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Oct 3, 2017 12:40 PM

Dec 2016
traed said:
Clebardman said:

I played so much Source, I always forget how horrible that thing was in 1.6. Barely hits stronger than a Glock, shit RoF, shit spread :'^)
In Source it's a M4 on steroids tho. *Hears the sound of an opponent reloading* Time to run & gun (^:

Sorry for the victims, and lol at tthe guy who thinks "a gud guy with a gun is what they needed". I wanna watch you shoot a target at the 32th floor with a revolver, under automatic fire, d00d.

Even Fox news reported how some guys had guns and one said he changed his mind on the second amendment because they were useless.

Soverign said:

What remains unknown: How the shooter achieved that rate of fire, given that gun laws make acquiring a fully automatic weapon extremely difficult in the United States, if not impossible. But there's no shortage of potential answers. Exemptions do exist in the 30-year-old automatic weapons ban that make it possible for a civilian to attain one. And more likely, many technical hacks, some legal and some not, enable gun enthusiasts to turn their semi-automatic rifles into deadlier, rapid-fire weapons."

The news said he legally bought a kit that makes it so you can modify the gun he used to go full automatic

He didn't modify the internals. He bought a bump-stock. That uses the recoil of the gun. Like a turbo button for a controller or something. Which, insanely , was deemed legal by the ATF. I sure hope they correct that oversight.
Oct 3, 2017 12:53 PM

Mar 2008
Soverign said:

He didn't modify the internals. He bought a bump-stock. That uses the recoil of the gun. Like a turbo button for a controller or something. Which, insanely , was deemed legal by the ATF. I sure hope they correct that oversight.

Oh so that's how those work. Another loophole is you can legally make your own guns and don't even have to license it and i assume you can get away with making it full automatic when is a DIY. Sure most people won't have the skills but a specialist criminal could produce them to sell on the black market or an average person with knowledge of the internal components could use a 3D printed one although I'm not sure the material is strong enough for that right now
Oct 3, 2017 12:57 PM
Jul 2018
This is honestly super tragic. :[
Oct 3, 2017 1:01 PM

Dec 2016
traed said:
Soverign said:

He didn't modify the internals. He bought a bump-stock. That uses the recoil of the gun. Like a turbo button for a controller or something. Which, insanely , was deemed legal by the ATF. I sure hope they correct that oversight.

Oh so that's how those work. Another loophole is you can legally make your own guns and don't even have to license it and i assume you can get away with making it full automatic when is a DIY. Sure most people won't have the skills but a specialist criminal could produce them to sell on the black market or an average person with knowledge of the internal components could use a 3D printed one although I'm not sure the material is strong enough for that right now

XD But how would laws even stop that anyways? That is like a meth lab. I'm not letting OSHA in for a safety inspection.
Oct 3, 2017 1:10 PM

Mar 2008
Soverign said:
traed said:

Oh so that's how those work. Another loophole is you can legally make your own guns and don't even have to license it and i assume you can get away with making it full automatic when is a DIY. Sure most people won't have the skills but a specialist criminal could produce them to sell on the black market or an average person with knowledge of the internal components could use a 3D printed one although I'm not sure the material is strong enough for that right now

XD But how would laws even stop that anyways? That is like a meth lab. I'm not letting OSHA in for a safety inspection.

For selling home made guns would be something that at least could be reduced.
Well you could ban 3D models for printers if they don't have a license. It would at least reduce it since most don't have the skills to 3D model a gun
Oct 3, 2017 1:16 PM

Dec 2016
traed said:
Soverign said:

XD But how would laws even stop that anyways? That is like a meth lab. I'm not letting OSHA in for a safety inspection.

For selling home made guns would be something that at least could be reduced.
Well you could ban 3D models for printers if they don't have a license. It would at least reduce it since most don't have the skills to 3D model a gun

Where there is an intent, there is a way. It is like, do you think that lock on your giant glass front door deters a robber? XD
Laws basically are only made to deter the dumbest criminals anyways.
I mean, the dude had explosives also for fucks sakes.

Ordinarily, a sol is a liquid, but it can be converted to a semi-solid gel by adding a gelling agent. ... In this lab, we'll prepare a flammable gelled sol that comprises ordinary gasoline as the liquid continuous phase with polystyrene plastic serving as both the dispersed solid phase and the gelling agent.

