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Why do you think MAL users don't read manga?

Feb 7, 10:05 AM
Jan 2009
your average user on this site has a page that looks like this



is it because this site's userbase can't read?
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Feb 7, 1:55 PM

Jan 2021
Most people here dont bother adding manga in their database. Even I never thought about adding manga when I first logged in on this site. Its called My ANIME list for a reason. That doesnt mean that users are prohibited from having manga entries, its just that most people dont bother.
Another reason is that a lot of people only read the popular stuff. Most people here watch more anime than read manga. This gives them another reason to not add the few manga they have read.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Feb 7, 4:51 PM
Jan 2020
If the user base couldn’t read then they wouldn’t be able to use this site.

On a more serious answer, many people claim the status of an anime only viewer. Some say they don’t like reading and some claim that anime is a more superior format to experience the story or some bullshit of the like. Why do they say they don’t like reading but are fine with reading subtitles? We May never fully understand their reasons.
Feb 7, 5:43 PM
Mar 2017
For everyone else I think it's just they don't like to read and want to watch more. Or can't read Manga and don't know the way the formatting is of panel to panel, page to page which I mean it is different so not surprised.

If it's the popular shounen mainstream or shounen hype fests that are ongoing then yeah the anime I assume and they don't want to read the manga due to what is already available.

If seasonal subbed shows then FOMO for sure, talking about it, watching it. 'They have to be there'.

But will read subs (or maybe they are dub watchers who knows) to 'be at the forefront of the episodes available' but won't read Manga and want motion, voice acting, the FOMO talking about it?

They don't care about the life of a Manga reader and yet they don't want spoilers they can offer. XD

I with some series only watch the anime and don't care to read the manga, others I did read the manga first and watch the anime, others I have stuck to the manga only. It varies what I feel like with each series.

I know Anime sure you can get more from the other benefits it adds Manga doesn't have because it's well images in a book but still.

Or they just like adaptations more?

If it was original only series in Anime form I'd say sure but they are usually the adaptations, so I'd say FOMO per Season to have something to talk about with people/prefer Anime visuals and voice acting to compliment and convey it which is understandable.

1.Don't know how to add to the database but may learn how.

2.Manga is all I use the site for these days other than the forum or watching Hentai and the odd Anime so I read more manga than I watch Anime nowadays (and mostly buying my Anime/Manga (the few I can access physical/have interest in)

(or reading Manga digitally 'via means' and sites to watch Anime online have been a pain to access and I'm just not interested to work around them (I know how just lazy) or the shows each season or in the past I'm just not feeling like watching right now).

I've seen more Anime than I've read Manga but that's because I've started to switch over to Manga more and haven't built it up of 'completed' yet.

That and I read anything random I find.
Suntanned_Duck2Feb 7, 5:51 PM
Feb 13, 2:31 PM

Jul 2013
I barely read manga because the medium is made of mostly boring battle shounen, boring family life, boring shoujo stuff, etc and some of most underrated manga like Silent Möbius isn't even translated.

Yes, some manga can be cool. I just don't like overly mainstream stuff like Attack On Titan which is too linear, too boring and too repetitive. Made exactly for teenagers and that's what happens when millennials write stories. Can't even write stories for people older than they are. Not even their parents would want to know their stories if it means falling asleep because of their unoriginal made up stories.

What happens when millennials work for DC? They'll just rewrite Superman's story, but with zoomer humor like in Borderlands 3 or worse which is bullshit. Their graphic novels can go straight to the garbage for being made up without any style. Unless they pay very close attention to Po and that fatherly duck later in Kung Fu Panda.

Just because something doesn't have a secret ingredient, doesn't mean that you can't make it seem very special.
Feb 13, 2:33 PM

Jan 2009
manga has no colors unlike anime thats my reason for not reading more manga
Feb 13, 2:35 PM

Sep 2018
Many manga never seem to end so I rarely update my own manga list. Manga requires a lot more effort than just watching anime, but I usually read on work breaks.
Feb 13, 6:09 PM

Apr 2013
No they can read, otherwise they wouldn't be able to read the subtitles. Unless all of you secretly know Japanese...

