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May 11, 2010 4:30 PM

Jun 2008
"newchapter" said:
Al gives up his soul to give Ed his arm back


I honestly got so mad I nearly broke my computer screen to get him to stop, even if it was to save Ed.

May 11, 2010 4:33 PM

Apr 2009
Wow that was insane! Who the faaack gave it 2/5?!???!?
May 11, 2010 8:03 PM

Jun 2008
fullmetalhollow said:
Wow that was insane! Who the faaack gave it 2/5?!???!?

Some epic fail troll dude?
May 11, 2010 8:12 PM

Nov 2008
alexcampos said:
fullmetalhollow said:
Wow that was insane! Who the faaack gave it 2/5?!???!?

Some epic fail troll dude?

i call kodial lol
May 11, 2010 10:13 PM

Jun 2009
Brava, Arakawa-sensei! Standing ovation!
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
May 11, 2010 11:06 PM

Nov 2008
great chapter - Epic even -

Its hard to believe after all this time .. only 1 chapter left
May 11, 2010 11:18 PM

Jun 2009
EPIC WIN!!! Damn! One chapter left! Noooooooooooo!

I'll gonna miss Fullmetal Alchemist! That rocks! Can't wait for the next chapter! Nyu~~!
May 11, 2010 11:50 PM

Jul 2008
alexcampos said:
fullmetalhollow said:
Wow that was insane! Who the faaack gave it 2/5?!???!?
Some epic fail troll dude?
Possibly an accident, or perhaps a very huge Father or Al fan.

May 12, 2010 12:56 AM

Sep 2007
Susurrous said:
"My thoughts on what might happen in chap 108:

"The one that RESEMBLES the Fullmetal Alchemist" (XD) is defeated, etc. But then what I think is that Hohenheim is going to give up his life - aka all his souls - and that should be equivalent trade for Al's soul"

Hohenheims job is done and he can finally die to be with his wife, maybe he really would sacrifice his philosophers stone to save Al.
May 12, 2010 1:07 AM

Feb 2010
waiting for last SMA chapter.. it'll be magnificent!

//btw: did you notice fragments of automail merged with Ed's arm? awesomeness
May 12, 2010 2:35 AM

Oct 2008
UsagiAddict said:
waiting for last SMA chapter.. it'll be magnificent!

//btw: did you notice fragments of automail merged with Ed's arm? awesomeness

thats arakawa's greatness . . The detail she puts in her simple art is . . . Epicness :) :)

suigetsu00 . . . Nah . . I haven't seen kodial on the fma manga discussion thread . So i don't think its him . . .

Thanks alexcampos . . . . I have to agree wit you . But what made me feel that this series ended abruptly is the fact that i picked up the manga recently . . . (april 2009) :) :)
lafuria_suxMay 12, 2010 2:39 AM
May 12, 2010 2:56 AM

Dec 2009
Why not use Fathers stones?

Epic chapter... <3
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

May 12, 2010 4:08 AM
Jul 2018
This is the best chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist for me!
It really made me cried!!!
Alphonse :'(

This chapter is really epic.
and i'm not ready for FMA to end too.
May 12, 2010 5:14 AM

Jul 2007
and yet again this lacks the correct rating choice. That being:

9000 out of 5 :<
May 12, 2010 5:35 AM

Feb 2008
My God, can this anime/manga be any more awesome?

Therm "FMA'' should be used instead of "Perfection". Truly best shounen every.

Al is so wonderful. And so is Ed. And Hoenheim. Real gentleman. :D
I also love Greedlin in this chapter very much.
May 12, 2010 6:37 AM

Dec 2007
Dang. After Mustang lost his eyes I didn't think things could get more epic than this.

May 12, 2010 7:29 AM

Nov 2008
cnaw said:
UsagiAddict said:
waiting for last SMA chapter.. it'll be magnificent!

