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Mar 8, 2008 11:23 AM

Mar 2007
They are not siblings , everyone is happy now >_>...not.
Hiromi wants to break up with Jun , who refuses
Aiko and Nobuse are now over for good .
Noe meets Aiko , Noe is wierd/cute/moe as always .
Hiromi moves out , and well , despite being not being a Hiromi fan at all , I have to say the scene at the end of the episode when Shin chase after her in bike was very beautiful , touching and well animated.
Bah , so it's almost full Hiromi X Shin now .
I am a dreamer , so I am still hoping for Noe X Shin , but that most likely won't happen :(
oh well , 3 episodes to go , anything can...still happen =/

(made by MistaCloudStrife ^^)
Mar 8, 2008 11:38 AM
Nov 2007
I think I can predict how this show is going to end now. Meh, I won't say it just in case I'm wrong hahaha

Anyway, a little bit boring but was still alright.
Mar 8, 2008 2:32 PM

Sep 2007
Was rooting for a Noe ending too, but then after seeing Shinichiro chase Hiromi like that, I think it's much better for him to end up with her because for him to drag his relationship with Noe on would hurt her even more. Not disappointed with this ending either because I initially liked Hiromi the most until she started to lie about liking Shinichiro, and I think the script writers are trying to put a subtle message of "love makes people do stupid things" to help Hiromi win some of the viewers back.

I strongly disagree with anyone who said ep 10 was boring though, since the scene where Shinichiro chased Hiromi on the bike was one of the best scenes from anything I've ever seen.
"A ray of Hope....a vague Wish...can only spark from Despair.
-C.C.- Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch
Mar 8, 2008 5:32 PM

Dec 2007
Another bike crash, only this time without the bunny.
Noe looked weird, like preparing her revenge on all the girls and Shin-chan. Lets see what happens next.
Mar 9, 2008 12:03 AM

Mar 2008
Have you seen the next episode preview ?
Really, Hiromi is complicated.
Anyway, I don't think episode 10 was boring at all. The scene of the end was so beautiful... I do want a Shin x Hiromi ! Since the beginning I wanted that... but then, what will happen to Noe ? :x
Mar 9, 2008 4:00 AM

Oct 2007
It should be obvious who she it talking to in the next episode preview, the script writers would have to be borderline retarded to make her say that line to Shin since it would make zero sense. You only have to look back at the actions in this series by Jun to realize it's him. Him holding back from caressing Noe's face, him going out with Hiromi for Noe's sake, him saying it's painful not being able to love what you love. Also remember Hiromi knows he has a sister complex, she called him a siscon in episode 8.
Mar 9, 2008 5:21 AM

Jun 2007
mhh.. this is episode 10 so not all the hope for Noe is lost.
I'm goddamn sick of childhood friend harem anime.

But I'm really wondering about Ai now. She broke up with Miyokichi and refuses to interfere with Noe.

But she was fucking cute as ever. :D
Mar 9, 2008 8:22 AM
Nov 2007
I'm glad Ai isn't interested in Shin any more... She isn't right?

But Shin and that girl.. Hiromi... They're sibling now right? Not related by blood, but by law. Since she's adopted and all.

A NoexShin is now far, far, far away :(
And Noe will get hurt, I can just sense it! This is depressing...
Mar 9, 2008 8:54 AM

Feb 2008
the preview sounds interesting: the one you like is not me
i doubt if this would be a korean end...
Mar 9, 2008 10:07 AM

Apr 2007
Concerning Ai, it was as I suspected. She regretted all the time to not having told Shin her feelings, that is why she couldn't get over it. After she kissed him and was "properly" refused she could finally let go of her old love. Just too bad that she and Shins friend broke up, Ai and him made such a cute couple. T_T

And big "OMG THIS IS WONDERFUL" for the bike scene. *big grin* It was so beautiful and well deserved for Hiromi who suffered for years with the thought to be Shins sister and yet loved him.
Shin is pretty lucky that he didn't die during that scene though. °_° That looked dangerous.....

Noe... well there was hardly any Noe in this episode, which made me rate it as "Loved it". ^.^
Mar 9, 2008 10:23 AM

Dec 2007
Hiromi gets more points, which is one again a huge plus.

