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Jun 19, 2017 10:31 AM

Dec 2014

At long last, subbing on Katri, Girl of the Meadows (Makiba no Shoujo Katri, 1984) has been completed! After a long time, we finally have a new WMT fully subtitled in English. But I've got some points to make:

- I was planning on watching it completely before sharing with you guys, because the subber said there's some mistakes here and there, mostly regarding characters names on the first episodes he subbed. I would've fixed these mistakes before sharing, but I don't think they'll subtract your enjoyment and it would be kind of selfish to do so, because you waited a lot this.

- On the topic of characters names, the first 16 episodes have been subbed by another person, whom I believe had access to the original novel, so the names are more faithful to the work. This is not the case of the remaining episodes - some names are closer to the romanized version of their Japanese pronunciation. I provided him with an ANN article which contained the characters names, but only the main ones, so minor characters may not be written as "Finnish" as they should be.

- Episode 17 was the first one he subbed and he didn't use punctuation, then I instructed him to do so for the next ones and he did, so these won't have the same problem.

- No lyrics for opening and ending themes. Sorry :/

- He himself said he realized some mistakes and would fix them in the future, but I don't know when he'll do so, so I decided to share these subs as they are. When he sends me the revised versions, I'll upload them.

With that being said, here's the links:

EPISODES 1 to 16

EPISODES 17 to 49!IYJSRZzA!xXByL67-ctdoLwCtjf3oQA

That's it, folks! Have fun! And any problems you notice in the subtitles, let me know, as I haven't watched it completely yet and I'm kind of a slow "watcher" :v
vini64Aug 6, 2017 9:08 AM
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Jun 19, 2017 12:58 PM

Mar 2008
Primeiro, obrigado claro, segundo, pelo que entendi as legendas precisam de revisão? Se sim eu cancelo tudo em minha lista de assistir agora e começo a assistir aos episódio e revisar o que puder.
Jun 19, 2017 1:07 PM

Dec 2014
PaninaManina said:
Primeiro, obrigado claro, segundo, pelo que entendi as legendas precisam de revisão? Se sim eu cancelo tudo em minha lista de assistir agora e começo a assistir aos episódio e revisar o que puder.

Não sei ao certo, mas pelo que o cara me falou, tem alguns erros de nome nos primeiros episódios que ele legendou e o ep. 17 tá sem pontuação. Fora isso não sei se tem mais erros porque ainda não assisti a série completa. Mas se encontrar problemas, vai avisando, por favor, que aí eu arrumo quando terminar de assistir tudo.
Jun 19, 2017 1:15 PM

Mar 2008
vini64 said:
PaninaManina said:
Primeiro, obrigado claro, segundo, pelo que entendi as legendas precisam de revisão? Se sim eu cancelo tudo em minha lista de assistir agora e começo a assistir aos episódio e revisar o que puder.

Não sei ao certo, mas pelo que o cara me falou, tem alguns erros de nome nos primeiros episódios que ele legendou e o ep. 17 tá sem pontuação. Fora isso não sei se tem mais erros porque ainda não assisti a série completa. Mas se encontrar problemas, vai avisando, por favor, que aí eu arrumo quando terminar de assistir tudo.

And if anyone want to help, say beforehand that you will and what episode(s) you'll revise.
Jun 19, 2017 3:35 PM

Mar 2008
So, I worked on episode 17:牧場の少女カトリ%20第17話「狼を退治する日」(DVD%20640x480%20WMV9).ass?dl=0

I copied the OP and ED from Ushii&LE release.
Changed the fonts, they were too big.
Changed the position of the credits, but in the ED is not possible to position they "clean" like I wanted.
Someone can suggest a more "rounder" font to use in the OP and ED to match the letters used by the studio?

I put punctuation (except "!" that I feel need to be used more), barely corrected anything, what I mostly did was break the lines with "/N" but this is a obsession of mine that may not please you. I divided some lines that were too big into two lines and corrected adjusting the timing.
Didn't changed names, accept for Abel->Aapelli. The ending have the names that can be used as reference.

This was just a test, give opinions.
PaninaManinaJun 19, 2017 3:38 PM
Jun 19, 2017 5:03 PM

Dec 2014
PaninaManina said:
So, I worked on episode 17:牧場の少女カトリ%20第17話「狼を退治する日」(DVD%20640x480%20WMV9).ass?dl=0

I copied the OP and ED from Ushii&LE release.
Changed the fonts, they were too big.
Changed the position of the credits, but in the ED is not possible to position they "clean" like I wanted.
Someone can suggest a more "rounder" font to use in the OP and ED to match the letters used by the studio?

