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May 27, 2016 3:11 PM

Oct 2013
HOOOOOOOOOOOOH went to my friend and saw him play, didn't play myself
May 27, 2016 3:24 PM

Nov 2011

Thanks for the vid. It covered a lot of my questions, but I'm not too sure how much I like the "responsive" value they were referring to. I've had the whole "snap back" thing happen to me a few times where I start 'reversing in time' as Tracer, but then I get thrown back into place because McCree apparently stunned me beforehand.

I'm curious as to why they'd prefer to use all these techniques versus getting some servers with higher tick-rates. I'd much prefer just getting smacked and rekt right away versus thinking I got away in time just to be thrown back to where I was before then getting rekt.

A lot of 3rd-party CS:GO match-making systems have 128 tick, so it seems odd that a triple A dev is doing 20 tick.

Thrashinuva said:
Pretty sure you can just change what server you're on.

Yeah, shouldn't be a problem.

My friend stationed in Japan plays with me on the American servers.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
May 27, 2016 4:18 PM

Oct 2015
Arcofdream said:
Is it me or is Hanzo/Junkrat Play of the Game bullshit? They just use their ult and if they get lucky, they get a multi kill.

Most ults with aoe are like that tbh. If it's not a Bastion it's either Hanzo, Junkrat, Reaper or McCree on POTG for doing literally nothing
May 27, 2016 4:19 PM

Oct 2015
Immahnoob said:
I really need someone to play with... Now I'm starting to get queued up with level 30-40's that know what they're doing.

Same. I don't like getting matched up against good players :( Should start a MAL team that doesn't know how to play, like me
May 27, 2016 4:32 PM

May 2016
I have been having an absolute blast with Overwatch, even though I am a super turbo casual and not very good at all. Soldier?: 76 is loads of fun and Mei is bae <3
May 27, 2016 4:53 PM

May 2010
We could start an MAL team. I don't have any problem playing with casual players if we're actually trying to think about our roles, and try to win, even if we lose.

I'd love to have a few players around that are hoping to improve.

Caim is pretty good and I'm pretty good.
May 27, 2016 5:58 PM

Nov 2011
Yeah I'd be down too.

If anything it'd be great to have some peeps for that 20% bonus XP.

Game is plenty fun and now is the time to learn before competitive comes out.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
May 27, 2016 8:04 PM

Jan 2013
I notice I get POTG with Lucio sometimes when I blast people off the map. Shit is hype, and my 'In the Groove' highlight intro just makes it even better.
May 28, 2016 3:40 AM

Apr 2012
Thrashinuva said:
Pretty sure you can just change what server you're on.
Thanks, the 300 ping will help me win more.
I have no idea why they wouldn't get better servers. Maybe they want more money?
Meh, I'm still unaware of strategies and all that, let's be honest, I played for what, 2 days? So whatever happens, I am too much of a noob to fix.

And I played the situational D.Va for 2 days continuously, I don't have any type of skill with anyone else. Are we having LoL systems here now? That I get put together with better people because my levels are worse than they should be?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 28, 2016 9:25 AM

Oct 2015
Immahnoob said:

Meh, I'm still unaware of strategies and all that, let's be honest, I played for what, 2 days? So whatever happens, I am too much of a noob to fix.

And I played the situational D.Va for 2 days continuously, I don't have any type of skill with anyone else. Are we having LoL systems here now? That I get put together with better people because my levels are worse than they should be? is bae tho. I don't mind playing with noobs cause I'm noob myself and I don't rly do strategies unless I'm with a group of friends and we communicate. The only thing that might annoy me is when I'm actually trying to tank and my team is jacking off somewhere else and I'm constantly alone at the objective getting my ass handed to me ;(

Idk if it works the same as with League, for now I think it's only level based, trying to match you up with the same kind of levels, or same kind of premades. They're releasing ranked soon but I think Quick play will work the same.
But I think League is way more complicated when getting matchups (and it barely works tbh)
May 28, 2016 10:00 AM

May 2016
babini said:

Teach me senpai. I wish I was good on Zenyatta, he's so cool :(

Pair him with another support and fire on either the easiest or most threatening targets, pretty much. You start to get a feel for who needs Orb of Discord on them pretty fast imo.

