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The end...
Jil and Neeba's fight was good but otherwise a little disappointing. The spoon showed back up and the end was okay.
Jil X Kaaya wins, and to honest that is about right, I like the part where Utu and Fatina went to see Kally's home time, since that seemed to be a promise from season 1.
Season 2 was not as good as one but still good, 8/10.
i didnt even know they aired ep 12 allready, still thought only 11 was out. I just happened to want to catch up today since i was still on ep 3, then found the last ep was out. overall the series was wasnt bad. i'd have to say both seasons were about the same, each having thier good points and bad ones. 7/10 and 10/10 for horie yui and yukana!!
Watching this episode made me realize that the only reason I thought Aegis was good was because it was funny and the use of parody throughout the show. That was completely absent here, which exposes Druaga as a relatively vapid and by the numbers. To try and give Neeba some kind of reason/development for all his actions at the last minute was super lame.
Strange that Gonzo messed up again with the last episodes and totally destroyed all the good points of its series. Not like it is the first time, but this time, it's almost unwatchable (the first season's ending was beyond mediocre also) with characters previously interesting turning totally lame (the Jil speech during the battle with Neeba was ridiculous, and could someone explain me when, how and why he reconciled with Kaaya and break up with Fatina again?), a very bad direction and totally unneeded scenes and an undevelopped script. Well, that's basically an epic failure here, at episode 10, my vote was 8, after the disastrous episode 11, it was 7 and now I return to my initial score of 6/10 seeing this joke of an ending. Well played Gonzo once again.
In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
coopa has ridiculous strength. the episode was good but the end was just crap.
if fatina was going to give jil to kaaya then kaaya should have at least kissed jil or something. and wth was it with everyone coming back to life at the end. 4th anime this season that did that.
Jacut said: Strange that Gonzo messed up again with the last episodes and totally destroyed all the good points of its series. Not like it is the first time, but this time, it's almost unwatchable (the first season's ending was beyond mediocre also) with characters previously interesting turning totally lame (the Jil speech during the battle with Neeba was ridiculous, and could someone explain me when, how and why he reconciled with Kaaya and break up with Fatina again?), a very bad direction and totally unneeded scenes and an undevelopped script. Well, that's basically an epic failure here, at episode 10, my vote was 8, after the disastrous episode 11, it was 7 and now I return to my initial score of 6/10 seeing this joke of an ending. Well played Gonzo once again.
Well if you had bothered to watch the show you'd know that Jil as always been interested in Kaaya, the Fatina thing was from only Fatina. Jil did think about her near the start, but once Ki showed him that vision, he was back to thinking of Kaaya, which he has always done.
Fatina knew this which is why she slapped Kaaya and stopped aiming for Jil.
People need to learn to watch a show and not cry "bawww my favourite pairing hasn't been shipped."
Overall I'd give season 2 a 7/10. It lacked Season 1's comedy and general sillyness(Except for Coopa of course, she's always been great). The plot was a little hard to take towards the end and the ending which implied Neeba and the Succubus were still alive just made me facepalm.
Well if you had bothered to watch the show you'd know that Jil as always been interested in Kaaya, the Fatina thing was from only Fatina. Jil did think about her near the start, but once Ki showed him that vision, he was back to thinking of Kaaya, which he has always done.
I agree 100%...She had a shot, but after he was showed that vision she was doomed...
noteDhero said: ... Aegis was good was because it was funny and the use of parody throughout the show.
I agree with this. Aegis stood out to me because of the humor of the show. Without that the show is rather generic. That's not to say the show is bad, just plain. The last two episodes screamed rush job to me. Jil's sudden power up at the end was kind of WTF as well.
noteDhero said: Watching this episode made me realize that the only reason I thought Aegis was good was because it was funny and the use of parody throughout the show. That was completely absent here, which exposes Druaga as a relatively vapid and by the numbers. To try and give Neeba some kind of reason/development for all his actions at the last minute was super lame.
Needed much more Utu...and Coopa.
Completely agreed!!
and especially Coopa, she was awesome but there wasn't enough of her. Because so much was taken up by all those other random characters that were needlessly introduced.
and I just can't understand what compelled the creators to make them fall to the very bottom of the tower again last episode just to make them climb back up to the very top in like 10 minutes. It took the whole first season to climb Halfway!! I was prepared for bad but common. anyway, I think I'll leave it at that.