Napalm is a flammable liquid used in warfare. It is a mixture of a gelling agent and either gasoline (petrol) or a similar fuel. It was initially used as an incendiary device against buildings and later primarily as an anti-personnel weapon, as it sticks to skin and causes severe burns when on fire.

He means styrofoam btw. XD
Oct 3, 2017 1:19 PM

Sep 2017
It is so terrible...

and why always if smth happens in one country, people begin to dive into other countries' problems...
Oct 3, 2017 1:27 PM

Mar 2008
Soverign said:
traed said:

For selling home made guns would be something that at least could be reduced.
Well you could ban 3D models for printers if they don't have a license. It would at least reduce it since most don't have the skills to 3D model a gun

Where there is an intent, there is a way. It is like, do you think that lock on your giant glass front door deters a robber? XD
Laws basically are only made to deter the dumbest criminals anyways.
I mean, the dude had explosives also for fucks sakes.

Ordinarily, a sol is a liquid, but it can be converted to a semi-solid gel by adding a gelling agent. ... In this lab, we'll prepare a flammable gelled sol that comprises ordinary gasoline as the liquid continuous phase with polystyrene plastic serving as both the dispersed solid phase and the gelling agent.

Napalm is a flammable liquid used in warfare. It is a mixture of a gelling agent and either gasoline (petrol) or a similar fuel. It was initially used as an incendiary device against buildings and later primarily as an anti-personnel weapon, as it sticks to skin and causes severe burns when on fire.

He means styrofoam btw. XD

Annd the dumb ones do the most crime....
Oct 3, 2017 1:39 PM

Dec 2016
traed said:
Soverign said:

Where there is an intent, there is a way. It is like, do you think that lock on your giant glass front door deters a robber? XD
Laws basically are only made to deter the dumbest criminals anyways.
I mean, the dude had explosives also for fucks sakes.

He means styrofoam btw. XD

Annd the dumb ones do the most crime....

It is the high certainty of punishment that is the true deterrent. But if you don't care if you live or die, what are you gonna do?

I am also talking about criminal Intelligence literally and figuratively.
Too bad you civilians are so far behind the brutish thug military goons.
SoverignOct 3, 2017 2:10 PM
Oct 3, 2017 1:45 PM
Jul 2018
ar with a bump stock and 60 rounds mag in one, more to come i guess
removed-userOct 3, 2017 1:56 PM
Oct 3, 2017 1:50 PM
Jul 2018
traed said:
Soverign said:

He didn't modify the internals. He bought a bump-stock. That uses the recoil of the gun. Like a turbo button for a controller or something. Which, insanely , was deemed legal by the ATF. I sure hope they correct that oversight.

Oh so that's how those work. Another loophole is you can legally make your own guns and don't even have to license it and i assume you can get away with making it full automatic when is a DIY. Sure most people won't have the skills but a specialist criminal could produce them to sell on the black market or an average person with knowledge of the internal components could use a 3D printed one although I'm not sure the material is strong enough for that right now

Oct 3, 2017 3:29 PM

Mar 2016
Takamura-sama said:

Why does this always happen in America and not in Russia?

Mass shootings happen more in the United States because the gun laws are much more lax in the US then in Russia, there are also way more guns in the US then in Russia. Its just way easier for the psychos to get guns in the US then in Russia.

Oct 3, 2017 3:36 PM

Jan 2009
AvaG said:
ar with a bump stock and 60 rounds mag in one, more to come i guess

no M-249 pics yet like some experts predicted?
Oct 3, 2017 3:38 PM

Sep 2007
Flags are at half-staff here in Texas. I don't remember them doing that for the Orlando nightclub shooting. :/

In other news:

Oct 3, 2017 3:46 PM
Jul 2018
isekai said:
AvaG said:
ar with a bump stock and 60 rounds mag in one, more to come i guess

no M-249 pics yet like some experts predicted?

im not really following this, but some army people in the web says the sound from the shooting could be from a M240B, it would also explain why so many people were dead because 7.62 is way more lethal than 5.56, who knows?
Oct 3, 2017 3:57 PM

Nov 2015
deadprez said:
isekai said:
how will the republicans react to this

I suppose they'll just say we need more guns. Guns for the whole family.