Zen's not too great by himself because he can be prone to easily dying if his shield gets a chunk taken out of it. The second support makes the margin of taking the big 1v1s against your would-be assassins less narrow, and thanks to you two keeping each other alive, you can deliver more huge heals to your team together. Transcendence can be good to soak sustained damage ultimates if you really need to be on a point, but more often than not I just pop it to keep tanks who are nearly dead up.

Thrashinuva said:
We could start an MAL team. I don't have any problem playing with casual players if we're actually trying to think about our roles, and try to win, even if we lose.

I'd love to have a few players around that are hoping to improve.

Caim is pretty good and I'm pretty good.

I'd totally be down. I play on NA and like to fill tank or support if I'm having a good day as far as matchmaking.
Reploid_May 28, 2016 10:07 AM
May 28, 2016 10:03 AM

May 2010
Reploid_ said:
babini said:

Teach me senpai. I wish I was good on Zenyatta, he's so cool :(

Pair him with another support and fire on either the easiest or most threatening targets, pretty much. The second support makes the margin of taking the big 1v1s against your would-be assassins less narrow. Transcendence can be good to soak sustained damage ultimates if you really need to be on a point, but more often than not I just pop it to keep tanks who are nearly dead up.

Thrashinuva said:
We could start an MAL team. I don't have any problem playing with casual players if we're actually trying to think about our roles, and try to win, even if we lose.

I'd love to have a few players around that are hoping to improve.

Caim is pretty good and I'm pretty good.

I'd totally be down. I play on NA and like to fill tank or support if I'm having a good day as far as matchmaking.

Are you on PC? What's your id.
May 28, 2016 10:08 AM

May 2016
Thrashinuva said:

Are you on PC? What's your id.

I'm Reploid#1567 on Bnet.
May 28, 2016 10:11 AM

Oct 2015
I'm Babini#21136 if anyone wants to play.
I'm usually in a group but I'd invite if there's space, or just split from the group.
Also I'm on EU
May 28, 2016 12:40 PM

Apr 2012
Immahnoob#1705, come on guys.

Although, I'm done for today. Maybe tomorrow.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 28, 2016 12:51 PM

Jan 2013
Sweet, more people to play with. I got relatives visiting (which unfortunately led to an abrupt end when I was playing with @Thrashinuva yesterday) but when I'm done with entertaining them, I'll be down for some play sessions with NA folks.
May 28, 2016 1:15 PM

Apr 2016
Does anyone know when the ranked system (ranked games/ ladder) will be released ?

You know, I feel really happy right now.

I'm really glad, I was able to meet you in this life.

May 28, 2016 1:19 PM

Nov 2011
Ars_Moriendi said:
Does anyone know when the ranked system (ranked games/ ladder) will be released ?

If you mean the competitive mode, sometimes around June or at the end of next month according to this week's Q&A.
May 28, 2016 1:24 PM

Apr 2016
Stark700 said:

If you mean the competitive mode, sometimes around June or at the end of next month according to this week's Q&A.

Thank you very much.

You know, I feel really happy right now.

I'm really glad, I was able to meet you in this life.

May 28, 2016 4:30 PM

Jan 2013

May 28, 2016 5:16 PM

Apr 2012
This is old news. Blizzard is being retarded.

It's good I didn't actually pay for the game but someone gifted it to me instead. :^)

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 28, 2016 5:37 PM

Oct 2015

"most of the porn centers around tracer"

My "research" suggests that it's who gets the most "admiration"

Anyway holy shit why did I not play as Roadhog before? Being a big fatty bastard is so much fun.
May 28, 2016 5:54 PM

May 2010
As a Mei main I've done a complete 360 and now play Soldier the most. He basically has the same ability set as her in a lot of ways, but better. He can heal himself up and shoot while he does it. He can get out of danger by running. His gun kills better. Mei is like an inferior version of him, except Mei is a little more tanky and can help block off a lot of damage, but she can't heal the team. Soldier's ult also kills more often than Mei's.

