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Kyoto Animation's arsonist has been sentenced to death.

Jan 24, 11:39 PM

Mar 2023
Kyoto District Court today handed down a verdict in the case of Kyoto Animation's infamous arsonist, Aoba Shinji, whose antics in July 2019 claimed the lives of 36 studio employees. The court granted the demands of the prosecutor's office, which had sought the capital punishment - the death penalty.

The defense insisted that Aoba has a mental disorder, in addition, at the time of the tragedy, he was delirious and was not himself, but the court was not convinced.

When exactly the sentence will be executed is not reported, in Japan prisoners can wait years for execution.

I remind you that the perpetrator explained his actions as revenge, claiming that one of the studio employees had allegedly stolen a "novel plot" from him.

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Jan 24, 11:40 PM

Feb 2020
Well, I guess that dude got what he deserved.
Jan 24, 11:48 PM

May 2020
Tohru & the gang should roast him to death...

& it still baffles me why is he still alive at this point with a crime like that...
" Kindness can sometimes lead you to trouble. "

Jan 24, 11:49 PM

Nov 2023
Glad to hear! He ruined kyoani history.

But now it's back.

I know people make promises all the time
Then they turn right around and break them
When someone cuts your heart open with a knife, now you're bleeding
But I could be that guy to heal it over time
And I won't stop until you believe it
'Cause baby you're worth it
Jan 25, 12:08 AM

Mar 2008
Death penalty just sends a message that killing people is the best way to solve problems which leads to more violence and it makes him a martyr. It's just shooting yourself in the foot. Killing one more wont bring anyone back. It wont heal anyone's hearts. Also the guy obviously has severe mental issues not some cartoonish coldly calculated evil mastermind the guy even got himself lit on fire when doing this. It's practically criminalization of mental illness giving worse treatments to people not based on their ability but their disability. This leads to more people avoiding seeking help of any kind from mental problems being stigmatized so much and being seen as something that needs to be killed to be dealt with. All this leads to societal ruin as more and more cases increase from the negligence. The fact the death penalty even exists in Japan a country with such a fucked up court system where you are guilty until proven innocent and police force false confessions is just frightening but no one here wants to acknowledge that. He's already behind bars, who is he going to hurt that he needs killed to stop him? He doesn't. He needs medical treatment and to be kept away from people he might hurt.
Jan 25, 12:16 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to traed
Death penalty just sends a message that killing people is the best way to solve problems which leads to more violence and it makes him a martyr. It's just shooting yourself in the foot. Killing one more wont bring anyone back. It wont heal anyone's hearts. Also the guy obviously has severe mental issues not some cartoonish coldly calculated evil mastermind the guy even got himself lit on fire when doing this. It's practically criminalization of mental illness giving worse treatments to people not based on their ability but their disability. This leads to more people avoiding seeking help of any kind from mental problems being stigmatized so much and being seen as something that needs to be killed to be dealt with. All this leads to societal ruin as more and more cases increase from the negligence. The fact the death penalty even exists in Japan a country with such a fucked up court system where you are guilty until proven innocent and police force false confessions is just frightening but no one here wants to acknowledge that. He's already behind bars, who is he going to hurt that he needs killed to stop him? He doesn't. He needs medical treatment and to be kept away from people he might hurt.
@traed The death penalty in Japan is only imposed for aggravated murder. There are 10 criteria by which this "aggravation" is determined. Among them, for example, are such criteria as "whether the relatives of the murdered person were greatly concerned" and "whether the murder caused a public outcry". That's an exact hit.

Shinji Aoba, in my opinion, should have been given compulsory treatment and lifetime supervision to avoid another horrible case like this, but the aggravating circumstances simply prevented it from happening even though the man was mentally ill.

Anyway, my condolences to the people who died in the fire and their families. Shinji Aoba will get what was to be expected. Whether it's fair or not is not for us to decide.
Jan 25, 12:24 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to Omarumba
@traed The death penalty in Japan is only imposed for aggravated murder. There are 10 criteria by which this "aggravation" is determined. Among them, for example, are such criteria as "whether the relatives of the murdered person were greatly concerned" and "whether the murder caused a public outcry". That's an exact hit.

Shinji Aoba, in my opinion, should have been given compulsory treatment and lifetime supervision to avoid another horrible case like this, but the aggravating circumstances simply prevented it from happening even though the man was mentally ill.

Anyway, my condolences to the people who died in the fire and their families. Shinji Aoba will get what was to be expected. Whether it's fair or not is not for us to decide.
Yeah I know it's rarely applied so it's not as big an issue as some other places but still I feel it sends a very muddled message. Im just saying I hope Japan figures that out.

