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On A Scale Of 1 - 10 How Much Of A Normie Are You As An Anime Fan?

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Aug 30, 2018 6:27 AM

Feb 2017
you can't measure something as vague like that with number
Aug 30, 2018 7:23 AM

Aug 2018
I agree it's rather difficult to rate something like this with a number but I will try and give it a go anyway. I feel like my tastes lie rather in the middle with some outliers as I do quite like some 'trash' or 'normie' anime. I'll go for a 5 (perhaps a 6) but I'm not really sure. Someone else could look at my list and think I'm a 3 or 4 and someone else might brand me as a 9.
Aug 30, 2018 7:41 AM

Jan 2016
Im a 4 or 5.
I was more elitists than that, but rn i just respect whatever everyone likes.
Aug 30, 2018 7:50 AM

Oct 2014
I’m a 10. I like what I like, I let people liking what they like, I have fun on Twitter, sometimes I read fanfictions then I go to watch another anime.

It’s easier than yelling at people for having different tastes.
Aug 30, 2018 8:19 AM

Nov 2016
I score fairly low (for a MAL user) at around 5.5 and watch a mixture of shows. I don't watch much seasonal stuff so I'm rarely 'up-to-date' with current anime since what I watch has usually finished airing. I enjoy memeing and shitposting a lot but I don't think it means I'm normie. Ehh, somewhere in the 4-6 range probably, depending on which aspect you look at.
currently: doing my best!

Aug 30, 2018 8:50 AM

Feb 2015
Eh I'm about a 5... Equal amount of trash and recycling...
Aug 30, 2018 8:59 AM

Aug 2017
I'm a 5, cause I like both dubs and subs, I have to watch dubs when I am working on something while watching anime, but the original japanese voices are always nice to hear.

And in the case of my anime tastes, I like some normie anime shit and then I like the obscure shit too, I'm just in the middle lmao, but I do agree that I really don't like a lot of popular anime at all, or never give them a chance cause of very petty reasons.

lmao hello there, it's your girl
pls sub to poundtoundhound thx
(Icon was done & animated by me btw!)
Aug 30, 2018 9:21 AM

Oct 2015
Heimur said:
I don't know what a normie is, so i will just put it at 5.5 to be sure.

I'm surprised someone knew the average of a scale of 1 to 10. Everyone just puts 5 lol.

Normie is the internet slang version of the term average Joe. It's a derogatory term meaning painfully boring and ordinary. Although in this case the word means more like "casual".
Aug 30, 2018 10:52 AM

Jul 2017
Zelkiiro said:
Probably a 6 or 7. I like dubs, I enjoy some big tent-pole titles, but nobody's ever heard of Fantastic Children (one of my favorite anime), so I have a little bit of obscure anime cred.
Zelkiiro said:
Probably a 6 or 7. I like dubs, I enjoy some big tent-pole titles, but nobody's ever heard of Fantastic Children (one of my favorite anime), so I have a little bit of obscure anime cred.

your lists' norminess are 6
and your profiles norminess is 4
Id give you a solid 5
Aug 30, 2018 10:56 AM

Jul 2017
RainShift_2 said:
I agree it's rather difficult to rate something like this with a number but I will try and give it a go anyway. I feel like my tastes lie rather in the middle with some outliers as I do quite like some 'trash' or 'normie' anime. I'll go for a 5 (perhaps a 6) but I'm not really sure. Someone else could look at my list and think I'm a 3 or 4 and someone else might brand me as a 9.

your list consists of some normie anime but most of them are decently hidden gems
Id give you a 5 or maybe lower
Aug 30, 2018 10:57 AM
Jan 2014
Probably 3/10. I have specific tastes, but I don't automatically dislike popular anime. I don't mind CG/ecchi anime, though that probably doesn't make me a normie, lol.
Aug 30, 2018 10:58 AM

Jul 2017
yoshu_ said:
Im a 4 or 5.
I was more elitists than that, but rn i just respect whatever everyone likes.

your list is too cute for a guy
but I like it
Id give you a 5 or lower depends on how you rate them
Aug 30, 2018 10:59 AM