I use D.Va a lot more than before now too. After I got used to her I loved her more than all the other tanks. She has it all, and "heals" by destroying her mech and calling a new one.

All the heroes are good though and I play all of them, but currently I play Soldier and D.Va the most.

Mei is still bae.
May 28, 2016 6:09 PM

Nov 2011
Immahnoob said:
This is old news. Blizzard is being retarded.

It's good I didn't actually pay for the game but someone gifted it to me instead. :^)

Yeah, it's probably just a move by Blizzard to show people they still have complete control over their assets. People still have been busting out the porn non-stop and I think they stopped caring at this point (or at least I hope so).

Lobinde said:

"most of the porn centers around tracer"

My "research" suggests that it's who gets the most "admiration"

Anyway holy shit why did I not play as Roadhog before? Being a big fatty bastard is so much fun.

D.Va and Mei is Bae seems like. Although you're right cause I've rarely seen any D.Va R34 compared to the heaps of Tracer, Mei, Widowmaker, etc. I see. Yep, Roadhog is the real bae. His hook is essentially just hit detection or w/e so it's super simple to land. You just got to aim at them, then hook, no predicting where there going or anything.

Also my Bnet is: Khaos#1655 if anyone wants to play some later as well.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
May 28, 2016 6:41 PM

Jan 2013
The drawfag porn is mostly comprised of DVA and Mei. The SFM porn is mostly comprised of Tracer and Widowmaker. Blizzard is mostly going for the SFM porn since it actually uses assets ripped from the game. I'm not bothered tbh, the drawfag works are a lot better. Just wish there was more Mercy.
May 28, 2016 7:19 PM

Jan 2013
Didn't even touch Zarya in the beta, played her yesterday got 2 POTG's with her ult. Like she is a fucking monster, I wouldn't be surprised if she got nerfed soon.
May 28, 2016 7:35 PM

Nov 2011
Might try McCree and Pharah this week. Out of all the Attack Heroes, I've been using Reaper the most although Soldier 76 is been a common pick recently too.
May 29, 2016 3:38 AM

Apr 2012
95PercentCaim said:
The drawfag porn is mostly comprised of DVA and Mei. The SFM porn is mostly comprised of Tracer and Widowmaker. Blizzard is mostly going for the SFM porn since it actually uses assets ripped from the game. I'm not bothered tbh, the drawfag works are a lot better. Just wish there was more Mercy.
You do know that SFM artists did the same with WoW and Starcraft 2, right?

Blizzard really has no excuse.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 29, 2016 6:15 AM

Jan 2013

Yeah, they're really overprotective of this IP in comparison to others.

I've never seen Starcraft SFM though
May 29, 2016 6:31 AM

Aug 2013

haha its like when the bioshock guy bitched cause people were making porn of Elizabeth...what did he think was going to happen to an attractive Disney princess esque designed character like that? games companies should just accept that they make attractive characters theres going to be porn of them
May 29, 2016 7:03 AM
Nov 2014
Overwatch is pretty good atm,nothing to complain for me anyway
May 29, 2016 7:27 AM

Aug 2013
Still waiting for the JoJo style hero who does the poses. They make this kind of hero im set

May 29, 2016 11:43 AM

Apr 2012
Same hero spam is driving me to suicide...

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 29, 2016 2:03 PM

Aug 2014
Just played some Roadhog today, he is one disgusting bastard if you learn to grab squishies. I really need to play some Solder 76 at some point tho.
May 29, 2016 7:12 PM

Nov 2011
I tried some arcade brawl games today. Very fun stuff with the buffed up heroes.
Had a 40minish game with overtime with both sides fighting non stop.
May 29, 2016 7:41 PM

Jan 2013
Immahnoob said:
Same hero spam is driving me to suicide...
It's fucking torture with McCrees. Triple Torbjorns and Double Winstons are the worst.
May 29, 2016 8:00 PM

May 2016
I bought the game but I don't see what the big deal about it is. Characters are definitely interesting but besides that I don't like it. Maybe it's because I didn't like TF2 since this is basically TF3.