In my case, my manga list is quite small because I don't like reading online. So it takes me longer to get around to acquiring them and reading them. I want to read more of them, though.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Feb 13, 8:57 PM

Oct 2023
Most people just don't seem to like the combination of plain reading and graphical storytelling. If it isn't animated or making use of sound, you kind of immediately lose a more realistic element of the presentation. You can get coaxed into and become far more comfortable watching something rather than reading something.

I think a lot of people also haven't tried reading much manga before. They may've tried out something they've watched an anime version of, but probably haven't strayed too far out from that baseline. A shame if you ask me!

You'll find the same effect with comics and film. A bazillion people will watch the next Avengers movie, and maybe a few million will read the comic book equivalent. Doesn't help any when said comic book equivalent is nu-slop.
Feb 13, 9:03 PM

Mar 2023
A lot of people here probably want color to their visuals.
SpunkertFeb 13, 9:20 PM
Feb 14, 4:08 AM

Feb 2020
Well from noting other discussions, it seems to me (and maybe I'm wrong), but I think some members don't enjoy reading as a form of entertainment In general for whatever reasons.
Also the layouts and lack of colour could be another reason.
Feb 14, 4:12 AM

Mar 2008
Because it is a bit difficult to look at digital for long periods and physical copies arent always easy to get ahold of. When dealing with digital there is issues with loading often being a frustration. There also is a lot of very poorly scanlated manga or just no translation available. Some manga the art is very crudely drawn too though some is great. Some genres also work much better animated like action, you really cant have true action without movement.

Also that isnt true. Some users have thousands of manga entries.
Feb 14, 9:00 AM

May 2020
Because people can't be bothered to read or they want to see it animated (fights don't look that good in manga is what I hear sometimes), or they prefer to have physical copies of manga rather than reading it digitally and that's too expensive for some.

I myself very much prefer reading manga, I can read for HOURS without taking a break once. Can't say the same for anime.
People are different, there will be different reasonings as much as there are people out there.
Feb 14, 11:10 AM

Mar 2018
They are fundamentally illiterate beings born without proper cognitive functions. They crumble at my superior, literate fingertip. My knowledge expands into infinity every comic book page I turn. True euphoria.
Feb 14, 11:59 AM

Aug 2021
maybe theyre just misguided, like i was, i used to watch so much anime, and it was bad anime too, for like half a year until i discovered manga
anime is like a sea, and manga is like an ocean, u know what im saying
u will never get to experience so many incredible stories in anime that u can in manga



legitimately triggered my gag reflex

hmmm or maybe this has got to do something with phrenology
Feb 14, 2:58 PM

Jun 2020
The site is called my ANIME list, so yeah its safe to say its gonna attract anime viewers. Digital reading is literally painful after a prolonged period of time due to phone and PC screens, so there is only so much you can read before you need a brake. You can watch anime from afar even with subs so eyes dont hurt as much.

Also dont believe its because they cant read, need to read the subtitles on Japanese dubs anyways.

"Don't let your memes be dreams."- Ancient Japanese proverb, probably
Feb 17, 11:40 PM
Jan 2009
Reply to Kurt_Irving
I barely read manga because the medium is made of mostly boring battle shounen, boring family life, boring shoujo stuff, etc and some of most underrated manga like Silent Möbius isn't even translated.

Yes, some manga can be cool. I just don't like overly mainstream stuff like Attack On Titan which is too linear, too boring and too repetitive. Made exactly for teenagers and that's what happens when millennials write stories. Can't even write stories for people older than they are. Not even their parents would want to know their stories if it means falling asleep because of their unoriginal made up stories.

What happens when millennials work for DC? They'll just rewrite Superman's story, but with zoomer humor like in Borderlands 3 or worse which is bullshit. Their graphic novels can go straight to the garbage for being made up without any style. Unless they pay very close attention to Po and that fatherly duck later in Kung Fu Panda.

