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Jul 23, 2020 12:47 PM
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The iDOLM@STER Million Live!
The iDOLM@STER Million Live!
Jul 5, 2020 8:28 PM
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Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Jul 5, 2020 8:28 PM
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Fella Pure: Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou
Fella Pure: Mitarashi-san Chi no Jijou
Jul 17, 2020 1:28 PM
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Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi ni Todoke
Jul 17, 2020 1:26 PM
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Jul 17, 2020 1:13 PM
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Jinx_Araragi Sep 18, 2022 8:56 PM
violadim Jul 26, 2022 9:24 PM
Hope you’re alive and well bro, and just taking a little break like I did. If you can read this, come back when you can, I miss talking to you.
abyss_will Jul 10, 2021 12:16 PM
-Lofn- Jun 7, 2021 8:12 AM
Brotha, come back brotha
Creeger Oct 19, 2020 1:21 PM
Yo, been a while.
Watcha up to man?
Leilana Jul 27, 2020 11:14 AM
Yep, pretty happy about it! That's good to hear. I know nothing about that, but that's cool. Well I wish you luck and hopefully you get something good regardless. Ooo very nice. I actually wanted Hokusai as well and was hoping for her. That is true.

I'm all fine now so nothing to worry about. And ahaha yeah it's definitely not a good time to get sick.. Thanks!
nasuyasu Jul 24, 2020 11:40 PM
Yeeaaah, I know what it feels like... pero bueno, es lo que nos ha tocado vivir I guess hahaha.

Que vaaaa, la lotto de este año del evento de navidad de Quetz tiene bones!! Es nuestra oportunidad to farm the hell out of those bones and try to get out of bone hell hahaha (aunque me parece que el bone hell is eternal de todas maneras, pero bueno...).

Oh yeah, Hokusai es tremenda y para los solos con su tercera skill de defense down en las cartas de arts es una absoluta bestia. Ganaste totalmente el GSSR hahaha. Uff es que es demasiada cantidad de sq... a parte de Skadi tuviste algún spook interesante? Yo creo que deberían garantizar un SSR (dándonos on ticket canjeable por algún SSR de la general pool) después de una cantidad de sq gastados (alrededor de 500 o 600 estaría bien). Sé que igualmente sigue siendo una mierda que no consigas el SSR en rate-up que quieres, pero bueno, al menos puedes llevarte algo que te venga bien o que quieras también. Mucha suerte para nosotros en los upcoming summer banners nevertheless! Muchas gracias Alfond, realmente estoy nerviosa ya así que no me quiero imaginar cuando llegue noviembre hahaha.

En mi caso, no tengo tantos servants de verano, pero sí que tengo muchísimas CEs hahaha (salty smiling face), oh well pero defintivamente está siendo muchísimo más fácil hahaha. Ya hiciste las CQs de la parte 1? Todas estuvieron bastante fáciles, excepto la de los summer servants, intenté utilizar a Raikou pero no fui capaz de superarlo... I'm still trying to figure out what comp would work.... mmm...

Los servants que mencionas son definitivamente muy interesantes, y tienen muchas papeletas para ser los summer servants de este año. Efectivamente, todos los veranos tenemos un servant de Wada y otro de Takeuchi, y también podemos sacar otros patrones como que algunos de los servants que aparecen en las CEs de verano terminan teniendo su versión de verano o que suele haber al menos una saberface. Por mi parte, a mí me encantaría tener un "Spooky Summer" event que tuviese lugar en el Underworld y que Eresh fuese la "ruler" welfare, sería genial hahaha. Pensé en lo de spooky summer porque quizás el año pasado no hubo evento de Halloween adelantándose a este de verano, idk son teorías mías hahaha ?) Otros servants cuyas summer version nos podrían caer imo son Suzuka Gozen, MHX Alter o Laltoria y también veo que Kiara tiene muchas papeletas.

YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAH!!! I was so freaking excited you have no idea, when I saw the announcement. Yo realmente confiaba en que anunciasen un remake de Fate/Extra por lo que no podía estar más feliz. El nuevo diseño de Rin ME. ENCANTA. hasta el punto que cuando estaba viendo el stream de Vtuber Rin, my friends were making fun of me so hard because of how much I was loving it HAHAHAHA, imagínate. Crucemos nuestros dedos por un futuro remake de CCC as well, ahora tenemos que apoyar al 100% este remake para que tenga una buena recepción y decidan hacer el remake de CCC.