Come on, we all know that this is a result of the right wing and it's tyranny. The only real solution is to install a pure left wing government. Guns are for those in power to stay in power, they don't belong in the hands of civilians who might try to revolt in such a society.
Oct 3, 2017 4:05 PM
Jul 2018
iLolicon said:
deadprez said:

I suppose they'll just say we need more guns. Guns for the whole family.

Come on, we all know that this is a result of the right wing and it's tyranny. The only real solution is to install a pure left wing government. Guns are for those in power to stay in power, they don't belong in the hands of civilians who might try to revolt in such a society.

yeah, disarm the population then politicians dont fear them anymore, they would be just like defenseless sheep, ready for the slaughter :p
Oct 3, 2017 4:12 PM

Nov 2015
AvaG said:
iLolicon said:

Come on, we all know that this is a result of the right wing and it's tyranny. The only real solution is to install a pure left wing government. Guns are for those in power to stay in power, they don't belong in the hands of civilians who might try to revolt in such a society.

yeah, disarm the population then politicians dont fear them anymore, they would be just like defenseless sheep, ready for the slaughter :p

Defenseless sheep? Pfttt.... NO, you are mistaken good sir. Then they would be a proud slave... err.. I meant 'workforce' ready to support their nation's great leaders who they would love and not be controlled by at all.

As shown by the past, communism and socialism has been nothing but a success, that is why we must push to turn every nation to this flawless system. So that we can all live in harmony in a happy world with no critical economic issues, major loss of human rights or corruption.

The right wing is evil and doesn't support such a perfect way of life, they must be stopped at all cost.

We must stop injustice comrades !! #DateYutaka for world president.
Oct 3, 2017 4:21 PM
Jul 2018
iLolicon said:
AvaG said:

yeah, disarm the population then politicians dont fear them anymore, they would be just like defenseless sheep, ready for the slaughter :p

Defenseless sheep? Pfttt.... NO, you are mistaken good sir. Then they would be a proud slave... err.. I meant 'workforce' ready to support their nation's great leaders who they would love and not be controlled by at all.

As shown by the past, communism and socialism has been nothing but a success, that is why we must push to turn every nation to this flawless system. So that we can all live in harmony in a happy world with no critical economic issues, major loss of human rights or corruption.

The right wing is evil and doesn't support such a perfect way of life, they must be stopped at all cost.

We must stop injustice comrades !! #DateYutaka for world president.

lmao i-i totally agree with you! comrade! xD
Oct 3, 2017 4:25 PM

Aug 2017
Australia had a mass shooting in the 90's. The government then enacted strict gun control laws and they have not had a single mass shooting since then, and gun related deaths decreased by around 60%. Coincidence?
deadprezOct 3, 2017 4:28 PM
Oct 3, 2017 4:27 PM
Jul 2018
deadprez said:
AvaG said:

yeah, disarm the population then politicians dont fear them anymore, they would be just like defenseless sheep, ready for the slaughter :p

Australia had a mass shooting in the 90's. The government then enacted strict gun control laws and they have not had a single mass shooting since then, and gun related deaths decreased by around 60%. Coincidence?

why, is that hard to understand such a simple logic? and australia pfft, who cares, is not like the rest of the world would take them as an example or actually give a fuck :p
Oct 3, 2017 4:30 PM

Dec 2016
deadprez said:
AvaG said:

yeah, disarm the population then politicians dont fear them anymore, they would be just like defenseless sheep, ready for the slaughter :p

Australia had a mass shooting in the 90's. The government then enacted strict gun control laws and they have not had a single mass shooting since then, and gun related deaths decreased by around 60%. Coincidence?

Isn't Austrailia like an island or something?

Anyways, my stance on military weapons in the hands of civilians is the same. You know, since the gubment don't even trust the Military to carry military weapons around for no good reason.

I am really sick of hearing the "who is to blame" BS that goes on after an incident like this.. The one to blame is the idiot that pulled the trigger.. There may or may not be policies that could help prevent another similar occurrence though.. When the media discusses the policy that prohibits soldiers from having weapons while in garrison they always focus on official weapons that are issued to troops, the policy that is in place right now makes sense in that regard - Soldiers do not need Military weapons unless on mission...