Yeah, it's a lot of people effected. Could be in the hundreds from all their families and friends including among them those tied to the assailant.
Jan 25, 12:46 AM

Jul 2021
I feel that this is a complicated matter. And guilty or not, I think that celebration is rather inappropriate.
Jan 25, 12:58 AM

Jun 2019
No strong feelings about this either way, but generally I'm in favor of capital punishment (not for "revenge" - I don't even know and have never met the people involved in this and similar cases and have no personal feelings invested, but more for the same reason I support abortion and euthanasia - as a utilitarian population control measure. It doesn't make sense to pay for a lifetime of nutrition, shelter, and healthcare for this guy at governmental/public taxpayer expense).

I do remember this incident like it was yesterday. It happened in the month right after I joined MAL in June (although had been lurking for a while beforehand). Anyway, you'll never stop seemingly "random" lone wolf extreme events like these.

May he and his victims find peace in whatever form they next (or have already?) take on in the unyielding cosmic cycle.

Hitagi__Furude said:
& it still baffles me why is he still alive at this point with a crime like that...

The nature or extent of the alleged crime has nothing to do with it. There is a process to follow.
WatchTillTandavaJan 25, 6:34 AM
Jan 25, 1:10 AM

Oct 2018
Reply to wizdom224
I feel that this is a complicated matter. And guilty or not, I think that celebration is rather inappropriate.
Best response for this so far.
A bittersweet ending for this tragedy.
Dreaming 'bout long gone things;
Days, on end, repeating infinitely.
Like the inside of a never-ending dream,
Whilst looking for the endless morn...
Only to return to the dream again
Jan 25, 1:30 AM

Sep 2016
Seems legit in this case, but then again I think of some celebrated political leaders who got away with deciding to kill thousands of innocent people, which makes me aware of the hypocritical human nature.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jan 25, 1:40 AM

Oct 2013
Not even gunna say that's an unjust punishment. Put a lot of people in danger, fucked over a whole company and more importantly peoples lives and families. I firmly believe that if someone really has a mental disorder it should be taken seriously, but I also firmly believe that the mental disorder defense should only go so far. Once people actually die, that shit goes out the window in my mind, even if that seems too harsh for some.

Also, I feel kinda sad that some people only care about an event like this because it happened to a major anime studio. It's like when something happens to a celebrity and everyone mourns, but regular people die on the streets every day and no one gives a shit. Bit of a morbid thought, but topics like this bring those thoughts up for me.
Jan 25, 1:46 AM

Jan 2009
insanity defense is hard to be proven anyway
Jan 25, 1:50 AM

Mar 2023
I see no reason why the Japanese tax payers have to keep paying for his food, healthcare, roof over the head, heating ect.
Jan 25, 1:58 AM

May 2021
Reply to traed
Death penalty just sends a message that killing people is the best way to solve problems which leads to more violence and it makes him a martyr. It's just shooting yourself in the foot. Killing one more wont bring anyone back. It wont heal anyone's hearts. Also the guy obviously has severe mental issues not some cartoonish coldly calculated evil mastermind the guy even got himself lit on fire when doing this. It's practically criminalization of mental illness giving worse treatments to people not based on their ability but their disability. This leads to more people avoiding seeking help of any kind from mental problems being stigmatized so much and being seen as something that needs to be killed to be dealt with. All this leads to societal ruin as more and more cases increase from the negligence. The fact the death penalty even exists in Japan a country with such a fucked up court system where you are guilty until proven innocent and police force false confessions is just frightening but no one here wants to acknowledge that. He's already behind bars, who is he going to hurt that he needs killed to stop him? He doesn't. He needs medical treatment and to be kept away from people he might hurt.
@traed It doesn't bring people back to life, but it save's alive people's tax money that would partly be going towards feeding him if he were behind bars for a life sentence

The problem here isn't that the guy had mental issues, but that he admited that the motive was revenge
I agree mental ilness should not be stigmatized, but it should also not be used as an excuse for bad behaviour

Now if there was no motive and there was a chance he'd been manipulated by someone else to do the dirty work and that possibility hadn't been investigated, then you could say that is either negligence or corruption, but that does not seem to be the case this time

As for the court system and false confessions, that is a problem of corruption that needs to be adressed, but Japan is far from the only country that has those problems in their system and police force
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jan 25, 2:07 AM

Jul 2022
Welp, it's finally over I hope. Wounds heal, but scars remain. Hope Kyoani could rebuild and restore from this.
Jan 25, 2:39 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to DigiCat
@traed It doesn't bring people back to life, but it save's alive people's tax money that would partly be going towards feeding him if he were behind bars for a life sentence

The problem here isn't that the guy had mental issues, but that he admited that the motive was revenge
I agree mental ilness should not be stigmatized, but it should also not be used as an excuse for bad behaviour

Now if there was no motive and there was a chance he'd been manipulated by someone else to do the dirty work and that possibility hadn't been investigated, then you could say that is either negligence or corruption, but that does not seem to be the case this time

As for the court system and false confessions, that is a problem of corruption that needs to be adressed, but Japan is far from the only country that has those problems in their system and police force
It is actually expensive to execute someone. Plus in Japan they wind up in prison for a very long time before even getting executed so it is even more than some other backwards countries like the US. You also are forgetting people in prison can work to sustain themselves too.

