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On A Scale Of 1 - 10 How Much Of A Normie Are You As An Anime Fan?

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Aug 31, 2018 1:27 PM
Jul 2018
5, kind of a casual though. I don't critically analyse any anime unless needed and I don't really care about dubs or subs. However, I do agree that some subs are superior but I've found some dubs to be superior as well (for ex, Baccano, Hetalia)
Aug 31, 2018 2:25 PM
Jul 2018
femmelesbian said:
Maneki-Mew said:

Aww that's sweet, but how are your anime friends ir?

I know the elitist attitude from book readers and especially some hobby writers more, the "if it's fun, it's garbage and can't contain any life or artistic value"-attitude. But idk, these people also were very insecure in a normal conversation and I guess they wanted to prove themselves. ^^"

Im not trying to denounce the generic impression of anime fans but pp around me
are the ones youve heard on the internet

not willing to discuss things without being unreasonable and emotionally unstable; doing cringy things and being proud of them; having little to no interest in learning things outside of anime and manga ...
you wouldnt be able to learn anything from them
as soon as you tell them you have no interest watching their favorite yaoi anime
they bash you with elitism
well I used to live in Asia (shanghai china --->> taiwan ) and moved to us 3 years ago ; I thought pp are gonna change since the culture is different but I guess the community of fujoshis and weeaboos have no borders at all

well there are a few anime friends outside of the club who are completely understandable and generous

your anime friends are lucky to have you

I also know some of these and creepier. Like the fedora guy you've heard in the internet incl. many cliches. xD I just don't get close to these people.

Tbh, I met my closest circle of people in the anime community, but watching anime and going to cons is certainly not the center of it.
Also, don't have these people a job, aren't they in school, university or apprenticeship and also when you are a stay-at-home parent... how is it possible to have not another interest than manga and anime? Also I think most or at least many people watch live acting movies or read books from time to time.

And yes, I guess they are all over the world. The "best" was the message from this fujoshi, who bashed me as a disgusting lesbian, but gay porn...? All the way (and real gay men are also either eww or supercute). I thought this was a male attitude to bash gays and praise lesbians, because they are into it themselves, but it seems like some girls are good at this too.
removed-userAug 31, 2018 7:15 PM
Aug 31, 2018 6:12 PM

May 2018
I took this test and got this result. I guess I'm a casual or normie despite seeing over hundreds of anime.
Aug 31, 2018 6:16 PM

Jun 2012
Some of my favorite writers and poets are Japanese, I read Manga and light novels in Japanese and have translated doujinshi, I watch a lot of tokusatsu programs, collect stuff, and follow Jp message boards, I'd probably call myself 3 or 4 because my other hobbies extend from my strength as an Anime fan. idk where I'd be on OP's scale, the values in his post are basic for MAL but maybe so am I.
OchimushaAug 31, 2018 6:22 PM
Aug 31, 2018 6:19 PM

Sep 2014
Yes Im a massive weeb the only way for me to get less normie would be to randomly use japanese in my everyday conversations. so a 3 maybe
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Aug 31, 2018 6:21 PM

Aug 2018
6? The only thing I believe in is that sub > dub
Aug 31, 2018 6:50 PM

Jan 2018
Normie? Elitist?
Maybe 10?
Anime for me is just enjoyment. And Im not a fan or something.
Actually I dont give a fck dude.

"Green how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches."
Aug 31, 2018 6:52 PM
Mar 2013
Normally I'd cringe at using the word "normie" unironically as if being normal is so bad, but I find this thread a bit amusing and I can see OP means no harm, I appreciate your chillness through the thread alright I'll bite

Judging by my taste I'll probably score an 8, most of the shows I like are "mainstream pleb anime" but I won't change my opinion to enter some cool kidz club, I was lucky to have watched them before joining anime forums, not being surrounded by all the hype and anti-hype made me enjoy them to the fullest

I watch many genres but mostly shounen superpowers adventure preferably combined, would not touch BL and not a fan of magical girl unless there are reasons to suggest it's an exceptional anime

I watch new and old shows as long as the show seem interesting, each has their pros and cons imo and I tend to complain about new anime trends like pandering, rarity of manly/gar chars and over abundance of weak MCs and fuji-baits in anime genres that used to be all about pumping that testosterone (sports), once I've gone through my long PtW list the balance between the two might look better

