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Mar 22, 9:57 AM

Nov 2011
I like this relationship building and chemistry between Riho and Tsukasa imo. It's similar to Inori/Tsukasa in some ways. Tsukasa himself had some smooth moves and it's impressive in his profession. Felt like he is really a role model for the younger skaters.

Inori and Riho's chemistry on-screen gets more amusing with each episode.
Mar 22, 9:57 AM

May 2020
Tsukasa is a great character, not just because he’s a good coach or can understand them kids he teaches, but because he knows how to be patient with these kids as well. Especially the likes of that glasses kid. He’s a brat who doesn't know how to talk with people older than him, but yeah, the way Tsukasa won him over was simply clever and masterful. That performance might not be heavily animated with all the bright colours and stuff, though yeah, it delivered the means. People, and most importantly, glasses kid see Tsukasa in a new light now.

Inori acting like a proud mother was fucking hilarious though. She and Tsukasa both enjoy each other's successes with the same kind of intensity xD Btw, never knew ice skaters have to go through ballet courses as well. But then again, it makes sense, as in the end, they need to nail their feet movements in the performance. Very nice set-up for the level 6 badge test, which will happen eventually in the next episode. Looking forward to the finale just for that.
Mar 22, 10:29 AM
Sep 2018
Tsukasa’s performance was stunning😭😭❤️❤️ i started to cry he is so good!!! TSUKASA I LOVE YOUU
Mar 22, 10:44 AM

Feb 2019
Can’t believe we only have one medalist episode left 😔 s2 please! One of my favourite episodes so far, though.

It can be forgotten, but this is as much Tsukasa’s story as Inori’s, so seeing him flex his talent and give us a wonderful performance to Rioh’s routine was great. As usual, the 3DCGI looked incredible. He really shouldn’t have even had to have done that, but some people like Rioh only respect people when they see what they’re capable of.

Tsukasa dominating like that completely made Rioh change his tune, now he’s being more respectful and acting like a totally different person lmao. Should’ve just respected Tsukasa from the jump though since his father did and so does everyone else at the rink. Just because you don’t come into skating as a prodigy doesn’t mean you’re not talented and can’t perform well.

Ballet time! Figure skating is essentially just ballet on ice so it makes a lot of sense to have the kids train in a ballet studio and improve their posture and body control. I can’t wait to see Inori and Miké put what they’ve learned to the test! They should have all the skills they need now.

The end of the ep is so sweet, these heart to hearts with Tsukasa and Inori never get old to me and this was one of my faves. I totally understand Inori being a little sad to be on the verge of level 6. She’s been so used to having that chip on her shoulder and sort of being fuelled by the regret of not starting skating earlier, it can feel a little scary to step into uncharted territory now. It’s just time to find a new motivation that’s all, like catching up to Hikaru, becoming a medalist and solidifying Tsukasa’s legacy!

Don’t want the finale to come next week but I’m excited to see my girl shine!
Marinate1016Mar 22, 12:55 PM
Mar 22, 10:44 AM

Mar 2021
Tsukasa was absolutely amazing in his performance he was just so good.
Mar 22, 11:28 AM

May 2017
Man Tsukasa really helps the children to become a better version of themselves. He's become a great coach. And that performance was amazing.

Only 1 episode left. Hopefully they announce a sequel right away. Seems like there is more than enough source material left to adapt.
Mar 22, 11:35 AM
Sep 2015
When Tsukasa skate he change into 3DCG model for animation, and I want that model data for my "personal use".
Mar 22, 12:03 PM

Jul 2021
On Tsukasa's skating: "there's some kind of optical illusion, he suddenly looks hot" sums it up.

The animation looked very complex and convincing. I haven't seen 3D CG dancing that looks this weighty and... flexible? It really did feel like he was carefully controlling every muscle in his body, up to his fingertips, 100% focused on every little movement and posture.

Inori's bittersweet feeling as she prepares for Level 6 was surprising and thought-provoking. You have to find new ways to motivate yourself and find new perspectives to keep going and keep loving what you do. Circumstances change, and you yourself keep changing... you will lose your way if you don't keep on your toes.