//btw: did you notice fragments of automail merged with Ed's arm? awesomeness

thats arakawa's greatness . . The detail she puts in her simple art is . . . Epicness :) :)

suigetsu00 . . . Nah . . I haven't seen kodial on the fma manga discussion thread . So i don't think its him . . .

Thanks alexcampos . . . . I have to agree wit you . But what made me feel that this series ended abruptly is the fact that i picked up the manga recently . . . (april 2009) :) :)

lol yeah i dont know what i was thinking
May 12, 2010 8:50 AM

Jan 2009
alexcampos said:
fullmetalhollow said:
Who the faaack gave it 2/5?!???!?
Some epic fail troll dude?
Besides, wouldn't an epic fail troll vote 1/5?
No wait, it's an epic fail troll, so I guess 2/5 is probable xD
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
May 12, 2010 12:20 PM
Feb 2009
every single thing in this ep make it EPIC

i dont mind any kind of ending the author will give us as long as it remains epic
oblivious is a bliss
May 12, 2010 1:37 PM

Jan 2008
I literally have tears in my eyes right now...

Nothing short of an outstanding chapter. Still can't believe that there is only one more chapter left of the manga. D:
May 12, 2010 4:11 PM

Apr 2008
Greed wanted friends.
How is that even greedy? Wanting friends is normal...
Pride didn't give shit about being a homunculus.
Which was why Kimbly immobilized him so that Ed to take him down
Wrath was a kind and very badass leader.
I can't really remember him being angry … about anything.
Envy killed himself because he couldn't stand to be pitied by a lesser creature.
That isn't envy now is it...
Lust died to long ago for me to remember her connection to her sin.
But from what I do remember she was more of a temptress rather than a slut.
Gluttony loved lust and was constantly hungry.
Hunger and gluttony are completely different things
Sloth did whatever he did because the alternative was tiresome.
Him being lazy has no connection with his sin.

The above mentiond sorta bothers me... It also annoys me that the quasi-invincible homunculus is getting his ass kicked. It just feels wrong and rushed.
In this chapter he hardly resisted and all of his awesome superpowers are gone.
(Yeah, I know it's because of his God, that he's containing...)
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
May 12, 2010 4:30 PM

Oct 2008
greed.....wanting somethin which u dont possess (pretty badly) is greed.....

wrath.....was wrath kind....was he a good leader...cmon... the fact that he said somethin nice about his wife , doesnt make him kind....

envy.....ever heard of SOUR that term with envy's talk and ull know wat envy is..

lust....extreme desire for aything....ANYTHING doest have to be $e*ual

gluttony....this sin is a combination of greed and lust.....doesnt have to deal with food or hunger ONLY...

SLOTH.....sloth is supposed to be a quality in which a person wastes somethin which he possesses , by giving himself to laziness.....its actually...AN UNDUE WASTE OF SOMETHING HE/SHE POSSESSES

guess u got my explanation)))))))))

and wasnt hohenheim supposed to be invincible too......but uve answered urself on what is actually weakening TDFF....
lafuria_suxMay 12, 2010 4:36 PM
May 12, 2010 5:28 PM

Oct 2007
So much epic, I'm not sure what to do with myself. I don't want FMA to end after all these years, but at the same time, I think I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me.

All y'all ripping on the sins and how they "haven't lived up to their names," shut up. It was the idea that Homunculus ejected his emotions and implanted them in the sins. They exist so that he can be all cold and calculating and whatnot. That they have personalities and desires at all is enough.

I think more than one more chapter would be better to end the series (I get the distinct feeling it's going to be rather abrupt with only chapter 108 left), but we'll see what Arakawa-sensei gives us. I'm sure it'll be magical.
May 12, 2010 7:07 PM

Feb 2008
Am I the only one who senses a little bit of parallelism from the first season, although it is unrelated.

Anyway, what I think will happen:

People are strange, when you're a stranger
May 12, 2010 8:05 PM

Apr 2007
Remus_Lupa said:
Wrath was a kind and very badass leader.
I can't really remember him being angry … about anything.
Bradley would act calm, but many times throughout the series he stated what angered him. He's just the type of man that can hold his anger in, which is good considering the important role he plays in Father's plan. I'm sure behind that smile there was a raging storm in the back of his mind.