I watch subs almost exclusively now but in my childhood I did watch many World Masterpiece Theater, Nippon Animation and other older sports/mecha anime that had decent dubs in my language, dubs are easier for people who can't read fast enough

Last (and probably only) AMVs I listened to were for Fairy tail during the airing of it's 4th Arc, and they were actually good, don't care about them now

I used to watch OPs and EDs and think about how their lyrics reflect on the show, now I just watch it once and then skip

No knowledge of any anime twitter, What "normies" do doesn't really bother me as much as people who go out of their way to ruin the joy of others and berate them

So how would you rate me? Just for the fun of it
Sorry for long post by the way

Aug 31, 2018 7:14 PM

Aug 2014
MayoiYui said:
with 1 being the least normie (elitist) and 10 being the most normie
im a solid 2

my values below
i believe most of the popular / trending anime are certainly overrated
i hate dub and sub is way superior
i cannot stand pp memeing on those twitter posts and youtube videos without knowing whats going on ex: normies spamming jojo memes without knowing them
i hate those poorly edited amvs with pop music playing as bgm
and i love to promote quality anime that lacks popularity
btw i do not rate anime

are you a normie or are you an elitist

1 ___3___ 5 __7____ 10
1- hyper elitist
1-3 - elitist
3-5 - assertive anime fan
5 - 7 - casual
7 - 10 - normie

idk how the fk that scaling work but we'll see
1. Some popular anime tend to be overrated , yes but also this doesnt apply to everything
2. Apparently i just dislike dub but doesnt hate it for no reason. I dislike it because sometimes what supposed to be said and some joke are missed, not to mention quality
3. idgaf about jojo memes
4. I never really liked AMVs, never.
5. I do not promote anime unless they're asking for my recommendation
6. I rate based on preference, my actual review could be different from my scoring since its based on enjoyment.

Casual? yes.
Aug 31, 2018 7:30 PM

Sep 2017
I may say I'm 2.
° Mainstream anime is overrated (in general)
°Subtitles over dubs, ever
°No 3D
°Good 3D is when you don't notice it
°Sees a harem from nowhere, drop the anime
°OP main character without reason, drop.
°Fansub = sin [Actually there's one for Haruhi Susumiya, I was quite impressed]
Isekai genre = You know this is going to be trash (in general, Konosuba was really good)

°Im always complaining about everything, I can't enjoy anime no more :/

Decide once every certain number of years which members of the ruling class will oppress and crush the people in parliament: this is the true essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in the constitutional parliamentary monarchies but in the most democratic republics
- The State and Revolution (September 1917), Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov "Lenin".
Aug 31, 2018 7:39 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I'm confused. It's like the original post makes elitism an accomplishment...?

If the step below casual is normie, does that mean a normie is someone who doesn't watch anime? And then a "casual" watches anime casually or hasn't watched too much anime... but then the confusing part is the only way up the scale is to become an elitist. It's like a scale that goes:
1- white 2- really light blue 3- light blue 4- blue 5- RED
Like we went to a whole other scale? I'm just confused.

I could see if the scale was asking "How much of an anime fan are you?" And then the scale goes from someone considering themselves to be a "Normie" (someone who has just been introduced to anime or registered for the wrong site) at 1 to "ONE OF THE LEGENDARY FOUR ANIME FAN GODS" (someone who is into and is extremely knowledgeable about various aspects of anime and maybe bases their life around it) at 10 or something.

I think I get the idea though? But no matter what, I'd never want to be considered an elitist. "Elitist" usually-- if not always-- has a pretty negative connotation.
If this is ACTUALLY a scale of elitism, I'd say I was maybe a 7? I'll crap on people's anime tastes, but it's usually all in good fun.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Aug 31, 2018 7:42 PM

Sep 2015
I really just want to see anime tiddie

your scale means nothing in the face of as much

Aug 31, 2018 7:43 PM

Nov 2014
I'd give myself a hard 6 because I only watch subs, but I don't talk about anime or show that I like anime at all in real life.
Aug 31, 2018 9:33 PM

Jun 2015

LaLeLuLiLo said:
this could be a forum game where the user below rates your elitism
this should be a reality now

make it ruru
Aug 31, 2018 9:42 PM

Feb 2015
MayoiYui said:
Nyah_Chan said:
Eh I'm about a 5... Equal amount of trash and recycling...

emm your lists norminess Id give you a 6 for being diverse
having any gundam series as favorite as a girl automatically -1 norminess
so I give you a 5
with that being said
Id like to know you if we actually met in real life

Yeah I know I'm a 5 cuz I considered these things... I love all the popular shit but I also branch into everything else...