I put punctuation (except "!" that I feel need to be used more), barely corrected anything, what I mostly did was break the lines with "/N" but this is a obsession of mine that may not please you. I divided some lines that were too big into two lines and corrected adjusting the timing.
Didn't changed names, accept for Abel->Aapelli. The ending have the names that can be used as reference.

This was just a test, give opinions.

You're gonna spend a lot of time if you plan on fixing every instance "Abel" shows up :P But you've made a great job, I really liked the changes you've made. Do you plan on doing it in every episode?
Jun 19, 2017 6:04 PM

Mar 2008
vini64 said:
PaninaManina said:
So, I worked on episode 17:牧場の少女カトリ%20第17話「狼を退治する日」(DVD%20640x480%20WMV9).ass?dl=0

I copied the OP and ED from Ushii&LE release.
Changed the fonts, they were too big.
Changed the position of the credits, but in the ED is not possible to position they "clean" like I wanted.
Someone can suggest a more "rounder" font to use in the OP and ED to match the letters used by the studio?

I put punctuation (except "!" that I feel need to be used more), barely corrected anything, what I mostly did was break the lines with "/N" but this is a obsession of mine that may not please you. I divided some lines that were too big into two lines and corrected adjusting the timing.
Didn't changed names, accept for Abel->Aapelli. The ending have the names that can be used as reference.

This was just a test, give opinions.

You're gonna spend a lot of time if you plan on fixing every instance "Abel" shows up :P But you've made a great job, I really liked the changes you've made. Do you plan on doing it in every episode?

I can do a few, but first we have to determine consistency.
It's easy to change de names, you can use Aegisub and automatize with "Find and Replace".
Jun 20, 2017 3:25 AM
Oct 2011
I hope it's Aapeli (Finnish) you're using and not Aapelli, PaninaManina.

Sick release. Maybe not a series I'd immediately rush to rewatch, but I look forward to reading the impressions.

Jun 20, 2017 6:52 AM

Mar 2008
eevalee said:
I hope it's Aapeli (Finnish) you're using and not Aapelli, PaninaManina.

Yes, Aapeli with one "l", I checked.

Katri on the city?
Jun 20, 2017 6:57 AM
Oct 2011
PaninaManina said:
Katri on the city?

Ya, Helsinki.
Jun 20, 2017 12:32 PM

Mar 2008
eevalee said:
PaninaManina said:
Katri on the city?

Ya, Helsinki.

From what I remember watching the first chapter in 2015, there's some subplot about Finland independence right? Hope that Katri will not be burned in those flames...

Well, let's get the work going?
Attention for everyone that could be thinking about improving the subtitles, the episodes 17-21 are mine, ok?
I'll try to watch and check/improve those episodes, you if want to do the same warn us here which episodes you'll do beforehand.
Jun 20, 2017 1:22 PM

Dec 2014
PaninaManina said:

Well, let's get the work going?
Attention for everyone that could be thinking about improving the subtitles, the episodes 17-21 are mine, ok?
I'll try to watch and check/improve those episodes, you if want to do the same warn us here which episodes you'll do beforehand.

I would love to help, but I don't have much free time :( To be extremely honest with you, I think these revisions should only be done if they're going to be done on every single episode, or else the discrepancy between the subtitles will be bad. If you're the only one planning to help on these revisions, it won't work, unless you do them all, which would be difficult and time-consuming.

With that being said, does anyone else here want to help Panina with these revisions? Then we can work together to make this release even better for all the fans.
Jun 20, 2017 1:57 PM

Mar 2008
Não tenho confiança para revisar em inglês na verdade, por mais que eu "sinta" que há algo errado nas frases. Apenas os erros mais óbvios e simples são os que eu posso resolver, mas é um progresso.
Estou adicionando a abertura e encerramento e sincronizando com os tempos de cada episódio, apesar de que por mim ficaria sem deixando a animação limpa.

Também tenho pouco tempo para fazer isso, e local para calmo para poder trabalhar nisso, mas se eu acostumar a assistir com a legenda aberta posso melhorar só um pouquinho. Pelo que vejo está perfeitamente assistível, qualquer um pode pegar as legendas e assistir agora. Mas com um pouco de bom senso, e paciência, mesmo sem um fansubber para fazer uma revisão definitiva é possível mais tarde muxar os arquivos e distribuir em uma versão 1.0 padrão.
Jun 20, 2017 2:22 PM

Dec 2014
PaninaManina said:
Não tenho confiança para revisar em inglês na verdade, por mais que eu "sinta" que há algo errado nas frases. Apenas os erros mais óbvios e simples são os que eu posso resolver, mas é um progresso.
Estou adicionando a abertura e encerramento e sincronizando com os tempos de cada episódio, apesar de que por mim ficaria sem deixando a animação limpa.

