really disappointing to see how they executed and directed it. But the final four episodes showed some significant improvement.

Honestly, I don't really expect to see a lot of seinens turning into anime. DW is a seinen that heavily flirts with shounen.
So the anime was more of a test, to see how the public would react. That's how I see it.

Nov 1, 2011 1:25 PM

Apr 2009
I enjoyed the show for the most part, probably due the decent amount of blood and gore in it.
What annoyed me the most tho, was Ganta who turned out to be just another generic shonen lead.
This would have been so much better with a actually interesting / intelligent or badass main character.
Whenever you correct someone's grammar just remember that nobody likes you.
Nov 9, 2011 2:50 PM
Sep 2008
Im a little dissapointed with the series as a whole. What i wanted from DMWL was some supernatural cage fights etc, however the route they took wasnt all bad. That said, one thing that really ruined the story for me was, after a single day of being in the resistance, Ganta seemed to play an important role within Scar Chain. During the scene where Ganta and many other Deadmen are in the lift, they intrust the brand new guy with the data, leaving all their hopes in a kid they just met... this is just poorly thought out, and having read the manga, I dont recall this perticular senario playing out any differently. Was just wondering if anyone else thought that things like this drew them away from what could have been a good anime?
Nov 14, 2011 6:52 PM

Jan 2010
EraserRain said:
The fact that you compare deadman wonderland to death race is a mistake because if anything death race copied deadman wonderland considering the manga was written a year before death race.

so deadman wonderland was written around 30 years ago? interesting.......... sarcasm.jpeg
Nov 14, 2011 6:53 PM

Apr 2011
It just completely fucking bombed.... I have no words other than these for this anime.
Dec 4, 2011 7:39 AM

Oct 2011
DemonWolf7 said:
bcasey25raptor, I think you're over thinking things a bit too much and you just want to be mad at Deadman Wonderland for little reasons. It was a great anime overall, except for the ending, but I can name a few animes with sucky endings and great story lines. Also, you have to know there are no original ideas anymore, only inspiration. All stories are going to be similar in one way or another.

Firstly, I agree with this quote, especially the part I bolded.

Cashdaxxx said:
2nd Season is coming. Be Patient.

And secondly, can anyone confirm this?
A second season may make up for the fact that the end did seem pretty rushed.
Apr 10, 2012 10:41 PM

Jan 2012
I read the manga after watching the anime. Conceptually, DW is one of the most interesting things I've ever encountered. Unfortunately, b/c of the structuring of the manga, the ending in the aniem was inevitable awkward. They couldn't have gone any shorter, because then there wouldn't have been enough content, but any longer, and there would have been too much. Ultimately, where the anime ended, while not being awkward in context with the manga, was in context with the anime, simply because it felt like there were too many things left unresolved. Which is fine if a continuation is going to be made, but at the time, especially for those who haven't read the manga, the ending kind of just makes you go, "what the hell?"

It's an odd situation. It works with the M, but not with the ani. =/ It's a shame, b/c DW could have been a truly great anime if an S2 was made, because it got more interesting during the second half of the M,as opposed to the first.

That, and Shiro's a boss. <333
Lemme smang it girl.
Jul 19, 2012 2:10 AM
Apr 2011
I liked the anime/manga. The plot was interesting as compared to the anime produced nowadays. However, I was disappointed as well when the whole resistance team arc started. The idea of deadman wonderland being a source of entertainment for people is really interesting, especially the fact that the audience do not realise that real people actually die in the games and its traps. Also, how you cannot identify the people who watch the real deadman wonderland games is interesting cause it implies that they must be some sort of high-classed and on the richer side of society. The resistance arc really just threw out all that in the first few chapters and episodes.
That said, I do still hope for a season 2. I like the animation of the fights (really fluid) rather than in the manga.
Feb 4, 2013 12:35 AM

Jan 2013
actually its the other way around, deadman wonderland manga created in 2007, death race was created in 2008. so may death race copied dw?
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 10, 2013 9:24 PM

May 2012
Honestly it was better than I expected. I walked into this thinking it would be a decent anime to pass some time but it was surprisingly good and makes me want to check out the manga.

However, after the first six episodes they started to introduce way too many characters without giving them time to develop. The ending could have been better but can be forgiven if we ever get a second season. I also wish it wasn't so dark in some scenes. This was one of those anime that could actually use more episodes instead of less. So yeah it was far from perfect but it still got my attention and I enjoyed it more then most. 8/10 for me.
Mar 11, 2013 5:46 PM

Feb 2013
Read the manga, fucking amazing story and unique powers. Come on, people who fight with their blood at least a little credit for creativity
Mar 11, 2013 5:52 PM

Nov 2012
Goddamn it my forehead is red now.
Mar 23, 2013 9:54 AM

Jan 2013
I'd suggest read the manga, its way better than anime, in my opinion DW many a had a plot not just senseless fighting.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Mar 26, 2013 8:28 PM

Apr 2011
What chapter cut out point, before the anime took its own original ending (I guess?).
Apr 2, 2013 2:52 PM

Feb 2012
I was expecting anything so I was pleasantly surprised with what I got.

vansonbee said:
What chapter cut out point, before the anime took its own original ending (I guess?).

If I recall correctly you should start with Chapter 22.
Apr 2, 2013 4:16 PM
Mar 2013
Does anyone want to remind me how it ended again ^^"

However, I remember being intrigued by 'what happens next' and forcefully pushed myself to read ahead in the manga :D
Apr 2, 2013 4:27 PM

Jun 2012
Redcaa said:
Does anyone want to remind me how it ended again ^^"

However, I remember being intrigued by 'what happens next' and forcefully pushed myself to read ahead in the manga :D

Ganta stayed at the prison after breaking most of the resistance out.

Oh yeah and Op....

DW is older than Death Race.
Apr 2, 2013 4:30 PM

Oct 2012
Manga is way better if you ask me, the adaption wasn't that good and you don't get to see all the good stuff because it's only 13 episodes
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