Um... I dunno? Have we? Kinda hard to tell from the internet... Because you know... it's the internet... My real name is Nyah though...
Aug 31, 2018 9:59 PM

Jul 2017
Nyah_Chan said:
MayoiYui said:

emm your lists norminess Id give you a 6 for being diverse
having any gundam series as favorite as a girl automatically -1 norminess
so I give you a 5
with that being said
Id like to know you if we actually met in real life

Yeah I know I'm a 5 cuz I considered these things... I love all the popular shit but I also branch into everything else...

Um... I dunno? Have we? Kinda hard to tell from the internet... Because you know... it's the internet... My real name is Nyah though...

just a random thought of mine
I dont have many friends who are not fujoshis lol
Sep 1, 2018 12:15 AM

Mar 2014
6-8 i think. i only watch what's popular, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sep 1, 2018 12:20 AM

Mar 2013
Eh, I think I'm in too deep to be called a normie, but I wouldn't say that I'm a elitist either. Somewhere in the middle I guess?

Sep 1, 2018 12:20 AM

Aug 2018
I'm like a 6 or 7, I just watch whatever looks interesting, and I don't really go to deep into analyzing shows.
Sep 1, 2018 1:59 AM

Jul 2017
Alfond said:
Eh, I think I'm in too deep to be called a normie, but I wouldn't say that I'm a elitist either. Somewhere in the middle I guess?

Id give you a 4 or maybe 3
u certainly have delightful taste
those are some quality yuri manga
Sep 1, 2018 2:23 AM

Mar 2013
MayoiYui said:
Alfond said:
Eh, I think I'm in too deep to be called a normie, but I wouldn't say that I'm a elitist either. Somewhere in the middle I guess?

Id give you a 4 or maybe 3
u certainly have delightful taste
those are some quality yuri manga

Yikes, I'm almost heading into elitist territory then lol
Well, thanks, more yuri is always good! It's not often that I see someone else with Prism in their faves, or Girl Friends for that matter (and is that Fate/kaleid I see as well?). I'd say you have delightful taste as well o/

Sep 2, 2018 10:24 AM

Aug 2018
probs 5.5 ive seen normie arguments it goes like this "this guy is stronger than this character henceforth the stronger the mc the better the anime" is the arguments what normies use
-Just roki roll!!!
If you click on that you will die
Sep 2, 2018 11:09 AM

Sep 2018
I would say I am around a 4. I still like some critically panned shows though I definitely seen a fair amount of series.
Sep 2, 2018 11:37 AM

Jul 2017
Alfond said:
MayoiYui said:

Id give you a 4 or maybe 3
u certainly have delightful taste
those are some quality yuri manga

Yikes, I'm almost heading into elitist territory then lol
Well, thanks, more yuri is always good! It's not often that I see someone else with Prism in their faves, or Girl Friends for that matter (and is that Fate/kaleid I see as well?). I'd say you have delightful taste as well o/

aww thx <3
my fellow anime friends dont really like my taste tho maybe because they are too normie to inderstand the appeal of yuri XD
besides why do most pp sees elitism as an insult I thought it implies little negativity on a persons mindset
Sep 2, 2018 11:37 AM
Aug 2016
I don't care about this and I don't like to label myself as anything, but I do care if someone is an elitist or not, because I know for sure I don't like those kind of people.
Sep 2, 2018 12:22 PM

Feb 2015
MayoiYui said:
Nyah_Chan said:

Yeah I know I'm a 5 cuz I considered these things... I love all the popular shit but I also branch into everything else...