I agree that it's obvious. The preview is referring to Jun. If you think about it, there are only two real conflicts left in the series, who Shinichiro ends up with, and Jun's obsession with Noe's happiness. We have three episodes left, so they have to start to deal with it soon, since Shinichiro won't have a definitive choice until the final episode (although it should be obvious at this point that Hiromi wins out and Noe regains her tears.)

The writers seem to be a little bit unpredictable though, so they could totally through me for a loop and bring in some new conflict, but with how they show Ai and Noe at the end, it should be obvious what the ending is.
世界は美しくなんかない。 そしてそれ故に、美しい
Mar 9, 2008 10:33 AM

Jul 2007

is there any chance for a second season?
cause I'm already getting depressed because the end is approaching ^^'
Mar 9, 2008 10:51 AM
Aug 2007
lol at the ending it was nice but i expected him to be yelling "i love you" or something but "i'll do everything properly" what's that all about? and the look in her eyes she was like damn

nice episode though can't wait for the end
Mar 9, 2008 11:09 AM

Dec 2007
that chase scene in end was really beautiful. Shin and Hiromi do look good together, but I feel bad for Noe. I hope she ends the show with a happy face

Mar 9, 2008 11:21 AM

Jan 2007
*sigh* It has finally happened. But I will still dream, only because there are still 3 episodes left. and yeah, the Ai moment that Mathes took was pure win.
Mar 9, 2008 12:23 PM

Nov 2007
Great episode :)
Mar 9, 2008 12:51 PM

Aug 2007
Ah man I knew this would happen. But seeing the preview for the next episode is giving me hope. I do hope that Shin stays with Noe. I don't want him to just dump Noe and go to Hiromi if he does he will be like Makoto (School days) imo. >_>

Good episode nonetheless.
Mar 9, 2008 2:01 PM

Jan 2008
Holy crap. Hiromi. Die. It better not end with hiromi or I will send hate letters to the producer or something. Not really though.

Noe = Moe
True Tears - Noe = True Tears -Awsome

Hence the anime will no longer be awsome.
Mar 9, 2008 2:31 PM

Feb 2008
Westlo said:
It should be obvious who she it talking to in the next episode preview, the script writers would have to be borderline retarded to make her say that line to Shin since it would make zero sense. You only have to look back at the actions in this series by Jun to realize it's him. Him holding back from caressing Noe's face, him going out with Hiromi for Noe's sake, him saying it's painful not being able to love what you love. Also remember Hiromi knows he has a sister complex, she called him a siscon in episode 8.


only 3 episodes to go, unfortunately. i must say that this anime is unbelievably beautiful, apart from that the interior monologues are superb,even though it contains scenes that are totally unnecessary.
for instance showing the same event in two different perspectives, although you don't get any further informations. whatever, i'm looking forward to the next episode.
Mar 9, 2008 2:45 PM

Oct 2007
Good episode ^_^

and great scene near the end! looking forward to the next episode.

XD only 3 left
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Mar 9, 2008 3:37 PM

May 2007
Hey Shin's good at putting a dramatic act there. I'm at a loss of words. Maybe Hiromi got her deserving moments and love from Shin-chan but will it end well? The Isurugi siblings are now on the sideline and Ai-chan is done with Shin and Miyokichi. 3 more episodes is more than enough to make another twist.
Mar 9, 2008 4:01 PM

Jan 2008
OMG, loved the ending scene!!! Still can't really tell who Shinichiro's gonna pick... but go Hiromi!!! Now I gotta wait another week for the next ep.....
Mar 9, 2008 4:23 PM

Oct 2007
The ending to this was great. I am glad Shin didn't punk out and just let Hiromi go like that. They seriously need to clean the streets over there. Put down some salt or something...too many people crashing, slipping, and falling over there.

See people...Hiromi is willing to pay for the bike. I guess she really space cased during the time of the accident. I'm glad she told Shin about the memory. It looks like she is beginning to "fly."

I wonder what Shin will set straight. I can see Noe issue for sure. I don't know what he really can do for Ai and Miyo anymore. I am glad Ai did some confessing as well and to break it off. Everyone's growing up so fast! *sniff*

I want to smack Jun. He won't respect Hiromi's wishes. He is hurting his sister, which is causing him to lose his common sense. He needs some professional help. That siscon isn't good for him mentally and it is indirectly hurting others.

Wouldn't it be a twist if Noe's true tears actually comes from Jun?