Jul 2017
yoshu_ said:
Im a 4 or 5.
I was more elitists than that, but rn i just respect whatever everyone likes.

youre a 8 or 7 at most
normies with 10 dont even know most of the shows on your list
Aug 30, 2018 11:03 AM

Jul 2017
Cynder360 said:
I score fairly low (for a MAL user) at around 5.5 and watch a mixture of shows. I don't watch much seasonal stuff so I'm rarely 'up-to-date' with current anime since what I watch has usually finished airing. I enjoy memeing and shitposting a lot but I don't think it means I'm normie. Ehh, somewhere in the 4-6 range probably, depending on which aspect you look at.

your list seems fine
memes and shitposting doesnt make one a normie if used intelligently
for instance your jojo reference on your profile is right on point
while a lot of normies use them randomly and create cringy connections that dont make sense
Id give you a 4
Aug 30, 2018 11:08 AM

Jul 2017
Nyah_Chan said:
Eh I'm about a 5... Equal amount of trash and recycling...

emm your lists norminess Id give you a 6 for being diverse
having any gundam series as favorite as a girl automatically -1 norminess
so I give you a 5
with that being said
Id like to know you if we actually met in real life
Aug 30, 2018 11:08 AM

Dec 2015
Not sure where i fit on this scale. Unless you know me, you wouldn't guess I'm an anime lover. But I've been a fan for years and my taste is really over the place. I can find enjoyment in a shounen or a cheesy SoL because I don't hold them to the same standards I would a more sophisticated story.
Aug 30, 2018 11:12 AM

Oct 2010
Let's see...

femmelesbian said:
i believe most of the popular / trending anime are certainly overrated


femmelesbian said:
i hate dub and sub is way superior


femmelesbian said:
i cannot stand pp memeing on those twitter posts and youtube videos without knowing whats going on ex: normies spamming jojo memes without knowing them

Don't care

femmelesbian said:
i hate those poorly edited amvs with pop music playing as bgm

Don't give a fuck

femmelesbian said:
and i love to promote quality anime that lacks popularity


femmelesbian said:
btw i do not rate anime

I do

So I guess a 9 in the normie scale. An 8 actually because I enjoy the Takena Nagao shorts unironically.
Aug 30, 2018 11:17 AM

Jul 2017
jal90 said:
Let's see...

femmelesbian said:
i believe most of the popular / trending anime are certainly overrated


femmelesbian said:
i hate dub and sub is way superior


femmelesbian said:
i cannot stand pp memeing on those twitter posts and youtube videos without knowing whats going on ex: normies spamming jojo memes without knowing them

Don't care

femmelesbian said:
i hate those poorly edited amvs with pop music playing as bgm

Don't give a fuck

femmelesbian said:
and i love to promote quality anime that lacks popularity


femmelesbian said:
btw i do not rate anime

I do

So I guess a 9 in the normie scale. An 8 actually because I enjoy the Takena Nagao shorts unironically.

youre a solid 6 to me or maybe even 5
into films / psychological thriller would bring you down from the normie zone straight up
Aug 30, 2018 12:06 PM

Nov 2011
personally i think i'm a normie who behaves like an elitist... or an elitist with huge shit taste

let's try op's criteria

femmelesbian said:

i believe most of the popular / trending anime are certainly overrated
i hate dub and sub is way superior
i cannot stand pp memeing on those twitter posts and youtube videos without knowing whats going on ex: normies spamming jojo memes without knowing them
i hate those poorly edited amvs with pop music playing as bgm
and i love to promote quality anime that lacks popularity
btw i do not rate anime

agreed with #1
have no problem with dubs, either way is okay for me
don't really care about which memes people are using, i think it's even amusing when they use it without knowing the original context
never liked amvs so i can't really give my opinion on them
if i have the chance to promote something i like, of course i will
and i also don't rate anime (save some exceptions)

idk guess im somewhere between 5 and 7

Aug 30, 2018 2:01 PM

Feb 2016
I'll go with solid 10. I rate my chinese cartoons. and I dont care about dubs, and poorly AMVs
Aug 30, 2018 2:03 PM

Sep 2017
I'd say I'm 4,5 because I feel rebellious. In reality I have no idea where on the scale I would fall on.