Nice post. Went on about other stuff though.
Oct 3, 2017 4:33 PM

Mar 2008
iLolicon said:
AvaG said:

yeah, disarm the population then politicians dont fear them anymore, they would be just like defenseless sheep, ready for the slaughter :p

Defenseless sheep? Pfttt.... NO, you are mistaken good sir. Then they would be a proud slave... err.. I meant 'workforce' ready to support their nation's great leaders who they would love and not be controlled by at all.

As shown by the past, communism and socialism has been nothing but a success, that is why we must push to turn every nation to this flawless system. So that we can all live in harmony in a happy world with no critical economic issues, major loss of human rights or corruption.

The right wing is evil and doesn't support such a perfect way of life, they must be stopped at all cost.

We must stop injustice comrades !! #DateYutaka for world president.

You should stay away from politics. Time and time again you show you have no idea about it. No politician calls for a gun ban. Also anarchists and socialists and communists are mostly pro gun.
Oct 3, 2017 4:38 PM

Nov 2015
deadprez said:
Australia had a mass shooting in the 90's. The government then enacted strict gun control laws and they have not had a single mass shooting since then, and gun related deaths decreased by around 60%. Coincidence?
Australia also does not have to deal with such a pro left, hate-all-conservative type media hanging over it all the time. And when someone wants to go on a mass killing there they just use knives instead so your point in invalid Date.
Oct 3, 2017 4:42 PM

Nov 2015
traed said:
iLolicon said:

Defenseless sheep? Pfttt.... NO, you are mistaken good sir. Then they would be a proud slave... err.. I meant 'workforce' ready to support their nation's great leaders who they would love and not be controlled by at all.

As shown by the past, communism and socialism has been nothing but a success, that is why we must push to turn every nation to this flawless system. So that we can all live in harmony in a happy world with no critical economic issues, major loss of human rights or corruption.

The right wing is evil and doesn't support such a perfect way of life, they must be stopped at all cost.

We must stop injustice comrades !! #DateYutaka for world president.

You should stay away from politics. Time and time again you show you have no idea about it. No politician calls for a gun ban. Also anarchists and socialists and communists are mostly pro gun.

The parody went right over your head. Of course I took it to the extreme, but that was the whole point. You should stay away from threads that get you emotional enough to tell someone they have no place in political views. Socialists and Communists are not mostly pro gun so don't pull such statements out of your ass unless you have the figures to back it up.
Oct 3, 2017 4:47 PM

Aug 2017
iLolicon said:
Australia also does not have to deal with such a pro left, hate-all-conservative type media hanging over it all the time. And when someone wants to go on a mass killing there they just use knives instead so your point in invalid Date.

Austrialia is more leftist than the US, obviously... You are saying that knives are just as effective as guns for mass killings? You think Stephen Paddock would have injured some 530 people and killed around 60 people if he had a knife? Once again, your disturbingly low intelligence strikes. You miss my point, and you have no point yourself. You're looking for excuses to claim I'm some other user.

Gonna add you to ignore from now on.
deadprezOct 3, 2017 4:51 PM
Oct 3, 2017 4:52 PM
Jul 2018
deadprez said:
iLolicon said:
Australia also does not have to deal with such a pro left, hate-all-conservative type media hanging over it all the time. And when someone wants to go on a mass killing there they just use knives instead so your point in invalid Date.

Austrialia is more leftist than the US, obviously... You are saying that knives are just as effective as guns for mass killings? You think Stephen Paddock would have injured some 530 people and killed around 60 people if he had a knife? Once again, your disturbingly low intelligence strikes. You miss my point, and you have no point yourself. You're looking for excuses to claim I'm some other user.

Gonna add you to ignore from now on.

well, theres also trucks, islam uses them to deliver peace. :p
Oct 3, 2017 4:53 PM

Nov 2015
deadprez said:
iLolicon said:
Australia also does not have to deal with such a pro left, hate-all-conservative type media hanging over it all the time. And when someone wants to go on a mass killing there they just use knives instead so your point in invalid Date.

Austrialia is more leftist than the US, obviously. You are saying that knives are just as effective as guns for killing sprees? You think Stephen Paddock would have injured some 530 people and killed around 60 people if he had a knife? Once again, your disturbingly low intelligence strikes. You miss my point, and you have no point yourself. You're looking for excuses to claim I'm some other user, making yourself look like a supersayin-idiot again in the process.

Why don't you try reading or watching some Australian news before saying something so absurd. Even now Australia is voting on gay marriage and assuming it doesn't pass the left will finally be silenced and unable to to push the issue further. Australia isn't as far fallen as much of the west.