The very end was alright though, where it showed what everyone did afterwards.
idk... the ending wasnt all that great. Jil's random power up was.... random. losing some armor and running up walls are two different things. So Neeba's reason for attacking the gods was b/c he felt threatened by Jil? Been waiting for a reason since season 1 and thats what they give us.
Im giving this a 7/10 (and im being generous here). if only the last two episodes were a bit better....
Sigh another potential anime ruin by Gonzo. Nevertheless a good show with season 1 > 2. I cant see another season coming but the ending does open somethings up maybe an ova or something.
Gonzo owned us again. But it's still some progress over s1. Finally they decided on whether they want comedy or tragedy. Not that it makes that much difference in hands of their screenwriter.
On the other hand, I won't watch any new Gonzo shows for a like year or so. Their new animes are such a crap.
Druaga s1 5/10 ; Druaga the Sword of Puke 6/10
"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
A reasonable finale, nothing too out of the ordinary from a happy ending fight with Neeba was reasonably choreographed although the scene where his death is depicted isn't very effective, but the ending few minutes were reasonable =] lol @ gilgamesh being at the climbers place and an okay ending =D
Yeah, the last episode was good - the final battle was epic and classic, and this is what I like the most in fantasy as overral. But I hated how they pull the parting with characters - too short! And I think that japanese people simply like standard pairings, cause there's hard to find something different than usual lately in that department. I liked Fatina better, and I understand that Jil was after Kaaya the whole time, but it would be a nice change for me if he would choose Fatina in the end, they got along really well in second season and it was really well shown, too. And the Jil's parting with Fatina, Utu and everyone was pretty sad. :( I demand one more epilogue episode! :P
Generally this series would be much greater if it had 24 episodes, so they would hvae more time for details.
Rushed ending, in the start was better. No explanation about nothing that happened. I didn't hate, but, maybe, it was just because its rare find that kind of anime, dragons, monsters, etc.
I think I prefer 1s. Anyway, 7/10, because I liked the begining x_x
Great ending I almost ended up in tears because of the truth about Neeba, in the other side it was also a bit a silly truth but still sad enough for me...
I like how everyone became after everything that happened, I also felt happy that they even showed the death chara's in it.
Sad it's over now but overal I thought it was very nice...
Was going to give s2 a 7, but because I loved the last episode so much I'm going to give it an 8/10.
I honestly don't have anything ill to say about the last episode. Jil and Kaaya got their happy ending and Neeba got his ass kicked like he should have for being a dick. They even gave Fatina a bit of a happy ending with Utu. Production quality was awesome on this episode as well, glad to see the fight scene between Jil and Neeba was a lot better than the Gil fight.
i thought this season was pretty good 7/10, first was better still though. but they were quite different in my opinion. both seasons had a mix of good and bad in them.
what i found weird is that i really hate cliche and predictable endings like this one, but i strangely enjoyed the episode quite a lot. i think most of it was presented quite well. am i the only one that thought the animation in this episode was far better than the rest of the series? just makes me feel like they were lazy on the rest of the series.
lol did they reset the game at the end? Is that why everyone that died was brought back to life? Thats the only part of this ep I didn't get haha.
I liked the end. However I didn't like Neeba's reasoning for fighting. You're pissed off so you fight the gods? Then you change your mind and confess that you where obsessed with your own brother....stupid. If he was that jealous of Jil he could have just targeted Jil at the end.
crazy_eights said: coopa has ridiculous strength. the episode was good but the end was just crap.
if fatina was going to give jil to kaaya then kaaya should have at least kissed jil or something. and wth was it with everyone coming back to life at the end. 4th anime this season that did that.
Agreed. That ending was just mediocre. They should have kept those people dead except Kally, he's awesome =D.