Tsukasa continues to be the ideal mentor figure: listening closely, deeply empathetic, humble, open and clear-spoken, but always careful about what to say and how to be a better coach.
Mar 22, 12:06 PM

Aug 2020
i was not expecting to really love this anime and wow

once again this episode was very good

the skating, the characters,funny


i change my 8 to 9

people are not talking much about it and it deserves more credit
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Mar 22, 12:06 PM

Jul 2016
Tsukasa immediately putting up a floodgate for the applause he'd have gotten for his show was hilarious but absolutely criminal.

It's always nice to see the coaches being proud of their students but I wasn't ready for Miketa putting in work to turn Nachi into a squishmallow lol
Mar 22, 1:38 PM

Dec 2016
Oh, my - what a treat for the Tsukasa fan club. ❤️

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  Umehara is my daily dopamine  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Mar 22, 3:31 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to Marinate1016
Can’t believe we only have one medalist episode left 😔 s2 please! One of my favourite episodes so far, though.

It can be forgotten, but this is as much Tsukasa’s story as Inori’s, so seeing him flex his talent and give us a wonderful performance to Rioh’s routine was great. As usual, the 3DCGI looked incredible. He really shouldn’t have even had to have done that, but some people like Rioh only respect people when they see what they’re capable of.

Tsukasa dominating like that completely made Rioh change his tune, now he’s being more respectful and acting like a totally different person lmao. Should’ve just respected Tsukasa from the jump though since his father did and so does everyone else at the rink. Just because you don’t come into skating as a prodigy doesn’t mean you’re not talented and can’t perform well.

Ballet time! Figure skating is essentially just ballet on ice so it makes a lot of sense to have the kids train in a ballet studio and improve their posture and body control. I can’t wait to see Inori and Miké put what they’ve learned to the test! They should have all the skills they need now.

The end of the ep is so sweet, these heart to hearts with Tsukasa and Inori never get old to me and this was one of my faves. I totally understand Inori being a little sad to be on the verge of level 6. She’s been so used to having that chip on her shoulder and sort of being fuelled by the regret of not starting skating earlier, it can feel a little scary to step into uncharted territory now. It’s just time to find a new motivation that’s all, like catching up to Hikaru, becoming a medalist and solidifying Tsukasa’s legacy!

Don’t want the finale to come next week but I’m excited to see my girl shine!
Marinate1016 said:
like catching up to Hikaru

While Inori progresses, Hikaru does also, possibly at an even greater pace. By the time Inori catches up, Hikaru might as well have retired...
(Competitive figure skating ends for most by the early 20s at the latest, due to tremendous wear and tear on the body and soul: ankles, knees, hips wrecked, fatigue bone cracks, concussions, eating disorders, sexual abuse, etc. In that sense Medalist isn't fully honest.)
Mar 22, 3:33 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to The_Smoking_Man
Man Tsukasa really helps the children to become a better version of themselves. He's become a great coach. And that performance was amazing.

Only 1 episode left. Hopefully they announce a sequel right away. Seems like there is more than enough source material left to adapt.
The_Smoking_Man said:
Hopefully they announce a sequel right away.

...but only on the condition that Medalist won't end on an Usagi Drop manga timeskip scenario!
Mar 22, 3:43 PM
Sep 2018
I want the performance song 😭 can you listen it somewhere?😭😭
Mar 22, 4:05 PM

Feb 2019
Tacsk0 said:
Marinate1016 said:
like catching up to Hikaru

While Inori progresses, Hikaru does also, possibly at an even greater pace. By the time Inori catches up, Hikaru might as well have retired...
(Competitive figure skating ends for most by the early 20s at the latest, due to tremendous wear and tear on the body and soul: ankles, knees, hips wrecked, fatigue bone cracks, concussions, eating disorders, sexual abuse, etc. In that sense Medalist isn't fully honest.)

Inori is progressing faster than Hikaru because Hikaru is at a higher rank already. And they already touched on that with inori shin splints
Mar 22, 4:28 PM

Jul 2024

Help, Inori is so funny on this scene!