That's all I feel like clarifying with your dislike of the seven sin characters. For the most part you just seem to have a different view on how the sins should act in general, anyway.

Remus_Lupa said:
It also annoys me that the quasi-invincible homunculus is getting his ass kicked. It just feels wrong and rushed.
In this chapter he hardly resisted and all of his awesome superpowers are gone.
(Yeah, I know it's because of his God, that he's containing...)
But I do agree with this. It does feel like Arakawa is rushing a bit. If you ask me it would have been better to show father hold his own at least a little more. I mean it's stupid of him to just stand there and take the attacks when he should know (how could he not?) that the philosophers stone will run out, which is part of the reason he's losing control of the 'god'. Father lost the respect I had for him for that evil move he made in the last chapter :(
MonochromeMay 12, 2010 8:11 PM
May 12, 2010 8:09 PM

Oct 2007
RalonzoMay 12, 2010 8:23 PM
May 13, 2010 1:45 AM

Apr 2008
On the definition of the seven sins. I agree with [url=]this[/ur;] article on Wikipedia for the most part... I could be that Arakawa-sensei used another interpretation of the seven sins rather than the classical christian one.

What I meant with invincible, wasn't his power in particular. It's that he doesn't fuck around. He doesn't go explaining his awesome attacks. He steps on you and then he moves on. For him to just keep standing there and doing nothing but use up stone to block attacks rather than attacking or moving elsewhere to obtain more souls... Was disappointing IMHO.

Wrath wasn't even King Bradly's dominant trait. From what I remember he had more pride as a homunculus than his son/brother Selim Bradly, Pride, not that that's very difficult. But your probably right in that we have differing views on how the sins work. I would have liked to see the homunculi to act more like the sins they represent. Because if they don't; what's the point of naming them after sins?

As for the bottom part of your post. Word man! I couldn't have said it better myself.

With all this negativity on my part... I'm just bringing up the points I didn't like so much because I would probably spend my entire day writing down all the things I did like about the epicness that is called Fullmetal Alchemist
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
May 13, 2010 7:08 AM

Oct 2007

Good point, when you think about how the characters were developed, Wrath was more prideful than Pride, and Pride was more wrathful than Wrath.
May 13, 2010 11:01 AM
May 2009
Remember that Wrath in Buddhism is less anger and is just a strong intention to destroy a particular object. Like Wrath's wrath towards Hugh's daughter at the funeral and how he destroyed a tank, WITH A SWORD. Also, wrath and pride is not mutually exclusive.

Pride was angrier (at times), since his pride in his abilities and status as a homunculus was being challenged. When Pride was scheming or acting in shadows or when he is winning, he had the kind of self-assurance that you'd expect from someone with a lot of pride in themselves.
May 13, 2010 12:01 PM

Oct 2008
Spongekiller said:
Remember that Wrath in Buddhism is less anger and is just a strong intention to destroy a particular object. Like Wrath's wrath towards Hugh's daughter at the funeral and how he destroyed a tank, WITH A SWORD. Also, wrath and pride is not mutually exclusive.

Pride was angrier (at times), since his pride in his abilities and status as a homunculus was being challenged. When Pride was scheming or acting in shadows or when he is winning, he had the kind of self-assurance that you'd expect from someone with a lot of pride in themselves.

wat an awesome first post...welcome aboard......extremely logical reply to the pride situation....))))))))))))
May 13, 2010 12:49 PM
May 2010
kickass , i think ed will sacrifice father in exchange of al :D
May 13, 2010 3:18 PM

Jul 2009
I can't quite put into words how brillaint this chapter was.
5/5 doesn't quite do it justice?