Australia doesn't have anywhere near as much liberal propaganda shoved down it's throat each day. You should take your own advice and not make yourself look like an idiot, Date. Oh while your at it try switching to your real account adn typng liek thsii ot make us thnk yuo art Japanesee.
Oct 3, 2017 4:54 PM

Aug 2017
AvaG said:
well, theres also trucks, islam uses them to deliver peace. :p

What an intelligent post.
Oct 3, 2017 4:59 PM
Jul 2018
deadprez said:
AvaG said:
well, theres also trucks, islam uses them to deliver peace. :p

What an intelligent post.

why thank you, i certainly think so too :p
Oct 3, 2017 5:10 PM

May 2014
Takamura-sama said:
Why does this always happen in America and not in Russia?

Because vodka killing Russians faster than guns.
Oct 3, 2017 5:10 PM
Apr 2013
isekai said:
AvaG said:
ar with a bump stock and 60 rounds mag in one, more to come i guess

no M-249 pics yet like some experts predicted?

Yes, somehow, the most important info is the type of gun(s) used during the shooting. You know what's more important than that? The pic of the shooter himself. Nothing. The pic of the hotel room he was supposedly staying on? Nothing. Hotel security camera footage? Nothing.

You know what's more interesting than all these? They managed to release the full audio transcript from a police scanner within a day. His alleged brother's interview? They managed to even locate and interview him all within a day.

Then, we get a great pic detailing the shooting like this:

Oct 3, 2017 5:20 PM

Mar 2008
iLolicon said:
traed said:

You should stay away from politics. Time and time again you show you have no idea about it. No politician calls for a gun ban. Also anarchists and socialists and communists are mostly pro gun.

The parody went right over your head. Of course I took it to the extreme, but that was the whole point. You should stay away from threads that get you emotional enough to tell someone they have no place in political views. Socialists and Communists are not mostly pro gun so don't pull such statements out of your ass unless you have the figures to back it up.

Exaggeration isn't parody when you actually believe the perspective of the position you're "parodying"unless your making fun of yourself.

Guns are literally part of revolutionary theory. I was speaking more about revolutionary socialists rather than Democratic socialists. It should be obvious to anyone. Why would they want to take away guns they need to overthrow the government? Lol You don't know what your saying there.
Oct 3, 2017 5:27 PM

Nov 2015
traed said:
iLolicon said:

The parody went right over your head. Of course I took it to the extreme, but that was the whole point. You should stay away from threads that get you emotional enough to tell someone they have no place in political views. Socialists and Communists are not mostly pro gun so don't pull such statements out of your ass unless you have the figures to back it up.

Exaggeration isn't parody when you actually believe the perspective of the position you're "parodying"unless your making fun of yourself.

Guns are literally part of revolutionary theory. I was speaking more about revolutionary socialists rather than Democratic socialists. It should be obvious to anyone. Why would they want to take away guns they need to overthrow the government? Lol You don't know what your saying there.
It can be a feature of parody. I just used it as such. If you can't comprehend that then that's on you, and yeah I was mocking myself a little by proposing that I too follow Date's extreme ideology.

They want guns in their own hands but not anyone else. Assuming that a nation is already Communist or Socialist, they certainly don't want guns in the hands of the people. They have to maintain law by force. That would provide a means to fight back. And let's be honest, not even communists would want experience real life communism as one with no authority.
Oct 3, 2017 5:47 PM

Mar 2008
iLolicon said:
traed said:

Exaggeration isn't parody when you actually believe the perspective of the position you're "parodying"unless your making fun of yourself.

Guns are literally part of revolutionary theory. I was speaking more about revolutionary socialists rather than Democratic socialists. It should be obvious to anyone. Why would they want to take away guns they need to overthrow the government? Lol You don't know what your saying there.
It can be a feature of parody. I just used it as such. If you can't comprehend that then that's on you, and yeah I was mocking myself a little by proposing that I too follow Date's extreme ideology.

They want guns in their own hands but not anyone else. Assuming that a nation is already Communist or Socialist, they certainly don't want guns in the hands of the people. They have to maintain law by force. That would provide a means to fight back. And let's be honest, not even communists would want experience real life communism as one with no authority.