Hell yeah! Hemos hecho historia haciendo que ganasen las best choco girls hahaha, me puso muy feliz ngl lmao.

Creeger Jul 22, 2020 4:41 AM
Sometimes you really can't do much about it. Like you said it's frustrating but you gotta bite the bullet sometimes unfortunately.

Definetly, I'd say that goes for a lot of things really. Mostly entertainment but it can be applied elsewhere as well.
I've been interessted in it since they announced it, I managed to pre-order it the day before release, I wanted the pre-order bonuses, hehe. From what I've heard it's phenomonal. And that it got some "backlash" from twitter users for being culturally unappropriate despite japanese critics prasing the game. Idk what they're talking about as I wanna play the game first before I see what people think about it/talk about.

The PS4 has so many good games exclusive on the platform, it's kind of a must buy, unless you can't afford it obviously. I'm excided to see what the new generation will bring. I'm personally excited for the Demons' Souls Remake and the next God of War game. I hope it comes out soon at least.

I have finished it as of somewhat recently, and I really enjoyed it. It was really cool that they were in the Oslo fjord and Gallhøpiggen(the tallest mountain in Norway), but I'd prefer it if they'd be at the other side of the coutry instead hehe. You win some you lose some I guess. It was cool that they took inspiration from the volsung saga, tbh I haven't heard of it before so it was really cool to discover more about norse mythology.

Absolutely, I'm not sure how much I'll be using Sigurd, but I'll definetly be using Nero Bride. I can't wait for the buff too. As someone with no kaleidoscope, more NP batteries are very welcome. I also wanna try out Hohenheim now that his buff has come, can really help out since he doesn't cost much to have in the team being a 3 star. Same with Ushiwakamaru, I just need to make fou her...
I hope I can get out of the void ust and bone hell that I'm currently in... Luckily Gilfest has void dust and hero's proof in the lottery so I'll will absolutely farm a lot during that event.

I also have more spare time this semester since I don't need to take all the classes since I've already passed them. Also, I got into computer science pogchamp! Things will definetly be better now that I'm gonna start fresh kinda. Unless... O.O

They are really fun to watch, I like Haato and Coco as well. I'm not sure who's my favorites though, I really like Marine and Danchou(her onee san voice and knight cup are amazing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). I also enjoy some of the Nijisanji Vtubers, Ange Katrina and Ars Almal are probably the ones I've watched the most, at least in terms of clips. Nijisanji is a really awesome group of Vtubers.

Hehe, yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I watched the VOD of Project Melody when she was on the rajjelor(if you know what that is), so fucking funny to watch. I love how she's gotten all the camgirls mad since she is dominating in chaturbate. XD

Yeah, I was suprised too. He posted about it on twitter not too long ago. He also had a collab with Pochi, I'm definetly gonna watch the VOD, despite not knowing japanese xd
Also, while he isn't a Vtuber, but I've been following Puyocha for a while and he streams pretty frequently on Picarto. He also has a discord server I'm in on. I haven't been very active on it but I haven't been very active on discord at all tbh. xd
And it's really difficult to get to know people on discord servers and become a part of the gang.

It's really cool to kinda get to know the artists you enjoy the art of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). It's also pretty motivating to see that they really are just people and not just some divine gods somewhere in the world.
It's also fun to pop in jdotkdot's streams on twitch, he makes some really cool art, I think you'd enjoy them. Definetly check him out if you haven't heard of him before. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

nasuyasu Jul 19, 2020 3:29 AM

Me alegro mucho de que todo saliese bien, especialmente dadas las circunsancias los estudiantes somos unos de los grupos que nos hemos llevado la peor parte sin duda. Así que major props to you! ;)

Malditos bones... te aseguro que tengo pesadillas con ellos hahaha. Cada vez que voy a subir alguna skill o ascender algún servant y veo +20 bones me dan ganas de llorar HAHAHAHA. Esta Christmas Lotto is gonna go BRRRRRR