I had a feeling Al would make a sacrafice, I'd do the same if I were in his metal shoes: I'm sure we all belive in Ed, he'll figure out the key to alchemy and bring Al back without having to make a sacrafice, that, or he'll lose his arm again.:p

I'm quite sad that this manga is coming to an end.
The author is one tallented lady.;)

May 14, 2010 6:48 AM

Dec 2007
Seventh page of comments already... guess there's nothing else to say but than this was a typical FMA chapter, meaning EXTREMELY GOOD, KICK ASS CHAPTER for those who don't know it yet.
May 14, 2010 1:31 PM

Mar 2010
Why do all of the badass manga come out once a month.
May 14, 2010 4:00 PM

Sep 2009
Monochrome said:
If you ask me it would have been better to show father hold his own at least a little more. I mean it's stupid of him to just stand there and take the attacks when he should know (how could he not?) that the philosophers stone will run out, which is part of the reason he's losing control of the 'god'.

I think how I would explain that is that maybe he's having so much trouble controlling his god-thing that he's not finding it easy to move around and attack. Like maybe if he attacked he'd risk losing his own body or something. Just a theory...
Though, I do agree that it could have been paced better. I'm worried the last chapter will be liek all MASSIVE FIGHT SCENE and then no afterstory dealing with what happens to the characters once the battle is over. That would really disappoint me. I want to see how Mustang copes, at least, if his condition turns out to be permanent. And what happens to Al.
May 14, 2010 4:02 PM

Jan 2009
idoru said:
Monochrome said:
If you ask me it would have been better to show father hold his own at least a little more. I mean it's stupid of him to just stand there and take the attacks when he should know (how could he not?) that the philosophers stone will run out, which is part of the reason he's losing control of the 'god'.
I think how I would explain that is that maybe he's having so much trouble controlling his god-thing that he's not finding it easy to move around and attack. Like maybe if he attacked he'd risk losing his own body or something. Just a theory...
They actually said so as well, a few chapters back or so, that he's so focused on containing his god that there's not much else he can do.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
May 14, 2010 7:35 PM

Dec 2007
Oosran said:
idoru said:
Monochrome said:
If you ask me it would have been better to show father hold his own at least a little more. I mean it's stupid of him to just stand there and take the attacks when he should know (how could he not?) that the philosophers stone will run out, which is part of the reason he's losing control of the 'god'.
I think how I would explain that is that maybe he's having so much trouble controlling his god-thing that he's not finding it easy to move around and attack. Like maybe if he attacked he'd risk losing his own body or something. Just a theory...
They actually said so as well, a few chapters back or so, that he's so focused on containing his god that there's not much else he can do.

Not to mention that he looks so down on humans that he might think it a disgrace to run away. Well, only a theory, of course XD
May 15, 2010 2:49 AM

May 2009
This chapter was too fucking good. After reading awesomeness like this it pisses me off how much so many other manga pale in comparison.

This Fairy Tale Is Ending
May 15, 2010 10:17 AM

Mar 2010
AHHHHHHHHH .....DAMN U AL !!!! fma cant end like this !!!! what will ed sacrifaice?? plus why is ''father '' guy so hard to kill !!!! To all fma fans , do u know any shonen manga like fma or 7- ghost worth reading ???
Signature deleted for exceeding the maximum size restrictions.

May 15, 2010 10:28 AM

Mar 2010
FMA-SUKI said:
AHHHHHHHHH .....DAMN U AL !!!! fma cant end like this !!!! what will ed sacrifaice?? plus why is ''father '' guy so hard to kill !!!! To all fma fans , do u know any shonen manga like fma or 7- ghost worth reading ???
There is no gain without a sacrifaice
Signature deleted for exceeding the maximum size restrictions.