Don't like the characters skills/weapons of them. Think the objectives are kind of stupid tbh and no team deathmatch? But like I said I didn't like tf2 either. I don't have a problem with the cartoony graphics like some people bitch about so I guess there is something on the positive side.
May 30, 2016 1:07 AM

Apr 2012
95PercentCaim said:
Immahnoob said:
Same hero spam is driving me to suicide...
It's fucking torture with McCrees. Triple Torbjorns and Double Winstons are the worst.
4 Winstons at the end of the match to win an Attack/Defense match.

Or 3-4 Soldiers for a Defend match.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 30, 2016 1:53 AM

Apr 2016
Sorakaa said:

Don't like the characters skills/weapons of them. Think the objectives are kind of stupid tbh and no team deathmatch? But like I said I didn't like tf2 either. I don't have a problem with the cartoony graphics like some people bitch about so I guess there is something on the positive side.

Team deathmatch is not an option in a moba and so it will never be one in Overwatch, since it is all about countering your opponent. It is impossible to balance a team deathmatch properly with such a variety of heroes, besides heroes like symmetra won´t see any play in this mode. (Jeff Kaplan already made a statement about this topic)

Maybe we will have a team deathmatch as a ''just for fun'' weekly brawl.

You said the objectives are stupid, but I think they are pretty much on point. Because of these objectives, every hero is viable.
You can play every champ without feeling bad or useless. (unless you have no idea how to play it)

On the other hand, a team death match will not encourage you to play supports(tanks) at all, since it is all about killing people(fast), and supports will die first no matter what.
You will need one shot kill combo heroes like roadhog, genji, hanzo, widow and maybe a mccree or reaper(or you can just go full widow and win the game by itself...). That will be everyones pick and therefore it would be no fun to play every single match against those same heroes. And what about the ultimates ? Since this game won´t last for too long , you will probably never cast one either....and a portal(symmetra) in a team death match is pretty much useless... So as you see, it is pretty much impossible to balance a team deathmatch.

You know, I feel really happy right now.

I'm really glad, I was able to meet you in this life.

May 30, 2016 2:16 AM

Apr 2012
If you're copying what Jeff said, I'm afraid both you and him have no idea what you're talking about, what you just brought up already happens in objective based gameplay, where you have people spam the same heroes (and winning if they're not a bunch of idiots AKA spam the proper versatile heroes).

You'd see tanks and supports being played anyway, that's because some tanks aren't really tanks, they're chunky offensive characters while some supports are simply strong and invaluable, like Mercy or Lucio.

Some characters also become really strong when coupled with another, Reinhardt and Bastion for example.

If anything, they need to make the score be influenced by assists, albeit, in a smaller manner, that way, supports from viable become needed.
I'm also not sure how you can claim portals are useless in a Team Deathmatch, you have teammates dying and coming back instantly with a teleporter, there, it works the same way for objectives.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 30, 2016 2:39 AM

Apr 2016

okay buddy... sure, a game developer has no idea but you do :D
What you are saying right now makes no sense at all. If you loose to guys who spam the same heroes, then you are just simply bad ...sorry but your complain is based on your own experience , which is 1 week old. Become better at the game and you will see my points.

Right now it is like a bronze player in LoL is saying ''master yi is OP, pls rito nerf ! I know more than you about this game, I´ve played it for over a week now ''

Roadhog is the only one burst-tank...every other tank is a tank ...-.-
My opinion is based on my / developer and pro-gamer(experienced gamer) opinion. People who actually play it competitively (in tournaments etc.) And I think that those people have more clue than you do.

And yes her portals are usefull on objectives but not in a team deathmatch -.- There are actually way better ults.

You know, I feel really happy right now.

I'm really glad, I was able to meet you in this life.

May 30, 2016 4:00 AM

Apr 2012
okay buddy... sure, a game developer has no idea but you do :D

Your authority argument is not going to work.
What you are saying right now makes no sense at all. If you loose to guys who spam the same heroes, then you are just simply bad ...sorry but your complain is based on your own experience , which is 1 week old. Become better at the game and you will see my points.