Also, this scene has made me emotional and cry somehow. It shows how committed Tsukasa is

Question: Would we be able to watch Inori compete on level six Badge Test this season??
Mar 22, 4:58 PM

May 2024
What an episode!! Inori being proud of her coach was the highlight of it fr 🤭
Tsukasa's performance was awesome, he was an even more skater than I expected him to be! He is also so great a coach, he always understands what his students need to hear and see to improve and get courage. As of Inori, she is improving soo fast, I am looking forward to what she will accomplish in the last episode!
The friendship between Inori and the two kids is growing as well, it's so fun seeing them interact with each other!
Mar 22, 6:39 PM
Oct 2012
At this point, we need to rename the show to "Great Coach Tsukasa".
I don't usually do this, but I had to watch Tsukasa's performance again. It was just wonderful.
Mar 22, 9:07 PM

Feb 2020
I strive to be as patient to children as Tsukasa is. If I was him, I'd probably lash out on a kid 😭 He was so stunning during his performance and I'm glad Rioh is nicer to him now.

And ummmm, can we talk about how hot he was btw 😳 Just wanted to point it out like a lot people have here, cuz I lowkey... fell in love...

Anyways, other than that, watching Inori bragging about her cool coach was funny hehe. Overall, amazing episode. I'm gonna rewatch his performance again for reasons...
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Mar 22, 9:31 PM

Jan 2021
Reply to Tacsk0
The_Smoking_Man said:
Hopefully they announce a sequel right away.

...but only on the condition that Medalist won't end on an Usagi Drop manga timeskip scenario!
@Tacsk0 Don't forget the "adventures" of Dale and Latina :(
Mar 22, 10:58 PM
Mar 2021
Coach Tsukasa is the best!
Mar 22, 11:18 PM

Nov 2021
We finally got a coach Tsukasa skating scene and it was beautiful! Really hit hard with the theme of the episode of hating yourself, when in reality there is so much to be proud of. Especially smug Inori bragging about her coach lol.

Praying this gets renewed for a season 2
Mar 23, 1:31 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Tacsk0
The_Smoking_Man said:
Hopefully they announce a sequel right away.

...but only on the condition that Medalist won't end on an Usagi Drop manga timeskip scenario!
@Tacsk0 Honestly, that's my only problem with this anime. Lots of the LITTLE girls feel overly sexualized with their outfits, and was it really necessary to have all the girl BLUSH while watching Tsukasa? And then his scenes with Inori are all a bit too intimate, too involved. Sure, it can all be explained away with arguments, but still. In the end, Tsukasa and Inori aren't THAT far apart in age, Inori is 11, give it 5 more years and she'll be legal, then Tsukasa will be 31. Large gap for sure, but not that unusual irl. The big issue here would be that he'd have been grooming her all those years.

Eh, I just hope it doesn't happen. Best solution: Introduce a love interest for Tsukasa! Hey, if they reignite his career, he needs a female partner anyway, right? So there you go <3
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Mar 23, 5:54 AM

May 2023
TSUKASAAAAA I LOVE YOUU, Inorin is so proud of her teacher and Inorin's reaction is priceless i love it! The 3D CG is so good that my eyes start crying.

Rioh finally opened up to Tsukasa and I cried when Tsukasa started crying seeing Rioh who finally decided on his goal, love these two relationships even Rioh claimed Inorin's Tsukasa lol.

Mar 23, 7:37 AM

Jul 2023
Tsukasa's choreography is awesome and was the way by which Rioh has started to admire him rather than the earlier and angsty bet between him and Inori.

If he likes it, perhaps Rioh might train under Tsukasa now rather than his soon to be former coaches whom he had some toxic relationship.

I'm excited for the finale.
patkarununganMar 23, 4:02 PM
Mar 23, 8:17 AM
Oct 2017

when in doubt summon the tsukasa
Mar 23, 9:31 AM

Feb 2014
Tsukasa's skating choreography was beautiful to watch. No wonder everyone at the ice rink had their full attention on him pulling off some stunning moves like that. In typical fashion, he went back to being his flustered self just before anyone could clap at his performance! XD

Not only that, but I'm really glad that Rioh finally opened up more to him. Even though he only added a small thing to his paper, it was all that was needed for Tsukasa to burst into tears of relief and happiness. Also, thanks to his ballet dancing friend, Rioh, Mittens and Inori all made some great progression towards improving their skills on the ice rink.

The chat that Inori had with Tsukasa while holding the sparklers was honest and enjoyable. Contrast to what she is now compared to what she was at the beginning of this series and, in a short span of time, she has made a lot of progress. She's close to getting to the level that Hikaru is currently at and finding the right path for her to take might lead to some failures, but with how she has grown, I'm adamantly confident that Inori will be able to succeed if she puts her mind to it and give it 100%.