Just because something doesn't have a secret ingredient, doesn't mean that you can't make it seem very special.
@Kurt_Irving what the hell are you talking about lmao this is a word salad
Feb 17, 11:42 PM
Jan 2009
Reply to Spunkert
A lot of people here probably want color to their visuals.
@Spunkert genuinely wonder if peoples' brains don't fill in details like colors and sounds when they read. i would hate to exist in such a way
Feb 18, 12:40 AM

Jan 2021
A lot of people are used to watching and not reading

site is called myANIMElist, so it makes sense to track anime here and not care about manga as much

it is also way easier to watch anime then to go and buy manga, rarely who wants to read digitally
Feb 18, 4:02 AM

Feb 2021
Me reading through this thread knowing i use MAL mainly to track manga instead of anime:

Feb 26, 6:07 AM
Aug 2016
I feel like its just that manga readers dont use mal. My list is missing 14k chapters because people in charge here have weird rules that exclude manhwa, manhua and i guess everything that isnt made in japan and is in physical production(??why) this means that only small % of any pirate streaming sites catalog is here. Ill stick to my notepad rather than track some of it here and rest elsewhere
May 1, 6:31 AM

Nov 2019
I think it's because the main thing this site is known for is its anime collection and so there are a lot more people communicating within the anime community and thus more new people visit there often.
May 5, 8:33 PM

Jun 2014
It's not as accessible as anime. There's plenty of streaming services that provide anime content, and you'll likely find a version of an anime in your language, or at least with subtitles.

A lot of manga is Japan-exclusive, and if there are no official translations, then the only way to read them if you don't know Japanese is to use scanlations.

You also have to buy each manga volume separately, whereas, with anime, you really only need subscriptions for one or two streaming services to watch all the shows you want.
May 5, 10:18 PM

May 2012
We French have a huge, versatile comic culture. We're born with it.

But maybe MAL members do something better - reading actual books. Not the boring, over-hyped ones schools usually 'force' you to read. Dunno :c
My Rereads | My Favorite Mangaka | Soylent Green

Buy stuff, or buy at least your favorites if you can afford it - Don't be lame.

D W-W&N 🤍

MAL is a far cry from being my main literature site, that's why I won't be doing mere single chapter updates anymore. Manga- aka Baka-Updates + 2 French ones are miles better and more thorough/complete + less restricting. The latter are perfectly suited for Manga/Light Novel/Books collectors such as myself. Less stressful/tiring this way. -g-
May 5, 11:00 PM
Calliope Mori

Dec 2019
for me.... I have a reading comprehension disorder and reading anything from books to even manga takes twice as long and can be frusterating, so I simply don't unless the story is so intruiging to me I want to put the effort in.

Also translations etc can be a issue for some who dont speak jp fluently lol

May 6, 8:34 PM
Jan 2009
Reply to crescensXG
We French have a huge, versatile comic culture. We're born with it.

But maybe MAL members do something better - reading actual books. Not the boring, over-hyped ones schools usually 'force' you to read. Dunno :c
@crescensXG Sir as someone from america, I assure you that no one in this hemisphere is reading books LMAO

Love French art and comics though
May 13, 4:26 AM
Feb 2024
I think it's because manga takes longer to read and is more of a commitment than anime is. Also manga is costlier than anime.
May 13, 7:32 AM

Jun 2010
Reading is considered as an active action while watching something is more passive. Watching is also a much more easily consumable way rather than reading. Watching a motion picture like an anime show is more visual and easier to remember, compare with written works or drawings like books or manga. Reading requires your imagination to interpret while watching a show is able to help you visualize the situation easier.

Most, if not all, anime shows are produced in a concise manner to fit into a certain time frame (eg. per season for an X number of episodes) and air time (eg. within 20-24 mins); while manga comes from the original author(s) who draw and write the story for as long as they wish to and/or their publishing company that they contracted to. Reading requires conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, interpretation) to understand the entire story, a segment, or even a page of drawing & dialogues by which the authors are trying to convey to their readers. You also require longer and better concentration span to read especially for long series. In simple term, reading requires more time, energy and effort. This is probably why there are lesser people reading books than those who watch shows, movies or anime.