Um... I dunno? Have we? Kinda hard to tell from the internet... Because you know... it's the internet... My real name is Nyah though...

just a random thought of mine
I dont have many friends who are not fujoshis lol

Um.... OKAY... (My fujoshi hate is strong)
Sep 3, 2018 3:10 AM

Feb 2015
I fairly believe that I'm average to be honest. I abide the laws, I know how to act properly in the streets. I help those who are in need, I cross in the side walks when I have checked that there's on on-going vehicles. I abide the traffic signs.

Sep 3, 2018 8:21 AM

Apr 2018
While I am quite new, only having watched for a couple months, I think I have learned a lot about the popular and higher-rated anime, as well as understanding the memes that come from them. I'll give myself a solid 7.
Sep 3, 2018 8:49 AM

Feb 2010
Setting aside how badly labeled that scale is, idk, I'm a bit weird in that I am both more nerdy and less nerdy than most other anime fans. More nerdy in the sense that I've been doing it for a long time and probably have more knowledge about and experience watching anime than most people as well as a pretty big and extensive collection of manga and anime DVDs and BDs (and even some VHS).

But also less nerdy in the sense that I never really participated in anime culture aside from being active on this very forum. I don't do waifus, I don't like 99% of memes and don't do those either, I'm not really into japanese or asian pop culture aside from anime and some manga (no games, no VNs, no LNs, no jpop or kpop, no idols, no vocaloids, no multimedia franchises, no japanese live action series, nothing of the sorts), I don't really deep-dive into specific fandoms or individual shows to become an expert on them and really explore them over the course of years, but instead usually move on quickly after finishing an anime because I want to experience the whole medium more than I want to spaz out over individual series, and I also don't really do anime merch aside from the actual dvds and manga volumes for my collection.

To me all that stuff doesn't have anything to do with me liking anime. I like animation and I like storytelling, hence why I like anime. I'm in it because it's a huge and historically rich animation medium, not because it's japanese or part of japanese pop culture, which is how it feels like with a lot of people who have no interest in any non-japanese animation and spent half their time on non-anime japanese media. So a lot of the people in the community are 'too nerdy' for me in the sense that 80% or more of what they care about regarding to 'anime' in the widest sense is stuff I have no interest in, don't want to talk or hear about and generally couldn't care less for.

And vice versa because most people don't have a holistic perspective of the medium like I do and, understandable, prefer to focus on the bits of the medium that immediately appeal to them and nerding about them individually while avoiding the rest or at least not really having any interest in it so they don't know what to make of someone who cares more about experiencing and learning about the medium as a whole than about even his favorite individual shows. This includes most people having some genres they hate and some they love while I watch almost anything and have favorites from all kinds of genres so I don't like people shitting on most stuff because chances are I like some of it, but also most people's lack of interest or even acknowledgement and knowledge about pre-2000 anime specifically and anime history and creators (directors, animators, composers, background artists etc..) in general, as well as in independent shorts and any other japanese animation that isn't part of the mainstream 'industry'. The only times shorts somewhat catch on with the larger community is if they are just pandering to industry fans betraying their independent spirit (Shelter) or the community sees meme material in them (Nami, Shitcom etc...).
At the same time for every field of interest I have in anime, there will be experts who know way more than I do. I'm really more of a jack of all trades, master of none, and I like it like that because I like the variety. But most people are either casuals with lower interest levels in general, or people who got really nerdy about one particular area of anime so there aren't many people similar to me, at least in my experience.

So yeah, people are both too nerdy for me and I'm too nerdy for them to really get along with the majority of people in this community. But that's okay.
AlcoholicideSep 3, 2018 9:04 AM
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 3, 2018 9:10 AM

May 2017
Ehhhh, i'm a 5. I have pretty defined taste and I have watched Legend of The Galactic Heroes, but there are still many Classic i still have to watch.
Pullman really pulled words out of my mouth.
Sep 3, 2018 9:14 AM

Mar 2018
For me ima say maybe a 5, cuz im watching always some seasonal series and i dont spend time watching anime without at least a 7 score no matter if underrrated...
Sep 3, 2018 10:21 AM
Sep 2018
I consider myself a 4 on the scale so I'm an assertive anime fan. However, I love seeing the fanbase of a popular anime and the love they have for it.
Sep 3, 2018 10:23 AM
Sep 2018
Ever_Onward said:
I'm a 1. You can't get less normie than me! Well, you probably can, but you'd be really strange!