“If you live for yourself you’ve only got yourself to blame. So I can’t really blame anyone else and I don’t have any regrets.”


Aug 30, 2018 4:57 PM

Nov 2017
More like Logh>>>>>>>>>>>>normie

I'm a normie.
Aug 30, 2018 5:03 PM
Aug 2017
I consider myself as an individual who enjoys watching anime
Aug 30, 2018 5:35 PM

Feb 2012
LoGH and Tex are just decoys. A real elite is someone who watched those in early to mid-stages of their fandom and now mostly spend their time becoming a Digimon sage or some other shit like that.
Aug 30, 2018 6:04 PM

Mar 2018
I'd say I'm a 4 or a 5 because I don't like dubs, hate AMVs, but I still do things like enjoy bad anime memes. I also usually drop seasonal anime unless I really enjoy them.
Aug 30, 2018 6:08 PM
Jul 2018
3 or 4 maybe.
I have a few full shelves of manga and I even don't want to know how much money I already put in there.
On the other side, I love to collect some merch, but never these really expensive figures, because I could buy manga or anime dvd/brs instead.
Also, I love AMVs, especially good AMVs, but I don't "care" about the bad ones. I also made bad ones at the beginning and nobody gets hurt from it. xD I especially love fanworks, fanfics, fanarts or AMVs ofc.
All in all, I can function as a normal human being and I also do have other interests in literature, movies (animated, real, modern, classics - both, books and movies) and western music, and I don't wear any nerdy clothes outside, just a bunch of key chains for my bag.

I really don't like dubs except for Inuyasha, Digimon and Conan, because I grew up with them and I am very biased about the German dub here.
But I wouldn't call myself an elitist in any form, because I don't care about other people watching dubs or other people's favorites. I care in a curious way and I want to know how the person views their favs and it's always good to get another point of view. You don't have to agree with it, but I definitely won't call a person superficial or anything just because of their taste or something. I don't want to be treated like that either and therefore is the way how the person acts more important to me. On the other hand, I really have to admit that I tend to have "elitists rants" about some fanservice, ecchi and some harem series etc, but in the end... whatever floats your boat. xD

And I certainly don't care about the popularity of an anime. If the synopsis and art style on the cover catches my interest or friends recommend me something, I will watch it. It's just easier to get to know popular anime than the obscure ones, because they are advertised more.

The most important thing for me is that I can sink really deep into fiction, be it anime or not. I just rarely watch RL series and therefore, many of my fandoms are anime and some book-related fandoms. I love to interpret characters and get to know everything about it, I can really excited about characters, their reasonings and interactions, shippings (especially that xD), theories etc ... Tho I don't watch too many anime per season, sometimes I don't watch a new one at all or just one or two per season, but I can sink pretty deep into some fandoms, if they are able to catch my interest somehow.
removed-userAug 30, 2018 6:21 PM
Aug 30, 2018 7:12 PM
Jul 2018

Im a definatly 1.
Not a normie at all. Just look at my profile.
Aug 30, 2018 7:47 PM
Jul 2018
I'm probably slightly less than a casual watcher probably somewhere around 5.

I'm a crazy shounen fan even if it's not refined I don't care. I would rather watch some happy dudes fighting for Nakama and peace rather than watch some random dude barfing on my screen or watch literally depression.
Aug 30, 2018 8:32 PM

Aug 2017
Honestly I don't know, I'd say maybe a 5 to be easy on myself.

Dubs are trash, if you consider Naruto better than Dragonball you're probably trash, and if you like lolis you should probably check your priorities in life.
Also if you call multiple anime by "animes", you can just go home rn. UWU
Aug 30, 2018 8:34 PM

Jul 2017
Maneki-Mew said:
3 or 4 maybe.
I have a few full shelves of manga and I even don't want to know how much money I already put in there.
On the other side, I love to collect some merch, but never these really expensive figures, because I could buy manga or anime dvd/brs instead.
Also, I love AMVs, especially good AMVs, but I don't "care" about the bad ones. I also made bad ones at the beginning and nobody gets hurt from it. xD I especially love fanworks, fanfics, fanarts or AMVs ofc.
All in all, I can function as a normal human being and I also do have other interests in literature, movies (animated, real, modern, classics - both, books and movies) and western music, and I don't wear any nerdy clothes outside, just a bunch of key chains for my bag.