Personally, I spend a fair amount of time reading (like manga, books, journals, etc), and watching stuff such as anime, TV shows, movies and documentaries. Every individual is different. For whatever reason it may be - reading or watching - it's up to you. Additionally, since this is a anime-related website, it is very natural to attract more anime fans.

I wonder what does the OP prefer or like - watching or reading?
May 13, 10:10 AM

Aug 2018
It could be that MAL users aren't interested yet, or they might be using another database website exclusively for manga that I'm not aware of.

Honestly, people who don't read manga or light novels are really missing out on a beautiful way of telling a story through a different medium than anime.

Personally, I find manga, and just recently light novels with Mushoku Tensei, to be great forms of entertainment. I'm not bogged down by a 24 minute episode or a 1 hour and a half movie. I can read at my own pace or binge read as much as I want. I can enjoy the masterfully drawn panels, admire the art style, and reread certain chapters over and over again in such a shorter period of time. Of course, I can do that with anime, but it doesn't feel as good.

Anyway, you don't find more MAL users with manga simply because anime is more accessible and widely available, or they are too lazy to update their read manga on here.
May 13, 10:49 AM
Jan 2009
Reply to Saiunknown
I think it's because manga takes longer to read and is more of a commitment than anime is. Also manga is costlier than anime.
@Saiunknown manga does not take longer to read lol. you can read all of one piece in a quarter of the time that it takes to watch the anime.
May 13, 3:39 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to Nyron
@Saiunknown manga does not take longer to read lol. you can read all of one piece in a quarter of the time that it takes to watch the anime.
@Nyron Good point, though to my knowledge both One Piece's anime and manga are very long.
May 14, 12:36 AM

Apr 2012
Television is a "native format" to me. I've been watching television since I was a small child, that means I have a deep, instinctive understanding of how it works and how to process it. But I never read any comics as a child, so manga is "okay, there are some pictures and a few words" and this doesn't translate effortlessly into "story", it needs work. I can't follow anything it's trying to convey through things like panel placement, I don't even have an instinct for which order to look at the panels in.

So if I want fictional reading material, I'll read prose. Because that's another thing I've been doing since I was a small child.
logopolisMay 14, 12:40 AM
May 14, 4:10 AM
Mar 2017
Reading other replies months later it is interesting.

Colour sure but I mean it is done for cost and artistic reasons. Some colour pages exist and also some like Romantic Killer are fully colour I know I read all 4 volumes and bought them all physical too. But most are brief colour pages or none at all. Sometimes I find the colour distracting other times I find it good but still forget who is who. The anime colours help more.

Manga digitally if scanned don't have the layout of how to read panels in the correct way. The physical manga do with a 'hey stop here' at the end page. Near the advertising for other series. So many would miss it. I got used to it in digital and physical anyway. Digital first just by reading and picking up on it. Then the guides helped with physical and gotten used to it since.

In terms of audience I mean it's like saying doujins don't. They have far more then Hentai adaptations out there of possibilities. Let alone audience appeal of possibilities. Only so ma y anime get adapted after all.

But books and gimmicks to appeal to people well that's another factor. Or knowing where to start, where to go to to read them. Apps? Sites? Etc. most are pretty easy similar to anime while others not so. Some series are just impossible to find

If physical good luck as many don't get localised only popular enough series.

Scanlated yeah depends who picked it up. Then again I find some physical have just worse font/bolding choices to make it clear or the lack of backing to some text is hard to read over the backgrounds.

If the groups drop off or none existing for a work at all. Many times the manga scanlation is behind because finding sources while the anime is out. It could be altered the adaptation but still be ahead for us wanting the manga.

that's why we see more people probably read shoujo or Josie in manga form is because they don't get adapted much. Let alone people reading Berserk or others because the adaptations are not good/don't adapt much.

So if people skip Shounen Jump and read other shounen magazines manga, any shoujo, any senien and josei it's not hard to find plenty of manga or light novels for adults if they look hard enough. I've found many corners I don't usually go for. Like some cat manga. As a not into cats person. Some do it well others are yes obsession and annoying to read. It varies.

I don't read mainstream and I find plenty of seinen manga to read ecchi/adult/mature tags or clean series. Start with seinen anime and read the manga for them if S1 only series.