What's your top 5 anime? I genuinely like asking people's top 5 especially if they have a specific taste.
Sep 3, 2018 10:24 AM

Feb 2017
1 but i don't think i'm an elitist, i'm just a die hard anime fan D:
Sep 3, 2018 10:31 AM

Jan 2017
I consider myself in middle but some people have called me a normie in the past after seeing my favorite anime list, LOL.

So cant say for sure :-P
Sep 3, 2018 10:49 AM

Jul 2017
silent_knight98 said:
I consider myself in middle but some people have called me a normie in the past after seeing my favorite anime list, LOL.

So cant say for sure :-P

the first 5 probably
anyone who read monogatari series is not a normie
Sep 3, 2018 10:50 AM

Jul 2016
I'm a casual anime fan. Not an elitist at all. Whatever that is. 6 or 7.
"This little girl, who's not even half my size... taught me that tears can flow even from these silver eyes." - Teresa
Sep 3, 2018 11:19 AM
Dec 2016
I say I am a 3

  • I like some popular anime like bleach but dislike overated ones like naruto
  • I despise dub and think sub is superior in every way
  • I love talking about amazing but unpopular anime

That's basically it
Sep 4, 2018 12:52 AM

Jan 2017
MayoiYui said:
silent_knight98 said:
I consider myself in middle but some people have called me a normie in the past after seeing my favorite anime list, LOL.

So cant say for sure :-P

the first 5 probably
anyone who read monogatari series is not a normie
Well, Monogatari franchise is one of my favorites and I'm just too confused about which series to add into my favorite list coz i love each one i've watched until now equally.

Pullman said:
Setting aside how badly labeled that scale is, idk, I'm a bit weird in that I am both more nerdy and less nerdy than most other anime fans. More nerdy in the sense that I've been doing it for a long time and probably have more knowledge about and experience watching anime than most people as well as a pretty big and extensive collection of manga and anime DVDs and BDs (and even some VHS).

But also less nerdy in the sense that I never really participated in anime culture aside from being active on this very forum. I don't do waifus, I don't like 99% of memes and don't do those either, I'm not really into japanese or asian pop culture aside from anime and some manga (no games, no VNs, no LNs, no jpop or kpop, no idols, no vocaloids, no multimedia franchises, no japanese live action series, nothing of the sorts), I don't really deep-dive into specific fandoms or individual shows to become an expert on them and really explore them over the course of years, but instead usually move on quickly after finishing an anime because I want to experience the whole medium more than I want to spaz out over individual series, and I also don't really do anime merch aside from the actual dvds and manga volumes for my collection.

To me all that stuff doesn't have anything to do with me liking anime. I like animation and I like storytelling, hence why I like anime. I'm in it because it's a huge and historically rich animation medium, not because it's japanese or part of japanese pop culture, which is how it feels like with a lot of people who have no interest in any non-japanese animation and spent half their time on non-anime japanese media. So a lot of the people in the community are 'too nerdy' for me in the sense that 80% or more of what they care about regarding to 'anime' in the widest sense is stuff I have no interest in, don't want to talk or hear about and generally couldn't care less for.

And vice versa because most people don't have a holistic perspective of the medium like I do and, understandable, prefer to focus on the bits of the medium that immediately appeal to them and nerding about them individually while avoiding the rest or at least not really having any interest in it so they don't know what to make of someone who cares more about experiencing and learning about the medium as a whole than about even his favorite individual shows. This includes most people having some genres they hate and some they love while I watch almost anything and have favorites from all kinds of genres so I don't like people shitting on most stuff because chances are I like some of it, but also most people's lack of interest or even acknowledgement and knowledge about pre-2000 anime specifically and anime history and creators (directors, animators, composers, background artists etc..) in general, as well as in independent shorts and any other japanese animation that isn't part of the mainstream 'industry'. The only times shorts somewhat catch on with the larger community is if they are just pandering to industry fans betraying their independent spirit (Shelter) or the community sees meme material in them (Nami, Shitcom etc...).
At the same time for every field of interest I have in anime, there will be experts who know way more than I do. I'm really more of a jack of all trades, master of none, and I like it like that because I like the variety. But most people are either casuals with lower interest levels in general, or people who got really nerdy about one particular area of anime so there aren't many people similar to me, at least in my experience.