If we got 80% or higher let me know! :)
Mar 9, 2008 4:26 PM

Jan 2008
A great episode, the last scene was really touching, but I'm still dissapointed that at the end he didn't choose Noe! Still 3 more episodes though, so things can change? even though they won't :(
Mar 9, 2008 4:54 PM

Aug 2007
ah good boy Shin for actually fighting for what he feels.
Mar 9, 2008 5:55 PM

Nov 2007
Loved the ending.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Mar 9, 2008 5:58 PM

Jun 2007
rofl I was expecting Shin to yell out "I CAN FLY" when he was rushing to Hiromi on his bike XD. This episode was wonderful. Everything is starting to come together nicely. It also seems like Ai kind of likes Nobuse for real now. I think thats what she was actually going to talk to him about on the hill before he mentioned that it's ok to brake up, and left. Give it some time and I think things will work out for them.

anyway, updated relationship chart. Post any errors.
Mar 9, 2008 5:59 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I don't like seeing Noe sad but this episode was beautiful.




[H+] ³  
Mar 9, 2008 7:15 PM

Jan 2008
It's good that Hiromi has finally shown she actually likes Shinichiro! About time girl.
However I get the feeling she wants to spread her wings and may actually move on (like Ai has) and leave Shinichiro behind.

Close up of boucing breasts... Girl trips and falls on Boy... a bit of a crap anime cliché. Expected a little better of True Tears. However was okay

This episode could have been the final one so maybe a Shinichiro x Hiromi ending won't happen.

I feel Jun likes Hiromi and this was really why he did not want to break up. Jun's reaction reminded me of how Miyokichi initially reacted. Maybe Jun needs a Noe curse too. At least Jun has some useful skills unlike Shinichiro and his childrens pictures.

After seeing the (notoriously misleading) preview I hope Noe can pull herself together - is this the animes way of saying she is too young?
Mar 9, 2008 7:37 PM

Aug 2007
Wow I got way into the episode...almost cried during some of the Hiromi/Shin parts. I'm also happy that Ai-chan found the strength to move on and Nobuse has to be crying when he's alone or something.

The previews again are heavily misleading...they sure love making previews that make no sense whatsoever...o-O

I found this episode to be highly emotional, lots of ups and downs make for one hell of an emotional roller coaster. Have 3 more episodes, expect moar drama!
Mar 9, 2008 7:39 PM

Oct 2007
Too young eh? If anything I think the anime says work on yourself first to find your happiness. If that is the case then Noe is probably the one that will need the most work. She's stifled herself mentally by not crying and socially, at least at school. She's a nice girl but I think she has to grow as a character. Being cute and quirky isn't going to cut it. She is gonna have to get ugly before she can become beautiful figuratively speaking of course. It seems like everyone has changed as a character but Noe and her brother. Noe I think is closer to growth than her brother because she is about to get a big shock. Jun...from the convo he had with Hiromi...still seems the same.

If we got 80% or higher let me know! :)
Mar 9, 2008 8:04 PM

Jan 2008
gengduck said:
It better not end with hiromi or I will send hate letters to the producer or something. Not really though.

Noe = Moe
True Tears - Noe = True Tears -Awsome

Hence the anime will no longer be awsome.
Mar 9, 2008 8:28 PM
Jun 2007
This episode has sealed it. Its official. Shin's gonna end up with Noe. If they don't, I'd be piss at the makers of this anime. jks. lol

Anyway, awesome episode. Though I expected that he would say he loved her at the end, but he didn't.. lol
Mar 9, 2008 10:55 PM
Jan 2008
kurotsuki said:
I am a dreamer , so I am still hoping for Noe X Shin , but that most likely won't happen :(
oh well , 3 episodes to go , anything can...still happen =/

i'm with you man.guys likes to dream. even though i kinda new it was going to be a hiromi ending since the first ep. hiromi ending is not bad at all but a noe ending seems better >.> because childhood friend ending = boring. I don't know why most of the harem anime i watch i don't like the main female lead not that i hate them i just prefer other characters over them, like in clannad i prefer tomoyo or hayate no gotoku - maria. =/ just my opinion. But overall the way it is going to end is still good.
Mar 9, 2008 11:18 PM

Aug 2007
Fuck yes, I'll take my Hiromi incoming.