That doesn't mean hiding behind humor means you're above having flaws pointed out. Also you completely failed at what you were going for and that's on you. Everything you said is what most ordinary conservatives in the US say all the time.

No not quite. What happened in some of those countries was buerocrats trying to make sure they maintain control. It was just some bad method of a transition period called state-capitalism. Anyway look at the Zapatistas they all are heavily armed. Look at the YPG they are out there killing ISIS. Also even for places like the USSR they didn't have a full fun ban and that was really only under Stalin that they had a high restrictions.
Oct 3, 2017 6:01 PM

Nov 2015
traed said:
iLolicon said:
It can be a feature of parody. I just used it as such. If you can't comprehend that then that's on you, and yeah I was mocking myself a little by proposing that I too follow Date's extreme ideology.

They want guns in their own hands but not anyone else. Assuming that a nation is already Communist or Socialist, they certainly don't want guns in the hands of the people. They have to maintain law by force. That would provide a means to fight back. And let's be honest, not even communists would want experience real life communism as one with no authority.

That doesn't mean hiding behind humor means you're above having flaws pointed out. Also you completely failed at what you were going for and that's on you. Everything you said is what most ordinary conservatives in the US say all the time.

No not quite. What happened in some of those countries was buerocrats trying to make sure they maintain control. It was just some bad method of a transition period called state-capitalism. Anyway look at the Zapatistas they all are heavily armed. Look at the YPG they are out there killing ISIS. Also even for places like the USSR they didn't have a full fun ban and that was really only under Stalin that they had a high restrictions.
And yet you're willing to spend time discussing it. My parody was humorous, but that doesn't mean I have anything to hide and just because you personally failed to comprehend it does not mean it failed at what I was going for.

I agree with ordinary conservatives then, what's your point? Seems to me like you are trying to suggest that's a bad thing. Thank God I don't live in the US though. Americans always seem to think they are the whole world.

State-capitalism is just an excuse, communists constantly try to get away with it by saying it wasn't 'real communism', it was just a transition period. It can't realistically function because it always turns out the same way; but some people never learn from history and still advocate for it. It's just insane really.

"Only under Stalin" You really have no idea.
Oct 3, 2017 6:53 PM

Oct 2017
The fact that this guy could do so much damage and harm so many from a hotel room that was 32 floors up and across the road proves how deadly guns are. Everyone stay safe
Oct 3, 2017 7:06 PM

Jan 2014
It's a shame this still happens. NRA has paid off Congress, though.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Oct 3, 2017 7:48 PM

Dec 2009
It's just an American culture thing. People are working on to break the records.
Oct 3, 2017 10:35 PM
Jul 2018
Rest in Peace to those people who are killed by this recent American massacre
Oct 3, 2017 11:06 PM

Mar 2008
iLolicon said:
traed said:

That doesn't mean hiding behind humor means you're above having flaws pointed out. Also you completely failed at what you were going for and that's on you. Everything you said is what most ordinary conservatives in the US say all the time.

No not quite. What happened in some of those countries was buerocrats trying to make sure they maintain control. It was just some bad method of a transition period called state-capitalism. Anyway look at the Zapatistas they all are heavily armed. Look at the YPG they are out there killing ISIS. Also even for places like the USSR they didn't have a full fun ban and that was really only under Stalin that they had a high restrictions.
And yet you're willing to spend time discussing it. My parody was humorous, but that doesn't mean I have anything to hide and just because you personally failed to comprehend it does not mean it failed at what I was going for.

I agree with ordinary conservatives then, what's your point? Seems to me like you are trying to suggest that's a bad thing. Thank God I don't live in the US though. Americans always seem to think they are the whole world.

State-capitalism is just an excuse, communists constantly try to get away with it by saying it wasn't 'real communism', it was just a transition period. It can't realistically function because it always turns out the same way; but some people never learn from history and still advocate for it. It's just insane really.

"Only under Stalin" You really have no idea.

You did not properly convey yourself through words. You literally said the same things so many conservatives in the US say. Nothing you said was parody level. It's how things actually are. Is English not your first language?

It's not an excuse it's literally what it was according to Lenin. Stalin was who called it communism but that was his lazy attempt to calm anxieties of change which never got implimented. Anyway this had ability nothing to do with this topic just drop it.