Também tenho pouco tempo para fazer isso, e local para calmo para poder trabalhar nisso, mas se eu acostumar a assistir com a legenda aberta posso melhorar só um pouquinho. Pelo que vejo está perfeitamente assistível, qualquer um pode pegar as legendas e assistir agora. Mas com um pouco de bom senso, e paciência, mesmo sem um fansubber para fazer uma revisão definitiva é possível mais tarde muxar os arquivos e distribuir em uma versão 1.0 padrão.

Cara, eu imagino que não hajam muitos problemas com o inglês da tradução dele, eu pelo menos não notei nada nos trechinhos que assisti. Se houverem, duvido que sejam graves como na tradução de Marco, por exemplo. Eu acho que se você conseguir mudar a fonte e adicionar as OP e EDs assim como fez com o ep. 17 já tá de ótimo tamanho para uma nova revisão das legendas. Essas eram as duas coisas que me incomodavam, na realidade. E o fato do nome do Aapeli estar diferente, mas como você disse que tem uma maneira de automatizar as alterações do nome dele, creio que não seja um problema. É que eu nunca mexi com o Aegisub, por isso não consigo te ajudar nessa.
Jun 20, 2017 4:02 PM
Jul 2009
OMG thank you! <3
Jun 20, 2017 4:13 PM

Mar 2008
vini64 said:

Cara, eu imagino que não hajam muitos problemas com o inglês da tradução dele, eu pelo menos não notei nada nos trechinhos que assisti. Se houverem, duvido que sejam graves como na tradução de Marco, por exemplo. Eu acho que se você conseguir mudar a fonte e adicionar as OP e EDs assim como fez com o ep. 17 já tá de ótimo tamanho para uma nova revisão das legendas. Essas eram as duas coisas que me incomodavam, na realidade. E o fato do nome do Aapeli estar diferente, mas como você disse que tem uma maneira de automatizar as alterações do nome dele, creio que não seja um problema. É que eu nunca mexi com o Aegisub, por isso não consigo te ajudar nessa.

Não é falha de tradução, são apenas algumas frases que poderiam ser escritas de forma mais "agradável", para fluir melhor, apenas detalhes.
Só que como disse, para eu corrigir em inglês é difícil, só posso ter certeza quando algo está escrito errado e precisa ser corrigido de todo modo.
Enfim, vou fazendo até o episódio 21, depois vemos se faço mais ou se mais alguém aparece para ajudar.
Em primeiro lugar e principalmente estou fazendo isso mais por ser "chatão".
Jun 21, 2017 8:23 AM

Dec 2014
PaninaManina said:

Não é falha de tradução, são apenas algumas frases que poderiam ser escritas de forma mais "agradável", para fluir melhor, apenas detalhes.
Só que como disse, para eu corrigir em inglês é difícil, só posso ter certeza quando algo está escrito errado e precisa ser corrigido de todo modo.
Enfim, vou fazendo até o episódio 21, depois vemos se faço mais ou se mais alguém aparece para ajudar.
Em primeiro lugar e principalmente estou fazendo isso mais por ser "chatão".

É, infelizmente nós não temos muita margem para sermos chatões com séries tipo WMT, porque já é difícil encontrar algumas delas legendadas, então o que vem a gente aceita do jeito que tá. Não estou desmerecendo seu empenho, longe disso, até porque eu amaria que as legendas fossem as mais perfeitas possível, mas acho que essas correções só serão válidas se forem aplicadas em todos os episódios para não ficar um conjunto discrepante (legendas variando de qualidade uma das outras) e, francamente, eu não acho que muitas pessoas aqui estarão dispostas a ajudar nessas alterações.
Jun 21, 2017 2:50 PM
Jul 2010
This is great. Thanks a lot for sharing this :D
Jun 22, 2017 6:00 AM

Dec 2014
How long do you think it will be before these will be on anime sites to watch?
Jun 28, 2017 7:16 PM
Jan 2014
I'm watching through this now, and so far I've noticed a few file kinks in those early episodes (before the commissioning) that I'll pass along:

1) My download version of Episode 6 cut off about 3 minutes before the end (including the ED and preview, so about 1 minute before the end of the ep proper). The stream (and the download of the stream) badly misprocesses those last 3 minutes too.