And I think that Noe's brother, actually really likes Hiromi, considering what he said to his co-worker about him being popular with girls and such. He may just end up using his sister just to get together with Hiromi. Thats what I just thought of this episode.
Mar 9, 2008 11:34 PM

Jul 2007
NOE! :( (damn i think this was my comment last episode too)

please don't make noe cry T_T im not against hiromi x shin bu i like a noe ending please shin, get your feelings straight and damn, don't make noe look like your rebound because you "found out' your crush was supposed to be your half-sister -_-

Mar 10, 2008 12:15 AM

Dec 2007
hmm w/ 3 episodes left
what are the possible conflicts left?

- Jun/Hiromi... something's not quite right there it's gonna come and bite real soon
- Shin/Noe... while it's all but confirmed that they've broken up... Noe has accepted that Shin loves Hiromi... but she still doesn't know of the deal btw Shin and Jun... and that might send her over the edge.
- Miyokichi/Aiko.... I don't think we've seen the last of this story. I suspect that the love will now go the opposite way w/ Aiko finally falling for Miyokichi but Miyokichi has sort of shut off his feelings so Aiko might have to struggle to get through to him. (This'll be interesting to watch)
Mar 10, 2008 2:16 AM

Feb 2008
Another awesome episode. The ending scene was so good! But I was actually hoping for Shin so say "I love you Hiromi." =P
Also, now that Ai-chan and Nobuse are over, I wonder what kind of role she will have.
Mar 10, 2008 2:34 AM

Oct 2007
Great episode... That last dash at the end was such a cliche but it can be forgiven, now that I have given the Shin x Hiromi relationship my blessing. I just hope that Noe will continue bring her Moe antics to the show. ^_^
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Mar 10, 2008 3:30 AM

Jan 2008
Touching episode. But I still think that Shin x Noe would be the best. 3 episodes though =[


Mar 10, 2008 6:25 AM

Feb 2008
wow, you guys sure wrote a lot *scratches head* I'm not sure how it will end, the whole anime is going towards a sort of no-one likes Shin, from the initial everyone does, only he didn't know... Isn't it obvious? without being direct to Hiromi at home, or spending time with her she had the urge to leave because he didn't... and he had a girlfriend then... to him his first girlfriend was Hiromi and his first crush... Ai and Noe and Shin didn't realize it Tomoyo and Nobeuse did! They're the ones that wanted the love-birds to be together... and it looks like there is a basket ball match coming up... maybe it will feature in one of the upcoming Episodes... with the whole thing ending with a win for Hiromi's team... but but just a sec where was I.... ah erm.... Shin being left alone at the end.... everyone moving on from him... it'll be a cry-fest for both watchers and characters... But definately possible... Ai moves on and cries later, Now runs downstairs to let Ai break up with Shin... Cries later... Hiromi didn't get the 'I love you' and cries later... Jun is hurting Hiromi for his sister and cries later... Tomoyo and Mika lose their best friends... and Cry later...

Fans in this forum Cry for the characters not getting together...

fans outcry... O.o... Fans Outraged.... Fans send mail.... Ova is created with cap off... because of death threats.... ah.... I'm not joking... I don't know that this is the outcome... I just hope it is the one... Ova's have more adult content and could get away with more... making a capp off of epic adult content... Not my preferable turn of events... I prefer like a lot of you, to let all chars off easily and set everything proper.

I would actually like him to refer to Hiromi as onii-chan, she'd like that... ... ...

Why do I always write soo much, am I this obsessed!.... anyone remember me from ep 9 discussion? I remember some of you... but still I must be an Addict!

My outcome is that the chars will end up better off, by any means necessary.
Even Shinichiro's Death at the festival... leaving everybody to watch him FLY... eliminating Shin isn't a very good option.... Shin\no-one is likely...

heh.... Nevrrmind my outcomes before... I prefer Tomoyo/Shin Ending still! need I remind anyone of Yue and Nodaka from Negima? it makes sense Tomoyo is acting as best friend in spite of her feelings for Shinichiro... after reading Negima Manga and watching the Anime I can say that that outcome is a possibility... Tomoyo/Shin...
Mar 10, 2008 6:26 AM

Sep 2007
Nice episode with a beatiful ending...
I don't care with which of the both he will end up with, I like them all <3

Mar 10, 2008 8:25 AM

Jan 2008
lichard said:
Touching episode. But I still think that Shin x Noe would be the best. 3 episodes though =[