Right now it is like a bronze player in LoL is saying ''master yi is OP, pls rito nerf ! I know more than you about this game, I´ve played it for over a week now ''

Must be hard to understand how easy it is to abuse the same hero, even in uncoordinated teams (which is the case in most solo games). 5 D.Va's can keep a defensive for a very long time. Mix them with a Mercy, or add some shields and you won't be able to penetrate no matter what.

I sure hope you're somewhere near Diamond or Master before you speak to me about LoL though. Because I can remember instances of Yi actually being overpowered and used in high level play.
Roadhog is the only one burst-tank...every other tank is a tank ...-.-
You missed D.Va.
My opinion is based on my / developer and pro-gamer(experienced gamer) opinion.
No one gives a shit if you made a game in Twine. And "pro-gamer"? Kek.
People who actually play it competitively (in tournaments etc.) And I think that those people have more clue than you do.
Sure they do, to the point they can't fathom a way to make a team deathmatch work in Overwatch.

It shows how little of an argument you have when you can't even come up with a comeback against what I said. First you claim that people will play the same heroes in team deathmatch, to then say that's a bad strategy.
And yes her portals are usefull on objectives but not in a team deathmatch -.- There are actually way better ults.
Then you remember that I've already answered this.
Immahnoob said:
you have teammates dying and coming back instantly with a teleporter, there, it works the same way for objectives.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 30, 2016 4:23 AM

May 2010
D.Va, Roadhog, Soldier, and Mei would be the only heroes anyone would ever play in TD.

D.Va effectively has a second life. She can waste her first life by getting in your face and wearing your health down as much as possible. Once her mech is gone she can just stall until she calls it back. If she has her ult then she can use it in a tight spot and get it back almost immediately.

Roadhog basically gets free kills on almost everyone. No one would pick a character that gets killed easily by Roadhog. Even if you get in some chip damage on him, it doesn't really matter.

Except Soldier. His long range damage is greater than basically everyone including Pharah, so long as you have good aim. He can shoot at basically almost everyone from long distance and be relatively safe, especially since he can heal himself along with everyone else. When you have Soldier it would be a waste to pick Lucio.

Mei is self explanatory. She can escape almost all the near death situations, and save her allies as well. Roadhog is nothing to her. Pretty much the biggest threat to her is being ganged up on, or a sneaky Mccree, in which case Mccree is spending too much time dying to actually be worthwhile, as Mccree's only method of staying alive is tied to his offensive skills which are usually on cooldown.

Even further it detracts from the goal of removing the kill screen. You can find out who has Bronze/Silver/Gold in kills, only if they tell you, and you have no more information than that. However you can easily keep track of how often someone dies, and how much damage they do will seem irrelevant if they can't get the kills. How much healing they do will be irrelevant to a lot of people if they have 0 kills. It'll open up a lot more room for outstanding players to be harassed just because they aren't achieving the ultimate goal in the same way that you are.

As it is already I see all the time "We shouldn't have X" or "We have too many X", "We can't win like this", when it's a game of skill and they have no idea how those people play. A normal player might think that two Hanzo's is a bad idea, but a pair of two coordinated Hanzos could be devastating, if they calculate when to use their abilities and Ults, combining them with each other. But even if they're useful they'll get sandblasted because people don't know shit.
May 30, 2016 4:36 AM

Apr 2016
omg is actually funny how you try to convince me that symmetra and her portal are usefull in deathmatches lol...

Dude it is a fact that symmetra is shit in deathmatches ... it is proven that she is bad, how can you still deny that ??? They tested her out for many month, they tested deathmatches (volskaya industries was in the alpha a deathmatch map)
You need her portals for objectives, to get on the point etc. But when there is no timer, no objective whatsoever, then you simply have no use for her ult -.-
You just take those 5sec to regroup and thats it...there is no timer, which is the main factor for her ult. You need to get back as fast as possible, but NOT on a deathmatch , dude c´mon please -.-
A mercy who can rez 5 people (insta teleport into battle) is far better ...
Besides symmetra needs to be in the meele range in a deathmatch, which is a problem for her, since she is squishy af ... she will die instantly in a deathmatch, which is again proven. Every other ult is way better than her portals in a deathmatch...