I really don't like dubs except for Inuyasha, Digimon and Conan, because I grew up with them and I am very biased about the German dub here.
But I wouldn't call myself an elitist in any form, because I don't care about other people watching dubs or other people's favorites. I care in a curious way and I want to know how the person views their favs and it's always good to get another point of view. You don't have to agree with it, but I definitely won't call a person superficial or anything just because of their taste or something. I don't want to be treated like that either and therefore is the way how the person acts more important to me. On the other hand, I really have to admit that I tend to have "elitists rants" about some fanservice, ecchi and some harem series etc, but in the end... whatever floats your boat. xD

And I certainly don't care about the popularity of an anime. If the synopsis and art style on the cover catches my interest or friends recommend me something, I will watch it. It's just easier to get to know popular anime than the obscure ones, because they are advertised more.

The most important thing for me is that I can sink really deep into fiction, be it anime or not. I just rarely watch RL series and therefore, many of my fandoms are anime and some book-related fandoms. I love to interpret characters and get to know everything about it, I can really excited about characters, their reasonings and interactions, shippings (especially that xD), theories etc ... Tho I don't watch too many anime per season, sometimes I don't watch a new one at all or just one or two per season, but I can sink pretty deep into some fandoms, if they are able to catch my interest somehow.

Id give you a 6
you seem like the least edgy anime fan ever from your statement
Id probably be happy to know you more in reality even if you dont like me
and yes thats the kind of anime friend I lack in real life
Aug 30, 2018 8:38 PM

Oct 2013
Aug 30, 2018 9:06 PM
Nov 2017
Im a 10. Cuz my average rating is above 8.
Aug 30, 2018 9:20 PM

Dec 2010
I'm gonna say a 9.

I don't give a crap how popular a show is, if I like it, I'll watch it.
I do prefer sub over dub, I simply can't stand most dubbed voices, and subs make it so much easier to watch since the house is fucking loud most of the time, so yah, I do subs on everything.
I'm not even sure if I would recognize a anime meme to be honest, so I don't care! (fuck, now I ship it is going through my head)
I don't watch an amv that doesn't have music I like, or crappy quality. It doesn't even have to be anime.
Case in point, Katy Perry - Rise / Star vs the forces of Evil, or Wake Up - Missing Halloween. Heck, I'll listen to music I don't normally if there's a visually appealing video.
I don't promote anime in general. I'll suggest if someone asks, but that about it.
I don't rate because I don't give a hoot.
Aug 30, 2018 9:22 PM

Apr 2015
I'd rather other people (mainly the OP) evaluate me then me evaluate myself.

I'd say a 7 though because I go on hiatus so often that in the span of almost 4 years I've only finished 60 shows.
observing a woman's body
Aug 30, 2018 9:53 PM
Jul 2018
Probably around 5:

My traits as an elitist:
+ I do think that a couple of shows are a bit too overrated (AOT, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note just to name a few)
+ I highly appreciate unpopular anime (eg Princess Tutu, ef, etc)
+ I am quite picky about "bad" anime when I see the score (mostly picky about ecchi and harem)

My traits as a normie
+ I watch dubs - subs aren't really my thing (unless if the dub is really bad or there is none)
+ There are some overrated shows that I do pleasure myself (HeroAca, Black Butler, Code Geass etc)
+ Deep (psychological) anime doesn't really interest me (eg Eva, Ghost in the Shell)
removed-userSep 1, 2018 1:18 PM
Aug 31, 2018 12:20 AM

May 2017
I guess a 4? I'm really picky when it comes to Slice Of Life and Romance Genre but the other's...meh
Aug 31, 2018 1:03 AM