So yeah, people are both too nerdy for me and I'm too nerdy for them to really get along with the majority of people in this community. But that's okay.
Tbh, u and i have very common nature to some extent.

Never really had an urge to buy blu rays, DVDs, mangas, figures, doing cosplays etc. I only like to watch and discuss (sometimes i love it more than watching XD) anime. Nothing more than that. Its true that anime is the best thing ever happened to me until now and all my free time is spent on watching it but i never had an interest in doing otaku-like things.

Same with the waifus. I dont really like making waifus but i do call Senjougahara Hitagi waifu sometimes to show my affection towards her and how much i appreciate her as a character.

When it comes to liking and disliking anime, i never look down on someone for his tastes. Sure, i hate many anime and i also write very bad things bout them, for example, i absolutely abhor End Of Evangelion (tv series was perfect though), but if a person likes it then its absolutely fine to me.

But i've not touched many genres. Most of the anime i've watched are battle shounens, harems and SOL romances. So there are lots of things to explore for me and who knows, my preferces and the way i see things might change in the future?
silent_knight98Sep 4, 2018 12:55 AM
Sep 4, 2018 4:12 AM

Apr 2010
I'm not sure how you really choose a number... I am thinking I am elitist, but I do have non common opinions (Not always. And from a start, as much anime watchers are guys, liking shoujo and disliking ecchi put me in minority

Sep 4, 2018 6:31 AM
Aug 2018
I usually watch old ass mecha shows and always with subs, so I probably rank pretty high in the autism-normie scale.
Sep 4, 2018 9:43 AM

Jul 2017
EfiChan said:
I'm not sure how you really choose a number... I am thinking I am elitist, but I do have non common opinions (Not always. And from a start, as much anime watchers are guys, liking shoujo and disliking ecchi put me in minority

you sound like a casual to me
there are girls who are into those and girls who dont
Sep 4, 2018 6:28 PM

Jul 2013
I am very assertive but don't watch that much of anime, so I will put myself on 5 so I won't feel that bad with myself
I . A M . D E A D !  C O N T I N U E ?


May 30, 2020 6:31 AM

Mar 2019

If i start at 5:

Because i do believe that mainstream anime are overrated and i rated most of them lower than their overall score.

Of course i prefer subs over dubs to get all the context. And i feel dubs sounds weird(Never actually watch anything in dubs btw).

I'm not that picky to watch something because sometimes i can watch some of the mainstream stuff and still like them.

The most important thing: Popular ≠ Good

*So maybe i'll put myself as 3 on the scale.
May 30, 2020 6:41 AM
Aug 2018
I'd say I'm a 4. I certainly don't like a lot of the popular stuff here.
May 30, 2020 6:51 AM

Nov 2018
I would rate myself as a 4, I love anime, though I do not consider myself as an elitist.

Please show your love for my Kiss x Sis manga review here. It will only take you 2 minutes of your time 🙏🙏
Check out my list of emojis you can copy and paste in the forums here. List will expand in the future.
May 30, 2020 7:59 AM

Feb 2010
I'd say that scale sucks donkey dick. As if the only way to go beyond being a casual fan was to be an elitist asshole. What a shitty narrative that is...
I probably regret this post by now.
May 30, 2020 8:06 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Around 5.

A lot of popular anime don't hit the same notes with me, I prefer sub over dub but don't hate dub. I'm guilty of memeing myself but don't watch AMVs unless I'm asked to. I enjoy rating anime and by participating in stuff like hiscore I can promote anime I liked which aren't all that well known.
May 30, 2020 8:08 AM

Mar 2012
I don't understand the scale but most probably somewhere between casual to normie with sudden spikes of elitism around a few things I can't stand.
May 30, 2020 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
I would have to say that I'm a 5. I'm halfway between being an assertive anime fan and a casual. Even though anime has played a significant role in my TV entertainment, I'm not someone who let's anime dominate all of my interests. Now and then, I sometimes like to watch shows on regular TV.
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