I never said it was only under Stalin just that it started with him and was stronger with him. I didn't say it ended with him. As I pointed out earlier Russia as it is today has stricter gun control than the US. Their government is pretty conservative. So you have a politically illiterate narrative.
Oct 3, 2017 11:12 PM
Jul 2018
RIP to all the victims.
Oct 4, 2017 1:12 AM

Nov 2015
traed said:
iLolicon said:
And yet you're willing to spend time discussing it. My parody was humorous, but that doesn't mean I have anything to hide and just because you personally failed to comprehend it does not mean it failed at what I was going for.

I agree with ordinary conservatives then, what's your point? Seems to me like you are trying to suggest that's a bad thing. Thank God I don't live in the US though. Americans always seem to think they are the whole world.

State-capitalism is just an excuse, communists constantly try to get away with it by saying it wasn't 'real communism', it was just a transition period. It can't realistically function because it always turns out the same way; but some people never learn from history and still advocate for it. It's just insane really.

"Only under Stalin" You really have no idea.

You did not properly convey yourself through words. You literally said the same things so many conservatives in the US say. Nothing you said was parody level. It's how things actually are. Is English not your first language?

It's not an excuse it's literally what it was according to Lenin. Stalin was who called it communism but that was his lazy attempt to calm anxieties of change which never got implimented. Anyway this had ability nothing to do with this topic just drop it.

I never said it was only under Stalin just that it started with him and was stronger with him. I didn't say it ended with him. As I pointed out earlier Russia as it is today has stricter gun control than the US. Their government is pretty conservative. So you have a politically illiterate narrative.
Let me break it down for you because you just don't seem to understand.

Date actually thinks like that. He genuinely believes that a communist/social society is a good idea and would legitimately be functional. I was parodying him by sarcastically promoting his extreme view. American conservatives thinking in the same way as me doesn't mean I wasn't parodying him. It just means they share my political view on a far-left governed society.

here you said "even for places like the USSR they didn't have a full fun ban and that was really only under Stalin that they had a high restrictions." Of course they often weren't able to maintain full gun restrictions. It's impossible, but they certainly tried. Such governments look out only for their own interests; and keeping the people unarmed in order to prevent possible resistance was one up at the top of their agenda.
Oct 4, 2017 4:55 AM

Jul 2013
Pretty boring afternoon yesterday in the office until my boss dropped this news. Goddamn. What's with US and mass fucking shootings?
Oct 4, 2017 5:47 AM

Jan 2009
i heard on local TV here that the shooters girlfriend is a filipina lol
and if proven she conspired with the shooter i say that will make Trump and Duterte relationship a little shaky perhaps
Oct 4, 2017 6:45 AM
Jul 2018
They need more guns to defend themselves from the people with guns, to defend themselves from other people with guns to defend themselves from other people with guns to defend themselves from other people with guns to defend themselves from other people with guns to defend themselves from other people with guns to defend themselves from other people with guns to defend themselves from other people with guns.

Oct 4, 2017 7:23 AM

Aug 2017
PrimeX said:
What's with US and mass fucking shootings?

Zero gun control man.

Oct 4, 2017 10:20 AM

Nov 2013
Sadly, this is the sort of culture the U.S has to deal with now. I would like more gun regulation, but it will take much more to stop these incidents.

I can see you

Oct 4, 2017 10:31 AM
Jul 2018
iLolicon said:
deadprez said:
Australia had a mass shooting in the 90's. The government then enacted strict gun control laws and they have not had a single mass shooting since then, and gun related deaths decreased by around 60%. Coincidence?
Australia also does not have to deal with such a pro left, hate-all-conservative type media hanging over it all the time. And when someone wants to go on a mass killing there they just use knives instead so your point in invalid Date.

Can all you please stop assuming the attackers motivation has anything to do with identity politics banter?
He premeditated it, there's no indication that his sociopolitical stance had anything to do with his motivation.
Good god the demonization on this board is at all time vitriolic highs.
If I hear people talking about race or left v. right one more time in this fucking thread…
Oct 4, 2017 11:08 AM
Jul 2018
I will never for the life understand how you can do something like this. This was just horrifying.

My local newspaper even had an article where they identified some of the victims and talked about them. There was a mother whose son died at the event and she actually tried to find him at the time when it happened but people stopped her from going to the place where she thought her son was because that was where the guy was shooting.

Just imagine being in a similar situation. All because of some sick deranged individual.

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