OH MAN! CONGRATS POR ESA HOKUSAI, you totally won the GSSR!!!! Y el NP4 Salieri también es un gusto. Oops... una mierda que tuvieses que comprar sq porque Skadi no quiso venir antes, pero bueno... al menos ya la tienes en tu Chaldea! Tengo un amigo que se gastó 2100 sq para conseguir una única copia de Skadi (y todos los sq comprados), en este banner ha habido MUCHA SALT así que me doy con un canto en los dientes, aunque no haya tenido mucha suerte estos meses atrás. Muchas gracias, espero poder conseguir a BB con os sq que me sobran, aunque tengo mucho miedo de gastar más de la cuenta porque y'know... Eresh is back in November... Let's just hope and pray for the best!

Qué tal vas con el Dead Heat Summer Race event? El farming está siendo WAY WAY easier for me this time, since my servants were underleveled last year (apenas llevaba jugando un mes). Btw, este es mi primer evento que estoy jugando por segunda vez, which is kind of exciting hahaha. Y cuáles son tus bets para los JP servants de verano de este año? Ahora que se va acercando la fecha.

Leilana Jul 18, 2020 12:38 PM
Thank you!

Ah well just gotta make sure you are buying the right stuff.. getting electronic stuff online, especially computer parts, can be tricky. That is true lol. It's not the best place to shop for computer stuff.

Good luck! I ended up rolling for her and managed to get her. That's a good idea. Summer is gonna be packed. We will be getting that new banner soon, which will probably take all my SQ lol.. LB2 had some pretty nice characters that I enjoyed seeing more of. Yup I did both. Got Melt on the GSSR. How about you?

Yeah my throat has been sore now for a couple days and I ended up going to the clinic yesterday, so I can understand that feeling of being scared.. the symptoms are just too general and similar to symptoms of other illnesses, so you just never know.
nasuyasu Jul 14, 2020 11:59 PM
Alfond!! Dios, perdona que me demorase tanto para contestar, pero estaba muy ocupada y como dijiste que estarías ocupado hasta julio se me olvidó contestarte completamente... Gomen!!! Cómo fue todo al final?

Cada vez que veo un servant que pide huesos (tanto en ascensions como para la skills) tiemblo de miedo hahaha. Realmente el bone hell is eternal, los piden en demasiadas cantidades... Recién hice el Rank Up Quest de Paracelsus y cuando le fui a subir la skill... oh boy... that's not gonna happen for a while lmao.

Anyways, qué tal te fue en el GSSR y el banner de Skadi? Yo la pude conseguir con 290 sq y 25 tickets junto con spooks de Rama, Stheno, Kiritsugu y NP2 Saberlot, lo cual no está nada mal. Además me conseguí mi primer BG (POR FIN!!!!) y doble MLB de las CE de 5* y 4* lmao. En el GSSR tiré al banner de lancer, como ya te comenté en algún momento. Antes de tirarlo hice una tier list con mis preferencias (aunque ya sabes que mi absolute goal was Eresh) y esto fue el resultado...

Espero que estés bien y que tengas un fantástico día!!
Fovez Jul 12, 2020 2:37 AM
heyo. im back. kind of.
I made a 3D Character for my final.
Creeger Jul 11, 2020 7:31 AM
Jesus, sounds like a living hell to go through. It is so frustrating when you don't understand something, that you're supposed to, but it's either impossible to get help from teachers or really difficult.
But like you said, at least you passed the classes. I haven't had many bad experiences with bad teachers but man is it frustrating when they're not doing a good job.

I agree, it felt force. Like you hate this character, now you will like her cuz we said so. And also the side characters are basically irrelevant to the story, except Dina and Owen. Other than that they're barely mentioned after dying. And I felt that the ending was kinda weird, like when Ellie is on her way to Abby's location she is furious but suddenly when she sees her she just doesn't feel like it? I didn't mind the ending too much but it felt lacking in some what I still don't know.
But all in all, I like some parts of the story and disliked other parts, at least I had fun with the gameplay aspect.