Can't say for manwha though as only been reading ecchi there. Even if many good clean ones exist and they are colour and have their own format. Some cells don't fill pages and others do and I think have their own panel layout but it's probably easier to read.

Most I think want visuals. Read subtitles or forums with twitter or text length posts. Quick reading. Or want visuals, audio, some scenes in adaptations aren't on the manga and expand on things. Which with action scenes or even mainstream shounen has been the case then a few pages or not a scene existing as they are filler or original content in the anime so some do benefit there.

For other series can't say though.

Reading social media and watching is just different for people I get that.

If people want anime in the background and dubbed too then sure.

If people only read mainstream then well that's their problem.

I think anime expands on things well but sometimes I just want to read them. I read, or I read and listen to music and no not music to match the series I don't do that.

Then find a site, or my physical disks and put it in my Blu ray player.
Suntanned_Duck2May 16, 7:39 PM
May 14, 8:19 AM

Jul 2016
It's called myANIMElist for a reason haha.
May 14, 3:26 PM

Aug 2010
People lack culture unfortunately. :(
Bum Bum Dum Dum

May 15, 5:41 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to deg
manga has no colors unlike anime thats my reason for not reading more manga
@deg The epic comics version of Akira is colorized, I don't know about any other manga in color though.
May 16, 8:01 AM

Nov 2016
Reply to Saiunknown
@deg The epic comics version of Akira is colorized, I don't know about any other manga in color though.
It's in the site's name like others said. I don't want to sound like a broken record either lol. But I think you "anime onlies" reading this should give manga a try it's very fun and engaging.


Look into the colorized versions of Jojo's, I don't know if they were official or fan-colored but I think they did a good job. Maybe other older series similarly have colored pages.
May 16, 8:53 AM

Sep 2016
Because manga don't have sound and motion.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 16, 2:01 PM
Jan 2009
If your brain can't fill in the sound, colors and motion, then your brain is broken
May 16, 2:58 PM

Jul 2013
I read manga whenever I am bored. But I do not display it on this site...
May 16, 3:01 PM

May 2016
Some people don't like reading. I used to be one of them so I can understand why some don't read manga
May 16, 3:08 PM
Jan 2009
Reply to Reshiram_IX
Some people don't like reading. I used to be one of them so I can understand why some don't read manga
@Reshiram_IX this is the same demographic of people who watch 1000 subtitled Naruto episodes
May 18, 4:13 PM

Nov 2012
Most people that I've met/talked to who read manga don't even use MAL. They just add stuff on the website they read. But also anime in general is always gonna be more popular, at least on a western site like MAL.
May 18, 4:20 PM
Jul 2015
Why would I read manga instead of watching the anime?

Better yet, why would I read the manga when I have already watched the anime so I know what happens.

Why would i go from animated content with great voice actors to black and white drawings?

The only way I'd ever touch manga is if i loved the anime so much that i'd want to see what happens next. So I'll pick up the manga from where the anime left off. But this seldom happens.
May 18, 6:36 PM

Jul 2013
I would assume it might be because they have short attention spans...
May 19, 12:03 PM

Jul 2023
Some people do really develop a complex of superiority because they read manga? Lol.
May 25, 11:28 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to Ezeved
Some people do really develop a complex of superiority because they read manga? Lol.
@zaako nobody was implying that btw, just fyi.
May 25, 11:31 AM

Jul 2023
Reply to DesuMaiden
@zaako nobody was implying that btw, just fyi.
You can smell it in the post of the OP.
May 25, 11:33 AM

Jun 2015
Reply to DesuMaiden
I would assume it might be because they have short attention spans...
@DesuMaiden You are correct. That's exactly why. Reading requires immersing yourself in a story and imagining it on your own. It's very different from consuming video content that you pay half attention to while you browse your phone or play a game or cook or do anything else.
May 26, 2:10 AM

Jan 2021
beacuse anime on itself is more popular than manga, it's a more accesible medium that takes less work to consume and the result is often better than the source material for some. Both anime and manga have strenghts and weaknesses (like every single artistic medium), and it's just that the set of advantages of anime have a broader appeal
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