This season was just okay. What really got me into the series was I guess the comedy with the good mix of action, and parody. This season lacked some of that though it was still fun. I guess they got a happy ending, didn't really understand what happened in the credits lol and pretty muched wtf'd the entire ending. Bitch slap was cool, would have liked it if some how Kaaya had to use up all her powers and die or just die in general. This season to me made Jil pretty boring and blank, but the other characters shined at least. Want more Fatina, Coopa, and Melt. Overall I give 7/10. Kinda disappointed.
it really was a bit of a naff ending...i prefferd watching the credits although that might also because i love muramasa and ska in it was showing all the funny bits! which lets be honest is the only reason any sane human being would watch this for.
if at any moment i caught myself trying to think to hard about anything i found myself starting to not enjoy it.
what sums this up for me is my 3 best bits of the episode was cooper and melts anti-earthquake dance, THE SPOON annnd finally the little '..and then' in the credits.
and i still think the greatest episode is the first of the first series. with the two best scenes being either the roper rape of fatina 'just a second' ;P. or jils roper dance lol that gets me every time.
I like the way everyone here took Utu seriously about the marriage thing. Utu jokes around, particularly at inappropriate times. That's why he's cool.
Also, I don't think everyone came back to life. I think they are spirits or something similar. How could Gilgamesh attend his own funeral?
Whilst I would have preferred Jil to get with Fatina, at least Kaaya had the decency to admit she betrayed him (which Jil refused to accept for some reason) and attempt to make up for it. I know Jil was into Kaaya, so it didn't really surprise me when he went running back to her, especially when you take his personality into account.
An okay series, but that's about it. Season 1 was better in my opinion, when it wasn't taking itself so seriously.
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I really liked both seasons of Druaga. Final rating is 8/10 for me. All the drama was extremely corny, and these last two episodes had enough corny cliche lines to write ten full-length action movies. The corny lines are supposed to be funny, though! ...lighten up, people!
You can tell the whole way through that the director/staff really want you to just laugh and have fun, but there's really no easy way to balance the serious part of the story while making it funny. Because of that, the last couple episodes really did suffer, but there's still some damn funny parts buried in there that are meant to be funny *because* they're ridiculous. Remember the first episode? ... same idea. Another great example is the scene from ep 11 When Neeba, resigned to death, can't die because Jil would pity him?! *shock!* I know I laughed my ass off. That's the kind of ironic humor they're hoping for.
I think the last episodes were actually pretty damn hilarious. Some things, like Henaro's quick and pointless death and Neeba's unexplainable posession were a bit much, though. Meh... w/e
The bitch slap® was a simple way to finish up the Kaaya/Fatina rivalry... but lots of things like that just made it feel rushed and silly. Fatina must have initially denied Utu to save his life. :3
freakman012 said: idk... the ending wasnt all that great. Jil's random power up was.... random. losing some armor and running up walls are two different things. So Neeba's reason for attacking the gods was b/c he felt threatened by Jil? Been waiting for a reason since season 1 and thats what they give us.
Just before that, Jil kind of looked up at the clouds and had that short corny line about how the gods and man were having the same kind of jealousy, and I think it's safe to say Ishtar was giving him power in that final battle, just as Druaga was powering Neeba.
One thing that confused me was Coopa's super-strength. Did she get a spell cast on her somewhere? ...because she was beating the crap out of those druaga footsoldiers on her own and then at the end she flung everyone up in the air.... maybe I missed something lol.
Season 1 was better for me.
Season 2 had a promising start, but didn't live to my expectations.
Character development was weak in this season and some characters got some what annoying. The story line...well I dont even start on that. Random character deaths and chessy lines were good laughs though xD
Slightly above average. Nothing new or mind blowing.
One thing that confused me was Coopa's super-strength. Did she get a spell cast on her somewhere? ...because she was beating the crap out of those druaga footsoldiers on her own and then at the end she flung everyone up in the air.... maybe I missed something lol.
Too much of carrying Melt's case = Super Strength
lol >.<
Alright season, though as usually with Gonzo, rushed ending.
Overall prefer season 1 more.
But noooo! Jil x Fatina totally destroyed =(
Thanks Puvi2Groovy for pointing out the invisible space :D
Wtf no character deaths? Why the hell didn't they just leave Neeba to die and the Gilgamesh part wasn't necessary. The whole montage at the end was stupid and Neeba being Druaga was ridiculous. Gonzo really needs to work on their CG. Gonzo end indeed... 7/10.
"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
My mind during the first couple of episodes: They're going to fix the show... they're going to fix the show...
My mind on the last couple of episodes near the end: Damn you Gonzo... damn you.
Last episode: *head does a Scanners like explosion*