Aug 2013
femmelesbian said:

my values below
i believe most of the popular / trending anime are certainly overrated
i hate dub and sub is way superior
i cannot stand pp memeing on those twitter posts and youtube videos without knowing whats going on ex: normies spamming jojo memes without knowing them
i hate those poorly edited amvs with pop music playing as bgm

Pretty much this.
+ I hate these pseudo "philosophical", pretentious "deep" garbage.

femmelesbian said:
mhkr said:
I can only say wtf...
Dubs getting hated also by normies

I cannot stand dub not because its bad but I feel disrespectful to
replace their voice
the original actors/actresses' voice are their skills and effort
you just dont take away them
you dont see a lot of dubbed movies
it works the same way in anime to me

You are missing one important part. Besides the voices itself, "translation" for dubs is often made up, a lot of nuances are completely lost, character personalities are altered (in worst case scenarios completely changed) + SJW propaganda and culture washout.

jal90 said:

femmelesbian said:
i hate dub and sub is way superior


Yes it is. You are allowed to like dubs, but it's objectively the worst and the lowest tier way to consume any media. No matter how good dub is considered by dublovers it will be always inferior to original voices. It doesn't apply ONLY for Japanese media of course.
rsc-plAug 31, 2018 1:15 AM
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Aug 31, 2018 1:07 AM

Apr 2013
I believe I am at 3 or 4. Most probably 3.
Aug 31, 2018 1:17 AM

Dec 2017
I'm probably somewhere between 3 and 5
Aug 31, 2018 3:22 AM
Jul 2018
femmelesbian said:
Maneki-Mew said:
3 or 4 maybe.
I have a few full shelves of manga and I even don't want to know how much money I already put in there.
On the other side, I love to collect some merch, but never these really expensive figures, because I could buy manga or anime dvd/brs instead.
Also, I love AMVs, especially good AMVs, but I don't "care" about the bad ones. I also made bad ones at the beginning and nobody gets hurt from it. xD I especially love fanworks, fanfics, fanarts or AMVs ofc.
All in all, I can function as a normal human being and I also do have other interests in literature, movies (animated, real, modern, classics - both, books and movies) and western music, and I don't wear any nerdy clothes outside, just a bunch of key chains for my bag.

I really don't like dubs except for Inuyasha, Digimon and Conan, because I grew up with them and I am very biased about the German dub here.
But I wouldn't call myself an elitist in any form, because I don't care about other people watching dubs or other people's favorites. I care in a curious way and I want to know how the person views their favs and it's always good to get another point of view. You don't have to agree with it, but I definitely won't call a person superficial or anything just because of their taste or something. I don't want to be treated like that either and therefore is the way how the person acts more important to me. On the other hand, I really have to admit that I tend to have "elitists rants" about some fanservice, ecchi and some harem series etc, but in the end... whatever floats your boat. xD

And I certainly don't care about the popularity of an anime. If the synopsis and art style on the cover catches my interest or friends recommend me something, I will watch it. It's just easier to get to know popular anime than the obscure ones, because they are advertised more.

The most important thing for me is that I can sink really deep into fiction, be it anime or not. I just rarely watch RL series and therefore, many of my fandoms are anime and some book-related fandoms. I love to interpret characters and get to know everything about it, I can really excited about characters, their reasonings and interactions, shippings (especially that xD), theories etc ... Tho I don't watch too many anime per season, sometimes I don't watch a new one at all or just one or two per season, but I can sink pretty deep into some fandoms, if they are able to catch my interest somehow.

Id give you a 6
you seem like the least edgy anime fan ever from your statement
Id probably be happy to know you more in reality even if you dont like me
and yes thats the kind of anime friend I lack in real life

Aww that's sweet, but how are your anime friends ir?

I know the elitist attitude from book readers and especially some hobby writers more, the "if it's fun, it's garbage and can't contain any life or artistic value"-attitude. But idk, these people also were very insecure in a normal conversation and I guess they wanted to prove themselves. ^^"
Aug 31, 2018 4:01 AM

Jul 2017
Maneki-Mew said:
femmelesbian said:

Id give you a 6
you seem like the least edgy anime fan ever from your statement
Id probably be happy to know you more in reality even if you dont like me
and yes thats the kind of anime friend I lack in real life

Aww that's sweet, but how are your anime friends ir?