Only one episode left to go, so I really hope she gets that level 6 badge.
Mar 23, 9:32 AM
Sep 2024
Tsukasa is this season's #1 Hosbando and it's not even close
Mar 23, 10:38 AM

Jul 2021
Tsukasa's performance from the official channel:

Mar 23, 12:10 PM
Jan 2017
Tsukasa dancing beautifully my heart best character this season. We are almost at the end, hopefully a season two soon
Mar 23, 2:53 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to Meta_Yoshi
Tsukasa's skating choreography was beautiful to watch. No wonder everyone at the ice rink had their full attention on him pulling off some stunning moves like that. In typical fashion, he went back to being his flustered self just before anyone could clap at his performance! XD

Not only that, but I'm really glad that Rioh finally opened up more to him. Even though he only added a small thing to his paper, it was all that was needed for Tsukasa to burst into tears of relief and happiness. Also, thanks to his ballet dancing friend, Rioh, Mittens and Inori all made some great progression towards improving their skills on the ice rink.

The chat that Inori had with Tsukasa while holding the sparklers was honest and enjoyable. Contrast to what she is now compared to what she was at the beginning of this series and, in a short span of time, she has made a lot of progress. She's close to getting to the level that Hikaru is currently at and finding the right path for her to take might lead to some failures, but with how she has grown, I'm adamantly confident that Inori will be able to succeed if she puts her mind to it and give it 100%.

Only one episode left to go, so I really hope she gets that level 6 badge.
Meta_Yoshi said:
She's close to getting to the level that Hikaru is currently at

Inori is still interstellar distance from her and Hikaru is also progressing at the same time. Even in the ED, she's shown at the throne but there is nobody good enough to sit near her...
Mar 24, 2:32 AM
Nov 2024
Reply to Animequeen_xx
Tsukasa’s performance was stunning😭😭❤️❤️ i started to cry he is so good!!! TSUKASA I LOVE YOUU
@Animequeen_xx agree here. It was captivating. Loved it too
Mar 24, 8:39 AM
Jun 2014
Reply to Tacsk0
Meta_Yoshi said:
She's close to getting to the level that Hikaru is currently at

Inori is still interstellar distance from her and Hikaru is also progressing at the same time. Even in the ED, she's shown at the throne but there is nobody good enough to sit near her...
@Tacsk0 Hikaru on the throne doesn't mean what you think it does. But that'll most likely get explained in ep13 along with an S2 announcement. It's pretty clear to us manga readers how things are going to cliffhanger for the season.
Mar 24, 1:23 PM
Mar 2015
Everybody's happy now The coach got to show off Everybody made their goals There were even fireworks
Mar 24, 7:59 PM

Jul 2016
I live for Tsukasa's sporadic skating moments. Dude's just so majestic when he's on the ice rink.

Great episode before the finale! Tsukasa's performance was simply stunning and I particularly loved the scene with Inori self-reflecting on what new motivations she should find to fuel herself once she reaches Level 6. A very thought provoking moment between her and Tsukasa, I must say.

Man, I really hope this show receives a second season announcement. Really looking forward to the finale now.

P.S.: By the way, I freaking loved this moment xD Smug Inori is best Inori ♥
Yesterday, 9:41 AM
Nov 2022
Jesus, coach can dance ^^"
That shot of Inori and Miké in ballet outfits was so cute X)
Yesterday, 11:29 PM
Oct 2024
Another great episode with Tsukasa
12 hours ago

Jan 2025
Inori is still interstellar distance from her and Hikaru is also progressing at the same time. Even in the ED, she's shown at the throne but there is nobody good enough to sit near her...

To be honest, Tsurumaikada exaggerated what a monster Hikaru is. It's not seen this way in the anime yet, but in the manga it becomes absurd. I wonder what the programs at the Olympics will include. Quadruple Axels combos?

Wait until Iruka Okazaki shows up.
7 hours ago
Nov 2016
Glad to see Rioh joining the church of Tsukasa sensei (his skating sequence was amazing!), well Akeuraji sensei XD. I like Rioh as a character, so I'm happy to see that he isn't pessimistic anymore (and he is a tsundere now, ahah) and He, Inori and Mike improved a lot.

Also, and I like how Rioh calls tsukasa his sensei now. I wouldn't mind if Both Inori and Rioh shared the same couch tbh, since I like the trio and their interactions and reactions.

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