Exactly... If it was to end up with Hiromi it would be last or one before last ep yet there are still three! He could come back to Noe or maybe to our surprise Ai (o_O). Everything is still possible. And those words in the preview "I am not the person you love" - I think that Hiromi might be saying that as well which will cause another parner swap. We will see, we will see...
Mar 10, 2008 9:10 AM

Jul 2007
you know i just realized why the hiromi moving out thing felt familiar...

dont click if you are not up to date with kimikiss episodes

corrodedMar 10, 2008 9:14 AM
Mar 10, 2008 9:51 AM

Nov 2007
corroded said:
you know i just realized why the hiromi moving out thing felt familiar...

dont click if you are not up to date with kimikiss episodes

lol, i thought the same thing
Mar 10, 2008 10:04 AM

Oct 2007
Darkreaper70 said:
Ah man I knew this would happen. But seeing the preview for the next episode is giving me hope. I do hope that Shin stays with Noe. I don't want him to just dump Noe and go to Hiromi if he does he will be like Makoto (School days) imo. >_>

Good episode nonetheless.
No no no... Don't messed up Mokoto in School Days with Shin'chiro... I don't see anything wrong with him at all. He just wanted a true love doesn't he? While Mokoto is just a sex craving beast...

Well, Indeed, I think that Noe's tears in the end will be the True Tears... I got some news regarding the end of this anime... Just hit the spoiler below and you will know.

Ah, before I forget, if Shin'chiro choose Noe in the end... Who will drops the True Tears? Hiromi? Nah, She doesn't even know about it... So the only options is Noe... Yes, this may be one sided, but I am Hiromi's fan. ;p

JUN can just die... I've never like him before...

h0riz0nLineMar 10, 2008 10:38 AM
Mar 10, 2008 10:20 AM

Sep 2007
Shin x Hiromi has left me in despair. Seriously. Who said earlier that they were sick of the childhood friend pairing? Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree. Granted, I think it's sweet but now it's just being overdone. I like to not be able to predict what's coming. Please? =(
Mar 10, 2008 10:58 AM

Feb 2008
Great episode, last scene was just gorgeous.
Although I was hoping for a Noe X Shin ending, I'm kind of gutted that it's almost completely a Hiromi X Shin.
Meh I like Hiromi a bit after the last few episodes but...urgh. I like Noe better.

SO happy for Ai-chan though :]
You go girl! Getting over him, hope she finds someone else ^^ I think she deserves some love...
Mar 10, 2008 12:32 PM

Jun 2007
I think the last few eps will try and tie together all the loose ends now that hiromi and shin basically confessed to each other.

So I expect to see the next episode confirming what Shin and Hiromi's relationship status is. Either Confirming that they both like each other and plan to progress together or ending it.

I also expect to see one episode dedicated to Noe and her cope with how she feels and understanding what her grandma really meant by obtaining your tears. At the same time I think we will learn more about Jun and why he acts the way he does. It will probably be one of those random confrontations between him and Hiromi where he finds out she likes Shin (or that their going out now) and then he will probably start explaining his past life to her and probably confess to her. Thats probably the part of the preview that we here her say "I am not the person you love" and then he will have this realization that he actually really does like his own sister and runs off to find her. By that time Noe's probably just about to really cry.

We will probably also see Ai and Nobuse talk and possibly re-hookup or not.

The ending is really iffy but I'm really hopping Hiromi and Shin actually stay together. It would be the biggest letdown if she ended up with Jun.
Mar 10, 2008 12:52 PM

Oct 2007
DeathfireD said:
I think the last few eps will try and tie together all the loose ends now that hiromi and shin basically confessed to each other.

So I expect to see the next episode confirming what Shin and Hiromi's relationship status is. Either Confirming that they both like each other and plan to progress together or ending it.

I also expect to see one episode dedicated to Noe and her cope with how she feels and understanding what her grandma really meant by obtaining your tears. At the same time I think we will learn more about Jun and why he acts the way he does. It will probably be one of those random confrontations between him and Hiromi where he finds out she likes Shin (or that their going out now) and then he will probably start explaining his past life to her and probably confess to her. Thats probably the part of the preview that we here her say "I am not the person you love" and then he will have this realization that he actually really does like his own sister and runs off to find her. By that time Noe's probably just about to really cry.

We will probably also see Ai and Nobuse talk and possibly re-hookup or not.

The ending is really iffy but I'm really hopping Hiromi and Shin actually stay together. It would be the biggest letdown if she ended up with Jun.
-_- agree agree
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