May 15, 2010 11:01 AM

Aug 2008
It's going to be awesome. But it's so sad at the same time! I mean it's just like the series finale for FRIENDS.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 15, 2010 11:36 AM

Jul 2008
I guess I'm gonna cry .... the next chapter is gonna be the last ... This was my very first manga, which I truly loved, and now it's gonna end ? fma ♥

But gosh this chapter was epic. And yes, I cried in the end. Ed ..... Al .... yesh but at the same time ... noehs ; ~ ;

May 15, 2010 3:44 PM

Oct 2008
FMA-SUKI said:
AHHHHHHHHH .....DAMN U AL !!!! fma cant end like this !!!! what will ed sacrifaice?? plus why is ''father '' guy so hard to kill !!!! To all fma fans , do u know any shonen manga like fma or 7- ghost worth reading ???

he is hard to kill because he is a philospher's stone made up of more than half a million souls..and he's got "GOD" inside him.........hahhahahah.....
May 16, 2010 12:35 AM

Dec 2008
Amazing chapter, Ed got his arm back! I just can't figure out how everything will fall into place in the next chapter.
May 16, 2010 3:13 AM

Jul 2007
Remus_Lupa said:
Greed wanted friends.
How is that even greedy? Wanting friends is normal...

It's still greed, in its truest form.
You long for something others have and you don't, something you would take away by force if you could;d.

Remus_Lupa said:

Pride didn't give shit about being a homunculus.
Which was why Kimbly immobilized him so that Ed to take him down

He took pride in being a son and being what he is and because of that pride hs was defeated.

Remus_Lupa said:

Wrath was a kind and very badass leader.
I can't really remember him being angry … about anything.

Ever heard about passive anger? Judgmental anger?

You can be wrathful and angry without being hysterical about it.

Anger/wrath is not expression of mind, its state of mind.

Remus_Lupa said:

Envy killed himself because he couldn't stand to be pitied by a lesser creature.
That isn't envy now is it...

No. Envy killed himself because he ENVIED qualities human have he would never have. Pity was just another one of those qualities.

Remus_Lupa said:

Lust died to long ago for me to remember her connection to her sin.
But from what I do remember she was more of a temptress rather than a slut.

And? lust is not an "act" its a feeling, temptation,

Lust is "desire", be it sexual(most common usage) or goal-driven

Remus_Lupa said:

Gluttony loved lust and was constantly hungry.
Hunger and gluttony are completely different things

yet again you are stating your own opinion as "fact".

gluttony is expressed by hunger.

Do you think gluttonous people eat because they want to? They eat because they are HUNGRY for it.

In its purest form, its, yet again a desire, a hunger for food.

Remus_Lupa said:

Sloth did whatever he did because the alternative was tiresome.
Him being lazy has no connection with his sin.

Sometimes you do not even make sense.

"Sloth is defined as spiritual or emotional apathy,and being physically and emotionally inactive. Direct translation is carelessness."

That certainly defines Sloth character.

Remus_Lupa said:

(Yeah, I know it's because of his God, that he's containing...)

If you know why, then why bitch about it?
May 16, 2010 6:23 AM

Mar 2009
Great chapter, I really can't wait what happens next and how everything ends in one chapter. I heard that the last chapter will be 150 pages, wow!
Join our village, where we can have fun together.

May 16, 2010 7:44 PM
May 2010
IMO, Father's apparent stalling was probably a bluff, hoping that the soldiers would be intimidated and stop attacking, giving him time to kill all of them and make them into philosopher's stones. Or perhaps, he was skimming so low above the energy he needed to contain God that he just couldn't risk it.
May 17, 2010 10:45 AM

Jan 2009
this is so cool what the heck will happen in the end i cant wait
May 17, 2010 3:14 PM
Nov 2008
Awesome chapter! :DDDD
May 17, 2010 8:56 PM

Dec 2008
Cool chapter sad to see it go next month I just started reading this manga last october (XD late blommer) and I was hooked lol never knew there was a second season till I saw it in the manga when I was reading it.....and then yea got really hooked and now I am sad to see it go cause I only got to some of the excitement of the manga I believe I did the monthly thing starting at but all the same I cannot wait to see what happens!!!
My Favorite Anime/Manga:

FMA (I support Royai and EdWin!)
Soul Eater

"It's bad enough he is useless on rainy days" Riza from FMA

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