Okay, but I get it, there is no way I can argue with you... so yeah keep denying and deffending your points...

PS: Dva is doing a great job at being a tank -.- I actually don´t understand your point ...
She is good at zoning, she saves lifes, she engages ...what else do you want from a tank ?

I agree with the term :'' Hate the game , not the players'' But your points are just simply ridiculous, just play the game for 2 month and you will see how wrong you were with you accusations.

You know, I feel really happy right now.

I'm really glad, I was able to meet you in this life.

May 30, 2016 4:46 AM

Apr 2012
It'll open up a lot more room for outstanding players to be harassed just because they aren't achieving the ultimate goal in the same way that you are.
You missed the idea of assists, breaking your argument.

As for the rest, if you're talking about skill, then you'd know that with skill you can also avoid Roadhog's abilities for example.
This goes for everyone else, maybe in some cases like for example Soldier (he's really versatile) that's not really the case.

I can see almost every hero being used in TD, I'm not even sure how you can think otherwise. Shit like Junkrat would have a terrific day there.
Dude it is a fact that symmetra is shit in deathmatches ...
No argument whatsoever.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 30, 2016 5:20 AM

May 2010
Immahnoob said:
It'll open up a lot more room for outstanding players to be harassed just because they aren't achieving the ultimate goal in the same way that you are.
You missed the idea of assists, breaking your argument.

No? Assists is my argument.

Also a skilled Roadhog can bait out your movement skills and then hook you once you're slow again. It also has a fairly quick cooldown time, of which he has plenty of HP to wait you out.

Junkrat is useless because no one has to chase after him. He's only useful because people have to chase objectives, if you took that away then he'd be no better than Pharah, and anyone with instant bullets would be better.

Any damage you did while getting no kills would just be attributed to "Just because you fought Roadhog and didn't kill him doesn't mean you were useful."
May 30, 2016 5:32 AM

Apr 2012
No? Assists is my argument.
If it were, then you would not be against TD.

Also a skilled Roadhog can bait out your movement skills and then hook you once you're slow again.
A skilled player could bait Roadhog's hook.

We can continue this forever.
Junkrat is useless because no one has to chase after him.
Are you sure you played Overwatch before?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
May 30, 2016 6:05 AM

Feb 2015
Anyone here on ps4?

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

May 30, 2016 6:31 AM

May 2010
Immahnoob said:
No? Assists is my argument.
If it were, then you would not be against TD.

It is and I am.
Also a skilled Roadhog can bait out your movement skills and then hook you once you're slow again.
A skilled player could bait Roadhog's hook.

I addressed that.
Junkrat is useless because no one has to chase after him.
Are you sure you played Overwatch before?

More than you.
May 30, 2016 6:47 AM

Apr 2016

Are you a troll ? You just quote me out of context wtf is wrong with you.

Immahnoob said:
No argument whatsoever.

My whole text was about symmetra and I gave you alot of arguments wtf...

'' it is proven that she is bad, how can you still deny that ??? They tested her out for many month, ''

''Besides symmetra needs to be in the meele range in a deathmatch, which is a problem for her, since she is squishy af ... she will die instantly in a deathmatch''

''You need her portals for objectives, to get on the point etc. But when there is no timer, no objective whatsoever, then you simply have no use for her ult.
You just take those 5sec to regroup and thats it...there is no timer, which is the main factor for her ult. ''

Now give me some arguments why symmetra is good in a deathmatch ...or how is she better than anyone else ?

A deathmatch is similar to the Greek,Nepal or the China map, where you will never pick a Symmetra...cause she is terrible -.-
She is by far the most useless one on these maps ...and in a deathmatch she will be even more terrible ....

You know, I feel really happy right now.

I'm really glad, I was able to meet you in this life.

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