I know the elitist attitude from book readers and especially some hobby writers more, the "if it's fun, it's garbage and can't contain any life or artistic value"-attitude. But idk, these people also were very insecure in a normal conversation and I guess they wanted to prove themselves. ^^"

Im not trying to denounce the generic impression of anime fans but pp around me
are the ones youve heard on the internet

not willing to discuss things without being unreasonable and emotionally unstable; doing cringy things and being proud of them; having little to no interest in learning things outside of anime and manga ...
you wouldnt be able to learn anything from them
as soon as you tell them you have no interest watching their favorite yaoi anime
they bash you with elitism
well I used to live in Asia (shanghai china --->> taiwan ) and moved to us 3 years ago ; I thought pp are gonna change since the culture is different but I guess the community of fujoshis and weeaboos have no borders at all

well there are a few anime friends outside of the club who are completely understandable and generous

your anime friends are lucky to have you

Aug 31, 2018 6:02 AM

Mar 2018
i'm not a fanatic, i'm simply a consumer, if i were to be a fanatic about a movement that nationalize a medium to a nation, then that would be a ''insert nation'' + ''Phillia'' or in this case, a Weeaboo

with that said and out of the way, i'm just an average norme, nothing specal.
Aug 31, 2018 6:48 AM

Feb 2015
Nithirel said:
I can't watch any dubs besides DBZ.

Aug 31, 2018 7:54 AM

Sep 2015
Hmm... I dunno. Maybe a solid 6 or 7? My favorites are all popular series, I watch just as much dub as I do sub regardless of whatever decade the anime came out, I keep up with the hottest seasonals, I read a shit ton of reviews both on MAL and Youtube just for the fun of it, and I have zero merchandise. Pretty casual levels I guess.

A couple years back I used to pride myself on having a low mean and only choosing shows randomly to give off the impression that I'm unbiased and superior taste and cool and handsome and whatnot. But now years later it's like, the only stuff I end up scoring low are already bashed by a majority anyways or never watched by anyone to begin with. Turns out I'm more of a sheep than I first thought.

Rarity is Best Pony!
Aug 31, 2018 8:26 AM

Mar 2018
AshitaNoJonas said:
Nithirel said:
I can't watch any dubs besides DBZ.


yet you wish for a JP dub for chinese cartoons

Aug 31, 2018 8:30 AM

Feb 2015
Phantomnocomics said:
AshitaNoJonas said:


yet you wish for a JP dub for chinese cartoons


That's where you're wrong. I watch all my Chinese cartoons exclusively in Taiwanese.
Aug 31, 2018 8:37 AM

Mar 2018
AshitaNoJonas said:
Phantomnocomics said:

yet you wish for a JP dub for chinese cartoons


That's where you're wrong. I watch all my Chinese cartoons exclusively in Taiwanese.

well said, very well said indeed, the only flaw is, Chinese speak mandarin, but for trying sake

Aug 31, 2018 9:47 AM

Oct 2017
Probably a 6 or 7 right now. I think watching sub is better 90% of time, but dubs can be good too. I don't watch that much obscure stuff but not much of the mainstream stuff either.
Hey there! If you'd like to talk about anime or anything else feel free to drop a comment on my page or DM me. I'd be glad to have a conversation and make some new friends :)
My list:

Aug 31, 2018 11:15 AM

Mar 2018
Amazinc said:
Probably a 6 or 7 right now. I think watching sub is better 90% of time, but dubs can be good too. I don't watch that much obscure stuff but not much of the mainstream stuff either.

Subtitled Original Dubs and localized Dubs aside, most Voice acting is awful, they hire voice actors that can't speak a language to do a dialogue in it and adult voice act as children. wtf
Aug 31, 2018 12:17 PM

Oct 2017
I'm 5 out of 10,i'm far from being an elitist but far from being a normie.

I share the same value regarding the dubs.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
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