I have not cleared it, I been slacking off and have just been farming XP all the time. But the most recent thing that has happened is that I've joined parties Brynhildr (on Gallhøpiggen of all places, pogchamp B) ), and we've just defeated the valkyries. Should step up my game then, I need to play more on the story with Azur Lane and Arknights....

It well really well, I got skadi on 30 rolls, inkluding the 10 tickets we got. And on the GSSR I didn't get Musashi, but I got Nero Bride and Sigurd!! So I'm pretty set for ST Sabers, aside from Musahsi....
Didn't you have Houkusai already? Don't quite remember, but I've used her alot since I've gotten her, removing the risk with berserker enemies is really nice.
I'm still lacking in kaleidoscopes though -.-

Nice, I'm thinking of starting to watch anime n stuff too. Though there's a lot of show I'm putting on hold for now like Re:Zero and Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, since I'v figured if that they're as good as people say that they are, then I kinda want to get the Light Novels/Manga and read those first. Since it's such a pain to catch up when reading compare to the opposite. But I'd definetly like to read more manga/light novels and watch more animes. Idk if I'm gonna play P4G yet, cuz I kinda wanna play P5R on NG+.

I've watched quite a few Vtuber clips and stuff though. Haven't watched that many streams since I don't understand japanese unfortunatley. Which Vtubers do you like?
There's quite a few artists that are trying out being a Vtuber, I know Pochi.goya has been one for a while and the artist Mashu, draws lots of Fate lingerie art, as well as Mizuryu Kei which I discovered today. And I've found other artists just streams without the Vtuber aspect.
Creeger Jul 6, 2020 8:07 AM
nice, gj man, how did it go?
Yeah, it's a good way for Atlus to get more people involved in the Persona series to make older games more available.

I completely agree with you regarding the story, it wasn't terrible but there are some issues I have about it.
that being said, the rest I think is masterfully made, especially the horror parts, for instance the build up for the rat king (hospital boss) was fenomenal, though I think it was kinda ruined by the fight itself, but I blame that more on the fact I was on the moderate diffuculty.
The soundtrack was really good, and the atmosphere was amazing too. Also I think the gameplay was really good too, I know some people had a problem playing Abby, personally I didn't mind too much, but had to get used to the different weapons she had, crossbow OP(bow too but crossbow has scope :) ).

I think the game really shines with the horror parts like I've mentioned, the stalker for instance was a really good idea, albeit an irritating one as a player.
All in all, I think the game is amazing aside from the story which I have some problems with. My opinion would align pretty much with what Videogamedunkey and Jim Sterling think about it.

Thanks man! I've been drawing quite a bit the past week so I've made some progress. Though I've still got a long way to go.

Really? Awesome, sounds nice to be done with your studies, especially since I've just started them. But job hunting during this time doesn't sounds particularly fun.
I plan on studying quite a while myself but we'll see how that goes. xd

Yeah, it's just a fun game that you can spend some time into. And the puzzles in it is actually pretty challenging, but rewarding when you complete them and add another demon to your harem. :):)

I'm in the process of clearing Lostbelt 2 as well, and they're in Norway poggchamp \[T]/.
I'm absolutely gonna roll for Skadi and the GSSR, not sure who I'll roll for in the GSSR, I'm thinking Caster or Musashi but I'll probably just get one I already have. I also look forward to getting more inventory space, as I had an emergency there, but luckily there was released some slot upgrades to the second archive recently so that really saved me.

Got any plans for the vacation now that you're free, aside from grinding the gachas?
Leilana Jun 29, 2020 10:17 AM
Sorry to hear that, but it's good you are doing better now.. and no worries, your health and real life stuff should definitely come first. I've been okay I guess. Had some rough days here and there, but eh.

Oh really? I would have thought there'd be more sales for stuff like that. I know a lot of stores here are having sales (I think due to the pandemic). Makes sense though..

Thank you and yay! Haha yeah her design is really great too, so that's another thing I love about her. LB2 has been pretty enjoyable so far. I'm still deciding if I will roll for Skadi or not.

Oh no. :/ that's the problem with it. It's hard to tell whether or not it's just a cold or if it's more serious, so now you pretty much need to go to the doctor all the time when you're sick just to be on the safe side..
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