It is called giving context. I cant tell without a psych evaluation details but the guy likely was delusional and with some other issues in his life. Any normal person would have just pressed some legal charges against them, though if that isnt an option in Japan maybe they could reconsider so people have safer means to express their negative feelings rather than doing something harmful.

Yes and it mainly is Tokyo ive heard. Not sure it is anywhere else in Japan.
Jan 25, 2:45 AM
Jul 2018
What does all of this have to do with anime discussion?
Jan 25, 2:50 AM

Apr 2012
The death penalty is barbaric. The only possibly justification for killing someone without consent is self-defence or the defence of others. Which obviously cannot apply when you have them safely in custody. "The majority wanted to do it" is not a defence to murder, whether state murder or otherwise.
Jan 25, 2:52 AM
Jan 25, 2:53 AM

Jul 2022
Reply to removed-user
What does all of this have to do with anime discussion?
@senaen #paybackforsundiego #HardKnockLifeJigsaw

Jan 25, 2:54 AM

May 2021
Reply to traed
It is actually expensive to execute someone. Plus in Japan they wind up in prison for a very long time before even getting executed so it is even more than some other backwards countries like the US. You also are forgetting people in prison can work to sustain themselves too.

It is called giving context. I cant tell without a psych evaluation details but the guy likely was delusional and with some other issues in his life. Any normal person would have just pressed some legal charges against them, though if that isnt an option in Japan maybe they could reconsider so people have safer means to express their negative feelings rather than doing something harmful.

Yes and it mainly is Tokyo ive heard. Not sure it is anywhere else in Japan.

traed said:
but the guy likely was delusional and with some other issues in his life

That does not give him the right to kill people

traed said:
Any normal person would have just pressed some legal charges against them

And no, no normal person wouldn't lose their mind seeing what he'd done
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Jan 25, 3:01 AM

Jul 2015
Biggest mass murder in Japan since 1995 sarin attacks and with such a huge conviction rate he was "Hitler in the bunker" kind of fucked and trial was just a formality.
Well, nobody would cry after and I hope families of victims will be able to move on and KyoAni itself would return to it's former glory.

Jan 25, 3:40 AM
Jun 2021
I may not be a major Kyoani fan, but he got what he deserved. You seriously have to be messed up to do that kind of villainy IRL.
Hot Blood saves lives.
Jan 25, 3:53 AM

Jan 2021
Saw it coming. He got what he deserved.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Jan 25, 3:57 AM

Aug 2020
Justice came. Time to meet your maker...

Jan 25, 4:29 AM

Apr 2013
Reply to traed
Death penalty just sends a message that killing people is the best way to solve problems which leads to more violence and it makes him a martyr. It's just shooting yourself in the foot. Killing one more wont bring anyone back. It wont heal anyone's hearts. Also the guy obviously has severe mental issues not some cartoonish coldly calculated evil mastermind the guy even got himself lit on fire when doing this. It's practically criminalization of mental illness giving worse treatments to people not based on their ability but their disability. This leads to more people avoiding seeking help of any kind from mental problems being stigmatized so much and being seen as something that needs to be killed to be dealt with. All this leads to societal ruin as more and more cases increase from the negligence. The fact the death penalty even exists in Japan a country with such a fucked up court system where you are guilty until proven innocent and police force false confessions is just frightening but no one here wants to acknowledge that. He's already behind bars, who is he going to hurt that he needs killed to stop him? He doesn't. He needs medical treatment and to be kept away from people he might hurt.
traed said:
It's practically criminalization of mental illness giving worse treatments to people not based on their ability but their disability.

Most people with mental illnesses don't burn down buildings and try to kill people. It's largely more reductive to assume that mental illness is correlated to violent behaviour. He purposely set out to kill as many people as he possibly could. He shouldn't be coddled because he has mental illness. The use of death penalty is arguable, though.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Jan 25, 4:44 AM

Nov 2020
Well, he deserves it. Glad to hear that.
Jan 25, 5:12 AM
May 2012
What's the point in continuing to live like this?
You are a crazy murderous sociopathic psychopath.
It is not known if they will ever be able to reintroduce you into society after what you have done, there is always the risk of reoffending, you will spend your life in prison monitored on sight, you are no longer a free man, the prison guards hate you, the other prisoners hate you, society hates you, the relatives of your victims want you dead, you cant have anymore relations, the people that sticks around are crazier than you are, there are those who have to prepare your food, wash your clothes, clean your room. If you don't have a job and are unlikely to get one, society must pay your roof and food for life through taxes, but no, the death sentence is wrong, meanwhile whoever says so lives comfortably within the walls of his/her house a thousand kilometers from the reality of prisons, crime, courts, violence and psychiatric prisons making no active contribution to support this reality. People so quick to criticize the neighbor who doesn't pick up the dog poop but it's fine let live insane murderers, for who knows what principles as long it has nothing to do with you.
Jan 25, 5:19 AM
Community Mod

Mar 2022
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