2) My download version of Episode 8 was missing about 20 seconds in the middle (it skips to the end when it hits the missing part, but if you drag it back to a bit after it left off, the rest is there). I re-downloaded the ep and the issue remained.

Ep 8's the last I've seen so far, so there may be some other issues. It's possible that the errors are due to something on my end, I suppose, but I figured this info may be helpful to somebody.
Jun 28, 2017 7:23 PM

Dec 2014
engalleons said:
I'm watching through this now, and so far I've noticed a few file kinks in those early episodes (before the commissioning) that I'll pass along:

1) My download version of Episode 6 cut off about 3 minutes before the end (including the ED and preview, so about 1 minute before the end of the ep proper). The stream (and the download of the stream) badly misprocesses those last 3 minutes too.

2) My download version of Episode 8 was missing about 20 seconds in the middle (it skips to the end when it hits the missing part, but if you drag it back to a bit after it left off, the rest is there). I re-downloaded the ep and the issue remained.

Ep 8's the last I've seen so far, so there may be some other issues. It's possible that the errors are due to something on my end, I suppose, but I figured this info may be helpful to somebody.

Yup, I've got these problems too, but these are the only subbed versions I could find in the internet :/ But these problems surely won't happen from 16 and beyond, as they are from a different rip.
Jun 29, 2017 4:35 PM

Jul 2010
Awesome! Thanks! Maybe this show will help pull me out of my anime burnout.
Jul 1, 2017 2:53 PM

Sep 2009
Oh so it's done, really wonderful news. You have my deepest thanks vini!
Jul 31, 2017 7:41 AM

Feb 2010
Just wanted to say thanks. I've been wanting to watch Katri for a while now, and now it's possible only thanks to vini's initiative. I still can't say anything about the quality of the subs, but I already watched episodes 1-17, and at least I can say the previous work (1-16) was well subbed, and while episode 17 had areas to improve (but it was the first subbed episode, so I can't judge on it alone), it was more than decent (I'm sure some people here are aware about how bad subs can get, especially on older anime).

So again, thanks a lot for this.

People need societies, but they don't necessarily need nations. - Yang Wen-li
Aug 14, 2017 8:38 AM
Feb 2013
great work. thanks
Aug 21, 2017 1:19 PM
Mar 2017
thanks a lot for this!!!
Dec 10, 2017 11:56 PM
Jun 2017
Hi, sorry for being a dummy, but how do I get the subbed ver? I downloaded from mega but it's raw :(
Dec 10, 2017 11:57 PM
Jun 2017
Oh okay nvm I figured it out, it's my program haha xD THANK YOU SO MUCH
Sep 25, 2018 11:15 AM

Mar 2008
Someone should create a torrent and put on Nyaa.
Must be a good many of people interested that aren't aware of the subs.
Sep 25, 2018 5:37 PM

Dec 2014
PaninaManina said:
Someone should create a torrent and put on Nyaa.
Must be a good many of people interested that aren't aware of the subs.

I'm not familiar with making torrents. If someone here can do it, it would be great.
Oct 14, 2018 9:23 AM

Mar 2008
vini64 said:

I'm not familiar with making torrents. If someone here can do it, it would be great.

Eu ia criar o torrent agora, mas não tenho os primeiros 16 episódios.
Você tem todos os episódios? Se tiver te explico como criar o torrent, senão eu crio só com os novos episódios.
Jul 24, 2020 12:30 PM

Feb 2011
Hiya, I just recently started watching this series (I'm 21 eps in now). Were more revisions ever done to the subs after 17? If not, I'm totally up for helping out.
Dec 22, 2021 3:57 AM
Dec 2021
Hello! Thanks for this. As great fans of WMT and a finns it's really interesting! But: we just downloaded this from nyaa but are unable to play the files with VLC (on a Windows 10) or other most common video programs. What program do you use to watch this (MKV - WNM3 file)? We would really appreciate the comments!
Sep 22, 2022 12:33 AM
Sep 2022
hi dear,
I tried to acsses the link but the first one contain only raw and other language
the mega is not working anymore😢 could you help please
Nov 21, 2023 1:52 PM

Apr 2019
Reply to PaninaManina
eevalee said:
I hope it's Aapeli (Finnish) you're using and not Aapelli, PaninaManina.

Yes, Aapeli with one "l", I checked.

Katri on the city?
@PaninaManina @eevalee
The correct is Abel. On jap sub is Abel. I don't know about the Finnish book, but that doesn't matter because it's an adaptation, and in the adaptation they adapt and change whatever they want.
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